A cat has died - how to survive the death of a cat or a beloved cat: what feelings a person experiences, how to come to terms with the loss, how to get rid of guilt towards him and how to start living again, advice from a psychologist

It is impossible to prepare for death in advance - it will always be a blow. Whether it is relatives, close people or pets, the bitterness of loss overtakes the mourner, leaving him in a difficult state. Most owners will have to face the death of a pet, one way or another, since the life of a cat or dog is much shorter than the life of a human. When we get an animal, we know deep down that it will not outlive us, but we prefer not to focus on this. The question of how to survive the death of a cat appears during the immediate experience of loss and leaves a person in confusion and despair. We will talk about how to understand this loss and, if possible, cope with it in this article.

How to survive the death of a cat

How to survive the death of a cat: cats die alone

There are many cases where cats left the home where they lived with a person for a long time before their death. This usually happens after the appearance of characteristic symptoms:

  • wool loses its shine;
  • eyes become dull;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the animal does not drink water;
  • heartbeat is disturbed - the rhythm is slow;
  • There is an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth and from the fur.

Against the background of these symptoms, the pet loses weight. The cat's general appearance tells people that he is sick. It doesn't get any easier after a visit to the vet. The animal is left at home to die. But often cats go off in an unknown direction. This does not always happen immediately before death, it can happen in advance. Moreover, owners usually do not find the cat’s body in the surrounding area. Animals hide in secluded places.

There is also plenty of evidence that pets are living out their last days at home. This happens in the case of a quick death or under certain circumstances, for example, when he lives in an apartment, which means he is not able to move freely.

Conflicting evidence makes it difficult to reach a consensus on why pets leave home before they die and whether they actually have premonitions of death.

One hypothesis is that animals are in a state close to depression when they feel unwell. They leave in search of a secluded place so that no one will disturb them. It is unknown whether the animal will die or not, so sometimes cats return after a long absence.

What are the reasons?

Next we will tell you what are the causes of sudden death in cats. When considering illness and death in cats, it is important to remember that cats are very good at hiding their illness as an indicator of survival, which allows cats to be sick for a long time before anyone notices.

This may be especially true for those who spend every day with their cat and don't notice minor changes such as weight loss, hair loss, more sleep, or dull fur. As our cats age, we may believe that symptoms such as weight loss, less activity and/or lethargy are due to their decline with age rather than illness.

Causes of sudden death in cats include:

  • Trauma . This is more common in outdoor cats, but can happen to any animal. Examples of injuries include being struck by a vehicle, being attacked or bitten by dogs or other animals, gunshot wounds, falls, or accidental injuries.
  • Toxins . Ingestion and/or exposure to toxins and drugs is more common in outdoor cats, but can also occur in indoor cats. Common toxins include antifreeze, plant toxicity, and rat poison ingestion, among others.
  • Cardiopathy . Heart disease may come with few or no warning signs. While some cats may have a history of heart murmurs, other cats may not have any abnormal symptoms or problems. Some cats exhibit subtle symptoms such as playing less, sleeping more, decreased appetite, weight loss, or increased breathing. Very often, cats are in excellent health, but signs of illness appear quickly and under dire circumstances. Cats with heart disease may develop shortness of breath or difficulty using their hind legs, which can cause them to cry in pain.
  • Heart failure . When heart failure occurs, it means that the heart can no longer meet the normal needs and functions of the body. This usually causes fluid to accumulate in the lungs, known as pulmonary edema. The most common underlying cause of heart failure is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Signs of heart failure often include a slight decrease in appetite, less participation in normal activities, and increased breathing.
  • Myocardial infarction . “Heart attack” is a term commonly applied to people who have had a myocardial infarction (MI), often caused by coronary artery disease. The myocardium is the muscle tissue of the heart that receives nutrients and oxygen from the coronary arteries. When a muscle does not receive normal blood supply, a heart attack occurs.
  • Blood clot . A blood clot, also called a thromboembolism, can be caused by many different health problems, including heart disease in cats. Blood clots can travel to the brain, lungs, or blood vessels in the hind legs, causing sudden death in cats.
  • Chronic kidney disease . Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a very common problem in cats. When the kidneys fail, they can no longer eliminate waste products that lead to a buildup of toxins in the blood. This causes clinical signs of kidney disease, which include weight loss, decreased appetite, vomiting, and lethargy as the kidney disease progresses.
  • Urinary tract obstruction in cats . This is an acute obstruction of the urinary tract, and although this condition can affect any cat, it is most common in male cats. Typical signs are urination and crying. If left untreated, most cats die within 72 hours.
  • Stroke in cats . A stroke is caused by a disruption in the blood supply to the brain, which disrupts the nerve impulses that travel from the brain to the rest of the body. Symptoms can appear quickly and cause the cat's sudden death. Signs of a stroke include difficulty walking, weakness, falling on one side, paralysis on one side of the body, and/or seizures.
  • Infections : Severe infections, commonly known as septicemia, can cause a progressive group of symptoms in cats, including lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, dehydration, fever and sudden death.
  • Concussion . Shock is defined as a life-threatening syndrome that causes low blood pressure and can lead to death. It can be caused by an allergic reaction, heart damage, severe infection (sepsis), trauma, blood loss, toxins, fluid loss, and spinal cord injury. Cats with shock can die quickly, which can occur as sudden death.
  • Elevated blood sugar in cats . Severe symptoms caused by uncontrolled diabetes can lead to weakness, lethargy, vomiting, coma and death.
  • Reduced blood sugar . Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, can cause lethargy, weakness, seizures and sudden death. This can be a bad consequence of diabetes, injuries and/or various infectious diseases.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy : The heart thickens and hardens, causing it to pump blood normally. Symptoms: difficulty breathing, irregular heart rhythm, vomiting and loss of appetite.
  • Heartworm (filariasis): A parasitic disease that affects the heart. Affected cats experience coughing, vomiting, heart failure, and weight loss.
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus : Also known as feline AIDS, is a viral disease that can present with diarrhea, general malaise, loss of appetite and weight, and gingivitis, among others.
  • Feline infectious peritonitis : Another disease that can cause sudden death in cats. It causes dehydration, loss of appetite and weight, eye discharge and discomfort.

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Our beloved cat has died: we bury our pet correctly

Many owners, not knowing how to cope with the death of a cat, try to bury the animal closer to their home: under the balcony or in the yard. But this is a violation of the law, today for such actions you can get a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles. Many people think that the body of a pet is small, and therefore will not cause harm to the environment or other people. But this misconception sometimes comes at a cost, because before death the pet could have been a carrier of the infection, and after death the corpse began to represent hazardous biological waste.

If, during burial in the ground in an area not intended for this, someone witnesses what is happening, they can file a complaint. Then you will have to pay a fine. Moreover, even an appeal in court will not help to avoid punishment. Owners need to consider alternative burial methods:

  • cremation: the most humane method, permitted by law, the remains in this case do not pose a danger to others;
  • collection points for animal corpses in veterinary organizations: disposal is carried out without the participation of the owner, this method is not suitable for everyone, since the reception of corpses occurs without special ceremonies, it is better for overly sensitive people with weak nerves not to be present, for owners who love their pets very much, this the option should also not be considered;
  • sending the corpse to veterinary and health care plants, where biological remains are processed into meat and bone meal.

When a cat dies, some owners consider burying it in the traditional way - in the ground. But this is possible provided that there is a pet cemetery in the city.

When the pain of loss goes away

When considering how to survive the death of a cat, there are several stages that each owner must go through. First of all, this is denial; the owner does not fully realize that the pet has left him forever. Next comes anger, a sense of guilt, and an understanding that life is unfair. It is at this time that the pain is most severe; you don’t have to be ashamed of your tears.

How to place kittens in good hands: tips

Many owners, experiencing loss, begin to hope for a miracle. Deep down they believe that the pet will return to them. The next stage is acceptance. Right now the owner realizes that the pet is gone from his life forever. Gradually the pain disappears, leaving behind positive memories of how much fun it was to spend time with the cat.

Note! Sometimes, looking through photographs of a pet, the owner will experience light sadness.

Experiences associated with the death of a pet

When a person is forced to bury a pet, it is difficult to cope with. After the death of a cat, his owner experiences a whole range of feelings and problems, starting with denial of what is happening, disbelief in what happened, right up to depression. The death of a cat is especially difficult for lonely people, pensioners or those who have suffered a lot in life and therefore cannot bear the death of an animal. In order not to miss the moment of transition from a state of mild apathy to a destructive feeling of self-destruction, you need to notice the characteristic symptoms in time.

Hallucinations or wild imagination

When a person lives for a long time with a cat under the same roof or experiences strong love for him (and often both factors play a role), he cannot immediately accept the death of a pet. After the loss of a cat, memory and consciousness can create images; a person thinks that he hears the sound of the animal’s paws, its meowing. It seems as if the cat has returned home; out of the corner of his eye there is some movement in the room. But this is just a game of the imagination, creating images that a person wants to see again. This is how the consequences of stress manifest themselves against the background of the death of a pet.

Anger at the whole world or universal injustice

People who have a strong love for their pet can experience its loss in the same way as the death of a relative - hard. At the same time, at the stage of grief that follows the denial of death, such a person may feel anger. He will blame everyone around him, from the veterinarian to his friends.

People who are at fault (from the griever's point of view) may be attacked. Against this background, relationships with loved ones often deteriorate, unless they have enough wisdom to understand that this is a protective reaction of the body in a stressful situation. You need to wait it out, not contact the person for now, or try to communicate and support. The person is angry with everyone because he cannot yet take responsibility for the death of the pet.

Accepting Guilt

When the owner of a deceased cat stops blaming others, he notices that he should be held accountable. A feeling of guilt immediately arises, but there is an even greater danger here. If your beloved cat has died, you need to find out the reason. Sometimes a person blames himself regardless of the situation. He tries to find mistakes in his behavior and actions, and to remember if there were any signs of illness that went unnoticed.

It is quite difficult to get out of this state on your own. We need someone who can support and console the grieving person, explain that no one is to blame for the death of the animal, you just need to accept this fact and move on.

Deep depression

When a person feels guilty, he is still fighting with himself. Much more dangerous is the condition in which the owner of a deceased pet (kitten or adult cat) gives up. He may experience despair or a feeling of deep depression. This is incipient depression, and it can develop hidden, even for the most grieving person. As a result, others cannot notice changes in a person’s behavior in time to provide help and save.

With depression, negative emotions do not find a way out; they remain sealed at the bottom of the soul. However, over time there will be a discharge. Feelings will spill out, a person will not be able to survive pain of such magnitude. The consequences can be dire. As a rule, unexperienced guilt also plays a role here.

About the funeral in the park

How and where to bury a cat?
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is strictly forbidden to bury pets in parks and in the courtyards of apartment buildings. The decomposition process has not yet been canceled. And along with this, various infections for both people and animals. And few owners will like it if they bury a pet that has gone to the rainbow, and the grave is disturbed by someone’s children or dogs. Therefore, to the question of how to bury a cat and whether it can be done in the park, there is only one answer - no.

You can bury your pet in the forest, away from parks and city yards. The likelihood that the grave will be disturbed there is minimal.

Symptoms of loss

People who experience the death of a cat feel so bad that their psycho-emotional state affects their physical state. At the same time, you can simultaneously experience pain in the soul, a feeling of guilt, experience other sensations, and also suffer from a disorder of the nervous system, respiratory system, and other pathological conditions. To understand whether a set of symptoms is related to a serious illness or is one of the consequences of stress, you need to learn more about them.

Physiological symptoms

A person who has experienced the death of a beloved cat cannot always quickly come to terms with the loss. Against the background of deep grief, signs appear:

  • chest tightness;
  • pain in the heart (occurs even in the absence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system);
  • spasm in the throat, feeling of a stuck lump;
  • headache;
  • abdominal discomfort.

Behavioral features

After saying goodbye to your cat, it’s difficult to immediately return to your old life. At first, the person experiences the loss at home, but later tries to return to work, do his usual things, but he is not very good at it. Symptoms that can be noticed at this stage:

  • attention disorder;
  • absent look;
  • problems with concentration, the person cannot concentrate;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • illogical actions, which are due to the factors listed above, the sequence of actions is often disrupted if a person is busy with his thoughts, deep within himself.


In severe cases, when the pet owner is completely immersed in his grief and cannot get out of this state on his own, the symptoms become more and more alarming:

  • memory is impaired, gaps arise;
  • thoughts are confused;
  • there is a violation of the logical chain, the grieving person expresses himself incomprehensibly;
  • a feeling of absence when looking into the eyes.

My dad died: what should I do?

Sometimes we thoughtlessly use what life has given us, enjoy family relationships, sometimes we are intolerant and selfish towards our parents and grandparents, we don’t think at all that they are not eternal and their time will come much earlier than ours. We will have to go through all the funeral procedures, experience all the bitterness of this loss, and as a result understand how missing those who left are. We will reproach ourselves for not fully demonstrating our love to those who have gone to eternal rest.

Having narrowed the topic of loss of loved ones to one parent, let's talk about how to come to terms with a difficult life test and move on when your beloved dad suddenly dies. Even when their father, with whom the relationship was not very close during his life, has passed away, the children still feel the loss and regret a lot. After all, if we were unable to establish relationships, then we are also partly to blame for this. What can we say when dad dies, who was a pride and an example to follow. Such grief is even more difficult to overcome.

When dad dies, it seems like you didn’t give him something during his lifetime.

For example, they rarely saw each other, often forgot to call and just chat with their father, to show him their attention and care

When dad died, guys try not to show emotions, but it’s just as difficult for them as it is for girls who have lost their fathers. The realization comes that nothing can be corrected. There is no way you can tell him about your love. At times we underestimate the role of parents in our lives and find out about it too late, sometimes even when we ourselves begin to need the care and attention of our children. This is how this world works and wisdom and understanding come with age. And while you are young, everything looks pretty rosy, and we live our lives without letting our fathers in.

Children, as a rule, have a more tender and open relationship with their mother. You can hug and kiss her, which many people do not allow themselves to do with their dad. Everyone knows a man's reserved character in terms of various sentiments. Therefore, we are embarrassed to express our feelings. And sometimes they are completely absent, and children cannot even imagine that fathers also have such feelings. And then this sad day came - dad died. His heart stopped beating, and he passed into the world of eternity. How to survive this grief? Especially when I was with him to the end. Memories constantly appear before our eyes and prevent us from enjoying life and paying enough attention to those who are alive and nearby, demanding our attention.

Stages of Grief

A person needs to know what to prepare for if a cat dies. Anyone who is very attached to a pet can face enormous difficulties - and feelings arise that cannot be dealt with. You need to understand what happens during the period of grief, then you can take the necessary measures to help the cat’s owner and calm him down.

StagesFeatures of behavior, experienced feelings
NegationWhen a person is not ready to face reality, his body creates barriers to reduce the impact of a stressful situation, this happens when a beloved pet dies and its owner cannot survive it. If the news heard reaches consciousness, the pain will be too intense
Anger, resentment, maliceAnger is a consequence of a person’s powerlessness in the face of a disaster; it is a reaction that occurs when the cat’s owner already understands what happened, the stage of denial has passed, and the time has come to search for the cause of death.
GuiltWhen those around them were already blamed for what had happened, common sense prevailed, and they all moved from the category of accused to the category of sympathizers and supporters. At this stage, the person begins to believe that he is to blame. Finds many reasons for this, usually they are far-fetched
DepressionDespair, emptiness, lack of outlet for pain - all these factors create fertile ground for the development of depression. A severe emotional state can be a consequence of a lack of support, unlived guilt, daily difficult thoughts, feelings also affect
Acceptance of tragedyThis stage does not begin soon after your beloved cat has died. Acceptance becomes possible when a person’s worldview changes, he understands that the cat’s death does not depend on him, it was inevitable, all that remains is to accept what happened. The onset of this stage largely depends on the support of loved ones, the forbearance of the grieving person - whether he is ready to forgive himself
RecoveryThe owner of a deceased cat moves to the stage when he is ready to say goodbye to his pet, open a new page in life, and perhaps get another pet.
Reorganization of everyday life, way of lifeIf a person cannot say goodbye to the past, the cat’s accessories and toys should be removed. As long as they are in sight, it will not be possible to completely get rid of difficult memories and enter a new life.

Stages of death

Death is not an instant, but a process that gradually turns off the body, passing it through the following stages:

  1. Preagonia - loss of consciousness, cessation of blood circulation, pallor and cyanosis of the skin. This stage can last from several minutes to an hour.
  2. Terminal pause (preagonia). Breathing practically stops, pressure drops to zero. The oculomotor reflex disappears.
  3. Agony. Characterized by a lack of consciousness and tactile sensitivity. Breathing may resume and blood pressure may rise. Convulsions may occur.
  4. Clinical death. Complete stop of all vital processes. When carrying out resuscitation measures, it is possible to “start up” the cat’s body. The duration of the period is about 8 minutes.
  5. Biological death. This stage is irreversible and is characterized by the complete cessation of all physiological processes in the cat.

How to tell a child how to help him

When talking to children, it is important to tell the truth about the death of an animal. There is no need to go into detail about euthanasia (if any), accident, injury, or other cause of death that may have caused the cat's death. It is enough to simply and clearly explain what death is, where a pet goes after death (half-truths are fine here, one can say about the existence of some kind of “cat heaven”). When a child knows that a pet is happy in a new place after death, he perceives his departure more calmly.

You cannot tell an outright lie, for example, that the animal ran away from home, was sent to the village to live with his grandmother, etc. The child will wait for the cat to return, and when he accidentally finds out the truth, this will traumatize him, but there will also be distrust in relation to parents.

Allow yourself to be sad sometimes

So, let's imagine that a year and a half has passed since your mother died. You miss her a lot, especially when you go to visit your father. You're holding up pretty well. You can laugh and smile when you tell your children what your mother told you as a child. You can also play her favorite songs and sing as loud as she sang. You can even say that you are doing well.

But some days are harder than others. One day you may wake up and want to hear your mother's voice. You'll want to call her right away and hear her laugh. You want to laugh together. Your mother probably had the best sense of humor of anyone you've ever known, and you really need it.

Euthanasia of an animal

In what cases can euthanasia be recommended (a procedure that results in deep medicated sleep, after which the animal dies):

  • advanced age, due to which many functions of the body are disrupted and organs fail;
  • injuries incompatible with life, while the cat experiences severe pain.

Euthanasia allows the animal to die more peacefully, avoiding severe suffering. The procedure is carried out with the approval of the pet's owner, which leaves an imprint on his future life due to a strong sense of guilt. In this case, it is important to understand that the dying cat is in great pain. And in the end, he won't survive anyway. The inaction of the cat's owner will only lead to his life being extended by several hours/days (no one can accurately predict). But the animal will spend this period of time in terrible pain. For this reason, you need to come to terms with the fact that the cat will die because of the decision of its owner, and in his arms.

How to get rid of guilt after going to sleep

Often, owners have to make a difficult decision about euthanasia, for example, if an animal is terminally ill, prolonging its life means exposing it to physical suffering and pain. It is much more humane to euthanize a terminally ill cat than to watch him suffer every day.

It is necessary to understand that the decision to euthanasia is not a desire to get rid of a pet, but an attempt to provide him with salvation from suffering. That is why you should not blame yourself; the owner cannot revive or heal the cat, but he has the right to make a difficult decision on his own.

Note! If the feeling of guilt does not subside, you can go to church and pray.

Sometimes euthanasia is the only way an owner can help his pet; he needs to take on this burden.

Cat mysticism

Cats represent different meanings in different cultures. They can carry a positive and negative symbol. Regardless of cultural characteristics, these animals are often attributed magical properties and associated with mysticism and witchcraft. Some of the legends:

  • in Egypt there was a patroness of cats - the goddess Bast, she was distinguished from other sacred creatures by her body structure (human torso, cat's head);
  • the Greek goddess Diana, according to legend, took the form of a cat;
  • the Scandinavian goddess of love Freya was carried by cats harnessed to a chariot;
  • The cat in ancient Rome was a symbol of freedom and personified independence.

How to bury a pet, will it be possible to rebury it?

Owners of deceased pets are forced to decide how to bury their tailed family member. If the cat’s owner resorted to the procedure of euthanasia, the veterinary clinic will offer to bury it themselves, or, more precisely, cremate it. In other cases, in order to bury a cat, you will have to contact a veterinarian and act in accordance with his instructions.

Cremation of a cat In some municipalities, special places are allocated for the burial of pets. To bury a pet in such a cemetery, the owner must present a veterinary certificate in form No. 4. The animal's corpse will be opened, the cause of death will be determined, and if it was not the result of an infection, it will be buried without being burned. Otherwise, the body will be disinfected, cremated and only then buried.

It is impossible to rebury a pet without breaking the law. For violating the requirements of the law, a loving owner who buried his deceased pet in a yard or forested area risks paying a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Where do cats go after they die?

According to the works of saints, in animals the soul is not separated from the body, as in humans. This function is performed by blood. Accordingly, after death, biological fluid falls into the ground and becomes dust. This means that the soul of animals is closer to the material world than the human soul. Orthodoxy says nothing about the incorporeal shell of cats. This is due to the fact that the Holy Scriptures contain information only about the salvation of mankind from the Fall. Another feature of Christianity is that the religion does not divide animals into clean and unclean, as is the case among Jews and Muslims.

How to avoid this?

Well, you need to know that the only way to avoid sudden death in cats is to make sure they are okay. They need to be fed a high quality diet (no grains or by-products) and it is also very important that they receive anti-parasitic treatment so that they are protected from parasites, both external and internal.

Additionally, we must take them to the vet whenever we suspect something is wrong with them, as well as vaccinate and neuter them before they become eager.

New friend, new life

After the sudden death of a cat or in the event of a long-term illness, one result occurs - the animal dies, and the person is left alone with his grief. The deceased pet was unique, inimitable, and therefore managed to win the hearts of all family members. No one can replace him. But a person’s soul suffers, his heart is empty, it is necessary to fill it with something. Hobbies, activities, work, communication with other people are a temporary measure to survive the pain after the death of a pet. None of these activities will fill the corner of the heart where the cat was.

After some time, a person may take one or even two kittens. If he is not ready now, his condition will soon change. This will happen when the decision is made not to look back anymore, the strength to live on will appear. As a rule, such changes occur 3-6 months after the death of the pet.

Is it humane to euthanize a cat?

If all the signs that are observed when death is approaching are present, then the owner must decide what to do with the cat. Artificial killing is perceived by some as betrayal and the murder of a dear friend. In this case, it is better to surround the pet with care and love, trying to provide all possible assistance.


But the disease can cause unbearable pain and progress for quite a long time. Symptoms of oncology and urolithiasis are considered especially severe.

Sometimes euthanasia is much more humane than the unbearable suffering of an animal for several weeks. The veterinarian will inject the cat with a special drug that will ensure a quiet and painless death within a few seconds. During the procedure, you can stay next to your friend, accompanying him on his final journey, or leave the room.

Question answer

How to prepare for the fact that your cat will die soon?

Expert opinion

Lavrova Tatyana

Rehabilitation specialist, psychologist

The average lifespan of a cat is 15 years; these animals can remain in good health for up to 20 years, but sometimes they die suddenly much earlier. Knowing this, you need to follow the recommendations on how to prepare for the departure of a cat: you need to monitor the condition of the pet, if signs of illness are noticed, you should take it to the hospital, you cannot leave the animal there, it is important that the cat feels the love of a person.

Where can you provide charitable assistance to animals?

Expert opinion

Lavrova Tatyana

Rehabilitation specialist, psychologist

Today there are a large number of organizations that treat and vaccinate homeless animals. They are organized by animal rights activists, volunteers, and entrepreneurs. Moreover, any interested citizen can contribute to helping animals. You should look for charitable foundations within your city, but it is possible to make contributions to all-Russian organizations. Examples of such funds are: “Dobro Together”, “REY”, “Yuna”. There are also organizations that offer to take care of an animal.

How to understand that a child needs help from a psychologist?

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Dubrovskaya

Practicing psychologist, Master of Psychology RGSU, Moscow

Sometimes after the death of a pet it is not possible to continue to live in peace. The pain does not go away, the loneliness is felt as strongly as on the day the cat died. Such manifestations can occur especially acutely in children. The child must be shown to a psychologist if alarming symptoms appear: isolation, detachment, thoughts of death, reluctance to communicate even with loved ones, disturbances of certain body functions (incontinence, frequent urination, frequent blinking).

Is it right to do a planned euthanasia if the animal is sick?

Expert opinion

Lavrova Tatyana

Rehabilitation specialist, psychologist

When a pet is sick and there is no chance of recovery, you will have to euthanize it. This can apply to a kitten and an adult animal, age does not matter, the key is the condition of its body. Before euthanizing a cat, you need to make sure that there is no way to help him; to do this, you should do a series of tests and an examination. This method of death is considered justified, because the person has no choice: the cat will die anyway, if not now due to euthanasia, then in 1-2 days due to developed pathologies.

Is cremation possible for an animal?

Expert opinion

Lavrova Tatyana

Rehabilitation specialist, psychologist

When the owner loses a pet, the first thought, out of habit, arises about burying it in the ground near the house - this is a simple but illegal way. Burying a cat or other pet on land not intended for this purpose may result in administrative penalties. It's easier to follow the laws from the beginning. So, one of the correct methods of burial is cremation.

How to come to terms with the death of a cat and stop crying?

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Dubrovskaya

Practicing psychologist, Master of Psychology RGSU, Moscow

The death of an animal can be a tragedy for people who live alone. Communication with loved ones helps in this case. But it is important that they show understanding. After all, it’s natural to grieve for those you have loved and lost. If relatives do not support the grieving person, you can find interlocutors on special forums where people who have lost their pets gather. It is important to temporarily remove all things that remind you of the cat. Walking in the fresh air and doing what you love will be beneficial.

How to support a person whose cat has died?

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Dubrovskaya

Practicing psychologist, Master of Psychology RGSU, Moscow

A friend or girlfriend can help a grieving person accept the pain and get out of a difficult situation. To do this, it is best to avoid standard, template phrases; it is important to be sincere. If the owner of the deceased pet is ready, you can listen to him. Silent support is often enough; you can take on some of the organizational worries when burying a cat.

How to survive the death of a kitten, because he was so cute?

Expert opinion

Lavrova Tatyana

Rehabilitation specialist, psychologist

Losing a small furry animal is just as difficult as losing an adult pet. But there may be a difference in attitude: a kitten is loved from the first days for its incredibly attractive appearance, babies are very cute, and adult cats are dear to the heart, because they live with a person for a very long time, although they can also be very beautiful. In both cases, the pain of loss is great, you need to find a way to survive the death of your beloved cat: for this you should find support (among close people or acquaintances on the forum), you should not stay alone for a long time, it is harder to bear the loss, you need to get out of the house more often walk or work, study. But it is important to live through all the feelings, otherwise they will remain locked inside, and over time there will be a release - an explosion of emotions, which will entail negative consequences.

How to calm down after the death of a cat and reassure your mother?

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Dubrovskaya

Practicing psychologist, Master of Psychology RGSU, Moscow

Animals for older people are an opportunity to give affection and love when children grow up and leave. After the death of a cat, it is difficult to relieve the pain and stop the tears. Elderly parents do not know how to survive the euthanization of a cat, but children can help them - provide support, show understanding, and care. At first, while it’s hard, you need to be with them. Gradually the wound will heal, you can return to your old life.

What to do after the death of a cat?

Expert opinion

Lavrova Tatyana

Rehabilitation specialist, psychologist

You need to call the veterinarian and ask him what to do next, but usually in such cases the doctor suggests cremation. You cannot bury a cat's corpse in the ground in the yard. If one of the neighbors sees, you can get a fine.

When can you get a kitten after the death of a cat?

Expert opinion

Lavrova Tatyana

Rehabilitation specialist, psychologist

No one gives an exact date for the appearance of another pet at home, there simply isn’t one. You should be guided by your own feelings. Most often, the desire to have another cat comes 3-6 months after saying goodbye to your old pet. But sometimes the period of grief stretches for 1 year or longer. In some cases, owners no longer want to have pets at home.

How to cope with the death of a cat and the feeling of guilt towards him after euthanasia?

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Dubrovskaya

Practicing psychologist, Master of Psychology RGSU, Moscow

Euthanasia of an animal is a natural process. You should not feel guilty, because the cat would have died anyway. But such sensations are difficult to live without consequences for yourself, so it is better to do everything possible so that they do not arise again. Charity contributes to this - it becomes possible to help homeless cats. A person helps not only animals from the street, but also pays tribute to a deceased pet, and will feel more like a hero than a killer of a cat through euthanasia.

How to cope with the sudden death of a cat?

Expert opinion

Lavrova Tatyana

Rehabilitation specialist, psychologist

Psychologists give some tips to help cope with loss. First of all, you need to experience all the feelings that arise after the death of an animal. Thanks to this, the desire to continue life will soon appear. At this stage, you can remain alone, but not for long, because you need to feel support in order to regain strength. To survive the sudden death of a cat, you need to save photos and toys, this will allow you to keep it in your memory.

Help from professionals

When considering how to come to terms with the death of a cat, this option should not be dismissed. Very often, the death of a pet is such a strong stress for a person that he cannot cope with it on his own, and internalized stress is the main cause of depression. That is why you should not be embarrassed to ask for professional help, especially since such a reason for seeking help would not surprise a modern psychologist.

Experts will help you understand that a person is not responsible for the care of a pet, that he should let it go and move on with his life, especially since there are many positive moments in life. If the cat had to die painfully, then the owner experiences extreme stress. However, it is worth understanding that now the animal is no longer suffering, it has gone into another dimension.

Note! Parents need to pay attention to the psychological state of the child. If he has become withdrawn, uncommunicative, and strives to avoid communication with adults, then perhaps he suffers from remorse. In this case, professional help will help solve the problem.

If a person cannot cope on his own, there is nothing wrong with seeking professional help.

Tips for pet owners

Sometimes neither loved ones, nor a priest, nor a psychologist can find the key to the heart of a grieving person in order to alleviate his condition. But those who have experienced this - other cat owners - can help. Their advice:

  • do not throw away the cat’s things, soon after his death you will want to see photos and toys of your beloved pet;
  • do not communicate with those who disparage your feelings for the deceased cat; for many, the death of animals is unimportant;
  • don’t get a kitten right away, give yourself time to grieve, because otherwise it will be just an escape from your own feelings.

Advice from psychologists and priests

According to Orthodox Christianity, all people go to hell or heaven. This does not apply to animals; religious dogmas do not recognize the presence of souls in them. However, priests do not forbid the possibility of using this concept to explain to a child that their pet has gone to a better world. The following recommendations from priests are highlighted:

  • You shouldn’t blame yourself, everything is in God’s hands, including the lifespan of people and animals;
  • resignation and acceptance of the inevitable is the best thing a bereaved person can do.

Psychologists are sure that the best way to get rid of guilt and bitterness of loss is to start helping those who need it. For example, get a job as a volunteer in nurseries for homeless animals. By providing help to those cats and dogs that really need it, a person will be able to feel needed, feel the gratitude of animals, which will dull the bitterness and regrets a little.

Experts advise not to rush into getting a new pet; it is important to say goodbye to the one that died. Only after accepting the inevitable can you open your heart to another cat.

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Treatment of psychological trauma

With psychological trauma, the statement is true: time is the best healer. Indeed, over time, the grief experienced loses its relevance, the person returns to the usual rhythm of life. However, for many contemporaries, the process of recovery from psychological trauma is very difficult. Or, instead of achieving the desired balance, a person ends up with real neurotic or mental disorders that require treatment.

All people, without exception, who have experienced a psychotraumatic situation, need to seek medical help if the experience of psychological trauma persists for more than three months. Clear signs of the need for treatment are:

  • depressed state and melancholy mood;
  • thoughts about the futility of life and ideas about death;
  • obsessive fear of loneliness;
  • total fear of death;
  • irrational anxiety, anticipation of an inevitable catastrophe;
  • insomnia or insomnia;
  • uncontrollable outbursts of aggression;
  • chronic pain in the absence of organic disease;
  • loss of strength and other manifestations of asthenia;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • panic attacks;
  • signs of anorexia or bulimia;
  • psychosensory disorders: depersonalization and derealization;
  • pronounced memory lapses;
  • motor excitement;
  • violation of social adaptation;
  • the emergence of obsessive forms of behavior.

It is necessary to urgently begin treatment of psychological trauma if a person demonstrates suicidal behavior or has developed harmful addictions: alcoholism, substance abuse, uncontrolled use of pharmacological drugs.

Depending on the essence of the psychological trauma, the symptoms demonstrated, and the stage of development of the neurotic disorder, the method of psychotherapeutic treatment is chosen. Good results in treating the consequences of psychological trauma are shown by:

  • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy;
  • Gestalt therapy;
  • neurolinguistic programming;
  • psychosuggestive therapy;
  • methods of provocative therapy.

It should be borne in mind that in a state of stress an individual cannot provide himself with the necessary help. Therefore, in times of crisis, adequate, competent, targeted assistance from an experienced specialist is extremely important. The insidiousness of psychological trauma is that its consequences may not be noticeable immediately, but after decades. At the same time, the depth of the impact of stress factors may lie outside the sphere of consciousness, and the presence of a real problem may be invisible to a non-specialist. Psychological assistance, and, if necessary, treatment, will allow you to overcome psychological trauma more quickly and minimize the risk of developing a dangerous mental disorder.

Psychological stages experienced by an owner who has lost a pet

Dog pregnancy by day: details, table

According to many psychologists, after a person has lost his beloved pet, he goes through several stages, which in most cases end in humility and acceptance of the situation.

The death of a dog becomes a very big grief for the whole family.

Aggression, guilt

Initially, any owner experiences a period of emotional prostration. In this case, the person wants to be alone and give vent to tears. Even a little reassurance can result in a new stream of tears if at least something reminds you of your pet.

However, this stage is quite short. After it, the owner experiences a period when he begins to blame himself and others for the death of his dog. At the same time, anger and aggression may appear against those who, in the owner’s opinion, are guilty of the current situation.

Deep grief, depression

Immediately after the loss of a pet, the dog owner experiences a feeling of great grief, which can gradually develop into prolonged depression. In the absence of other diseases that have worsened against the background of the experienced situation, the duration of the depressed state lasts approximately 2-3 weeks.

Important! If depression persists for a longer period of time, psychological help may be needed.

Awareness of loss and humility

After some time, the owner begins to accept the fact of the pet’s death and the fact that it is impossible to return it. The person comes to terms with the situation, everyday activities gradually crowd out sad thoughts.

Memories of wonderful days will help you cope with loss


The last psychological stage is the acceptance of grief. The owner is left with a feeling of light sadness. He understands that the dog cannot be returned, and remembers with a warm feeling all the moments spent with the animal.

Why do animals leave home before they die?

A frequently asked question: Why does a cat or dog try to leave the house before it dies? Under no circumstances should animals be humanized. They do this unconsciously; trying to leave the house is not at all a concern for the psychological state of the owner. So that he does not suffer, does not worry, does not cry. The action is rather instinctive. Animals are looking for a place of solitude and tranquility, as was originally intended in their natural wild environment.

If your cat or dog is looking for a place to go, fussing, veterinarians, of course, will recommend not touching the animal, not trying to calm it down - this will still not be of any use, but also not letting it out, giving them the opportunity to do as they want instincts. A lost, weakened animal can get into trouble. It’s best to take him to the clinic; perhaps you need some urgent help; competent veterinarians will be able to sort it out.

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