Features of the white Pomeranian: photos of dogs, history of appearance, character traits, rules of care and choice of puppy

The Pomeranian with fur whiter than snow looks very cute.

On the streets, such a dog always attracts the attention of passers-by, and at exhibitions it looks very impressive.

However, the white color in this breed is not the easiest to breed.

In addition, caring for such a Spitz is somewhat more labor-intensive than caring for a dog with a less distinguished coat color.

What breed characteristics do white Pomeranians have and what should you consider when choosing such a pet?

History of appearance

Spitz-shaped dogs appeared in Europe, including Germany, back in ancient times. Their ancestors were German turf dogs who lived in the Stone Age.

At the same time, the first Spitz dogs were much larger and more powerful than modern Pomeranians. This is not surprising, because in those days a dog was not just a companion or a fashionable toy, but a friend and assistant helping ancient people survive in a harsh world full of dangers.

White dogs, which became the ancestors of modern Spitz, have long been bred in the German province of Pomerania, from which the breed got its name.

Miniature Spitz-shaped dogs appeared much later - the first information about them was found in November 1764 in the diaries of James Boswell, traveling through Germany and Switzerland.

But three years later, Queen Charlotte, who was the wife of the English King George III, brought two Spitz dogs to Britain.

Thanks to her, the breed in a very short time becomes one of the most popular in England, as evidenced by paintings from the 18th century depicting Spitz dogs. One of the most famous is the portrait of Mr and Mrs Hallett, painted by Thomas Gainsborough.

This painting, dated 1785, shows a pure white dog that bears a striking resemblance to a modern Pomeranian. True, in the 18-19 centuries, dogs of this breed were much larger and weighed 14-23 kg.

With the coming to power of Queen Victoria, who was passionate about cynology, a breeding nursery was founded at court. Moreover, the queen ordered the smallest Spitz dogs to be selected for breeding, as she dreamed of breeding truly miniature dogs. This led to impressive results - during Victoria's reign, the size of the Spitz was halved.

In 1891, the first breed club was founded in England, and soon the first breed standard was written.


Two Pomeranians were among the three dogs that escaped from the Titanic, as the owners of these dogs did not want to be separated from their pets even under the threat of death.

In 1998, the Pomeranian was recognized as one of the size varieties of the German Spitz. And, of course, white color, as one of the most ancient and classic, was also indicated there.

Marriage or breed?

White color is considered standard for Pomeranians.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“White Pomeranians are beautiful and sophisticated. However, breeding such dogs is associated with certain difficulties. If there is at least one ancestor of a different color in the pedigree, then it is unlikely that his descendants will be able to obtain a snow-white coat color. Also, people who decide to purchase such a pet should take into account that caring for it will be more labor-intensive than, for example, a black or orange Spitz.”


It is necessary to raise a White Pomeranian Spitz from the very first days. Be sure to provide your baby with care and attention so that he trusts you and feels safe. Start training immediately. Show that you are in charge . After all, white Spitz love to take the position of leader. Conduct training every day. Keep them entertaining and short.

After each correctly completed task, praise your pet and treat it with a tasty treat. Thanks to your patience and the efforts of your Spitz, you will be able to raise him. You can contact a professional trainer and teach your child not only tasks, but also acrobatic tricks.

Character traits

White Pomeranians can look cute and even defenseless. But, in fact, these dogs are characterized by such traits as activity, energy and courage.

They are sociable, positive and sociable, and they also love to run and play.

Spitz are friendly towards other animals and love children as long as they are not too pestered or teased.


However, if there is no socialization or training, their character can deteriorate. This is why it is unacceptable to deprive White Pomeranians of physical or mental exercise, especially since these dogs are very smart and love to learn.

Bear type dwarf Pomeranian

Only the fox type of Pomeranian is prescribed by the FCI international standard . But dwarf bear-type dogs are gaining more and more popularity.

Also read the article: “Cute fluffy - Teddy bear Pomeranian.”

The bear-type dwarf Pomeranian has a shorter and slightly upturned muzzle and smaller ears compared to the “fox” type. Shorter, but downed “cotton” wool. The eyes are close to round in shape, larger than those of the fox type. This gives the dogs an exceptionally toy appearance, which is why the popularity of the bear type is growing every year.

The dwarf German Spitz is an exceptionally proud and bright personality that will not leave anyone indifferent. A person who once fell in love with this breed will never change it.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Incredibly beautiful.
  • Playful and friendly dogs that never let their owners get bored.
  • Get along well with other pets.
  • They love children and are always ready to play with them.
  • Suitable for apartment maintenance.
  • A white Pomeranian can be easily trained to use a diaper, which will eliminate the need for walks in the rain or heavy snow.
  • Convenient size: you can easily take this dog with you on a visit or even on a trip.
  • Despite their small size, they are distinguished by good health and long life expectancy.
  • As a rule, they are not picky in terms of feeding.


  • They are not always obedient, especially if they get carried away with something.
  • Quite labor-intensive coat care.
  • They shed heavily.
  • They are too emotional, which is often expressed in loud barking.
  • Expensive cost of puppies.
  • Not suitable for families with small children: by the time you purchase a pet, the child must already be at least 8-10 years old.


Pomeranians are brave to the point of recklessness - if they are touched by another, even a larger dog, they can without hesitation get involved in a fight.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

SizeRegardless of gender, an adult Pomeranian has a height at the withers of 18 to 22 cm.
WeightUp to 3.5 kg.
HeadQuite round, with a convex skull and a clearly defined transition to a slightly shortened, fox-like muzzle.
EarsTriangular in shape, erect, relatively small, spaced quite widely.
EyesSmall, shiny almond-shaped, dark, with an attentive and lively expression. The edging of the eyelids is exclusively black.
NoseBlack is preferred.
NeckMedium in length, smoothly blending into the withers.
BackSmooth and straight.
Rib cageModerate width and volume, but quite deep.
StomachModerately fit.
LimbsSmooth, straight, fairly widely spaced. In this case, the hind limbs should be more muscular.
TailIt is preferable in the form of a ring, but simply thrown over the back is also acceptable.
WoolConsists of dense, fluffy undercoat and more elastic and smooth guard hair. On the head and lower parts of the limbs the hair is short, on the body it is long, forming feathering on the limbs and tail, as well as a kind of fur collar on the neck.
ColorPure white without the slightest sign of yellowing of the coat.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

The lifespan of White Pomeranians is, on average, 12 to 16 years.

However, dogs of this breed may be susceptible to diseases such as:

  • Atlantoaccipital subluxation
  • Retinal atrophy
  • Patella luxation
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Oral diseases
  • Turn of the century
  • Cataract
  • Tracheal collapse
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Obesity
  • Sick sinus syndrome

One of the most serious problems that white Pomeranian breeders may face is complicated childbirth, in which the bitch is unable to give birth on her own.

Basic rules of care

In normal times, caring for the coat is not particularly difficult - it needs to be periodically combed with a not too hard brush. But during shedding, the task becomes more complicated - at this time it is necessary to thoroughly comb the dog at least once a day, and it is very important to remove as much dead undercoat as possible.

You should not bathe your Spitz too often: it is best to do this twice a year after molting, as well as before exhibitions and if the pet is very dirty. It is recommended to use special shampoos for dogs with light hair.


Due to the fact that white fur easily gets dirty, it is recommended to wear protective overalls on the dog during walks to protect the pet from contamination.

to cut a Spitz
according to the standard, however, currently there are many haircut options for dogs of this breed. Therefore, if the dog does not participate in exhibitions, you can cut it according to your preferences.
A cut Pomeranian may look like this, for example.

Ears and eyes need to be examined every day, and if they are dirty, cleaned. However, to clean them, it is recommended to use special drops or solutions that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Pomeranians' teeth are cleaned approximately once every two weeks, using toothbrushes for small dogs and toothpastes intended for animals.

Nails are trimmed approximately once every 2-3 weeks, and it is recommended to shorten them with a guillotine-type nail clipper.

Owner reviews

Almost all owners of Pomeranians speak positively about them - such a creature gives them a lot of positivity and positive emotions. Someone argues that overly nervous people should not have him - they can be driven to despair by his barking. But if you love fun and when the house is moderately noisy and joyful, then this is a suitable option for you.

Some people advise immediately buying a special overall for your pet - it will protect it from dirt in the damp autumn weather, and you won’t have to constantly bathe your pet, because all the stains on its white fur are immediately visible. Such overalls are made of nylon - they don’t need warm ones, a fur coat is already warm. For girls, there are special panties that are worn during heat in the house.

The owners of these charmers say that they have a restless character , constantly play and love to communicate. They are brave and courageous, at the first occasion they rush to protect their owner, they can even bark at a huge street dog. It is important to prevent conflict in time. Fluffies love long walks and get bored if you only take them out into the yard for a short time. At least once a week you should choose a time and go with your pet to a park or forest.

Photos of puppies

The little white Pomeranian looks like a fluffy cloud on its paws.

He has a fairly long and thick coat, but at the same time softer than that of adult dogs, a rounded head with a short but not narrow muzzle, widely spaced dark eyes and small slightly rounded ears, making the baby look like a polar bear.

The paws of small white oranges are of medium length and quite thick. However, the general body proportions characteristic of adult dogs are also relevant for them.

The body of a Pomeranian Spitz puppy has a format close to square, however, the head seems somewhat larger and convex, and the muzzle is somewhat shorter than that of older representatives of this breed.

The fur of older puppies, when it is replaced by an adult one, often looks tousled or ragged, reminiscent of feathers.


18 months , are allowed to breed . In females, they focus on the third estrus.

Before mating, both dogs are recommended to undergo helminth prevention and receive vaccinations in advance (if necessary).

A direct “meeting with a gentleman” is scheduled for 10 – 14 heats, plus or minus 2 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the bitch’s body.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

How to choose your future pet?

White Pomeranian puppies look so cute and adorable that it can be very difficult to resist buying the first one you see.

And yet, before going for a future pet, you need to choose a nursery or private breeder as carefully as possible. It should be taken into account that the puppy’s parents must belong to a healthy line. Of course, the baby himself must also be completely healthy and have a stable psyche.

The show titles of ancestors are important only when you plan to buy a breed or show class baby, while a pet class puppy simply must be healthy and come from parents who have received permission for breeding.


When choosing a white Pomeranian, you need to take into account that it must come from pure white dogs and there should not be ancestors of a different color in its pedigree.


The average price for such four-legged animals ranges from ten to thirty thousand rubles. It is better to purchase a furry friend from trusted breeders - this way he will definitely be healthy and, most likely, vaccinated.

But if you need a mixed breed or a dog that does not meet the standards, just for the soul, you can look for one through advertisements on Avito or other free sites. There are plenty of offers. Remember that when choosing, you need to focus not only on appearance, but also on the character of the future family member.

To read: Good-natured and athletic Egyptian Pharaoh dog: features of the breed

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