What does a cross between a Labrador and a Shepherd look like: distinctive features of the pet’s character and basic rules of keeping

Recently, it has become fashionable to keep “designer” dogs in the house, which, in fact, are mestizos.

The appearance of such puppies is not always due to the whim of the breeders.

Often, designer breeds, when it comes to large dogs, are bred to improve working qualities and character.

Labrador and shepherd mixes are just such dogs.

After all, they were bred to improve their watchdog qualities, but at the same time maintain the friendly disposition inherent in Labradors.

Labrador and shepherd: and what a mixed breed looks like in the photo

Mixed breeds of Labrador Retrievers and Shepherd Dogs are called Labronemese.

They are distinguished by their rather large stature and strong build . These dogs tend to be more similar to Labradors: they have almost the same body structure and are usually the same color.

But sometimes a mixed-breed puppy inherits from a shepherd the characteristic shape of the head and muzzle and a croup that is slightly more sloping than that of a Labrador.

Labronemians most often have floppy ears . However, there are also mixed breeds with erect ears, like those of a shepherd dog. The color is most often black, brown or fawn, less often - saddleback or zoned.

Unlike mongrels, Labronemese inherit the genes of only two original breeds.

You need to understand that a mestizo cannot look like only one of his parents, that his genotype, as well as his character and appearance, will necessarily contain traits inherited from both breeds.

Timeline of gene design

The history of modern interbreed outbreeding (breeding dogs of different breeds in order to obtain (strengthen) working and exterior talents) begins in Australia. In 1988, breeder Wally Cornor deliberately crossed a heterogeneous pair of good blood, combining the hypoallergenic coat of a poodle and the easy-going nature of a Labrador, in an effort to create the ideal guide dog for disabled people suffering from asthma and wool allergies.

Until this epoch-making moment, “hybridization” in zootechnical circles was considered bad manners; breeders carefully monitored pedigrees, blood purity, and excluded (culled) mixed litters. The Labropoodle (a registered toponym of the Cobberdog breed) obtained in Australia turned into a “pebble that creates an avalanche” and implemented a new trend-wave of dog breeding, a direction called “designer selection.” Commercial dog handlers seem to have “lost their chains”: every year more and more risky experiments, targeted crossings, unusual and unique hybrids are presented to the world.

Modern mestizos are innovative animals: they are not yet a breed, but they are no longer mongrels. Representatives of this selection are becoming increasingly popular, the market is supported by stable demand, and prices for canine curiosities are simply off the charts.

Types of crossbreeds

With a German Shepherd

Labrador and German Shepherd mixes, inheriting the best traits of their parents, are distinguished by a friendly and playful disposition, but at the same time they make very good guards.

The Labronemese sensitively guards a house or apartment, but is not characterized by increased aggressiveness or excessive vigilance.

Outwardly, such a dog may look like one of its parents, but its appearance will certainly contain exterior features of another breed. Typically, they have floppy ears, medium-length fur, and a saber-shaped tail.

With an East European Shepherd

They are similar to the previous type of mestizos, except that crosses of Labradors and “Easterns” are distinguished by their taller height and powerful physique.

Such mestizos are loyal, quite obedient and at the same time sociable . At the same time, they take their work seriously and are calmer.

With a Caucasian Shepherd

Such mixed breeds of Labrador and Caucasian, as a rule, look very large and powerful.

Their fur is quite long and thick, protecting them well from the cold..

These dogs have drooping ears, but can also be cropped. The color varies, and there may be white markings or a dark mask on the face.

It should be remembered that a crossbreed between a Labrador and a Caucasian Shepherd may have a difficult character: such a dog sometimes grows up willful, stubborn, overly distrustful of strangers and even malicious.

In order to avoid problems associated with negative character traits, a cross between a Labrador and a Caucasian Shepherd needs early socialization and proper education and training..

At the same time, if you pay attention to such a pet and train it correctly, it can grow into an intelligent, moderately vigilant and brave dog.

Top Chow Chow Mix

There are 2 varieties of chow:

  • classic longhair;
  • smooth-haired or short-haired smooth.

The variety of Chow Chow and the representative of the second breed influence the appearance of the puppies as a result of crossing.

Below is the top most popular mestizos of this breed.

Chow chow and husky

Representatives of a cross between a Chow Chow and a Husky are often called Chowskies or Chaskies. There is only one documented case of mating between a husky and a chow chow.

In most cases, Chows are similar to the Chow Chow breed. From their Chinese parents they inherited the following external qualities:

  • body type;
  • voluminous, thick coat;
  • predominant reddish color.

From the husky these mestizos took:

  • Blue eyes;
  • large growth;
  • pattern of spots characteristic of the color of a husky;
  • activity.

Chauski inherited their character from representatives of the Husky breed. These mestizos are friendly and loyal. The gentle nature of the husky eliminates the aggressiveness inherent in the Chinese. However, when there is a threat to the life and safety of the owner, the Chauski is ready to stand up for him or another family member.

Unlike purebreds, husky crossbreeds are very energetic, so they will make wonderful friends for families leading an active lifestyle.

The mestizos took willfulness and stubbornness from both parents, so they need an owner-leader who will tame the obstinate chaski.

Husky mixes are characterized by heavy shedding, especially in the spring. Therefore, owners should carefully comb their pets.

Chow chow and shar pei

A cross between a Chow Chow and a Shar Pei is especially popular, as it successfully combines the best external qualities and character traits of both parents.

Mixed-breed dogs look like miniature bears, covered with long, thick, fluffy hair. They are very devoted to the family in which they live and are raised. Unlike both parents, they are phlegmatic; these dogs are not characterized by aggressiveness.

Despite all the positive qualities, mestizos are very willful, so they need an owner with a strong character who will teach the stubborn ones to discipline.

Chow Chow and German Shepherd

Mixes of Chow Chow and German Shepherd are called Chow Chow or Shepherd Chow. The dogs resulting from such crossing have a memorable appearance:

  • medium in size;
  • physique of a Chinese bear cub;
  • thick, medium-length fur reminiscent of a lion's mane;
  • black color shepherd dog.

German Shepherd and Chow Chow mixes are very loyal animals, always ready to stand up for those they love.

Chow chow and husky

Puppies resulting from crossing with a husky look like small, fluffy wolf cubs. They take external data from both parents:

  1. The long fluffy coat and massive build of the Chow Chow.
  2. The muzzle and tail are like a husky's ring.

Like other mixed breeds, these dogs require early socialization and training.

Chow-chow and mongrel

Crossing with mongrels most often occurs if the owner did not keep track of the purebred dog. It is almost impossible to predict what appearance and character a puppy will be born with. It depends more on the mongrel than on the purebred dog.

Unscrupulous breeders may remain silent about the fact that they are selling non-purebred dogs. Therefore, if you plan to buy a purebred Chow Chow, you should choose kennels with a good reputation, where you can get acquainted with the puppy’s pedigree, see its parents and see in what conditions the animals are kept.

The deliberate purchase of a mixed breed of chow-chow and mongrel will cost several times less, maybe even for nothing. The character and upbringing of such a pet completely depends on the owner.

You need to start training the animal as early as possible, then the dog will grow up to be a wonderful, obedient pet.

Chow Chow and Alaskan Malamute

Chow Chow and Alaskan Malamute crosses that look like big fluffy puppies are very popular. These mestizos have a bright appearance:

  • big dogs;
  • strong, massive build;
  • long and fluffy fur.

The character of the crossbreed is quite calm. These dogs are friendly towards people and are very loyal to their owners. However, they can be capricious and may refuse to carry out useless or unnecessary commands. Therefore, like other crossbreeds, they need the owner’s firm hand and patience when training.

It is impossible to accurately predict what character and appearance traits a pet will inherit from each parent.

It is worth remembering that in any case, a mixed-breed puppy is a pig in a poke. Therefore, the choice of a future pet must be treated carefully and responsibly.

What the dog learned from the Labrador

Along with floppy ears and, most often, a solid black, brown or fawn color, mixed breeds inherit from Labradors a friendly character, playfulness, intelligence and obedience.


These dogs have a gentler character than the “Germans” and get along well with children and pets.

They are more sociable and sociable, they are not characterized by excessive wariness towards strangers or excessive severity and severity of character.

Who else can you mix a Labrador with?

How to tell a German Shepherd puppy from a mongrel

Currently, in addition to the above options, breeders are actively engaged in crossing retrievers with other dog breeds:

  • Laika,
  • Stafford,
  • Corgi.

Note! Albino Labradors are not retriever mixes. Such pets are not bred for breeding, and are also shown at exhibitions, due to non-compliance with breed standards. The nose of albinos is pink due to genetic defects.

What traits did she take from the shepherd?

From the German Shepherd, Labronemians adopted a balanced temperament, excellent trainability and physical endurance.

Also from the “Germans” the mestizos received versatility, interest in work, devotion to owners and unsurpassed security qualities.

Labronemese have inherited from Shepherds a moderate viciousness and distrust of strangers, which makes them suitable for guard duty.

Pet character

Labronemians have a lively and playful disposition. Unlike German shepherds, who are much more interested in work, mixed breeds are not averse to running and playing.

They are not characterized by aggressiveness and severity of character, they are friendly, affectionate and obedient, which makes them wonderful family dogs.

Labronemese get along well with other animals and with children, they are loyal to their owners and very smart.

These dogs are well trained, however, it should be remembered that when raising a puppy of this breed, harshness and rudeness are unacceptable.

Let's believe the facts

Puppies that appear after mating dogs of two different breeds are called mixed breeds. The resulting specimens have nothing to do with the selection work to breed new individuals. It is impossible to determine exactly the genes received by the offspring. For example, if you breed a poodle and a labrador yourself, you will get a “labropoodle” hybrid. Not a labradoodle at all.

Accidental mating can occur between any breed of dog, regardless of size. And although the size creates serious inconveniences during sexual intercourse, dogs carried away by “love” show miracles of ingenuity.

And if mating is still planned, then Labrador owners, as a rule, try to select breeds that are suitable at least in size. For example, a cross between a Shar Pei and a Labrador is common. It is possible that the resulting puppies will acquire numerous folds on the skin, which look quite cute. Shar Peis can inherit stubbornness and resentment. A mixture with German Shepherds can give extraordinary loyalty to the owner, and the participation of a Husky will give blue eyes. However, all this is unpredictable.

You can’t argue with the fact that crosses between Labradors and other breeds often turn out to be very cute and smart. And those owners who have such dogs never tire of praising them: “They don’t need to buy expensive food. They themselves are cheap. They have a higher immunity to diseases.” Perhaps there is some truth in this. But the fact that they will never produce a new breed, and they will not be able to participate in exhibitions, remains a fact.

Weimaraner, corgi, pit bull, pointer, Doberman, boxer, husky - dogs of these breeds and many others have already been used as mating partners with Labradors. But we still do not advise you to conduct such experiments, the outcome of which is unknown.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

Labronemese are quite large dogs whose height can vary from 55 to 65 cm, and their weight is approximately 25-40 kg.

Body format can be close to square or slightly stretched:

  • Their head is wedge-shaped, the skull is somewhat wider than that of shepherd dogs. The transition from both to a moderately long muzzle is well marked. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite.
  • The ears can be either drooping or erect, and sometimes simply raised on cartilage.
  • The eyes are oval, medium size, brown. The look is intelligent, friendly, but at the same time moderately wary.
  • The neck is not too long, moderately dry and muscular. The withers are well defined. The back line is straight and even, the croup is slightly sloping. The tail is medium in length, quite thick at the base and somewhat tapering towards the end. As a rule, it has a saber shape.
  • The forelimbs are level, straight and parallel. The hindquarters are muscular, with regular angulations. The paws are rounded and arched.
  • The Labron German's coat can be either quite short or long if one of the puppy's parents is a long-haired German Shepherd. The undercoat is well developed, quite thick and dense.

The most common color of Labronemese is black, which may have small white markings..

There are also fawn, brown and black-backed or zonal mixed breeds.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The Labronemian has absorbed the best qualities of his parents. He is distinguished by a friendly and playful disposition, but at the same time has good security qualities. Labronemese are smart and quick-witted, they are highly trainable and are not prone to dominance. These dogs are obedient, non-aggressive and good with other animals and children.”

Designer things

Nowadays, so-called designer breeds often appear in the world. They are obtained from planned matings of dogs of different breeds. These are some kind of experiments. Perhaps someday they will lead to fundamentally new breeds of dogs. In the meantime, the seemingly funny Shar Pei and Labrador mixes are considered a successful design move.

In order not to fall for the bait of such a “designer” and not to accidentally acquire a cross between a Labrador retriever and someone unknown, you need to be able to identify the breed. Use the following criteria when making your selection:

  • even a small Labrador puppy looks wide and dense, like an adult dog;
  • the tail at any age is similar to that of an otter, thick at the base and tapering towards the end;
  • the coat is short and dense without spots (a small white spot on the chest is acceptable);
  • complete absence of any aggression towards people.

Users of the World Wide Web did not remain indifferent to the mestizos. There are many forums in its vastness where happy owners of such dogs share their experiences. The vast majority of owners love their pets madly. They are cared for and considered the best in the world. Mixed breeds certainly deserve to be treated well, just like all other dogs. They deserve the owner’s love and care no less than purebred dogs.

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In the article I will talk about the Labrador mix and the character of the dog. I’ll look at what breeds they cross with and why.

The main advantage of mestizos is their low cost.

A purebred animal costs many times more. Mestizos quickly adapt to a new environment and living conditions. Dogs are easier to train. Hybrids have strong immunity. Purebred animals are susceptible to hereditary diseases. You can feed her with any food, she is not a fussy eater.

If one of the parents of the crossbreed had a serious illness, the disease can be passed on to the puppy.

The disadvantage of hybrids is the lack of documents for the dog and pedigree. Existence of defects in the exterior. Métis are not prohibited from participating in exhibitions, but they rarely receive awards. It is impossible to predict the character of an animal. A puppy can pick up the best and worst qualities from its parents.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Smart and quick-witted dogs.
  • Energetic and playful.
  • Labronemians are not characterized by aggression.
  • Balanced temperament.
  • Love for children.
  • Get along well with other pets.
  • Not prone to dominance.
  • Well trained.
  • Hardy and strong enough.
  • They are in good health.
  • They can live both in a house and in an apartment.


  • Some Labronemians can be stubborn and headstrong.
  • Due to the lack of breeding documents, one cannot be sure that this is a Labronemese and not a large mongrel similar to it.
  • These dogs cannot participate in exhibitions and are not allowed for breeding.

The main disadvantage of Labronemese is that when buying such a puppy, it is often impossible to predict how he will grow up and which of his parents will be more similar in appearance and character: a shepherd dog or a Labrador.

Ideology of hybridization

Designer hybrids have a lot of advantages and disadvantages:

  • extravagant exterior, combining the charm and charm of the parent breeds;
  • accentuated personal talents: temperament, disposition, owner orientation;
  • the problem of hereditary pathologies has been addressed: designer dogs are famous for their good health and strong immunity;
  • applied parameters “accelerated” to the absolute level: reduction in size (mini-modifications), increased hypoallergenicity of the coat, summation of inherited conditions.

Life expectancy and health

The average life expectancy is 10-12 years. At the same time, Labronemians, like other mestizos, are distinguished by good health.

These dogs rarely suffer from hereditary diseases , although, due to improper maintenance, care and feeding , they may suffer from some diseases, such as :

  • Obesity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ears.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Allergy.
  • Osteoarthritis.

Because both Labradors and German Shepherds are prone to hip dysplasia, Labradors are also prone to the condition.

Golden retriever

For a long time, it was believed that golden retrievers owe their appearance to the Scottish Lord Tweedmouth, who claimed that Russian shepherd dogs he acquired at one of the circus performances in 1858 were used in breeding the breed.

However, in the 20th century. It became known that Tweedmouth bought a golden puppy and crossed it with a spaniel, resulting in golden puppies.

Bloodhounds, black retrievers and Irish setters were also used to develop the breed.


Strong bones, harmonious and symmetrical physique, confident movements and an attentive, friendly look - this is what catches your eye when you see golden retrievers.

Representatives of this breed live on average 10-12 years.

The height of adult individuals at the withers is 51-61 cm, and weight is 25-41 kg.

The breed standard does not have clear regulations regarding the body weight of Golden Retrievers.


Breed standard:

  • the head is proportional to the body;
  • the skull is slightly convex, wide, with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle;
  • the muzzle is straight and long;
  • ears are rounded at the ends, hanging, set at eye level;
  • jaws are strong, scissor bite;
  • dark brown eyes with the same rim;
  • neck with developed muscles, medium in length;
  • the legs are powerful, muscular, the length of the shoulder blades is equal to the length of the shoulders, the elbows are adjacent to the body, the shoulder blades are laid back;
  • The coat is straight, smooth or wavy, the undercoat is dense.

The standard allows any coat color, except dark red and mahogany.


Golden retrievers are not known for their aggressive behavior. They are friendly to everyone without exception, adore their owners and strive to spend as much time as possible with them. These dogs are extremely difficult to tolerate separation and loneliness.


If the dog is required to perform guard and security functions, then golden retrievers are not the best choice.

Representatives of this breed will notify about the appearance of strangers with a loud bark, but at the same time they will prefer to make friends with them than to defend their owners.

Goldens are distinguished by a high level of energy and a love of active, active games. They love water and enjoy participating in water activities, satisfying their hunting instincts.

Due to their high intelligence, retrievers can be trained without any problems. Today, these dogs are often used as guide dogs or therapy dogs.

Features of maintenance and care

These dogs can be kept both in the house and in the apartment. At the same time, if a Labron German lives on the street, you need to make sure that he has a warm and comfortable enclosure or an insulated booth.


Labronemese should not be chained, but they can be tied for a short period of time if necessary.

The pet should have its own place in the apartment where the dog will rest. In city conditions, it is necessary to walk a mestizo at least twice a day.

Caring for the coat is simple: you need to comb its coat from time to time and bathe your pet no more than 3-4 times a year .

In addition, you will need to examine the animal's ears and eyes, as well as its mouth, every day. If necessary, clean the ears with a cotton swab and the eyes with a cotton swab.

To clean their teeth, you can give Labronemese toys purchased at a pet store and special treats for dogs..

If the pet walks enough, you most likely won’t need to trim the claws. But if you need to shorten them, this should be done using a nail clipper.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Mutt puppies are usually purchased at poultry markets or selected online. Sometimes they are brought from the street or taken from friends. In order for the arrival of a new pet in the family to become a happy event, when choosing it, it is better to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Inspect the place where the dog lives. If the place is dirty and unsanitary, your pet may have serious health problems.
  2. Assess the puppy's external characteristics. The baby's eyes should be clean, without purulent discharge, his nose should be moist, and his stomach should have no signs of bloating. There should be no traces of fleas or lice on the coat.
  3. Monitor the dog's behavior. If a puppy shakes at the sight of a person and hides in a corner or runs away, then there will most likely be problems with his socialization.

Mongrel dogs that attack any stranger and try to grab his clothes are unlikely to be re-educated

You need to choose a dog as a family friend who greets a person in a friendly, albeit cautious, manner.

After just a couple of minutes of communication, such a puppy will approach a person and allow himself to be petted. He will wag his tail and lick his hands. Such an individual has an adequate psyche and will become an excellent friend.

How and what to feed correctly

You can feed mixed breeds either ready-made complete food or food prepared at home.

If a Labronman eats natural food, then it is necessary that his diet consist of at least 30% meat or meat products.

You must add fermented milk products, cereals, raw or boiled seasonal vegetables to them.

You should not feed your animal food from your table, as it contains spices, large amounts of salt and other additives harmful to dogs.

You also need to measure the portion correctly so that the dog does not overeat . If a Labronman regularly eats more than he needs, he may develop obesity and related diseases.

Famous representatives

The lack of a unique breed did not prevent many mongrels from becoming real stars. Among them were the first Soviet cosmonauts Belka and Strelka, as well as many four-legged assistants who, without hesitation, threw themselves under enemy tanks with mines on their backs and transported the wounded during the Great Patriotic War.

Military dogs

Outbred but loyal pets were also mentioned in the literature. Chekhov's Kashtanka, whose fate brought millions of people around the world to tears, was also a mongrel. Eduard Asadov dedicated a very sad poem to a red mongrel dog, and Bulgakov wrote a whole story “The Heart of a Dog” about a stray dog. Obviously, the absence of titled parents does not become a serious disadvantage for a four-legged pet. These are unique animals that are distinguished by unique health, unconditional loyalty to the owner and good intelligence.

The mongrels Belka and Strelka are the first Soviet cosmonauts

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