Incredible facts about whales or what you definitely didn’t know about the largest mammals on the planet

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The marine fauna of our planet is very rich and diverse. Its inhabitants are living beings of various types and forms of existence. Some are friendly and non-threatening, others are aggressive and dangerous. The smallest representatives of aquatic fauna are inaccessible to ordinary human vision, but there are also real sea giants that amaze the imagination with their power and gigantic size. These include the good old hero of children's fairy tales, but in reality - a powerful and dangerous sea predator - the sperm whale .

Origin of the species and description

Photo: Sperm whale

Sperm whales are one of the most ancient marine inhabitants of our planet. The fossil remains of their distant ancestors, the squalodont toothed whales, are about 25 million years old. Judging by their powerful jaws with huge, highly developed teeth, these giants were active predators and fed on large prey - primarily their closest relatives - small whales.

About 10 million years ago, sperm whales appeared, very similar in appearance and lifestyle to the modern species. During this time, they have not evolved significantly, and still remain at the top of the food chain of the underwater world.

Video: Sperm whale

The sperm whale is a marine mammal, the largest representative of the toothed whale family. Due to its characteristic appearance, it cannot be confused with any other species of cetacean. This predator is truly gigantic in size - it reaches a length of 20-25 meters and weighs approximately 50 tons.

If it is the fate that the head of these animals occupies up to a third of the total body length, then the origin of the name of the species – “sperm whale” – becomes clear. It is believed to be of Portuguese origin, and is derived from the word "cachalote", which in turn is a derivative of the Portuguese "cachola", meaning "big head".

Sperm whales do not live alone. They gather in large groups, the number of which reaches hundreds and sometimes thousands of individuals. This makes it easier for them to hunt, take care of their offspring, and defend themselves from natural enemies.

In search of prey, these sea giants dive to enormous depths - up to 2000 meters, and are able to stay there without air for up to an hour and a half.

Who is the ancestor of hippos?

It was previously believed that hippos were close to pigs. Scientists made this conclusion because of the visual similarity of these animals and the common characteristics in the structure of their skeletons. However, relatively recently it was discovered that this is not true. In fact, these animals are much closer to whales. Such assumptions were confirmed after DNA research.

Details of the early evolution of modern hippopotamuses remain to be determined. This will require the study of many archaeological finds. However, today it is possible to trace a later period. It is believed that the closest ancestors of hippopotamuses were the extinct Anthracotherium, with which they are very similar. The appearance of modern individuals is associated with the development of the African branch of their ancestors.

Then the evolutionary process continued. This led to the emergence of different types of hippopotamuses - European, Asian, Madagascar and others. However, today almost all of them are extinct. Today, only 2 species have survived - the dwarf and the common hippopotamus. Essentially, they are considered the same thing as hippos. However, the difference lies only in the etymology of the words.

Appearance and features

Photo: Animal sperm whale

The appearance of the sperm whale is very characteristic and has a number of features that distinguish it from other cetaceans. The sperm whale is a real giant, the largest representative of the order of toothed whales. The length of an adult male is about 20 meters and even more. As for the weight of the sperm whale, the average value of this value is considered to be from 45 to 57 tons. Sometimes larger individuals are found, weighing up to 70 tons. And experts say that earlier, when the population of sperm whales was larger, the weight of some males was close to 100 tons.

The difference between the sizes of males and females is very significant. Females are almost twice as small. Their maximum parameters are: length 13 meters, weight 15 tons. A characteristic feature of the sperm whale's body structure is its exorbitantly huge head. In some individuals it constitutes up to 35% of the total body length. The whale's mouth is proportional to the size of the head, which allows the animal to hunt the largest prey.

Interesting fact: the sperm whale is the only marine mammal that can swallow a person whole.

The sperm whale's lower jaw is capable of opening very widely outward, forming a right angle with respect to the body. The mouth is located in the lower part of the head of a mammal, as if “under the chin,” if we draw an analogy with the structure of the human head. There are more than two dozen pairs of huge and strong teeth in the mouth; they are located mainly on the lower, “working” jaw.

The eyes are located symmetrically on the sides, closer to the corners of the mouth. The diameter of the eyeball is also very significant, about 15-17 centimeters. There is only one breathing hole and it is shifted to the front left side of the animal's head. This is the “working nostril”, which produces a fountain of air when exhaling. The second, right nostril ends with a valve and a small cavity into which the sperm whale collects a supply of air before diving to depth. Air cannot escape from the right nostril.

The skin of a sperm whale is usually gray in color. The back is dark, but the belly is much lighter, almost white. The skin is wrinkled throughout the animal's body, with the exception of the back. There are several deep folds on the neck. It is assumed that their presence helps the animal place the largest prey in its mouth. The folds straighten and the internal cavity increases, accommodating a large volume of food.

But the main feature of sperm whales is the spermaceti sac, located in the upper part of the head and accounting for 90% of its weight. It is a certain formation inside the animal’s skull, bounded by connective tissue and filled with a special substance - spermaceti. Spermaceti is a waxy substance formed from animal fat. It turns into a liquid state when the sperm whale’s body temperature rises and hardens when cooled.

Studies have shown that the whale “adjusts” its temperature independently, regulating the blood flow to the spermaceti sac. If the temperature reaches 37 degrees, the spermaceti melts, its density decreases and provides the sperm whale with easy ascent. And the cooled and hardened spermaceti helps the animal dive to depth.

The spermaceti sac also performs the most important function of echolocation for the sperm whale, distributing the directions of sound waves, and serves as a good shock absorber during fights with relatives or attacks by enemies.

Where does the sperm whale live?

Photo: Sperm whale at sea

The entire World Ocean, with the exception of polar waters, can safely be called the habitat of sperm whales. These giant animals are thermophilic; their greatest numbers are observed in the tropics. When summer begins in one hemisphere, the range of sperm whales expands. In winter, when ocean waters become colder, animals return closer to the equator.

Sperm whales are deep-sea mammals. They are practically never found near the coast; they prefer to be located many kilometers from the coastline - where the depth of the seabed exceeds 200-300 m. Their movements in the waters of the World Ocean depend not only on the time of year, but also on the migration of cephalopods, which are their main food. Meeting sperm whales is possible wherever large squids are found.

It has been noted that males occupy larger territories, while the range of females is limited to waters whose temperature does not fall below 15 degrees throughout the year. Researchers suggest that such herds also include single males who were unable to assemble a harem for themselves. These giants are also found in our waters. For example, in the Barents and Okhotsk seas there is enough food for them, so small herds live there quite comfortably, as in the seas of the Pacific basin.

Fin whale

Refers to minke whales. Distributed in all oceans, it does not even avoid the waters of the Arctic and Antarctic. Stays away from coastal areas and does not migrate from the southern to the northern hemisphere or vice versa. For this reason, some scientists distinguish 2 subspecies of these whales: northern and southern. Residents of northern latitudes are usually smaller, their maximum length is 24 m. Southern representatives of fin whales grow up to 27 m, and their weight can approach 70 tons. The basis of the diet of these whales is planktonic crustaceans, less often fish. Like many other cetacean species, fin whales are endangered. In most countries of the world, hunting them is prohibited.

What does a sperm whale eat?

Photo: Sperm whale in water

The sperm whale is the largest predator among marine mammals. It feeds mainly on cephalopods and fish. Moreover, fish in the food consumed by a whale is only five percent. Usually these are katrans and other types of small sharks. Among cephalopods, the sperm whale prefers squid, while octopuses make up a very small part of its prey.

The sperm whale hunts at a depth of at least 300-400 meters - where most of the shellfish and fish that it eats live, and where it has practically no food competitors. Despite the fact that a whale can stay underwater for quite a long time, it has to make several dives to get enough. For adequate nutrition, an animal requires about a ton of food per day.

The sperm whale does not chew its food, but swallows it whole. Only the largest specimens can be torn apart. Judging by the sucker marks left by the squid in the whale's stomach, the cephalopods remain alive there for some time.

Interesting fact: there is a known case when a sperm whale swallowed a squid so huge that it did not fit in the whale’s belly, and its tentacles stuck to the outside of the whale’s snout.

Females are less voracious than males and almost do not eat fish, preferring to feed on cephalopods. Among sperm whales discovered by whalers with an empty stomach, a larger percentage are females, which indicates the difficulties of food for them during periods of caring for their offspring.

The sperm whale's method of obtaining food does not exclude the possibility of accidental prey or unusual objects entering its stomach. Sometimes these are seabirds, which the whale never intentionally hunts, and sometimes they are rubber boots, fishing gear, glass and plastic bottles and other underwater debris.


Sperm whales use ultrasonic echolocation to find food. This type of hunting is determined by the fact that the sound emitted by the whale leads to the insanity of giant mollusks. The spermaceti sac works as an acoustic lens here, which helps the whale detect prey. Let's return to the sperm whale's favorite delicacy - giant squid.

To swallow the treasured prey, the whale will have to try hard, namely fight with a huge opponent. Sperm whales and squid are almost equal in length , and very often in a fight one will definitely kill the other. The body is usually left with huge scars from the squid's tentacles. It is because of them that many animals swim with huge dents or cuts on their faces.

There is a known case when an almost dead squid was taken out of the stomach of a sperm whale. He grabbed the sperm whale with his tentacles and got stuck in his throat in this position. By the way, the weight of this opponent was almost 200 kilograms.

Features of character and lifestyle

Photo: Sperm whale animal

The sperm whale is the only giant-sized marine mammal capable of diving to significant depths and staying there for a long time. This is due to the anatomical features of his body, consisting of a large amount of fatty tissue and liquids, almost not subject to compression under the pressure of the water column, as well as due to the entire system of accumulating oxygen necessary for underwater breathing. The whale stores air in the voluminous sac of the right nasal passage. Significant amounts of oxygen accumulate in the fatty tissue and muscles of the animal.

Typically, sperm whales dive to depths of 400 to 1,200 meters - where most of their food lives. But studies have shown that these giants can dive much deeper - up to 3000 and even 4000 meters from the surface of the water. Sperm whales do not hunt alone, but in schools of several dozen individuals. Acting in a coordinated manner, they herd prey into dense groups to make it easier to absorb it. This hunting strategy determines the gregarious lifestyle of sperm whales.

And sperm whales hunt almost constantly. They make dives one after another, lasting on average 30-40 minutes, and then rest for some time at the surface of the water. Moreover, the period of sleep in these animals is quite short, accounting for only about 7% of the time during the day, that is, less than two hours. Sperm whales sleep with their huge muzzles sticking out of the water, hovering motionless in complete stupor.

An interesting fact: during sleep, both hemispheres of the brain stop active activity in sperm whales.

Thanks to the presence of a spermaceti sac, the sperm whale is endowed with the ability to effectively use high-frequency and ultrasonic echolocation. With its help, he tracks prey and navigates in space, since he hunts where sunlight does not penetrate at all.

Scientists also suggest that echolocation can be used by sperm whales as a weapon. It is quite possible that the ultrasonic signals they emit affect large cephalopods, causing them confusion, disorientation in space and making them easy prey.

Lords of the endless seas

First, you need to decide that whales are mammals, and not fish at all, as many ordinary people think. They do not breathe with gills, like fish, but with lungs. A whale can't stay underwater its whole life! From time to time, these animals urgently need to rise to the surface of the water to breathe a breath of fresh air. This is their vital need. Since all cetaceans are mammals, they give birth to fully formed live young and feed them with milk. Whale milk is considered much more nutritious than cow's milk. This allows the kits to grow quite quickly.

The paradox of these mighty rulers of the seas is that, like mammals, they are completely helpless and powerless on land. On earth, not a single whale can move even a meter! These animals will simply not be able to overcome their own mass. Unfortunately, when the seas dry out, they die in a matter of hours. Usually this news pleases the local population. People, like hungry vultures, attack the helpless animal with cutlasses, knives and saws. They cut the whale skin into even pieces, after which they carefully cut out pieces of meat from it.

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Sperm whale calf

Males lead a more active social life than females. The main function of females is to reproduce, feed and care for offspring. While males are much more concerned about their status among their relatives, often proving their right to primacy in brutal fights, sometimes leading to injuries and mutilations.

Most often, fights occur during the rutting period, when males become aggressive and, in an effort to create their own harem, fight for the attention of females. Around 10-15 females usually stay near one male. 13-14 months after conception, females give birth to offspring. Usually one cub is born. A newborn sperm whale reaches 5 meters in length and weighs about 1 ton. Until two years old, the baby is breastfed and under the care of the mother.

Interesting fact: the mammary glands of a lactating female sperm whale can hold up to 45-50 liters of milk.

By about 10 years of age, sperm whale calves become completely independent. Young males gather in so-called bachelor groups. They stay outside the herd, apart, and do not get into fights unless absolutely necessary. By 8-10 years, sperm whales become sexually mature and capable of producing offspring.

Natural enemies of sperm whales

Photo: Sperm whale

Considering the formidable appearance and enormous power that nature has endowed sperm whales with, there are not so many enemies in the natural world that threaten their lives. But they exist.

First of all, these are the famous killer whales, the legendary sea predators - killer whales. Endowed with remarkable intelligence, killer whales are famous for their fighting strategies, allowing them to hunt mammals much larger than themselves. Using group tactics, killer whales attack female sperm whales and their calves. Trying to protect the offspring, the female is doubly vulnerable and often becomes prey herself.

Young individuals that have strayed from the herd also sometimes end up with killer whales for lunch. However, if sperm whales catch signals of an attack on their relatives, they rush to the rescue, ready to engage in a fierce battle and fight to the death. Such battles most often leave killer whales without prey. Dealing with angry adult male sperm whales is an almost impossible task.

The sperm whale has no other large enemies. But small underwater inhabitants – endoparasites that settle in the animal’s body – can also cause harm to its health. The most dangerous is the round worm placentonema, which lives and develops in the placenta of females.

Interesting fact: the parasitic roundworm placentonema can reach a length of 8.5 meters.

The surface of the sperm whale's body is parasitized by the penella crustacean, and the teeth are parasitized by the barnacle. In addition, throughout its life, the animal’s skin becomes overgrown with numerous mollusks and crustaceans, but they do not cause any damage to the life and health of the sperm whale.


Whales are harmless and avoid dangerous collisions. They are given to hunters by a column of steam emitted when rising to the surface to inhale oxygen, while freeing the lungs from the accumulated air during scuba diving. All types have fountains of different heights and shapes. The height reaches 15 m and depends on the depth of immersion. Large species, due to the powerful release of steam, emit a trumpet-like roar that can be heard several kilometers away.

Bryde's Striper

The body is drop-shaped, for minimal water resistance when swimming. Dimensions from 4-6 to 33 m , weight from 3 to 190 tons . The nostrils are located near the crown of the head. The eyes are small, weighing up to 1 kg, d=10-17 cm. In small species - the size of a dog's. Poor vision, myopic. Instead of teeth, all species have bone plates - whalebone. They strain the food. Baleen whales do not hunt for food, they seem to graze, filtering small crustaceans and small fish through their plates.

Humpback whale

The color is uniform, shadowy, spotted, the skin is smooth. There is no sense of smell; taste buds feel only salty taste. Hearing – distinguishes sounds from 150 Hz to ultrasonic frequencies. They have a wonderful sense of touch. Whales do not have vocal cords; they understand each other thanks to the echolocation apparatus formed by the bones of the skull and the fat layer, which send an ultrasound signal.

Dwarf whale

Whales move at a speed of 25-40 km/h . They live 30-50 years. Inhabitants of all oceans.

Most of them are monogamous, giving birth once every 2 years. They begin to reproduce at 3-5 years of age, and mature physically by 12 years of age. Males can mate all year round. Pregnancy, 7-18 months. One cub is born tail first, weighing 2-3 tons, length - 1⁄4 or 1⁄2 the length of the female. He swims on his own, but stays near his mother and feeds on milk with 54% fat content for up to six months.

Blue whale

Blue whales reach 33 m in length and weigh about 150-190 tons. They prefer cold waters. They live mostly alone. Immersion depth is up to 500 m and more, where it stays for up to 50 minutes. Movement speed – 50 km/h, during migration – 30 km/h.

Population and species status

Photo: Blue sperm whale

The sperm whale is a very attractive object for whaling. Whale oil, spermaceti, teeth and meat are highly valued by humans, so for a long time the population was subjected to merciless destruction for industrial purposes.

The result was a rapid decrease in the number of sperm whales, and in the 60s of the last century, due to the threat of complete extermination of the species, strict restrictions on its production were introduced. And in 1985, a complete ban on fishing came into force. Currently, only Japan has a limited quota for the production of sperm whales for scientific and research purposes.

Thanks to these measures, the sperm whale population is currently maintained at a fairly high level, although exact data on the number of individuals of this species is missing or varies greatly. Various experts give figures from 350 thousand to one and a half million individuals. But everyone unanimously asserts that there are no exact figures for the number of sperm whales in the wild. This is due, first of all, to the difficulty of marking and tracking animals, since they live at very great depths.

Today, the sperm whale population has the status of “vulnerable”, i.e. There is no increase in livestock or it is very small. This is due, first of all, to the long cycle of reproduction of offspring.

comparison table

The main differences between the concepts under consideration relate exclusively to the etymology of words and are shown in the table:

It is considered the more common form, which is used in colloquial speech.Animals are rarely called this word in Russian.
Derived from the Hebrew word "behemoth".It is based on the Greek word “hippopotamos”.
Translated as “cattle” or “animal”.Translated, it means “river horse”.
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