Top 25: Incredible Exotic Birds You'll Be Interested to Know About

There are species of birds that live near the ocean, eating fish and other marine life. Among them are representatives of the families of frigatebirds and cormorants, albatrosses and petrels, plovers and gulls. Some people prefer to chase their victims, while others prefer to dive, taking off from high cliffs. For such purposes, birds have waterproof feathers and webbed legs that help them grab slimy prey. They usually like to make long flights, despite the fact that there is always a lot of food in their native lands.


Magnificent Frigate

Voznesensky or eagle frigate

Christmas Frigate

Frigate Ariel

Seabird colonies

The vast majority of seabirds gather in huge colonies, often returning to the same location each year to nest. Some species nest on the ground, while others nest on rocks or in burrows. Seaside cliffs are ideal nesting sites as they are out of reach of most predators while still being close to the sea, the birds' main food source.

Seabird Colonies
Interesting fact : the Arctic Tern has the longest migration route of any other bird - about 26,000 km between the Arctic and Antarctica.
When their chicks hatch, the parents fish to feed the young. The puffin can carry about 10 fish in its beak at a time. Birds that feed further out to sea, such as guildbirds, swallow their catch and then return to their nest to regurgitate it into the beaks of their young.

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