What does a cross between a Chihuahua and a toy terrier look like: a description of the pet’s character and reviews from owners

Currently, crosses of various expensive breeds are very popular.

Chihuahuas and toy terriers are no exception.

Please note that the dog is not purebred.

Mestizos are cheaper.

However, at the same time, they absorb the features of both parents.

Despite all the advantages, their maintenance and care have their own characteristics that should be followed to avoid problems.

Let's look into everything in detail.

Description of the Chihuahua and Toy Terrier mix

When choosing a dog, if your gaze falls on a mestizo, you need to keep in mind that such a dog is not purebred.

It has no breeding value, so no matter how the owners of such puppies convince you of their pedigree, this is just a way to sell the puppy at a higher price.

In puppyhood, it is not at all clear what the dog will look like in the future..

Only by the age of one year is its color, build and head shape formed. Only by the age of three months will it be possible to see at least the rudiments of color.

Such puppies are almost always active and cheerful, because their parents, as a rule, have the same character.

What features need to be taken into account when purchasing

Dog breeders try to buy puppies at the age of 6 months.
This is due to the fact that at birth they receive different personalities and their own list of “illnesses” - characteristics. Many people try to sell babies aged 3-4 months. Different dogs can be identified by their characteristic breed characteristics.

At 7 weeks the body is already more elongated. The head is kept “childish”. Paws raised. At this age, opponents take on an almost adult appearance. They are considered an exact copy of the adult. The head has all the characteristic features of the breeding breed. Which makes the difference more pronounced. What to consider when choosing long-haired dogs

We focus on the features of the head. The basic, characteristic features are identical to those with short hair. Small sneezes grow evenly. They seem fluffy. Toi have sparse vegetation.

Mostly hair is formed near the ears. The hair there is already longer. We pay attention to color. A fluffy and spotted puppy is not a terrier.

Important! Small animals (within 1 month) are practically no different from many yard dogs.

Fraudsters often try to sell not a breed, but simple puppies. Do not forget that at 2–3 m the puppies are formed and all the features of the breed are already visible. If there are no obvious signs, the puppy is too small. He is no more than 1.5 months old. Try to buy babies from 6 months.

Little toys take longer to get used to their new housing. They require separate care. Give them maximum attention. Sneezes are more adaptable.

Character of the breed

Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers are companion dogs, and the breed mix inherits this trait from them. But their desire to spend time with the owner is expressed in different ways: it is not known exactly whose temperament the dog will acquire.

Chihuahuas are calm, but more jealous than toy terriers; the same ones, in turn, are active.

In any case, mestizos do not like to be left alone, they begin to get bored and may even get sick. The crossbreeds of these breeds have a rather complex character; if they don’t like something, they may even bite.

For this reason, you should not have a mixed breed for children . They can get hurt by an emotional dog.


It is difficult to train a dog, so you need to train it from an early age. They are also suspicious of punishment and severity and may stop obeying completely.

But if the owner finds the right approach, he will be able to find a common language with the dog.

It is also important to use a leash when walking, especially if you plan to walk near the road or socialize your dog..

In these plans, the mestizo can be unpredictable and it will be important to keep him from aggression.

Where can I buy, how to choose a mixed-breed puppy

To purchase a cross between a Chihuahua and a toy terrier, turn to trusted breeders. Do not trust advertisements and photos on the Internet. Unscrupulous sellers may provide a dog breeder with a sick puppy of unknown origin.

When purchasing a dog, you must first ask the owners to show the parents who were crossed, and then personally examine the baby. It should have a slightly elongated muzzle, erect ears, large dark eyes and slender limbs. A healthy puppy behaves actively and eats well. He has no discharge from his eyes, ears or nose. The coat looks healthy and does not bristle. The eyes of the little mestizo are clear. The movements are confident, he does not limp, does not fall on his paw.

What does a dog look like?

Toy terrier genes in most cases turn out to be dominant, this plays into their hands, because the shortened muzzle of a Chihuahua can cause breathing problems.
The ears of mestizos are erect (shown in the photo). It’s difficult to guess about body type, but most dogs of this crossbreed are thin-legged, fit and compact .

The remaining parameters do not matter.

Adult mixed breeds are mainly from long-haired toy terriers, they are black and tan in color and have a medium-length tail. Dogs have feathers on their cheeks and paws.

But if both parents have short hair, then most likely the puppy will also have short hair or have slightly longer hair..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Such mestizos are in good health, but problems can always arise if you don’t pay attention. The same goes for upbringing. There are, of course, people who are completely uncontrollable and whose character cannot be controlled at all, but there are few of them. The majority can be educated and trained, even if with difficulty. Everything is in the hands of the owner.”

Tell us about other popular Jack Russell crosses


This is a designer dog known for its playful and loving nature.

The Jack Chi is poorly adapted to cold climates and is considered exclusively a lap dog. At the same time, we must not forget about his ebullient energy and desire to dominate.

These qualities make training a Jack Chi difficult and require a lot of patience and perseverance from the owner. Otherwise, the pet’s character quickly deteriorates, nervousness and many unpleasant habits appear.

The Jack Chi is prone to dental disease and all sorts of skin and coat problems. However, with constant and proper care, these problems can be avoided.


A cute cross between a Corgi and a Jack Russell Terrier, amusingly combining the appearance of both parents. He is very loyal to all family members and animals, affectionate and tireless in communication.

Does not tolerate loneliness well, shows great anxiety when separated from its owner.

This dog is not prone to loud barking or whining, but is often stubborn.

This dog just loves to learn new tricks and travel.

Her incredible activity constantly requires movement, new experiences and games.


A charming designer dog up to 25 cm tall at the withers and weighing up to 12 kg. It has a long wavy coat that requires serious care.

Jackpoo is easy to care for and quite easy to train.

This is an affectionate and very curious dog that needs exciting walks and a variety of games. Feels great in a large active family with children and pets.

Often such mestizos have serious health problems (epilepsy, hypothyroidism, joint dysplasia). Therefore, you need to take your choice of breeder seriously. In general, the Jackpu has good health and can live remarkably well up to 13-15 years.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • A small dog that will be comfortable in a small apartment;
  • Loves long and active walks;
  • A playful dog that is happy to spend time with its owner;
  • Devoted;
  • Maintenance is effortless;
  • Responsive, subtly senses the mood of the owner.


  • Difficult to train;
  • Can be aggressive and uncontrollable;
  • Jealous;
  • Doesn't get along well with children;
  • He treats everyone coldly except the owner.

Despite all the disadvantages, the dog finds its response in the hearts of people.

All disadvantages are easily corrected by training and perseverance in education . If desired, the dog can become what you want it to be.

Dachshund and Jack Russell mix

Jackshund fully displays all the characteristic features of his parents. This is a small dog with excellent hunting qualities and inexhaustible energy.

Dog weight: 7-13 kg; height: 20-33 cm. Average life expectancy - from 12 to 16 years.

The Jackshund gets along well with other animals if socialized properly.

This is a very sociable creature that does not tolerate loneliness and prolonged absence of the owner.

However, Jackshunds know how to be unobtrusive, understand when the owner should not be disturbed, and even show some independence. It must be remembered that these qualities cannot be abused, so as not to spoil the character and nervous system of the pet.

NOTE! Jackshunds are prone to genetic diseases, so when choosing a puppy you should be especially careful and avoid dealing with unreliable breeders.

Other common diseases are: hip dysplasia, eye and skin diseases, and a predisposition to all kinds of allergic reactions.

Also, the future owner must be prepared for the active shedding of his pet, which can become a big problem, despite his short hair.

Another important aspect is the destructive energy of the Jackshund, which can only be curbed by long and active walks.

This dog is not easy to train, although it has a lively mind and intelligence.

Dog handlers recommend reducing the time of training, but increasing their number.

This allows you to better hold your pet's attention.

Life expectancy and health

As breeders say, mixed breeds of these breeds have excellent health . However, owners sometimes say completely opposite things.

The fact is that when crossing, the genetic diseases of Chihuahuas and toy terriers overlap each other, as a result of which diseases can manifest themselves to an even greater degree than in purebred breeds.


Metis are prone to colds, so during the cold season you need to provide them with additional clothing.

It is also important to monitor the condition of their oral cavity, in particular their teeth, and prevent the development of tartar.

for dogs are mandatory; you cannot go outside without them . Due to their small size, they suffer from parasites more than others, so it is worth carrying out preventive measures from time to time.

Mixed breeds may also be prone to food allergies, just like some of their parents. It is impossible to predict this scenario, just be careful when selecting food.

The life expectancy
of mestizos is relatively long - 10-13 years .
If food allergies can be avoided by changing foods, then you should not treat tartar yourself, but rather contact a veterinarian. clinic.

Jack Russell and Yorkie mix

The Yorkie Russell is a charming small dog (up to 30 cm at the withers), covered with long, soft hair of various colors (from brown-black to black-white-brown).

She has a friendly and fearless character and easily gets along with people and animals.

The Yorkie Russell is excellent for keeping in a city apartment, but does not tolerate cold climates very well.

Also, the future owner should be prepared for the fact that this dog requires increased attention. If she lacks communication with her owner, she will immediately report this with a loud howl and the most destructive behavior.

Leaving her alone for a long time is out of the question.

Yorkies, like all Jack Russell mixes, need regular exercise.

You will have to devote a lot of effort to caring for your pet’s fur, as it often gets tangled and very dirty during walks.

In addition to possible genetic diseases, Yorkies often suffer from dental diseases.

Regular teeth cleaning is recommended (2-3 times a week).

With proper care and comfortable living conditions, the life expectancy of a Yorkie can reach 12-16 years.

Features of maintenance and care

Despite the fact that dogs love to go for long walks, they are indoor and domestic dogs. This is due to the fact that they quickly become hypothermic and freeze.

Their place in the house should be protected from cold and drafts; dogs may even have to walk around the apartment in special clothes.

The tray should be placed in a place hidden from view, because dogs can be shy, and the place for food should be equipped with two bowls - for food and water.


For walking, the collar and leash also need to be selected carefully: it should not injure the dog.

Most owners of miniature breeds use vest harnesses when walking..

It is also worth choosing clothes for the dog for the whole season, otherwise the dog risks catching a cold and becoming very sick.

Dogs need to be brushed about once a week, every day during shedding, and bathing 3-4 times a year is enough . Also, do not forget to trim the ear hairs, clean the ears 1-2 times a month, and trim the nails as they grow.

Sizes and disposition

The first ones reach 25 cm at the withers.
Weight: up to 2.7 kg. Chihuahuas are considered the smallest in the world. Weight does not exceed 1.8 kg. At the withers they can reach 23 cm. The average life expectancy differs. The former live 11 years, and the latter can reach 20 years of age. Both have 2 subspecies. The English version is separated from that one. They have longer fur. Representatives of Mexico are divided into cobby and dir.

Hair sizes vary. Both types are suitable only for living in an apartment or house. They are easy to potty train, which reduces the frequency of walking.

Externally, they differ in “landing”. The former have longer legs. The muzzles are elongated, while the second ones are flattened. The head of the Mexicans resembles an “apple”. Breeding babies have a soft spot on their heads called the fontanelle. It is characteristic of only one subspecies.

  • The physique is more squat. The tail is slightly curved. Toys stop them. Ears are smaller. The British have them standing upright.

Terriers are more aggressive in character. The dog fiercely protects its owner. She has no inherent fear of other creatures. She is more mobile. He is highly trainable and gets along well with children (of any age).

Sneezes are somewhat softer. They become attached to one family member. More loyal - they can follow the owner's heels. A gentle disposition contributes to getting along with other animals.

Representatives from Great Britain are more mobile. They jump, run and play a lot. They may bark frequently. The voice is ringing and booming. Opponents move measuredly.

They do not recognize haste and great activity. These traits are reflected in training. The former require more time to train. They are distracted by various stimuli. The latter are more attentive and diligent.

Important! There is a conditional division into standard and mini. This statement is typical for both types. The weight of the mini version of the latter varies within a kilogram. Puppies are born very small.

When caring for it, remember that the bones are quite fragile. They can hurt their paw when jumping off the couch. The houses should not be equipped with thresholds and should not be located at a height of no more than 50 cm from the floor surface. The Mexican is less susceptible to trembling, which is typical for small breeds. It does not appear as a result of the cold, but because of its energetic character.

Feeding your pet

It is not recommended to feed mixed breeds only dry food .

This will cause their tooth enamel to wear away quickly and can also cause kidney problems.

But if owners have no other option, you can soak the dry granules before serving or periodically give the dog wet food.

You can feed the mestizo with natural food. In this case, it is worth excluding harmful and allergenic foods and making sure that the menu is balanced.

Fashion for mongrel dogs

A mixture of Chihuahua and Toy Terrier is a purebred dog , since only an individual that has documents of breeding value is considered purebred. No matter how much you are convinced otherwise. Recently it has become fashionable to breed Chihuahuas with Toy Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians and even Dachshunds. Most people who carry out such “breeding activities” only heard about genetics at school, so it is impossible to explain their desire with anything other than a thirst for profit.

Advice: no one has the right to tell you, but if you decide to adopt a small mongrel dog, you don’t have to pay for it! If the breeder demands a fee and you pay it, this is equivalent to a contribution to the breeding of stray animals and abandoned dogs.

The second option for the appearance of mestizos is an oversight of the owners. Simply put, a bitch in heat runs away, finds a groom, and if she doesn’t survive on the street, returns home. After 1–1.5 months, owners are surprised to discover that their pet is pregnant. In this case, it is difficult to guess the breed of the second parent, and it is pointless to draw conclusions based on the appearance of the puppies.

Options for purebred Chihuahua crosses

Mixing Chihuahuas with other breeds leads to interesting results.

Despite their shortcomings, mestizos can take on the best traits of their parents.

The most popular partners for mating with a Chihuahua are:

  • Spitz;
  • Yorkies;
  • Pekingese;
  • toy terriers.

Mixed breed with Spitz

The result of such a union was called pomchi.

The miniature dog has:

  • rounded ears;
  • wedge-shaped head with an elongated but not pointed muzzle;
  • large, but not bulging eyes with irises of dark shades;
  • muscular and compact body, not exceeding 20 cm in length and weighing no more than 4 kg;
  • a small tail curled into a ball;
  • 2 coat options: short, without undercoat, and long, with thick undercoat.

Mixed chihuahua and spitz

Among the characteristic features of pomcha are:

  1. Devotion. Loyalty is kept only to one owner. The animal experiences cooler feelings towards the rest.
  2. Playfulness. The pet will gladly support any activity. In games, the dog prefers to interact only with a person (preferably an adult). The pet will not get along with other pets, and small children can injure her.
  3. Distrust of strangers. When meeting for the first time, it is better not to irritate the dog. Wait for her to take the initiative.
  4. Mind. The Pomchi is easy to train and has excellent obedience.
  5. Loud voice. The loud barking came from the Pomeranian. This unpleasant feature can be easily corrected with training.
  6. Militant disposition. Do not let your pet off the leash while walking. The little animal will definitely get into a fight.

Yorkie mix

Breeders call these puppies Chorkies, noting that most of them were taken from Yorkies.

The resulting crossbreeds have:

  • small and slightly raised head;
  • small body weighing 2-4kg;
  • long and straight coat with golden or black colors.

Some puppies bred between Chihuahuas and Yorkies are born hairless.

A small amount of hair is observed only on the ears, tail and paws.

The dog does not like children's pranks and can stand up for itself, so a child who is playing may get hurt.

Mixed Chihuahua and Yorkie

Chorks are different:

  1. Affection. The pet is sensitive to the owner's attention, so it cannot stand loneliness and can be jealous. Try to take your dog with you to avoid mental disorders.
  2. Cocky behavior. The small animal does not conduct a comparative analysis with its opponents, so it provokes a larger opponent without fear. IMPORTANT! The pet is not willing to be trained, so it will not be possible to wean it from its addiction. Try to minimize the risks and do not let him off the leash.

With Pekingese

Unlike Chorks, these representatives, called Pekachi, carry characteristic features from both parents:

  • miniature dimensions, rounded head and large wide ears, inherited from the Chihuahua;
  • thick undercoat and dense guard hairs inherited from the Pekingese.

Mixed Pekingese and Chihuahua

The character of a pekachi is made up of training and care shown by the owner:

  • if neglected, dogs grow aggressive and loud, bully other animals and annoy neighbors with their loud barking;
  • with the right approach, the pet shows friendliness and affection, responds to commands and does not look for problems for itself and its owner.

With that terrier

Toy terrier mixed breeds are born fit and have thin legs.

The color and length of their coat depends on the parents. The coat can be either long or short, and among the colors black and tan are more common.

Like the other crossbred options discussed above, these puppies are:

  • not suitable for children;
  • afraid of loneliness;
  • jealous.

A dog can show cowardice and aggressiveness, as well as courage and good nature.

This is determined by upbringing and environment, so it is impossible to predict them in advance.

Mixed chihuahua and toy terrier

What kind of people is this or that breed suitable for?

They may differ in character, identical to people. If the owner is energetic and leads an active lifestyle, then Toy will suit him. For those who like regularity, sneezing is typical. If you have children who are ready to walk the kids for a long time and play with them, an Englishman will do.

This breed loves to run, jump and be outdoors. It is not recommended for those who have children of kindergarten age. They see the animal as a toy.

For a Chihuahua, being active can be a burden. Toys have fragile bones. Active play with young children often leads to injury.

Separate attention should be paid to the comparability of breeds. If there are others, you need to take into account the nature of both. Toys get along well with Yorkies or Pinschers. They have similar, active characters.

For a sneeze, the best friends can be: Shih Tzus or Papillons. Both will calmly coexist with large, purebred dogs. Thus, Toy Terriers are dogs that have a longer muzzle, a docked tail and erect ears. They are more mobile and aggressive. Susceptible to injury. They have thin, fragile bones.

A fringe of hair emerges from behind the ears. Long-haired dogs have uneven hair. Most of the body is practically hairless. No undercoat. The color is monochromatic. There are only red and fawn colors, in various shades.

Chihuahuas have a more measured character. Small length and smaller paws than the English ones. The pedigree breed has a slightly flattened muzzle. Ears droop. The fur is evenly distributed. The color is different.

Various shades and color schemes are combined. For both it is necessary to create special living conditions. The house must be on the floor. They are afraid of heights and can get injured when jumping. The choice is yours!

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