Armenian Wolfhound Gampr: photo of the dog, characteristics of the breed

Usage:universal working dog
Color:any except brown and liver
Dimensions:63-67 cm, 45-65 kg
Lifespan:11-13 years old

Gampr is an ancient indigenous breed. It originated in rocky Armenia. These are intelligent animals, impressive with their rugged beauty and attractiveness. Pets are more than dogs - they are friends. And you need to treat them as partners.

History of the origin of the breed

The Armenian Wolfhound is an aboriginal dog whose homeland is the Armenian Highlands. In Armenia, the animals are better known as “gampr”, which means powerful, strong. Throughout the country, there is a lot of historical evidence of the presence of wolfhounds next to ancient man.

On mountains whose age dates back to the 1st millennium BC. e., more than 20% of petroglyphs are dedicated to animals that are almost identical in appearance to modern Armenian wolfhounds. The remaining drawings containing images of dogs show individuals that no longer exist in the modern world.

The main purpose of the ancient ancestors of the Gampras was hunting, protection and participation in military campaigns.

An interesting turn in the development of the Armenian breed occurred during the wars with the Ottoman Empire. Some wolfhounds ended up in Turkey, where they were crossed with Turkish purebred dogs. In addition, the Turks tried to “appropriate” the wolfhound for themselves and registered it under the name “Anatolian Karabash”.

However, gampras were still officially recognized in 2011 by the International Canine Union, with Armenia indicated as their homeland. Currently, the issue of preserving the breed is acute; about 2,000 individuals are registered in the country. The largest population of Armenian wolfhounds is located in the USA (California). There is a “Club of Armenian Gampers in America”, whose goal is to preserve the line.


Description of the breed

The main task of the modern gampra is to protect the owner and his home, accompany and protect herds from wolves and bears. Thanks to their large size and natural selection to which they have been subjected for many years, wolfhounds do an excellent job.

Following official recognition, a standard was developed. It should be noted that only the short-haired Armenian wolfhound was officially recognized, although its long-haired brother is popular in the northern regions of the country.

Breed standard

The main external signs are:

  • animal weight from 45 to 70 kg;
  • for male wolfhounds, height varies between 67-77 cm, for females 63-75 cm;
  • the body of the gampra should be harmoniously developed and muscular;
  • the head is large, cheekbones are poorly defined, the forehead is smooth;
  • the cranial part occupies more than half of the head, the rest is the muzzle;
  • powerful jaws with a scissor bite;
  • the teeth are large, their centers run along the same line;
  • almond-shaped eyes, deep set;
  • the tail is of medium length, set high. By the position of the tail, you can determine the general mood of the dog: lowered and relaxed - the dog is calm, raised or curled in a ring - the dog is nervous or stressed;
  • the coat allows you to adapt to the harshest weather conditions: double coat and dense undercoat;
  • the head, muzzle and limbs are covered with less dense cover;
  • Many color options for wolfhounds are allowed, but preference is given to zonular or fawn with a dark mask on the face. Brown shades of wool are considered unacceptable;
  • life expectancy 10-13 years.

The standard identifies characteristics that are considered unacceptable: short back, undeveloped jaw, narrow muzzle, yellow or too sparse teeth.

Watch the video from the dog show.

How much do puppies cost?

The price of Gamprov is moderate. The average cost of a puppy is 40,000 rubles. If the owner offers a kitten for less than 30,000 rubles. - It’s better not to take it. This is not a purebred Armenian wolfhound, but a crossbreed.

Armenian wolfhound puppies from champions that are of breeding value or belong to the show class cost more. Prices for them start from 50,000 rubles. and reach 70-80 thousand rubles.

Armenian wolfhound nurseries

In Russia, only 2 nurseries breed Armenian wolfhounds. These are “Tavros” and “Athos”, both are located in the Krasnodar region.

The main Gampr population is in Armenia. You can find out information about existing nurseries and their addresses on the KKSKA “Aragil” website

Also, information about breeders is located on this resource -

Gampr is not a common breed. In Armenia there are up to 2,000 of them, in other countries the representatives number in the hundreds. The low popularity is partly explained by the complex content - in order to become a happy owner of a dog, you will have to leave the city and buy a house on the outskirts of civilization.

Similar breeds


The main difference between the breeds is that the Gampr is often larger in size than even the giant Alabai. Otherwise, the dogs are very similar: in character, external features and living conditions.


The Turkish Kangal is a real treasure of the country; it is depicted on coins, and the safety of the breed is taken care of at the highest level. Dogs are used as guards and shepherds. Outwardly, they are very similar to gampras, but most often they outgrow them, reaching 90 cm at the withers.


Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Dogs are confused quite often, since wolves were once one of the ancestors of both breeds. The dimensions of the animals are almost the same, but the coat of the Caucasian is longer and denser, which makes it look like a bear.



Unofficially, dogs are divided into several types according to the following criteria:

  1. Wool length . There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the breed. The former are characterized by elongated guard hairs.
  2. Based on their working qualities, they are divided into watchdogs and herders. The first ones are taller and heavier. They have an almost square body type. More calm character. The latter are very hardy, with well-developed security qualities.

This classification is conditional. It is not documented. Currently, work is underway to recognize the long-haired Gampr as an official breed variety.

Character and behavioral characteristics

In a calm environment, when nothing and no one threatens its charges, the Armenian wolfhound is relaxed and devoid of aggression. A special feature of these giants is their rare bark. They are like a tactful family member who understands that their bass voice can frighten the household and resorts to loud and decisive actions only when absolutely necessary.

Wolfhounds get along well with children, becoming delicate and gentle nannies and playmates. An interesting point: in case of danger, Gampr will prioritize and first of all ensure the safety of children and the most vulnerable family members.

Giants do not have zoo aggression, they get along well with other animals and get along in the same territory even with cats. This seems strange, considering that gampros are often used for fighting, but it is true.

Look how powerful this dog is!

He can also carry children on a sled!

Working qualities

Gampr is a multifunctional working dog. She can become a watchman, protector, shepherd. It’s not for nothing that it has many names in Armenia:

  • wolfhound;
  • warrior;
  • security guard;
  • herding dog;
  • rescuer.

You can go hunting with such a dog. It is known that gampras alone can cope with a wolf or even a bear. Capable of putting several strong men to flight. This breed is very resilient and independent. It is important for her to feel needed and to be at work all the time.

Education and training

Armenian wolfhounds combine natural intelligence and love of freedom. Over many centuries spent side by side with humans, they have learned to understand what their owner requires of them. No special training is required. Dogs intuitively learn to protect the house and the entrusted herd, look after children and all living creatures that are present on the territory of the house.

But raising a wolfhound is a must. Such a huge dog needs a firm hand and a leader. But authority will have to be established not by brute force, but by decisive conviction and kind attitude. The use of force can be simply dangerous for the owner himself.

It is necessary to teach the dog basic commands to ensure control over him in any situation. But you will have to take into account his independent nature and structure the puppy’s training process in such a way as not to break him, but simply to direct him in the right direction.

Here in the video the gampr demonstrates how to protect the owner.


Armenian wolfhounds have good health and do not have genetic diseases. Due to activity on the street, it is necessary to pay special attention to anti-parasitic treatments and adhere to the timing of vaccinations. With proper care, a dog can live to a record number of years - 20.

Among the diseases that can most often be found in gampros are:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • otitis;
  • mechanical damage.

As a rule, all of these health problems arise as a result of improper care or nutrition.


Gampras have a slightly elongated body. Wide and deep chest. Straight back and strong lower back. High croup and toned stomach. The front and hind legs are parallel to each other, with obvious muscle definition. The hock joints are strong and well developed. The paws are massive and large, collected in a lump.

The animals have a large head, a wide forehead, and powerful jaws. The ears are set low. The eyes are almond-shaped. Must be darker than wool. Set wide apart and set deep. The look is stern and serious even in puppies.

The coat is thick with abundant undercoat. It can be both long and short. Its main function is protection from cold, heat, rain and wind. There are no strict requirements for color. Preferred:

  • brindle;
  • pale yellow;
  • zonal;
  • cream.

Liver and brown are undesirable.


A bitch's pregnancy is a period when it is necessary to reconsider her diet and pay special attention to her health.

Clubs of Armenian Wolfhound lovers in many countries work to preserve the breed, so each litter receives maximum attention from specialists.

To avoid joint problems, the bitch should receive additional vitamins and minerals. It is better if they are selected by a competent veterinarian.

The owner will be required to set up a quiet place for the animal, take it for walks more often and ensure that there is no heavy stress.



Armenian wolfhounds are absolutely not suitable for keeping in a cramped apartment. They need air, space and movement. If you deprive him of all this, the result can be depression and illness.

The coat needs special care, since during the molting period, Gampras may look unkempt. The wool is combed out daily until a complete change is completed. You can use “hand trimming” - plucking pieces of fur with your hands.

Ears, teeth and eyes require periodic hygienic cleaning and care.

There is no need to wash the wolfhound often; in the warm season, it is advisable to provide swimming in a natural body of water.

When living in a private house, it is necessary to equip the dog with an enclosure so that he can safely monitor the entire territory of the site. But the enclosure should not turn into a prison for the dog. The wolfhound needs to constantly move to expend energy.



The nutrition of such a giant should provide it with protein, energy and all the necessary minerals, vitamins and microelements.

With a natural diet, the share of meat products in the dog’s diet should be 60%. This can be any type of meat, except fatty meat: beef, poultry, rabbit, wild animal meat. In addition to the meat diet, offal and fish are used.

It is better to serve meat raw, but fish is cooked and the bones are removed. The meat of wild animals is given either boiled or frozen.

In addition to meat, the diet should contain:

  • cereals: rice, buckwheat;
  • vegetables and fruits to provide fiber. Raw or stewed;
  • for healthy teeth and gums - cartilage and bones.

You can also choose a ready-made diet for your pet, choosing high-quality food with a mark indicating that it is designed specifically for large and giant dogs.

Breeders recommend choosing natural products for feeding Gampra. In this case, you will need to choose a complex of vitamin supplements to avoid developmental problems.

An adult dog is fed twice a day; in the cold season the portion is increased. Food must be warm. Clean water should be freely available; when kept outdoors, strict care is taken to ensure that it is not too cold.

Due to the high growth of such a dog, special attention should be paid to the location of his bowl. It should be at chest level so that the dog does not lower his head too much when eating. This will help maintain normal digestion and protect the spine.


Tips for choosing puppies

Every future owner wants to get a healthy and purebred baby. The main purpose of the gampr is protection, so the puppy should not be cowardly or insecure. It is worth observing the puppies and choosing the one who shows more activity and curiosity.

Examine the baby carefully: is the tummy swollen, are the eyes and ears clean, is there any irritation on the skin.

A reputable breeder will never sell a sick or unvaccinated puppy. Therefore, it is important to establish contact with him; he already knows a lot about your future pet.

Price and where to buy a puppy

The best option for purchasing a small Gampra is to purchase it through a specialized breed nursery. Only this guarantees the receipt of a healthy individual and the resolution of a possible conflict situation with the least financial losses.

Until recently, buying a puppy was problematic: their export from Armenia was prohibited, and in the USA it was too expensive. Currently, Gampra nurseries have appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation and in other nearby countries.

The cost of a puppy is about 900 - 1200 US dollars.

How to choose a Gampr puppy

The Armenian Gampr is a rare breed. Since the dogs are still considered a subspecies of Caucasian Shepherds, confusion in litters is common. Unscrupulous breeders buy large puppies of short-haired shepherd dogs (Caucasian or Central Asian), breed them with each other and sell them under the guise of the national breed of Armenia.

Almost all nurseries that breed Gampras are located on the territory of Armenia. They are controlled by KKSKA. Buying a puppy is not easy - you will have to submit an application and stand in line for the planned mating.

Therefore, future owners rarely have the opportunity to see puppies and their parents in person - all they have to do is leaf through photographs of the manufacturers. And it’s not possible to choose a specific kitten - whichever the breeder gives, that’s what they buy.

However, the puppy should be examined before signing the contract. If it is impossible to visit the nursery, ask the breeder to record a video. He will demonstrate the bite, the condition of the ears, eyes, palpate the stomach, and show the baby in play and running.

Additionally take into account that:

  • The nose, paw pads and eyelids of puppies up to 4 months may be pink - they will darken later;
  • the head should be large, the paws should be powerful, the coat should be short and soft;
  • An underbite is allowed - it develops into a scissor bite, but not in all dogs.

Be sure to check the certificate of registration of the nursery, permission to breed Gampras, pedigrees of producers, certificates of victories in exhibitions.

Owner reviews

Alexander. D.

The dog was bred exclusively to guard the farmstead. We planned that he would live in an enclosure and be released only when we were away or at night. The surprise was that the dog turned out to be a wonderful companion. With such dimensions, he is a very careful and neat dog.

He never barks in vain, he doesn’t know how to bark at all. He makes such guttural sounds and growls very intimidatingly, but only as a last resort. The security guard is simply excellent. The first one never shows aggression towards other animals. He lives next door to cats and everything is peaceful with them. He takes his children on sleds and is constantly worried if they fall.

Lyudmila V.

As soon as we moved into our house, we immediately thought about a dog. All breeds were sorted. I had to choose - I should spend most of the time with him, and the children, of course. We were very afraid to adopt a fighting dog; we had read about their aggression.

Gampra was brought as a gift to my husband from Georgia. We acted responsibly and went to training. Everything went very smoothly there. Our “baby” grasped everything on the fly, and we were almost equal in size. It's very calm at home with him, even when we're alone. We live next to the forest and if we go skiing with our children, we definitely take our bear with us. So even wild animals are not afraid of us.

Gampr character

The Armenian Wolfhound is a thinking and very independent breed. True, it should be clarified that animals did not begin to possess these qualities immediately and exclusively with the help of humans. Since ancient times, gamprs have been used as pets for everything - dogs guarded estates, herded sheep, pulled people out from under the snow, participated in fights in the ring, and even went after a bear. Today's representatives of the breed can also do all this, but, unfortunately, they do not always get the opportunity to prove themselves in action.

The main thing that distinguishes the Armenian Wolfhound from most other dogs is its exceptional independence and reluctance to obey just anyone. As an example: the trust and love of these serious brutals will have to be earned for a long time, and their worth as an owner will have to be regularly proven. Experts say that it is easier for Armenian wolfhounds to establish contact with children than with the obvious leader of the pack. Accordingly, be understanding that at first the pet will look closely at its senior mentor for a long time.

Another unique character trait of the Gampra is the ability to intuitively predict danger and work proactively. This is also the main problem for the owner: sometimes the four-legged guard makes a mistake and mistakes completely harmless actions as a threat. For this reason, it is not recommended to relax when walking with a wolfhound in public places - even a dog running around in a muzzle can bring passers-by to a state of shock with just its appearance.

Armenian wolfhounds have a very developed sense of family community, so in a critical situation the dog will protect both the leader of the pack and his children with equal zeal. True, such actions are possible only in families where the pet is sincerely loved and respected. In relationships with pets, gampras are loyal and friendly. Moreover, their peacefulness extends only to those representatives of the fauna whom they consider weaker and stupider than themselves. For example, an adult dog will not attempt to kill a kitten, but will certainly try to take sheep and goats under its protection. At the same time, friction with large fellow tribesmen is inevitable, so it is strongly not recommended to keep two same-sex Gampras.

Everyone who is not part of the wolfhound’s family circle is automatically added to the list of unreliable persons. At the same time, outwardly everything will look more than decent - the dog will continue to let the owner’s friends into the house and will even try to portray extreme indifference to everyone he sees not for the first time. But even here it is better not to lose vigilance: if a guest allows himself an action that seems suspicious to the gampr, the four-legged bodyguard will immediately react to it.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Gampr is an indigenous ancient breed of dog from Armenia;
  2. Dogs are devoid of aggression, but need education and determination of their place in the family;
  3. It is better to choose a natural type of food, but dry specialized food is also suitable;
  4. The dogs are in good health and have no genetic problems;
  5. The wool is combed out during the molting period with a comb or trimmed by hand;
  6. Not suitable for apartment living;
  7. The cost of a puppy is about 1000 US dollars, a small number of kennels.

Health and life expectancy

Natural selection has endowed Gampras with excellent health and strong immunity. They are not afraid of any climatic conditions. They are not susceptible to colds, allergies, or skin diseases. But dogs do not live very long - only 9 or 10 years.

The only problem that may arise is diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is due to the size of the animal. It is better not to overload puppies with extensive physical exercise. Don't let them jump high or run around too much without a break. The activity level is increased gradually.

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