Gampr is an Armenian wolfhound dog. Description, features, care and price of Gampra

Aboriginal dog breed of the Armenian Highlands

  • Fact:
    You can go hunting with this dog. It is known that gampras alone can cope with a wolf or even a bear.
  • Fact 2:
    The four-legged guard needs constant communication with a person.
  • Fact 3:
    Armenian wolfhounds are easy to care for. The wool is combed once a week.
  • Fact 4:
    The dog tolerates life well on the street. The thick coat and undercoat protect it from any weather.

Gampr is an Armenian wolfhound. The name of the breed translates as “strong”, “powerful”. It describes well the main qualities of a dog. She is smart, resilient and attentive. Endowed with self-esteem and courage.


Gampr is a breed with a long history. The first documentary mentions of it date back to the 1st millennium BC. e. The age of rock paintings depicting hunting scenes is even older – 3 thousand years. It is believed that the animals' ancestors were domesticated wolves.

Wolfhounds from Armenia have served as a protector and friend of man for hundreds of years. They took part in the military campaigns of Tigran II. Members of the royal family were rescued. As evidenced by the records of the historian of the 5th century. Movses Khorenatsi.

Cynologists have shown interest in Gampras as an independent breed relatively recently. At first it was classified as a variety of Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Dogs received official status only in 2011. At the same time, they were recognized as a national treasure of Armenia.

Attitude towards children

The Shepherd treats all members of its family very affectionately and with excitement, since it considers itself a full member. Moreover, the dog has a special attitude towards children, since they are the weakest and require comprehensive protection. Today, most dog handlers are amazed by this attitude towards human cubs.

In relation to other people's children, everything is much more complicated here. The shepherd herself determines the level of threat; if she assumes that a stranger’s child poses a danger to her people, she will be able to independently decide to attack. However, this behavior is more often observed in other animals than in humans. Aggression towards a person is an exception to the rule rather than a common practice.

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General description and photo

The wolfhound is an indigenous breed. People practically did not interfere in the formation of her appearance. These are large and hardy dogs. Height at the withers varies from 63–80 cm. Weight from 45 to 84 kg. Males are always a little larger in size.

Gampras are well built. They have a proportional and muscular body. The impression that animals give is power and strength. No signs of heaviness or clumsiness. Their movements are fast, smooth and free.

These dogs command respect. They are independent, smart, and to some extent independent. They have a developed instinct of self-preservation, security and protective qualities. Cowardice or malice are considered disqualifying vices.


Gampras have a slightly elongated body. Wide and deep chest. Straight back and strong lower back. High croup and toned stomach. The front and hind legs are parallel to each other, with obvious muscle definition. The hock joints are strong and well developed. The paws are massive and large, collected in a lump.

The animals have a large head, a wide forehead, and powerful jaws. The ears are set low. The eyes are almond-shaped. Must be darker than wool. Set wide apart and set deep. The look is stern and serious even in puppies.

The coat is thick with abundant undercoat. It can be both long and short. Its main function is protection from cold, heat, rain and wind. There are no strict requirements for color. Preferred:

  • brindle;
  • pale yellow;
  • zonal;
  • cream.

Liver and brown are undesirable.

How to choose a Gampr puppy

Armenian Gampras are very similar to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. However, even puppies already exhibit characteristic features, such as powerful paws, a large head, and soft, thick and short hair. Babies under 4 months of age may have pink paw pads and nose pads, but they darken over time. But not everyone’s bite then turns into a scissor bite.

The Gampra puppy has characteristic features in appearance

Note! When choosing a dog of this breed, you must ask the nursery for all the documents - a certificate of registration of this enterprise and papers for the dogs themselves, in particular, you need the pedigree of the producers, if any, certificates confirming victories in exhibitions.

Price and where to buy a puppy

Gampr is a rather rare dog. The problem is that under the guise of this breed, unscrupulous sellers may offer Caucasian Shepherd puppies that are too large for the standard of their breed. Therefore, you should only buy from officially registered nurseries, and almost all of them are concentrated in Armenia and work under the auspices of the local canine union.

On average, an Armenian Gampr puppy costs about 40 thousand rubles*, but some set higher prices. If the seller indicates a lower price, there is always a risk that this is not a purebred puppy, but a crossbreed.

If you take the matter seriously, the gampr can become your most loyal and devoted friend. After all, these are very smart dogs with a calm and balanced, although somewhat stubborn and wayward character.

*Prices are as of November 2022.


Unofficially, dogs are divided into several types according to the following criteria:

  1. Wool length . There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the breed. The former are characterized by elongated guard hairs.
  2. Based on their working qualities, they are divided into watchdogs and herders. The first ones are taller and heavier. They have an almost square body type. More calm character. The latter are very hardy, with well-developed security qualities.

This classification is conditional. It is not documented. Currently, work is underway to recognize the long-haired Gampr as an official breed variety.


These pets are independent and proud. The model of their relationship with a person is partnership. They are very sensitive. If there is a lack of attention to itself or if cruelty is shown, the dog may respond in kind to the owner. Therefore, you need to establish friendly relations with her based on trust and respect. Show who is the “leader” in the family.

Armenian wolfhounds are good at capturing emotions. Having appeared in the house, they immediately become close to women and children. Formidable dogs have well-developed “herding” instincts. They immediately take small family members and pets under their care.

This breed is very attentive and serious. She is ready to protect her home and owners until her last breath. Therefore, it is important to start socializing and raising the puppy as early as possible. And don't stop exercising throughout your pet's life.

Owner reviews


I’m in love with this breed like a maniac. I had a girl, half a year old, I gave it away for good reasons, I didn’t want to take her into an apartment for a long time, I didn’t want to disfigure and torture the dog in such conditions. Now life is getting better, home, Earth. In the spring I want to go to Armenia for Gampr, I will never part with him again, the dog is a miracle in all respects. I took it from Vialetta Yurievna. Maybe someone else knows what nurseries are in Armenia, please tell me. The dog is just a fairy tale.

Danel Akar

A wolfhound cannot be turned into a watchdog to protect the house. A wolfhound in the house.

I bought a house ten kilometers from the city. The whole family has been dreaming about it for a long time. finally it's done! We decided to move immediately and renovate the new home gradually. The only thing that urgently needed to be done was to resolve the issue of protecting the newly acquired property; after all, there were children in the house, and a lot of family property had accumulated over the years.

We discussed the problem at a family council and decided to purchase a watchdog. This suited everyone - my wife and I could easily go to work in the city, my mother-in-law would not have to worry about uninvited guests, and the children... the children had long dreamed of having a dog. We decided that our dog should be big, strong, kind, faithful and furry. They searched for a long time and finally found a puppy, a shepherd dog of the ancient Armenian breed of wolfhound “Gampr”. A year later he turned into a huge dog that met all our custom parameters. Everyone loved Bardora, that was his name, and people in the area soon learned about the appearance of a unique dog and came to marvel at the four-legged miracle.

We settled down, the house was filled with many items for a prosperous existence, and the dog became one of the members of our friendly family. But one day, on a fine Sunday, when the whole family was at home, the dog began to show unusual restlessness - he ran up to one or the other and in every possible way demanded to follow him. His actions were persistent and understandable - he called with his eyes, pushed with his muzzle, usually silent, whined, so that, in the end, he managed to gather all the perplexed family members on the veranda. Only after this Bardor calmed down somewhat, but continued to walk around those gathered and stopped any attempt to go beyond the circle he had defined. A little less than an hour passed and the dog suddenly lost all interest in us - she walked away and lay down on her mat. Nobody understood anything.

Discussing the strange behavior of our pet, we went our separate ways. Everything became clear very soon - screams from the household began to be heard from the house - we had been robbed. The thieves took away all the valuables, from a huge plasma TV to cupronickel silver spoons.

Accusations rained down on the dozing dog - after all, everything happened at that hour when the whole family was sitting as hostages on the veranda. The dog sincerely did not understand his guilt. Everything became clear later. The fact is that the age-old inclinations of a herd guard have awakened in the dog. After all, the breed is a shepherd and its main task has always been to protect sheep or cows from wolves. And the dog clearly fulfilled his purpose and, sensing the presence of strangers, he herded the “herd” into a heap and saved it.

It is extremely important when deciding on the purchase of a dog to determine exactly why you need it!


We got a gampr to guard our house. But after a short time we realized that this was not just a security guard, but a member of the family, like each of us. In some incredible way, he always knows what to do and even carries out many commands. Although no one purposefully taught him this. Our dog runs freely around the yard, and only at night we lock him in an enclosure. I have never met a calmer dog. And what’s most interesting is that the dog practically does not bark, but simply mutters threateningly. It is very easy to care for, which is also a big plus for me.


Five years ago we moved into our own house and before Gampr I only had cats. My husband is on business trips almost all the time, and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle raising such a dog. But Rey is the smartest dog in the world. He understands everything, it’s a pity that he can’t say anything. And in the absence of my husband, I am absolutely not afraid to be at home alone, since I know that my faithful Ray is sensitively watching over my peace on the porch.


Working qualities

Gampr is a multifunctional working dog. She can become a watchman, protector, shepherd. It’s not for nothing that it has many names in Armenia:

  • wolfhound;
  • warrior;
  • security guard;
  • herding dog;
  • rescuer.

You can go hunting with such a dog. It is known that gampras alone can cope with a wolf or even a bear. Capable of putting several strong men to flight. This breed is very resilient and independent. It is important for her to feel needed and to be at work all the time.


Buying a puppy of this breed is not very easy, especially outside the Caucasus. The minimum price for Gampra is about $1,000. Today, the export of breeding puppies has become difficult, and there are not too many nurseries outside Armenia.

This shortage affected the cost of purebred puppies. When purchasing a dog, it is important to pay attention to the presence of all the necessary documentation confirming its breed. The best Gampra puppies are still sold only in Armenia.

The Gampr dog breed is one of the best choices among other multifunctional working varieties. Ease of care and excellent character traits are the main advantages of the breed. With the right approach, there will be no problems with the wolfhound.

Health and life expectancy

Natural selection has endowed Gampras with excellent health and strong immunity. They are not afraid of any climatic conditions. They are not susceptible to colds, allergies, or skin diseases. But dogs do not live very long - only 9 or 10 years.

The only problem that may arise is diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is due to the size of the animal. It is better not to overload puppies with extensive physical exercise. Don't let them jump high or run around too much without a break. The activity level is increased gradually.

Possible diseases

When planning to buy this breed, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of preventive measures necessary to maintain health. There are no specific diseases that are specific to this breed.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by strong immunity and resistance to infectious diseases. But this does not cancel prevention - it is necessary to vaccinate in a timely manner, monitor nutrition and comply with hygiene requirements.


Only a person with a strong will and strong character can raise a gampra. The dog can think and make decisions independently. Before dedicating his life to a person, a wolfhound will think. Therefore, it is important to establish partnerships with him.

The four-legged guard needs constant communication with humans. It is important for him to realize that he is useful and needed. Without physical and intellectual stress, the pet begins to get bored and willful, refusing to obey the owner.


A bitch's pregnancy is the time when you need to review her menu and pay special attention to her well-being.

Clubs of Gampr Armenian Wolfhound lovers in most countries work to preserve the breed, therefore each litter receives maximum attention from professionals.

To avoid problems with joints, the bitch must receive special multivitamins and macroelements. It is excellent when they are selected by an experienced veterinarian.

The owner will need to arrange a quiet place for the Armenian dog, usually go for a walk with him and control the absence of heavy physical activity.

Maintenance and care

Armenian wolfhounds are easy to care for. The wool is combed once a week. During the molting period - every day. They wash only if it is really necessary. Check your eyes and ears regularly. Clean if necessary. Nail trimming will not be necessary if your dog spends a lot of time outside.

The content must be approached responsibly. This is not an "urban" breed. Her elements are space and will. Ideal conditions - a country house with a large plot. Your pet needs to spend at least 3 hours a day outdoors. Walks should be accompanied by active games.

The dog tolerates life well on the street. The thick coat and undercoat protect it from any weather. For your pet you need to equip an insulated booth or canopy. There he can hide from the rain or scorching sun.

How is it different from alabai

Wolfhound (dog): what the breed looks like, types

Gampras are larger than Alabais. They are very similar in appearance, but the Armenian breed can be distinguished by its characteristic almond-shaped eyes and intelligent, serious look. Alabais behave calmer and generally look more melancholy.

Disqualification and disadvantages of the breed

The Armenian Aboriginal Shepherd must meet the standards listed above. The disadvantage is, for example, the discrepancy with the specified dimensions, both in height and in weight. A long loin, light eyes, a sagging belly - all this is also considered a disadvantage, and the owner of such an animal must understand this.

But disqualification requires more serious things, such as blindness or deafness, as well as the absence of a double undercoat.


Gampras are not picky and are not prone to overeating. Therefore, they do not face problems with excess weight. For proper development of a pet, the diet must contain:

  • lean meat;
  • bones and cartilage;
  • offal;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables (raw and cooked);
  • dairy products;
  • vitamins.

Puppies are fed 3-6 times a day. For adult dogs, 1-2 times are enough.


For a working dog, it is important that the diet is balanced and complete. The basis of the daily diet of working dogs in the Caucasus is meat, as well as eggs and ready-made porridge in broth.

For show dogs, it is recommended to use high-quality balanced food with a high protein content and additional fortification. Experts recommend using high-quality premium food mixtures to feed your dog.

If your dog's diet lacks animal proteins, serious health problems can develop. Lack of minerals affects the health of the skeleton and teeth.

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