Breton Epagnole (Brittany) - pros and cons of the breed

Usage:game hunting, pointing
Color:white with orange, chestnut or black spots
Dimensions:47 – 51 cm, 14 – 18 kg
Lifespan:12 – 15 years

The Breton Epagnole is an amazing dog. She combines the passion of a hunter and a companion at the same time. She is passionate in the field or forest and calm at home, merciless towards prey and affectionate with her family. Amazing working qualities, coupled with flexibility and the desire to please the owner, have won the love of thousands of dog lovers.

Origin story

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Epagnoles are often called Breton or French spaniels. The confusion stems from their similar appearance. But the only thing the breeds have in common is that both hunt birds. However, their methods are different. The Epagnole is a pointer, so when it detects game, it stops and takes a characteristic stance, and the spaniel picks up the birds.

There is also no single version about the meaning of the name of the breed. Everything is clear with the word Breton - it comes from the French province of Brittany, where national cops originated. But historians have different opinions about the term “epagnol”. Some believe that it indicates the kinship of the Bretons with Spanish bird dogs, others associate it with the Old French word “to lie down,” which describes the dog’s behavior on the hunt - when it smells prey, it first freezes, sits up straight, and then lies down.

The Breton Epagnole is a relatively young breed. It was recognized only at the beginning of the 20th century. Although mentions of dogs date back to the 17th century, images are found in the works of Dutch artists.

The first documentary description of the breed dates back to 1850. The clergyman Davis outlined the process of hunting a bird, where he mentioned dogs with a stubby tail and a wavy coat.

They began breeding and improving the breed in 1990. Just 7 years later, the Breton Spaniel was presented at an exhibition, where dog handler Arthur Enyud brought a male dog named Boy. It was then that a draft standard was developed. It was approved on June 7, 1908 under the auspices of the Breton Lovers Club.

In the CIS countries the breed is still developing. Only in 2010, the All-Russian Canine Council introduced a national stud book for the Breton Spaniol.

History of the origin of the Breton Epagnole breed

The birthplace of Breton epagnoles is France (province of Brittany). Their ancestors were medieval farm dogs designed for hunting game. The first mention of them dates back to the 15th century, and their images were preserved in tapestries and paintings of the 17th century. However, official data on Breton Epagnoles dates back to 1850, when the English priest Davis dedicated a treatise entitled “Memoirs of Hunting in Brittany” to a description of the breed.

“The Dog and the Pheasant” is one of the ancient tapestries depicting a Breton epagnol on the hunt

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, Breton epagnoles began to participate in exhibitions. By 1907, a club for breed lovers was founded, led by breeder Arthur Eno. The first official standard was approved a year later. Subsequently, it was repeatedly subject to adjustments.

There is an opinion that the blood of Springer Spaniels, Pointers and English Setters flows in the veins of Breton Spaniels. However, this information is still the subject of much debate.

In the 30s In the 20th century, Breton epagnoles became famous overseas - in the USA and Canada. And in 1954, the breed was recognized by the International Canine Association (FCI). Later they joined:

  • American Kennel Club (AKC);
  • Canadian Kennel Club (CKC);
  • English Kennel Club (KCGB);
  • United Kennel Club (UKC).

The official current FCI standard was published on March 25, 2003.

Breton epagnoles can be found in almost every rural house in France, and they came to Russia quite recently - at the end of the 20th century

Standard requirements

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) approved the modern breed standard in 2003. She classifies the Breton Epagnole as a group of cops.

The French Epagnole is a lively, active dog, the smallest of all continental pointers. She belongs to the breeding dogs - those that are born with a short tail or no tail at all. The animals are stocky, seem knocked down, but are not devoid of grace and lightness.

HeightMales: 48-51 cm, ideally 49-50 cm. Females: 47-50 cm, ideally 48-49 cm.
WeightNot limited to standard. Greater importance is given to the proportionality of addition. Approximately – 14-18 kg.
FrameSquare – the length of the body is equal to the height at the withers. The back is straight, not long, with a wide loin. The chest is voluminous - its depth reaches half the height of the Breton epagnole. The stomach is slightly tucked.
HeadIn the form of a worn-out shoe, this is a distinctive feature of the breed. The head is dry and proportional to the body. The length of the skull and muzzle have a ratio of 3:2.
EarsIn the shape of a triangle, they stand high. Moderately wide and relatively short. The upper part is covered with long hair, the lower and side areas are covered with short fur.
EyesOval, stand slightly slanted. The color is preferably dark, but warm shades are allowed in dogs with a light color. The edging of the eyelids matches the suit.
NoseWide with large nostrils, lobe color to match.
Wide with large nostrils, lobe color to match.Moderately large, thin, the upper lip covers the lower lip in some areas.
LimbsRound, in a lump. The hind ones are larger than the front ones.
TailPuppies with a small tail (up to 10 cm) or without one are allowed. Optimal length – 3-6 cm. Planted high.
WoolSmooth or with a wave. Short on head, chest and front legs. On the back of the body it is longer, with feathering.
ColorOnly two colors are allowed. The main background is white combined with orange, brown or black. Specks are allowed on the front legs, muzzle, chest, and at the base of the tail. Thin markings and a blaze on the forehead are desirable.

The character of the Breton epagnol

The Breton Spaniel behaves almost the same as the Cocker Spaniel. He is playful, curious and active.

However, if the Cocker Spaniel loves everyone, then the heart of the Breton Spaniel belongs only to the owner. He singles him out especially - if you give an adult dog to another person, he will become sad and wither.

The Breton epagnole also loves the rest of the family. He rejoices at the return of everyone, protects and protects children.

With strangers, Epagnole Breton is reserved. He will allow himself to be petted, perhaps even play. But he only cuddles with people he knows well.

The pet’s devotion also affects its working qualities. No matter how passionate the Breton Spaniel is about the prey, he does not lose contact with the hunter - the dog remains in sight and obeys orders.

The downside of the Breton epagnol is the intolerance of loneliness. He needs constant contact with his owner, or, in extreme cases, with family members or pets. Left alone, the dog becomes sad and may howl or damage furniture and clothing.

If you believe the reviews of the owners, the Breton Spaniol has psychic abilities. He understands what the owner wants instantly. And if a person is looking for something, the dog guesses what is needed and brings the thing or points to it with a jerky bark.

The character of these dogs

Breton Epagnole is popular as a companion. This is a good-natured, cheerful and sociable dog. She is calm, flexible, and has a balanced character. Gets along with all family members and is friendly. He loves children, treats them carefully, without showing displeasure at any pranks. The dog is ready to run and play with them all day, to protect them.

Breton Spaniolas are not prone to dominance, therefore they are obedient and flexible. They get along well with any pets. Although on the street they may show hunting instincts towards other people's cats, birds and rodents. They do not express aggression towards strangers, are friendly, and allow themselves to be petted.

This dog adapts to any lifestyle of its owner. He becomes very attached to him and misses him greatly when he is apart. With prolonged loneliness, a dog can develop depression. With a lack of physical activity, she can howl and ruin things. Loves to accompany the owner everywhere and participate in all activities. This dog is energetic, playful, and resilient. This is a wonderful companion for traveling, cycling, hiking. But most of all it is adapted for hunting - these qualities are innate in it.

The Bretons have the following character traits:

  • equilibrium;
  • cheerfulness;
  • good nature;
  • sociability;
  • intelligence;
  • curiosity;
  • devotion.

Education and training

These dogs are smart and easy to train. The owners note that they understand a person perfectly and try to please. Their hunting qualities are innate; training can begin at 5-7 months. The dog is trained to track prey, moving in a “shuttle” motion, to freeze in a stance, to find and bring game. So that the dog is not afraid of gunshots, it must be socialized from an early age: familiarize it with noise, loud sounds, and unfamiliar people.

If the dog will not be used for hunting, it is enough for him to learn the usual commands: “come to me”, “near”, “place”, “sit”, “stand”, “no”, “fetch”. Even an inexperienced dog breeder can do the training, the main thing is to follow a few recommendations:

  • start training from the first days the puppy appears in the house, all family members must adhere to the same requirements;
  • be persistent, but not rude, avoid raising your voice and physical punishment;
  • be patient, consistent, classes should be regular;
  • For success, be sure to praise and reward the puppy with treats.


Today, the French Epagnole is bred as a companion dog. He gets along with any family and adapts to people's lifestyles.

However, the purpose of the Breton epagnol is hunting game birds. It is used to track partridges, pheasants, woodcocks, and quails, although the pet handles all birds equally well. The dog is tireless and can work all day. It is equally good in the field, forest and on ponds.

In the heat, the dog is allowed to rest and cool down every hour - otherwise he will develop heatstroke or sunstroke.

The Breton Spaniel has an excellent sense of smell. He can smell a bird 70 -100 meters away.

If the French Cocker Spaniel takes birds on its wing, then the Breton Spaniel is a hunter of a different order. He combs the field with a shuttle at a distance of 50-100 m in each direction. And when it senses prey, it freezes in a stance and patiently waits for its owner. Only when he approaches does the dog carefully approach the bird. Moreover, a quail or a pheasant is often scared away by a person so as not to expose the pet to a gun.

Some Breton epagnols master the highest art of cops - an announcement or a report. When the dog smells game, it carefully leaves the stand, looks for the owner and leads him to the bird left for a while.

Socialization and education

The French spaniel is a pet for active, sporty people. A kind and affectionate Breton will get along with any person and animal.

The dog loves children, allows kids to pull on his ears and fur, and is ready to run and frolic with the kids for hours. At the same time, the Breton epagnol is careful and will not even accidentally push the child.

Breton Spaniards get along well with other pets. They don't tend to dominate. They get along well with relatives, cats and rodents. Problems arise only with birds. However, with proper upbringing and socialization, the Breton learns that this animal is dear to the owner and should not be touched.

The Epagnole Breton is easy to train. He will jump out of his skin, but he will please his owner. Therefore, the dog is suitable for beginners.

The rules of behavior for the Breton Spaniard are explained up to six months. From 7 months they begin the general course of training (OCD). And after mastering the program, they teach hunting.

It is easy to train a Breton Spaniel to hunt game. Tracking prey and taking a stance is in the blood of hunting breeds. Some dogs make their first attempts to hunt at 4-5 months.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Breton epañol
Activityin the house3.2
on the street4.6
Dominationin family1.6
over dogs2.2
Defending your territoryfrom people1.7
from dogs2.2
Sociabilityin family4.8
with strangers4
with dogs3.4
Concentrationin family1.1
in front of strangers1.6
with dogs1.9
Aggressivenessin family1
to strangers1.3
to the dogs1.9
to cats2
Family behaviorcalmness4.3
demand for affection4.7
excessive barking2.4
behavioral breakdowns2.1
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.2
over 4 years old4.5
Institutional usewatchman3.7

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: German Shorthaired Pointer, English Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer Spaniel, German Wirehaired Pointer, Beagle.

Photo of Breton epagnol:

Features of maintenance and care

The French Spaniard feels better in a country house, where there is plenty of space for running and playing. You cannot put a pet in an enclosure - it needs constant contact with a person.

But the dog can be kept in the apartment. It is small, clean, with a faint dog smell. It is worth considering that with “urban” Breton epagnoles you need to walk a lot. And it is highly advisable to go 1-2 times a week to the forest or field for hunting.


The Breton Spaniel is easy to care for. Enough:

  • comb every week, during the molting period - every 3-4 days;
  • bathe once every 3 months, washing every month is allowed, if the hair gets dirty before the “bath day” - use dry shampoo;
  • inspect your ears every day and clean them 1-2 times a week - they are large and constantly clogged with dirt and wax;
  • remove nitrous oxide from the eyes as necessary;
  • trim nails if they do not grind down on their own;
  • remove plaque from teeth every 7-10 days, and give toothpicks treats daily for self-cleaning.


Epagnole Breton loves to walk. He needs walking, running and hunting as well as food and sleep.

The Breton Spaniol needs to be walked 2-3 times a day for at least an hour. Moreover, this hour is allocated for games, running and exercises on the training ground. If the epagnol is unable to splash out energy and realize mental abilities every day, he will fall into frustration, become restless, nervous, and prone to destruction.

Breton epagnoles are very hardy. If they had their way, they would spend the whole day outside. Dogs are tireless - they can work for 8-9 hours without a break. This should be taken into account - the breed is not suitable for elderly and busy people.


French spaniels are unpretentious in their diet. However, they tend to overeat and gain excess weight. Therefore, the volume of portions and the number of treats are regulated.

You can feed your Breton Epagnole with natural food or prepared food. Most owners prefer the second option - it’s easier to track calorie content and balanced diet.

When it comes to dry food, they prefer holistic or super-premium brands. Among them: Orijen, Acana, Go!, AATU, Grandorf, Wolfsblut.


The French Epagnole is a very strong and healthy dog. On average, dogs live 12-13 years. Some representatives of the breed lived up to 15-16 years.

Possible pathologies

Breton epañol is resistant to diseases and free of genetic defects. There are few characteristic pathologies in dogs, and they rarely develop.

French epagnoles are only susceptible to:

  • hip dysplasia – occurs in 14% of dogs;
  • epilepsy;
  • convulsions;
  • breast cancer – observed in young bitches after the 1st or 2nd birth;
  • hypothyroidism.

Disease Prevention

The French Spaniel is a hunting dog that spends a lot of time outdoors. Therefore, preventing infections and parasites are important aspects of care. Need to:

  • every month treat the wool from fleas, lice eaters, ticks, mosquitoes;
  • purchase an anti-parasitic collar - it will protect your pet from blood-sucking parasites;
  • give anthelmintics once every 2 months;
  • After each walk, inspect the coat, skin and ears for ticks.

It is important to get vaccinated. Puppies must be vaccinated against distemper, rabies, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, and herpes. Depending on the epidemiological situation in the area and the wishes of the owner, additional sera are administered against other viruses.

Characteristics of the British Dog

Attachment levelHigh
Child FriendlyHigh
Loyalty to other petsHigh
Exercise needsHigh
Energy levelHigh
Learning abilityHigh
Tendency to barkAverage
Shedding amountAverage

How to choose a puppy

Before you get a Breton Epagnole, you need to decide what the dog is for. If you are a family pet, then there will be no problems - you can find advertisements for the sale of puppies on message boards. But with working dogs and show class pets the matter is more complicated.

Breeders rarely sell purebred Breton Epagnoles for exhibitions - they leave them in the nursery to improve the breed characteristics of their producers. Therefore, you will have to look for a future champion puppy. They are often bought abroad.

Breton epagnoles for hunting are a different story. The puppies are filled in advance with numerous applicants. Moreover, there is a queue not even for the carnival, but for the planned matings.

Therefore, future owners rarely have the opportunity to look at Breton Spaniard babies in person and choose one kitten from the litter. You have to focus on:

  • the reputation of the kennels - he must be a member of the cynological union of hunters, information about the breeder is clarified on specialized forums;
  • pedigrees of producers;
  • parents' titles;
  • appearance and compliance with the breed standards of the mother and father - it is advisable to see the parents live, but this is rarely possible due to the remoteness of the kennel or the ownership of the bitch and the male by different owners, you have to rely on the photo.

Keep in mind that a conscientious breeder does not give away Breton Spaniard puppies before 2 months. They must have veterinary passports with marks on antiparasitic treatment and vaccinations according to age. A purchase and sale agreement must be concluded.

How to buy a Breton Epagnole puppy

You must buy a purebred puppy from a nursery. The breed is quite rare in our country, but you can find a conscientious breeder. Information about them can be obtained from the National Breed Club, at amateur forums, and at exhibitions. It’s easier to buy a companion; such a puppy will cost 20-30 thousand rubles. There are long queues for working dogs; such puppies cost 40-60 thousand rubles.

Before purchasing, you need to study the reputation of the breeder and meet the parents. They must have an appearance that meets the standard, pedigrees, and certificates from exhibitions. Puppies must have puppy cards and veterinary certificates. They sell babies at 2-3 months. When choosing, you need to pay attention to behavior: the puppy should be active, playful, and not cowardly. The following signs indicate health: a wet, cool nose, smooth hair without bald spots, and no discharge from the eyes and ears.

The photo shows what the puppies look like:

The video complements the description of the breed:

Video: Breton epagnole. Pros and cons, price, how to choose, facts, care, history

Video: Hunting with epañol Breton

Video: Breton epagnol (Breton epagnol)

Those who want to have a loyal active companion or an ideal hunting dog should pay attention to the Breton Epagnole. This is an obedient, cheerful and intelligent dog that will bring many joyful moments and will become a loyal friend and favorite of all family members.

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