Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - pros and cons of the breed

Small dogs can perform not only a decorative role; some of them are distinguished by exceptional intelligence, intelligence, and useful skills. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is one of these pets. In addition to their intellectual abilities, they are valued for their exceptional attention to children. When there is a child in the family, you can safely have such a pet; he will take on the responsibilities of a nanny, a security guard, and a friend.

Characteristics of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Attachment levelHigh
Child FriendlyHigh
Loyalty to other petsHigh
Exercise needsAverage
Energy levelAverage
Learning abilityHigh
Tendency to barkAverage
Shedding amountAverage

Training and education

An undoubted advantage of representatives of the breed is the lack of stubbornness, which is characteristic of most others. Innate obedience and devotion to the owner facilitate the training process, but an important condition for successful education is its timely start. This should be done from the moment the puppy arrives in the house.

Initially, you need to stop the puppy’s attempts to chew furniture, other property, climb into the bed, and steal food. This behavior is natural at an early age. Stopping such actions will teach the puppy to recognize the authority of the owner. After this, you can start learning basic commands: me, fu, others. You can start doing this from the age when active walks began - after all vaccinations.

Lack of stubbornness, high intelligence, and quick learning ability make it possible to complete any training course offered by dog ​​handlers.

History of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This sociable breed has long been associated with nobles and royalty in Europe, especially England, dating back to the 17th century. At the time, they were more commonly known as toy spaniels and their appearance may vary slightly.

The dogs were extremely popular with King Charles I and his son King Charles II, and this is where their name comes from. It was said that King Charles II was so fascinated by the breed that he issued a decree allowing them to enter any public building, including Parliament.

The Blenheim color variant was named as a result of the passion that the First Duke of Marlborough John Churchill and his wife had for these dogs. There were many of them in their home, Blenheim Palace.

Queen Victoria also loved the breed and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dash was described as her closest childhood friend.

During the Victorian era, these spaniels became more frequently crossed with flatter-faced companion breeds from Asia, such as the Mopsy Japanese Chin. This led to the development of the English Toy Spaniel (which is known as the King Charles Spaniel in the UK).

In the 1920s, breed enthusiasts began working to revive the appearance of spaniels from the time of King Charles II, leading to the development of the breed we know today. The American Kennel Club only officially recognized the breed in 1995, but its popularity has continued to grow since then, and in 2022 it was recognized by the AKC as the 18th most popular breed.

Choosing a nickname

Today, oriental-style nicknames, which have their own secret meaning, have become very popular. Dog breeders like to call King Charles by Japanese or Chinese names: Aiko (beloved), Michiko (beautiful child), Yuki (snow), Hoshi (star), Tokara (treasure) or Yuri (lily). However, many owners prefer names that characterize the pet itself: Cupcake, Barbie, Rocky, Penelope, Sima or Churchill. To better understand which name is suitable for a puppy, you need to take a close look at the dog, its behavior and temperament.

Caring for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed is known for being generally incredibly affectionate, sociable, carefree, and eager to please. They love the company of people and other dogs, and for this reason they are suitable for households where someone is always at home.

They make excellent family pets and are also popular among older people due to their low maintenance nature and low activity level. However, even the most tolerant breeds should not be disturbed while sleeping and eating, and children should be taught how to behave properly with a dog.

Although they often enjoy snuggling on the sofa, this does not mean they are couch potatoes, and although they are classified as a toy breed, they need plenty of exercise.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is generally obedient and highly food motivated. They are easy to train with proper encouragement and excel in agility and obedience sports.

The Spaniel's hunting instincts may be present in this breed and it is therefore necessary to teach them not to chase livestock or small animals.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel requires constant grooming: brushing several times a week, ear cleaning and nail trimming. Some owners cut their pets' fur for ease of care and protection from the heat. Sheds a little.


Black and Tan

The dogs are raven (black) with bright red tan markings. The tan marks have a clear shape and are located on the chest, limbs, under the tail, on the cheekbones, above the eyes and on the inside of the ears. White spots are not allowed.


The dogs are pearly white with distinct chestnut spots. A white diamond on the crown indicates that it belongs to this breed.

Ruby (mahogany)

The solid color is bright red with a hint of mahogany. White spots are not allowed.


The main background is pearl white. There are black spots on it. Red tan marks are located on the eyebrows, cheekbones, chest, paws and inner surface of the ears. Between the eyes there is a wide white stripe extending onto the forehead.

What diseases do Cavalier King Charles Spaniels suffer from?

Unfortunately, due in part to their growing popularity and resulting unfair breeding practices, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is predisposed to several potential hereditary diseases.

It is very important that when purchasing a puppy you look for a responsible and accredited breeder who has carried out appropriate medical examinations on the parents.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel diseases you need to know about:

- Heart Disease: This breed is especially associated with the development of mitral valve disease (MVD). It initially appears as a heart murmur, often at a young age, and will continue to develop until the dog eventually develops heart failure. While medications can sometimes help manage this condition, there is no cure and premature death can occur.

-Syringomyelia (SM): This is another serious condition commonly associated with this breed. This causes cavities in the spinal cord to fill with fluid near the brain. This is a progressive condition that can cause extreme discomfort and pain for the dog, and the speed at which it develops can vary greatly. It cannot be cured, but the pain can often be successfully managed. This condition is sometimes also called "neck scratch disease" because one of the first symptoms may be the dog constantly scratching its neck.

- Joint problems: Cavaliers are commonly associated with the development of hip dysplasia and patellar luxation.

- Vision problems: Including cataracts, dry eye syndrome (resulting from tear duct problems), cherry eye and corneal ulcers.

Price range

The cost varies depending on the class of the puppy, its age, gender, as well as the presence of a pedigree and other documents.

Thus, a puppy with a veterinary passport and RKF metric costs on average 30-35 thousand rubles; for a puppy with all the documents and appearance that allows him to qualify for prizes in exhibitions and competitions, you need to pay at least 50 thousand rubles.

Prices for puppies born from champions or as a result of matings of a male and a female from different countries start from 65 thousand rubles.

Other dog breeds

Before you decide to get this spaniel, study its character and habits, talk to other breed owners and reputable breeders to learn more.

If you're interested in similar breeds, check out their profiles to compare the pros and cons:

Boykin Spaniel

Japanese Chin/Chin (Japanese Spaniel)

Clumber Spaniel

Tibetan Spaniel

English Cocker Spaniel

There are many breeds of dogs, with careful research you can find a pet that suits you and bring it into your home.

Interesting Facts

  • Representatives of this breed are considered healing dogs. Many of them are kept at hospitals to reassure patients.
  • In America there lives a dog named Duke, famous for his ability to heal people. He helps fire survivors undergo rehabilitation.
  • Fans of this breed include Ronald Reagan, Johnny Depp, Frank Sinatra, Tary Hatcher, Natalie Wood and Hugh Hefner.


The now popular image of representatives of the royal breed was created as a result of breeding experiments by Roswell Eldridge (USA) and his English associates in 1926. He restored the original distinctive external characteristics of the cavalier.

A more refined and graceful female, which weighs no more than 5.5 kg, is much lighter than a male with a weight reaching 8 kilograms. Height varies from 30.5 to 33 cm.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It should be noted that size does not influence the implementation of exhibition examination. The main role is played by harmony and compliance with the description of the breed.


Organizing a diet based on professional feed is considered the most convenient. They contain all the elements and vitamins necessary for life.

Varieties are selected based on the age and health status of the pet. It is recommended to give preference to the premium class. For puppies, the daily intake is divided into five servings. Adults are fed in the morning and evening.

If the dog was initially accustomed to a natural diet, only products that are healthy for its body should be used. The basis is lean meat. Veal is given raw, but turkey or lamb should be boiled, like offal.

The menu includes buckwheat or rice porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and vegetables. Vitamin and mineral supplements prescribed by a veterinarian help balance the diet. Two eggs are fed for a week. Bones, sweets, smoked meats, and baked goods are prohibited.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The weight of a newborn spaniel is only 350-500 grams.

With properly organized nutrition, it grows quickly:

Weight by month, kgAge in months


The King Spaniel is valued not only for its excellent appearance, but also for its amiable, balanced disposition. This pet, with its natural nobility, quickly becomes a devoted friend.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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A mini spaniel can become very sad and refuse to eat if left alone for a long time.

His peaceful character and amazing calm without sudden manifestations of aggression are noted. He willingly plays with children and is friendly to all household members. During walks he is active, runs after objects thrown by his owner, enjoying intense movement.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If there is danger for the owner, the miniature pet will most likely not play the role of a brave bodyguard. He is constantly peaceful and incapable of malicious attacks.

These dogs of “blue blood” are not fans of noisy fights and do not like fuss. For all their mobility, they do not tend to get into fights with surrounding animals. They do not create problems at home and get along well with other pets.

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