Characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier breed: pros and cons, care features and reviews from the owners of these dogs

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular lap dog breeds in the world.

They are sweet and friendly to their owners, but at the same time they can be good guards despite their small size.

However, like representatives of all other breeds, Yorkies have both positive and negative breed characteristics, which everyone who is going to have such a dog in the house intends to know about.

This will be discussed in the article. You will learn what is special about Yorkies, what their pros and cons are, and what kind of care representatives of this breed need.

Briefly about the breed

Yorkshire Terriers are a breed bred in England, in the county of Yorkshire in the 17th-18th centuries. They were used to control mice and rats in homes and mines.

This breed did not immediately become decorative, but when representatives of the nobility paid attention to the Yorkshire, they quickly became popular.

Currently, Yorkshire dogs are one of the most fashionable breeds all over the world, including in Russia. Yorkies successfully combine the independence, energy and endurance of terriers with the grace and beauty inherent in lap dogs.

These dogs of incredible beauty have long and flowing silky hair, which, due to the absence of undercoat, is much more similar to soft female hair.

Dog colors are not limited to the standard steel gray and tan.
After all, many color variations of the standard variety of Yorkies - both single-color and variegated colors.

There are also three varieties of Yorkshire terriers, differing from each other in size - standard, mini and super-mini (or micro).

Owner reviews

Svetlana, Moscow:

Yorkshire Terrier is my first dog. This is my beloved girl who brightened my life, everywhere and always with me. Taking care of her is not difficult, it is even pleasant. She is so happy and waiting for me, it’s impossible to convey.

Polina, Samara:

Yorika gave them to her twins two years ago. We feed with natural products. We don't cut his hair often, walk him twice a day. Our boy has a fighting character and is friendly towards us. He can bark at strangers for hours. When meeting, he caresses and licks without measure.

Main advantages

Yorkshire Terriers have many advantages, among which the following can be noted:

  • These dogs are friendly and affectionate towards their owners. They get along well with people of all ages and can be recommended as pets for elderly owners;
  • Yorkies love children very much, but you need to ensure that children handle the dog, especially a puppy, with care and precision;
  • If desired, it is easy to accustom a Yorkshire Terrier to a diaper or to a litter tray. But you should remember that walks for a pet are not only an opportunity to relieve themselves, but also an acquaintance with the outside world, communication with other dogs and, finally, exercise, which cannot be replaced by playing in an apartment;
  • Yorkshire Terriers are very smart and smart. They readily learn new commands and are easy to train. If desired, the owner can even train his pet to perform circus tricks;
  • Like all other terriers, Yorkies are good guards. They may well bark away a thief who has decided to rob a house or apartment, and if necessary, they can even bite the intruder;
  • It’s nice to take these dogs with you on trips and trips, especially since many hotels have dog hotels, and in some places it’s even allowed to keep small dogs in the hotel room;
  • Yorkshire terriers, if they are accustomed to this from childhood, allow their owners to dress them up in a variety of outfits, which often ensures them victories in special competitions at the exhibition.

One of the main advantages of the Yorkie is that these dogs are much more resilient than representatives of many other breeds, moreover, they have better health and live longer .

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Yorkies very easily adapt to their owner’s daily routine; even in the morning they rarely wake up before him. In terms of feeding, they are unpretentious; they eat whatever their owners teach them to eat. They are very good in terms of training and if the owner intends to train his pet, he will do it. Yorkies are very people-oriented: they subtly sense the owner’s mood and always behave in accordance with it. If the owner is inclined to play with them, then they will play with pleasure, and if the owner is relaxing while reading a book, then the Yorkie will nestle comfortably in the owner’s arms or lie down next to him, but will never be undernourished.


A significant part of the difficulties is associated with caring for the Yorkshire Terrier. However, it is easy to notice not always pleasant features in character and behavior. The negative aspects of the breed are:

  1. Coat care - a long “skirt” requires braiding and regular combing. The short coat is maintained by grooming by groomers.
  2. Possible health problems - dogs of modest size are prone to specific diseases and defects.
  3. Stubbornness is a trait of all terriers that you need to know how to handle.
  4. Selecting a special food - there should be small granules, the presence of all nutrients and beneficial substances that are well absorbed.
  5. When purchasing and using cosmetics, only high-quality products maintain the beauty of the coat.
  6. Dental care – narrow jaw, small teeth often lead to tartar formation.

It is possible to cope with all problems in 99% of cases, especially if timely prevention is carried out. Every dog ​​needs coat and dental care, and for decorative breeds this is strictly necessary. The Yorkie's hair type is not the same as that of a German Shepherd or Great Dane; it does not keep you warm in cold weather and does not protect you from precipitation, so clothing for your pet is necessary.

Important! Yorkies are at risk for hypoglycemia (a sudden drop in blood sugar), which can be fatal. This is facilitated by a rapid metabolism, and frequent and regular feeding of balanced foods will help to avoid hypoglycemia.

What are the disadvantages?

However, these cute dogs also have their drawbacks:

  • caring for their coat is not the easiest task. Cutting and curling long hair into curlers at home is quite tedious, and getting the hair in order at the groomer costs money;
  • Yorkies have problems with their teeth and bite. These dogs also have a tendency to quickly form tartar;
  • If raised incorrectly, a Yorkie can become a stubborn, capricious and even aggressive dog. To prevent this from happening, you need to raise and later train your pet from the very beginning;
  • These dogs are quite sensitive to living conditions and feeding. Yes, apart from the labor-intensive care of their coat, keeping them is not so difficult, but it is necessary to take into account many breed and individual characteristics.


Yorkies are considered a healthy breed, but their health must be closely monitored so as not to miss the onset of any disease, since most ailments in such small dogs develop rapidly and are complicated.

Should I pay more?

Despite many pros and cons, the price does not decrease.
In Moscow it ranges from 300-500 to 1500-2000 dollars. Take the Attention Test! Find 10 differences! (click right here!)

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It is useful to familiarize yourself with the approximate prices in advance:

  • Show class: males cost $1000-2000; females - $1,500-2,000.
  • Breeding class: males - $500-800, females - $800-1500.
  • Pet class: males - $300-500; females - $600-800.

The cost of each puppy from the litter is calculated individually by the breeder depending on the characteristics of physiology, prospects for appearance as an adult, and many other factors.

There is no point in chasing low prices. There is a great risk of buying a mixed-breed, sick, medicated puppy from your hands.

Do I need to go for a walk?

Like all other dogs, Yorkies need active play in the fresh air. In addition, on walks they get to know the world around them and communicate with other dogs.

This is why they need walks and, despite the fact that these dogs can get by with a diaper or litter box at home, they need to be taken outside at least when the weather allows it.

Is it easy to keep a Yorkshire Terrier in an apartment?

Yorkie is an ideal dog for an ordinary apartment. She is small (height 22 cm, weight up to 3 kg), it is easy to train her to a tray, so the number of walks can really be reduced to a minimum. It is enough to take it outside in the morning and evening, after which the pet will sleep all night without disturbing its owners. Even children can cope with walking. The main thing is that the dog obeys and is not let off the leash.

Attitude towards children and pets

Most Yorkies are very good with children - they play with them willingly and for a long time. However, adult family members need to ensure that the child does not harm the dog through ignorance or carelessness.

These dogs are quite loyal to pets, especially if they are familiar with them from an early age.

Due to the fact that the Yorkshire Terrier is a terrier, albeit a small one, on the street you need to carefully ensure that he does not chase birds and cats, which he may treat very differently than the cat living in the same room with him. home.

General information

Today terriers are very popular; it is fashionable for many Hollywood stars to carry mini dogs with them. Although the breed is the ancestor of hunting dogs, today Yorkies are purchased as pets.

The breed is perfect for both experienced breeders and beginners. Terriers are purchased for aesthetic taste . Yorkies are companions who follow their owners for walks or morning runs. Dogs adapt well to city life, although they have an independent character.

Yorkie character

These are calm and balanced dogs that, when properly trained, do not show aggression towards other animals or strangers.

Yorkies are also active, agile, courageous and playful, but at the same time they are sensitive, owner-oriented and friendly.

Like all terriers, Yorkshires are intelligent and quick-witted. Yorkies are quite capable of assessing a situation and making independent decisions.


It is not difficult to train a Yorkie if he does not have destructive character traits, which is possible with improper upbringing. Basically, these dogs are distinguished by good learning ability - they easily learn commands and willingly carry them out.

How to buy a puppy

If you decide to get a dog of this breed, you need to choose the right kennel. A good breeder can be recommended by a veterinarian or friends, you can find him through reviews. It is not recommended to buy a puppy from advertisements. You can find a Yorkie on the Internet that is inexpensive, but this does not mean that it will be purebred.

In Moscow, a puppy with a pedigree costs 15-30 thousand rubles. A show-class dog will cost 50-60 thousand. Cheap puppies up to 15 thousand may have inconsistencies with the standard or genetic diseases.

Having chosen a kennel, you need to study the conditions of keeping the dogs and the documents of the parents. Puppies must have a veterinary passport and have received the necessary vaccinations by the day of sale. It is better to choose an active, non-cowardly child. It needs to be examined so that the eyes are clean, the coat is smooth without dandruff, and the tummy is not swollen.

When purchasing, the question often arises of which gender of puppy to choose. Yorkie males are more active and courageous. Bitches are affectionate and obedient. But problems may arise after mating, especially with small varieties.

The photographs show what Yorkshire terrier puppies should look like:

Yorkshire Terriers are decorative dogs. Even those who do not have the opportunity to walk their pet regularly can get them. He can go to the toilet in a diaper. The main thing is to pay attention to it and properly care for its coat. This dog is capable of becoming a devoted companion, watchman, and friend to a child.

Is it difficult to care for?

The main difficulty in keeping these dogs is caring for their coat.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the Yorkie is a breed that cannot do without clothes. The fact is that wool devoid of undercoat does not protect them well from cold and dampness.

In all other respects, caring for Yorkies is no more difficult than caring for any other breed of dog.

What to consider when choosing the gender of a Yorkshire Terrier

Despite the cuteness and charm of all puppies, you should weigh the pros and cons before choosing the sex of your Yorkie.

Pay attention to the nuances:

  1. Males have a violent temperament, prefer to dominate, during puberty they become overly active, run away from their owner in search of a girlfriend, are prone to masturbation, and mark their territory.
  2. Bitches are calmer, more obedient, and prone to false pregnancy.

If Yorkshire terriers are not planned to be used for breeding, it is recommended to castrate males and sterilize females.

Power Requirements

Experts recommend feeding Yorkies with commercial food designed specifically for this breed. But if you wish, you can feed your dog natural food with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements.

In any case, nutrition should be complete and of high quality.


You should not overfeed or underfeed your Yorkie, as both extremes are very harmful for small dogs.

Boy or girl?

The answer to the question of who is better to choose - a boy or a girl - depends only on the personal preference of the future owner.

However, you need to remember that a girl of any breed has a more affectionate and affectionate disposition, while a boy can be stubborn and disobedient as he grows up.

Also, a male dog constantly shows interest in the opposite sex, whereas in female dogs this time is limited only to estrus.


If the future owner is going to take a Yorkie girl just to start selling puppies, he should take into account that breeding dogs is a very expensive and complex activity that takes a lot of time.

Life expectancy of a mini Yorkshire terrier

By providing your Yorshik with proper care, you can expect it to live for at least 12-16 years. The lifespan of a dog depends on past diseases, heredity, feeding and quality of maintenance. Breeders note that males live longer than females, whose health is affected by pathologies of the reproductive organs. But Yorshi boys are also susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system, which often causes early death.

Mini Yorkies live less than the standard type - only seven to nine years. Micro-sized dogs have an even shorter life—no more than seven years.

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