Bombay cat (photo): domestic panther in miniature

History of the breed

It started in Kentucky. American Nikki Horner decided to breed this “domestic panther” by crossing American Shorthair and Burmese cats.

Twenty years were spent on breeding work, but the results were worth it.

Charming creatures were born, completely black, as elegant and graceful as wild panthers.

They even have almost identical body proportions. The breed has two modifications: American and British.

There are few differences between them:

  • The American is the result of crossing a Burmese and a shorthair cat.
  • British - like the Pixie Bob , the result of crossing domestic cats with wild cats, having the characteristics of the Burmese breed.

Both varieties are very similar, the difference is mainly in the eyes - cats of the American line should have “penny-colored” eyes, that is, bronze.

But in the British line, the cat's eye color is green.

In any case, cats of both lines are beautiful, graceful, look unusually original and serve as a real decoration.

So if your interior lacks exoticism, get a Bombay cat.

An exotic cat may also suit you, information about which is in the article

The Bombay cat is calm and conflict-free. She can coexist peacefully in the same home with other cats and dogs. Moreover, Bombay dogs will find a common language faster than with cats - leadership traits will appear, which will lead to conflict between cats

Who is she, a panther?

Somehow it happened that many people, at the mere mention of a panther, imagine a flexible, graceful, black as night huge cat. However, this is just a stereotype that now has to be destroyed.

In fact, the panther is not just one species, but an entire genus, which includes several representatives of the cat family. This is a leopard, jaguar, tiger and even a lion! So, if you see a lion somewhere, you can safely call it a panther and you will be absolutely right. And these four species are only those that are alive today. Many others simply did not live to see our times, having disappeared in the process of evolution millions of years ago. By the way, some experts believe that the snow leopard should also be classified as a member of the panther family, but others do not agree with this opinion, separating it into a separate genus due to a number of differences.


The Bombay cat breed, like the Oriental and Thai , is distinguished by great devotion to its owner; it is important for them to be close at all times.

Even if he is busy, the cats will stay near him without bothering him with their presence. IN

They need attention like air; they cannot be left alone for a long time.

Character traits:

  • Calm and poise. Representatives of this breed get along well with the whole family and with other pets. Their main feature is the absence of conflict, which allows Bombay cats and other cats and dogs to coexist peacefully in the same house. Moreover, they will find a common language with dogs faster than with cats - leadership traits will appear, which will lead to conflict between the cats.
  • Endurance. Black mini-panthers are very hardy, adapt well to any conditions and are very attached to their home. In any case, they will prefer it to the street.

Bombay cat - artist

  • Socialization. The Bombay cat knows how to find a common “language” with all family members, and it is also easy to train. If you show patience and gentleness, the cat will quickly get used to the rules you put forward and will strictly follow them, since she will not upset her owners. She loves children, and she will simply go away from the too intrusive attention of children.
  • Curiosity. Bombays are not particularly different in this, but they run to greet guests because they believe that they have come to play with them.
  • Intelligence. The Bombay cat, like the Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight, is smart, quickly remembers simple commands and does not go beyond the boundaries outlined for it by its owner.

A list of the smartest cat breeds can be found here:

The Bombay cat knows how to find a common “language” with all family members, and it is also easy to train. If you show patience and gentleness, the cat will quickly get used to the rules you put forward and will strictly follow them, since she will not upset her owners


These anthracite-black beauties are perfect for the role of pets, but only if you are willing to constantly tolerate their presence nearby.

The Bombay cat will not go, like a caracal , to another room, will not jump on the closet and will not doze on the window if the owner is at home. She occupies his lap.

She will decorate your home with her presence.

By the way, some are guided by this very principle - black graceful creatures perfectly set off the Scandinavian style in the interior or serve as a bright living spot in the currently fashionable monochrome style of home decoration.

Although it is still better to choose an animal in accordance with its character.

These anthracite-black beauties are perfect for the role of pets, but only if you are willing to constantly tolerate their presence nearby. The Bombay cat will not go to another room, will not jump on the closet and will not doze on the window if the owner is at home. She occupies his lap


The predator's favorite food is the meat of large herbivores: buffalo, antelope, zebra. The theft of domestic sheep, cows, horses, and pigs without human supervision is common. Hungry animals are content with monkeys, game, eggs from nests, and can even feast on the fruits of garden trees.

Panthers search for victims on the ground, often guarding prey at watering holes. Eating meat takes place on a tree. The carcass is torn to pieces by sharp teeth and jerks of the head. This feature distinguishes panthers from their relatives, lions and other feline relatives.

At altitude, food is inaccessible to terrestrial competitors - hyenas, jackals and other predators.

Animals can survive without food for 4-5 days. But then panthers are able to sneak into homes, farmsteads, and barns in search of prey. It is interesting that a well-fed animal will not even touch a kid standing at its paw.

A hungry beast will stop at nothing. The panther has been observed in cannibalism, but to a lesser extent than tigers or lions.

How to choose a kitten

First of all, you should know that the kitten must be completely black and with bronze eyes (if it is not of the British line).

The fur should be shiny, the tummy should be soft, the kitten should be active and playful.

It is imperative to check the pedigree - this breed has a hereditary craniofacial defect.

If you specifically need a Bombay cat, it would be most reasonable to buy one from a cattery, preferably with prior consultation with a specialist.

A true Bombay cat must be completely black. Any colored spots indicate a faulty breed

Features of care


Due to the nature of their coat, cats can do without brushing with a furminator , but they are very favorable towards procedures with rubber brushes.

They don’t shed as such, but it’s worth running over them with at least wet hands once a week.

Important! If your cat is participating in an exhibition, it should be bathed three days in advance in water with the addition of natural oils - this will give the fur the necessary shine. And to consolidate the effect, after drying, the wool is “varnished” with suede.

To make it convenient for your cat to sharpen her claws, get a special accessory .

But if this is not enough, trim her claws without cutting more than 2 mm.

Bombays are bathed once a month if the coat has become dull, and only with a special shampoo.

Important! Representatives of the Bombay cat breed are strictly contraindicated in drafts and cold. Like the Don Sphynx and Peterbald , they are heat-loving and catch cold easily.

The Bombay cat is smart, quickly remembers simple commands and does not go beyond the boundaries that the owner has outlined for her.


Bombays don't like to go out, so provide them with exercise at home.

If you take your animal outdoors, put a flea and tick collar .


Adult cats should be fed morning and evening, from the same bowl and at the same time. The ratio of protein to fiber should be 4:1.

High quality dry food is considered the best option.

It is better to adopt kittens no earlier than they are three, or better yet, four months old.

Then they can gradually add regular food to their milk, so that they can later switch to adult food.

Important! Combined nutrition is not suitable for representatives of this breed, choose one thing. And raw meat should be given with caution - there is a high risk of infection.

To make it convenient for your cat to sharpen her claws, get a special accessory. But if this is not enough, trim her claws without cutting more than 2 mm

Breed characteristics of the Bombay cat

  • Head. Panthers have a round, neat, medium-sized head with a wide muzzle. Viewed from the front - without sharp bends or creases. When viewed in profile, the presence of a pronounced moderate sling is characteristic, which should not turn into a kink (flaw). The tip of the nose is slightly rounded down. The cat has a strong but not wide chin, rounded chin pads, a correct bite and a well-developed lower jaw. And also noticeable but taut cheeks and high cheekbones. A very smooth transition from the chin to the cheekbones. The breed has a narrow, visually even bridge of the nose with a barely perceptible small dimple, a wide and high sloping forehead, smoothly rounding and turning into the back of the head. Neck. Medium length and width, flexible and graceful.

  • The ears are medium in size, wide and high set, alert. Rounded at the tips, without pubescence, with a slight forward slope.
  • Eyes. Large in size, round in shape, very expressive, set wide apart. They are located widely on the muzzle. Honey-amber is considered the most successful color, but it is quite rare, so golden eyes are allowed.
  • At birth, kittens have blue eyes , which after they reach the age of six months turns into gray, and only by the age of one year does a rich orange color appear. But animals with this eye color, especially cats, from about five years old, may disappoint you - the eye color may suddenly change to greenish.
  • Body. Medium, slightly elongated. With well-developed muscles and amazing flexibility. A petite or thin body type is not acceptable. The breed is characterized by a proportionally wide back, level and sloping. The shoulder and pelvic girdles are almost the same width.
  • Paws. Not long, with a characteristic slenderness, proportional. The ends of the legs are rounded with tucked toes. (there should be 5 toes on the front legs and 4 on the hind legs, any other number is unacceptable).
  • Tail. Should be in proportion to the body, dense, strong, straight, with characteristic flexibility and mobility, slightly tapering towards the end. If the tail is bent or disproportionate to the body, the animal is disqualified.

Bombays are medium-sized cats - from 25 to 30 cm at the withers. Body weight of an adult pet: females - 3-4 kg, males 4-6 kg.

Characteristics of coat and color. The coat should be short, close-fitting and shiny, as if covered with varnish. Only black coat color is allowed. Young kittens may have small white spots on their fur and slight fluffiness, but by the age of one year the fur coat changes to that of an adult. Everything should be black - from the crumbs on the fingers to the nose.


Characteristic diseases

In addition to a congenital defect of the skull, this breed is inherited by heart disease - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

There are also breathing problems due to pronounced stoppage - the nose is often blocked, and the eyes may become watery.

In this case, they are washed with medications recommended by the veterinarian or a weak tea solution.

Black mini-panthers are very hardy, adapt well to any conditions and are very attached to their home. In any case, they will prefer it to the street


The first vaccination for kittens is carried out at 3 months; revaccination is given after a certain time to strengthen it.

At the age of six months to 8 months, a second vaccination is given.

Vaccinations are then carried out according to the schedule set by the veterinarian.

In any case, cats are dewormed two weeks before.


There are so many myths about white cats! They glorify the beauty, agility and grace of the panther. In ancient legends, this beast is often personified with the image of a woman: strong, but aggressive and treacherous.

In Greece, this animal was considered the god of winemaking. People thought that the panther patronized alcoholic feasts and drunken behavior. Other peoples believed that this cat was capable of releasing dark forces onto the earth. Therefore, they often brought sacrifices to panther habitats - a bird, a lamb, a kid, trying to appease the animal with such behavior. But there were also those who saw the wild cat as their patroness and protector.

According to some legends, only a panther could defeat a dragon in a duel and protect the people from its fiery evil. There is a legend that the best mothers among animals are white panthers. The animal world highlights their special fearlessness and extraordinary love for their own children.

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