Central Asian Shepherd: features of care and maintenance, the largest dog breed, history and photos

  • Service
Sizelarge (26-50kg)
Main features
  • Suitable for security
  • Living away from home
  • Friendly
  • Very devoted
  • No feeling of fear
Included in
  • Which dog is unpretentious to food?
  • The best dog for home
  • The Best Dog Breeds for Outdoor Living
  • more
  • The best service dogs
  • The heaviest dog
  • The best fighting dogs


The giant Alabai dog, another name for the breed - the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, cannot be confused with anyone, it amazes with its power and strength. Everything about her is strong and solid, including her character, which is confident and independent. This is an excellent watchman and an unrivaled bodyguard.

Dog experts claim that the Alabai breed has many advantages. They are naturally calm and good-natured. But many are afraid of Central Asian Shepherds as military weapons, and see only disadvantages in the huge dogs. They say that these are dangerous animals that have no place among people, especially on city streets.

Let's figure out what kind of dog the Central Asian Shepherd is and why it causes so much controversy. What is the character of a real Alabai, how to raise him - read about this and more below.


One type of this breed has been standardized. But, it can be divided depending on the color of the coat. Alabais are born pure black, white, spotted, gray, black and white, light red and beige-red. The most valuable representative of the breed is black with white markings on the neck, chest and back. It costs significantly more.

History of the Alabai breed, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The Alabai breed is not the product of breeders and amateur dog breeders, it is the result of folk selection. Huge dogs appeared next to humans about 6 thousand years ago. This is what archaeologists say, who discovered miniature figurines depicting dogs with cropped ears and tails during excavations of Bronze Age settlements. Surprisingly, one of the very first breeds has retained its appearance almost unchanged to this day.

This breed has many names. The most popular is alabai, the word is translated from the Turkic language as “spotted dog”. In Kazakhstan they are called tobet, in Uzbekistan - buribasar, which means “wolfhound”, and sarkandzhik - in Kyrgyzstan. And the generally accepted name, which is indicated in the international breed standard, is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

The official name of the dog breed, the Central Asian Shepherd, appeared due to the geography of its distribution. The dog was formed over a vast territory - from the Caspian Sea to the Southern Urals. According to some reports, the ancestors of the Alabai were Tibetan mastiffs , to which the blood of various herding dogs was added.

Ancient Central Asian shepherd dogs served as guards for livestock, protected homes and accompanied caravans. These were hardy and seasoned dogs who were not afraid of frost and heat, could fight wild predators, and run great distances. Their descendants inherited from their ancestors a fearless character and the ability to adapt to the harshest conditions.

For a long time, alabai remained assistants to shepherds and shepherds in the countries of Central Asia. Outside these states, giant dogs were known only from the words of travelers. The impetus for professional breeding of the breed was given by Soviet dog handlers. They planned to use the fearsome dogs as guards. They did not change anything in appearance; the dogs were already strong and strong. But certain difficulties arose with the character. It turned out that Central Asian giants are much less trainable than German and Caucasian shepherd dogs, which are accustomed to guard duty. Asians are more stubborn and headstrong; they do not always follow commands and do not obey just anyone.

In Turkmenistan, these dogs are recognized as a national treasure; they are even prohibited from being taken out of the country. They have adopted their own national breed standard and call it the Turkmen Alabai. The head of Turkmenistan presented such a puppy to Russian President Putin in honor of his anniversary in 2022.

The Second World War stopped the popularization of the breed. But in the second half of the 20th century, huge dogs again became of interest to professionals and amateurs. In 1989, the first international standard for the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed was adopted. The FCI document was assigned No. 335. The latest changes were made there in 2009.

Caring for Alabai

Despite their unpretentiousness, Asians also require some regular care. It is necessary to systematically inspect the dog's mouth, ears and eyes. The pet's eyes are washed with cotton wool, which is pre-moistened in strong tea. It is prohibited to use ear sticks for cleaning ears; they should be treated with a special product. Eye diseases in this breed are diagnosed quite rarely.

Alabais should be washed no more than once a month. After bathing, their coat should be dried thoroughly. When caring for the coat, do not neglect regular brushing, especially during active shedding. Special cleaning products for dogs should be used. Central Asian Shepherds love cleanliness, so their bedding must be washed at least once a month and vacuumed almost daily.

We must not forget about timely vaccination. To keep your pet healthy, you need to constantly monitor for ticks and fleas. To combat them, wearing a special collar is very effective. Demodectic mange, which is diagnosed very often in Alabais, is provoked precisely by ticks. Self-treatment of this disease is unacceptable, since all the drugs used are very toxic.

If an Alabai dog has restrictions in physical activity, then with a high degree of probability he will be obese. Arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases may occur, which can lead to complete disability of the dog and will exhaust the animal with very intense pain.

Appearance of Alabai

Alabai is a very strong dog with a massive but proportional skeleton and perfectly developed muscles. Males are much larger and more courageous. Their height must be at least 70 cm, minimum body weight 50 kg. Females - no shorter than 65 cm and no lighter than 40 kg. Representatives of the breed reach full development quite late, at three years.

Alabais (aka Central Asian Shepherds, CAO) are giant dogs that are among the ten largest breeds. One of the record holders is a dog named Bulldozer, he weighs 125 kilograms.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a large rectangular head with a massive muzzle and a wide forehead. It is especially noticeable because the small floppy ears are often docked, as is the tail. The dog's eyes are brown, the darker the better, set deep and straight. They are distinguished by a confident, insightful and slightly sad look, as if the dog is constantly thinking about something. The nose is large, usually black; in white and fawn Alabais it can be lighter. The thick lips are pigmented, as are the eyelids. The jaws are wide and strong. Three bite options are allowed: straight, scissor and close overbite.

The neck is thick with the obligatory dewlap. The top of the case is perfectly balanced. The massive withers are well defined. The back is wide, muscular and runs in a straight line. The loin is strong and slightly convex, the croup is of decent width and length, slightly sloping at the tail. The chest is well developed, deep and voluminous. Its front part protrudes slightly. The stomach is slightly tucked. The tail is set high. It is thick at the base, if not docked, and is shaped like a sickle or a ring. Limbs straight and parallel. The muscles on them are strong, the joints are elastic. The paws are rounded, with fleshy, elastic pads. The Alabai moves gracefully, the trot is free and sweeping.

The dog's skin is strong and moves easily relative to the muscles. This gives an advantage when fighting with an enemy. The coat and undercoat are thick. Hair is straight and coarse. There are two subspecies: with short hair (hair 3-5 cm long) and intermediate (7-10 cm). The latter type of dog may have a furry collar on the neck and feathering on the limbs, ears and tail. The colors can be anything except blue and brown. Black and white patterns are not allowed.

Minor faults are considered to be: minor deviations from the sexual type, small or narrow head and muzzle, slanted eyes, loose eyelids and lips, high ears, raised croup, weak chest, too long fingers, inharmonious movements, trot with a high lift of the limbs, smooth coat .

More serious faults: nervousness, thin bones, light skeleton, undeveloped muscles, light eyes, as well as bulging, sloping topline, significant high hindquarters, sloping or weak croup, natural bobtail, problems with the position of the limbs, height less than the standard by 2 cm or more .

Reasons for disqualification:

  • Deviations in behavior, excessive aggression or timidity,
  • obvious deviation from the sexual type for males,
  • discordance and squint,
  • malocclusion,
  • weak joints,
  • deviations from the standard color,
  • wavy and soft wool,
  • unbalanced movements.

Breed standard

The weight of the animal is from 45 to 65 kg. Males are heavier than females. The height at the withers of a medium-sized individual is 63-65 cm. The breed standard allows for an exaggeration of this mark. Some male Central Asian Shepherd Dogs grow up to 75 cm in height.

Alabai in the photo is depicted as proud and purposeful. This is completely consistent with his character. His build is very massive. The physique is powerful, dense, but lacks relief. The dog's muscles are quite strong, especially on the hind legs. The lower back is clearly expressed.

The skin of the Central Asian Shepherd is very thick. This allows her to keep warm, especially in winter. By the way, the dog rarely gets cold, because in addition to thick fur, there is a dense undercoat throughout its entire body. The length of its fur should not exceed 9-10 cm.

The muscles on the paws are well developed. The forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs. The tail is located high on the lower back, rounded, very fluffy. Some owners prefer to dock it. This is advisable, since in a moment of joy, the alabai swings it wildly and can cause pain to others.

The luxuriant fur on the withers makes these dogs beautiful. It looks like a lion's mane. Their head is rectangular and quite large. The jaws are powerful and wide. The Central Asian Shepherd has a very rough look.

This impression is created due to the presence of her brow ridges. The teeth are white, long, very sharp. The dog's eyes are deep-set and most often have a dark tint. According to the breed standard, the Alabai's nose should be large and black.

Character of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or Alabai

The breed standard for the Central Asian Shepherd says that it is a confident dog with a balanced temperament. She behaves proudly and independently. The Alabai is characterized by a lack of fear, even if the opponent is larger and stronger, high motivation to work and endurance. He has a well-developed protective instinct.

Anyone who has decided to get such a dog needs to know: the Alabai is a real beast, and a predatory one at that, but it is ready to be friends with a person and serve him. This does not mean at all that the dog will be as efficient as a German shepherd, or soft and fluffy like a poodle. The Shepherd Dog from Central Asia remains freedom-loving and independent, just like its ancestors.

The ancestors of Asians were accustomed to doing without constant control from the owner. The dog was responsible for the protection and safety of the herd around the clock. Therefore, she decided what to do when her charges were in danger. The dog could chase a wild predator and engage in a fight with it. Or he could drive the enemy to a sufficient distance and return to his lambs so that they would not run away. Modern Alabai have inherited the ability to think and decide independently. It is this quality that many consider stubbornness or even obstinacy. It is difficult for people who are accustomed to working dogs to understand and accept the Central Asian habit of thinking before doing something. After all, for example, a German shepherd constantly looks back at its owner, as if asking what he wants. And Central Asians are always confident in their competence on any issue.

By nature, Alabai are distinguished by their balanced and calm character; they do not fuss and do not show aggression without reason. Huge dogs are friendly and quite affectionate towards their family members. And towards strangers and dogs - wary and distrustful. This quality makes Alabais excellent guards. They guard their territory and pack members jealously. But they will not attack a stranger until he has violated the border or threatens.

Huge dogs are surprisingly loyal to children. They do not offend those who are weaker than them. Alabais are ready to endure the pestering of kids and take part in games. But still, you shouldn’t leave an unintelligent child alone with this toothy giant. Still, this is a beast, and its behavior is difficult to predict, so do not forget about safety rules.

Where do the stories about Alabai come from, who show incredible aggression and can supposedly suddenly attack anyone? Such problems are the result of mistakes in education. A big dog is like a weapon. In the wrong hands it becomes dangerous. In addition, not every owner can cope with the Central Asian Shepherd.

Alabai are tolerant of pets; they consider them members of their pack. But Central Asians do not like strangers too much and do not respect them at all. They may start a fight while walking, especially if they meet a dog who does not want to acknowledge their superiority. Experts explain this enmity by the fact that the ancestors of the Alabai protected livestock mainly from wolves, and then transferred this hostility to the rest of the dog tribe. Therefore, it is very important to teach your pet to be tolerant of everyone. To do this, from an early age you need to introduce the puppy to different dogs and encourage friendly behavior.

The Central Asian Shepherd is a serious dog for an experienced owner who is strong in spirit and body. In addition, he must understand the pet’s character in order to find an approach to it. It is not easy to gain the authority of Alabai. But if this is successful, the person will receive a faithful friend and a reliable bodyguard.


The characteristics of Central Asian Shepherds are determined primarily by their developed protective instinct. These are watchdogs and consider their territory inviolable. Calm and self-possessed in the family circle, they react with lightning speed when danger arises, and become angry and aggressive defenders.

Smart, loyal, fearless and hardworking animals. Only the owner is recognized as the main one; other family members and pets are treated condescendingly. They do not tolerate strange dogs and are wary of strangers.

Reliable, faithful, have a strong psyche; very clean dogs.

Proud, stubborn and independent, Alabais tend to make independent decisions. This character trait helps them tend their flocks, but at home it creates difficulties.

They are not easy to train; like to think before executing a command. Suitable for experienced dog owners only.

Pros and cons of the Alabai breed

Before choosing a dog breed, you need to carefully study its characteristics, understand its strengths and weaknesses. Alabais have their own advantages and disadvantages. We will not touch on those that are the result of illiterate upbringing of the pet.

The indisputable advantages of Alabai dogs include:

  • Devotion to the owner;
  • developed intelligence;
  • balanced temperament;
  • innate protective qualities;
  • acceptance of family and children;
  • easy care;
  • good health.

The disadvantages of the Central Asian Shepherd are mainly related to its size and character traits. Here are the main disadvantages of the breed:

  • Not suitable for keeping in an apartment;
  • in city conditions, walking only on a leash;
  • training will definitely be required;
  • there may be difficulties with socialization;
  • may exhibit zoo aggression;
  • They can be self-willed and too independent.

Owner reviews

The owners of Central Asian Shepherds claim that this is in fact the best watchdog. Alabai can live peacefully in a booth and enclosure. He is not picky about food and unpretentious in care. Such a dog, according to reviews from the owners, will not allow a stranger into the territory and will not offend the household.

Before buying an Alabai, you need to consider all the pros and cons of this breed.

There are also negative aspects of the breed. Alabais are capricious, therefore they require constant training and a strong hand. In addition, without long walks and jogging, the dog quickly loses shape, which in the future threatens obesity or joint pathologies. This should be taken into account by those who are just preparing to purchase for themselves a reliable guard in the form of a Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Raising and training the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

You need to raise an Alabai puppy from the first days. Before two months, he must learn the nickname and understand what absolutely cannot be done. Moreover, a system of prohibitions must be established once and for all, and all family members are obliged to comply with it. By five months, the puppy should learn the basic commands: “no”, “place”, “come to me!”, “sit” and “near”. This will make it easier to control the dog.

It is especially important to accustom the dog to movement near the leg. Otherwise, there will be troubles along the way. Even a six-month-old puppy, when something interests him, will easily drag a person along with him. By the way, it is important for the townspeople to teach the young Alabai to wear a muzzle without question. This is a requirement of the walking rules, violation of which can result in a fine.

It is also necessary to stop Alabai from jumping on people from the first days. When a little puppy expresses his joy wildly and jumps on you, it's cute. But after a few months, your pet will gain a decent amount of weight. It is unlikely that anyone will like to be pushed with the paws of a 40-pound or heavier dog.

A Central Asian Shepherd puppy must undergo a general training or obedience course, preferably under the guidance of a professional canine trainer. A big dog needs good, careful training, then he will not threaten anyone. It will be great if Alabai studies the protective guard service and gets a job. These dogs feel better when they can be of service to their family.

There is an opinion that Alabai are poorly trained. Dog experts say this is not true. It’s just that they are not in a hurry to carry out commands, like service breeds, but think for a long time. Moreover, physical violence cannot be used against the dog; you must act calmly and patiently. In addition, these giants have a very long childhood. They reach full maturity only at three years of age.

The Alabai teacher should not forget about the difficult and willful nature of the pet. When communicating with him you need to show maximum calm and self-confidence. The owner will have to prove to the dog more than once who is the leader in the pack. And this needs to start from a very early age. For example, a person should safely take food from a puppy so that the self-confident Central Asian understands who the breadwinner is here. The introduced system of prohibitions cannot be violated, but you should not overdo it either. Severe Alabai are very sensitive to affection and verbal encouragement. You need to have a dialogue with them, but always remain in the role of leader.

Key points of training

Successful CAO training depends on several factors:

  • Patience of the owner;
  • Professional training of the trainer;
  • Alabai's ability to learn.

Alabai is a stubborn animal, so during the training process it is important not to give up and ensure that all given commands are compulsorily followed. Otherwise, the dog will think that it does not have to obey and obey the requirements.

You can start training as early as 2 months of age. Ideally, immediately after the puppy appears in the house. It is important to be confident and calm during training. For good behavior, the dog should be rewarded with something tasty or simply praised. You cannot shout at the dog, much less hit it. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the respect of the animal.

If punishment is necessary, you need to carefully take the puppy by the withers, shake it slightly, then say in a stern voice: “You can’t!” or “Ugh!”

Basic commands needed to train a dog:

  • "Place!";
  • "Lie!";
  • "Near!";
  • "Sit!";
  • "To me!";

They are studied gradually; there is no need to try to master everything at once. Alabai need more time to master commands.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Care and maintenance of alabai

The best place for an alabai is a spacious enclosure in the courtyard of a private house. The dog is very unpretentious, he tolerates both severe frost and heat well. But be sure to provide a shelter from the scorching sun; the dog should rest in the shade. Dog handlers categorically do not recommend keeping freedom-loving Central Asian Shepherds on a leash, as this causes them to become more aggressive and their health suffers.

But it is imperative to make the fence strong and high enough, and to provide it with a reliable lock. Central Asians show incredible tenacity and dexterity when they want to leave the territory. And this desire often visits young dogs. They manage to open bolts, take two-meter fences and break down boards and dig tunnels. There is a story about how a bored Alabai made a hole in the wall of a city apartment for his neighbors.

For walking in the city, you will have to purchase several collars and muzzles of the same size and a very strong leash. Don’t forget: an adult Alabai should only be walked in full gear.

The giant dog is completely unsuited to living in an apartment. She needs too much space and long walks to let off steam and get exercise. And it is very difficult to do this for a dog that is not let off the leash. You have to walk for at least two hours every day. And once or twice a week, take your pet out of town so that he can run around freely. Young dogs especially need this; without physical activity, their character deteriorates, and they are more often drawn to “exploits.” Adult Alabai become much calmer, and sometimes even turn into phlegmatic people and couch potatoes. A sedentary dog ​​is convenient for the owner, but this can negatively affect his health.

An adult Alabai is very resilient; it can run behind a bicycle or even a car for a long time, the main thing is that the speed is not too high. And for a young dog such a load may be excessive. The puppy’s joints are not yet strong enough to run for a long time; they need to be taken care of. For young people, you need to alternate between workload and rest.

Care and hygiene

Caring for a Central Asian Shepherd dog if it lives in the yard is not difficult. It is necessary to clean the enclosure and systematically comb out the dog’s fur. Periodically, as a preventative measure, inspect and clean ears, eyes and teeth. The dog is taught such hygiene from an early age. Otherwise, an adult Alabai will not allow you to wield a brush in its mouth.

Keeping an Asian in an apartment will cause much more problems. You will have to brush your dog more often; during shedding, it is better to brush it twice a day. A metal comb or furminator is suitable for grooming. If you skip this procedure, there will be clumps of dog hair everywhere.

Alabai can do without any water procedures without any damage. You should only bathe a huge dog if it gets really dirty. Frequent washing has a bad effect on the quality of the coat; it becomes drier and more brittle.


When it comes to food, Central Asian Shepherds are not at all capricious. In order for the puppy to quickly adapt to new conditions, at first he is fed the same food as in the kennel. Consult the breeder on how to organize the menu at first. After about a month and a half, gradually transfer the kitten to the type of food that you prefer. There are two diet options: natural and industrially produced dry.

Choosing a complete diet for a large dog on your own is not an easy task. Natural nutrition should consist of approximately 70 percent meat and meat by-products. It is better to give them raw, after thoroughly freezing them. Any type will do except pork. It is dangerous due to parasites and high fat content. The rest of the dog’s diet is vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cereals. It is also necessary to provide vitamin and mineral supplements. Overly salty foods, smoked foods, any spices, sweets and confectionery are strictly prohibited. They harm the health of Alabai.

With any type of food, fresh water should be freely available for the dog. Keep a separate bowl for her and replace the contents daily.

It is a little cheaper and much easier to give Alabai ready-made dry food for large dogs. You just need to pay attention to the quality of the mixture and study the composition. It is better to choose mixtures with a high content of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.


The Alabai Shepherd Dog eats in the same way as other large breeds. The basis of the diet is protein products. It is important that the protein is of animal origin. It is found in meat and some types of fish.

It is preferable to give lean meats such as beef and veal, and sea and ocean fish are acceptable. Chicken should be treated with caution. It is better to peel it and separate it from the bones.

Bones, especially tubular ones, are prohibited. From time to time, pure meat can be replaced with offal. Pork is best avoided due to its high fat content. You can prepare soups for your dog with the addition of cereals and vegetables.

But the single volume of feed should not exceed two liters. Suitable cereals include buckwheat, rice and sometimes oatmeal. Vegetables can be given raw or boiled. Carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin and greens, as well as tomatoes and cucumbers, are acceptable. You should not spoil your dog with potatoes.

Dry foods are considered an alternative way to eat. Its advantage is its balance and inclusion of minerals and other important elements for harmonious development and maintenance of health.

In addition, such food does not require additional cooking, steaming, etc. Alabai puppies receive dry food , then the pieces are soaked in water until the dog replaces its milk teeth with molars.

In the case of an adult dog, this manipulation is irrelevant. By the way, animals that have reached one year old can easily eat twice a day. Babies require more frequent and smaller feedings. But at the same time, their portions are smaller.

Very little babies feed on mother's milk. But if maternal food is given on demand, then feeding from a bowl should be carried out strictly according to the schedule, and the first meal should be no earlier than 7.00, and the last one no later than 19.00.

Health and illness

Nature has endowed these giants with fairly good health. They have excellent immunity, so they rarely suffer from infectious diseases. If you care for the Alabai correctly, it will live 12-15 years.

However, due to illiterate feeding, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs can gain excess weight. Obesity develops especially often in phlegmatic and sedentary individuals. Large and heavy dogs may develop pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Most often they have joint diseases. Their prevention is a balanced diet and physical activity.


In Russia and Belarus there are many nurseries where you can buy purebred Alabai. Before contacting one of them to buy a puppy, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with their activities and find reviews from customers.

Sverdlovsk region: “OESSENN STYLE”, “From the House of Kapalak”, “ASKOR YUMAR”, “Kairat”, “Batyr Dost”.

Leningrad region: Shakhriyar.

How to choose a Central Asian Shepherd puppy

The Central Asian Shepherd is not an easy dog. Therefore, before choosing a puppy, think carefully about all the issues related to this. Just one desire will not be enough.

Alabai is absolutely not suitable as a first pet. It should not be given to a child, or to someone who has only kept ornamental breeds. It will be difficult for a fragile girl to cope with a massive dog. It is not suitable for a sedentary, unathletic or nervous person. You should not take this dog into your apartment. In addition, keeping a large dog is an expensive pleasure.

If you are ready to create all the conditions for your future pet and are determined to raise and train it, carefully choose a reliable breeder. Read reviews about it on the Internet, go to the kennel on an excursion, talk to the dogs. Purchasing a huge dog puppy from unverified people is very dangerous. It’s not so bad if the dog does not match the breed’s exterior or has “inappropriate” documents. Although this is important for some. It is much worse if you buy a puppy with a weakened psyche, who will subsequently show aggression.

When it comes to choosing a puppy, pay attention to its health. This is indicated by dense fur, clear eyes and ears, and a well-fed appearance. Assess the character of your future pet. He should be curious, active and playful. If you need a guard, do not choose a shy and timid kitten. An overly aggressive puppy can also be a problem.

Origin story

The Central Asian Shepherd is an ancient breed that appeared 4,000 years ago. Initially, the dogs were called Turkmen wolfhounds.

In 1845, the Alabaev breed was described by Yuat. He described her as the strongest and largest dog with a wide muzzle.

Then the Alabai appeared in Mesopotamia and Central Asia, where their character was tempered. In 1930, the breed appeared in the USSR. It was bred to ensure the reliability and safety of large objects, but it was not possible to implement the plan.

The Turkmen Shepherd is a good friend and protector. With proper training, you can achieve dog obedience. If you immediately show who is boss in the house, you will be able to establish a relationship with your pet. Proper upbringing is the key to faithful service of the alabai to its owner.

How much do Alabai puppies cost?

The cost of Alabai puppies depends on the quality of the parents. The more titles and awards they have, the more expensive their offspring will be. In addition, the price is influenced by the characteristics of the kutenka itself. If this is a budding champion of exhibitions (these are classified as show class), it is sold at a higher price. On average, elite Central Asian Shepherd puppies cost 30-40 thousand rubles. But there is more.

The price may be lower if the puppy belongs to the pet class. These are pets that cannot take part in exhibitions or participate in breeding. In almost any litter there will be kittens that do not meet the standard. But they can be excellent guards and loyal friends. They are sold for 10-15 thousand rubles.


The Asian is a very large dog. And a city apartment is not the best place for such a breed.

  • She will feel good in a private household, where you can set up a large enclosure for her.
  • This applies to older puppies and adult dogs. But it is better to place a small puppy in the house until he gets stronger.
  • A stronger puppy can be safely transferred to an enclosure.
  • But if, after all, a fan of this breed lives in a city apartment, then he must provide his dog with two walks a day for 2 or more hours each.

And if a dog can get around in an enclosure without a leash, then when going for a walk in an urban environment with a Central Asian Shepherd, you need to have a muzzle and a high-quality leash.

Photos of Alabai by our visitors

Choosing a puppy – where to buy and price

It is best to purchase a puppy from specialized nurseries (Dar Asia, Klovi, Shakhriyar) or from a breeder. Before buying, observe the behavior of his parents and evaluate their appearance. It is better to take Alabai when slightly older (at the age of 1.5-2 months). The first vaccinations should already be done.

You should also pay attention to the following points:

  • eyes and ears should be clean and nose moist;
  • throw some object on the floor (for example, a bunch of keys) and choose the puppy who is not afraid of a loud sound, but shows interest in a new thing - he will run up and start sniffing;
  • A purebred Alabai has a teardrop-shaped head, the transition from the muzzle to the back of the head is smoothed;
  • the puppy's chest looks wide;
  • the front legs are straight, you can fit a palm between them;
  • the puppy's tail is raised up and docked;
  • if there are small children in the house, it is better to buy a female; if you need a guard, it is better to buy a male.

You should not buy an Alabai with long hair - it is a cross with a Caucasian. A real Central Asian looks like a plush toy. You should not choose a dog at the market or based on an ad on the Internet. The puppy may turn out to be a reject, a mixed breed, or just a mongrel. The worst thing is that such a dog cannot exclude the possibility of physical or mental pathology. There should be no problems finding an Alabai, since the breed is quite popular. The price of a good purebred puppy ranges from 20,000 to 45,000 rubles.

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