40 kilograms of happiness: puma owners talk about life with a big cat

What does the price depend on?

The cost of pumas depends on several criteria:

  1. Age. The cost of adult trained animals exceeds the price of kittens. And newborn kittens are cheaper compared to monthly kittens.
  2. Paula. Females are more expensive than males.
  3. Vida. There are six subspecies of mountain lions. The rarer ones are more expensive.

Important! In some cases, intercity delivery is required, the cost of which is discussed with the seller separately.

Not all subspecies can be purchased on the territory of the Russian Federation. The most valuable and expensive are black cougars, which are rare even in the wild.

Bombay cat - black panther in miniature

“Panther in miniature” - this is what they say about Bombay cats. And it doesn’t matter that the panther as a species does not exist. Everything is clear to everyone. The Bombay cat is an elegant creature with graphite-black short hair and expressive eyes. The breed is relatively young. It was developed in America in the 50s of the 20th century. Remains relatively rare.

How much does a pet cougar cost?

Due to the wide selection, prices vary widely. In any case, cougars are among the most expensive felines.

Prices for a one-month-old kitten start from 130 thousand rubles. up to 200 thousand rubles . As the animal gets older, the cost increases.

The low cost of a cougar may indicate the sale of a sick, substandard animal or fraudulent actions of the seller.

Can I keep it at home?

The animal poses a certain danger to a small child.
The most dangerous thing about keeping a cougar is an attack on a person due to its hunting instincts. However, in reality this rarely happens. According to statistics, from 1900 to 2010, cougars in captivity committed up to 100 attacks on people in Canada and the United States of America, 15 of them ended tragically. Basically, representatives of the family avoid humans. There are certain risks when keeping a cougar at home. An animal can attack a child or a small person, especially at night. You need to create all the necessary conditions for comfortable living and nutrition for your pet.

Where to buy a puma

There are many advertisements on the Internet about the sale of pumas by nurseries, individuals, and petting zoos. As a rule, all information with photographs of the animal is located on the personal websites of sellers.

Before purchasing, it is recommended to read reviews about the seller and visit specialized forums.

It is advisable that the animal be registered with the relevant authorities. This fact is confirmed by a veterinary passport, which indicates the date of birth and the fact that the animal was bred in captivity.

Geographic range and habitat

The puma boasts the widest distribution range of any member of the New World class of mammals. Only lynx and forest cats can compete with it. During the European settlement of the New World, the puma occupied the entire territory of what is now the 48 southern states of the United States and southern Canada. Currently, mountain lions are primarily found west of 100 degrees west longitude (roughly central Texas to Saskatchewan, excluding southern Texas), as far south as Chile.

Cougars prefer a variety of habitats, including grasslands, chaparral, woodlands, and swamps. This animal is just as at home in the Rocky Mountains as it is in the Argentine pampas or the dense Amazon rainforest. However, mountain lions avoid agricultural lands, plains, and similar habitats lacking topographical or vegetative cover.

Types of pumas

Graceful animals are characterized by the following parameters:

  • flexible, long body with developed muscles;
  • strong, powerful, short limbs;
  • rounded head, small relative to the body;
  • long, strong, bushy tail;
  • dense, short, coarse hair;
  • paws with oval pads. They have pointed, curved claws.

The color shade of adult individuals is uniform (gray-chestnut or brown-yellow). The chest, belly and neck have white markings, the muzzle has dark markings, and the ears and tail have black edges. Cougars from hot regions are smaller in size and more red in color.

Interesting! The appearance of kittens is different from adults. There are black spots and stripes on the fur, and dark rings on the tail. By one year the spots become lighter, and by two they disappear.

Modern scientists have identified six subspecies of pumas:

  • Puma concolor couguar inhabits North America;
  • Puma concolor costaricensis – Central America;
  • Puma concolor capricornensis – South America;
  • Puma concolor concolor – South America;
  • Puma concolor cabrerae – South America;
  • Puma concolor puma – South America.

Wild pumas live in tropical and coniferous forests, grassy plains, and swampy lowlands.


It is recommended to feed domestic pumas once a day, making sure to organize the only fasting day per week. At this time, you can only give fresh water, preferably filtered. The main diet of the animal is meat and meat by-products - it is possible to consume pork, chicken, turkey, chicken and beef liver, hearts, and ventricles. But beef is considered the most suitable option. Protein foods include raw eggs and fresh fish. In order to improve the digestive tract, vegetable oil, grain shoots, and bran are added to the diet. An adult’s menu must include “live food”—killed rabbits, feeding mice and rats, and small birds.

Your pet can eat beef several times a week.

It is necessary to feed according to the following scheme: 3 days a week - beef and other meat, 2 days. - livestock, 1 day - fish. You need to monitor the cleanliness of the water and change it regularly for fresh water. It is recommended to wash bowls and drinking bowls every day. To improve the health of big cats, you need to constantly give them a complex of vitamins and minerals. This is especially useful for growing kittens.

Veterinarians advise giving an adult domestic cougar 2 kilograms of meat and meat bones per day.

Keeping pumas at home

For a cougar to live comfortably, it is necessary to prepare a specialized equipped room - a large outdoor cage - at least 30-35 m² with a 2x2 m house and a high fence. Since the length of an animal’s jump can exceed 7 m and its height – 4 m, in the natural environment the size of their hunting area amounts to hundreds of hectares.

The aviary is equipped with:

  • drinking bowl, food bowl;
  • a car tire tied to tree branches;
  • strong toys: rubber bones, balls, a wheel tube, strong cables, wooden sticks.

It is recommended to install an artificial pond, stairs and rungs to provide the animal with physical activity.

If the animal was purchased as a small animal, it can live in an apartment. He should have a separate territory where the cougar will eat and rest.

Walking the pet outside. For this purpose, you need to purchase a leash. During walks, the cougar should be given the opportunity to play.

Wild cats should only be bathed if they are heavily soiled with a special shampoo. Use a damp soft cloth to wipe the eyes and ears.

Important! When keeping an animal in an apartment, it is necessary to respect the rights and interests of neighbors who may complain about smell or noise, mainly at night.

In the most peaceful wild animal, even one that has lived with humans since childhood, the awakening of the hunting instinct is not excluded. As a rule, cats do not touch people, but there is a risk of attacking children or short adults. The cage should have bars, and care should be taken to ensure the strength and reliability of the leash.

The character of domestic pumas is no different from that of ordinary cats. Owners consider them playful and affectionate, but cunning, wayward animals that respect their owners, but love themselves above all.

During the period of sexual activity, a cute pet may show aggression and become uncooperative.

What kind of animal is this

The cougar, or mountain lion, is a predatory animal, which means it needs a lot of space and high-calorie food. The latter is based on meat. Of course, keeping a cougar in an apartment is not an option, and no one will allow you to do this.

The habitat of this majestic animal is America, mainly mountainous areas. Despite the fact that pumas have a solitary nature, this animal is affectionate and affectionate, which is how they actually resemble a domestic cat.

The puma kitten is spotted, but as it matures, the coat begins to acquire an even sandy color. Newborn kittens weigh up to half a kilogram and are about 30 centimeters long. An adult animal grows up to 180 mm in length. The tail alone has 70 cm, the height at the withers is the same. An adult weighs approximately 1 quintal, or 100 kg. Kittens up to 4 months of age have blue eyes, which gradually turn yellow.

The male is usually larger and longer than the female. Sexual maturity in females occurs at 2.5 years, in males at 3 years.

When deciding to become the owner of a predatory cat, a cougar may be a suitable choice based on the following factors:

  • the mountain lion is a quiet animal (screams only during breeding);
  • highly trainable;
  • there is no need to feed strictly certain types of meat;
  • live about 20 years.

The wild cat is unpretentious, feeding is carried out once a day. More problems arise with equipping the storage space.


Mating of Abyssinian cats should take place on the territory of a male with a carefully selected partner. The Abyssinian's first heat can begin as early as 4 months. Breeding cats of this breed requires knowledge, consult a specialist.

Pregnancy can occur after the first mating and lasts 65 days. During the gestation period, your pet requires special treatment; surround her with additional care.

Childbirth in Abyssinian cats occurs naturally quite easily. The litter is up to 6 cubs. The initial development of kittens occurs under the constant attention of the mother; there is no need to interfere, she herself knows what needs to be done.

The bewitching grace of the most beautiful predator

The puma is an American wild cat. The animal lives mainly in South and North America, choosing high mountainous areas and grassy plains for living. The cougar easily adapts to new environments, which explains its popularity among breeders and exotic pet lovers. Today, among people who are thinking about which animal is worth buying for their home, the puma, as a quiet and calm animal, almost always takes the position of the sales leader. In its habitat, the cougar is second in size only to the jaguar.

The characteristic features of this type of cat are:

  • body length – from 120 to 170 cm;
  • tail length – 40-50 cm;
  • the height of an adult cat is 60-75 cm;
  • weight – up to 100 kg;
  • males are always larger than females;
  • the fur is uniform, gray-reddish, lighter on the neck and chest, darker on the tail brush and ears;
  • the body is flexible, the hind legs are more massive and muscular than the front;
  • Life expectancy is on average 20 years.

How to choose a kitten

Abyssinian kittens are ready for sale from the age of two months. But it’s better to wait, let them grow under the supervision of experienced breeders for up to 3-4 months in order to learn communication and behavior skills.

To choose the right purebred kitten, contact trusted nurseries, ask for documents and, of course, carefully examine the animal. There should be no bald spots on your future pet's coat, the skin is clean, without scratching, the eyes are clear, and the belly is not bloated. Ask if the kittens have been vaccinated.

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