Why dogs attack people, experts said December 19, 2022, 11:01

Insufficient education

Alas, this happens too...

Unfortunately, owners of small breeds often forget about raising a pet. It seems to them that a dog weighing 1.5-3 kg is completely harmless. When a pet barks at other dogs larger than itself, it looks more endearing than scary.

But the little things are touching for the owners. As for the owner of a large dog, he is annoyed by this behavior of a representative of a small breed. To prevent a small dog from bullying its larger brother, it is enough to prohibit such behavior instead of being touched by it.

If a pet ignores the ban, punishment will not be unnecessary. In the case of a small dog, you can give a prohibiting command in a stern voice and lightly shake the pet by grabbing it by the scruff of the neck. When it comes to a large breed, there are different methods of influence. We'll talk about them below.

Lack of obedience

I'm about to bite!

Please do not confuse education and obedience. Obedience is a section of dog training that involves knowledge and execution of primary commands, to put it very roughly. Such commands include “to me”, “next to me”, “sit, lie down, stand”, as well as a ban on certain actions.

The problem is that on the site with a canine handler, the pet is able to carry out commands, including prohibition, just perfectly. But on a walk, at the sight of another dog, the pet’s withers stand on end, and he goes to kill the enemy. The owner tries to prohibit the unwanted action, but the dog does not hear.

This indicates the owner's lack of authority. The owner simply failed to create contact with the dog, motivate it and teach it obedience.

Distract your pet

It is easier to prevent a situation that is conflicting or dangerous for your pet than to punish it later for an offense.

To prevent your dog from having the desire to attack a passerby or a passing car, try to keep him occupied with something more interesting while walking. For example, your favorite game or training.

If the dog tried to rush at a stranger or car, then try to get it away from there as soon as possible, and then distract it by playing or repeating commands.

Mental problems


And this happens in our time. Even among purebred dogs purchased in mono-kennels from champion parents. Unfortunately, mental problems are especially common in long-haired “show class” German shepherds. At the sight of a fellow dog, the shepherd begins to “yell” at the top of his lungs, tries to rush at the other dog, his withers standing on end.

Attempts to distract and switch do not work. The dog continues the tantrum with an attempted attack until the potential enemy is behind or disappears from sight. Not only “German show dogs” are guilty of this behavior; other large, medium and small breeds do the same.

Zoo aggression

Very aggressive dog

Zoo aggression is a consequence of a mental problem in a dog. Some dogs just like to show off how “strong and independent” they are. This is not fear, but an attempt to show one’s own superiority over other dogs. As a rule, such attempts end in failure: if a large “strong and independent” dog attacks a smaller one, the latter will suffer the fate of a cripple, at a minimum. In the worst case scenario, a representative of a small breed will die.

Unfortunately, small dogs often behave aggressively towards large ones. The latter's owners, in most cases, are kept on leashes and can prevent an extraordinary situation from arising. And when a small dog runs and attacks a large pet, bursting into barking, trouble cannot be avoided.

The cause of zoo aggression, in addition to an attempt to demonstrate one’s own strength, can be fear. A dog, regardless of its breed, is simply afraid of its own kind. And the best defense, as we know, is attack. So the pet begins to actively attack other dogs, thus trying to prove its strength. But when the enemy tries to repel the attacker, the latter immediately loses his fighting spirit and cowardly retreats.

By the way, an attack out of fear looks completely different than when demonstrating one’s superiority. In the first case, the attacker begins to bark hysterically and wags his tail furiously. Some individuals also fold their ears back, pressing them to the head. In the second case, the attack can occur at lightning speed, the dog does not consider it necessary to warn about it by barking. He simply throws himself at a potential opponent and begins to roll him on the ground, strangling him or tearing him with his teeth.

Why dogs attack people, experts said December 19, 2022, 11:01

Recently, news about dog attacks on people has often appeared in the media. In March, in Almaty, Rottweilers mauled a two-year-old girl to death, and more recently, in the Almaty region, a German shepherd attacked a boy. In Taldykorgan, a seven-year-old child became the victim of a pit bull; in Taraz, a tragedy occurred with an elderly woman. The correspondent tried to figure out why this is happening and how to solve this problem.

Dog handlers and volunteers believe that in 90 percent of cases, people are bitten by ill-mannered and untrained pets. The reasons for this behavior of animals can be different - from fear to reluctance to obey humans.

“You should get a dog only if you are one hundred percent ready for it, and not because it is fashionable. And the dog needs to be trained, educated, prepared for different situations from the first days of life. And we’re not talking about championships here, but about the most basic things - so that she knows simple commands, understands what a leash and muzzle mean,” dog handler Vlad Aliev shares his experience.

Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot. Photo by AFP©

You can train a dog at home, it is important that it feels the authority of its owner and obeys him unquestioningly. If the pet came into the family quite old or suddenly stopped obeying, then most likely you will have to turn to specialists. They will correct the dog’s behavior and help avoid not only problems, but also, possibly, tragedy.

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However, it happens that some animal owners deliberately set their dogs on passersby or simply cannot control aggressive pets and walk them without a leash or muzzle.

“If your neighbor’s dog barks at everyone, but at the same time walks freely, feel free to call the police,” advises Anna.

Why do dogs attack?

Anna and Vlad identify several main reasons why a seemingly harmless dog can suddenly bite.

Fear. “An untrained dog most often bites out of fear. At first she decides to bark first, to show strength in order to defend herself. The person gets scared, she understands this and thinks that she has found a good way to pressure or intimidate. And then he begins to think that he’s the navel of the earth and shows his teeth,” says Anna.

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Publication from “True Friend” helping animals (@vernyi_drug_krg) December 6, 2022 at 7:12 PST

Protection, jealousy. A dog can defend its territory or puppies, or be jealous of its owner towards others.

“This is also a sign of bad manners. When a little puppy starts barking, biting, if he doesn’t like something, everyone is touched and clapping their hands. And as he grows up, they immediately grab his head. And few people start training. More often than not, pets are simply given away, thrown away, or immediately euthanized,” Anna sighs.

The dog considers itself to be in charge. “Dogs are very smart, they quickly understand with whom and how to behave. For example, there are two owners: husband and wife. Both care for, feed, and love equally. But the husband shows himself more harshly, but the wife does not. The dog barked at her once, and she got scared and screamed. The animal understands that it is possible to dominate here,” says Vlad Aliev.

The dog is in pain. In pain, a dog, without wanting to, can bite a person, at this time the reflex simply works.

“For example, an animal’s back hurts, and they stroke it in this very place. Of course, a reaction will follow - the dog simply cannot talk about pain in any other way. It’s the same with children, they love to sit on horseback and pull their ears and noses. And it hurts,” says Anna.

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Publication from the Tailed Paradise Shelter (@priyut_hvostatyy_rai) December 12, 2022 at 1:22 PST

“Most likely, the dog will just grab it with his teeth. In general, dogs rarely bite someone. But how much does a child need? One unsuccessful bite and that’s it,” says Vlad.

“In general, a child should immediately be explained that a dog is not a toy, but a friend who has feelings and who must be loved and respected. Well, of course, train the dog,” advises Anna.

Photo Instagram.com/kare.kz

Bad heredity. “Some breeders, and even ordinary people, do not control the mating process. Suppose the male shepherd was cowardly and the female was aggressive. They give birth to beautiful but nervous puppies, similar to shepherd dogs. They are given away for nothing or sold cheaper than in clubs. As a result, uncontrollable animals grow up, completely different from noble and good-natured shepherd dogs,” says dog handler Anna Rakova.

In her opinion, it is worth banning the sale of large and fighting breed dogs to untrained people.

“Previously, in order to own a Rottweiler, you had to take a course at a kennel club. They told us how to behave with a pet. But now there is no such thing, and that’s the problem,” Anna sums up.

Training process. Photo Facebook.com/ann.rakova.1

Rabies is a dangerous viral infection that is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected animal. “I work in this field and am interested in such things. But over many years of practice, I have never heard of anyone contracting rabies in Kazakhstan,” says Vlad.

Are stray dogs dangerous?

Separately, it is worth mentioning the problem of stray animals. They are often brutally killed, even if they are harmless.

“All strays are former pets or their offspring. That is, they ended up on the street due to human fault. But stray dogs do not attack people without a reason. Individually, they try to stay away, because they have learned from bitter experience: they are kicked and beaten,” says Inna Radchenko, an animal volunteer with 20 years of experience.

She also notes that packs of stray dogs form only during the mating season. And if they bark at people, then, most likely, for two reasons: either they are defending their territory, or they are hungry.

“For example, a child is walking through a vacant lot, and the smell of food comes from his backpack. What will attract attention here is not the student himself, but his bag. But what will the child do? He will get scared and start waving his arms and screaming and throwing stones. And this is already a signal for the pack to attack,” says Inna.

Disabled dog Smile from Karaganda. Was homeless, got hit by a car, now lives a normal life

There are two ways out, Inna believes. Firstly, you should avoid such places. And secondly, it is necessary to sterilize the homeless.

“We shoot strays almost everywhere, but this does not help control their population. In addition, if the female is sterilized, she does not attract males to her, which means there will be no flock. A lonely homeless person will never attack a person,” says Inna.

By the way, feeding a homeless homeless person is a good thing. Inna tells how to do this:

“Just put the food down and step away. Don’t try to hand feed, the dog doesn’t know you, there will be no trust. And of course, there is no need to come at her with pleasantries and affection during the meal. In general, if you want to make friends with a dog, let it get used to you for at least a few days.”

Defense against attack

So what to do if danger is already near? If you see a dog approaching you, “pretend to be a tree” - freeze and don’t move.

“The most important thing is to suppress inner fear. Do not wave your arms, do not become hysterical, and under no circumstances look into the animal’s eyes or run away, this is definitely a signal for an attack. Talk to the dog in an even voice without trembling. If this is a pack, then figure out the leader and behave the same way,” says Inna Radchenko.

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Posted by DOG TRAINING || ALMATY (@dressirovka.almaty) Nov 12, 2022 at 3:15 PST

In this case, the dog will not attack, but will simply bark - all our specialists agree on this. But as soon as you start moving frantically, an attack will occur. For protection, Vlad Aliyev advises putting your bag, umbrella, book - everything you have in your hands - in front. As a last resort, a thick layer of clothing wrapped around the brush will do.

“Dogs bite the part that you provide. You need to keep your mouth occupied with something, and then you can call for help,” he sums up.

Well, and most importantly: protect your face, neck, chest, legs, hands and fingers, these are the most vulnerable parts of the body.


What are you talking about, we were friends!

A typical picture: a calm, balanced dog suddenly begins to attack its own kind. The owner is shocked, this has never happened, the pet has always treated his own kind favorably. An analysis of the situation begins, the owner tenses up and remembers: the pet began to attack other dogs after he got sick.

Yes, a sick dog is quite capable of showing aggression. This is explained by an attempt to protect themselves, because illness is a reason to be attacked or killed by their own relatives. For example, stray dogs that gather in packs do not stand on ceremony with sick “household members”; they are destroyed.

Pets are more loyal in this matter, but the instincts of self-defense at the time of illness do not go away. No one wants to be strangled or eaten by their own kind.

Prevention of dominant behavior in dogs

The best friend: can a dog forget its owner?

From the first days a puppy appears in the house, the owner must do everything to ensure that the animal’s natural inclinations do not become the reason for its aggressive behavior. The animal needs to be taught discipline; it must be actively dealt with throughout the entire period of growing up.

Important! Even after an adult dog proves that it is not capable of behaving aggressively, the level of requirements for it cannot be reduced.

Without giving any concessions to either himself or the dog, the owner will ensure the pet a long life in the family, and he will receive a devoted friend with whom he can fearlessly go out or be in the company of household members, friends, and strangers.


Don't come near me, I'm offended!

Oh, many bitches become inadequate during heat. It seems that your pet is absolutely calm and balanced, but before and during heat you can turn off the lights. The pet becomes irritable, grumpy, and aggressive towards other dogs. This is especially true for male dogs who decide to meet a potential bride. Yes, and the bitches who decide to meddle with our heroine will not be happy.

The aggression will go away after the end of the heat. But it lasts 21-25 days, and even a couple of weeks before the onset, the dog begins to behave strangely. In general, the owner will have to muster up his patience for this period.

The dog rears its withers and lifts its tail, getting closer and closer

Photo from doityourself.com
Dog attacks can be divided into several types.

The first is a warning: the dog barks, raises its withers, turns sideways, as if turning its head away, lowers its tail, but does not tuck it. She warns you that you shouldn't go further. It is at this moment that it is better to stop.

If you do not go far enough into the dog's territory and do not threaten its valuable resources with your presence, then most likely it will quickly calm down and may move away to watch you from afar.

Perhaps the dog feels driven into a dead end, for example, if you are standing in the middle of the path and you cannot get around. The dog may growl at you, but if you give way to him, everything will be resolved.

The second is a psychological attack, a more emotional and aggressive type of attack: the dog lifts its tail high, raises its withers, and barks deafeningly. When you approach, she can imitate a jump - jump on her hind legs to appear bigger and stronger than she is. Barking also attracts relatives, and their appearance gives the dog fearlessness.

Third . Sometimes an animal can attack out of boredom. Such a dog may bark at you first and see your reaction. If you get nervous, she may attack. At first, as if as a joke, then seriously. The dog may not even bark - just raise its withers, growl, run around, try to lightly bite the legs or arms.

Moreover, she can stop, take breaks - as soon as you continue moving, she will attack again. The dog wants to scare you, make you panic. And if she succeeds - you start running away or waving your arms and legs - she may rush in earnest.

If you find yourself in such a situation, change your route and remain calm and confident.

What to do if a dog shows aggression towards its own kind?

In case of insufficient training of the pet, work out the gaps. If the owner cannot do this on his own, seek help from a dog handler.

When it comes to lack of obedience, the problem is more complex. In most cases, dogs obey their owners at training grounds or a dog handler works with them. The pet demonstrates completely different behavior during a simple walk with the owner. Most likely, the problem is that the owner does not motivate the animal enough on himself, allowing him too much.

The dog must understand that being with its owner is good and interesting. Only next to the owner, and not when she is left to her own devices. The owner should play and exercise with the pet on walks, instead of letting it swim freely.

For mental problems and animal aggression, the only thing that can be recommended is to walk with your pet’s favorite toy. When she sees another dog, her own dog is put on a short leash and her attention switches to the toy.

If a dog is cowardly and exhibits aggressive behavior because of this, it needs to be shown that its fellow dogs are good. Encourage interest in other dogs, communication with them and prohibit aggression towards their own kind.

Inadequate conditions of detention

Many dogs that are chained or outdoors for a long time react very aggressively to strangers. The reason for this may be passers-by who take advantage of the dog's limited freedom in order to tease or threaten it. Another reason may be frustration caused by severely limited freedom of movement.

Ethologists consider one of the widespread causes of aggression to be housing conditions that do not allow the dog to implement any behavior model or achieve a desired goal. Boredom is also often cited as one of the reasons. Restriction of external information and freedom of movement leads to a decrease in the threshold of irritation, which determines the intensity of the reaction to new stimuli. As a result, the dog's reaction is more intense than it would otherwise be.

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