The oldest dog: age, breed, nickname, owners, entry into the Guinness Book of Records

When we bring a puppy into the house, it seems like forever. The plush lump will grow and be nearby. Always always. But a dog's life is short. Twelve, maximum fifteen years. Then they leave, taking with them a part of our soul.

However, there are also those owners whose dogs are long-lived. They were lucky to live side by side with their pet for a quarter of a century or more. The oldest dog - how old did it live? In this article we will talk about the oldest dogs on the planet and long-lived breeds.

Record reached

Once upon a time there lived an Australian Shepherd. She was born in 1910. Helped herd sheep flocks. I have never been sick with anything. The ten-year mark has now been passed. The brothers and sisters have already died, but the kelpie still lives and lives. Energetic, active, with a good appetite.

A year before his death, the dog stopped seeing. But he remained active until the last moment. November 14, 1939 was the last day for the dog. The dog lived in the world for 29 years and 5 months. The dog's name was Bluey. According to the Guinness Book of Records, this four-legged dog is the oldest dog in the world.

Dachshund, up to 17 years old

The dachshund's
distinctive physiognomy is due to a genetic mutation known as bassetism, which gives the specimen short limbs in relation to body size.

Based on its size and weight, it can be classified as standard (9–11 kg), miniature (4.5–6 kg) and Kaninchen. The latter is not only lighter in weight and smaller in size, but also has different physical features.

In addition, the Dachshund differs depending on the type of hair, it can be coarse hair (usually gray), short hair and long hair, the last two can be black with fiery red, chocolate brown.

Didn't make it into the Book of Records

Another Kelpie (Australian Shepherd) became famous for its longevity. Her name was Maggie. She was born in 1986. The puppy was purchased as a gift for the owner's 4-year-old son. When Maggie died, her son turned 34 years old.

Until the last day the shepherd was active. Age did not stop her from riding on a tractor with her owner, chasing neighborhood cats and gnawing on candy. True, lately this has become difficult. The teeth were slowly falling out, and the remaining two teeth were not very good at chewing on candy.

Maggie's owner, Mr. McLaren, said that he had lost the documents for the dog. But he claims that the puppy was purchased for his son.

The oldest dog (unofficially) died in April 2016.

Alabai, under 15 years old

a dog of the Alabai ordinary. There are many reasons for this: quite large sizes, non-standard appearance, all this is noticeable even in the photo.

For a long time, alabai was used as an assistant for people. They have an innate instinct as guards, but they require due attention from the owner and proper care. In addition, they have a rather complex character, they are characterized by pride and self-confidence.

The pet can make decisions independently, and execution of the owner’s commands is possible only when there is a clear need for them.

Japanese granny

Another oldest dog in the world is a mixed breed from Japan. Her name was Pusuke. Judging by the appearance, the dog had Akita Inu in his family. This little red fox was born in March 1985. She lived all her life in the same family. In 2008, when Puska was 23 years old, the animal was hit by a car.

Do you think a dog's life ended on the highway? No matter how it is! Puske lived for another three years. She passed away in December 2011.

The lifespan of one of the oldest dogs is 26 years 8 months. Puske is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Shih Tzu, up to 20 years old

The Shih Tzu is a tough little dog with a short muzzle and large dark brown eyes. They have a soft and long double coat. Sometimes Shih Tzus have long hair, like a Pekingese. Some of them have shorter curly hair. A Shih Tzu should weigh between 4.5 and 7.3 kg.

Dogs' ears are covered with long fur, and their tail with long hair is literally carried on their back. The coat can be any color, although white Shih Tzus and those with a gray sheen are common. A very noticeable feature of such dogs is the bite, which is required in the breed standard.

Terrier named Max

This purebred dog lived for almost 30 years. A mixed terrier, he was born in August 1983. Lived in the USA, in the state of Louisiana. He has always been in good health. Only in old age did he begin to lose his vision and developed cataracts. Arthritis also increased. But this did not stop Max from living 29 years and 9 months.

What is the secret of Max's longevity? His owner Janelle says she never fed the dog from the table. Daily long walks, proper nutrition and education - that’s the whole secret. Max ate only dog ​​food.

The record was recorded on May 15, 2013. And three days later, the long-lived mestizo “ran away to the dog’s rainbow.”

Record holders

  • The longest-living terrier is Max, who lives in Louisiana. His age is about 30 years, the dog was born on August 9, 1983. Lives to this day;
  • The most expensive dog is $1.5 million. One multimillionaire paid this amount for a Tibetan mastiff puppy;
  • The heaviest dog weighs 156 kilograms and is 96 centimeters tall. Breed: English Mastiff;
  • The smallest dog in the world is the Chihuahua; with a height of 6.53 cm, it weighs only 170 grams;
  • The fastest dog is a greyhound named Star Title, which reaches a speed of 68 km/h.

This is far from the most complete list of records, but we did not write frankly stupid ones, such as the longest distance a dog crawled between the legs of people standing in a row. By the way, there were 457 of them.

Where did the record book come from?

Everyone knows about this book, but few know its history and origins.

Initially, it was just a reference book, designed for those who like to argue over a glass of beer in pubs. A brilliant idea came to the owner of the Guinness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beaver; by the nature of his profession, he knew how disputes end in drunken companies.

Guinness Book of Records

It simply contained interesting facts, answers to quizzes, and simply encyclopedic notes.

But the book began to publish the funny capabilities of people and animals, thereby gaining enormous popularity. So in 1956, the directory was already replicated to 5 million copies, turning from a simple reference book into the achievements of mankind in half a century.

Collie on the list

Bramble is one of the oldest dogs. In 2009 she turned 27 years old. The dog lived in the city of Somerset. What is the secret to a long life? The owner claims that it’s all about the diet. Bramble is a vegetarian. This collie also loved to go to the pool. Once a week he made sure to visit it, swimming with pleasure. Despite his venerable age, the male remained active until the end. He “walked” the owner around the city over the longest distances.

It can be assumed that Bramble's life was stress-free. This is wrong. In 2007, the dog suffered a spinal injury. But even that didn't stop her. Bramble continues his weekly trips to the pool. With the help of the hostess, of course.

What affects the lifespan of four-legged animals?

The average life expectancy of four-legged pets is 10-13 years. Its change up or down depends on internal and external factors.

Dependence on various factors

Internal factors include everything that cannot be adjusted. It is embedded in the animal from birth. This group includes:

  1. Size. The smaller the dog, the more years he has. It's all about the minimum concentration of the IGF-1 protein, which is responsible for wear and tear on the body.
  2. Floor. Hot-tempered males often die in fights, and unsterilized females often die from too frequent and difficult childbirth.
  3. Congenital diseases and features. This includes breed pathologies and diseases transmitted from parents. The risk group includes brachycephals who suffer from oxygen starvation all their lives.

External factors include everything related to care and maintenance, that is, quality of life. Safe sleeping space, regular nutrition, sufficient physical activity, favorable psycho-emotional conditions and regular preventive measures play the most important role in the life of pets.

How to extend the life of a pet?

Proper care and comfortable maintenance do not guarantee protection from force majeure and internal factors. Their main task is to reduce existing risks, but even this can extend the life allotted by nature.

For the longevity of your beloved four-legged animal, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Register your pet for spaying or neutering immediately after puberty if you do not plan to involve him in breeding work. Both operations reduce aggression, prevent unwanted pregnancy and cancer of the reproductive system.
  2. Follow the schedule of vaccinations and treatment against parasites, and also do not forget about annual preventive examinations. More frequent testing may be required for at-risk animals.
  3. Keep your dog's bed and other personal belongings clean.
  4. Balance your diet, eliminating deficiencies and surpluses of essential elements.
  5. Control your pet's weight with active games and exercises.
  6. Monitor the condition of the ears, eyes, claws, skin and fur. At the first signs of illness, contact your veterinarian immediately to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.
  7. Eliminate physical punishment and minimize stress by surrounding your pet with love and care.

Also try not to forget about safety. Most accidents occur due to poor upbringing and permissiveness, so do not neglect training, socialization and mandatory wearing of equipment on the street.

A little about long-lived breeds

What is the oldest dog? Let's remember that this is a kelpie named Bluey. He lived for more than 29 years. Was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Now let's talk about those long-lived dogs that were never included in the Guinness Book of Records.

  1. Yorkshire Terrier. One of the most popular breeds in the world. Life expectancy is 17-20 years. The oldest representative of the breed died in 2016. He turned 25 years old.
  2. Chihuahua. Another four-legged baby, characterized by a long life span. It will please the owner for 15-20 years. According to information, the oldest representative of the breed died at the age of 20 years 9 months. The dog's name is not known.
  3. Pomeranian Spitz. This furry “cloud” is active and friendly. Spitz live on average 13-15 years. The Spitz's great-great-great-grandfather lived a long canine life, four months shy of his 22nd birthday.
  4. Dachshund. A “sausage on legs”, curious and stubborn. Nevertheless, she has earned the love of dog lovers of the world. Perhaps its life expectancy is from 14 to 17 years. The oldest representative of the breed died at the age of 21. Her name was Chanel in honor of the legendary Coco Chanel.
  5. Toy is a poodle. Cute and smart, they have won the love of humanity. They live for about 16 years. But there was one who broke records. His name was Seamus. And he lived for 20 years.
  6. Beagle. Active dogs do not belong on the couch. These little hunters live 12-15 years. Among the representatives of the breed there was one dog who lived to be 27 years old. His name was Butch. Died in 2003.
  7. Pug. One of the oldest breeds. The dog is a “monkey”, devoted to its owner to the point of oblivion. This devotion can be enjoyed for 12-15 years. One “pug-catcher” was lucky; his dog lived for 18 years and 8 months, as recorded for 2022. He still lives to this day.
  8. Lhaa Apso. Another small breed that is long-lived. They live up to 18 years of age. There is no official breed record holder yet.
  9. Maltese. These miniature blondes have been pleasing their owners for about 15 years.
  10. Schnauzer. Possessors of an assertive character and irrepressible energy. Lifespan is 13-15 years.

Spitz, under 16 years old

A Spitz is a breed of dog that has common characteristics: two layers of coat - the first is short and thick, which protects them from the weather, the second layer is formed by long, straight hair and is separated from the body.

The short-haired head resembles that of a fox with small pointed ears and a tail that is raised, curved and supported on the back. They are very similar physically to Nordic dogs.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale has classified the Spitz breed into Group 5, into two separate sections; 4th section European Spitz and 5th section Asian Spitz. There are also some breeds that are called Spitz and which the FCI places in the 2nd section of Nordic hunting dogs.


These babies may seem like gentle creatures, but their external fragility does not prevent them from living for 15-20 years. A Chihuahua named Megabyte passed away in 2014 at the age of 20 years and 265 days.

Long-haired Chihuahua Photo: Bonnie van den Born,

Chihuahuas need regular exercise. These dogs have a very capricious character, so they definitely need to be trained to avoid behavior problems.


Active, loyal and obedient, they get along well with children. They were bred to hunt hares and various small animals. The coloring is always three-color: white, black, red or brown. The average life expectancy is from 12 to 15 years. A beagle named Butch lived for 27 years!

Of course, all these breeds have a predisposition to a high life expectancy, but this is not enough; to ensure that your pet’s life is as long and comfortable as possible, provide it with the right living conditions.

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