10 Facts About the Extinct Titanoboa Snake - The World's Largest Snake Species
After the death of dinosaurs at the end of the Mesozoic era, they became extinct either due to the fall of a giant
Argiope Brünnich
Rare ladybug spider: miniature but very brave
Due to its color, the argiope spider goes by such names as: wasp spider; zebra spider; tiger spider However, his
Photo: Moose
Elk - habitat, physiology, nutrition, lifespan + 77 photos
Wild animals >> Mammals Elk, or Alces alces, is a giant among artiodactyl mammals. Sokhatym
Sydney leukoweb spider: the most dangerous member of the family
Funnel web spiders, whose Latin name is Agelenidae, belong to the family of araneomorph spiders. Known in nature
A large family of stingrays: sea cat, sea fox, sawfish and other relatives.
For the most part, the inhabitants of the Black Sea are harmless and do not pose a threat to people, which makes
Tooth Trap: Dog Breeds with the Strongest Bite
Tosa Inu's bite is 1350 N in an adult. Most often these dogs are used in
structure of snakes skeleton
Who are snakes? Description of the photo, unusual facts from the life of legless reptiles
SNAKES (Serpentes, Ophidia) - a suborder of the class of reptiles. Snakes are distinguished from other reptiles by their elongated bodies.
Axolotl: photo, description, keeping at home
An amazing creature that reminds some of a dragon, others of the “cartoon” Luntik. Many people think he's cute, but
Photo: Nile monitor
Nile monitor lizard: characteristics, keeping at home
Wild animals >> Reptiles The Nile monitor lizard was highly respected by the ancient Egyptians, moreover,
Viper: description, types, what it looks like, where it lives, nutrition, reproduction, danger, photos and videos
The marsh viper has several names - chain viper and Russell's viper. Is this dangerous?
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