Tooth Trap: Dog Breeds with the Strongest Bite

Tosa Inu

The bite is 1350 N in an adult. Most often, these dogs are used as a personal bodyguard, as they are non-aggressive by nature. This is a very reliable dog that is easy to train, has patience and remarkable calm. However, when commanded, the Tosa Inu will be ready to instantly attack the target. It is worth remembering that although they have a soft character, their jaws have enormous strength and even a puppy can easily bite through a hard object.

How is jaw strength measured in dogs, why know this parameter

Bite force is measured in newtons (N), which can be converted to kilogram-force (1 kgf = 10 N). For fighting dogs, it is important to know this parameter, as it indicates the animal’s strong jaw, which meets the breed standards. Grip strength is also learned when training service dogs, which are then used to neutralize criminals.

Sometimes there are materials in which the bite force is measured in atmospheres. This is incorrect, since the atmosphere is a unit of pressure, i.e. force divided by area. A pressure of one atmosphere corresponds to one kgf applied to an area of ​​one square centimeter. You don’t measure the distance between cities in km/h, do you? Likewise, when studying the jaw strength of dogs, you should not rely on atmospheres.

V. Revenko. Kennel "Strong Style"

Jaw clenching force is measured in several ways. The simplest, but not very accurate - the dog is forced to grab onto a wooden pine block when attacking, and then the depth of the bites is measured. Now dog handlers are abandoning this method and using special sleeves with built-in sensors.

You cannot measure the force of a dog’s bite yourself at home, as this can only be done by specially trained people using special armbands with built-in sensors.

It is important to understand that when indicating grip strength, an average number is used, since the pressure on the bitten object will differ in different parts of the jaw. The deepest puncture is made, of course, by the fangs, but the victim is squeezed most forcefully by the dog’s molars; The incisors have less strength, since they are farthest from the muscles responsible for closing the jaw. Example: the molars of an adult Rottweiler compress with a force of 1600 N, the incisors - 1400 N. It turns out that the average bite rate for this breed is 1500 N. For comparison: the force of compression of the jaws of a leopard is 1070 N, a shark - 4500 N, a wolf - 1410 N , bear - 2000 N.

The danger of dog bites is measured not only by the force of clenching the teeth. It also plays a role how long the dog can hold its jaw in maximum tension, what attack tactics the dog uses, how much control it remains under its owner at the moment of aggression (whether it will let go of the object at the first command). For example, Staffords and pit bulls are inferior in bite force to many breeds, but their “killer” instincts are too developed - when they bite, dogs do not just defend themselves or scare, they seek to kill.

Video: how to measure a dog’s bite force using a special sleeve

American Bandog

Quite a powerful fighting breed, which was bred by crossing a pit bull and a Neapolitan mastiff. A massive, muscular physique helps the dog win in fights, but this breed is inferior to the pit bull due to less endurance and bloodthirstiness. The bite force ranges from 1180 to 1460 N in adults. It is worth noting that the bandog is less aggressive and, with proper training and education, can be quite a cute animal.

Anatomy of a bite

Structurally, a dog’s body consists of bones, muscles and ligaments. This anatomical apparatus is most effective when there is a certain proportion between the parts of the body. The main thing is the relationship between the head and neck. Guard dogs have a large head supported by a short massive neck.

Dog's grin

A dog's weapon is its jaws. When the skull is equal in size to them, the animal’s grip is deep and strong. In individuals with short jaws it is “dead”. Clenching his teeth, such a dog captures a small area, but with enormous force. At the same time, she loses her evasiveness, becomes vulnerable - she is not able to quickly let go of the victim and jump away. The breed of dog with a “death grip” is well known - the bulldog.

Important! Dogs with long muzzles (Russian greyhounds), with equal strength of chewing muscles, are inferior in bite to their counterparts with short muzzles.

The greatest bite force is found in dogs with a large skull and a wide opening of the mouth. But not every animal with such data is suitable for the role of a guard and protector - many of them are simply good-natured by nature.

Bull Terrier

A bull terrier can easily attack any unfamiliar person or animal, so you should carefully train the dog from a very young age and teach it to control its aggression. Bullteliers have a tendency to attack the enemy with multiple bites, trying to bite the carotid artery. Bite force can range from 1100 to 1450 N, depending on whether the dog has been trained or not. It is noteworthy that the animal can hold the enemy in its jaws for up to three hours.

Chow chow

The soft and fluffy animal Chow Chow is far from harmless, as pet owners claim.
Everyone wants to assure others that their pet is the best, but you need to adequately face the truth. Chow is not a toy for children. The appearance of a cute animal is deceiving. They are able to chew through steel, bite through a huge crocodile or bite through the thick skin of a hippopotamus... Let's look into the mouths of those who are capable of this thanks to their powerful jaws.

Photos and text by Alexey Osokin

1. Let's start, of course, with lions. These incredibly beautiful and graceful cats are real killing machines. No one can feel calm when they are around them. Lions even attack adult hippos. Nothing is impossible for them. At the same time, the bite force of a lion by African standards is very small - only about 40-50 atmospheres.

2. Cheetahs cannot boast of the strongest bite, but incredibly sharp fangs and incisors leave no chance for the prey...

3. Note: The cheetah's head is designed by nature so that most of it is occupied by the respiratory system, allowing it to run at great speed. There was no room left for big teeth.

4. Another cat that can kill an animal significantly larger than itself, and then drag the carcass up a tree - a leopard.

5. In terms of bite force, a leopard is the strongest cat in Africa - according to various sources, from 100 to 125 atmospheres.

6. The hippopotamus has the most powerful jaws. And although it feeds mainly on grass, the hippopotamus needs a powerful jaw for battles with other hippos and for protection from predators. They are said to be able to bite a huge crocodile in two. The bite force of these fatties reaches 125 atmospheres.

7. There are legends about the power of the crocodile’s jaws. And for good reason. These cutest creatures have a bite force of 340 atmospheres and this is the highest among all African animals.

9. Hyenas easily chew through strong bones and are even able to chew through the steel bars of cages.

10. The force of a hyena’s bite, according to various sources, ranges from 70 to 90 atmospheres, but incredibly strong and sharp teeth give the power to the bite.

Pit bull terrier

Pit bulls are known for their unstable psyche and sudden outbursts of aggression, which can even be directed at their owners. In many countries, keeping these dogs is prohibited, as fatal attacks often occur. Pit bulls are difficult to train; even a trained and disciplined individual can sometimes be difficult to control. Their jaw strength is 1350 N, but this is quite enough to tear another dog or even a person to shreds. When attacked, pit bulls have a habit of knocking down the enemy and holding him tightly with their jaws, so pulling him away is not so easy.

Grizzly bear

Jaw strength – 81 atmospheres.

The grizzly bear is a North American subspecies of the brown bear and is distinguished by its large size and aggressiveness. True, biologists claim that this is just a fiction and that the grizzly bear is practically no different from the brown bears living in Eastern Siberia. Despite its significant weight, a grizzly bear can reach speeds of up to fifty-six kilometers per hour. For the most part, they feed on nuts, berries and other vegetation, but they can also hunt. In Yellowstone National Park, grizzlies were captured on video while hunting.

Compared to other bears, grizzlies are considered more aggressive. It has been suggested that due to its enormous size, the grizzly bear cannot climb trees. For this reason (also presumably) they have developed a powerful mechanism of aggression, which allows them not only to obtain food for themselves, but also to effectively resist any competitor. Presumably, it was this evolutionary path that led to the fact that the grizzly bear developed such powerful jaws, with the help of which he can cope with wolves and other intruders living in his domain. The average weight of the largest grizzlies living in Alaska is about 450 kilograms. Contrary to the common myth about super-dangerous killer bears, the grizzly bear does not consider a person as prey and can attack only in case of old age, illness or being provoked to do so.


Dobermans respond well to training and are a fairly intelligent breed that is often used by the police. Although their bite is greater than that of a pit bull terrier - 1430 N, the Doberman will lose in a fight with the latter, since it is not prone to such cruelty, and the breed was originally bred as a service dog, not a fighting dog. However, you shouldn’t make a Doberman angry either - this dog runs quite fast and can easily gnaw a limb if necessary.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the oldest breeds, which has existed for more than 2 thousand years. They are strong, hardy, fearless dogs. The main characteristic of the breed is the presence of excellent watchdog qualities. The dog has very strong jaws, thanks to which it can drive away anyone who invades its territory with bad intentions. This is how a person who was bitten by this dog describes his feelings: “It’s as if someone ran over his hand with a car. There is no pain as such, there is a feeling that the arm was simply crushed. And a little later blood began to flow from the broken veins.”


This breed also belongs to the category of dogs with a friendly and affectionate character. However, a bullmastiff enraged by battle, like a butcher, tears pieces of flesh from the victim, tearing it apart in the literal sense of the word. The jaw strength of these dogs is enormous - 1650 N. Also, do not forget about the weight - the dogs rush at the offender and knock him to the ground, after which they begin to bite the most sensitive places - the neck or stomach.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most common dogs in the world. Distinctive features of the breed are an excellent sense of smell, lightning-fast reaction, sensitive ears and strong jaws. The shepherd dog does not choose one owner. She listens well to all family members. She must have a job - guard the house, look after the children, accompany the owner. Without this, she gets bored and the dog's character deteriorates.

German Shepherds are highly intelligent dogs and are often used by the police and military. Their bite is strong enough to break any bone in the human body or resist any other animal that might threaten them. The German Shepherd's temperament is calm and calm. Representatives of this breed are not prone to aggression, except in cases where the animal believes that the owner is in danger or someone else has entered the territory that the dog considers its own.


This breed is a Turkish guard dog and has a bite power of 1800 N. This is where the Kangal is superior to other breeds. The dog is not aggressive, but without training it is capable of attacking any stranger at the slightest threat. However, the pet is infinitely loyal to its owner.

Knowing the strength of your pet’s bite is useful even for dog breeders without fighting tendencies, since knowing your pet’s capabilities will help prevent many injuries and even a tragic outcome. It is important to remember that even a well-mannered and calm dog can cause irreparable damage to a person if provoked or angered.

  • Author: Elena Romanenko
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Chow chow

The soft and fluffy animal Chow Chow is far from harmless, as pet owners claim. Everyone wants to assure others that their pet is the best, but you need to adequately face the truth. Chow is not a toy for children. The appearance of a cute animal is deceiving.

This is what the famous dog handler and dog trainer Cesar Millan said about which dog breeds bites are the most painful and dangerous for people.

German Shepherd

This breed is considered one of the most dangerous for humans. According to dog experts, the jaw clenching force of an average two-year-old German Shepherd weighing approximately 27 kilograms can range from 180 to 315 kilograms per square centimeter.

Dogs of this breed are capable of attacking both smaller animals and people. They react sharply to any “provocation” from the outside and are always ready to defend their territory, and not only from strangers. Such a dog will easily break your arms and legs or tear out a piece from any part of your body.

A case was recently reported of a German Shepherd attacking its 35-year-old owner at home. Two days later, the woman died from the bites.


This relatively large breed of dog was once bred as a guard dog. Bullmastiffs have always been highly aggressive, and the bite force of an adult dog is approximately 175 kilograms.

Not long ago, in New Jersey, a bullmastiff that escaped from its owners became the killer of a 13-year-old teenager. A little later, another bullmastiff killed a young man who stood up for a girl who was attacked by a dog.


Dogs of this breed have almost fantastic strength and endurance. At the same time, they are called “butcher dogs.” Rottweilers are excellent at protecting their territory, but if they are not properly trained, they can become extremely dangerous. In Poland, Ireland and Portugal, dogs of this breed are not officially recommended to be kept.

According to experts, the clenching force of a Rottweiler's jaws can reach 146 kilograms. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Rottweilers were responsible for half of all dog bite deaths in the United States from 1993 to 1996.


The bite power of an average Doberman is about 142 kilograms. Doberman Pinschers were previously often used in police service. The peculiarity of this breed, according to Cesar Millan, is that its representatives can show aggression towards strangers, but extremely rarely towards their owners. And yet there are exceptions. For example, in 2011 in the USA, a Doberman dog bit its owner to death.

Pit bull terrier

Today, this dog breed is considered one of the most aggressive and dangerous in the world, says Millan. The force of compression of its jaws is about 126 kilograms per square centimeter, and a pit bull’s bite is often fatal. These dogs are actively used in dog fighting, they help the police in searching for drugs, and perform guard functions. However, in many countries, ownership of dogs of this breed is prohibited by law. The fact is that if a Pit Bull Terrier is not trained enough, it is difficult to control it.

A study conducted from 2001 to 2005 by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia found that during that period, 137 of 269 cases of dog attacks on people involved pit bulls. Moreover, in more than half of the episodes the victims were children.

Staffordshire Terrier

The jaw strength of this dog breed is legendary. According to experts, the bite power of the staff is about 120 kilograms. These dogs are specially trained for dog fighting. But they can also be aggressive towards people if they see them as a threat.

However, in almost all cases where dogs of these breeds harmed people, they were not properly trained, adds Cesar Millan. With proper training, the likelihood of an animal's uncontrolled behavior is practically reduced to zero.

Huskies and Malamutes

Surprisingly, representatives of the most beautiful breeds are included in the list of dangerous ones! Malamutes and Huskies are often seen together. These are excellent sled dogs, distinguished by:

  • increased energy,
  • attractive appearance,
  • working qualities - the predator instinct is active.

Pet attacks on people are rare and therefore dangerous. We don’t expect any tricks from friendly breeds, but we should understand: as long as a living creature has claws and teeth, the animal is a priori dangerous! It is important to carefully approach the content and education, reducing the risk of such an attack.

If you compare huskies and malamutes, the former are more dangerous. Huskies are working animals, socialization is not developed as the main quality. The Alaskan Malamute is a sled breed that displays its character by hunting small animals. Be careful when choosing your pet and nursery.

The most resilient dogs

The hardiest dog breeds are sled dogs (Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed, Laika). They are genetically predisposed to prolonged physical activity, because people have used them for centuries to transport goods over long distances. At the same time, huskies are capable of running longer distances compared to other sledding relatives due to the specifics of their body structure. There are other breeds that are distinguished by high levels of endurance:


  • Weimaraner. They have developed muscles and average body dimensions (see photo). They need physical and mental exercise. They can be used as running partners.
  • German Pointer. A hunting breed, representatives of which are capable of developing great speed and covering long distances.

Hungarian Vizsla

  • Hungarian Vizsla. Capable of covering vast distances, running on “autopilot”. At the same time, it easily covers short distances at maximum speed even in hot weather.
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback. A medium-sized dog that can easily cover both short and long distances. Thanks to its short coat, it can easily withstand heat.
  • German Shepherd. These animals are used in law enforcement agencies precisely because of their endurance, combined with high intelligence. You can run with them, go hiking, and even put some of your camping equipment on the animals’ backs in a special pouch.


A Rottweiler can also keep you company on a long run. This dog is active and energetic. The Rottweiler needs physical exercise, because without it, it becomes aggressive. The same applies to representatives of such breeds as Doberman, Newfoundland, wolfhound, American bulldog, pit bull, and bull terrier.

Dogo Canario and Dogo Argentino

Beautiful and large dogs of the Great Dane subspecies can be loyal, gentle and patient, or stubborn and embittered. There are not many cases of attacks by the breed, but dogs never cease to excite people’s minds. Fatal attacks are especially frightening. If you are still alive or only require medical attention, this is a reason to rejoice in your luck.

  • The Dogo Canario was bred as a fighting dog. The beast developed ruthlessness towards animals and people. Breeding the breed freely is not only dangerous, but is also prohibited in some regions. Why take the risk of purchasing an animal?
  • The Dogo Argentino is strong and muscular. The dog is designed to hunt wild boars. During the removal, aggression towards the person was actively eliminated, which does not always help relieve tension among passers-by. In the UK, for example, owning a Dogo Argentino is prohibited!


We are talking about the American Pit Bull Terrier and the breeds:

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is considered a companion, but was previously used for brutal fighting and baiting rats. It is important that the pet does not have aggressive qualities. Otherwise, the dog is dangerous to family members.
  • The American Bulldog in America is considered especially dangerous. Used as a working breed, boar hunter, and often deals with cattle. Due to their developed guard qualities, dogs show superiority by force. We need to work on obedience.
  • The American Staffordshire Terrier is suitable for a person who has already dealt with dogs. Representatives of pit bulls strive for independence and can be aggressive. It is advisable to focus on varied loads and work with a dog handler.

Saint Bernard

Rescue dogs are known for their gigantic size. The dogs worked as rescuers in the Alps. In addition to the general picture, there are specifics. Large breeds of dogs for the most part treat strangers with wariness, suspicion, and aggression. The task of the dog owner is to socialize the animal. It is much easier to accustom your pet to communication with people and animals from puppyhood.

This method will prevent the aggressive behavior of the St. Bernard on his territory - in his place of residence, which the dog carefully guards and protects from uninvited guests. But an uninvited guest could be a neighbor, a relative, or just an acquaintance invited to the house!

Brazilian Mastiff

Otherwise, the dog is called Fila Brasileiro. Wariness and aggression in dogs are in their genes. However, we are talking about strangers who are perceived a priori as dangerous. The breed has a sharp temperament, and it is dangerous for such an animal to become suspicious.

Due to their temperament, Brazilian Mastiffs are prohibited for breeding and keeping in some countries. The best protection for a person is to completely limit contact with Fila Brasileiro. Dogs are used as guards, protectors and hunters.

If you like the breed, try to follow the rules:

  1. regularly engage in education, attend training classes;
  2. try not to invite strangers into your home;
  3. if there are often guests in the house, create an enclosure for the mastiff to temporarily stay;
  4. check whether the breed is prohibited for keeping in the country or region.

Cane Corso

When talking about which dog has the strongest jaws, it is impossible not to mention this breed. True guards clearly divide the world into “us” and “strangers”.

You can safely entrust a child to them; they will lay down their lives to protect the owner’s offspring. Defeating a dog consisting of 50 kg of iron muscles, possessing agility, fearlessness and incredibly sharp fangs is not an easy task. In the family circle the animal is calm and good-natured.

Danish hound

The German Mastiff (Great Dane) is a breed known for its dimensions:

  • The height of males reaches 90 cm.
  • The height of the bitches varies from 72 to 84 cm.
  • Weight is about 80-90 kg.

Ideally, the dog has a strong disposition and does not provoke provocation by showing aggression. However, the dimensions of the Great Dane indicate its ability to harm a person, especially a child. The beast is so large and massive that it can easily knock down an adult man. There won't be any injuries. What if you meet an unbalanced representative from Germany? Just imagine the dimensions of the largest dogs recorded:

  1. Giant George from Arizona (USA). The dog's height was 110 cm and its weight was 111 kg! The Great Dane died at the age of 7 for reasons unknown to the world.
  2. Zeus from Michigan (USA). Zeus's height was 111 cm and his weight was 75 kg. The dog also died early - at the age of 5. Dogs, in principle, do not live long - 6-7 years.
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