Poisonous African frog
Poison dart frogs: facts about beautiful but deadly amphibians
In the animal world, external beauty is often closely linked to real threat. Poisonous animals with
In Kamchatka, a woman hunter shot the largest moose in the world
I made my way through a tall damp forest in the middle reaches of the Omolon River. Wavy foliage under
Kalamoicht calabar: snake fish in a home aquarium
The snake fish, or as it is also called - Kalamoicht Calabar, is an unusual underwater inhabitant. This
Is Argiope brunnichha poisonous or not?
A spider with an egg, where and how does it lay, how long does it take to walk with it?
Spiders usually evoke either subconscious horror or disgust in most people. Arachnophobia, how
Arizona cactus close-up under a cactus
10 Interesting facts about the Arizona snaketooth (with photos)
kwiktor/Getty Images Arizona snake teeth (Heloderma suspectum) are the only venomous lizards found in
Giant scolopendra
Habitat, appearance and lifestyle of centipedes
Probably every resident of especially private houses has had to deal with an invasion of insects: cockroaches, ants, midges.
where does the rhinoceros live
Presentation on biology. Woolly rhinoceros. 7th grade.
Rhinoceros: general characteristics Rhinoceroses belong to the class of herbivorous equid mammals, and are part of the family
Cross spider
The structure and behavioral features of the cross spider (biology, grade 7)
The cross spider, or Araneus, belongs to the orb-weaver family, a genus of araneomorphic spiders. There is only one in the world
Photo: Grouper
Grouper fish - description of the species and fishing methods. 135 photos and videos on how to catch grouper
Wild animals >> Fish Grouper fish is one of the most interesting and unusual
Are they really different: a jaguar, a leopard and a cheetah? Let’s teach them how to tell the difference.
Cheetah and Leopard are members of the cat family. Despite significant differences, they have much in common.
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