The Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds of domestic dogs. She was bred as
A properly selected diet is important for any dog. The growth and development of the animal depends on it.
There is a whole family of small rodents commonly kept as pets. Some of them
Description Externally, lampreys look like eels or large worms, but neither
Article verified by a practicing veterinarian Microorganisms surround us everywhere. They enter the animal body through
The sturgeon is a large fish belonging to the ray-finned class, and their subclass is considered to be a cartilaginous ganoid.
February 19, 2020 Miscellaneous Igitkhanyan Alevtina Determining the sex of a bird can be quite difficult, especially if
The health and full life of ferrets depends entirely on proper feeding. If the diet is incorrect, then
Article navigation Varieties of the Don breedVelor SphynxBrush SphynxFlock Sphynx Description of what it looks like and what
Photo: Ducks are bred on farms for meat, eggs and for beauty. And all