Dwarf Shepherd - which shepherds are the smallest, care features
The Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds of domestic dogs. She was bred as
What to feed your toy terrier: proper natural diet and ready-made food
A properly selected diet is important for any dog. The growth and development of the animal depends on it.
Not a malicious pest, but a devoted friend - 10 rodents for an apartment
There is a whole family of small rodents commonly kept as pets. Some of them
Mysterious lamprey (semidyr): meaning in the aquatic world
Description Externally, lampreys look like eels or large worms, but neither
"Milprazone" for cats: reviews from veterinarians, instructions for use and reviews
Article verified by a practicing veterinarian Microorganisms surround us everywhere. They enter the animal body through
How and where to catch sturgeon in Russia: useful tips from fishermen
The sturgeon is a large fish belonging to the ray-finned class, and their subclass is considered to be a cartilaginous ganoid.
Wild ducks: types, description, distinctive features of drakes with photos
February 19, 2020 Miscellaneous Igitkhanyan Alevtina Determining the sex of a bird can be quite difficult, especially if
domestic ferret
Feeding a ferret: how, what and when to feed your pet?
The health and full life of ferrets depends entirely on proper feeding. If the diet is incorrect, then
A unique and very rare cat breed Velor Sphynx: description and character
Article navigation Varieties of the Don breedVelor SphynxBrush SphynxFlock Sphynx Description of what it looks like and what
Duck breeds: names and photos (catalog)
Duck breeds - types, characteristics, nuances of keeping, care options and breeding features (120 photos and videos)
Photo: zen.yandex.ru Ducks are bred on farms for meat, eggs and for beauty. And all
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