Grooming a Pomeranian Spitz: how to carry out the procedure at home and the main types of haircuts with photos
The Pomeranian is a small dog with a luxurious coat. Her ancestors are server mounts
Irish Wolfhound dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed
Description and features The Irish Wolfhound dog is massive, fluffy and a little clumsy. She always attracts
Pyrenean mountain dog
Pyrenean Mountain Dog - description of the breed, character traits and content
Pets >> Dog breeds * Here is a photo of a typical representative of the Pyrenean dog breed
Not everyone knows what moles actually eat, sometimes even believing that these animals eat potatoes and carrots in their gardens...
What do moles eat in the forest, as well as in gardens and summer cottages?
Many summer residents and gardeners associate moles only with the appearance of a large number of ugly piles
Common fox
27 March17626canine familypredatorfox The common or red fox is a predatory representative of the Canidae family. Red fox
'When teaching a puppy the command "fetch"
Effective training for teaching your dog the fetch command
Retrieving is a rather complex skill, but most dogs develop it relatively easily and traditionally.
East Siberian Laika.
East Siberian Laika: photo of the dog, characteristics of the breed
Origin Soviet Union (Russia) Use Hunting, sled riding Color Karamist (black with tan),
Photo: Striped hyena
Hyenas - habitat, food, types, endurance, photos and videos
Wild animals >> Mammals The striped hyena is not a very large predator. Dimensions rather
sea ​​cock fish
What kind of fish is a rooster: description, recipes, harm and benefits
The underwater world is fraught with many secrets and wonders, a striking example of this is the large
How can a person learn to purr like a cat in 5 minutes?
Purring is a unique sound that most felines can make during moments of peace. For lovers
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