"Milprazone" for cats: reviews from veterinarians, instructions for use and reviews

Article verified by a practicing veterinarian

Microorganisms surround us everywhere. They enter the body of animals through air during breathing, through skin, food and water. Most are destroyed by the immune system, but some are able to survive and reproduce and are called pathogenic. Such pathogens may include viruses, bacteria, and internal parasites (eg, helminths).
They can be contagious and transmitted from one organism to another, from animal to human. Therefore, it is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and carry out preventive deworming for pets and family members. For preventive and therapeutic deworming of cats, veterinarians recommend using Milprazone for cats. We will look at how to give it correctly, its pharmacological properties and dosage regimens in this article.

Indications for use

Milprazone for cats protects pets from various types of helminthic infestations, destroying parasites and preventing their occurrence. It helps with:

  • nematode;
  • cestodosis;
  • nematodes-cestodes invasions.

For your information! The medicine effectively destroys both larvae and adult parasites.

Milprazone is a broad-spectrum drug

Reception scheme

In addition to the dosage, it is important to follow the drug dosage regimen.


So, if the drug is used to treat helminthiasis, veterinarians prescribe the following regimen:

  • Once for a small number of worms.
  • If after a week worm larvae are found in the stool, the veterinarian will prescribe a second dose of the drug. It will not be possible to examine the larvae on your own at home, so it is advisable to submit the feces for analysis to a laboratory.


For prevention, the same drug is used - Milprazone for cats. How to give the tablet in this case:

  • The interval between preventive doses is 3 months.
  • Before routine vaccination.
  • Before mating.

General characteristics of the medicine

Milbemax for cats: instructions for use

Milprazone deworming tablets have a complex composition and are able to successfully fight various types of helminths.

Active substances

Milprazole for cats contains 2 main active substances - milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. They destroy the cells of cestodes and nematodes. Milprazole contains a number of auxiliary components that enhance the effect of the main substances.

The package contains a blister with 2 tablets

Dosage form

Milprazone against worms for cats is produced in the form of tablets. There are 2 types of this medicine:

  • Milprazone for kittens and cats weighing up to 2 kg. 1 tablet contains 4 mg of milbemycin oxime and 10 mg of praziquantel;
  • Milprazone for cats weighing more than 2 kg. 1 tablet contains 16 mg of milbemycin oxime and 40 mg of praziquantel.

Note! Tablets for kittens and small cats contain 4 times less active ingredients. This is necessary to avoid intoxication of the body.

Biconvex oval-shaped tablets attract cats with a light meaty taste. The tablets for kittens are yellowish-brown in color and those for big cats are brownish-red. Each package of Milprazone contains a blister with 2 tablets.

There are 2 modifications of the drug with different dosages

Milprazon for cats fights various types of helminths. Cats easily tolerate Milprazone, but exceeding the dose is not recommended. You must strictly follow the veterinarian's instructions.

Important! Milprazone is poisonous to fish and bees.

Personal prevention measures

When working with Milprazone tablets for cats, you must follow safety precautions and personal hygiene rules developed by the manufacturer . In particular, it is prohibited:

  • allow particles of the drug to come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes and eyes (affected areas should be rinsed generously with cool running water);
  • contact with the drug if you have a previously identified allergy to any of the components present in its composition;
  • use empty bottles of tablets for household purposes (the packaging should be disposed of along with other waste).

If the drug accidentally enters the human body and if allergic reactions to the tablets develop, it is necessary to seek professional medical help as soon as possible. You should have the medicine label or instructions for use with you.

How does an antiparasitic drug work?

The cat’s body is reliably protected from parasites thanks to the action of the active substances in the medicine. Milbemycin oxime destroys nematode larvae. It accelerates the penetration of chlorine ions through the parasite cell membrane, as a result of which the worms die. Praziquantel destroys cestodes and nematodes in a similar way. Calcium ions penetrate the helminth cell through its membrane and cause cell death.

Drontal for cats: instructions for use

The active ingredients of Milprazone enter the cat’s body through the gastrointestinal tract. Their number reaches a maximum after 1–2 hours. At this time, they destroy helminths, and after 6–26 hours they are eliminated from the body.

For your information! Milprazone protects a cat from heartworm disease for only 1 month. Then you can give her a drug based on only one milbemycin oxime

Deworming is carried out quarterly

Who is it shown to?

Milprazone is indicated for cats to get rid of helminthiasis in diseases caused by larvae and adult worms:

  • cestodes (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus spp.)
  • nematodes (Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Toxocara cati, Dirofilaria immitis).

The medication is also used for nematodes-cestodosis lesions.

The medicine is also recommended by veterinarians to prevent the threat of helminthiasis. Taking it for 30 days prevents the likelihood of dirofilariasis.

Worms have a mechanical and biochemical effect on the body. Let's look at the mechanical first:

  1. Once in the animal's body, helminths migrate from one organ to another and damage tissue.
  2. Adults are fixed in a certain place (for example, in the intestines), for this they use suction cups, hooks, they simply burst apart, again causing injuries.
  3. Parasites grow and can compress large blood vessels, internal organs, and cause intestinal obstruction or rupture.

veterinarian Sergey Savchenko


In my opinion, it is advisable for anyone who has a cat at home to take prophylactic antiparasitic drugs like Milprazone for their pets. Many Murzik owners mistakenly believe that if their pet is not outdoors, there is no reason to be afraid that it will become infected with worms. Actually this is not true. My cat Boniface, although he doesn’t walk in the yard, has encountered this problem. Suspecting the presence of parasites in our pet, we went to the veterinary clinic. The veterinarian attributed the helminthic infestation in our cat to the animal’s consumption of raw meat. This is the most common reason leading to the appearance of parasites in pets, according to the doctor. Both owners and their guests can bring parasites into their homes on shoes. For this reason, pets, even those deprived of the opportunity to contact nature and street animals, are susceptible to worms. After Boniface has undergone treatment, we regularly provide him with anthelmintic prophylaxis. It is better to prevent the problem than for the animal to get sick later and pose a threat of infection with worms for household members who do not let go of it.

Rules for using the drug

One of the most effective anthelmintic drugs is Milprazone for cats; instructions for use are included with each package of medicine. When choosing Milprazone for cats weighing more than 2 kg, you need to clearly calculate the dosage. A cat weighing 2–4 kg should receive half a tablet. Pets weighing 4–8 kg are given 1 tablet. For large cats weighing 8–12 kg, 1.5 tablets are needed.

Dirofen for cats: instructions for use

Cats must be dewormed every 3 months, as well as before vaccination and breeding. In severe forms of helminthic infestation, emergency deworming is performed as prescribed by a veterinarian. Place the tablet in the cat's mouth and pour in some water from a syringe to wash it down. You can crush the tablet, mix it with water and give this solution from a syringe.

The use of Milprazone does not require prior preparation. The pet does not need to be put on a starvation diet or given a laxative. After he receives the deworming pill, you need to carefully monitor his well-being. At the first discomfort, you should contact a veterinarian.

Important! It is necessary to remove worms before the annual vaccination.

Milprazone for cats weighing over 2 kg - brown-red tablets

Owner reviews

Eva, owner of 2 cats:

“Since we have two cats living in our house, the problem of deworming is quite pressing for us. In addition, I often foster kittens. Previously, we always bought Milbemax, but when it once again became more expensive, we decided to choose another drug. The veterinarian recommended Milprazone, noting that its composition is identical to the more expensive anthelmintic. We started buying because of the lower price, but we are not complaining about the efficiency. The medicine works great."

Victoria, owner of a Siamese cat:

“After a summer holiday at the dacha, we decided to conduct anthelmintic. We chose Milprazone. And although its price is lower than drugs with the same composition, it is gentle and effective. I added the tablets to my cat’s food. I ate it without any problems. There were no side effects."

Tatyana, owner of a Chinese cat:

“I have been using Milprazone for anthelmintics for a long time. When the cat gave birth, she also bought this drug for kittens, only in a different version. The kids tolerated deworming well, as did their mother. An excellent remedy for fighting parasites.”

Use during pregnancy and kittens

Milprazone for kittens has a more gentle, but no less effective effect; the instructions contain detailed instructions for the use of this medicine for babies and adult animals whose weight is less than 2 kg. This modification of Milprazone should be used for pregnant and lactating cats, taking all precautions and only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Note! The dosage is 0.5 tablets for a kitten weighing 0.5–1 kg. A cat weighing 1–2 kg should be given 1 whole tablet.

Milprazone for kittens and cats weighing up to 2 kg - yellow-brown tablet

Limitations, contraindications and side effects

There are a number of contraindications to the use of Milprazone. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • for severe liver and kidney diseases;
  • for kittens under 6 weeks;
  • for kittens whose weight is less than 500 g;
  • for exhausted cats;
  • for cats suffering from infectious diseases;
  • with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • if you have previously had an allergy to this medicine.

Side effects are rare and mostly affect kittens. Babies may experience muscle cramps, tremors, ataxia, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. The kitten will need medication to relieve these symptoms.

Milprazone should be used with caution in pregnant and lactating cats. This procedure is carried out only under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

Note! Milprazone is well compatible with other medications, feed and nutritional supplements.

Deworming should be carried out before annual vaccination

If there are toxic cars

These are medium-sized intestinal parasites. They have a body in the area of ​​5 - 12 cm. Infection of kittens under 2.5 months is especially dangerous. In case of intrauterine penetration into a kitten, there is a risk of migration to the lungs.

How to identify an infestation:

  • Regular vomiting of mucus and saliva. Sometimes live worms are detected. As a rule, this indicates the seriousness of the problem;
  • Diarrhea gives way to constipation;
  • The cat has noticeable pallor of the mucous surfaces;
  • Always a very bloated stomach.

How to store a veterinary drug

Unopened packaging can be stored for 2 years. After this time, the medicine cannot be used. Milprasone should be stored in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 5–25 °C. The storage location must be closed to children, animals and sunlight. Food and animal feed should not be kept nearby.

If the tablet cannot be used, you can put it in an open blister. Milprazone for kittens and cats weighing up to 2 kg should be stored for no longer than 3 months after opening. Milprazone for animals weighing more than 2 kg can be stored for a maximum of six months.

The tablets can be given orally or dissolved in water.

If you have toxascarides

These roundworms are usually called roundworms. More often they occur in adult animals. For a long time they do not have a significant effect on health.

How to identify an infestation:

  • The pet is developing too slowly. The fact is that worms absorb most of the nutrients and lead to toxicity of the body;
  • The animal's fur and skin have noticeably deteriorated;
  • If the belly has become very large, many owners believe that the pet is eating a lot. But its pear-shaped shape may mean infection with a dangerous parasite;
  • Diarrhea often occurs after constipation;
  • If it penetrates the lungs, a prolonged cough appears without the appearance of sputum.

If there are too many worms, they often close the intestinal lumen. This leads to intestinal volvulus and rapid exhaustion of the body. Unfortunately, there is a possibility of intestinal rupture and death as a result of fatal bleeding.

Analogues of the drug

An analogue of Milprazone is any of the anthelmintic drugs. They all have similar chemical composition and properties. The most effective medications are Milbemax, Drontal, Profender, Pratel, Prazistop, Canikquantel, etc.

Comparative characteristics of anthelmintic drugs:

NameCompoundIndications for useContraindicationsPrice
Milbemaxmilbemycin oxime + praziquantelnematodosis, cestodosis, nematodo-cestodal infestations
  • impaired renal and liver function;
  • kittens under 6 weeks;
  • exhaustion;
  • allergy;
  • infectious diseases.
310 rub. per pack (2 tablets)
Drontalpyrantel embonate + praziquanteltoxocariasis, toxascariasis, hookworm disease, taeniasis, dipylidiasis, echinococcosis, mesocestoidosis
  • kittens under 3 weeks;
  • pregnancy;
  • weight less than 1 kg;
  • allergy.
150–170 rub. for 1 tablet
Profenderemodepside + praziquantelnematodosis, cestodosis
  • kittens under 8 weeks;
  • weight up to 500 g;
  • allergy.
360–430 rub. for a pipette with drops
Pratelpraziquantel + pyranteltoxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm disease, taeniasis, dipylidiasis, echinococcosis, mesocestodiasis
  • early pregnancy;
  • exhaustion;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • kittens under 6 weeks;
  • allergy.
40 rub. per package
PrazistopPraziquantel + pyrantel pamoateround and tapeworms
  • in the first half of pregnancy;
  • weakened adults, kittens less than 3 weeks old;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cats after illness.
65 rub.* for 1 bottle of suspension (5 ml)

Milprazone will protect any pet

Timely deworming will reliably protect the cat from infection with worms and other serious complications. The main thing is to choose the right dosage and watch for side effects.

*Prices are as of October 2022.

When can a veterinarian prescribe Milprasone to a cat?

Miprazone for cats is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of infection with heartworm larvae (dirofilaria), nematodes and cystodes.

Milprasone is also prescribed to treat infections caused by echinococci, cucumber tapeworm and worms of the Tenid family.

The drug acts on both adult parasites and larvae of parasites.

Even domestic cats that do not know the streets can become infected with 30 types of parasites through their owners’ outdoor shoes, toys from the street, thermally untreated food, etc.

Most often among cat helminths you can find nematodes . They parasitize primarily in the intestines of animals. Common representatives of the species are:


The greatest danger is for kittens. Adults grow up to 12cm. Signs of infection:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting with mucus and helminths;
  • pallor of mucous membranes.


The disease is dangerous due to intestinal blockage with subsequent complications, including death.

Ascariasis is less common than toxocariasis and occurs predominantly in adult cats. Signs of invasion are:

  • dry cough (helminth eggs are carried through the circulatory system, entering the bronchi);
  • the animal's fur becomes faded;
  • the condition of the skin worsens;
  • the stomach takes on a “pear-shaped” shape;
  • diarrhea with constipation appears;


They pose a danger because they feed on the blood of the host. By biting through the intestinal mucosa, due to the secretion they secrete, they create long-healing lesions in which a bacterial infection can occur. There is significant blood loss, which leads to anemia. Symptoms of hookworm infection:

  • Low levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells in tests;
  • lethargy and loss of appetite;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • blood in stool;
  • weight loss;
  • hair loss and discoloration;


Tapeworms (cestodes) are characterized by large sizes. Thus, the wide tapeworm reaches 1 m in length. The disease is dangerous because, having a huge size, the parasite provokes blockage of the intestines, which can lead to its rupture.

Symptoms include:

  • nervous disorders;
  • itching of the anus;
  • exhaustion of the animal;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • diarrhea and vomiting.

Cucumber tapeworm

Another dangerous enemy of the cat family. Found in almost all street cats. The danger lies in rapid reproduction due to the special structure of the body, consisting of a huge number of segments filled with eggs.

The drug Milprazone for cats, the dosage and regimen for prevention should be prescribed by a veterinarian. Self-medication without proper knowledge can cause irreversible harm.

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