How long does pregnancy last in cats - signs, developmental features and methods for determining the period (125 photos)

Professional breeders, like ordinary owners, should understand how pregnancy occurs in cats. After all, the life of not only the pet, but also future kittens depends on what kind of care the animal receives during fruiting and how this period goes.

Professional breeders, like ordinary owners, should understand how pregnancy occurs in cats

How to determine if a cat is pregnant

If the owners consciously engaged in breeding, then they will not have problems determining pregnancy in the early stages. What you should pay attention to:

  • two weeks after mating, the cat’s appetite increases;
  • gradual weight gain occurs;
  • nipples become darker and increase in size;
  • toxicosis is rare, but it also happens. The pet may begin to vomit and have diarrhea;
  • more aggressive behavior.

Pregnancy is a crucial period in the life of an animal

For your information! If a cat and a pregnant cat live together, the male may begin to show additional signs of attention to his chosen one and constantly protect her.

How long does a cat's pregnancy last?

A cat's pregnancy lasts on average from 10 to 17 weeks. However, these indicators are relative, since animals, just like people, can bear a fetus longer or, conversely, less.

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However, prematurity and late labor can lead to unpleasant consequences. If kittens are born earlier than 10 weeks, there is a high probability that they will not be viable. If the gestation period exceeds 17 weeks, this may already threaten the health of the cat herself. In this case, she may need medical assistance to give birth safely.

It should be remembered that the future furry mother also requires a medical examination during pregnancy:

  • to assess the general physical condition of the animal;
  • calculate the cat's pregnancy calendar;
  • find out the number of kittens;
  • determine whether there is a need for medical assistance during childbirth. In rare cases, a cesarean section is even prescribed.

Important! If the owner has the opportunity, it will be better if the entire pregnancy period takes place under the supervision of a specialist, just like in humans.


General information

On average, a cat's pregnancy lasts 55-70 days; the larger the breed, the longer the cat bears kittens. But the problem of determining whether conception has taken place is the same for all purebred and outbred cats - until the 25th day you will definitely not be able to check the presence of fetuses in the uterus. Yes, there are signs of successful conception that apply after a planned mating, but all of them can also be the consequences of a false pregnancy. And it is especially difficult to determine whether a cat is pregnant or not if the animal has free access to the street or even lives in the local area without constant supervision.

How to determine the gestational age of a cat

A gradually increasing belly makes many owners nervous and worried. For greater peace of mind, you can keep a calendar until your cat gives birth. However, this method is suitable for those who approximately or exactly know the moment of conception.

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Pregnancy is determined and significantly manifests itself already on days 16-18. The belly gradually grows, the nipples swell and become darker. The expectant mother's appetite increases, which undoubtedly affects her weight.

However, these are only visual signs that can tell the owner little. A pregnancy calculator can help you determine when your cat will give birth. Such programs are available on the Internet and are quite easy to use. However, the owner will also need information about the day of mating.

Important! If there is no information about conception, only a veterinarian can tell you a more precise date.

Cat pregnancy calendar by week

Development of kittens by week and by day after birth

Fetal development stages are most often indicated in weeks, and in the early stages days are used. Below we take a closer look at intrauterine development from the very first days.

Development by week

First week (0-7 days)

The embryo's cells divide but move freely throughout the uterus. Attachment to the wall occurs only 7-10 days after conception. This process is called implantation and the countdown begins with it. The online cat birth calculator also takes this period into account.

Second-third week (8-21 days)

The placenta is forming. Already on the 15th day, its formation is completed, and it is able to nourish and protect the embryo. The size of the future kitten is still very small. Outwardly, it looks like the letter C, but even in this form you can find the outlines of the future head and tail.

For your information! At this time, the first signs of pregnancy appear in the cat. The expectant mother becomes more capricious, picky, and may hide for a long time in a quiet, dark place.

Fourth week (22-28 days)

The fertilized egg increases to a size of 15-20 mm. At the moment, the cat embryo is difficult to distinguish from other mammals. The gradual development of internal organs, including the brain and heart, begins.

Important! An ultrasound at this stage shows a heartbeat of about 230 beats/min.

By the end of the 28th day, the baby’s paws, pads, and claws begin to form. The cat's behavior does not change during this period. Toxicosis may occur.

Fifth-sixth week (29-42 days)

At 5-6 weeks, sensory organs gradually form. As you know, cats have well-developed hearing and a sense of balance. Also at this stage, gradual preparation for growing a mustache occurs, and soft claws appear.

At this same stage, the nervous system and muscles develop. The child begins to actively move and push the mother cat. Most experts are inclined to believe that at this time the formation of the psyche ends, so it is worth paying great attention to the psychological comfort of a pregnant cat.

Seventh-eighth week (43-56 days)

The bones and spine are clearly visible on the x-ray. The fur is already fully formed. In general, on the 50th day, kittens are ready to be born, but this point also depends on the breed.

For example, the straight-eared British cat, Bengal, Maine Coon, and Scottish Fold grow a little slower than other members of the cat family and, accordingly, live longer. For this reason, you should not fit the pregnancy periods of sphinxes and “British” women into a single framework.

The ninth week is a harbinger of labor

The mother cat gradually begins to prepare for childbirth. The body shows the first symptoms, such as test contractions. The owner should carefully monitor the behavior, since in the prenatal state the pet is looking for a secluded place. It is also important not to create stressful situations for your pet and to feed it well.

Developed fetus

Week 10 (day 64 onwards)

By this time, those kittens that belong to the late breeds are already born. The cat's behavior during this period becomes calmer. The expectant mother expects the birth of her babies in a certain place, almost without leaving her bed.

Owners can purchase or make a special house for a cat. The main thing is that it is warm and closed from prying eyes.

Fetus at 13 weeks of gestation

For most cats that do not belong to certain breeds, the 13th week is already exceeding the norm. Further gestation can lead to the development of an overly large fetus, which can cause harm during childbirth.

Important! If the period has clearly exceeded the established period, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Age and characteristics of puberty

Cats live in the wild for up to five to eight years, and with good care near humans they can live up to seventeen to twenty. Long-living record holders celebrated up to thirty birthdays. At the same time, initially the body of female small cats is created in such a way as to prepare for the first pregnancy at a young age: approximately 5-7 months, depending on the breed. Small cats, such as Siamese and Orientals, mature earlier, large cats - British cats, Maine Coons - later. It is not difficult for the owner to guess whether the “girl” is ready for mating, since behavioral patterns change dramatically:

  1. A few days before the first heat, the cat becomes more affectionate and clings to its owner. This change can be especially noticeable in independent animals, which are usually not prone to excessive expression of their feelings.
  2. Some individuals begin to mark their territory with urine. This problem is less pronounced in females than in males, but is also quite common, especially if there is more than one animal in the house. In this way, the cat shows its readiness to mate and its place in the hierarchy.
  3. As soon as the “rut” period begins, the cat’s behavior changes even more. She begins to meow protractedly, announcing to all the surrounding cats that she is ready to become pregnant.
  4. Many young pussies feel bad during heat, they seek help from the owner, and become overly affectionate. Scientists believe that they suffer from painful sensations.
  5. If fertilization occurs, estrus stops after a day or two. Sometimes this time is enough for the female to be attracted to another cat, as a result of which cats can become pregnant with several males.

This is due to the fact that although the first heat occurs in cats at a young age, they are still too young, and their bodies are fragile. The offspring of such animals are weak and often non-viable. The young mother herself also suffers from too early pregnancy, and may even die in childbirth.

Routine ultrasound during pregnancy

A specialist can prescribe an ultrasound scan at almost any time during pregnancy if the animal’s condition is in doubt. In the early stages, the owner can contact the veterinarian to confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy.

Next, the development of the fetus is monitored and the number of future kittens is determined. In any case, a visit to the veterinary clinic is recommended both for preventive purposes and if you experience feelings of anxiety about the condition of your pet.

Scheduled ultrasound

When to urgently contact a veterinarian

Any condition of the cat that attracts the owner’s attention and seems unusual should be the reason for a consultation or visit to the veterinarian. Especially when one of the following manifestations is noted:

  1. The appearance of any unexplained protrusions between the nipples that were not there before. This is especially true for the place between the penultimate and last pair.
  2. Discharge of blood clots or just blood from the genitals.
  3. Excessive anxiety of a cat, when it seems that the animal cannot find a place for itself: it will lie down, get up, try to lie down again, get up again.
  4. The appetite completely disappears, the pet refuses to drink, there is apathy, weakness, and lack of initiative in relation to what is happening around.
  5. Towards the end of pregnancy, the abdomen acquires unusual, irregular shapes and outlines, becomes barrel-shaped hard, and when lightly tapping the abdominal wall with your fingers, a dull sound is heard. The loop is swollen and very red.
  6. There are either no training contractions, or they are very weak, and the uterus is unchanged, taking into account the fact that dilatation should already occur.
  7. There was a miscarriage, rapid labor began, and bleeding began.
  8. Abdominal growth is observed without other signs of pregnancy and fetal movements.

Caring for a pregnant cat

After giving birth, the cat does not require any special care. After making sure that everything is fine with the pet and newborn kittens, the person should leave them alone and quiet. The female is able to chew off the umbilical cord on her own and lick her babies.

The only important nuance regarding care is that in the future the bed will need to be changed periodically. And for a certain time, water and food (wet or easily digestible) should be kept next to the young mother.

For humans, cat birth is not something difficult or scary. In most cases, the animal itself knows what to do and how to behave. The main thing is to feed the pregnant cat well and provide her with peace.

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