Peculiarities of Husky breeding: how mating works, how long pregnancy lasts and how to give birth correctly

Mating is a responsible decision.

In order for the process of mating and childbirth of a dog to go without complications, and for the puppies to be born healthy, it is necessary to have certain knowledge and properly prepare for this process.

In this article we will talk about what needs to be taken into account before mating a husky, at what age and on what day of estrus dogs should be bred, how this process generally proceeds, how long pregnancy lasts, how to care for a pregnant dog and how to properly deliver a baby. .

At what age can you breed a Husky?

The optimal time for the first mating of a bitch is 3 heats . In case of mating too early (at 1-2 heats), there is a high probability of complications during the birth process and a difficult recovery period after them.

In addition, the risk of having a small litter, a sagging back in the bitch, and the presence of congenital pathologies and developmental anomalies puppies

Older dogs should not be bred either - with age, the hip joints lose flexibility, which increases the likelihood that the bitch will require a caesarean section.

If we are talking about male dogs, then they should be untied no earlier than 1.5-2 years. Using male dogs for breeding too early has a negative impact on their health and life expectancy .

When does puberty occur?

The sexual maturity of dogs is determined by their ability to fertilize and bear offspring. At the same time, in a husky, the first heat does not always indicate full readiness for reproduction. Early mating negatively affects the further development of the individual, inhibits its growth, and changes the psychological state. The timing of puberty differs between males and females, which must be taken into account before choosing a partner.

A male dog enters puberty at about eight months, but sending a young dog on an intimate date at such an early age is not recommended. Early denouement has a number of negative factors:

  • Physical developmental disorders are possible, which include sagging of the back, insufficient muscle development, and slower growth.
  • Few or no offspring, due to low sperm motility. The younger the pet is, the more non-productive sex cells it has. Moreover, the same individual, but at an older age, will give a normal birth rate.
  • A radical change in behavior: the dog becomes uncontrollable, prone to running away and disobedience.

The optimal age for mating boys is from two years old, because at this time they are already gaining the necessary mass, all the necessary skills are being developed, and their character is being established. A mentally mature dog will behave much calmer and more confidently with a girl, which guarantees a productive meeting.

A female husky comes into heat around 7-8 months, which is an undesirable age for conception. Physiologically, the pet is already capable of bearing puppies, but mentally, she is still a teenager and such a burden will have a serious impact on her condition. Among the main complications of early mating it is worth noting:

  • A negative effect on the bitch’s body, due to which she may stop growing and fail to gain the necessary weight.
  • High probability of miscarriages, stillborn and weak puppies.
  • Possibility of abandonment of offspring, lack or complete absence of milk.
  • Difficult, traumatic childbirth, which often ends in caesarean section.

It is necessary to plan a Husky's pregnancy no earlier than the third pregnancy, which begins at approximately two years of age. Until this age, the girl must be constantly monitored to prevent unwanted mating.

How do you know when a dog is ready for breeding?

There are several ways to determine whether a bitch is ready for breeding:

  • medical - the method consists of taking a smear from the dog’s vagina and testing it in a laboratory;
  • visual - if the husky is ready for mating, she raises her tail, her loop is enlarged, her nipples swell, the discharge becomes light pink;
  • mathematical - ovulation occurs 11-14 days after proestrus, 1-2 days before this is the most suitable time for mating.


To determine the day of ovulation in a dog, you should record the dates of each heat.

Males are physically ready for mating already at six months, but should not be untied before 1.5 years. If there are plans to make money from matings, the pet should be trained in advance and mated for the first time at the age of 10 months, choosing a calm, experienced bitch for this.

Meeting the “Siberian beauties”

The first meeting should take place after walking the dogs and on an empty stomach.

It is better to introduce the pets to each other in a spacious area, for example, in a field or planting, where they could run and play, and only after that you need to take the guest to the dog’s “den.”

This is done so that the male does not get nervous, and the bitch is not hostile towards the boyfriend.

Sometimes mating can happen right during acquaintance, do not panic and do not interfere with intercourse. If this is the first experience for both individuals, then you should seek the services of an instructor.

It is not recommended to keep dogs in small apartments. Because “lovers” can cause mayhem and ruin the interior.

An inexperienced male dog may be constantly distracted from his work by external stimuli, so you need to ensure silence.

If the female is overfed, she will quickly gain weight, and her desire for sexual activity will also significantly decrease. In addition, it is physically uncomfortable for the male to mount.

On what day of heat should you breed?

When choosing a day for mating, you should focus on the bitch’s readiness to let the male in.

This is evidenced by such signs as:

  • flirting with male dogs - the female accepts the courtship of dogs of the opposite sex, allows male dogs to approach her;
  • change in discharge - instead of bloody, it becomes pinkish-straw;
  • reaction to touching the loop - the bitch moves her tail and lifts the loop, she reacts the same way if you put your hand on her rump and press a little.

The recommended mating date is 11-15 days after the start of estrus.


Mating is the mating of dogs for the purpose of producing offspring. It should be remembered that breeding animals should only be mated with partners of the appropriate breed and of the same or higher class. If we talk about huskies, the main criterion when breeding dogs of this breed should be health and working qualities.
About a month before mating, it is necessary to worm the bitch and, if necessary, give her the necessary vaccinations. It is also better to carry out treatment for external parasites in advance, since this cannot be done during pregnancy.

At what age

A husky bitch should be bred for the first time no earlier than her third heat .

As for males, it is better to untie them for the first time after two years, since starting breeding too early is harmful for them.

On what day

It is recommended to breed a husky on the 11th–15th day of mating, but when choosing a mating day, it is better to focus on whether the bitch is ready to let a male dog in or not. The following signs may indicate her readiness for mating:

  • The bitch flirts with male dogs and does not reject their advances, but allows them to approach her.
  • The bloody discharge turned into a lighter, pinkish-straw color.
  • If you put your hand on the bitch's rump and press lightly, she will move her tail and lift the loop. The same thing happens if you touch its loop with your finger.

Male for breeding

When choosing a stud dog, first of all you need to pay attention to his working qualities and whether there are any hereditary diseases along his line. Of course, the dog himself must be healthy and have a balanced psyche. In terms of exterior quality and exhibition achievements, he must either be equal to or superior to the female. The first mating of a bitch is best done with an experienced dog.

How it happens

Usually it all starts with a period of flirting. Next, the male sniffs the bitch’s secretions and by their smell understands whether she is ready for mating. Then he makes a mounting and, inserting the penis into the bitch’s vagina, makes a series of strong thrusts. After ejaculation and the formation of a lock, the male moves his hind leg over the bitch’s croup and, turning his back to her, lowers himself onto all four paws. So the dogs stand for an average of 20 minutes, but the duration of the lock can vary from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

How to mix correctly

Before mating, both partners must be walked, but not fed , and, if possible, allowed to get to know each other on neutral territory, and then taken to the male dog’s territory.

Once you bring your dogs to the location, simply allow them to act on their own. They will figure out what to do themselves.
All you have to do is make sure that the bitch, after the partners get into the lock, does not try to break free or lie down on the ground, for which you need to hold her in place until the dogs are free. If for some reason the huskies cannot cope on their own, then you will have to knit them by hand. With this method, the owner of the bitch should hold her firmly by the collar and under the belly, and the owner of the male should guide his dog and lightly push him under the croup.

It is recommended to carry out a control test 1–2 days after the first mating.

How to choose a pair?

It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a male dog for breeding, since this is one of the fundamental principles of obtaining a quality litter.

It is necessary to pay attention to the working qualities, heredity and health status of the applicant, to study his advantages and disadvantages - this will help to avoid the possibility of mating a bitch with a male who has the same set of negative characteristics.

If possible, puppies born as a result of mating with this male should be examined. This way you can guess what the puppies will be like and understand what qualities the male will pass on to them.


For the first mating it is better to choose an experienced male.

Frequency and duration

Estrus in dogs: how long does it last and when does it start?

Every owner should know how long the estrus lasts in husky dogs in order to properly plan mating. This process lasts for dogs for about 20-22 days. Experts recommend that owners write down the start and end dates in a separate notebook so that they can predict the next heat. In addition, it is advisable to note the abundance of discharge, the condition of the genitals, changes in character, and reaction to communication with male dogs.

The interval between the appearance of discharge is 4-7 months. Knowing this interval, you can better prepare for mating.

Preparing the dog

Before mating, approximately 30 days in advance, it is necessary to treat the dog against ectoparasites and helminths, and, if necessary, to vaccinate.

In addition, you need to collect cultures and pass a bacteriological analysis, the results of which will show whether the animal has viral herpes, streptococcus, staphylococcus or any other hidden infections that can worsen the husky’s condition and cause the death of the litter.

About half an hour before mating, the bitch needs to be fed and walked, but the male should not be fed.

Only a completely healthy dog ​​that is not overweight or signs of exhaustion can be bred.

Useful video

The video explains in detail how huskies are mated:


Huskies have long been popular among dog breeders.

However, despite the fact that this breed is quite strong and healthy, when breeding them it is necessary to take into account some of the characteristics of these animals, related to the fact that they were originally bred to work in the North, and therefore, in terms of physiology, they are somewhat different from other dogs.

Basic rules step by step

Mating is carried out on the territory of the dog. This is necessary so that he feels confident, calm and not distracted by unfamiliar smells.

In addition, you need to follow a few more rules:

  • mating should be carried out in the first half of the day, preferably early in the morning;
  • both the dog and the bitch need to be walked in advance so that they empty their bladders and intestines;
  • during mating, it is necessary to exclude extraneous, distracting sounds;
  • You need to lay a carpet on the floor to prevent the dogs' paws from slipping;
  • Cream or Vaseline should be used for any lubrication the bitch may require.

After the male has completed several mountings, a “lock” that binds the dogs occurs, and then ejaculation occurs.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Mating is a crucial time in the life of both the dog and the breeder. The main responsibility in this case falls on the owner of the bitch, who needs to prepare the pet both for the procedure itself and for subsequent changes in its body. It is important to choose the right day for mating and the male, remembering that mating will take place on his territory. If you are not sure that you will be able to independently help the animals during mating, it is better to invite an experienced instructor to the mating and follow his instructions.

Looking for a partner

An interesting fact: among huskies, who live in packs in the vast expanses of the north, mating is the result of a long relationship between animals.

Today, dog breeding is a popular hobby for thousands of people.

But do not forget that when choosing a mate, the owner of the breed bears great responsibility for what the next generation of huskies will be like.

It is advisable to attend numerous exhibitions, be a member of a kennel club, and also improve your pet’s working skills.

Don’t be lazy, because the number of proposals to combine pedigrees directly depends on how famous and titled the husky is.

A good Husky stud dog should:

  • have strong sexual dimorphism;
  • persistently transmit characteristic features to offspring;
  • have a powerful and “deep” voice;
  • strive for leadership;
  • be active and aggressive within the natural norm for the breed.

Quite often, experienced breeders drag newcomers to special breed exhibitions, where they, having received awards and excellent descriptions, unwittingly become aces even in such difficult issues as breeding and raising huskies.

How can you tell if your dog is pregnant?

During the first 2-3 weeks from the day of mating, pregnancy can only be judged by indirect signs associated with changes in the behavior and appearance of the pet:

  • the dog loses its appetite, it refuses to eat, including its favorite treats;
  • the bitch becomes less active, sleeps a lot, behaves apathetically;
  • in dogs that have previously given birth, already on days 14-20 after fertilization, the nipples swell and acquire a pinkish tint.

More obvious signs of pregnancy begin to appear at the 3rd week of pregnancy - the dog develops toxicosis, nausea and vomiting, and viscous, sticky and transparent mucus that has no odor is released from the loop.


An admixture of blood in the discharge indicates a threat of miscarriage, and if it smells unpleasant or has some color, it means that an infectious process is occurring in the bitch’s body.

4-5 weeks after mating, the most reliable signs of pregnancy appear:

  • hair falls out around clearly protruding nipples;
  • the stomach begins to round;
  • with the beginning of the 5th week, the dog’s weight increases noticeably;
  • the bitch's appetite increases;
  • The tone of the abdominal wall increases.

At the end of 2 months, the pet’s belly noticeably enlarges and sag, she often licks herself, begins to look for a place to give birth, and colostrum is released from her heavily swollen nipples.

To find out for sure if your husky is pregnant, you can:

  • take a test for the hormone relaxin (from 21 to 26 days after mating);
  • perform an ultrasound of the uterus (on days 24-28);
  • take an x-ray (on days 52-58).

You can also find out about pregnancy and even the number of puppies through palpation, but this should only be performed by a veterinarian or an experienced breeder.

Caring for your pet during heat

With the arrival of heat, you need to make sure that the dog does not mate on its own. This can happen if she is often in the company of other dogs. When walking outside, you must keep your husky on a leash. It is important to ensure that the animal does not run away from the house through an open door.

If a husky is kept in the yard of a private house, you need to make sure that the pet does not climb over the fence or make a hole to escape. It is recommended to take the dog indoors or keep it in an enclosure during heat. This will help avoid unwanted pregnancy.

One of the main problems that owners face is the appearance of stains on furniture and other things due to heat. To prevent this, it is recommended to purchase special panties or diapers that fit in size.

Important! During heat, it is necessary to limit the dog from training, especially if it takes place in a group.

How is pregnancy going?

During the first 3 weeks, no external changes are observed in the dog’s body. There may be some changes in the behavior and well-being of the bitch, expressed by decreased activity, loss of appetite, and drowsiness. Some individuals experience nausea and refusal to eat, while others, on the contrary, have an increased appetite.

No significant changes in your dog's care are required at this time.

Around day 28-32, the husky's nipples swell and the belly enlarges slightly. The beginning of the 2nd month of pregnancy is characterized by the dog gaining significant weight.


It is necessary to reduce the dog's physical activity, but continue to walk with it to maintain muscle tone and prevent obesity.

By the end of the 5th or beginning of the 6th week, pregnant dogs begin to prepare their den and look for a place where they can retire.

With the beginning of the 8th week, the puppies in the womb of the bitch begin to move. The dog behaves as carefully as possible and becomes less active.

You can find out how many days are left before giving birth by observing the dog and changes in its condition:

  • 25-30 days – the bitch’s body weight and abdominal volume increases;
  • maximum 20 days – transparent thread-like discharge appears from the loop;
  • 15-10 days – nipples swell;
  • 3-2 days – the dog produces milk;
  • Day 1 – the husky refuses to eat, body temperature drops to 36.5 °C.

Throughout pregnancy, the owner must closely monitor the pet. You also need to provide her with a place to give birth and feed her puppies. This could be an enclosure placed in one of the rooms, or a spacious box.

Sterilization and castration

It is best to spay a female dog from about six months to one and a half years. Earlier sterilization can lead to her developing health problems, and sterilization at the age of over 8-9 years is very poorly tolerated by the body of an aging dog.

A male dog should be castrated after the onset of puberty and, in any case, not earlier than a year. Early castration at 3-4 months is fraught with problems in the future. But it is also undesirable to castrate after 8–9 years of age due to the deterioration of health typical for this age.

ATTENTION! Before scheduled sterilization or castration, you need to conduct a thorough examination of the animal and pass the necessary tests to make sure that the dog is healthy.

The owner of a bitch who decides to get puppies from his pet must closely monitor her health and provide proper care and feeding, and, if necessary, follow all the veterinarian’s recommendations. Only in this case, his dog will easily endure pregnancy and will be able to give birth and raise wonderful healthy puppies without complications - worthy representatives and successors of the glorious husky family.

How long does it take to bear puppies?

Huskies typically stay pregnant for 60-63 days. But these are only average data; in practice, how long a dog bears puppies depends on many factors, including the conditions of keeping the dog, the correctness of the care provided to it, the health of the bitch and its characteristics.

It should also be remembered that the first pregnancy is usually longer than subsequent ones.

If 57-72 days pass from the start of pregnancy to birth and newborn huskies do not have any developmental defects, they have every chance of surviving.


If 73 days have passed since the breeding day and labor has not begun, you must take the dog to a veterinarian who will perform a cesarean section.

How does a husky give birth, how to understand that it has started and how to treat it at home

The fact that the husky will give birth in the near future can be judged by:

  • refusal to eat about a day before giving birth;
  • decrease in body temperature to 36.5 °C;
  • noticeable movement of puppies;
  • restlessness and rapid breathing of the bitch;
  • the appearance of milk;
  • the dog's desire to hide in a secluded place.

You can also understand that a dog has started giving birth by the fact that the dog began to scratch the floor and the bedding on which it was lying in an attempt to make some kind of “nest” for itself.

The birth of a husky consists of several stages:

  • preparation - the beginning of contractions, opening of the cervical canal, the stage has no externally noticeable signs and lasts 2-12 hours;
  • fetal hatching - after the uterus is fully dilated, puppies begin to appear, the stage is accompanied by contractions and pushing;
  • postpartum period - begins from the moment the last puppy appears and lasts until the end of the lactation period.

Before giving birth to a husky, you need to prepare:

  • clean bedding;
  • medium-sized, sharp sterile scissors;
  • iodine or brilliant green;
  • threads for tying the umbilical cord;
  • a notepad and pen for recording the time of birth of the puppies, their gender, weight and color.

First, the bitch’s water breaks, then she begins to push, and the cervix opens.

The puppy appears in the amniotic sac, which the bitch chews; if she does not do this, you need to tear it apart yourself in the area of ​​the newborn’s head, and clean his mouth of mucus with a napkin. Afterwards you need to bandage and cut the umbilical cord. Approximately 20-40 minutes pass between the appearance of puppies.

After the puppy is born, the placenta should come out, their number should match the size of the litter.

If the birth takes place without complications, the bitch will do everything herself and the breeder just needs to be close to the pet, observe the process, accept the puppies, support and calm the dog.

You need to agree with your doctor in advance and keep his phone number handy in case of unforeseen complications.


Estrus, or estrus, is the first sign that a dog has reached the age of puberty. The first heat may not be very pronounced, and therefore the dog owner must carefully monitor his pet to prevent unwanted mating.

How to determine

Determining when a dog is in heat is not difficult. About a month before the emptying, the bitch’s behavior changes: she can become disobedient, stubborn and even angry, and she can also begin to eat heavily in order to prepare the body for subsequent blood loss.
Actually, the onset of estrus is marked by the enlargement of the dog’s external genitalia (loop). If you put a little pressure on the loop, a pinkish discharge will appear. On the street, the dog urinates more often and sometimes marks its territory. In addition, male dogs begin to pay attention to her.

At what age is the first heat

The first heat in husky bitches can begin at any time after changing teeth, so from about six months of age you need to be prepared for this. The start date for the first emptying can shift either upward or downward. This is primarily due to hereditary factors, but it can also be influenced by the conditions in which the dog is kept, as well as whether it has suffered from something serious or not.

How many days does it last

The average duration of estrus is 21 days. In this case, estrus is divided into three periods: proestrus, estrus and metestrus. The time period between estrus is called anestrus. In husky bitches it lasts about 10–12 months.

Estrus periods:

  • Proestrus is the beginning of empty space. Usually lasts until 9–11 days. It is characterized by swelling of the loop and the appearance of bloody discharge. At this time, the bitch is already attracted to males, but at the same time she herself rejects their advances.
  • Estrus, also known as the rut. It starts somewhere on the 9-11th day and sometimes continues until the 20th day from the start of estrus. At this time, the bitch is capable of fertilization, she willingly flirts with males and responds to their advances. The owner needs to be especially careful so that the dog does not run away and get mated on its own.
  • Metestrus is the final period of estrus. It begins approximately on the 19th day from the start of emptying, but the timing of its onset may shift up or down. At this time, the bitch loses the ability to conceive, she again begins to snap at the males and drive them away. The bloody discharge stops, but mucus may still be released.

After metestrus comes anestrus - a period when the female has no sexual activity. It continues until the start of the next empty space.

How many times a year

Huskies belong to the northern breeds of dogs; they were bred in conditions where it is possible to get a healthy full litter only in the warm season. These dogs shed once every 10–12 months, meaning a female husky can only have one shed in a year.

How many puppies are born?

The size of the litter depends on the bitch's heredity, her individual characteristics and age. As a rule, husky bitches over 7-8 years old have small litters, while younger dogs give birth to an average of 5-12 puppies.

You should not expect a large litter from a bitch who is giving birth for the first time. Most often this is due to an incorrectly chosen mating date - often the husky owner makes a mistake and bleeds his dog earlier or later than necessary. Therefore, 4-5 puppies are usually born in the first litter.

If in the future the owner of the bitch takes into account and corrects the mistakes made, there is a high probability that subsequent litters will consist of 8-12 puppies.

Veterinarian advice

Since Husky is a unique breed, it requires a special approach. In this regard, some advice from veterinarians on issues that are particularly common in relation to mating will be useful to many breeders:

  • If dogs of other breeds can be bred through 1 heat after each birth, then in the case of huskies you should wait 2 or 3 cycles. This will allow the dog to fully recover and get stronger.
  • The average gestation period for dogs is 9 weeks. If there are significant deviations from it in the direction of decrease or increase, this is a reason to seek help from a specialist.
  • Husky dogs do not require special nutrition while carrying and feeding puppies.
  • When deciding to sterilize your dog, it is recommended that you carefully weigh the pros and cons first.

Husky is a breed that requires close attention from the owner

What to feed after childbirth?

There is no need to make any changes to your dog's diet during the first 4 weeks of pregnancy. From the beginning of 2 months, you should increase the amount of protein in the bitch’s menu weekly by about 10%, and be sure to give her vitamins and minerals, fruits, vegetables and herbs.

If before pregnancy the bitch’s diet was based on industrial feed, she should not be suddenly switched to natural food. The most suitable option in this situation is to feed the dog food intended for puppies or pregnant dogs.

At 6 weeks the bitch needs to be fed 3 times a day, and starting from 7 weeks - 4 times. At the end of 2 months, it is necessary to exclude meat from the diet, replacing it with sea fish. From the beginning of the 9th week until the 4th day after birth, bitches and fish should be removed from the menu, and the total amount of food consumed should be reduced by about 25%.

A few days before giving birth, the dog needs to be fed 4-6 times a day, but in small portions.

After the birth of the last puppy, the bitch should be given milk with glucose and 2-3 drops of cognac. During the first days after giving birth, the bitch should be given only easily digestible semi-liquid, preferably fermented milk, food. Also, clean drinking water should always be freely available.

During the first week after birth, the dog should not be given meat - this can lead to eclampsia.

During the entire lactation period, the bitch needs high-quality high-calorie food, and with each week the calorie requirement increases by 25%.

Place and process of mating Siberian Huskies

Mating should take place on the territory of the male. The premises should have a separate room for animals, where they will not be disturbed. You can conceive outside, in a fenced enclosure. At the same time, there should be no other pets or people on the territory. In such conditions it is convenient for dogs to run, play and get acquainted. If mating is carried out at home, it is advisable to cover the room with old rags or newspapers so that the animals do not damage the furniture and floors.

Important! Before mating, dogs are not loaded or fed. Just a short walk in the fresh air is enough.

If attempts are not successful or last no more than 5 minutes, it is necessary to stop conception and take the female away. If the dog is overexcited, he is taken to another room for a while. After resting, the dogs are brought together again. If the pet is nervous and shows aggression, they put a muzzle on it or tie its mouth with a bandage.

Choosing Suitable Huskies for Breeding

Wait until the bitch is 2 years old. Large female dogs take a little longer to mature than male dogs. Female huskies are not ready to breed until they are 2 years old. Don't breed her until she goes through her second heat cycle. She will probably have her first heat cycle in 5 - 7 months, but at that time her body is not mature enough to breed.

Females are bred with a calm and well-mannered temperament. The male dog only has one job to do (get the bitch pregnant), but the bitch must carry the puppies for a term and care for them when they are young. A calm bitch is more likely to be a good mother to puppies.

Have your veterinarian give both dogs a physical treatment 4 weeks before breeding. Both dogs should undergo a thorough veterinary check approximately one month before mating. Introduce them to vaccinations and make sure they are free of parasites. Have them get tested for brucellosis, a disease that can lead to infertility.

  1. It's also a good idea to have your vet check both dogs for signs of hip dysplasia.
  2. The bitch should have good muscle tone and should not be overweight.

Have both dogs' eyes examined by a canine ophthalmologist. Genetic eye disorders are common in huskies

These disorders can appear at any age, so it is important to have dogs' eyes checked once a year. Screen both dogs before breeding


Features of pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth are the most important stage in the life of any creature. It takes about 3 weeks for the first signs of fertilization to appear. On average, husky puppies take 2 months to bear. The first pregnancy may take a little longer.

The first 20 days are often calm and asymptomatic. Sometimes there may be loss of appetite, lethargy and nausea.

The pet becomes less active and prefers to sleep more

At the end of the first month of pregnancy, there is a slight rounding of the abdomen, as well as swelling of the nipples. During the second month, the pet’s body weight rapidly increases, and the belly becomes more noticeable.

Important! It is necessary to limit the dog’s physical activity during this period, avoid long runs, jumping and overcoming obstacle courses. Starting from the sixth week, the female begins to choose a place for future birth.

Owners can help their pet and arrange a secluded corner. It is important that the owners also have access to the birthing area, as human assistance may be needed during the birth process

Starting from the sixth week, the female begins to choose a place for future birth. Owners can help their pet and arrange a secluded corner

It is important that the owners also have access to the birthing area, as human assistance may be needed during the birth process

By the end of the second month, there is active movement of the puppies in the abdomen

Husky becomes inactive, restless and cautious

Often, 2-4 days before giving birth, milk begins to secrete from the pet’s nipples. But in huskies, sometimes this sign appears only 2-5 hours before the onset of contractions.

Normally, childbirth occurs 60-71 days after fertilization. If the process is delayed, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian.

Important! During pregnancy, the pet must eat properly, so the daily food intake may increase. At what age does a husky go into heat for the first time, every owner should know

This will help make a plan if there is a future pregnancy, as well as prevent the development of abnormalities. Despite the fact that estrus is a physiological process that occurs without complications, the pet needs special care at this time

At what age does a husky go into heat for the first time, every owner should know. This will help make a plan if there is a future pregnancy, as well as prevent the development of abnormalities. Despite the fact that estrus is a physiological process that occurs without complications, the pet needs special care at this time.

Phases of the sexual cycle

Estrus in dogs (sexual cycle) is divided into 4 periods:

  • Phase 1. Beginning of estrus (proestrus)
    - the phase averages 6–9 days. During this period, the bitch changes her behavior, she shows interest in male dogs, but she does not let them get close to her. Dogs try to lick up bloody secretions, so it can be difficult to track them.
  • Phase 2. Hunting (estrus)
    - this stage, which lasts from 4 to 9 days, is characterized by the dog being completely ready for intercourse. Bitches that had heavy bleeding in the first phase become weaker and more fluid in the estrus stage. Ovulation can occur at the beginning of this phase or on days 2–4.
  • Phase 3. Recovery (diestrus)
    - this period takes 8 to 10 days. This is the time when the bitch does not want to accept any more males. Swelling of the vulva is subsiding. Bloody discharge stops, but mucous discharge may appear. It is during this period, whether the animal is fertilized or not, its level of progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone, increases. In this regard, some bitches show signs of false pregnancy, which, as a rule, disappear on their own after a few days.
  • Phase 4. Period of sexual rest (anestrus)
    . It continues until the next start of the hunt. Its duration depends on many factors: time of year, feeding conditions, maintenance, breed itself, etc. In most cases, hunting takes place with a break of 6 months.

The intervals between the phases of the reproductive cycle are stable for 6 years, then the rest period and the time interval between estrus increases.

After the age of eight, dogs no longer tolerate pregnancy and feeding puppies well. For a breeding bitch, the eighth year of her life is the last when she is bred to produce offspring. Frequent births are harmful, so it is believed that she should have no more than 6 litters.

As a rule, emptying lasts 3 weeks and includes the first 3 phases of the cycle, but cases from 9 to 30 days are possible.

The expectant mother is a vegetarian

Panties for dogs in heat: types and options for making your own

You will learn about pregnancy no earlier than three to four weeks after mating. Main signs: an increase in the dog’s waist and swollen nipples. Sometimes, as a side effect, toxicosis occurs - the dog begins to vomit. Until this time, her lifestyle may not change at all.

Gestation for Labrador puppies lasts 62-64 days. In the second half of the term, discharge appears from the dog’s enlarged loop. Closer to childbirth, body temperature decreases slightly (the norm is 38-39 degrees). The expectant mother begins to look for a place for a “nest” and is capricious with food. Well, you can already see how the puppies move in her stomach if she lies on her side.

However, two to three days before giving birth, fish and meat are excluded from the diet. They can increase blood pressure, trigger cramps, or cause swelling.

Now, during walks, the Labrador bitch herself begins to be cautious. You just have to help her. You only need to walk on a leash, avoid hard-to-reach places and difficult obstacles.

If the dog produces colostrum (the first milk, which has a thicker consistency) from the nipples, it means that birth is near. You have to wait a maximum of 2-3 days.

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