How many years do beagles live and how to extend a dog’s life: recommendations for feeding and caring for a small hound

History of the breed

The first mention of hounds following the trail of prey dates back to the 4th century BC. The experience of hunters of Ancient Greece was borrowed by the Romans, who brought the ancestors of beagles to the British Isles. Hunting with hounds became very popular among the British.

In the 15th century AD e. dogs were brought to France and Italy. Breeders kept dogs in packs in an attempt to improve their physical qualities. Two types of beagles appeared - northern and southern. The latest version of the breed was distinguished by its strong build and short stature.

In 1888, a club for lovers of the Beagle breed appeared in England. In the middle of the 20th century, beagles came to the United States. The exterior and hunting qualities of the animal were appreciated by the Americans. The beagle was brought to the USSR in the 70s of the 20th century.

How and where to buy a beagle

Not so long ago it was a real problem to purchase a puppy of this breed, since in our country the number of these dogs was insignificant. Nowadays, the situation has changed dramatically and now purchasing a puppy of this breed is not difficult.

What to pay attention to

The peculiarity of purchasing puppies of this breed is that only documents can confirm that this is a beagle, and not some other breed or mixed breed, such as the Estonian hound. Even if the dog is not purchased for hunting, but as a pet, it is better to refuse the option of buying it on the market and give preference to a kennel.

And here it is not necessary to give preference to show-class puppies, which are valued many times more expensive than their littermates, differing in minor flaws in the exterior. This will in no way prevent the animal from being affectionate, gentle, friendly and cheerful.

If a puppy is taken for regular participation in exhibition shows, then it is quite natural to pay attention to show-class puppies. In this case, you need to be prepared to pay a tidy sum. Moreover, you may have to wait a certain time or go to another city or region to get the puppy.

Important point! If you need a dog for hunting, then it is better to take a puppy from parents who have diplomas of the appropriate field tests, with exhibition grades and permission for breeding.

It is important to pay attention to the puppy itself, which should not be thin or overly plump. The animal must be healthy and behave as a beagle should: without aggression or excessive cowardice.

Price of a purebred puppy

If the puppy has accompanying documents, then they cannot cost less than 20 thousand rubles. If they belong to the breed or show class, they can cost from 25 to 40 thousand rubles. If puppies were born as a result of matings abroad or from imported parents, their cost may be even higher. Here everything depends on the title of the parents, as well as on the future prospects of the animal.

Character of the breed

The animal has a friendly and energetic character. Beagles are very inquisitive, they love to go to new places and meet unfamiliar people and animals. The dog is somewhat stubborn and strives for independence. This somewhat complicates the process of raising and training beagles.

The dog is prone to running away, so the owner should closely monitor his pet during walks. The dog is highly intelligent and gets along well with children. The Beagle constantly needs attention, it does not tolerate loneliness well and greatly misses its owner. Pe does not always get along with other pets; the dog may perceive them as prey.

Puppy weight and size by month from 1 to 12 months

During the first year of life, a beagle puppy should acquire the weight and proportions of an adult dog; a girl's developmental indicators will be slightly lower. The difference in weight by gender begins to be determined at one and a half to two months. By this time, the puppies are a small copy of their parents.

In the period from three to six months, the weight of the cubs doubles and the chest and paws intensively develop.

In the period from six to twelve months, the puppy turns into a full-fledged representative of its breed.

The table shows approximate indicators of weight gain and height during the first year of life.

Since each individual is individual, slight discrepancies in numbers are possible.

At birth300 g450 g
1 month1.5 kg2 kg18 cm20 cm
2 months3-4 kg3-4 kg22 cm25 cm
3 months5 kg6 kg28 cm30 cm
4 months6-7 kg7-8 kg30 cm32 cm
5 months7-8 kg8-10 kg32 cm34 cm
6 months8-9 kg10-12 kg33 cm35 cm
7 months9-10 kg12-13 kg35 cm37 cm
8 months9.5-10.5 kg13-14 kg35.4 cm37.3 cm
9 months10.8 kg14-15 kg35.6 cm37.5 cm
10 months11-12 kg15-16 kg36 cm38 cm
11 months12-13 kg16-17 kg37 cm39 cm
12 months13-14 kg17-18 kg38 cm40 cm

Education and training

Training a Beagle is not an easy process. The dog is stubborn and can quickly throw its owner out of emotional balance. You need to be patient and systematically train your beagle for 20-30 minutes a day. Correct habits must be instilled in a dog at the age of 5–6 months. It will be difficult to train an adult beagle to be clean and obedient.

The dog must master a series of simple commands (“Fu”, “Lie down”, “Sit”, etc.). In urban conditions, they can save an animal’s life. Beagles often get carried away with exploring other people's tracks and can accidentally jump onto the road. A command given in a stern voice will protect the animal from danger.

The dog must see its owner as a leader, otherwise it will sabotage the educational process. Reinforce your dog's correct actions with treats and praise. Over time, the amount of food needs to be reduced. A properly trained dog should not lunge at people or bite their legs.

Maximum parameters

Cynologists distinguish three subspecies of the breed: European (English), American and French. The latter option did not take root in the Russian Federation. “American”, compared to his relatives, is greater than others in all respects:

  • Beagle height - up to 41 cm;
  • weight - 18 kg.

The American variety has an angular head type, while the European variety has a rounded head.

Important! How much does an adult female beagle weigh: from 14 to 17 kg. Large individuals must maintain proportions; the ideal appearance is achieved under conditions of normal development, sufficient physical and motor activity.

Dimensions difference


The breed was originally bred to hunt hares and other small game. Some hunters used dogs to track wood grouse and quail.

Currently, the Beagle dog is considered a universal breed. Dogs play the role of family companions, help find missing people and are used in the treatment of mental disorders in sick people.

Features of hunting with a beagle

The hunt begins with the hunters being divided into two groups. One of them releases a flock of beagles into the forest, and the other takes up positions on the opposite edge of the hunting area. The dogs attack the trail of the game and begin to howl protractedly. Beagles, obeying the hunting instinct, chase and chase their prey. The animal is gradually pushed back to the edge of the forest, where a second group of hunters is waiting for it. So, the game falls into the firing line.

Advantages and disadvantages

Beagle owners in their reviews indicate a huge number of advantages of the breed. The disadvantages are related to the purpose of the dog; others may arise due to improper upbringing.


  • a cheerful, sociable dog;
  • good-natured, not prone to aggression, will never offend a child;
  • easy to care for;
  • have excellent health;
  • almost universal, can participate in shows, agility, or become a full-fledged hunter’s assistant;
  • always ready to play with the owner and members of his family;
  • They are smart, quick to learn, and with the right approach they are easy to train.

Disadvantages of beagles:

  • bark and howl loudly when alone;
  • not suitable for keeping outdoors or in an enclosure;
  • if you do not start training from puppyhood, you may encounter serious problems in the behavior of an adult dog;
  • carried away by smells or playing while walking, a beagle may get lost;
  • gluttonous, prone to begging for food;
  • with a lack of walking and active games, they can cause a pogrom in the house.

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Maintenance and care


A dog's hair requires regular care. The coat should be brushed once a week. During shedding, hair needs to be combed every day. You should not bathe your beagle too often. The dog is washed in the shower no more than 3-4 times a year.

Cleaning ears and teeth, trimming nails

The dog's ears and eyes must be periodically cleaned with cotton pads soaked in warm water or a special lotion. Beagles' nails grow quite quickly, so they need to be trimmed with special clippers as needed. After each walk, you need to wash your dog's paws with warm water. The pads on the fingers are lubricated with cream or Vaseline. Once a week, the animal needs to brush its teeth with a soft brush. If tartar or caries appears, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian.

Rules for keeping a beagle

Owners of private houses must keep their dogs in a heated enclosure. Do not let the animal climb onto the bed. Buy a small mattress with removable covers or a bed and place it away from the radiator. Over time, the dog will get used to sleeping in its place.

Description of appearance

The Beagle breed was officially recognized at the end of the 19th century. But the modern standard was adopted in the 50s of the 20th century. It is a medium-sized dog with strong muscles and short, thick hair. According to the standard, the height of a beagle at the withers is from 33 to 40 cm, weight is 8-16 kg.


The beagle's head is proportional in size and dome-shaped. The forehead is convex, the stop is clearly visible, the occipital protuberance protrudes slightly. The muzzle is elongated and of medium size. Bitches have a narrower one. The nose is wide and black. The skin does not gather in folds, but the lips do not fit tightly, due to which they form small jowls. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite.

The eyes are large, widely spaced, and brown in color. Very expressive and smart. The ears are set slightly higher than the eyes, hanging. They are wide, rounded at the bottom. The leading edge is adjacent to the cheeks.

From the photo you can see what kind of head and muzzle the beagle has:





The physique is strong and muscular. The neck is of medium length, the chest is wide, the stomach is tucked. The back and lower back are level, and the croup is moderately sloping. The tail is set high and not very long. It is thick and covered with thick fur. The dog most often holds it almost vertically, without throwing it over its back.


Limbs are straight, parallel, muscular. Thanks to this, the dog’s movements are smooth, fast, and free. The paws are compact, strong, with arched toes.


The coat is thick, short and smooth, with no undercoat. It fits tightly to the body, so it does not allow water to pass through and protects the dog well from bad weather. The classic color is three colors: black, white and red. There are white and red dogs. Lemon-white, white with red and blue, motley and hare colors are acceptable. The chest, muzzle stripe and tip of the tail are always white.

Deviations from the standard

There are several appearance defects due to which a dog may be rejected and not allowed to participate in the exhibition:

  • short stature;
  • small or very bulging eyes;
  • an unpronounced stop on the muzzle or a very noticeable occipital protuberance;
  • undeveloped muscles;
  • pointed muzzle;
  • light eyes;
  • depigmentation of the nose.


Since the 19th century, Beagle dogs have spread throughout the world and become popular. Therefore, breeding in different countries proceeded in parallel. Now, in addition to the classic beagles, there are three varieties:

  • American ones have thick hair;
  • French ones were obtained by crossing with a Harrier, they are larger;
  • Irish ones reach a height of 55 cm and are called Kerry Beagles.

From the photo you can get acquainted with the appearance features of the representatives of the breed:

Playing with a stick



Beagles love to beg for food and have a tendency to overeat. That is why they should be fed strictly on a schedule. The dog's diet should include the following foods:

  • Lean meat (chicken, beef, veal).
  • By-products (brains, liver, lungs, heart).
  • Fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, Varenets).
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet).
  • Vegetable or olive oil (small quantity).
  • Low-fat fish (pollock, cod, hake).

Natural products must be periodically replaced with premium dry food (they should not be mixed). Along with the food, you can give special vitamin complexes and mineral supplements. Pregnant bitches require increased nutrition. They need to be fed at least 3 times a day.

Beagles love crackers and cookies. These treats can be given to your dog during training (in small quantities). The animal should not be fed sweets and smoked meats.

What to do if it lags behind the norm

The correct conditions of intrauterine life and the first six months ensure the good development of the newborn beagle. First of all, this is timely feeding with balanced food.

In the first month, when the pups are fed with mother's milk, underweight puppies should be applied to the rear, fuller nipples.

If you left more than six individuals in the litter, you should take care of artificial feeding.

Infant formulas are prohibited for feeding due to the sugar in their composition. You must adhere to the diet prepared by your veterinarian.

After weaning from the mother, you can feed both natural food (the diet is prepared by a specialist) and factory-made balanced premium food..

To do this, buy food marked “For puppies.” This food is preferable, since it contains all the necessary micro- and macroelements and is not contaminated with helminths.

Those who have chosen natural feeding need to remember the freshness and quality of the products and the presence of vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber in the diet, and also adhere to the norm of vitamins and mineral salts.

For one kilogram of puppy weight it is required:

  • 9 g protein;
  • 2.5 g fat;
  • 14 g sugar and starch;
  • 1.5 g fiber;
  • 500 mg calcium;
  • vitamins A, D and E.

With any choice of food, the dog must be provided with a sufficient amount of fresh water. Otherwise, the digestive process will be disrupted, difficulties with bowel movements will arise, and growth and weight gain will slow down.

For proper weight gain by a puppy, the following frequency should be observed::

  • 2-3 months feed six times a day;
  • 4 month - four times;
  • 5 month - three times;
  • 6 month - morning and evening.

If puppies grow rapidly according to norms, this indicates proper bone growth. That is, no mistakes are made when feeding.


It must be remembered that excess weight is also harmful for young animals, since it is an extra load on the fragile skeletal system.

Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to the norm.

Diseases of the breed and life expectancy

The average lifespan of an animal with proper care is 13–14 years. Representatives of the Beagle breed may suffer from the following ailments:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Obesity.
  • Glaucoma.

The beagle's heavy, floppy ears interfere with the ventilation of the ear canal. The consequence of this may be the development of various infectious diseases. In the absence of medical care, the animal may develop otitis media and meningitis. Your dog's ears should be examined daily. If necessary, they need to be cleaned and treated with special lotions.

Some animals develop herniated discs over time. The dog begins to experience severe pain and loses interest in active life. The hernia is treated surgically.

How long do beagles live?

If you look at the breed standards, it becomes clear that the average lifespan of beagles is 12-14 years. The British hound can be classified as a dog that can live for quite a long time, which is what its owners like.

Although purebred dogs can live a long time, there are factors that lead to their early death, including:

  • delayed veterinary care;
  • poisoning with pesticides;
  • injuries received during hunting or road accidents;
  • infectious diseases;
  • late or incomplete vaccination;
  • the presence of parasites in the dog’s body;
  • poor nutrition;
  • genetic pathologies.

To find out how long a beagle lives, you need to understand what factors can affect the life of an animal. Females can live much longer, since fewer males suffer from ailments of the nervous, genitourinary and musculoskeletal systems, thyroid gland, and gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, they suffer from the formation of cysts in the ovaries, hypothyroidism, dermatitis, and food allergies. Labor can reduce the development of cancerous tumors or cysts in the ovarian area. Neutered individuals will live 24-36 months longer, but may gain significant body weight. That is why the owner will have to adjust the pet’s menu, reducing the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

The fact that the dog lives for such a long time allows families with small children to safely adopt it. Parents who decide to buy a beagle do not have to worry that the aging and rapid death of the pet will cause trauma to the little owner.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

  • Ask the breeders for the puppy's pedigree and meet the little beagle's father and mother. Having a complete package of documents will give you a guarantee that you will purchase a purebred animal that can be used for further breeding.
  • A healthy puppy should be active, sociable and inquisitive. The coat of a purebred animal is slightly shiny. It is imperative to examine the eyes and ears of puppies. They should be clean, without excessive discharge or unpleasant odor.
  • The animal's nose is usually moist and cool. The puppy should walk, run and jump confidently. Males should be examined for proper descent of the testicles into the scrotum (some Beagle puppies exhibit cryptorchidism and monorchidism).

How to find out the age of a pet?

Some beagles end up in another home no longer as puppies, and the new owner often has no idea about the age of the dog. In such cases, it is almost impossible to accurately determine how old the dog is. And the approximate age can be determined by muscle tone and the condition of the coat and eyes:

  1. The fur of a young animal is shiny. With age it becomes duller and rougher. Beagles begin to turn gray at the age of 6-7 years.
  2. Puppies and young dogs have clear eyes. Older beagles have a dull look. The eyes of older individuals become cloudy.
  3. A young and energetic beagle spends a lot of time on the move. That's why he has well-developed muscles. As a dog ages, its activity decreases. Older individuals sleep a lot and walk little. Because of this, their muscles atrophy and obesity appears.

You can more accurately determine the age of a dog by the condition of its teeth:

  • Milk hooks and fangs erupt on the 20-25th day. The incisors come out by 30-35 days of age. By 1-2 months, the puppy already has a full set of teeth.
  • By six months, the Beagle completes replacing its milk teeth with molars. And by 12 months, all the notches are visible on the incisors.
  • At 1.5-2 years, the dog’s tooth enamel begins to turn yellow. At the same time, the tubercles on the lower hooks are erased.
  • By the age of 4, the enamel becomes matte, and the first problems with the gums appear. Then the jagged edges disappear from the upper hooks.
  • By the age of 5, beagles' fangs become dull and the enamel becomes noticeably yellow. At this age, all the irregularities and nicks on the dog’s incisors are erased.
  • By the age of 6, it is almost impossible to determine the correct bite of an animal. This is due to a change in the shape of the incisors.
  • By the age of 8-10, the dog’s fangs are noticeably shortened and dulled. The teeth wear down and become yellow.
  • In older dogs, tartar is clearly visible and there are signs of caries. Teeth become loose and fall out.

With this calculator you can find out the age of your dog by human standards. Read more.

Interesting Facts

  • Beagles can be considered movie stars. They became the heroes of 17 feature films and cartoons.
  • Dogs are used for laboratory purposes. New medications and drugs are tested on them.
  • In Australia, beagles are used to detect termite colonies.
  • In England there lives a long-lived beagle named Lulu. She turned 21 years old.
  • The search engine used by Linux fans is named after the dog.
  • The Beagle is the name of the ship on which Charles Darwin traveled.


From the first days, a beagle puppy must know the rules of behavior in the house. It is important to show him where his place to sleep is. The dog prefers soft, comfortable beds; she will periodically bring her toys there. The puppy’s character is such that he can choose his own place, and the owners will only have to bring his bed there.

Puppies love to chew things. It is important to rid them of this habit at a young age, for example, to stop them from playing harmful toys. When the beagle is left alone, put all objects out of his reach, as he will grab everything he likes. If he gets bored with his toys, everything around him will seem interesting to him.

After the vaccination quarantine, the world of walks opens up for the puppy. At the same time, the beagle is toilet trained and receives the necessary physical activity. During walks, you should start teaching the most important command “Come to me!” Be prepared for the fact that an enthusiastic dog, succumbing to the instinct of pursuit, may not pay attention to your call and commands.


Compact size is combined with fairly developed muscles and wide bones. The height at the withers is on average 30-40 cm, and the weight is 10-15 kg.

The head is quite large, with large floppy ears. The neck is relatively long and dense. The body is strongly built, the athletic silhouette is complemented by a toned stomach.

Short legs do not in any way prevent the animal from demonstrating decent speed performance. Their short length is compensated by developed flexor ligaments, muscles and joint structure.

The jaws have a powerful grip and a suitable bite, allowing them to securely capture prey. The tail is of medium length, straight, and usually not docked.


In the photo, the beagle is a cute animal with kind eyes. Those who do not know about the past of this breed cannot determine by appearance what passions are boiling in the heart of this born hunter. Just give it his all, he will find the trail and run along it for tens of kilometers, not paying attention to anyone. And this is possible even in a city park, because despite the fact that the beagle today is a companion dog, it has retained its hunting instincts.

In the photos below you will get to know the representatives of the breed. Their eyes radiate kindness and devotion. They become children's best friends. Looking at their friendly expression, you can’t help but trust them with a child.

Just as dogs bring warmth and good cheer to their owners every day, let photos of a beagle bring positivity to your day. Meet the beagle!


Beagles are unpretentious in their choice of food, but despite this, the owner must strictly control the pet’s diet.

Experts advise choosing one type of food for your dog - either specialized food or natural food. Mixing both types of nutrition is not recommended.

Dry food is the best option because its composition is completely balanced. In this case, there is no need for additional purchase of vitamin and mineral supplements. This type of nutrition will completely cover the animal’s body’s needs for nutrients. In addition, the cost of dry food is much lower than natural products.

You can buy such food with a large supply. It does not spoil as quickly as regular food. The packages can be stored outside the refrigerator. In addition, such food is easier to take with you on the road - it is ideal for owners who are fond of frequent trips and travel. This method of eating will help not only save money, but also the owner’s time - there is no need to stand at the stove for hours and prepare a personal meal for the pet.

The diet must be compiled very carefully. It is not recommended to overfeed dogs of this breed - they gain weight rapidly.

A dog's daily diet of dry food should be divided into several parts. In addition, there should always be clean water in the bowl in case the pet becomes thirsty. It is recommended to soak dry food in broth or boiled water before eating. This will promote easy digestion.

Experts advise training your beagle to eat at the same time every day - this will allow the digestive system to work better. You should not give your dog more than the prescribed amount. Most often, the dog asks for more not because he is hungry, but because he wants to attract attention. After 15-20 minutes after the start of the meal, the bowl can be removed - the dog has received its quota.

If an animal regularly overeats, its weight will begin to increase rapidly. A beefy beagle is completely deprived of its natural qualities - it becomes clumsy and overweight.

Under no circumstances should you feed your dog outside of the prescribed diet. One piece received by a pet outside the main meal will be regarded by him as normal. It will be difficult to wean your dog off this habit.

You should not choose dry food with a low price tag. Such food does not contain high-quality meat, but meat waste. Sooner or later this will lead to bad consequences - the dog will have health problems. It is better to purchase food for your pet in a specialized store. Food should be chosen premium or super premium. When purchasing, be sure to take into account the age and lifestyle of the dog.

High-quality dry food contains:

  • a large percentage of natural meat and vegetables;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • natural spices.

Such products should not contain dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, or starch.

Particular attention is paid to the nutrition of the pregnant female. The calorie content of her diet should be sufficient for her to bear healthy puppies. For pregnant and lactating dogs, you can purchase a special type of dry food.

What crossbreeds are there?

Puggle (beagle+pug)

These dogs look like pugs with a long, wrinkled muzzle and drooping ears. Their tail is curled into a complete or partial ring and looks thinner and longer than that of a pug. The color is most often fawn with a black mask.

Cheagle (beagle+chihuahua)

These dogs are smaller than beagles and have lighter bones. Their ears are not so long, and their muzzle is not rectangular, but rather pointed. The color can be any depending on the genotype of the puppy, but the most common are bicolors and saddlebacks of varying intensities.

Jack-e-bee (beagle + jack russell)

The build is more similar to a Jack Russell, but at the same time these dogs have rather large, floppy ears - almost like a beagle. The most typical colors: bicolor, tricolor.

To understand what traits a puppy can get, read the comparison between Beagle and Jack Russell.

Beagle+basset hound

Outwardly they resemble a beagle with a very high elongation index for this breed, or an old-type basset hound - just like in old paintings and engravings.


They are similar to beagles, but their fur is longer and softer, although they do not form feathering on the ears and limbs, like a spaniel. Color - any of those that are typical for any of these breeds.


Depending on whose genes are stronger, the puppies may look like either a dachshund with slightly taller legs, or a beagle with shorter limbs.

Crosses of beagles with other breeds of hunting dogs were bred not out of the desire of breeders to see what would happen as a result of such mating, but to improve working qualities.

For example, mixed breeds with a spaniel swim willingly, while a purebred beagle is reluctant to go into the water.

Beagle dogs (34 photos)

The name of the breed has two versions of origin. Most likely, the word “beagle” was borrowed from the French - from the word “begueule”, which literally translates as “tinned throat”. This is explained by their unique ability to produce a drawn-out and incredibly sonorous bark. Another version associates their name with the Old English word begle, meaning “small” and applied to all hounds, regardless of origin and breed.

Beagles are a very ancient hunting breed - their age is about 2500 years. Dogs of similar size and purpose existed in ancient Greece around the 5th century BC. One of the very first mentions of them is considered to be the description of the Greek writer Xenophon about dogs chasing a hare by smell and notifying the owner about this by loud barking. Later, the Romans began breeding hounds, who subsequently transported them to the British Isles, where they crossed with local dogs for a long period of time. The breed acquired its modern appearance thanks to the efforts of English dog breeders, and it is England that is considered the true homeland of beagles.

In the middle of the 18th century, two main breeds were formed in England for hunting hare and rabbit - the northern beagle and the southern hound. As fox hunting has grown in popularity, the numbers of both types have decreased significantly. The dogs began to be crossed with larger breeds, bringing the classic-sized Beagles close to extinction, but some farmers still kept a few for rabbit hunting. The ancestors of the modern breed were a pack collected by Parson Honeywood in the mid-19th century. It was first demonstrated in the city of Essex, and today almost every known kennel contains descendants of these animals.

In 1890, the first Beagle Club was created for the purpose of breeding dogs of this breed for exhibitions and sports. Five years later, in 1895, the breed standard was approved, and in 1897 the club’s first exhibition was held. Since 1891, the Association of Harrier and Beagle Owners has been simultaneously training dogs for hunting purposes. Both organizations were dedicated to promoting the development of the breed and aimed to produce the classic Beagle type. The last revised standard was approved in 1987. The appearance of beagles is similar to other hunting breeds that specialize in small game, such as foxhounds.

The Beagle is a small dog with a muscular body, short legs and long ears (according to the standard, the ears should reach the tip of the nose). The height of the breed at the withers is usually 33-40 cm, and the weight ranges between 8 and 16 kg. Females are slightly smaller than males. Beagles have a slightly domed skull, a straight muzzle of medium length, strong jaws and a wide nose. The eyes are large, light or dark brown, with a soft, pleading look. The ears are large, soft, rounded at the ends. The dogs' strong neck extends into a broad chest, tapering to a wedge-shaped belly. The tail is of medium length, thick, slightly curved and decorated with a white tip. This feature allows you to see the location of the dog when it follows the scent with its head down. The front legs are straight, the hind legs are muscular and well bent at the knees. The feet are round and slightly arched.

Beagles have a short, close-fitting, smooth coat. Two types of color are allowed: tri-color (a combination of black, white and light brown with a white muzzle) and two-color (a combination of white and all shades of red). The muzzle must be decorated with a red mask.

One of the main features of beagles is their incredibly loud bark; they are called one of the loudest dog breeds. It is really very difficult to call these animals quiet - their vocal cords have an amazing ability to vibrate when air passes through them. This allows them to make completely different sounds depending on the situation. When a beagle is in danger or wants something, he barks like all other dogs, when he follows the trail, the barking is supplemented by peculiar howls, informing hunters that the trail of a rabbit has been taken; when he is sad or bored, he is able to surprise everyone with his talent to howl. Sometimes these dogs are called “singing beagles”. Among hunters of all eras, the ability to select a pack of dogs of a given breed in the form of a choir, combining high and low voices, has always been especially valued. However, if the beagle is used as a pet, loud barking can disturb not only the owners, but also the neighbors, so it is very important to train the dog to restrain its impulses, which is often not at all easy, especially with young animals.

The average lifespan of a beagle is 12-15 years.

Beagles are kind, playful, cheerful, extremely active and sociable dogs that can easily form close relationships with almost anyone. They have a balanced psyche, are very loving and love big companies. Dogs of this breed are unpretentious, hardy, quickly adapt to the environment and are in good health. Fidget beagles are born adventurers and explorers of everything unknown, constantly striving to follow the scent or object that interests them. Following the stimulus, they can run away in an unknown direction and cover a considerable distance, so special control is required for dogs of this breed. To prevent your pet from getting lost under the influence of its instincts, it is better to keep it in a fenced area, and when letting it off the leash, keep a close eye on it.

Beagle dogs are ideal for active people who are ready to go for long walks and play with their pet. The lack of physical activity directs their brain activity and strength to various pranks. Stolen things, chewed furniture, excessive activity in the house, disobedience and refusal to learn are just a small list of “surprises” awaiting the owner.

Representatives of this breed love to walk, run and swim if given the opportunity. Therefore, it is very important to satisfy their natural need for activity, which will also be an excellent prevention of obesity.

The Beagle is a loyal, intelligent and friendly companion. Well-trained dogs enjoy interacting with all family members, especially children, which is what makes them such popular pets. They will be faithful to a home in which they are ready to give love and invest effort in their needs - training, education and walking. Beagles usually get along well with their relatives, but they can show some distrust towards other pets. They do not like to be alone for a long time - a lonely beagle can bring a lot of trouble to its owners. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to think about company in the form of another dog. It is better to keep them in a private home, where there is space for a splash of energy.

For active and determined beagles to behave correctly, a serious approach to their training is required. They are smart, quick-witted and fluent in the art of manipulation. It is very difficult to maintain a line in which the main thing in the education process is the owner, and not the dog. To avoid such a situation, it is important not to make breaks or exceptions in training sessions; they should be rich and interesting for the animal. It is important to show persistence and steadfastness, and then the pet will recognize the authority of its owner.

Caring for a beagle is quite simple and does not require any special skills. Dogs should be brushed several times a week, and preferably every day during shedding. Beagles are very clean animals, and unless they have had a mud bath, they do not require frequent washing. The average interval between bathing is 3-4 months. When washing, you must use special shampoos that match your pet's coat type. It is important to keep your ears clean; they should be checked and cleaned once every one to two weeks. You also need to trim your pet's nails on time and check your pet for signs of parasites and infections. The main responsibilities for caring for a Beagle dog boil down to the need to regularly provide it with physical activity - an important condition for maintaining health.

Beagles have a very good appetite and are not at all picky about food. However, there is another side to the coin - they can eat everything in a row and in large quantities, so they are prone to overeating. The owner of such a dog must carefully monitor its diet, strictly calculating the entire menu based on body weight. An adult beagle should be fed 1-2 times a day. When feeding natural food, the diet must include lean meat in the form of beef or veal, preferably raw, after having previously been doused with boiling water or frozen. Boiled offal (liver, lungs, heart, kidneys), boiled sea fish, buckwheat porridge, rice and rolled oats are acceptable. It is also advisable to include fermented milk products in the beagles' diet - cottage cheese, kefir, organic yogurt. Vegetables: carrots, cabbage, sweet peppers, pumpkin, beets. It is better to give them stewed, with the addition of vegetable oil, since without it the vegetables will not be absorbed in the dog’s body. Apples, bananas and pears are perfect fruits. It is necessary to add vitamins to the food, which are recommended by the veterinarian. You should not give sweet cookies, sweets, chocolate, or smoked sausage to animals. You can pamper your pet with carrots, unsweetened crackers or a piece of hard cheese.

If the owner decides to feed the dog dry food, then the choice should be made on premium and super premium food, carefully observing the dosage. There should always be fresh water in your pet's bowl.

Beagles were originally bred solely for hunting purposes, but today they are considered a versatile breed that excels in therapy, tracking and as pets. Thanks to their well-developed sense of smell, they are used as rescuers, to combat termites and detect prohibited items. In June 2006, a beagle trained to help even saved his owner's life by dialing an emergency number on his cell phone.

Beagle dogs are very popular animals, often appearing in movies, cartoons, television shows and comics. The famous dog Snoopy from the Peanuts comic strip has been named the most famous beagle in the world. These natural actors have appeared in the following films: Snoopy Come Home (1972), Cats & Dogs (2001), Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005), Superdog (2007), Cats & Dogs : The Revenge of Kitty Galore" (2010), "We Bought a Zoo" (2010), "Tide Riders" (2012), "Beauty and the Beast" (2014).

Beagle puppies can range in price from $200 to $1,000.

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