How many years do French bulldogs live: how to extend the life of a pet and what is needed for this

Dogs grow, develop, mature, and age quickly. Compared to humans, they have a short life, especially for large breeds. French bulldogs are between medium and miniature in size. They are friendly, good-natured and sociable. For all their phlegmatic nature, they love to be the center of attention and become strongly attached to their owner. When purchasing a charming puppy, a dog breeder strives to find out how long French bulldogs live and what needs to be done to reduce to zero the risks of diseases and other causes of premature death of their beloved pet.

How to determine the age of a dog?

To determine the age of a French bulldog, several signs are used. Pay attention to the teeth:

  • in a Frenchman under 2 years old they are white, without stone and caries;
  • at 3 years old, the first signs of grinding of the lower incisors appear;
  • at 4 years old, the upper incisors gradually wear off;
  • by the age of 5, the fangs become rounded;
  • at 6 years the enamel turns yellow, the incisors and fangs are ground down to the same level;
  • Bulldogs over 8 years of age may experience tooth decay, loosening, or tooth loss.

Each pet is individual, but in most cases, at 7 years old, the fur becomes dull and gray on the face, the skin becomes less elastic, the eyes become cloudy, the dog’s behavior is passive, the dog runs less and sleeps more. Very often, older dogs experience obesity, problems with the cardiovascular system, hearing and vision.

Short description

To begin with, it is worth saying that this breed of dog is distinguished by its miniature size.

Its height often does not exceed 30 centimeters, and the weight of dogs does not exceed 14 kilograms .

Such dogs are suitable for active people, since the pets themselves are very playful and perky.

Despite their small size, French bulldogs are very athletic and have well-developed muscles.

These parameters allow the dog to stand up for the owner in case of danger. This fact should be taken into account when walking dogs - do not think that this dog is not capable of showing aggression.

Dogs of this breed are easy to train, they are smart, but at the same time quite stubborn.

Read a more complete description of French Bulldogs here.


Dog handlers say that pets sense their owner’s mood. And if you don’t like a certain person, then the dog will behave warily around him.

What factors influence life expectancy?

The lifespan of a French Bulldog depends on several factors:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth - if early and uncontrolled, the risk of complications and death increases.
  2. Sterilization and castration allows the animal’s body not to wear out.
  3. Diseases - at the first signs of illness, you need to contact a veterinary clinic and begin treatment.
  4. Physical activity – without physical activity there is no strong immunity.
  5. Psychological health – a dog that is loved and raised correctly lives longer.

Is the life expectancy of dogs different in the private sector and in an apartment?

As practice shows, animals living in private houses live somewhat shorter lives than pets living in apartments.

This is explained by the fact that in the private sector, bulldogs are more susceptible to injuries in the local area, often get into fights with neighboring animals, and are more often attacked by ticks and other parasites. These factors negatively affect health and suppress the immune system.

There are also disadvantages to staying in an apartment if the owners are absent for a long time and cannot provide frequent walks for the pet with the required level of physical activity.

A French Bulldog living in an apartment should be taken for walks regularly.

How long do French bulldogs live at home?

According to statistics, small ornamental breeds live longer than large ones. The average lifespan of a French bulldog is 11-13 years. It is not uncommon for dogs to live up to 15 years thanks to careful care, care and comfortable keeping. There are examples where the maximum life expectancy of the French is above average - up to 20 years. But this is rather an exception to the general rule.


Like most breeds, bulldog males have a shorter lifespan than female bulldogs. On average, dogs live about 12 years. This is due to the fact that boys are more aggressive, often getting into fights, getting injured and further health problems.


Girl bulldogs lead a more measured lifestyle, their character is calm, they are flexible and not pugnacious. With proper nutrition, good genetics and a measured lifestyle, the female French Bulldog lives 13-14 years. Early or frequent pregnancies, infections and complicated childbirth can significantly shorten life.


Look at that funny face - it says so much about the character of the French Bulldog! This loving, lively and cheerful creature is full of mischief. The dog is extremely attached to “his” person and is ready to follow him anywhere. In addition, most Frenchies are fearless defenders, ready to attack even a lion if it wants to eat its owner.

As for correct behavior, bulldogs are a little stubborn, but trainable. They clearly understand who is the leader here, and whose words can be ignored. Therefore, the “baby” needs patient persistence.

At what age are bulldogs considered old?

You can understand that a bulldog has begun to age by several signs:

  • the dog stopped actively responding to sounds and other stimuli;
  • sleeps a lot and walks little;
  • he has urinary incontinence;
  • tooth loss;
  • graying of fur on the face;
  • Chronic diseases are actively manifesting themselves.

The first signs of aging appear at 7-8 years of age. After two to three years, at 9-11 years of age, French Bulldogs are considered old.

Historical reference

The ancestors of the French are English bulldogs. Having once moved from the shores of Foggy Albion to the lands of the Gauls, this mini fighting breed gained popularity among the French elite. The first breed club was registered back in 1870, but official recognition was received only 34 years later. During this time, the French were polished and hewn, giving an appearance close to the present one.

In addition, British residents opposed the recognition of the breed, who believed that there was only one bulldog - the English one. All the rest are mestizos and fakes, an attack on the pride of the nation. But French connoisseurs did not retreat and achieved an autonomous position for their favorites.

Photo of a French bulldog

How to extend the life of a French bulldog?

In order for your pet to live as long as possible, it is necessary to organize for it the correct daily routine and a balanced diet. The dog needs to be walked daily and monitored for physical activity. Particular attention is paid to vaccinations and preventive examinations.

Proper nutrition

You can feed bulldogs both natural and industrial food. In the first case, the diet should consist of 50% lean meat, 20% boiled and fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, 30% porridge, cottage cheese, kefir, sea fish and sunflower oil.

It should be remembered that the Frenchie will not live long if you give him smoked meats, baked goods, legumes, river fish and chocolate. When feeding “dry”, preference is given to premium or super-premium varieties for small dogs.

Hygiene and care

Pets live a full life if the owner not only maintains his health, but also regularly carries out hygiene procedures:

  1. Brush the fur at least once a week.
  2. Trims claws once a month.
  3. Bathes with special shampoo no more than three times a year.
  4. Cleans ears, nose, eyes every three days.
  5. Regularly wipes all skin folds of the bulldog.

Physical activity and games

A pet cannot live a full life if its physical shape is not maintained and the balance between rest and active pastime is not organized correctly. The dog is walked twice a day for 1-1.5 hours, ensuring its safety as much as possible. The puppy lives in a family, so he enjoys playing with children - hide and seek, chase, fetch a ball and follow commands.

Health care, deworming

French bulldogs are prone to obesity, allergies, eye diseases, strokes, problems with the musculoskeletal system and breathing due to their shortened muzzle. In order not to start the disease and live a full life, you need not only to start treatment on time, but also to carry out prevention - visit a veterinarian, take tests, conduct examinations, vaccinate according to the vaccination calendar. At three weeks of age and every three months thereafter, dogs are given anthelmintic medications.

Differences in color and appearance

The color varieties have virtually endless variations in appearance. For example, wool, which is found in such color shades, adds differences - these are:

  • White
  • Grey
  • Ginger
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Beige
  • Chocolate
  • Tiger color

The French Bulldog can complement its colors with the main coat color, which creates an unusual and beautiful final result.

The main coloring varies. There are pets with this color variation - this is a pet:

  • Red
  • Beige
  • Black-brown
  • Blue French Bulldog (with blue eyes)
  • Brindle color
  • Black
  • Marble color

These are the most common types of coat colors.

There may be a color similar to a French dog of another breed or species - in this case, you should trust a professional dog handler who can accurately determine the breed.

Additional types of the breed can also please you with variety - these are:

  • Fawn French Bulldog
  • Little French Bulldog
  • French bulldog mini
  • Brindle French Bulldog
  • Dwarf French Bulldog

All species have similar personalities and physical size.

For what reason can a dog die prematurely?

In addition to illness, the cause of sudden death, due to which pets do not live long, can be:

  • poisoning;
  • accident;
  • heatstroke;
  • injury;
  • foreign body entering the respiratory tract;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • splenic rupture;
  • congenital abnormalities.

Choosing a puppy

Select a puppy based on the following parameters:

  1. The puppy's parents must be healthy and have balanced behavior. It is imperative to see the puppy's father and mother.
  2. Observe the behavior of the puppy you like, but do not pick it up or pet it without the breeder's permission.
  3. Upon examination, the puppy should be distinguished by shiny fur, a non-bloated belly, neat skin and a small layer of fat, clean ears and eyes, without odor or discharge of various kinds.
  4. The nose is black, with the exception of dogs from three to five months old with a spotted color, in which an uncolored nose is allowed.
  5. The oral mucosa is pink, the teeth are straight, and the bite is strong.
  6. Paw movements are straight, coordinated and not stiff.
  7. General behavior of the dog. Healthy individuals are active, cheerful and ready for contact.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

On average, the price of this breed varies:

  • from forty thousand - standard colors;
  • up to one hundred and twenty - blue, tan, lilac.

It is best to purchase a puppy from trusted breeders, information about which can be obtained from the nearest kennel club

If you buy bulldogs from private breeders, it is important to carefully study the reviews about it

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing, the main attention is paid to the following points:

  • availability of all necessary documents and stamps;
  • a veterinarian’s certificate confirming the absence of genetic diseases in the parents;
  • conditions for keeping dogs;
  • staff attitude towards their work and animals;
  • bulldog nutrition;
  • reputation of the establishment.

On the channel The Adventures of Venya the Bulldog - the secrets of choosing a puppy of this breed.

Skin problems

The first reason is food allergies. Signs:

  1. Redness of mucous membranes, eyes;
  2. Edema;
  3. Plaque in the ears;
  4. Tearing;
  5. Dandruff;
  6. Red spots on the skin;
  7. Itching;
  8. Depressed state;
  9. Irritability.

The way to get rid of it is to exclude foods from the diet that cause allergies and eliminate its manifestations. Itching is relieved with special ointments and tablets, the eyes are wiped with lotions, and drops are used. Sometimes bathing with medicated shampoos helps.

Demodectic mange is caused by itch mites. There are several types of the disease, transmitted from the mother at birth or from carriers with reduced immunity. Ticks live in the upper layers of the skin and cause a lot of trouble:

  1. Ulcers and wounds;
  2. Hair loss;
  3. Poor health and appetite.

Demodicosis in its generalized form is difficult to treat. To prevent this disease, the pet is treated with parasite repellents (drops on the withers, sprays with fipronil, etc.) once every 3 months. Sometimes subcutaneous mites infect the internal organs of the animal.

Fungal diseases appear in various parts of the body. Reduced immunity, thin and delicate skin contribute to the deterioration of the condition. Fungal lesions are identified by scraping, which is then examined under microscopes.

If there is redness on the skin, the dog itches a lot, hair falls out and an unpleasant odor appears, then this is a reason to suspect such diseases. They correct the situation with ointments, anti-fungal tablets, and washing with medicated shampoos. A fungus can easily be confused with an allergy, and their treatment is different.

Proper nutrition

The quality and quantity of animal feed plays a huge role in health and immunity.

You can feed your Rottweiler both dry and natural food.

Dry food significantly saves the owner’s time and effort, but one must take into account that dogs of this breed eat a lot, and high-quality food is expensive. Cheap food will not bring anything to your pet except problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to food, the dog must be given a mineral and vitamin complex to maintain immunity.

When choosing natural food, you should give preference to protein foods, which should be at least 50% of the total amount.

It could be:

  • meat products (lean pork, beef, chicken, turkey, offal);
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, sour cream in small quantities);
  • fish (bones must first be removed);
  • eggs.

Meat must be given raw or lightly boiled with boiling water. It is better to give vegetables raw, but not very often, as they can cause bloating. They should be no more than 20% in the diet.

The remaining 30% of the dog's menu is porridge. Preference should be given to buckwheat, rice, and wheat cereals, but it is better to completely exclude semolina and pearl barley from the animal’s diet.

Education and training

French Bulldogs are not easy to train because they are naturally stubborn and quickly become bored with repetitive actions. Experienced experts advise always using treats for reward, using short training cycles. Especially stubborn representatives of the breed can be trained by building the training process in the form of a game. It is advisable to take a UGS course from a professional dog handler.

French bulldog on a leash

French Bulldogs are sentimental and have a good memory. To help your puppy adapt faster to his new home, ask the breeder for a toy or thing that is already familiar to the baby. Education should begin from the very first day, despite the tender age of your four-legged friend. Do not succumb to the charm of pretty eyes - calmly but firmly indicate your own leadership. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to deal with the dog in the future - adult dogs practically do not change their character throughout their lives. Immediately show the dog the tray (toilet), the place where his bowl is located, the area for games and rest. You can quickly teach your baby the commands “Come”, “No” and “Fu”. These are basic orders that will help you communicate with your dog, even if you are not going to train him in any special way.

Until about 8 months, the puppy will actively test the owner’s strength, trying to gain leadership. Strictly suppress hooliganism and aggression, but never hit the dog, avoid shouting and profanity. A powerful voice is enough to punish. If the puppy does everything correctly, do not forget to praise him, surround the pet with care - this will speed up the learning process and prevent anger. Soon the dog will finally come to terms with the main role of man, becoming a devoted friend.

The French Bulldog's worldview and character are fully formed by the age of 16 weeks.

Until this moment, it is important to socialize the pet as best as possible, teach commands, and accustom him to hygiene and cosmetic procedures.

Signs of old age

The main signs of old age in French bulldogs include the following:

  • Reduced activity, the animal sleeps more and is not eager to go outside.
  • Frequent urination appears.
  • The dog often barks for no reason.
  • Chronic diseases develop.
  • Teeth fall out.
  • Noticeable graying appears on the fur.
  • The sparkle in the eyes disappears.

An elderly dog ​​does not perceive extraneous sounds well and very rarely turns towards stimuli.

Size according to breed standards

According to current standards, the French Bulldog is assessed as a companion dog, belonging to group "9" and the Small Molosser section, but without performing working tests. In appearance, the French Bulldog is a typical fighting dog with a small body size.

Powerful and proportional, stocky, short-haired breed, with sufficient muscularity and well-developed, reliable bone structure. The growth of a French bulldog, regardless of age, must be well balanced with the weight of the animal.

The breed standard adopted by FCI specialists in 1995 is currently not the main expert document for the French bulldog dog, therefore animals included in the RKF system are assessed according to the published official current standard dated mid-April 2015.

The updated standard concerning French bulldogs was released by the International Canine Federation, and is presented not only quite briefly, but also in special terms that are not too familiar to a wide range of domestic dog handlers.

The standard height of an adult animal at the withers varies between 25-35 cm. The standard weight of a mature female is 8-12 kg, and a male is about 10-15 kg. The male is not only larger than the female, but also has a more massive physique and courageous character.

A show bitch is necessarily a little lighter and more graceful in her build. The correct format should be slightly stretched, and the format index is 103-106. The constitution of the animal is strong, but with the obligatory presence of some elements of dampness. The backbone of the French Bulldog is quite well developed, with very pronounced and prominent muscles.

Deviations from the norm of weight and size

Quite often, French bulldogs have deviations from the standards for weight and size as breed defects. A dog can suffer from both overweight or so-called obesity, and weight loss, represented by dystrophy or rickets.

Obesity is a very common disease among French bulldogs. The main, most severe and pronounced symptoms of obesity in a dog are the presence of:

  • excess weight;
  • apathy and fatigue;
  • heavy breathing;
  • avoiding activity, including playing games, long walks or runs.

The main reasons for obesity in a French Bulldog pet are improper and unbalanced nutrition, metabolic disorders in the body, as well as a sedentary lifestyle with limited physical activity.

To achieve effective weight loss in a dog, it is necessary to change the pet's diet while increasing physical activity. The amount of calories consumed by a French Bulldog will decrease if the volume of food given daily is reduced by approximately 30-40%.

Among other things, the animal needs to rationally increase regular physical activity by lengthening the time of outdoor walking activities and increasing physical activity while playing with a ball or plastic bones.

A special diet aimed at losing excess weight must be developed by veterinary specialists. Most often, high-quality low-calorie products of plant origin, such as boiled carrots, cabbage and green beans, are used to combat obesity.

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Problems with size and physique, as a rule, arise with rickets, a disease manifested by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, as well as with a lack of the optimal amount of minerals in the pet’s body.

As a rule, young French bulldogs are most affected by rickets, and in winter the risk of the disease increases significantly. The main signs of rickets in a French bulldog:

  • pronounced curvature of the limbs;
  • severe thickening of the joints;
  • sagging back area.

Dogs suffering from rickets are very much behind in development and growth, so the issue of treatment must be approached carefully and competently.

Unusual nicknames

It has become a fashionable trend to give pets gastronomic nicknames. They sound bright and unusual. Nicknames for boys ─ Cupcake, Julien, Loaf, Eclair, Baguette, Morsic, Pate. For girls - Bun, Marmalade, Kandy, Marshmallow,

Interesting money nicknames for a male dog: Forex, Crypt, Rich, Tycoon, Forbes.

For girls

From the list of dog names, you can choose the desired nickname for French bulldog girls:

Aza, Affa, Aya, Blazey, Bridgette, Berta, Wanda, Vesta, Veta, Granny, Glora, Grossa, Diora, Dolly, Donna, Eva, Echi, Josie, Josette, Zhanne, Zamfa, Zarra, Zyuzu, Toffee, Irma, Sparkle, Carmen, Claffey, Lyra, Lorrie, Louise, Margot, Molly, Millie, Neva, Nora, Nicoletta, Olan, Oprah, Olla, Prana, Perla, Petra, Rebecca, Rhoda, Rossa, Silva, Salma, Cecile, Trona, Tina, Tavi, Uncha, Urfa, Francesca, Filla, Felicia, Chloe, Haddy, Tseka, Flower, Chara, Chupa, Charutti, Shotti, Shokko, Emma, ​​Elma, Emily, Justina, Yuna, Yara, Yamana.

For boys

Popular nicknames for French bulldog boys:

Aron, Ataman, Archibald, Blade, Boatswain, Brad, Vallis, Vigu, Vist, Ground, Hussar, Gooch, Genie, Drake, Derek, Elang, Jacques, Geoffrey, Zhorik, Zach, Zalir, Zephyr, Ich, Indigo, Eaton, Klaus, Craig, Cousteau, Lost, Lemon, Louis, Mars, Marseille, Morsic, Napoleon, Next, Nishtyak, Olympic, Osman, Ouch, Parnas, Parker, Gingerbread, Rolf, Roul, Range, Salad, Stout, Status, Trade, Trump, Timati, Urfin, Umat, Pound, Fitz, Forest, Hulk, Huchik, Hitach, Cicero, Zweig, Chase, Champion, Charlie, Naughty, Chic, Sheriff, Ever, Elvis, Aesop, Jung, Yuver, Yarik, Yasha, Jason.


In French Bulldogs, the withers are formed by the five thoracic vertebrae and the top of the shoulder blades. They are connected by developed muscles.

The wide, well-developed back of the dog, according to the standard, should not sag or, on the contrary, arch. Otherwise, her vertebrae will not be able to withstand physical stress.

The sacrum should be short but wide enough.

The animal's croup should have a slightly rounded shape with a slight slope.

The width of the chest of a French Bulldog directly depends on the location of the ribs - on their curvature. According to the standard, the ideal chest should be barrel-shaped, deep and well developed.

Sometimes dogs of this breed have an anomaly such as the presence of wedge-shaped vertebrae, mainly in the thoracic region. With this, the vertebrae do not have a regular rectangular shape, but a trapezoid shape. This can lead to problems with the functioning of the spinal cord. This can lead to paralysis of the limbs.

Note: Males must have properly developed testes that are completely contained in the scrotum.

The dog's small tail should be thick at the base, tapering towards the tip. When excited, the tail should be no higher than the line of the back.

It’s worth moving a little away from the basic parameters of the standard and taking a closer look at this topic. Basically, French bulldog puppies are born with a naturally short tail. This can be explained by genetic predisposition.

But representatives of this breed do not always have such a tail. Some puppies are born with a tail longer than standard. In this case, the breeder must immediately decide whether it is necessary to dock (cut off part of) the puppy’s tail, since this operation is performed when the puppy is three to five days old, no later.

When selling a puppy, the breeder is required to indicate whether he has docked his pet's tail. Especially if it is purchased for breeding, the long tail can be inherited. And even in the case of an exhibition career, a long tail can become an obstacle.

Sometimes surgery is necessary for medical reasons. For example, if a French bulldog's tail begins to grow into its body or it fits so tightly to the body that there is no way to care for the area underneath where diaper rash may appear.

Character and primary education

Representatives of this breed have a very easy, albeit capricious, character. They love children and are devoted to their owners. They are (relatively) easy to raise and are always up for any kind of play and new adventures, especially at a young age.

As a child, a bulldog will not miss the opportunity to enjoy the joys of play; he will be a cheerful company in any outdoor game.

Pets are very unpretentious in care - it is enough to regularly wipe the folds on the face and ears in order to prevent the development of infections.

How to raise a French bulldog? Raising a French bulldog begins at three months, when the baby can move independently and confidently. It is quite easy to touch the animal’s withers, which symbolizes a prohibition from the mother in order to prevent unwanted actions (chewing shoes, wires, etc.).

How to cultivate positive feelings towards the owner? Just petting the animal and saying praise is enough

In the early stages, it is better to treat “approval” in the form of treats with caution - it can disrupt the diet

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