Golden chinchilla cat. Description, care and price of the golden chinchilla breed

Features of care and maintenance

Owners of golden chinchilla cats have to comb their luxurious coat at least 2 times a week to keep it tidy.
During the molting period, the procedure is carried out daily. Chinchillas have a two-layer coat. It must be combed in 2 stages: first along the hair growth, then against it. It is recommended to use a fine-toothed comb or a special glove.

Cats are bathed as needed, but not more than once every 3-4 months. Due to frequent washing, the coat becomes dry and brittle. Dry products are used as a replacement for regular shampoos.

Otherwise, care for golden chinchillas is standard:

  • are vaccinated annually;
  • regularly treated against fleas, ticks and worms;
  • Clean your ears every week;
  • rub your eyes daily;
  • trim the claws as they grow (about once a month);
  • taken to the veterinarian for preventive examinations.

The pet should have a separate place to rest, a variety of toys and a cat scratching post. Animals quickly learn to use the toilet, but the tray must be large and comfortable, since the golden chinchilla color is found in fairly large breeds.

British beauty at home

Caring for representatives of this species of the cat family is quite simple. From early childhood, kittens easily learn to use a litter box and to be neat. These pets do not need very frequent brushing, no matter how strange it may be, their fur is silky and does not tangle.

It is enough to brush the Chinchilla's coat at least twice a week. We advise you to carry out this care using a special brush. Since Chinchillas by nature love freedom and require personal space, it is necessary to allocate a place for them to sleep and play. Ideally, a whole corner with a sleeping mat, a scratching post, pillows for relaxation and all kinds of toys.

Based on the fact that kittens are often kept at home for further presentation of the pet at an exhibition, it is necessary to talk about the content for this purpose. Before the exhibition, we advise you to bathe the animal so that the fur shines. Typically, owners use several methods to prepare the coat before going out into the world. Some owners powder the animal with baby powder for three to four days before the exhibition, others rinse the fur with a vinegar solution.

Despite the general good health of pets, they often have problems with the skin, eyes or respiratory tract. Due to the specific structure of the nose, on hot days it becomes quite difficult for a cat to breathe. Also, the special structure of the lacrimal glands provokes frequent eye problems, manifested by excessive lacrimation. For such symptoms, we advise you to help your pet by regularly cleaning its eyelids with a weak solution of boric acid. If suppuration becomes noticeable, purchase tetracycline ointment.


The chinchilla is a cat that requires a varied, balanced diet. This can be natural food or ready-made food that can be bought in pet stores. Please note that meals must be separate. It is recommended to give your chinchilla the following foods:

  • meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit - raw, finely chopped, scalded with boiling water);
  • ocean fish;
  • offal (heart, liver, kidneys - boiled);
  • dairy products (yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir);
  • fats and oils (daily 1/4 teaspoon of refined oil);
  • vegetables and grains (cabbage, carrots, bran, buckwheat, rice porridge).

How much does a royal chinchilla cost?

Pure golden color is quite rare. More often you can see kittens having the so-called halftone. In the metrics that are issued at 1.5 months, they are often noted as golden chinchillas. But after molting, which takes place in 5-8 months, the color changes.

For people who have a kitten as a pet, these nuances do not matter. But for those who breed or plan to participate in exhibitions, color purity is very important.

To avoid misunderstandings, you should:

  • carefully study the requirements for color and its features;
  • read reviews about breeders offering such animals;
  • meet the kittens’ parents and evaluate their compliance with the standard.

Due to the difficulty of obtaining a color, a kitten is quite expensive:

  • British chinchillas: pet class - 25 thousand rubles, show class - about 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • Scottish and Persian cats: pet class - 12-25 thousand rubles, show class - from 35 thousand rubles.

Purebred kittens can be purchased at a specialized nursery or from a reputable breeder who breeds animals of this particular color.

There is a common misconception that there is an independent breed of golden chinchilla cats. Because of this, confusion often arises. For example, people who count on an easy-going Briton end up with wayward Scots

That’s why it’s so important to find out all the nuances first, and only then get a pet.

Golden chinchilla cats are very rare, unusually beautiful and intelligent animals. These are real fluffy “suns”, a find for lovers of luxury and chic.

British chinchilla nurseries

You can buy a good British chinchilla from a good nursery. When visiting a British chinchilla nursery, you should pay attention to how it looks: whether the walls are clean, what smell is in the room, what the cats eat and what their litter box looks like, whether they have toys, and so on.

You need to make sure that the nursery has a license and status.

The price of British chinchilla kittens in the nursery is high, on average - from three to forty thousand rubles.

Nurseries where you can buy British chinchillas:

  • Ilios Cats;
  • Vivian;
  • Devinor;
  • La Mur Cat.

What are they?

Golden chinchillas come in short-haired and long-haired varieties. If it seems that caring for long hair is more difficult than short hair, then this is, of course, a misconception. Any animal needs care, and seasonal shedding simply cannot be avoided, either by animals with long or short hair. Everyone needs to be brushed constantly.

According to breed standards, golden chinchillas with green eyes are most often found, but options with blue and yellowish eye tints are not excluded. The blue color is mainly found in silver chinchillas.

Golden British chinchillas should not have a pronounced pattern on their coat; as a rule, these are soft and gentle transitions from one shade to another.

Video “Chinchilla cat breed”

Have you already decided to get kittens of this breed? This video will be very useful, because from the words of an expert it tells in detail about the peculiarities of keeping this aristocratic breed.

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Character traits

British chinchillas are very balanced, but wayward animals. They can safely be called aristocrats of the cat world: they are very independent. They get used to and become attached to the owner and other family members very quickly, but at the same time they always consider themselves equal to both humans and other animals in the house.

British chinchillas lead a measured lifestyle, play moderately, rest more, love to be looked after and given attention. At the same time, they do not interfere in many household affairs, preferring to calmly look at them from the outside

When the British are not in a good mood, not even a toy mouse or their favorite treat will budge them. British chinchillas are quite picky when it comes to food.

Even though British chinchillas look like plush toys, they are not. Therefore, you should not allow children to handle them carelessly. Animals have an extremely negative attitude towards all kinds of cuddles, and therefore can change their habits to negative ones if treated poorly.

From childhood, British chinchillas can be easily accustomed to a litter tray, habitat and food. But it is useless to force these cats to do something or play: they will remain cool, although they are very well-mannered.

The British are capricious and freedom-loving; they do not always prefer to be the center of attention when they live in a house without other animals. British chinchillas learn very quickly, especially when they have the desire, or during the learning process the owner gives them treats to encourage them. The British love order in their home. They must have their own place to sleep. It can be either a pillow or a whole house in which animals can not only relax, but also play.

The British never create a mess in the house, even when they are alone. Moreover, they do not like fuss. Therefore, sometimes they prefer to relax imposingly while there is silence in the house or apartment. Of course, until they get tired of it.

They are always happy to see the owner. Proud chinchillas rarely beg for food, especially from the table. They are more accustomed to waiting for the owner to treat them himself. If animals eat according to a certain diet and schedule, then they will not beg for treats at all.

If they are pissed off too much, they may hide. British chinchillas are essentially non-aggressive; they quickly forget an insult. But if the offense is serious, then the animal will prefer to proudly retire for a long time until it is called.

British chinchillas like to rest immediately after eating. Lying around is their favorite pastime. Sometimes, when going out into society, they can lazily chase a ball or a mouse, but they prefer to play with the owner, especially adult individuals. Even at 6–7 years old, the British do not become overly phlegmatic.

It is worth noting that British chinchillas practically do not meow. Experts differ in their opinions as to what this is connected with. Some say that this is beyond their cat's dignity. These animals are among the most silent and reserved, even when very hungry.

They meow in extremely rare cases, for example, in a veterinarian's office or when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment. However, British chinchillas have a very melodic voice. Some of them are very talkative. When petted, they can purr and make peculiar sounds of joy.

The British don't have the habit of waking everyone up in the morning if they haven't been fed. They will wait tactfully, although it is best not to disturb their schedule. They easily get used to any regime of their owner.

British Golden Chinchilla - reviews

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03/14/2021 at 22:51


I have the same cat. She’s very smart, she won’t let herself be tormented, she won’t be picked up, she won’t shit anywhere, she’ll shit in the litter box. She’s beautiful, but she climbs onto the table, but I’ve already learned from this. Overall, a very good friend

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I have a cat like this. A very worthy and intelligent animal. Very smart, doesn’t misbehave, doesn’t shit in corners, doesn’t roll on curtains, doesn’t climb on tables. She is a companion, calm, balanced, very self-sufficient, not a weasel. But such an animal is expensive. From 30-35 and up to 200. There is no need to buy for less money, it will be a waste. The main thing is the psyche, genes... I didn’t need a mentally unbalanced cat.


A friend of mine has a very charming cat. but he is on his own, he doesn’t go into your arms, if he just sits next to you, you can pet him, but not for long.


Complete nonsense. My friends have a British lady who will rip your hands off if you want to stroke them; others have exactly the same one, but a chinchilla. And my friends have plump, good-natured dogs of the same types. We are talking about the same breed of British, they know the litter box well and will not survive on the street, they are very domestic. All other character traits are individual.

Alina Nemykina

Our city is also full of breeders and the cats are beautiful. But also prices. Golden costs 100 thousand for breeding. But the color is clear, without black, and the eyes are green. And the silver one is of course cheaper, 40-50, but it’s also money. And a silver cat for a pillow is 15 thousand, a gold and black cat is also 15. But my husband doesn’t want to fork out money for a cat for a pillow (((he wants up to 10 thousand maximum.


Control is everywhere, whether we are watching TV or cooking in the kitchen, Messi is watching from some corner)))) Of course, he doesn’t like children, my niece doesn’t offend him, but when he comes, he still puts his ears back and tries to get into the most inaccessible place. It's funny to watch him peek around the corner and look when they are already getting ready to leave)))) He is very clean, I completely change the toilet 1-2 times a week, we use silica gel fillers, he sharpens his nails exclusively on his house, there are scratching posts there . In general, he is like a sedative for us, we come home from work, and he meets us and asks us to scratch our belly


We have long wanted to bring a cat to a new apartment. I went to the exhibition with my husband. We came across him almost immediately))) extended our hands to him - he licked them

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