Yorkshire terrier dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

Buying a dog is a very important decision, so choosing a future pet must be approached with the utmost seriousness. In this case, it is necessary to rely not only on external data, ease of maintenance and care and the size of the dog, but also on its character and temperament.

It is important that the future pet meets all the parameters and corresponds to the idea of ​​an ideal four-legged friend - only then will it become a real member of the family. Yorkshire Terriers are, of course, beautiful, compact and friendly, but they also have some character flaws that you should be aware of in advance.

Description and features

The homeland of this small but very cute dog is England, or rather one of its counties - Yorkshire. It is known for sure that it was born as a result of crossing several varieties of the Maltese, as well as miniature pinschers.

According to local legend, the dog’s ancestors were formidable rat-catchers, distinguished by their courage and bloodthirstiness. But is it true? Looking at a modern representative of the Yorkshire Terrier breed , it is difficult to believe that his ancestor was a dog with such a set of qualities. But we still will not completely reject this version.

Rodents have always annoyed people, so they fought them in all ways, and training small, nimble dogs was, perhaps, the best of them. One way or another, most of the dogs from the group under consideration have proven themselves to be friendly and not at all evil. So it’s difficult to believe that they were once aggressive towards rats and mice.

Yorkies are a very cheerful and good-natured breed.

The representative of the breed is of a decorative nature. He is not a security guard, and certainly not a bodyguard. The doggie represents an affectionate friend and companion. He is able to cheer up anyone, even a very sad person. In return, he will require tenderness and love. Very sensitive and vulnerable.

Interesting fact! We should thank the English sailors who took them on board with them for the wide distribution of Yorkies around the world. The Europeans and then the Americans liked the animals so much that they wanted to buy them. After this, breeders from around the world began to breed these dogs.

The first representative of the breed entered Russia only at the end of the 20th century. So Yorkies have been bred here relatively recently. At first, they were owned only by celebrities, which is why the dogs acquired great prestige, but nowadays they are adopted by people of different social status and income.

Most members of families who have such a pet consider it unique and almost ideal. This is understandable, because he has a huge number of positive qualities. It is suitable for an experienced hunter, an elderly person, a socialite and even a child.

It can serve as a companion, a home “toy”, a comforter-psychologist and just a loyal friend. The dog tolerates changes of environment well and is easy to carry. Thanks to this, you can take it with you anywhere, even on a sea holiday. The main thing is not to leave her alone for a long time.

What do Yorkshire Terriers suffer from?

This breed is predisposed to certain diseases. This does not mean that every dog ​​will necessarily have all the health problems listed above. But in case of any incomprehensible symptoms or even changes in habitual behavior, it is better to immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

  • Perthes disease (aseptic necrosis of the femoral head) is a disease of the hip joint and femur that causes lameness and muscle atrophy in the affected limb.
  • Dislocation of the kneecap - leads to lameness and the inability to step on the paw when walking.
  • Hypoglycemia is a decrease in blood glucose levels. Most often, this problem is observed in puppies (juvenile form) due to nervous tension, improper feeding, helminth infection and more. Errors in diet selection also occur in adult dogs.
  • Tracheal collapse is a pathology in which the dog has difficulty breathing due to narrowing of the trachea caused by softening of the cartilage rings.
  • A hepatic (portosystemic) shunt is an abnormal connection of vessels that connect the systemic circulation and the hepatic portal vein. As a result, the liver does not fully perform its function.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy is a disease that causes degeneration and death of retinal cells, ultimately leading to blindness.

Yorkies can also suffer from problems with the genitourinary system, teeth, as well as skin, heart, colds and other diseases.

Smile at your pet

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