Shih Tzu dog. Description, features, types, character, care and price of the Shih Tzu breed

There are many breeds of dogs in the world, beautiful, smart, brave and kind, endlessly loyal to their owners. But rarely does anyone combine all these qualities at once, like the Shih Tzu, who have been captivating with their charm for several centuries. This article contains useful information about the Shih Tzu dog breed, tips on how to choose and raise them, what to feed and how to care for them.

Description and features

The main feature of the Shih Tzu breed is its bright, luxurious appearance. It is extremely difficult not to notice this creature. It is remembered by everyone who turned their gaze to it. These small dogs are very temperamental, characterized by charisma and charm.

It is a big mistake to think that a decorative dog cannot stand up for itself. Yes, most breeds in this group, for example, the Yorkshire Terrier, are absolutely harmless, but the Shih Tzu is an exception. As the people say: “Appearances are deceiving.” This is exactly the case.

Sweet on the outside, but brave and formidable on the inside - this is a description that matches the representative of the breed in question. Nothing can scare him, not even a dangerous person. The dog will rush to protect its owner in any situation. Without a doubt, he is one of the most courageous.

These small dogs are excellent watchdogs. They are vigilant and careful. They can notify owners of danger by barking. They have it loud and ringing. By the way, such a dog often makes noise, so it is unlikely to get along with a lover of silence.

He definitely won’t tolerate familiarity and nervousness. Has a developed sense of self-esteem and is moderately proud. Doesn't like bullies, boors and rude people. A bad attitude upsets the animal, so if it encounters it, it moves away.

Despite the presence of watchdog qualities, it does not show aggression towards people. He scares away strangers he doesn't like by barking. Rarely bullies anyone on his own.

Has sociable inclinations. Doesn't like loneliness. Prefers to follow the owner's heels. He feels pleasure when he is in his arms. Energetic and cheerful. The Shih Tzu is a reliable and loving pet, friend and companion. He tends to empathize. Seeks to console the owner if he is sad about something. They have a strong emotional connection with him.

They do not need physical exercise as much as, for example, a German Shepherd or a Beagle, but banal homebodying tires him. An active toy dog ​​must regularly experience new emotions in order to remain happy. She needs to interact with the outside world, communicate with her own kind, walk in nature, etc.

What the owners say

They say that happiness cannot be bought. This is probably what those who have never had a Shih Tzu puppy think so. Reviews from owners speak volumes about this.

Oksana Volozhanina, 28 years old, Voronezh

I have always been quite calm about domestic animals. Of course, in our house, almost like everyone else, there lived cats and cats, once even a dog visited. It was a Toy terrier girl. Her younger brother brought her from the street, but then her owners were found. I felt absolutely nothing towards all our pets; my mother loved them. But when I got married, it turned out that my husband loves dogs very much and always dreamed of having a dog no smaller than a German shepherd.

After much debate, it was decided to get a dog, but a small one. We searched on message boards on the Internet, found a suitable option and went to get acquainted. The baby Shih Tzu was about 5 months old and his name was Hector. So we got a new family member.

To say that I was touched looking at him would be an understatement. I became attached to him with all my soul and heart, I never thought that I would love an animal so much. My husband also dotes on him, and what’s more, he’s a small, soft little bundle, very affectionate and loving. It seems to me that boundless love for their owners is the main characteristic of the Shih Tzu breed.

He is completely unpretentious in food, eats everything we give him, but most of all he loves boiled fish, tomatoes and cottage cheese. Without persuasion or whims, he eats the vitamins offered to him. With all his gluttony, my Hector will never pick up anything lying on the road. He loves to go outside, but if my husband and I are late at work, he either waits patiently for us or goes to his litter box in the toilet. If you have any doubts about whether to get a Shih Tzu dog, feel free to decide, this is a wonderful, affectionate and loyal creature.

Sergey Vladimirov, 33 years old, art. Starotitorovka, Krasnodar region

Hello! I want to share my experience as a Shih Tzu owner. This dog has been my wife's dream for over 8 years. When the child was born and while he was growing, it was decided to postpone the purchase of a dog until later. When my son grew up a little, they were afraid that dog hair would cause an allergy.

I read on the Internet about the Shih Tzu breed that its fur does not cause an allergic reaction and this predetermined the decision. We went to the nursery and adopted a three-month-old puppy.

The wife was happy and the son too. He christened our pet Puppy, and we kept that name. I would like to note right away that the Shih Tzu has a very friendly and good-natured disposition. Baby Doll immediately made friends with all the cats and dogs near the entrance, including those that were several times larger than him. He is very happy when we come home from work, and my son from school starts barking and gets under our feet. He understands strict intonations in his voice very well, so you just have to strictly say “Pops” and he immediately calms down.

In general, I don’t see any particular problems with keeping this dog at home. He eats everything and is not picky at all. Of course, this breed is not suitable for those who are bothered by daily brushing and frequent bathing; the Shih Tzu is generally not for lazy owners. The son and wife do this in turns, and with great pleasure. So it's up to you.

Andrey Sudakov, 38 years old, Syzran, Samara region

I bought this dog as a gift for my beloved wife. Personally, I liked the Affenpinscher better, but she really wanted a Shih Tzu. We went to the nursery and purchased a 4 month old puppy with a long pedigree. It cost us a pretty penny, but I have never regretted this purchase.

I somehow immediately became attached to this baby, and my wife was generally euphoric. Before purchasing, we read a lot of information about the character and habits of this animal. It was written there that Shih Tzu dogs are very affectionate, which I absolutely did not observe in our pet. He looked more like a spoiled, wayward child; this furball had, let's say, the same character. Absolutely everything was bought for him, from toys to special food, shampoos and conditioners.

In general, this toy cost us quite a lot. But despite this, we love him with all our hearts. With his spontaneity and cheerfulness, he brings bright colors into our work-wracked lives. He became my wife and I’s first child, and even though he is not very affectionate, he charges us with his fun and it is impossible to look at him without smiling. When our daughter was born 2 years later, they became best friends. My daughter didn’t need toys; they could play with Timka for hours.

To be honest, if it weren’t for my wife, I wouldn’t have bought this dog. This is very troublesome for me, and it costs money. But if she’s happy, then I’m happy too, and our Shih Tzu is a full-fledged member of the family.

Tatyana Vasilyeva, 34 years old, Tyumen

Such a wonderful miracle, a Shih Tzu dog was given to my sister for her anniversary several years ago. By the way, my sister is a lonely person and was very happy about this gift, but... She has her own business, so she came home late, often went on business trips, and her little pet began to feel very sad.

My sister felt sorry for her (it's a girl, Felicia), and she asked me to take care of her. I brought this shaggy little thing into my family with great joy. I have two children who were very happy with this gift. The husband was initially skeptical about the new family member, but gradually his dissatisfaction melted away.

Little Felicia has become my children's best friend, she is very friendly, cheerful and playful. What I really like about her is that she is completely unobtrusive, calm, sensitive to the mood and doesn’t get in her way. Of course, as a dog of an unusual breed, it requires special care, in particular this concerns its long coat. After bathing, we blow-dry Felicia every time, then comb her with a comb. After these procedures, our princess's fur is straight, shiny and beautiful.

Felicia has been living with us for 3 years, we all love her very much, she has become a full-fledged member of our family. At first I fed only special food, but then I realized that she is not at all picky about food. Along with us, he can eat chicken, fish, and milk without feeling any discomfort. Shih Tzus are beautiful creatures, full of affection and love for their owners.

Breed standard

The Shih Tzu dog belongs to the small group. She has a harmoniously built body. In representatives of this breed, the sexual characteristics are significantly pronounced. This means that females are much smaller than males. The height at the withers of the former is from 22 to 27 cm, in the latter – from 28 to 33 cm. The individual weighs from 4.5 to 8 kg.

The fact that such a dog has “royal” roots is evidenced by its appearance. The Shih Tzu in the photo looks majestic, proud, in a word – presentable. According to the standard, it should not be complete. It is important that every part of his body is refined. However, it is a strong and resilient beast.

He has a slightly stretched body. The back is straight, without bends. Deep, slightly protruding sternum. The lumbar region is clearly visible, as it is convex. The tail is long, curled, lies on the back, all covered with long hair. The representative of the breed has developed muscles.

The strongest bones are in a dog's legs. She has short ones, so she is not capable of running fast. The pads on the limbs are round and fleshy. The claws are strong and dark.

The dog's small head harmonizes perfectly with his elegant physique. The most expressive part of her is her eyes. They are large and dark, reminiscent of large buttons. A distinctive feature of the breed is its wide-set eyes. On top they are covered with a small fold of skin. There are also medium-length black eyelashes above the eye sockets. The ears are large, wide, hanging down. Like the tail, they are covered with long hair along the entire length. The dog has no wrinkles on his face.

The main difference between the Shih Tzu and other decorative dogs is its straight, long hair that resembles silk to the touch. According to the standard, it should not curl or curl, but slight waviness is not a defect. This dog has a developed undercoat.

Regarding the color of the dog's fur. The standard allows any shade, from black to pure white. But, it is considered more preferable to have a representative of the breed in different shades on the body, for example, black, white, red and brown.

General characteristics of the Shih Tzu breed

Shih Tzu is one of the most ancient breeds. It is unknown when it originated, but there is evidence that such dogs lived in Tibet even before our era. Research by scientists has proven that their DNA is closer to other breeds than wolves. This indicates that they are not artificially bred or crossed with other dogs.

The name Shih Tzu or Shitzu is translated from Chinese in different ways. Some researchers associate it with the word “shizi” - “lion cub”. This version is confirmed by a beautiful legend according to which Buddha was accompanied by a small dog that could turn into a lion. That’s why many people call representatives of this breed “lion dog.” Other researchers associate the word Shih Tzu with the name of the beauty of ancient China, Xi Shi. According to this version, the name of the breed is translated as a beautiful dog.

Despite its small size and bright luxurious appearance, this is not a decorative dog, but a companion - brave, calm and loyal. She can stand up for herself and bravely rushes to defend her owner. But this fluffy dog ​​with a proud posture is not aggressive. He loves all people, is friendly and sociable.

breed nameshih tzu
country of originChina (Tibet)
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationdecorative and companion dogs, Tibetan breeds section
life expectancy12-18 years old
height25-27 cm
weight4.5-8 kg
appearance featureslong silky coat, short muzzle, large eyes
character traitscheerful, sociable, friendly, balanced, peaceful
attitude towards peoplelove all people, not aggressive at all, loyal to the owner
complexity of contentcomplex grooming

Pros of a Shih Tzu

Thanks to its small size, the Shih Tzu can be kept in a small apartment. They get along well with single pensioners or in a large family with children. This is an ideal pet for inexperienced dog owners. They have several more advantages:

  • beautiful appearance, proud gait;
  • it is not necessary to walk every day, you can train it to a tray;
  • smart, easy to learn commands and tricks;
  • treat all family members well and are friendly to strangers;
  • capable of empathy, feel the mood of the owner, can cheer him up;
  • love children, but do not tolerate neglect;
  • cheerful, playful, active;
  • good-natured, balanced character;
  • get along easily with other pets;
  • despite the fact that the wool is long, its structure resembles human hair, therefore it does not shed much and does not cause allergies;
  • These pets are clean, there is no dog smell from them.

Cons of a Shih Tzu

But these dogs also have disadvantages. The Shih Tzu is not suitable for those owners who do not have time to communicate with the pet and care for its coat. This little dog can be annoying and capricious if you don't give him attention. Before getting this breed, you need to study what disadvantages it has:

  • Long hair needs to be groomed daily;
  • grooming and haircuts required;
  • cannot stand loneliness, whine if they are often left alone, can become depressed, and become nervous;
  • they like to constantly be the center of attention;
  • prone to watery eyes, which can cause dark streaks to appear on the face;
  • one of the problems is that their eyes sometimes fall out;
  • trusting and friendly with everyone, therefore they cannot be a watchman or protector;
  • Due to their short muzzle, they quickly overheat in hot weather and can suffer heatstroke.

An interesting video about Shih Tzu will complement their characteristics:

Video: Shih Tzu dog - pros and cons of the breed

Video: Shih Tzu all about the breed. Interesting Facts

Video: Introducing the breed - Shih Tzu


The 2 main varieties of the Shih Tzu breed – American and European. Let's consider each of them separately.

  1. American type. The main difference between an “American” and a “European” is a narrow, short muzzle and a small head. His chest is much less pronounced. By nature, he is more playful and active. He quickly rushes around the house looking for interesting objects. Loves to play. The gait is smooth and graceful.
  2. European type. This dog has larger dimensions. Differs from the previous one with a larger head. By nature, he is friendlier and more welcoming.

Separately, we should highlight the miniature representatives of the breed - mini Shih Tzu. Here the opinions of breeders differ. Some believe that a 3-kg baby can be considered a separate type of breed, dwarf, while others call it a defect. One way or another, the miniature decorative dog is not standardized as a separate species.


These cute-looking dogs cannot be called friendly. They have a positive attitude only if they communicate with members of their group, that is, with members of their household. Strangers are treated rather negatively. Often openly demonstrates disinterest in further communication.

Usually, when a Shih Tzu approaches a stranger to get to know him, he sniffs him for a long time, and only then determines whether to establish emotional contact with him or not. It is worth noting that bitches, in this regard, are more passive and phlegmatic. They may apathetically watch guests, humbly waiting for them to leave their home. But male dogs can bully, start conflicts, and even bite. The first ones are more gentle and affectionate.

Such dogs treat their household members cordially and love to bask in their attention and affection. They do not tolerate separation from their owner. When parting with him, they fall into apathy. They may completely lose their appetite. To prevent this, never leave your pet alone. Remember that if you leave home, one of your family members must stay with him.

This is a very jealous dog who never forgets betrayal. If you pay attention to another animal in the presence of a Shih Tzu, be prepared for the fact that next time he will not come to your call, as he will be very offended.

Such a dog is selfish, it knows its own worth, so it often behaves cockily. May offend other pets, especially cats. Wants to be the only favorite in the house. Moderately narcissistic and arrogant. However, she is not hostile towards anyone. Very rarely shows aggression. If she is dissatisfied with something, she will prefer to distance herself from the irritant than to openly attack him.

Note! This dog is not suitable for families with small children. She doesn't get along with kids because she is jealous by nature. She definitely won’t perform the functions of a house nanny.

But this pet will definitely get along with teenagers. Of course, none of them can become his master, but quite a friend. The mischievous dog will happily play and have fun with the kids. He especially likes to fetch the ball and run after people, motivating pursuit.

Care and maintenance

A Shih Tzu is not suitable for street keeping, like a typical apartment dog that is in great need of human care. You cannot take him outside for a long time, leave him in the sun or in the cold. It does not tolerate sudden changes in weather, so in rain or strong wind it is better to leave it at home.

A huge advantage of owning such a dog is that it does not require frequent walking. She goes to the toilet 2-3 times a day. Most owners purchase a special tray for her and teach her to defecate in it. Sand or filler must be changed every day to prevent an unpleasant odor from spreading throughout the house.

This is a very clean animal that does not necessarily need to be washed frequently. It is enough to bathe him once every 3 months. After the procedure, be sure to dry the dog with a hairdryer, and then comb its silky coat along its entire length. Exhibition animals will have to pluck long hairs near the nose and ears.

You only need to groom such pets if you plan to register them at show events. In this matter, it is recommended to trust professional groomers. Owners of such animals improve their appearance in different ways, making it brighter, for example, by attaching hairpins and elastic bands to their ears. It is imperative to wash your dog’s face, clean his ears, and trim his nails regularly. His health depends on these simple care procedures.


On average, dogs of this breed can live from 15 to 17 years, remaining vigorous and healthy. But this does not mean that they do not tend to get sick. Typical ailments of this breed are early loss of teeth and tumors in the mouth. Problems with the spine, even paralysis, may also occur.

It would be strange to avoid problems with such a thick, luxurious coat. It is often inhabited by parasites such as fleas and ticks, but dandruff is also common. The latter is a sign that your four-legged friend lacks trace elements or that the skin care products are not suitable.

Shih Tzu after haircut

If small wounds are not noticed in time, an abscess often develops, especially when it is humid and stuffy outside. If this disease starts, you will need the help of a specialist. The ears are also susceptible to parasites. In addition, the older the dog, the higher the likelihood that he will become deaf. In addition, this breed is susceptible to inguinal hernia, kidney failure, cataracts, atopy, entropion, various types of fungi, and urolithiasis.


Almost all representatives of decorative breeds have one significant drawback - a weak stomach. That is why they especially need proper nutrition. To protect your pet and not give him some “extra” product, we suggest buying him premium wet food.

They are fortified and very useful. But, Shih Tzu puppies are recommended to eat natural food. To get stronger and healthier, they are recommended to eat raw meat (in small quantities), cheese, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables. The most useful natural additive to a dog’s food is bone meal. You can even add it to wet food.

It is believed that if a puppy has been fed mother's milk for less than 1 month, it will not grow up healthy. It’s difficult to argue with this, but if for some reason he stopped doing this, dairy products will help make up for the lack of calcium in his body.

How to buy a Shih Tzu puppy

You need to buy a Shih Tzu puppy from a kennel or from reputable breeders. This will eliminate the risk of purchasing a dog with breed defects or hereditary diseases.

We sell puppies from 2.5 months, show puppies from 6 months. By this age, the necessary vaccinations and deworming must be done. It is necessary to check the presence of a pedigree and a veterinary passport.

When choosing, you need to follow the advice of dog handlers:

  • the nursery must be clean, the animals are well-groomed and accustomed to hygienic procedures;
  • the mother of the children is healthy, behaves appropriately, and is not aggressive;
  • the puppy should be cheerful, not cowardly;
  • active, curious, ready to play;
  • he has a soft, not bloated tummy, smooth shiny fur, clean eyes and ears, and even paws.

In Moscow, purebred puppies cost from 25,000 rubles. If a dog is offered cheaper, it could be a mixed breed or a sick animal. Girls are more expensive, but they are more sociable and affectionate. For exhibition specimens the price starts at 50 thousand. Show class puppies can cost 100 thousand rubles.

Photos of Shih Tzu puppies:

To make the final decision whether to get this dog, watch the video:

Video: Shih Tzu - All about the dog breed

Video: Shih Tzu. Pros and cons, price, how to choose, facts, care, history

Video: 10 questions about SHI-TCU

The Shih Tzu is the best dog for a family with children and for a lonely retiree. This is a beautiful pet and loyal companion. If you love him and care for him correctly, he will bring a lot of joy.

Reproduction and lifespan

Most small toy dogs live at least 15 years, and Shih Tzus are no exception. There have been representatives of the breed who live to be 18 years old! But this is rare. Full competence is required from the breeder of the breed. He must be well versed in its standardization and know at what indicators an individual is discarded.

You need to breed dogs that are no younger than 1 year and no older than 8 years. They should not be relatives of each other, otherwise the puppies may be born sick or die in the first minutes of life. The female Shih Tzu starts her first heat at about 6 months. During this period, her body is preparing to grow up, so she cannot be mated with a male dog right away. He matures earlier at about 4 months.

History of the origin of the Shih Tzu breed

The Shih Tzu is a breed that was bred for many years in Tibet and was not known in other countries. Such dogs were kept there at monasteries. They helped herd livestock and guard property. In the 17th century, the Dalai Lama gave several puppies to the Chinese emperor. In China, keeping them was allowed only in the palace; the breed began to be called imperial. Sometimes the emperor gave puppies to noble people, but if one of the ordinary people got such a dog illegally, he was executed.

In Europe, the breed became known only at the beginning of the 20th century. One dog was given to the Norwegian ambassador. He liked the beautiful fluffy dog, and he took several of them home, where he started breeding them. In the 30s the first club was created. The Chinese breed was recognized in 1940. And in 1948 the first standard was developed. Only 10 years later, these dogs spread throughout the world and became popular in different countries. And they received the status of a separate breed in 1969.


These gorgeous dogs are widespread throughout the CIS, including Russia. Their cost is low, but if you want to make money from your pet, be prepared to pay a lot of money for it.

So, the price of a Shih Tzu is from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. This variation in price is due to the large number of mestizos. High-breed individuals with a passport and pedigree are sold from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. We recommend working with trusted breeders, preferably representing nurseries.


Summarizing the difficulties of raising a Shih Tzu, it can be noted that:

  1. The dog needs the constant company of its owner
  2. Wool is a difficult point in caring for a dog, as it requires very careful attention.
  3. Ears and eyes, which constantly strive to become overgrown with hair, need to be washed and freed
  4. The dog loves to eat and may gain weight
  5. Supervise when Shih Tzus drink water, the position of their nose risks water getting into their nose

Every dog ​​is special. The description of the breed does not always correspond to the general image. Love your dog with all his personalities and learn to understand him.

Education and training

This dog has a difficult character. She is proud, narcissistic and stubborn. That is why it is important to start training and socializing her from an early age, no later than 3 months. It is important to turn the learning process into a game, so that the naturally lazy animal does not try to “shirk” from classes.

Therefore, before teaching him anything, we advise you to play, for example, show him a plush toy and throw it forward, asking him to bring it. When the animal is in a good mood, the chances that it will successfully learn the lesson are higher.

Shih Tzus are prone to overindulgence and destructive behavior. Most of their owners correct this, but some indulge. Remember, if you keep such a dog at home, do not allow pranks, even small ones. She should not spoil household items, chew wallpaper or beg for treats.

If you notice that she is doing any of the above, scold her and remove her from the room. You should not feel sorry for the spoiled representative of the breed. He must grow up disciplined and respect all household members. The next point is its relationship with other living creatures. The dog should not be allowed to become a “household bully.”

If, in the struggle for the owner’s attention, she offends a cat, rat or other dog, pay attention to this. Never pet an aggressive Shih Tzu, as this will give him permission to become angry and mistrustful. Don't let him snap at your guests. Offer to sit next to you. Always reward your dog for obedience.

The best method of praise is to give him a treat, such as a dog biscuit. You can allow a representative of the breed to sleep next to you only if he does not kick other people and animals out of his sleeping place. We must not allow him to develop possessive feelings and intentions.

Learning ability

Shih Tzu dog decoration. She adorns the world with her presence. His charm and devotion are enough to already win the love of her owner. This breed is not intended for duty, following commands or performing tricks. She is aristocratic and graceful.

The Shih Tzu will be happy to walk with you and will not leave a single step. She understands you when you call her. I always don't mind chatting with you. He won't let a stranger in right away. The dog is smart, which compensates for the rating of 1 out of 5 points. It’s not so much about training her as simply establishing a good relationship with her.

Shih Tzu: description of the dog breed with photos, what kind of character, reviews

Possible diseases and ways to solve them

The health of these mischievous and presentable dogs is excellent. They are hardy, nimble and very active. They get sick rarely, but with poor care and feeding they get sick regularly. For example, if you feed an adult representative of the breed honey, chocolate or other sweets, there is a high chance that he will develop a food allergy.

In this case, he will experience nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction and weakness. Sometimes allergy symptoms pose a threat to the animal's life. Therefore, it is better to always feed him wet or dry food. Don't skimp on his diet!

Shih Tzus do not have any specific genetic diseases, however, fleas regularly appear in their long fur. We will have to fight them systematically. Firstly, if you have already discovered these “unexpected guests” on your pet’s body, go to the pet store for medicine. When giving it to your dog, be sure to follow the instructions for the drug.

It would also be a good idea to give her anti-worm tablets, for example, Pirantel, once a year. And lastly, don’t forget about basic skincare procedures. A dog that is systematically cared for will live a happy and long life.

Caring for an older dog

At home, an elderly pet should be provided with:

  • balanced food, following the feeding regimen;
  • monitoring the animal’s body weight and well-being;
  • maintaining hygiene (grooming, cleaning the mouth, eyes, ears, trimming nails);
  • prevention against parasites;
  • moderate physical activity.

Regular preventive examinations of the dog at the veterinarian will help identify diseases and age-related changes in the body, promptly take appropriate measures to treat emerging diseases and alleviate the pet’s condition.

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