The Burmese cat is expensive, but it is really worth the money. Eight reasons to pay attention to this breed

You will get a cat and a dog in one animal

We see a constant battle between dog people and cat people. Everyone is trying to convince the other that their pet is better, smarter, more beautiful, etc. And if your family also has such a controversial issue and you still can’t come to a common denominator, then feel free to buy a Burmese.

Outwardly it is a cat, but in character it is just like a dog. She is smart, involved in family affairs, and is a wonderful companion. Unlike many other cats, the Burmese does not withdraw from other family members, but is drawn to them. And if you sit down to make dumplings or lie down on the sofa to watch a movie, you can rest assured that the Burmese will be right next to you.

Burmese cat - reviews about the breed

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02.02.2021 at 12:41


Let me say right away that we are not cat professionals. Before the Burmese, I had an Abyssinian. I won’t tell you about it because this review is about a different breed. But apparently the cat was so beautiful that I thought that cats were all like that. Apparently, every cat is individual and has its own character, regardless of breed. Ours is a militant and always swearing cat :). Of course we love him and don’t regret anything. But to share, I’m telling you. The cat is very sociable and does not tolerate loneliness. For loneliness, he chewed up our covers for tablets, phones, shoes, rubber on the washing machine, sofa, flowers, etc. He loves to chew on boxes, so we feed them and give them to him. Moreover, he somehow tears them with his paws and teeth. He understands everything more difficult than the Abyssinian, or does not want to understand. He does a lot of things out of spite. Much stronger in health than the Abyssinian. He’s not a glutton in terms of food, but he really loves straight food. We cannot stand his requests and give them periodically. It bites, that is, it bites people. Moreover, he does this even if he feels good. If you pet him, he bites affectionately, if you play with him, he bites hard. I read from one girl that something actually finds something on her booman and he bites. We have the same way. Very demanding. If you don't give him something or don't play with him, the screams are a nightmare. At the same time, if you are offended by him and do not pay attention, he goes to make peace. This is the first time I've seen this from cats. But he becomes a downright charming cutie and he can’t stay angry for long. If he wants to sit where he is not allowed, you can take him off within an hour, that is, you took him off, and he climbed in, and so on for as long as you like. We can’t stand it, sometimes we lock him in the bathtub for a while. Then he understands. But very contact and sociable. Treat people differently. Loves some, fears others, in general, everything turned out not according to the breed. The Abyssinian was kinder and more obedient, but this one is more harmful, evil, but he will seduce everyone. Something like this

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  • Affectionate
  • perfect as a nanny
  • communicative


  • Talkative, sometimes very talkative

Our cat appeared when the baby was 1 year 4 months old, tolerates all the baby’s mischief, and sometimes can push him away in response. Of the minuses, he is very talkative, especially in the mornings and evenings, and is also a super cat. a fastidious, affectionate baby when it comes to food.


I agree with all the reviews except one, that the Burmese have fur. Review your diet.


My cat is 3 years old. Sterilized, picky about food, characterful, vindictive, shits on the bed either for me or for the child (the tray with the filler is changed every 2 days) I visited the doctor; my health is fine, but it climbs a lot, I already regretted taking it



  • Soft
  • affectionate
  • very obedient!


  • You have to look for disadvantages only in yourself, there are none in animals.

My review is more likely for those people who thought that everything would be easy, but the animal turned out to have character and its own opinion))) I would like people to understand that the manifestation of aggression is our fault, we just need to find a reason and a way to settle everything in time.

The Burmese settled with us a year ago, at the age of 4 months... He immediately got used to it. At first, there was no limit to the delight, affectionate, soft fur, which you just want to stroke and smooth, and cuddle)))) But of course we need to educate, we missed the moment when we had to wean off biting... There were periods of aggression that completely I don’t understand to this day... Just for no reason, for no reason at all, he could pounce on the hand and bite his fangs until it bled, tearing the hand with his hind paws. He dug into my dad’s shoulder when my dad was sitting on the sofa, the cat just dreamed of something and began to attack... They began to wean him off this activity, took him in her arms and caressed him, the tension went away gradually, now the cat is 1.4 years old, this is how he behaves only at the complex, its territory, we don’t touch it there, in other places it allows us to stroke and cuddle))

Now about communicating with children... Before buying, I read a lot about whether it is suitable for children and it was written that this is the most patient breed. Perhaps... but not in our case... My daughter constantly needs to squeeze something in her hands, crush something, hug someone, and so the cat didn’t let her do this. My daughter was constantly bitten, and on the face... it was a nightmare, as soon as I go out into another room I’m already running into tears... They wanted to give the cat away, but they decided that he came to us for a reason, we need to learn how to raise him and teach our daughter how to handle him correctly with animals and learn to control herself (she has a certain neurology). When I specifically posed the question bluntly that the cat should be given away (I felt sorry for him in the first place), the little girl promised to learn to get along with him. She stopped hugging him tightly often, began to gently stroke him more often, and now he lies calmly next to her. We will continue to teach them both patience))))) During the day the cat runs away from her, at night he sleeps at her feet, protecting sleep is also useful))

Now about behavior in the house: if you can’t, then you can’t! At first I climbed the curtains, I told him not to several times and that’s it, the cat realized that I don’t approve of this matter, the curtains are alone) You can’t climb on the table - he won’t climb, he can put his paws on it in front of me, but when he sees that I’m against it he immediately removes his paws and just sits on the chair and watches me cook) The sofa was trying to tear up, he also said it’s impossible and that’s it, a scratching post for claws, and he digs into the sofa only when he wants to tell me that I was wrong by scolding him for some unknown reason) )) but the sofa is intact)))) Very curious and interesting, without him it would be incredibly boring))) He is always in the center of events)))

To summarize, I can say one thing: the breed is amazing, we are absolutely delighted with the Burmese!!!



  • clean
  • good health


  • bites
  • picky eater

I have a Burmese cat. She is 3 year old. I read in almost all the reviews that these cats never bite or scratch. Mine does all of the above. And he bites and scratches, and how! Apparently, there is an exception to all rules, and we got one of them:) We have an incredibly biting Burmese! Her character is not the calmest: a bully and a biter, but we still love her, because we are used to her and her antics.

In general, there are undoubtedly more advantages to the breed than disadvantages. The cat is incredibly clean, never craps, spoils furniture, or tears anything, so it is convenient to keep her in an apartment. She loves to play, is ready to run around with children all day long, and will never refuse fun games. Oddly enough, during games the cat does not release its claws and does not bite; it does this if Her Highness is disturbed, for example, to move her from the bed to a chair to make the bed, or if you accidentally touch her with your foot: the leg will be attacked and chewed :)

Burmese are in excellent health; we go to the veterinarian once a year for routine vaccinations. The cat is whimsical when it comes to food. We have to constantly change canned food, give her something new, but she completely refuses natural food.

She treats guests and strangers calmly, unless they try to pet her, otherwise she will bite everyone.

This is such a terrible beast that lives with us:) Sometimes she has bursts of tenderness and she purrs and asks to be held in your arms to be petted, it’s very cute and usually happens in the morning, and then our cat turns into a touchy-feely biter again, so we try don’t touch her again and respect her individuality :)

Larisa Anatolyevna


  • playful
  • sociable
  • beautiful colors
  • not vindictive
  • smart
  • purr
  • adapts well to a new place
  • silk wool

The children had been asking for a kitten for a long time, but we had a dog and I didn’t agree. When our dog died of old age, the pressure intensified and six months later I gave up, but I set a condition - I choose the breed myself!!! I scoured the Internet for at least a month and finally realized that I only want Burmese!!! I was very afraid that I would not be able to raise him, but it turned out that he was very smart and obedient, despite his temperament. Our Patrick is already 4 years old and we dote on him, for me he is the smartest, handsome and beloved) He considers me to be the owner, but he can ignore the others, his only drawback is that he starts running once a day and will definitely jump on the wall , then immediately hide, because he knows that I will scold him, but otherwise he is perfect) all his acquaintances are surprised at his intelligence and curiosity, for example, he ALWAYS meets and sees off everyone, runs to meet them if the intercom rings, if a child cries, he feels sorry for him and meows, and a lot of other interesting things. I highly, highly recommend this breed)



  • Beautiful.


  • An ordinary wild untrained cat.
  • Nelaskovaya
  • stubborn and harmful.
  • I regret her appearance in our house.

I got a Burma. Sable colored kitty. It took a long time to choose. I looked, searched, read. Found it. Got it from a nursery. I would even write the name of the nursery so that others would be discouraged. Documents, vaccinations, and even sterilization surgery have been completed. The kitten is 4.5 months old. Costs 60 thousand.

She is not accustomed to the tray and scratching post, contrary to the assurances of the breeder and the promises of the contract under which we took her. Very wild, unkind. If you catch it and pick it up, it purrs and immediately bites and scratches. Does not recognize the word “impossible”. Jumps onto the dining table. He jumps on the curtains and hangs on them, his eyes wide. In the evenings, when everyone goes to bed, it rushes around like a helicopter bomber. If you look into her eyes at this moment, it catches her face. Tears up furniture. She was not interested in two different scratching posts. There is zero attention to antidepressant sprays (RUR 1,800) and sprays for accustoming to scratching posts.

I should probably write something good about her. Now I’ll write: beautiful, graceful, it’s fascinating to watch her play (in the mornings).

In general, I regret that we got her. The breeder disowned her and will not take her back UNDER ANY CONDITIONS. She assures me that she is a wonderful, affectionate and gentle girl.

All photos are only on hands or when he just wakes up, other options are impossible.



  • best cat in the world


  • wool is creeping
  • sometimes shows character in its own way)

I'll tell you the story of the appearance of our third family member)

We adopted a sable Burma kitten at 3 months from a breeder. It took a long time to choose, read about the characters and features) It was this breed that my husband chose) I didn’t immediately like them because of the unusual sullen look))) It’s like evil cats, a deceptive impression))))

This little lump couldn’t find a place for himself all the way to the new house, he squeaked when he was taken away from his mother and sister (I couldn’t stand it and took him out of the carrier, moved to the back seat and so we drove home with him. Feeling the warmth of a person, he seemed would have calmed down, but still continued to squeak.

For the first few days at home, I walked around the apartment and “cryed,” there’s no other way to describe it. I was already starting to worry whether he would settle in with us, get used to it, or just keep screaming (the Burmese voice is too specific. But somehow, imperceptibly for us, he calmed down, got used to it and became so familiar))

Now our boy is 2 years old. He weighs 6 kg, looks very athletic, even muscular)) He loves to go to my mother’s dacha, he has become friends with her dog (Yorkie) and they have games around the clock)) He is quite capricious, sometimes acts out weird (I don’t know if this is a teenage thing or not) - when the tray gets dirty, in his opinion, the sofa starts to “drip” and if you don’t have time to scare it away or remove it, it can pile up) *We washed the entire sofa 2 times - it wasn’t pleasant, for a long time we couldn’t figure out what was going on.

The peculiarity of Burmese cats is their crazy love and affection (I have never met such cats). It only bites during games, it doesn't hurt. We trim his claws, but he doesn’t try to scratch. He sharpens his claws on scratching posts - there are 3 of them in the apartment. If there is no scratching post nearby, it can be sharpened on sofas and wooden walls (in the case of a dacha). He only goes to the toilet indoors using a litter tray, but at the dacha he can go outside.

At first the royal was fed horse meat, then he began to vomit terribly and wild dandruff appeared. They told me to change the food. They changed it to Purina about the plan. For a long time they fed only dry food, then switched to wet food (Purina spiders about the plan). He eats them with great pleasure, runs from any part of the apartment (at the dacha, even from the street).

A little more about behavior) He doesn’t really like to sit in your arms, if you take him by force, he likes to come on his own. He can climb onto your lap, curl up and sleep until you drive him away) He loves it when you walk around the apartment with him in your arms. He purrs, squints his eyes when you stroke his neck) Likes to lie on the bed with his belly up, with his paws folded like a rabbit)) In the heat, he often lies on the floor in the pose of a cougar)) Loves to butt heads) Can bite his nose out of great love)))

We can talk about him forever) BUT! The main thing is that he is very affectionate, kind, loves guests, communicates with everyone, doesn’t hide, if the children are tormenting him, he doesn’t snap back, he tolerates them, but I don’t let him be offended).



  • sociable
  • affectionate
  • smart
  • purr
  • adapts well to a new place
  • neat
  • silk wool


  • high price

A very smart, quick-witted, interesting cat... I won’t talk about the breed, probably, after all. animals are individuals. But the general characteristics of the breed are people-oriented, intelligent. I’ll write about our representative of the European Burmese breed personally... My cat is very neat, doesn’t spoil anything in the house, smart, understands some commands... very affectionate. there is no hair in the house from her, she doesn’t wander around the tables, she’s ideal... But this barrel of honey also has its own fly in the ointment... The cat does not tolerate other felines... just to the point of aggression... which can be reoriented towards people... probably this We are rather an exception... because I have never heard of this from any Burmese owner... A very interesting cat - this is not a sofa option, it is a companion, she will be with you everywhere. where you are...She will be with you when washing dishes and when transplanting 4 years old, the cat behaves like a kitten...Impressive that never!! won’t steal anything from the table..even when she 100% understands that the meat on the table is being defrosted just for her...will wait..patiently, though not silently..But the cat is not loud..speaks to the the door. put it away in the tray….fill it with water…

She goes through all the procedures with a bang..trimming of nails, bathing, combing, she loves.....The peculiarity of this breed is the absence of undercoat, but my cat is of the Australian line..they are more shaggy...Can I recommend this breed..OF COURSE!!! I wouldn’t trade my cat for any breed... But if you want a completely plush animal, it’s still better to take a Burmak boy... They are the most perfect lickers and caresses... girls still have their own view on everything... Although for such charisma I love my girl very very much...

PS.. as I already wrote.. the cat doesn’t spoil anything in the apartment.. but we also created conditions for it.. She has one climbing frame up to the ceiling, one just a pole. which you can sometimes fly up to (1.5 meters) and a suspended one and a half meter climbing frame, by jumping on which the cat can get onto the closet... She uses a closed tray, a COVER, a best cats filler... We monitor cleanliness... but if suddenly they forgot to clean the day - The cat walks fine, but doesn’t move too much.

Agapppe F*

Burma. Or better yet, 2 at once, it’s more fun for them while you’re at work or on vacation. I have had different breeds, I loved them all, but none can compare with the Burmese. Plus they are ideal for the home - there is no hair from them at all, there are no traces of cats in the house. Smart, clean, very loyal and cheerful friends, silky tummies.


Cats are vindictive; once there was apparently an incident, he remembered and took revenge. I saw a cat until her last days (12 years old), taking revenge on a family friend for scaring her, opening an umbrella in her direction (just joking). She tore mercilessly as soon as she came to visit, she would rush out of the corner and tore her legs.



  • Beautiful
  • no undercoat
  • practically does not shed
  • no aggression towards humans
  • very well-mannered creature


  • I have catastrophically bad luck with the health of cats of this breed.

I had 2 Burmese. I bought the first one cheaper from a housewife with a bunch of cats in her apartment. The kitten was sand-colored and thin, but this little one became very attached to me. She literally didn’t get out of her arms, slept in my arms and adored me madly. To my greatest regret, at the age of 7 months, she died of pneumonia in my arms. My health turned out to be weak. I was very worried about the loss of my pet and decided to buy a kitten of the same breed, but not similar, and took a chocolate girl from the nursery. The baby was strong, active, brave and completely different in character. She grew into a chic aristocrat. Not once did she purposefully bite or scratch me. My daughter loves to cuddle her, and although the cat doesn’t like it at all, there hasn’t been an ounce of aggression on her part. I never had to clean up after it, the furniture is in its original condition. The only drawback of my kitty is that at the age of one she developed a genetic autoimmune disease. Her life will be much shorter and she will be on pills all the time. Unfortunately, even in the club you can buy a sick animal. We would like her to be more affectionate and sociable, but we still love our beauty.



  • I described it above.


  • No, it's perfect.

My Sanchik will be 12 years old in 2 months! Runs around like crazy :)

Last week we did an ECG and passed all the tests - everything, pah pah pah, perfect!

Every year in the summer he goes for walks in the country (we get vaccinated first).

Doesn't let other people's cats go free.

With all his character, he is a very gentle cat. He sleeps in my arms both at night and sometimes during the day. But if he is not in the mood to be caressed, he will turn away :) Here it is according to your wishes, if you want to be scratched - torment him, no. Then no need :)

Loves to sleep on a pillow and with a blanket. Loves beds and houses.

Very thermophilic.

Love, caress the Burmaka and she will delight you for many years!!!



  • I have never torn off anything in the apartment (just what you can show me - we have a couple of scratching posts!)
  • I never went “there”, only to my toilet! Moreover, if it is no longer fresh, it shows it! He “buries” the roof (we have a covered house).

For points 1 and 2, the cattery deserves a lot of credit (the cat was adopted at 3 months old)

  • It is not given to strangers, strangers! What is safe for walking in the country in the summer.
  • In the morning it doesn’t interfere with sleep, it quietly checks to see if we’re awake :)

Burmese can be trained

The Burmese cat is people-oriented, attached to its owner and, like a dog, wants to please him. Due to its high level of intelligence and easy-going disposition, it is easy to train. Even a beginner can teach such a pet basic commands. It’s rare that a cat can be trained, so the Burmese can be called unique and inimitable in its own way.

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You can make a pet bed with your own hands. It is soft and very comfortable

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The difference between the American Burmese and the European

Today there are two types of Burmese breed: American and European.

The European Burmese are distinguished by greater “refinement”. It has less weight and a more elongated body. The muscles are noticeably weaker. But the limbs are longer and slimmer. The eyes can be described as almond-shaped, which gives cats a stern look.

The American Burmese cat is heavier. It has a round head and muzzle, and the eyes are also round, which gives them a good-natured and even somewhat naive look. In addition, the ears of this type are slightly rounded.

Burma gets along well with children

We often hear about nanny dogs, but we almost never hear about cats in this way. Burma is an exception to the rule. She gets along well with children and is drawn to them herself. But the most important thing is that the Burmese treat babies with trepidation. She never releases her claws, practically does not bite (if she does bite, it will be lightly), and does not show aggression. If you have such a cat in the house, you can rest assured about your children. An interesting fact: if a child is afraid of animals for some reason, then parents are recommended to get a Burmese. It will save the child from such fear.

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Care instructions

Burmillas know how to take care of themselves: sharpen their claws and lick their fur coat. But, if you want your cat’s beauty to blossom to the fullest, she cannot do without your help.


The pride of the Burmilla is its coat - it doesn’t matter whether it’s short or long, it requires weekly combing (long-haired Burmilla’s often develop tangles). Buy a special brush with natural bristles (or a mitten) and comb your pet, starting from the head and ending with the tail. This procedure will rid the cat of excess hair and skin secretions, and will also stimulate blood circulation.


You should only bathe your Burmilla if the cat is very dirty. Representatives of this breed do not like water and are very nervous. Use only special cat shampoo, for example, Anju Beaute Cachemire Shampooing, Bio-Groom, Royal Groom.

There are also tint products on sale: Jerob Parisian Purple Shampoo for lilac and blue coat colors, Jerob Mahogony Gold Shampoo for brown coats. Human products are not suitable for animals, as they can cause allergies, skin dermatitis and poisoning.


Cats' ears accumulate wax and dirt over time. They should be cleaned weekly with a cotton swab soaked in ear lotion (Iv San Bernard, All Systems Ear So Fresh, Beaphar Oftal). A fresh decoction of chamomile is also suitable. You can’t pour anything into your ears!


It is up to the owner to decide whether to cut or clip their nails. Burmilla herself is capable of sharpening them well, and your task is to install a high-quality scratching post in a convenient corner.


When fur gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, it often causes irritation. This, in turn, provokes profuse tear production. Get into the habit of wiping your pet’s eyes every evening with a cotton pad soaked in tea leaves or chlorhexidine solution. Special products include Tsiprovet, Maxitrol, Ziver, and Cliny drops.

In the photo there is a long-haired Burmilla cat

Has excellent health

Many cats that are bred as a result of selection, unfortunately, cannot boast of excellent health. But not the Burmese. The fact is that the homeland of this animal is a country in South Asia called Myanmar. It was from there that Thompson brought the cat to America. As a result of selection, excellent health and strong immunity have been preserved. What could be better than when a pet lives a long time and does not get sick?


If you want your pet to live with you as long as possible and be healthy, monitoring its diet is your first priority. Burmilla will not appreciate the leftovers from the master's table, just like economy class cat food. But you don’t need to look for any special delicacies for her either: you can easily find all the necessary products in the store.

Natural products

At first, kittens feed on their mother's milk. As they grow, low-fat cottage cheese, quail eggs, and liquid milk porridge with milk (without sugar and salt) are introduced into the diet. After 3 months, you can give adult cat food, but in small quantities. The meat is first ground into minced meat, and finely grated vegetables are added to the porridge.

The mandatory diet includes:

  • Meat: beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey. The pieces are not boiled, but doused with boiling water. For an adult cat – 100-120 grams per day, for a kitten – at least 30 grams. (4-5 times a week).
  • By-products: ventricles, hearts, kidneys, liver. Ground chicken necks are also allowed. 2-3 times a week.
  • Fish: sea, not river. These are hake, trout, salmon, salmon. The fish must be boiled first. Give it to cats no more than once a week, and to cats no more than 2 times.
  • Milk: for kittens, pregnant and lactating cats. Fresh or boiled 1-2 times a week.
  • Boiled chicken yolk: a couple of times a week.
  • Porridge: rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, millet. Liquid, cooked in milk or water, with meat and vegetables. They give it daily.
  • Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, natural yogurt, kefir (low-fat, without additives or dyes). Once a week you can pamper your cat with a piece of unsalted cheese.
  • Vegetables: carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, cauliflower, green beans - stewed or boiled. Give 4-5 times a week, alternate with cereals. As a treat: a piece of apple, a fresh cucumber.
  • Greens: spinach, green salad, wheat germ or oats. You can't feed your cat grass from the lawn!
  • Dry brewer's yeast: 4-5 times a week. The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the animal.
  • Vegetable oil: a few drops daily.
  • Vitamins: in agreement with the veterinarian.

Your cat should always have free access to clean, boiled water at room temperature. Change it twice a day: before breakfast and after dinner, and also when it gets dirty.

It is prohibited to give:

  • Lamb, pork, duck and goose. This meat is often contaminated with worms and is also too fatty and difficult to digest.
  • Bones - can scratch the mucous membrane and pierce the delicate cat’s stomach.
  • Offal, lard, fat - do not provide any benefit.
  • Sweets (marmalade, marshmallows, lollipops) have a negative impact on the cat’s immunity and appearance and cause metabolic problems. Chocolate is a real poison!
  • Spices, sauces, seasonings, salt, sugar, flour, baked goods: are not absorbed by the body, causing metabolic disorders, causing exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Human canned food, sausage, smoked meats: are not absorbed by the body and cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Potatoes, peas, beans, soybeans, cabbage, eggplants, tomatoes: are not digestible and cause bloating and discomfort.
  • Avocados, grapes, human vitamins and supplements: cause poisoning.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Babies up to 3 months are fed 6 times a day, 3-4 - 5 times, 4-6 - 4 times, over six months - transferred to two meals a day (with the exception of weakened, sick, pregnant cats).

The photo shows Burmilla kittens in colors: chocolate, red, cream.

Recommended food

Among industrial feeds, holistic and super-premium class feeds are ideal (essentially, holistic feeds initially belonged to super-premium class feeds, but now they have become a separate category). This is Savarra, Arden Grange, Pronature Original.

Below are recommended super-premium foods. Links with the names of the food are clickable, on them you can, within our website, get acquainted with the descriptions of the food and read reviews from owners of Burmilla cats.

PremiumSuper premiumSuper premium
Flatazor1st ChoiceFarmina N&D

She won't destroy your home

There are fidgety cats that spoil the interior. Some scratch wallpaper and furniture purely on principle. Burma will never do this. She is not used to taking revenge on her owner because of her own self-sufficiency.

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The Burmese cat is very playful and loves to play hide and seek. At the same time, she is unobtrusive and will not follow the owner’s heels or impose her company if he is not in the mood for communication.

It is curious that the Burmese have their own hierarchy. She considers herself the most important in the family, even if there are other pets, including dogs. He treats his owner with respect, so he tries not to cause him any special troubles or problems.


Burmilla always - whether an individual with short or long hair - has a delicate silver-white background, on which the rest of the colors are already “superimposed”.

According to the standard, these can be:

  • Cream;
  • Caramel;
  • Blue;
  • Lilac;
  • Red;
  • Brown;
  • Chocolate;
  • Black.

Allowed types of colors:

  • Black or chocolate “haze”;
  • Muted brown, muted lilac;
  • Tortoiseshell British;
  • Solid cream, solid black;
  • Brindle (speckled blue or black).

Silver and chinchilla are the only colors recognized by the WCF system.

Burmese is cheerful and outgoing

Representatives of this breed will always find something to entertain themselves with. But even more than that, they love to amuse all family members, which is why they usually play so that their owners can see them.

The Burmese are very sociable. Even if they are sleeping, they will always respond to touch. They are not like other cats; they fiercely guard and protect their personal space.

You can also “talk” with the Burmese. They meow in response when something is said to them.

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The Burmilla cat is a medium-built cat, elegant and graceful. Males rarely gain weight over 5 kg (7 kg is already a rarity), and even more so females: their weight is no more than 3.5. The bodies of the Burmilla are more stately than those of the Burmese, and more flexible than those of the Persians. Good physical shape, smartness and poise are characteristic of Burmilla, but fatty individuals suffering from shortness of breath and associated diseases are rare.

HeadMedium size, slightly flattened at the top. The muzzle is pointed and quite wide at the top (which gives the impression that the cat is smiling slyly).
NeckMiddle length.
CheeksThey are rounded, and in cats they are noticeably larger and sometimes even sag with age.
NoseSnub-nosed, small.
EyesOpen and very expressive, almond-shaped, often outlined with a black border. They squint a little. The color of the iris is yellow in all shades, the entire palette is green (by the way, the color of the eyes is finally formed only in the second year of the animal’s life).
EarsSmall, with rounded tips, slightly tilted forward. Both outside and inside are pubescent.
TorsoWell developed. The skeleton is large, the muscular skeleton is compact. Massive chest area. The back is wide, but short.
TailMedium in thickness, long, smooth. The tip is pointed. Covered with thick hair.
PawsOf medium length, widely spaced, the hind legs are always longer than the front ones. The paw pads are oval and soft.
WoolThe hairs are long and thin, and feel weightless to the touch. The undercoat is dense. There are both short-haired and long-haired Burmilla breeds. Cats with long hair resemble Persians in appearance: they have no undercoat, and the hairs on their body are soft and thin. The so-called “shirt front” grows in the neck area. The tail is also extremely fluffy. Most shorthaired Burmillas have tipping on their coat, and the coat itself is very pleasant to the touch.

Indications for disqualification: too shaggy coat; stocky figure; Aquiline nose; different eye color.

Significant disadvantages: paws are too long or, on the contrary, short; short body; poorly developed chin; stripes on paws.

In the photo there is a cat of the Burmilla shorthair breed

Choosing a kitten, cost

Short-haired kittens are purchased from 3 months of age. If a kitten is given away early, this negatively affects its psyche and development. Also, the owner will have to feed the baby with artificial milk and nurture it.

List of tips for choosing kittens:

  1. The largest and most beautiful kitten is selected from the litter. His overall appearance should be healthy.
  2. Burmilla kittens should not have discharge in the eyes, nose, or ears.
  3. Reviews advise assessing the behavior of kittens. Kids should show curiosity and activity, no aggression.

The cost varies between 30-50 thousand rubles. The high price is due to the complexity of selection. The lower the price, the further the kitten is from breed standards.


To get a purebred kitten for further breeding and exhibitions, it is worth visiting specialized exhibitions. There it is easy to meet responsible breeders and purchase a kitten. This is better than looking for a pet on third-party sites.

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