What does a black Jack Russell Terrier look like: a description of the dog’s characteristics and how to choose the right one

Black coloring is rare in Jack Russell Terriers.

But such dogs look impressive and elegant.

People who decide to buy a pet of this particular color should be aware that they may have to spend more than one month searching for such an unusual dog.

Why are black Jack Russells so rare?

And why is this color not even mentioned in the breed standard?

Let's try to figure this out.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:England, Devonshire
Conditions of detention:In an apartment, in a house without a garden, in a house with a garden
Purpose:Hunting, guard
Color:White with dark brown, light brown or black spots
Wool length:Short 2 – 3 cm, in some varieties long 7 – 8 cm
Adult dog size:The height of females is 23 - 25 cm, the height of males is 25 - 30 cm. The weight of females is approximately 6 - 7 kg, the weight of males is approximately 7 - 8 kg
Average life expectancy:15 years
Walk:Needed, 2 times a day
Physical activity needs:High physical activity needs (regular or daily exercise for more than 3 hours per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 3 Terriers; Section 2 small terriers
Puppy price:30,000 rubles

Appearance of Jack Russell Terrier

Reverend John, when creating the breed, cared exclusively about the functionality of the dogs without paying attention to the exterior. After all the changes, by the middle of the 20th century. cynologists in America and Australia have identified two types of dogs.

More square, with long legs is called the Parson Russell Terrier (33-35 cm at the withers). The "rectangular" type dog is the Jack Russell. The confusion with names still exists. Before going to an exhibition, you should make sure which name and standards are used in a given country.

The current standards were adopted in 2012 and make tail docking optional. An important proportion is “the size of the half-circumference of the chest is approximately equal to the distance from the elbow of the front paw to the floor.”

  • Muzzle. The nose and lips are black, the jaws are very strong and powerful, strong sharp teeth, correct bite (the lower jaw goes under the upper). Almond-shaped eyes, black edges. Eyes are brown. The ears are erect or hanging, but very mobile.
  • Strong neck. Muscular body of correct proportions. The host does not have to be docked; it should be raised up when moving.
  • The coat can be smooth or hard - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it should protect the dog from bad weather. The predominant color is white; it can have spots of any shade from light yellow to dark brown.
  • Dimensions. Height at the withers is from 25 to 30 cm. Weight should be proportional to height: with a height of 25 cm - approximately 5 kg, with a height of 30 cm - 6 kg.

Behavioral characteristics are very important for Russell Terriers. Aggressive or, on the contrary, very shy and cowardly dogs are disqualified.

History of the origin of the species

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is on everyone's lips after the release of the film "The Mask".

This breed was bred in the 19th century by an English clergyman from the county of Devonshire. His name was John, but for some reason the parishioners nicknamed him Jack, hence the name of the breed. This minister was fond of fox hunting. He bred and crossed terriers of different breeds with each other in order to obtain the ideal hunting assistant.

The result is a dog that can crawl into any hole perfectly, has sharp eyesight and a sensitive sense of smell. In fact, the breed he bred is a fox terrier of especially large size.

You can recognize a Jack Russell Terrier by the following characteristics:

  • The head is a large, wide skull that sharply tapers upward. The muzzle has a neat mustache and a small beard. The transition to the muzzle is very smooth;
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, dark in color, deep-set;
  • The ears are triangular, the ends protrude sharply forward. The ears are pressed to the head;
  • The neck is long, strong, tightly pressed to the shoulders;
  • Paws – The front paws are straight and parallel to each other. The knee joints on the hind legs stand out sharply. The hind legs are stronger and stronger than the front legs, the dog relies on them when jumping;
  • The body is powerful, elongated, muscular. Chest girth 40 – 43 cm, chest deep-set. Convex lower back with a flat top;
  • The tail is straight and needs docking. The recommended height of the tail after docking is 13 cm. During active movement of the dog, the tail rises above the level of the back.
  • Wool can be of three types: hard, smooth and medium hard. The main indicator of the purity of a breed is the presence of colored spots. Solid white color is not allowed. “Liver” coloring is also not allowed. The dog must have a smooth, short undercoat.

This breed is distinguished by its great jumping ability and physical strength . Thanks to its developed hind legs, the animal can “hang in the air” for a moment while jumping, which is why this breed is often ironically called the “flying dog.”

Despite its short stature, this dog is in no way reminiscent of other small burrowing dogs, such as the dachshund or basset hound.

A long, elongated, well-built body helps the terrier easily penetrate any burrow, so it is an ideal companion for hunting hares, foxes and other burrowing animals.

The breed is one of the five most popular terriers in Russia. Thanks to its spectacular appearance, the Jack Russell Terrier, especially the wire-haired one, is a frequent guest at dog shows.

The spots on a purebred dog should be located on the head and body. They should not occupy more than half of the total body area. The spots are located in a random order; no pattern has been identified here.

If an animal has a naturally short tail, it does not need to be docked to participate in the exhibition . The main thing is that it occupies a stable vertical position, at a right angle to the back.

For amateur dog breeders who are prone to fur allergies, it is better to choose a pet with short, coarse hair, as they shed less intensely and for a short period of time.

History of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Arthur Heinemann continued the pastor's work after his death in 1883. Heinemann headed the club and wrote the breed standard in 1904. The description of the Jack Russell Terrier includes a lot of information about the behavior and habits of the dogs, and little is said about the appearance. It is believed that Heinemann actively worked with bull and terriers to make the dog stronger for hunting badgers. He introduced the practice of docking the tail by ⅓ to make it easier to pull the dog out of the hole without damaging the tail.

By the beginning of the 20th century. Short-legged terriers came into fashion, this was explained by changes in hunting conditions - now the hunter walked, the terrier, due to its shorter legs, moved more slowly, but dealt cruelly with the fox and badger. This is how the breed was divided into Parson Russell Terriers and Jack Russell Terriers. The worldwide popularity of the breed was promoted by the 1994 film “The Mask,” in which the Jack Russell terrier can be considered a full-fledged character. This breed appeared in Russia in 1999 from the USA.

Photo of an adult dog

Photos of puppies

Features of character and behavior

The Jack Russell Terrier does not like strangers and, despite its small stature, will never offend its owner . He clearly divides people into “us” and “strangers” and has a ringing, loud voice. But this dog never barks for nothing . On the contrary, the terrier is able to remain silent for a long time while hunting and tracking game. This is a smart, quick-witted dog that wants to know everything in the world.

The breed is distinguished by loyalty and devotion. As soon as a puppy is brought into the house, he immediately chooses his owner and recognizes him as his authority.

The Jack Russell Terrier is distinguished by its attentiveness and high level of intelligence. But these qualities, like stormy, ebullient energy, must be directed in the right direction. To do this, you need to work with the animal daily.

The dog is unpretentious and easily adapts to any weather and climatic conditions; it will feel equally good both at home and on the street. But, since the Jack Russell Terrier loves freedom, you should not keep him in an enclosure on a chain.


These dogs have the following character traits:

  • Activity;
  • Curiosity;
  • A pronounced desire to be a leader, leader of the pack;
  • Persistence, the ability to get things done;
  • Tireless, good physical shape.

This animal is perfect for those who are willing to devote a lot of time to their pet and love long walks, hunting, and forays into nature.


Despite all the advantages, this breed also has its disadvantages. But they are successfully corrected in the process of training and education. These are the disadvantages:

  • The dog is persistent and willful;
  • Sees potential prey in creatures smaller than himself (children, cats, birds) and can show unreasonable aggression caused by a pronounced hunting instinct;
  • Easily notices a “weakness” in the owner’s character and takes advantage of it;
  • He strives to subjugate all household members and knows how to insist on his own.

This breed is not suitable for older people or families with small children. Also, you should not get a Jack Russell Terrier if there is a cat or other small animals at home, as well as dogs of other breeds.

The animal cannot stand being alone. When a Jack Russell is left alone all day, he can “revenge” for this and behave inappropriately: throwing and gnawing his owners’ things with his teeth, tearing off wallpaper with his claws, barking loudly and howling sadly.

The animal becomes very attached to its owner. If the owner has to leave for a while, the Jack Russell may flatly refuse to obey another person, so he will have to take the stubborn little dog with him on all trips.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Black Jack Russells are small and, due to their compact size, these dogs can live both in a country house and in an apartment.
  • They will never refuse to run and play.
  • Black Jack Russells are good with children.
  • Extraordinarily loyal dogs: they try to accompany their owner everywhere.
  • Known for their intelligence and intelligence.
  • Caring for this dog is not difficult.
  • If the pet is wire-haired or has a transitional coat, then it does not shed.
  • The black Jack Russell's coat cleans itself.


  • The hyperactivity of such a dog may not please all people.
  • Left alone, he gets bored and because of this he may start chewing furniture or peeling off the wallpaper in the room.
  • He digs up the soil in the flower beds, and at home he turns over flower pots and tries to make holes in the floor.
  • The Black Jack Russell needs proper education and early socialization, without which it can grow up willful, disobedient and aggressive.
  • Due to its natural hunting instinct, it can be hostile towards other animals.
  • He knows how to cunning and manipulate his owners.
  • If your pet is wire-haired or has a transitional coat type, it needs trimming.

Black Jack Russells are strong and resilient: they can do sports such as agility..

Care and maintenance

  1. The dog can be kept in the apartment by allocating it a separate place. She will also do well in a kennel or in a spacious enclosure, but not on a chain.
  2. The animal needs to regularly comb its fur , removing dead undercoat. Eyes , in the presence of discharge, are wiped with a weak solution of tea leaves. When signs of conjunctivitis appear, drops are instilled. Antihistamines are given as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Teeth are brushed with dog paste every two to three weeks; to prevent tartar, the animal is given fresh vegetables and cartilage to chew on.
  4. to trim the nails ; they grind down on their own during active walks. Of the toys, rubber ones are preferable, since plastic toys can be easily chewed and choked by a dog.
  5. bowl should be changed as the pet grows, so that the dog is comfortable while feeding.


Adult dogs need to be fed 2-3 times a day, puppies 4-5 times a day.

Under no circumstances should you give your animal the following foods:

  • lamb;
  • pork;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats

When the puppy is weaned from its mother, rice and buckwheat porridge are introduced into the menu . Gradually, the diet is enriched with fermented milk products. You should not give whole milk, as it can cause stomach upset in terriers.

As you grow older, the following are gradually introduced into your diet:

  • mashed potatoes with vegetable oil;
  • boiled eggs (once a week);
  • lean meat and chicken;
  • fillet of lean sea fish (pollock, hake, haddock).

You can use any dry food for dogs leading an active lifestyle . Such food options are available, for example, from the Pro Plan and Dog Chow brands. If a puppy or adult dog is allergic to dry food, it should not be given.


Dogs of this breed are not predisposed to hereditary diseases and are distinguished by good health and excellent physical shape. But animals that eat natural food are prone to vitamin deficiency; to prevent this condition, it is necessary to periodically enrich their diet with special vitamin supplements.


Since the Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting dog, they must be vaccinated against rabies annually (foxes and other burrowing animals can be potential carriers of rabies). You should also get vaccinated against distemper in a timely manner.

Before vaccination, it is advisable to refrain from hunting, active games and walks, and contact with other animals for two to three days.

Usually terriers tolerate vaccination well, but sometimes local allergic reactions are possible. Which pass quickly.

  1. The first vaccination is given at 5–6 weeks;
  2. Then at 8 - 10 weeks, at 12 - 16 weeks;
  3. Every year thereafter.


Since these animals have deep-set eyes, they often suffer from eye diseases (viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, myopia, cataracts, retinal dystrophy).

Some of the congenital anomalies include deafness and hearing loss , as well as underdevelopment of the hip joint . Due to their activity, animals are susceptible to injury. The most common injuries are joint dislocations and sprains . The weak point is the knee joints on the hind legs.


It is necessary to walk the animal at least twice a day. During the walk, the pet must move actively: run, jump. It is worth avoiding contact with other, smaller dogs if possible, so that the terrier’s hunting instinct does not awaken at the wrong moment.


  1. The main advantage of this breed is that, even when heavily soiled, dirt does not linger on the coat . But despite this, the coat must be regularly looked after.
  2. During shedding, it is necessary to carefully pluck out dead hairs so that they do not interfere with the growth of new hair . Dogs are combed weekly using a wide-toothed wooden or metal comb.
  3. After each walk or hunting trip, you must carefully examine your pet for fleas, ticks and other parasites . The coat must be treated with special anti-parasite agents (drops on the withers) or the pet must be given a special collar.

What is the difference from fox terriers

Fox Terriers and Jack Russells are similar in appearance and character..

Both of them were bred to hunt foxes and have proven themselves excellent in this capacity.

And the first Jack Russells were not just a breed related to Fox Seriers, they, in fact, were old-type Foxes.

Currently, there are many differences between these two dogs.:

  • Fox Terriers are larger than Jack Russells and their bodies are square rather than stretched out.
  • In a show rack, the Fox resembles a thoroughbred horse with a short topline and hind legs set far back.
  • The Jack Russell's muzzle is shorter than the skull, while the Fox Terrier's muzzle, on the contrary, should be longer.
  • The Jack Russell has a stockier appearance, while the Fox is tall-legged, with a long, arched neck and a tucked belly.
  • The Jack Russell's tail can be either docked or left at natural length. The Fox Terrier's tail should only be docked to half its length.
  • The coat of the Wirehaired Russell is fine and softer than the wiry coat of the Wirehaired Fox.


Unlike the Jack Russell, the Fox Terrier can be either smooth or wirehaired.

One of the main differences between the two breeds is that Jack Russells are not often used as hunting dogs anymore, having long since become companion dogs.

Fox Terriers are still considered an excellent working dog..


Males and females are bred after a year. Before breeding a male dog, he must be taught the basic “rules of behavior”: the animal must obey the owner well and obey him unquestioningly. Otherwise, in the future the dog will “break loose” when he senses a female who is in heat. When a male dog is bred for the first time, the owner must help the animal into the correct position.

Bitches before estrus have very heavy bleeding, therefore, in order to avoid infectious diseases, the animal must wear special underpants, reminiscent of children's disposable diapers. They are purchased at veterinary pharmacies, and the size is selected depending on the height and weight of the bitch.

You can knit annually, on the second or third day of estrus . It is better to introduce the animals first to make sure that they do not show aggression towards each other. You can choose a pair from an advertisement in the newspaper or in a kennel club. It is desirable that the bitch and the dog have approximately the same appearance, age, and pedigree. Mating should take place in the dog's territory.

What do the puppies look like?

Jack Russell puppies may be born with a lack of pigmentation: many of them may not have color on their nose, lip rims, or even the edges of their eyelids at first.

In addition, all Jack Russells, regardless of coat type, are born smooth.

The differences between smooth-haired and wire-haired babies become visible around the third week, but the Broken Light can look smooth-haired for up to a month and a half or longer.

As puppies grow, they become more like their parents: their paws lengthen, although they remain quite large in relation to the puppy's body.

The head looks quite large, the muzzle is slightly shorter than in adult dogs.

If the color changes, it is only slightly, for example, small marks in the form of specks may appear.

Key points in training

Dogs of this breed love to chase small animals.

  • This hunter's instinct must be developed and encouraged . A weak-willed person will not be able to cope with training an animal, because the Jack Russell immediately senses “who’s boss.”
  • During training, you should never shout at the animal . You cannot hit a dog so as not to provoke retaliatory aggression. All commands must be given in a calm, confident tone.
  • Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

The ideal trainer is a tough, but not cruel, person who knows exactly what he wants from the dog and intends to achieve his goal at all costs. The main thing is regularity of classes.

Breed standard

The Jack Russell is an agile and energetic terrier of small size with a stretched or rectangular body format :

  • The head is wedge-shaped, the forehead is quite wide, the stop is well defined, but not sharp.
  • The muzzle is somewhat shorter than the occipital part of the head and narrower.
  • Cheekbones are well defined, but not protruding.
  • The nose is exclusively black, the lips are also black, tightly fitting.
  • The jaws are quite wide, strong and powerful, with a scissor bite.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, medium-sized and not too protruding, their color is brown.
  • The edging of the eyelids is certainly black and continuous.
  • The ears are either raised - the so-called “buttons”, or drooping.
  • The neck is strong, but at the same time graceful.
  • The back is straight, not sagging. The withers are well defined, the loin is short and muscular.
  • The tail is of natural length or docked, lowered at rest, raised during movement and held vertically. If the tail is docked, then its tip is at ear level.
  • The forelimbs are straight and strong. The hindquarters are strong and muscular. The paws are small, round in shape, with moderately arched toes.

The movements of the Jack Russell should be correct: free and springy, but not dancing.

How to choose a puppy

  • Since Jack Russell puppies are prone to congenital deafness and hearing loss, before choosing an animal, you need to whistle, make another loud sound, or talk affectionately to the dog. A deaf puppy will not react or will react weakly to the sound, but a dog with good hearing will certainly prick up his ears.
  • You should not choose puppies with excessive discharge from the eyes, as congenital abnormalities of the eyes are common in this breed. You can also stretch your puppy's hind legs to the sides.
  • If the paws do not stretch well and the dog shows anxiety, this may indicate hip dysplasia.

The Wirehaired Jack Russell Terrier is active and good-natured, and is easy to train and train. This breed is a real long-liver, on average it lives about seventeen years. Here are the main characteristics of the breed:

  1. Height about 30 cm;
  2. Upright triangular ears;
  3. Smooth paws without curvature;
  4. Tail set high;
  5. The color is white, with yellowish-brown spots;

Wire-haired terriers have powerful jaws , so you should not have this breed in a home where there are small children and/or small pets. The dog has a strong hunting instinct, so it can choose its prey and pursue it.

The coat looks neat and cleans itself, even after heavy soiling. Therefore, wire-haired breeds are ideal for participation in exhibitions, agility and other public events.

In wire-haired terriers, the effects of shedding can be kept to a minimum. To do this, it is enough to regularly carry out the trimming procedure in a grooming salon or at home.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting dog for strong-willed people. This breed should be purchased if the owner leads an active lifestyle and has a strong, calm character. Then the dog will become a long friend for many years.

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Dog diseases

Like any other animal, especially if the breed is artificially bred, it exhibits breed-specific ailments. Therefore, the Jack Russell Terrier may get sick:

  • For Legg-Perthes disease.
  • For hip dysplasia.
  • Have congenital deafness.
  • Have a collie eye abnormality.

If the diet is excessive, your pet may gain excess weight.

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