Reviews from owners about the Jack Russell Terrier dog breed: history of origin and description of the pet’s character

The Jack Russell Terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds. It was bred for hunting, but this small dog has now become a devoted companion for active owners. This funny, playful dog will be a family favorite. Jack Russell Terrier is ready to have fun and run all day long. Because of his energy, efficiency and fearlessness, he attracts many dog ​​owners. This is a suitable pet for keeping in an apartment, but it will not become a sofa lap dog. To understand whether it is worth getting a Russell, you need to study its description, character traits, pros and cons of its content.

  • History of the origin of the breed
  • Exterior features of the Jack Russell Terrier breed
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Jack Russell Terrier coat and colors
  • Varieties
  • Description of the character of the Jack Russell Terrier breed
      Education and training
  • Caring for Jack Russell Terriers
  • Diseases
  • Nutrition
  • How to buy a Jack Russell Terrier puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Maintenance and care

    This breed of dog can be safely kept both in a country house and in a city apartment.
    If she lives in the city, she should have enough physical activity. In dangerous places (near highways), the Russell must be put on a leash, because, having obeyed the hunting instinct, he may not obey the owner’s orders. Jacks have three types of coat: hard, smooth and intermediate. The features of caring for it depend on this. As a rule, the dog is cleaned with a hard mitten, combed, and trimmed.

    When a pet lives outside, shedding occurs twice a year. But a domestic dog will shed almost constantly. Visible white hair can be quite difficult to remove from furniture. Therefore, you will have to comb the dog. Moreover, do this carefully and regularly.

    Wire-haired dogs should be trimmed: pluck out dead hair using a special knife. This procedure is quite delicate. An unprepared owner may accidentally damage the animal's skin, so it is recommended to entrust the work to a professional groomer.

    You can't bathe him often. Its fur repels dirt and this natural lubricant should not be washed off. After walking in contaminated areas, simply wipe the paws and areas of contamination with special cleaning wipes or a damp towel.

    Girls need to be bathed after the end of their heat. Show dogs are also bathed before each show.


    The owner is always worried when his Jack hugs someone's leg with his paws and makes imaginary frictions. Or rides another dog. Moreover, this behavior does not depend at all on the gender of the dog. Terriers can jump on dogs of the same sex, on your legs or on the legs of guests. We often think that this behavior is caused by sexual motivation. However, this is not always the case. As a rule, jumping up means a desire to show dominance. Whether it's another dog or a person. This is a peculiar form of manifestation of your Jack’s aggression, and must be stopped immediately. If your terrier tries to ride your leg, immediately push him away and say in a firm voice, “No!” Next time you see this behavior, just turn away and walk away from him. Your Jack will soon understand what kind of behavior doesn't suit you.

    Rules for communication between a child and a Jack Russell Terrier

    A dog is not a toy!

    She is a living being who, like a person, can experience pain. You cannot roughly or suddenly grab an animal, pull its tail, ears, etc. You need to be especially careful with a puppy.

    Punishing a dog is prohibited

    Only an adult does this, and only as a last resort. You can get your Jack Russell to follow commands with a stern and firm voice, but you don’t need to shout at him.

    The dog is not always in the mood

    Despite his playful nature, occasionally the Jack Russell will not want to play and this is normal. There is no need to force him - the breed does not tolerate this. When the dog begins to growl and bare his teeth, you should move away immediately.

    The dog may unintentionally bite or scratch

    Sometimes this happens during the game too. The child should not be scared. If a temperamental Jack Russell gets too excited, you need to stop playing, calm down and stop looking at the animal.

    It is forbidden to feed the dog food from the table

    She should be taught to eat from her own bowl and only food specifically intended for her. Otherwise, the Jack Russell may develop digestive problems.

    You can only have close contact with your dog.

    Any other unfamiliar dog, even the same Jack Russell, cannot be petted without the owner’s permission.

    Due to its playful nature and amazing, overflowing energy, the Jack Russell is a breed that will give a lot of positive emotions to both children and adults. But in order for both you and your pet to feel comfortable living with each other, teach your child the correct attitude towards an animal from the very beginning. And then such a dog can become not only a wonderful playmate for the child, but also a devoted friend who will always be ready to protect him.

    Continuation of the learning process

    When the puppy is between six months and 8 months old, the owner continues to consolidate what he has learned. Actions are added to the commands and training of the Jack Russell:

    • overcoming barriers;
    • moving in crowded places;
    • excerpt;
    • transportation in public transport.

    Games, especially those involving simulated hunting, continue, as do daily hikes. During walks, they begin to learn the orders “walk”, “voice”, “crawl”. The puppy should already know how to follow the scent and be wary of strangers. A dog must be able to identify its owner by the smell of clothing. Commands are practiced with and without gestures. But you can’t constantly teach commands to a small dog: the growing organism is not strong enough.

    Jack Russell Terrier and Jack Parson Terrier: differences and characteristics

    The study and individualization of this breed continues to this day. Characteristic features will help you learn to distinguish between both dog breeds. Main features:

    • Limb length. Having examined the profile of the dogs, it is clear that Jack Parsons have much longer, slimmer and more elongated paws. Russells have shorter limbs and clearly defined knees. The size of the limbs affects the speed of movement, so parsons are considered much faster.
    • There is a noticeable difference in price. The cost of a Jack Russell puppy is significantly higher. This is explained by the wide popularity of the decorative and show breed.
    • Parsons are more common in Europe. Jack Russells are more common in Australia. This is where the bulk of the nurseries are located. To get a dog of the required breed, you need to contact only official representatives or professional breeders.
    • Before buying a puppy, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the dog’s pedigree and the achievements of the parents.

    Note! In pet stores, on the market and from ordinary dog ​​breeders, the chances of purchasing a purebred Jack are zero.

    List of suitable nicknames

    When choosing names for dogs that are dexterous, smart and have an attractive appearance, owners are guided by different motives. The impetus can be the behavior of the animal, its playful nature, or even the owner’s commitment to a certain literary genre.

    In any case, the nickname should not be long. Preference is given to easily pronounced sonorous words.

    Options for boys:

    • Arnie, Barney, Bruno, Jack, Willie, Vinci;
    • Gail, Devin, Jacqui, Cliff, Leon, Marty, Miguel;
    • Neil, Nick, Olive, Austin, Rex, Rich, Ronnie;
    • Toby, Fidel, Charlie, Edwin, Ernie, Standard.

    Examples for girls:

    • Aidi, Alma, Bessie, Dana, Daisy, Jessie, Jeta;
    • Jasmine, Julia, Cameo, Casey, Katie;
    • Lara, Lisa, Lolita, Lulu, Malva, Molly, Mary;
    • Notka, Nicole, Olivia, Sally, Selena, Snezhka, Sofia;
    • Flo, Fortuna, Eureka, Justi.

    How to train to a diaper (toilet)

    From the first days, you need to teach him to do his business using a special diaper or newspaper. To do this, at first you need to place a diaper or newspaper near the place allocated for the puppy. If the puppy made a puddle in another place, then blot them so that his smell remains and put this wet newspaper or diaper on the place you have chosen for the puppy's toilet. Closely monitor your puppy's behavior after he wakes up and after eating. Usually, before doing its business, the puppy looks for a place, spins around, and fusses. Without scaring the puppy, pick him up and place him on a diaper or newspaper, preventing him from running away from it. When the puppy manages, be sure to praise him. After some time, the puppy will get used to peeing on a diaper or newspaper. Gradually move the newspaper or diaper further from the puppy's place to a place convenient for you.

    At what age can you walk a puppy?

    You can go for a walk after vaccinations in 2-3 weeks. First, take the puppy out for 5 to 7 minutes, gradually increasing the walking time. It is advisable to walk on a leash!

    How to properly wash a puppy?

    You can wash the puppy for the first time only after vaccination in 2 weeks (if there is such a need). Wash the dog with herbal baby shampoo or shampoo designed specifically for puppies. Wash off the foam very carefully in the shower. Wipe dry with a towel, then dry the wool under a warm stream of air (hairdryer), then wrap it in a towel for 30 minutes until completely dry. When washing, insert cotton swabs coated with cream or Vaseline into your ears to prevent water from getting into your ears.

    How to clean your Jack Russell puppy's ears?

    Clean your ears once a week (the pinna and shallowly in the ear canal, 0.5 cm deep). Moisten cotton wool with special products (for cleaning dogs’ ears, alternating the composition: against ticks and otitis media). Brush until the cotton wool is clean. At the end of the procedure, you need to wipe your ear with a dry swab.

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    Brush the coat 2-3 times a week. From a young age it is necessary to learn to comb your hair and perform all procedures on the table, because... in the future, during grooming and at shows, the dog should be able to stand calmly on it.

    How to trim claws?

    The claws of a puppy and an adult dog are trimmed as they grow using nail scissors or a special tool - a nail clipper. In the summer, as a rule, the claws wear down well on hard ground and asphalt, but in the winter they can grow strongly and break. Overgrown claws interfere with the dog’s movement, break off, change the gait, paw placement, and posture.

    When does a Jack Russell Terrier's teeth change?

    Permanent teeth (replaced after 7 months) should be brushed once a week with a special toothpaste for dogs or a piece of sour apple, and if they are missing, with odorless tooth powder or crushed chalk, avoiding the formation of yellow plaque or tartar. Second method – It is recommended to give a bone with cartilage once or twice a week.

    Getting ready for the exhibition

    Already a small puppy must be prepared for exhibitions. Stand it up regularly. In the ring, the dog should walk slightly ahead of the owner, stand calmly in an exterior stance, allow itself to be measured and show its teeth. All this should be taught to the puppy in advance.

    Jerry's first teacher was the old black cat Tisha

    Jerry, who came to us, was not the first and not the only animal in the family. At that time, we still had an old black cat Tisha and a hamster Shura living with us. If, of course, the puppy and Shura had no common interests, then the presence of the cat did not leave the baby indifferent.

    Somehow, the animals immediately established their own hierarchy in relationships. The cat was able to convey to the playful youth: he is in charge in this territory.

    The 18-year-old, in principle, had little to do with anything, but he was always strict with the puppy. Jerrick wanted to play with him, but he just waved him off with his paw. But still the puppy was afraid of the cat. If Tisha sat at the door of the room, Jerry never left first. They walked funny after each other: the cat in front, the puppy behind. Silence walks and walks and stops, and the dog just sits down. Tisha also taught his friend how to beg. When I was cooking something in the kitchen, the cat stood on its hind legs and moved with its front legs. Jerrick is doing the same now.

    The cat died about six months after we got the dog. I really miss him. I've had him since 8th grade. My mother and I got Tisha almost immediately after moving from Kazakhstan to Belarus in 1998. My daughter and I wrote a scientific paper for school about this purr, a cross between a Siamese cat and an ordinary yard cat. Silence is a whole period of our life. A sort of savage who only in his old age began to allow himself to be stroked. And if he didn’t want to be touched, he hit him with his paw, but, surprisingly, he never let go of his claws. I kept worrying: maybe the cat got sick because we got a dog?

    One day after the New Year, I discovered a small pimple on his nipple. It became inflamed and quickly enlarged. In the vet. were examined at the clinic. The diagnosis was disappointing: oncology. Due to the animal's age, doctors refused to perform surgery. They were afraid that the cat would not tolerate it. And the intervention really had to be complicated: it was necessary to remove the entire lymphatic system. Tisha’s tumor was then removed locally. After the operation, the cat lived for another 3 months. He was a fighter! Until the last moment, even though he was in pain, he did not go under himself. He climbed off the bedding and crawled towards the diaper. We gave him IVs every day. Everyone hoped that he would recover and live longer. The last night I suffered greatly, and when we went to the clinic in the morning, I died on the way. This is a very big loss for all of us: Tisha was a real member of the family. One thing is reassuring that he was already 18 years old: he seemed to have aged...

    Recently I dreamed of Tisha: there was a fire in the kitchen, and the cat walked back and forth, and everything became quiet. I thought: what would this be for? Maybe some kind of misfortune my favorite averted from us?

    Last weekend I went to a cat show with my husband and daughter. So I liked one kitten, a British fold, red-haired. After Tisha’s death, I was sure that I would never have a cat again, but then I suddenly thought: maybe it’s still worth it?


    It is recommended to take the puppy outside after all vaccinations and pest control have been completed. The time of the first walks should be 10-15 minutes, then it gradually increases to at least 2 hours a day. In winter weather, to avoid hypothermia, you should get warm clothes for your dog. In hot weather, it is better to walk your pet in a shaded area.

    It is advisable to find a fenced area to let your dog off the leash. He needs to be given time to hunt small animals. The Jack Russell loves to sniff around and dig holes in the hope of getting to his “prey.”

    Important! Regular street walks have a positive effect on the overall health of your four-legged friend, so you need to go outside every day, regardless of weather conditions

    Terriers need long and frequent walks with active games.

    The Jack Russell is an active breed and is suitable for people with the same active lifestyle. The owner will never get bored with such a cheerful pet

    It is important for owners to satisfy their pet’s needs for movement and timely care. Regular hygiene procedures and a balanced diet contribute to the dog’s healthy development and attractive appearance.

    Pet training

    They are highly trainable. In 3 days the puppy learns its name. Starting from 2 months, the dog should be regularly trained, adapting it to society and teaching it to follow different commands.

    1. Training is carried out in the form of games on the street, in the park, on the playground. For encouragement, stock up on treats - pieces of finely chopped hard cheese, boiled meat. It's good to take a ball with you for training.
    2. Give commands using words without double meaning. The first commands that your pet should learn are: “come to me”, “fu”, “near”, “stand”, “sit”, “lie down”. Some dog handlers teach dogs to use non-standard commands that only the owner can use.
    3. Physical punishment is unacceptable in education. If you fail, and don’t know how to raise a puppy, praise your pet.

    The dog must understand that you are the owner. Dwarf terriers, who are not prone to dominance, will perceive you as their only owner, as a friend.

    It doesn't matter what commands your pet follows as long as it is properly adapted to life in society. This breed of dog is not aggressive, so even with basic knowledge of commands, you can walk with your dog in parks without worrying about it attacking passers-by.

    4.9 / 5 ( 10 votes)

    Is it worth buying a dog for home?

    Before purchasing a Jack Russell Terrier, carefully read the breed description.

    These are ideal companions for children over 10 years old, athletes, and active people. But this option is not suitable for lazy people, busy at work, weak-willed individuals, or simply the elderly. This division occurs due to the strengths and weaknesses of this breed.

    Pros of the breed

    The immediate benefits include:

    1. Cheerful disposition. These are very cheerful dogs, they are often used for the rehabilitation of military personnel after injuries, people suffering from psychological illnesses and deep depression, since positive energy literally splashes out of these kids in all directions.
    2. Fast learner. With the right approach, the dog absorbs new skills and commands very quickly, and therefore often shows excellent results at shows.
    3. High intellectual abilities. Today, Jack Russells are widely used in customs and police work, since these dogs do not just follow a scent or look for a scent - they are able to make thoughtful decisions, cut corners to reduce distance, etc.
    4. Still an ideal breed for hunting small game, the Jack Russell is also an excellent athlete. Thanks to its physical abilities and activity, such a dog can be exposed to long periods of stress, from which it enjoys.
    5. In life, as in “The Mask,” this dog adores its owner, is sensitive to changes in mood and loves to please him.
    6. The terrier is also a good watchdog. There are cases when these dogs bravely attacked opponents that were superior in size and number, and their loud barking is an excellent deterrent for burglars.
    7. Jack Russells are low maintenance.

    Did you know? Among the Jack Russell Terriers there is an artist named Tillamook Cheddar from the USA, who has already had several exhibitions in Belgium, the Netherlands and at home, and some of his works have been bought for $2000.

    Despite such an extensive list of advantages, there are still some pitfalls in the characteristics of this breed.

    Disadvantages of owning a Jack Russell Terrier

    Paradoxically, the shortcomings of these dogs come from their strengths:

    High activity. Many future owners have no idea how much Jack Russells love movement. Doesn't like loneliness. Having locked the Jack Russell in the apartment and gone to work, the owner risks seeing ruins upon his return. The animal begins to get bored, and its poor health results in sabotage. If you can’t take your dog with you, you need to at least turn on the radio. Heavy shedding, the fur from which is clearly visible on dark furniture and carpets. Stubbornness. If this dog doesn’t like something, it’s difficult to convince him otherwise

    Therefore, it is important that its owner also has a strong character, otherwise the terrier will feel like a leader, and then there can be no question of any obedience. Cunning. Intelligent Jack Russells can be very cunning when it comes to finding treats or evading training.

    Their owner must always remember this and not fall for tricks. Passion for digging. Terriers have a habit of digging that dates back to the days of fishing foxes out of holes. Therefore, if you take such a baby to the dacha, you may be left without a garden. Aggression and jealousy. Despite their small size, these terriers are big owners. They do not tolerate competition in their territory, even from their own kind, they are not good friends with other animals and can start doing tricks if they see that their beloved owner is paying attention to someone else.

    Important! An hour a day of lazy jogging on a leash will not be enough for them. Running through puddles, playing ball, chasing birds - all this should be in their life, otherwise the animal’s excess energy will eventually transform into bad habits: the dog will chew furniture, things, and may break or smash something.

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    The appearance of unusual dogs in the 19th century is associated with the name of the priest Jack Russell. This pastor was fond of hunting. Having set the goal of breeding animals with high speed, courage, and agility, he began to crossbreed terriers.

    As a result, individuals appeared with compact sizes and the ability to easily penetrate holes when hunting foxes and badgers. They gained popularity after the end of World War II. This was the reason for the recognition of the breed in 2001.

    Purpose of both breeds

    Before buying a dog, you need to decide for what purpose the animal will be purchased.

    The Jack Parson Terrier is an animal with excellent hunting instincts. They are often purchased for guard purposes. Pets prove themselves to be good companions who never leave their owners’ side.

    Most dog lovers don't see the difference.

    Parson Terriers know how to listen to their owner and are easy to learn commands. Pets have a special structure of the body and limbs, which are designed for fast movement on any terrain.

    The dog Trump became the first representative of the Russell Terrier breed

    The Jack Russell Terrier has similar features, but differs in body structure. Due to the characteristics of the body, Russells are not as adapted to complex loads as Parsons.

    Note! Jack Russells are cleaner. They are more relaxed about hygiene procedures and also like to wear clothes

    Russells are often bred for home breeding. They are used as decorative breeds, which are ideal for keeping in an apartment.


    According to approved standards, their characteristics are:

    • The height of males is 27-30 cm, females - 25-27 cm. If the dog is taller, then it is rejected.
    • The tail of the breed is docked so that the remaining part is held vertically.
    • The body of such terriers is oblong.
    • The skull is flat, slightly narrowed towards the eyes and mouth.
    • The chest is proportional and deep.
    • The volume in the rib area ranges from 40 to 43 cm.
    • The lumbar girdle is short, slightly tense.

    Breeders' recommendations

    For people interested in purchasing a Jack Russell with show prospects, breeders recommend purchasing a dog only in a kennel or through a club, but not on the market or through an advertisement.

    They advise choosing a medium-sized puppy from the litter, not too large, but not the smallest, as he is more likely to grow into a standard-sized dog.

    It is desirable that the baby with exhibition prospects has a bright, beautiful color, and that the colored markings on the head and face are located symmetrically.

    A small show-class Jack Russell should look moderately well-fed and proportionally built. He has a flat back, rather short strong legs and a not too long tail.

    Breeders recommend that future owners take a responsible approach to choosing a Jack Russell and not rush into purchasing a pet.

    They believe that it is better to go for a high-quality puppy with show prospects to another city or even another country than to buy a mediocre dog that is of no interest either as a show dog or as a breeding dog.


    Many dogs love to dig and do dig when they are outside. This is normal activity. The digging instinct is present in every breed, regardless of its purpose. In this way, ancient dogs built themselves a bed from grass and leaves before settling down for the night. Jackie was especially successful in this type of activity. The origin of the breed makes Jack an excellent digger. There are funny cases where the Russells dug a hole so deep that they themselves then had to be dug out. They dig if they smell a mouse or rodent, if they want to bury their bone or toy, if they want to dig a cooler hole and hide in it from the heat. Unfortunately, this type of activity causes frustration to the owners, especially when favorite beds or beautiful flower beds with rare flowers are dug up. The upholstery of expensive furniture is often unearthed. What to do, you ask, is this instinct? Will you have to endure it? No and no again! We need to follow the path of correction. Any behavior of a dog is reinforced if it is not followed by a negative reaction, and if it is reinforced with encouragement, the behavior will be firmly established for life. From childhood on, do not allow your puppy to dig. Don't scold him for this behavior, but show him in every possible way that you don't like it. Provide him with an alternative, distract him from digging, switch to another activity.

    How to maintain and care

    In everyday life, the Jack Terrier is extremely unpretentious and docile. But we should not forget that when kept in an apartment, he needs physical activity, an influx of fresh impressions, so you need to take him for a long time and partly for a walk. The Russell's coat is quite short, and it is enough to brush it weekly, and after running through the slush, the terrier needs to be washed so that dirt and microorganisms do not harm him. But do not overdo it: frequent water procedures can harm the Russell’s skin: dry it out, initiate the appearance of dandruff, cause hypothermia if the not-dry terrier suddenly finds itself in the cold.

    You should also regularly pay attention to the dog’s ears to see if water has gotten into them, clean the ear canals with cotton swabs with a drop of hydrogen peroxide or a special hygienic composition from the pet store. Long and fairly quick exercise (a walk in the fresh air) is a terrier’s need.

    Without them, he will feel sad, his discipline and health will weaken. In order for your pet dog to get his daily walking quota, you need to walk him at least 2 times every day for a fairly long time. Play with him, let him run through the wasteland, chase sparrows - these activities make the dog happy and lively

    Long and fairly quick exercise (a walk in the fresh air) is a terrier’s need. Without them, he will feel sad, his discipline and health will weaken. In order for your pet dog to get his daily walking quota, you need to walk him at least 2 times every day for a fairly long time. Play with him, let him run through the wasteland, chase sparrows - these activities make the dog happy and lively.


    The Russell Terrier is characterized by ailments of hereditary origin. But in case of early detection and timely therapeutic measures, the family pet is able to live a long and happy life, delivering positive emotions to all of you for a decade and a half.

    Typical Russell diseases are:

    • Eye diseases: cataracts and lens displacement.
    • Musculoskeletal ailments: patella displacement, hip dysplasia, Perthes disease.
    • It is not so rare that the white color of the Russell is combined with a congenital inability to hear sounds.

    In addition, the Russell's instinctive functions can lead to health problems. He constantly pursues small animals, as well as skunks (in North America). The secretion of these animals, released as a protective measure, is biochemically active, and it is capable of initiating toxic shock syndrome in animals.

    Color variations

    The breed standard provides for 3 color options (shown in the photo):

    • white fur with red spots;
    • white coat with black spots;
    • white coat with black and red spots (tricolor);
    • pure white coat, but this color is extremely rare.

    Red color can have any intensity, from the lightest to chestnut.

    Breed characteristics, behavioral characteristics

    This breed is characterized by its small stature, which allows the animals to easily crawl into holes and move nimbly through them. Russell walks with a springy, relaxed gait, his strong paws provide him with high speed and running time in pursuit of game. Its strong jaws and strong fangs provide a reliable grip on prey, both underground, on land and on water. As mentioned above, this breed is characterized by a light or white color with dark or brown spots.

    If you decide to get your own pet Russell Terrier, you will most likely find a cheerful, loyal and friendly companion. He will be happy when all your household members get together. Four-legged friends love to take walks with you for company and willingly play outdoor games with their owner. They are characterized by extraordinary activity and liveliness of nature.

    Let's name a few more characteristic character traits:

    1. Russell is cheerful, friendly to his owners, and willingly plays with them. And he does not lose these qualities until old age. Like other small breeds (dachshund, beagle and others), with proper care, the Russell can live up to 15 years, but even in his “retirement” years he will not stop entertaining household members with his gaiety.
    2. This breed is brave and can behave independently, which sometimes causes difficulties in training.
    3. The Jack Terrier is friendly towards children and is not aggressive towards strangers - but only if it is raised properly.
    4. A powerful hunting instinct forces him to rush at cats and other small animals, including those he saw on the street. All these creatures are just likely prey, and the dog is able to attack them to make them prey.
    5. The breed is characterized by curiosity, and the boring and monotonous life of Russells is depressing. They need a rotation of vivid impressions to satisfy their interest in the world around them.
    6. They are distinguished by endurance and restlessness. Therefore, it is better to get a Russell not for those who prefer to lie down or live at the computer most of their free time. The best owner is a restless person or a family in which it is customary to constantly move, play, travel, and work in the fresh air. Terriers need exercise to stay healthy.

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    Find the answer

    Do you have any problem or question? Enter “Breed” or “Name of the problem” into the form, press Enter and you will find out everything about the issue that interests you. Dogs of this breed are loyal and affectionate and will never betray their owners. In those moments when I am at home, Diana follows me everywhere. If I go into another room when she is sleeping, she immediately gets up and follows.

    Veronica (Archie, seven months)

    When Archie first appeared in our house, he could not control his impulses and chewed everything that came his way, but after several months he stopped littering and chewing objects, and even learned various commands. Now when morning comes, he wakes me up and asks me to go for a walk.

    Igor (Tim, six years old)

    This is not an ostentatious dog, but a real terrier, since it has high intelligence, activity and knows how to get along well with people of different personalities. He is always ready for games and even attracts the child to them. He never shows aggression, and has never even attempted to bite or growl as a joke.

    Marina (Aina, 3 years old)

    When Aina was 2 years old, my husband and I had a daughter. Initially, I was worried about how the dog would treat the child, but when I saw how carefully she treated my daughter, I calmed down. They have been in constant contact for more than a year now and simply cannot imagine life without each other.

    The right diet

    Keeping jacks involves not only hygienic care, but also proper timely nutrition. A healthy diet is the key to strong bones, a strong immune system, energy and good mood.

    You can feed Russells with ready-made dry food. It is convenient to store, transport, pour and easily measure the required amount. In addition, the granules contain the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals.

    But low-quality dry food leads to gastrointestinal imbalance and serious health problems. Therefore, it is better to opt for super-premium products for small active breeds.

    Natural nutrition should consist of raw (thawed or scalded) lean meat and complex carbohydrates. Chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit are suitable. By-products can be used. Not all Russell Terriers love fish, but you can pamper your Jack with seafood.

    Allowed cereals:

    • oatmeal;
    • buckwheat;
    • barley porridge.


    • carrot;
    • zucchini;
    • beet.

    If Russell loves fermented milk products, then you can add kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, and sour cream to the diet.

    One of the features of keeping Jack Russell puppies is feeding them 4–5 times a day. Up to 3 months, babies are fed 5-6 times, up to 5 months - 4 times, only by the age of one year are they transferred to two meals a day. The serving size is determined by the formula: 20 g of food per 1 kg of Russell Terrier weight.

    Feeding the puppy

    AgeDaily menuNumber of feedings
    Up to 1 monthFor 2-3 weeks after birth, the puppy eats only mother’s milk, then complementary foods are introduced in the form of semolina porridge or milk7-8
    1-2 monthsMilk, broth, dry food soaked in water7
    2-3 monthsBoiled lean meat, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, porridge6
    4-5 monthsMeat (200-300 g), vegetables (200 g), dairy products (100 g), cereals (150 g)4
    6-12 monthsMeat or fish (0.5 kg), vegetables (200 g), dairy products (50 g), cereals (300 g) + 1 boiled yolk twice a week3

    What to feed a Jack Russell puppy (so it doesn't eat your cat :))

    At first, it is necessary to follow the breeder's recommendations, i.e. continue to feed the way the puppy was accustomed to eat from the first weeks of life. It is most convenient to feed with dry high-quality food recommended by the club.

    Feeding regimen and diet

    Natural feeding. The diet of a puppy (and an adult dog) must contain animal products in certain proportions: 75% - products of animal origin, 25% - of plant origin.

    A Jack Russell Terrier puppy needs to be taught to eat what he should get, not what he likes. Overfeeding not only leads to excessive obesity with the ensuing consequences, but also accelerates the growth rate of the puppy, which often causes problems associated with bone development. Avoid overeating to ensure your puppy's optimal growth rate. Feeding regimen. Quality, quantity and time are the main thing!!!.

    How to feed a Jack Russell correctly?

    During the first week, it is recommended to add HONEY to the water.

    The dog should be fed from a stand, adjusting its height as it grows. Fresh (filtered or boiled) water in a special container should be placed in a certain place on the stand. If the dog does not immediately eat the food, it must be removed after 15-20 minutes.

    Food should not be hot or cold. The optimal food temperature should be slightly above room temperature. Feed concentration may vary. An adult dog should be fed 20-30 minutes after a walk, or 2-3 hours before. Never force feed your dog! The consistency is thick sour cream.

    The dog should not know the taste of smoked meats, sweets, fried, salty and fatty foods.

    Don't raise your puppy to be a beggar, don't give him scraps from the table.

    Dogs essentially have to regulate the amount of food they eat themselves. Therefore, the owner himself must regulate the amount of food depending on the age, season of the year, and the dog’s load. Food should be concentrated (nutritious), not bulky.

    The cause of excess weight may be excessive feed consumption caused by loss of self-regulation, feeding high-calorie, fat-rich foods, or increasing the portion of feed. In dogs, excessive fat deposits or the other extreme, when the bones are covered with skin, are unacceptable. In a normally well-fed dog, when lightly pressing on the sides, the ribs should be palpable.

    What to feed a puppy at 1.5 -4 months

    Feeding 4 – 5 times a day. The puppy's rapid growth and feeding should be complete and high-calorie, containing vitamins. The puppy should receive boiled meat (chicken breasts or beef) with rice, vegetables and vegetable oil, eggs 2 - 3 times a week. From this age they begin to give boiled sea fish 2 times a week. Sour-milk products in small quantities, give vegetables and fruits daily. (Apples are healthy. Beets and carrots can be either boiled or grated raw. All vegetables and fruits are served with low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil.) From porridge - rice and buckwheat.

    What to feed a puppy at 4-6 months.

    Feeding 3-4 times a day. This period of life is still stressful. The puppy continues to grow, teeth change, the coat matures, this is one of the periods of puberty. The physiological and psychological stress on a puppy is enormous and you should be very attentive to your pet.

    How to feed properly at 6-9 months.

    Up to 9 months, try to feed 3 times a day. Nutrition during this period is not much different from the previous one. The puppy should still receive the same set of foods. By this period, the main growth of the puppy has been completed, the teeth have been replaced, however, the formation of the skeleton and muscles has not yet been completed and occurs precisely during this period of the animal’s development. High-quality meat in sufficient quantities will significantly contribute to this.


    When purchasing a parson, you should immediately decide whether the animal will be used for reproduction. If this is not planned, then it is recommended to castrate the dog and sterilize the female. Such measures will allow them to maintain a balanced character.

    When deciding to start breeding on your own, take into account that reproductive maturation of Parsons occurs at 1 year. It is advisable to carry out the first mating at the age of two during the period of estrus, which lasts on average 2 weeks.

    A female can bear up to 8 puppies, but the birth of 4 to 6 babies is considered normal. Pregnancy lasts 56-72 days. After a month, the belly is already enlarging, the mammary glands are noticeably swollen.

    A secluded place with soft bedding is prepared for whelping. Be sure to notify the veterinarian, who can quickly provide assistance if complications arise.

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