What does a Jack Russell Terrier mix look like: popular types and descriptions of similar breeds

The ancestors of the Jack Russell Terrier appeared in Great Britain in the 6th century, and for a long time were actively used for hunting foxes, badgers and rats. In the mid-19th century, the English priest John (Jack) Russell appreciated the intelligence and courage of these dogs, first describing the standard of the new breed.

Over time, the craze for hunting became a thing of the past, but the Jack Russell, thanks to its lively character and compact size, has by no means lost its former popularity.

This breed appeared in Russia only in the late 90s, so its representatives are still quite rare and are highly expensive.

Another important aspect is that Jack Russells need a patient and energetic owner who can appreciate the activity of this cheerful dog.

What does a Jack Russell Terrier mix look like: popular types and descriptions of similar breeds

The ancestors of the Jack Russell Terrier appeared in Great Britain in the 6th century, and for a long time were actively used for hunting foxes, badgers and rats.
In the mid-19th century, the English priest John (Jack) Russell appreciated the intelligence and courage of these dogs, first describing the standard of the new breed. Over time, the craze for hunting became a thing of the past, but the Jack Russell, thanks to its lively character and compact size, has by no means lost its former popularity. This breed appeared in Russia only in the late 90s, so its representatives are still quite rare and are highly expensive.

Another important aspect is that Jack Russells need a patient and energetic owner who can appreciate the activity of this cheerful dog.

Popular types of Jack Russell mixes

Today there are many Jack Russell mixes, and each of them has interesting features and a unique appearance.

The most popular of them are shown in the photo below.:

  • Jackshund – a cross between a Jack Russell terrier and a dachshund;
  • Yorkie Russell – a cross between a Jack Russell and a Yorkshire terrier;
  • Jackabee - a cross between a Jack Russell and a Beagle;
  • Jack Chi - a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Chihuahua;
  • Cojack – a cross between Corgi and Jack Russell;
  • Jackpoo is a cross between a poodle and a Jack Russell.

Dachshund and Jack Russell mix

Jackshund fully displays all the characteristic features of his parents. This is a small dog with excellent hunting qualities and inexhaustible energy.

Dog weight: 7-13 kg; height: 20-33 cm . The average life expectancy is from 12 to 16 years.

The Jackshund gets along well with other animals if socialized properly.

This is a very sociable creature that does not tolerate loneliness and prolonged absence of the owner..

However, Jackshunds know how to be unobtrusive, understand when the owner should not be disturbed, and even show some independence. It must be remembered that these qualities cannot be abused, so as not to spoil the character and nervous system of the pet.

Other common diseases are: hip dysplasia, eye and skin diseases, and a predisposition to all kinds of allergic reactions.

Also, the future owner must be prepared for the active shedding of his pet, which can become a big problem, despite his short fur..

Another important aspect is the destructive energy of the Jackshund, which can only be curbed by long and active walks.

This dog is not easy to train, although it has a lively mind and intelligence.

Dog handlers recommend reducing training time, but increasing their number.

This allows you to better hold your pet's attention.

Similarities and differences between breeds

To compare whether a Beagle or Jack Russell Terrier is suitable for a new owner, it is necessary to identify similar features and main differences. The origins of both breeds originate in Great Britain - the result of classical British selection. The same average size, friendly, decisive character, activity and energy are inherent in both dogs. They bark loudly, run around a lot, dig and sometimes act out. It is worth noting that this is often the result of a lack of attention or physical activity.

The burrowing Jack Russell hunter is noisier and more stubborn; compared to him, even the beagle seems calmer and more obedient. The Jack Russell is intelligent and quick-witted; these dogs love to communicate with their owner and learn new commands. Beagles are overly curious; not a single corner of the apartment will remain unexplored. From loneliness they may whine continuously and chew furniture.

To understand who is better - a beagle or a Jack Russell terrier - you need to evaluate not only their appearance, but also their character traits, nuances and requirements for maintenance, care and education. They are quite similar in size and color, with the main differences being the dog's personality and temperament, as well as its sense of smell. For example, the beagle is definitely one of the leaders in the sense of smell.


Many hunting dogs have similarities due to their historical purpose and common ancestors who took part in the formation of the final version. There are obvious similarities between the Beagle and Jack Russell breeds. A constant puppy dog ​​expression can melt even the coldest of hearts. There can be many variations in appearance - from coat color to ear shape. Of course, the most common colors are white and black, white and brown, and white with black spots.

The main differences in physique are the purpose. The Beagle is a hound dog that must search for game for a long time. The Jack Russell Terrier is a burrow hunter; he not only searches for prey by following the scent, but also catches it in burrows.

Beagles usually weigh more than Jack Russells, another difference is the length and structure of the coat: Jack Russells have shorter and smoother coats.


It’s hard to say who is better, a beagle or a Jack Russell terrier. There is much in common between the character traits of the animals; they are noisy and stubborn, and their irrepressible activity and cheerfulness seem to have no boundaries. But according to reviews from owners, the difference is also noticeable.

Beagles are more balanced and obedient; they are loyal and reliable four-legged friends who love to frolic and have a peaceful disposition. Jack Russells can get into fights themselves and often get along with only members of their own breed. Dogs, especially same-sex dogs, often cause aggression in terriers, and cats and rodents awaken hunting instincts, so it is better to introduce them to these animals at an early age. Both Beagles and Jack Russells get along well with children and play with them with pleasure, but Beagles are the undoubted leaders in this matter.

Maintenance and care

Pets are unpretentious to their living conditions. Before you determine who is more suitable for living in an apartment, a beagle or a Jack Russell terrier, and compare the conditions of their maintenance, you need to remember the characteristics of the pets’ disposition. The small size of representatives of both breeds allows them to be kept in apartments, but in this case regular long walks are required. Such animals can become a burden for people who are not accustomed to an active lifestyle.

Beagles can only be walked in public places on a leash. Despite their loyalty, the breed is at high risk of being lost in an accident. You don’t have to be afraid to walk with a terrier without a leash, as he is not prone to running away. If the watchdog qualities of your pet are important, you should choose a Jack Russell Terrier, but if you need a dog with whom you can spend active and fun time, then you should buy a beagle. He gets along well at home and in an apartment due to his high adaptability, but does not become a lap dog.

Otherwise, keeping the breed is simple: dogs are unpretentious in food, rarely get sick, and require minimal grooming. Smooth-haired representatives of the breed are combed 1-2 times a week, while wire-haired representatives are taken for trimming every 3-6 months.

One of the big advantages of beagles is the cleanliness of these dogs and the absence of odor.

Training and education

A comparison of the Jack Russell Terrier and the Beagle shows that both dogs are smart, quite smart and could easily learn commands, but training is complicated by their innate stubbornness. In addition, representatives of both breeds do not like to be submissive. The owner will have to make efforts to ensure that the puppy grows into a well-mannered dog, and not a spoiled or aggressive beast. It is better to prevent unwanted dog behavior than to correct the consequences later.

It is more interesting for the Jack Russell Terrier to exercise, since he simply cannot sit in one place for a long time; training in the form of a game will definitely interest him. Training a beagle will require a lot of effort and patience, as it is a very stubborn breed. Classes should be rich and varied so that the dog finds it interesting.


The difference between a Beagle and a Jack Russell Terrier in terms of health is insignificant - these are long-living dogs. Small Jack Russell Terriers have an average lifespan of 14 to 16 years. Beagles are not far behind and live on average about 15 years.

They are often typically healthy dogs, but like all breeds, there are certain conditions that they may encounter throughout their lives. They are susceptible to genetic diseases including deafness, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, glaucoma and epilepsy. Hip dysplasia is common in small breeds, so Jack Russells and Beagles are at risk of developing the condition. When purchasing a puppy from a breeder, it is a good idea to obtain information about medical clearances for both parents.

Both breeds are prone to gaining excess weight, but a balanced diet and long walks will help avoid this problem.

Jack Russell and Yorkie mix

The Yorkie Russell is a charming small dog (up to 30 cm at the withers), covered with long, soft hair of various colors (from brown-black to black-white-brown).

She has a friendly and fearless character and easily gets along with people and animals.

The Yorkie Russell is excellent for keeping in a city apartment, but does not tolerate cold climates very well..

Also, the future owner should be prepared for the fact that this dog requires increased attention. If she lacks communication with her owner, she will immediately report this with a loud howl and the most destructive behavior.

Leaving her alone for a long time is out of the question.

Yorkies, like all Jack Russell mixes, need regular exercise.

You will have to devote a lot of effort to caring for your pet’s fur, as it often gets tangled and very dirty during walks.

In addition to possible genetic diseases, Yorkies often suffer from dental diseases.

Regular teeth cleaning is recommended (2-3 times a week).

With proper care and comfortable living conditions, the life expectancy of a Yorkie can reach 12-16 years..

Useful video

Brief information about Russian toy:

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The Toy Terrier is a small decorative dog, an ideal companion and companion for lovers of “toy” dogs.

Despite its small stature, the animal is recognized throughout the world due to its charming appearance, centuries-old history of fighting against rats and insects, and its courageous and fearless character.

The popularity of these dogs has led to the emergence of a large number of their varieties. We will talk about them in our article - you will get acquainted with their names and find out what their characteristics and features are.

Mix of Toy Terrier and Jack Russell

Jack Toy is a very sociable and hardy dog ​​of miniature size (up to 26 cm at the withers).

She will be a wonderful friend for children and a faithful companion for an owner leading an active lifestyle.

Overall, this is a very balanced breed.

However, the Jack Toy needs proper education and regular training. This dog, despite its decorative nature, has a bright temperament and an amazing ability to be cunning.

The Jack Toy owner will have to pay special attention to caring for the pet’s teeth and eyes . They are often exposed to all sorts of diseases characteristic of this breed.

Tell us about other popular Jack Russell crosses


This is a designer dog known for its playful and loving nature.

The Jack Chi is poorly adapted to cold climates and is considered exclusively a lap dog . At the same time, we must not forget about his ebullient energy and desire to dominate.

These qualities make training a Jack Chi difficult and require a lot of patience and perseverance from the owner. Otherwise, the pet’s character quickly deteriorates, nervousness and many unpleasant habits appear.

The Jack Chi is prone to dental disease and all sorts of skin and coat problems . However, with constant and proper care, these problems can be avoided.


A cute cross between a Corgi and a Jack Russell Terrier, amusingly combining the appearance of both parents. He is very loyal to all family members and animals, affectionate and tireless in communication.

Does not tolerate loneliness well, shows great anxiety when separated from the owner.

This dog is not prone to loud barking or whining, but is often stubborn.

This dog just loves to learn new tricks and travel.

Her incredible activity constantly requires movement, new experiences and games..


A charming designer dog up to 25 cm tall at the withers and weighing up to 12 kg. It has a long wavy coat that requires serious care.

Jackpoo is easy to care for and quite easy to train..

This is an affectionate and very curious dog that needs exciting walks and a variety of games. Feels great in a large active family with children and pets.

Often such mestizos have serious health problems (epilepsy, hypothyroidism, joint dysplasia) . Therefore, you need to take your choice of breeder seriously. In general, the Jackpu has good health and can live remarkably well up to 13-15 years.

A Brief Review of 9 Common Pug Mixes

The term mestizo refers to the offspring of dogs born as a result of crossing different breeds. Previously, puppies from casual relationships were considered marriage. At the end of the twentieth century, for example, dog handlers crossed a Labrador with a poodle to create a guide dog whose fur does not cause allergies.

This is how mestizos appeared, in the exterior of which traits characteristic of one or both parents appear. Today, designer dog breeding has become widespread throughout the world.

Mixed breeds cannot be considered full-fledged new breeds.

From the article you will find out with whom pugs are crossed, is it possible to predict the appearance and character of future puppies?

Brief video clip of hybrids.


Pugs have a bright appearance and a good-natured character, they are calm and do not cause much trouble to their owners, which is why representatives of this breed are often used for designer selection.

According to veterinarians and geneticists , mestizos acquire a number of positive qualities compared to their parents:

  • less prone to genetic diseases;
  • resistant to other diseases;
  • smarter and easier to train;
  • they have an unusual appearance.

Disadvantages of crossing breeds:

  • it is impossible to predict the size, appearance, character of the offspring;
  • possible nervousness and aggressiveness of mestizos.

The result is more or less predictable when breeds similar in quality and size are taken for crossing.

Here are some designer breeds that are created by crossing a Pug with other types of dogs.

Crossed with Husky

The dimensions of the husky are much larger: height 50 - 60 cm, weight 16 - 23 kg. The breeds are not very similar in appearance and character.

Huskies are not decorative dogs; they need physical activity and jogging.

Hug - this is the name given to a rare mestizo.

He was born to a mother, a Chinese pug, and a father, a Siberian husky. Dad gave the puppy color, blue eyes, good-natured character, mom gave him external features and body structure. These breeds are not specifically crossed.


The Pekingese and the Pug have the same historical roots: both breeds come from ancient China. Both dogs are decorative, they have a flattened, snub-nosed muzzle, so both are prone to snoring. Pekingese are slightly smaller in stature, they have short legs, long hair, which needs to be carefully looked after. Dogs need attention, are jealous, and smart.

For both breeds in China, the same term was used, “waddling,” which characterizes the same gait.

Lo - shi pug (short pug) - this is the name given to the mestizo. The appearance of the mixed-breed puppies is harmonious and attractive. They have good health and stamina. They look like pugs, but their legs are shorter. The character is decisive, like a Pekingese, complacent and optimistic, like a pug.

Unfortunately, such mestizos often have a genetic disease associated with impaired synthesis of growth hormone. The consequence is a decrease in the life expectancy of mestizos.

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested breed itself is unusual in that one litter can contain hairless and downy puppies. Long hair in hairless individuals grows only on the head, ears, tail and paws, while in downy individuals it grows all over the body. The Chinese Crested is slightly smaller in size and weight than the Pug. The dog looks fragile and delicate, its paws are long and thin, its muzzle is elongated.

Good-natured, smart, shy, cannot stand loneliness. Health is good. Belongs to decorative breeds. Khokhlomops (Pugese) is the name given to the mestizo. The dog's appearance is specific: a pug with characteristic folds and tufts of hair.

Since ancient times, representatives of the Chinese Crested breed have been the personification of love and devotion. The Indians endowed them with medicinal properties. With a high degree of probability, the homeland of these dogs is Central America.

Toy Terrier

The Toy Terrier is a decorative dog. A fragile, small, short-haired dog with a sharp muzzle and erect ears. It does not require special care. Both dogs are almost the same in height, but the weight of that terrier is half that of a robust pug.

Terriers are kind and cheerful, but in a moment of danger they will bark loudly and may bite. Their health is excellent. Mixed breeds of these breeds are rare. It is likely that the pug will convey folds, a snub nose, and a strong body.

In medieval England, brave little dogs fought desperately against the rats that infested the cities at that time.

French bulldog

Pug bull or Frug is the name of a mestizo. Representatives of this breed are similar in build, flattened muzzle, folds, but larger.

Unfortunately, these dogs also have similar health problems: obesity due to excessive appetite, breathing problems.

It is predictable that the offspring will have the same problems.


Taxomops is the name of a mestizo who received short legs from a dachshund, and from a pug a compact muscular body, large eyes, folds on the muzzle and a curled tail.


The dachshund is the smallest hunting dog, bred to hunt small animals in holes.

This mestizo has two remarkable features:

  • hypoallergenic, i.e. suitable for people allergic to dog hair;
  • affectionate character and kindness help to become a friend to all family members.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a medium-sized dog with long hair of black, white and brown color. Wool requires constant and careful care. Cannot stand loneliness, calm and devoted. Life expectancy up to 20 years!

It is believed that this small dog comes from ancient Tibet. Translated from ancient Chinese, Shih Tzu means “lion”. According to legend, it was a representative of this breed that accompanied Buddha during his travels and turned into a lion in moments of danger.

It is likely that the offspring when these two breeds are combined will receive a flattened muzzle and folds.

Spitz mix

The Spitz is considered the most barking dog.

The charming fluffy Spitz dog is distinguished by its small stature (on average 20 cm), cleanliness, endurance, and cheerfulness. They live 12 - 14 years and longer.

If a Spitz is crossed with a representative of another breed of the same size, the mestizo inherits good health.


They call him a puggle . This is also an unofficial standard and is advisory in nature, so problems usually arise with official documents. It is not particularly demanding in terms of care and gets along well in an apartment. It is distinguished by its friendliness, non-aggression, playful disposition and high intelligence.


Here are some more photos of these representatives.

Also, you may find the article about a cross between a Chihuahua useful and interesting.

What dog breeds are similar?

Parson Russell Terrier

Until 2001, the Parson Russell Terrier had the same standard as the Jack Russell. These dogs have the same origin, which explains their similarity to each other.

However, now these are completely different breeds with different standards.

The Parson Terrier is higher at the withers and has a more square body outline; Parson's legs are more elongated .

This dog has excellent hunting qualities, but has a more conflicting nature.

Parsons often show aggression towards other animals and strangers.

They adapt to urban living conditions somewhat more difficult than Jack Russells..

Smooth Fox Terrier

A small but very powerful dog (height - up to 39 cm at the withers, weight - up to 8 kg).

It has a muscular but compact build and a dense, straight coat with brown and black spots.

The Fox Terrier is an active, friendly and sociable pet, sometimes quite stubborn . Needs constant attention, new experiences and frequent walks.

Common features

All the main types of toy terriers have one thing in common - they are small decorative “pocket” dogs that are exclusively a companion and friend to humans. Suitable for living in warmth and comfort, at home.


During the cold season, all tois must be worn when going outside.

Common features are also:

  • thin slender legs;
  • compact body with a strong and straight back;
  • active, playful character;
  • obedient animal, trainable, undemanding;
  • loyal to the owner, can warn of danger;
  • friendly, but can show aggression when strangers appear and are treated rudely;
  • fragile, like all dwarf dogs, needs constant attention.

Popular types of mestizos

Mixed breeds are a fairly common type of dog these days. This is a great way to get yourself a pet that has the blood of two noble breeds. The Toy Terrier has also been crossed with other animals.

The most popular mestizos of this breed are traditionally:

Beagle: brief characteristics of the breed

The Beagle is one of the most popular and recognizable breeds. Energetic, balanced dogs can be an excellent choice for lovers of active pastime and families with children. An agile hound with a very good sense of smell develops good speed.

The weight of the animal usually ranges from 8 to 11 kg, height is 33-41 cm. Thick, smooth wool can vary significantly in color, the most common is the classic three-color color (a combination of white, black and red). The legs are short, the ears are soft and long, the eyes are chestnut or hazel.

Most beagles have a friendly character; the dog easily finds a common language with other animals.

Chihuahua mix

These puppies look like both of their parents, but there are pros and cons to keeping them.

The advantages include:

  • low cost. In general, mixed breeds usually cost much less than purebred dogs;
  • Dogs take on the best traits from their parents. Therefore, they are playful, affectionate and loyal;
  • adapts to new conditions much better and faster than representatives of the breeds of its parents.

But there is also one major disadvantage - you will never know in advance what the dog will look like. Only genes will play a role here. This mixture can remain a baby, or it can grow into a three-kilogram dog.

You will be lucky if the muzzle of a grown-up hybrid turns out not to be shortened, but elongated, like that of a toy. This is also a definite plus, because due to the structure of the skull and nose, Chihuahuas often have breathing problems. It must be remembered that these problems result in diseases of the intestinal tract and digestion.

Colors come in a variety of colors, but permanent ones can only be distinguished when the dog is one year old. Mostly it is black or brown with tan, red and sand.

Temperament is slightly different from the parent's, although mostly individual. Mestizos love to play and walk, despite their small size. They are also more lenient with children than with adults. They do not like loneliness and are picky eaters.

In general, their dimensions coincide with those of a toy terrier - 28 cm at the withers and up to 3 kg in weight . Although it happens that babies can weigh 1.5 kg, and their height will be 15-20 cm.

Species by origin (with photographs)

There are several types of toys based on country of origin. Let's look at the most common ones.


It is considered a relatively young breed; the species was officially registered in 2006. The breed itself appeared in the Russian Empire back in the 1800s and is still popular today.

The Russian Toy Terrier as a species was bred in the USSR in the 50s.

Unlike its predecessor, the English Toy, the Russian has a more compact size - up to 26 cm tall and weighing 2-3 kg.

There are dogs with smaller parameters, they are called dwarf or “mini” terriers (height 20 cm, weight 1.5 kg).

Common features inherent in the Russian look:

  • long, thin paws;
  • intelligent appearance, intelligent and attentive look;
  • small head with an elongated muzzle and strong jaws;
  • bulging eyes;
  • pointed ears;
  • high-set tail;
  • used only as a decorative dog-friend and companion;
  • the character is most often playful, cheerful, active and courageous;
  • sometimes the dog can be arrogant and can bark for no reason, he needs to be weaned off this;
  • strong attachment to the owner, constant demand for attention;
  • a protective dog, does not like strangers, warns the owner about the presence of strangers by barking;
  • ideal for apartment living;
  • can relieve himself in the tray, frequent walks are not necessary;
  • prone to hypothermia, in the cold season it is necessary to dress your pet;
  • life expectancy up to 14 years.

Russian Toychiki are constant companions of glamorous ladies and social evenings.

In Moscow in 1957, the Moscow Toy Terrier was bred on the basis of the Russian breed, and it is distinguished as a separate species.

Distinctive features of the species:

  • elegant appearance;
  • long, shiny coat (up to 5 cm);
  • pointed muzzle;
  • toned torso;
  • hanging ears with fringe;
  • In addition to standard colors, the color can be light gray or red with any impurities.


Sometimes the long-haired Russian Toy Terrier is called Chinese due to the high prevalence of this species in China, the organization of frequent exhibitions and the active work of breeders in propagating the breed. In general, it is not much different from the Russian toy.


The English species is the ancestor of the breed. This is a smaller copy of the Manchester Terrier with all the qualities inherent in terriers - agility, intelligence, courage and loyalty.

The first mention of English toy terriers was recorded in the 16th century; a full description of the breed was presented already in the 18th century. The breed was bred to hunt rats and successfully coped with its task. Later, the dog became a favorite of the aristocracy and moved into the rooms of society ladies.

It is often confused with the Russian Toy Terrier, but the two species have a huge temporary difference in origin and there are differences in external and psychological characteristics.

Let's look at the main features of the English look:

  • dimensions - height from 25 to 30 cm, weight from 2.5 to 3.6 kg;
  • a strong individual with a keen sense of smell and a tenacious grip;
  • narrow head, elongated muzzle, erect ears;
  • the coat is short, thick and close to the body;
  • For purebred breeds, only black and tan color is acceptable;
  • need frequent walks, love to play with their owner in the fresh air;
  • dogs are loyal, faithful, but sometimes too wayward, even stubborn. Requires training starting from a very early age;
  • may not get along well with young children due to their nervous nature and susceptibility to stress;
  • need constant but moderate physical activity;
  • On average they live 12 years.


This individual comes from the USA. Representatives of this species descended from the English Toy and are classified as smooth-haired dogs. The American, otherwise known as the Toy Fox Terrier, has been known since 1936, but has not yet received recognition from the Federation Cynologique Internationale.

In the blood of this variety there are such breeds as the English Toy Terrier, Smooth Fox Terrier and Chihuahua.

The main features of the American Toy:

  • small sizes - height 24-25 cm and weight 1.5-3.5 kg;
  • This is a strong representative of the breed, but not devoid of grace, endowed by nature with expressive black eyes, smooth shiny coat and large ears tapered upward;
  • The distinctive feature of this species is its color. The body is predominantly white, while the head and tail have black and red spots;
  • complex character - these pets love to dominate;
  • characterized by hyperactivity and playfulness;
  • need frequent walks and active games;
  • this type of toy is practically not susceptible to genetic and chronic diseases inherent in dwarf dogs;
  • life expectancy is about 14 years.


The Japanese Toy Terrier is an extremely rare species, or rather an endangered one. It can hardly be seen at exhibitions even in his homeland.

This variety is also called Nihon Terrier and Oyuki Terrier. The second one is also called pocket, as it has miniature dimensions.

Distinctive features of representatives of the species:

  • large size compared to other toys - height 30-35 cm, and weight reaches 4-6 kg;
  • distinctive three-color color - the body is white and the head is black-brown;
  • The Japanese terrier is distinguished by cleanliness, a companionable disposition, and attentiveness;
  • excitable, active disposition;
  • small pointed head, narrow flat forehead, oval, dark eyes;
  • the coat is dense, short, thick;
  • the most fearless of all in appearance, if necessary, he immediately rushes into battle;
  • loves the whole family, without singling out any one;
  • is easy to train and can even perform tricks;
  • needs private active games;
  • Life expectancy is on average 10-12 years.


Full name: German Jagdterrier.

This breed of dog is similar in some external characteristics to the English Toy Terrier, but the huge difference is that these individuals are not used as decorative companions, but as a hunting type of dog. They are much larger in size than toys, their height is 30-40 cm, and their weight is up to 10 kg.

Dachshund mix

Puppies of these breeds grow up to be quite unpredictable. You can never guess which parent they will be like. Most often they inherit short legs from the dachshund, and the color is standard black and tan, although there may be exceptions.

Such dogs are always short-haired. The position of the ears also cannot be guessed, but only in rare cases do they stand up, like in toy terriers. Basically they are in a hanging position, which indicates the predominance of dachshund genes. The body of the mestizo may be slightly elongated, but not critical. Often this feature does not manifest itself at all.

Types by coat type

According to the type of coat, all toy terriers are divided into two large groups - smooth-haired and long-haired. As a rule, Russian Toys have long-haired representatives.


Today this is the most common and popular type and does not require additional care for the cover.

The fur of representatives of the species is short, but thick, dense, evenly distributed over the body. The cover is velvety with a noble tint.


The length of the fur of these individuals reaches up to 5 cm. A distinctive feature is also the presence of fringe on the ears, which gives them a special charm. The muzzle area and the front parts of the paws are covered with short hair.

There is a variety of colors of this type:

  • black;
  • chocolate;
  • ginger;
  • platinum.

Jack Russell Terrier mix

These dogs are very similar to Jack Russells , only more sophisticated and graceful. In most cases, if the Jack Russell is long-haired, then most of the puppies inherit a long coat. Mixed breeds have a variety of colors - they can be white with spots, or plain.

The paws of the crossbreed are shortened, but they themselves are slightly larger in the shape of a toy terrier. In this case, the Jack Russell genes turn out to be largely dominant.

Dogs have a hyperactive character. They need to walk and play a lot, otherwise they start trashing the house. This hybrid loves children and does not offend them. But hypertrophied nervousness and fear of loneliness can pass from a toy to a dog, although this rarely happens.

Dogs in general turn out to be cheerful, active and very loyal. Due to their activity, you should not let them off the leash until you are sure that the dog will not go anywhere.

This hybrid has the habit of digging holes and also gnawing on various objects lying on the floor. To keep him occupied for a while and protect his furniture and belongings, you will need to spend a long time educating him, and also stock up on a large assortment of toys.

They are slightly larger in size than Jack Russells. Their height is about 30-32 cm, and their weight is about 4 kg.

Due to hyperactivity, many breeders do not breed such mixed breeds. Recently, the demand for them has subsided.

Pros and cons of hybrids

Mixed husky and shepherd, pit bull, wolf, malamute, pug and others

Mixed breeds of purebred dogs have their advantages over individuals of the original species:

  • Hybrids have high immunity and fewer hereditary diseases. This characteristic has developed due to interspecific crossing, in which the defects of the breed overlap.
  • Wool from designer breeds does not cause allergies. Cynologists strived for this quality when they knitted different types.
  • The character of mestizos is more docile than that of purebred dogs. By combining two contrasting breeds, experts hope that the worst behavioral traits will be smoothed out.

When breeding hybrid dogs, breeders are faced with their disadvantages. The result of crossbreeding can be dogs that have acquired hereditary diseases from one of the generations of their ancestors. The temperament of an animal cannot be predicted. A litter may produce puppies prone to aggression and mistrust.

Cross between dachshund and mongrel

Unfortunately, not many breeders are interested in hybrids. In people's minds, designer breeds are the same as mutts.

Mixed dogs, including dachshunds, have been bred for many years. You should take a closer look at the crossbreed; perhaps a mixed-blood dog will become a good friend and win the hearts of the household no less than a purebred dog.

Maltese mix

These mixed-breed dogs are very cute in appearance, and their character is the most compromising of all the declared mixed-breed dogs.

Adult dogs have long hair and are very similar in appearance to Yorkshire terriers. The color of Toy Terriers is dominant, but white spots on the coat still remain in most cases. Most often in the muzzle area, on the chest and paws.

The dogs are very friendly and affectionate in nature and are good with children. They inherited gullibility from lapdogs, so when walking you should be very careful and monitor what your pet is doing.

Despite their friendliness, the crossbreed can be very touchy. She will never tolerate it if you suddenly start yelling at her or even accidentally touch her and hurt her. You will have to beg for forgiveness with affection or treats for a very long time.

Among the features of care, only timely combing of the coat is distinguished. In this mestizo, it can be quite long, which is why unsightly tangles can form, and the fur can also become matted from dirt and dust.

They do not differ in size from other mestizos - height is about 30 cm and weight on average is 3-3.5 kg.

What breeds are similar to the Toy Terrier?

Many small breeds look alike at first glance. If you are not satisfied with the Toy Terrier's character, then you can choose someone who is similar in appearance but has a different temperament.

Here are dogs that are similar in appearance to toy:

When choosing a dog, base it primarily on its temperament. It should completely suit you and your rhythm of life.

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