Training Alabai at home - age to start training

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or as it is also called Alabai, has the abbreviated name SAO. Representatives of this breed have innate intelligence and are able to instantly respond to the owner’s command. But despite this, if the owner lacks leadership qualities, the dog may simply stop obeying. Therefore, the right approach is very important. Proper training of the Alabai will allow you to accustom the wayward dog to discipline and teach him to unquestioningly carry out all human commands.

The mesmerizing grandeur of alabai

Character and temperament

For Alabai, education and training are links in one chain. But nature’s inherent stubbornness does not always allow the dog to carry out all the owner’s commands.

The main character traits of the Central Asian Shepherd are considered to be calmness and absolute affection for humans.
In a private home, the dog will happily communicate with children and, as a rule, ignore the animals living in the area, but will not tolerate strangers. Remember! It is impossible to wean the CAO from protecting the territory entrusted to it, since protecting the perimeter of the site is “in its blood.”
Alabai is famous for its extreme tranquility. The dog owner and his family are guaranteed safety. The main feature of the breed was affection. At the same time, Alabai treat strangers and animals with suspicion. Another character trait is that the owner will hear the Alabai barking only in case of danger. The dog will not be a so-called bell that constantly yapping to no avail.

But there are also bad habits of the Alabai, which are quite difficult to fight. These include pride and asinine stubbornness. To raise an adequate, obedient dog at home, you will need constant training and education of the Alabai.

A child's friendship with an Asian will last forever

How to train

Training an Alabai at home implies a feeling of calm and confidence that should emanate from the owner. If a person fails to immediately take the place of leader of the pack, then it will be very difficult to correct this situation.

Advice! For a novice dog breeder, an excellent way out of the situation is to watch special online lessons before training an Alabai.

Raising an Alabai puppy should be based on learning basic commands. You should be taught to do the following without question:

  • "to me";
  • "near";
  • "sit";
  • "lie";
  • "stand";
  • "take a walk";
  • "place".

An important condition is that all commands should be studied only in turn. It is not known how long it will take for SAO to master basic commands, but they will remember them forever, since the memorization process is quite slow, but it is literally “imprinted into the subcortex.”

The training process should begin in puppyhood.

Education at home

Many people wonder how to raise Alabai at home. The main thing is the absence of any distracting objects and, especially, strangers. That is, it is necessary to remove all toys and turn off sounds that may interfere.

In the first months of life, the puppy must clearly learn the command “Place!” This could be an enclosure or special bedding. But the main thing is to achieve its unquestioning execution. It is very important to teach your dog the command “Ugh!” It will help protect your pet from ingesting foods whose origin is unknown. It is also unacceptable to allow the dog to take or pick up other people's things.

Remember! Treats are often planted on the street specifically to poison the animal.

There is also a list of commands that should be practiced while walking on the street. For example, the “Barrier!” command is suitable for overcoming obstacles. Teams "Fu!" and “Come to me!” used to control your pet. Another important addition to the basics of training is the “Road!” command. The owner must voice it whenever he crosses the road with his pet.

Attention! What an adult dog will be like depends on how to raise an Alabai puppy. That is why the first year of life is the most important in the formation of the personality of the SAO.

With a dog handler

Alabai is a large and strong dog. Not every owner is able to raise her himself. Working in tandem with a professional trainer will speed up the training process and improve the interaction between dog and person. The optimal age to obtain the most effective results is a puppy under 12 months. It is important to understand that “Asians” are quite aggressive; only a competent dog handler can redirect this energy in the right direction.

Education from 2 months

Most often, puppies are separated from their mother at the age of 2 months, and they go to their owners. From this moment it is necessary to begin training.

Important! When rehoming a puppy, it is advisable to take an item from its old habitat. The smell of his mother will help him get used to the new place and cope with stress.

The main rule when raising an Alabai is restraint. Representatives of this breed perceive sharp sounds and movements as weakness on the part of a person, and therefore will not respect him. If it is necessary to punish an animal, you should not resort to hitting and screaming; a sufficient measure would be to say “No!” or “Ugh!” and shake it a little by the scruff of the neck.

Learning commands should be carried out sequentially, because understanding them takes Alabais much longer than other breeds. But when the dog masters certain commands, he will subsequently carry them out flawlessly. The owner should be patient and devote as much time as possible to their pet.

The dog must firmly understand that all commands, without exception, must be followed. Feeling the slightest relaxation in his direction, the alabai will begin to be mischievous and allow himself to disobey. During training, the dog should feel confident and calm in its owner.

Reference! Alabais are characterized by slow maturation. Until the age of three, a dog is considered underdeveloped. That is why the first matings occur later than in other breeds.

Basic rules of training

The main rule is that the Central Asian Shepherd cannot be beaten. She perceives such behavior as human weakness. In this case, the owner will hardly be able to take the place of leader. Due to the fact that Alabai are aggressive towards other dogs, they can only be trained one at a time.

How long to train

Depending on the age of the pet, the duration of classes is determined. For example, a 2-3 month old puppy should not be overloaded. 7-10 minutes a day is enough. In the future, as you grow older, the lesson time can be increased.

Important! If the dog is not in the mood or is clearly tired, it is necessary to stop the activity and return to it only when it has rested.

Training is best done outdoors

Rewards and punishments

The process of raising a Central Asian Shepherd should be built on three basic principles:

  • Verbal praise for your pet.
  • Coercion to complete a task. It is strictly forbidden to let the dog go until it carries out the command given to it.
  • Reprimand by voice for failure to comply with this command. In some cases, it is recommended to use force, but it is strictly forbidden to hurt the dog.

Attention! You need to scold your dog immediately after committing an offense. Even after several minutes it will be useless, since she simply will not understand why she was punished.

What should be prohibited

There are a number of immutable rules that a dog should not be allowed to break:

  • The owner can take the pet's bowl or toy at any time.
  • The dog should sleep only in its designated place.
  • Aggression towards any family member is unacceptable.
  • The dog can only give voice on command or when performing security functions.
  • Security of objects should be carried out only upon command.

Training an adult Alabai at home and on the street

Basic commands can be taught to an Asian in a home environment. The process should be calm, without distractions. To do this, turn off household appliances and the TV so that the dog concentrates only on the speaker’s voice. The commands “Lie down!”, “Sit!”, “Stand!” are best learned indoors.

The puppy is taught the name through play or feeding. The nickname is also pronounced while stroking. But you should not use the dog’s name when you need to call him to silence or calm him down.

The “Place” command is used to calm the puppy down and get rid of the inconvenience it causes. To do this, they make a special rug designed for the dog. On command, he must take his territory, sit or lie down on the mat.

Team "Ugh!" it is needed so that the alabai does not touch things that could harm him. After pronouncing the word, the object picked up by the dog is carefully pulled out of the mouth. To correct the dog's behavior pattern and instill appropriate reflexes, reward treats are used throughout the practice.

There are such commands that are convenient to teach in an open space:

  1. The basic ones are “Come to me!” and “Ugh!” Their implementation does not depend on external factors, be it the presence of extraneous cats or birds.
  2. The “Road” team will protect the Asian from passing traffic. It must be worked out even if there is no traffic and the route is empty.
  3. The “barrier” is performed only in outdoor conditions, since a dog that is too large will not turn around at home.
  4. On the street they train a shepherd to climb the stairs.

When to start learning commands

A novice dog breeder must clearly understand that training should begin exactly at the moment when the dog crosses the threshold of its new home. First of all, it is necessary to clearly indicate that the owner is in charge, otherwise the dog simply will not obey.

To avoid aggression towards other family members, it is necessary to make it clear to the dog that he is last in the hierarchical ladder. Many people make an unforgivable mistake and do not take this rule into account. Despite the fact that the puppy is still very small, the lack of prohibitions will lead to complete disobedience in adulthood.

Important! Any manifestation of physical impact will lead to the rooting of the dog’s aggression towards people, including the owner.

What needs to be vaccinated first?

An emotional connection with the owner is established immediately and unquestioningly. The first thing to consider is that only the owner is allowed to pet, feed or encourage the puppy. The dog should not have any contact with strangers, even family members, until the owner is recognized as a puppy.

The first commands that a puppy must carry out flawlessly in the first six months of life are the commands: “Near!”, “Stand!”, “No!”, “Place!”, “Come to me!”, “Teeth!”. The puppy must calmly accept and wear the muzzle.

Where to start training

The process of training a puppy begins at two months. This includes feeding and walking. Also during this period, it is necessary to accustom the pet to the collar. Next you need to achieve submission.

For information! An interesting fact is that the alabai clearly distinguishes intonation changes in the owner’s voice. Thanks to a stern voice and slightly increased intonation, you can achieve the task.

The best place for an Asian to be outside of training is an enclosure

It is possible to achieve complete obedience only up to 9 months; then you just need to hone and consolidate the knowledge acquired earlier.

Remembering your nickname

The process of remembering a nickname is the first task for a puppy. It should not be modified. When a response from the dog appears and it reacts, it needs to be rewarded.

Toilet training a puppy

To train your dog to go to the designated place to go to the toilet, you need to spread diapers or newspapers around the room. Every time the puppy goes to the toilet in the diaper, he should be praised. Gradually it is necessary to reduce the number of such places until only one remains. If the puppy went to the toilet outside, he should also be rewarded.

Behavior on the street

To speed up the socialization process, the puppy should be taken along a new route every day. If another dog tries to offend your pet while out for a walk, it must be protected. Thanks to this, a trusting relationship will forever be formed between the owner and the dog.

Until 6 months, the dog must be walked exclusively on a harness. And only after six months of age can you begin the process of getting used to the collar and leash.

Remember! It is prohibited to walk dogs without a muzzle in public places.

It is forbidden to remove the muzzle on the street

Basic Commands

You can begin to study basic commands only if you have completely completed the basic course. The “Nearby” command implies that the pet is on the left side of the owner. At the moment when a person gives a command, he must pull the leash and pull it. Loosening the leash should be done gradually.

The command “Sit” is given to the dog and at this moment a treat is shown. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to apply a little pressure to the pet in the sacrum area. The treat should be given only after the alabai completes the task. In order for an Asian to comply with the “Stand” command, it is necessary to use a method of coercion. To do this, pull the leash up.

For information! All dogs carry out the “Walk” command with maximum pleasure, the main thing is that they have a long leash.

How to train an Alabai for various purposes

The training method directly depends on the tasks assigned to the pet. They are initially guards, since in principle their main function is the protection of pastures and livestock. In order for an Alabai to become not just a security guard, but also perform work functions, it will take quite a long time to train him.

Working in the pasture

Herding qualities for working in the pasture must begin to be cultivated from 2 months. To do this, the farmer should take the baby with him to field work and allow him to study the pasture. Only when all the commands have been mastered, it is necessary to begin training the “Drive” command. At this time, it is important to carefully monitor that the alabai does not grab the sheep, but only drives them.

Guarding the herd is the primary task of this dog.

For security

Security functions are best taught in Asia by a specialist. The dog handler will teach the dog not only to guard the perimeter entrusted to him, but also to pursue the trespasser. Another function that needs to be instilled in a guard pet is protection of the owner.

Human mistakes when training an Alabai puppy

The main mistake is the owner biting the puppies during play. It is important to understand that the dog grows very quickly and such pranks can have very serious consequences. At the first sign of aggression, the baby should be grabbed by the withers and shaken a little. In this way the mother punishes the puppy.

Proper feeding

Feed your pet ready-made dry food and natural products.

Give the cubs liquid food. The first feeding is in the morning at about seven, the last is after 12 hours. Do not give bones to babies: the puppy’s stomach will get hurt and bleeding will occur.

Carefully introduce a new dish in small portions, so as not to provoke an allergy.

Possible diet for Alabai:

  • Lean meats: veal, beef.
  • By-products are allowed 2 times a week.
  • Soups with vegetables and cereals in meat broth.
  • Cereal porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.
  • Fermented milk dishes, eggs.

Add vitamins and mineral complexes that promote proper development and health.

Tips from a dog handler

Dog handlers recommend following some tips that will help in raising a Central Asian Shepherd:

  • The command must always be executed.
  • A given and executed command must be canceled by the next one.
  • Commands based on the prohibition method should be studied together with permissive ones.

Alabai, with proper upbringing and competent training, can become not only the most faithful comrade, but also a real member of the family. But it is important to understand that the Central Asian Shepherd is a dangerous breed and before you take it into your home, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

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