Herding dogs: TOP 15 breeds with photos, names and descriptions

During the era of agricultural development, livestock was the most valuable property for people. Its loss due to theft or killing by wild animals could result in the death of an entire family left without food.

The role of protector was taken on by herding dogs, the best of which have survived to this day. Thanks to their developed intelligence and extraordinary devotion to humans, many of them were eventually retrained as service dogs and companions.

History of the origin and development of herding dogs

Shepherd dog breeds have been used to guard sheep and other farm animals since the beginning of cattle breeding. The domestication of wild artiodactyls was carried out by nomads traveling through Western Asia. In those days, a number of important requirements were put forward to four-legged defenders:

  • presence of strength, courage and determination;
  • big size;
  • an innate distrust of strangers;
  • readiness to defend the entrusted herd, regardless of the severity of the injuries received.

These qualities were used to repel the attacks of wolves, bears and other dangerous predators, as well as to prevent theft by people from warring tribes. The dogs bred by nomads quickly spread throughout Europe, where new varieties appeared as a result of crossing with local breeds.

With the development of agriculture and the growth of cities, the number of wild animals has sharply decreased. The share of land with crops has also increased, which has given rise to a new problem. Straying cattle began to cause serious damage to vegetables and fruits.

To the four-legged guard dogs we had to add those that guide the herd - smaller and more active shepherd dogs. They were entrusted with driving the flock and driving it into special enclosures, as well as searching for and returning animals that had strayed along the way.

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

The owner of luxurious fur and high intelligence, the collie looks more beautiful in reality than in the photo. At first she tended flocks of sheep and guarded peasant children, and then the royals paid attention to her and she turned into a luxury pet. Today, the collie is ready to fulfill any of these roles and is not averse to working as a bloodhound for the police. The peak of popularity of the Scottish Collie began after the release of the film “Lassie”. In Russia there are more than 10 nurseries for breeding Scottish collies. The price of a puppy ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Historical fact: a collie once saved a distillery from a fire and immortalized its name on the label of Scotch whiskey.

General features and characteristics of herding dogs

Depending on their purpose, all four-legged shepherds are divided into 2 large groups: guard dogs and dogs that manage the herd. They differ from each other not only in their behavior, but also in their appearance:

  1. Sentinels. They are endowed with large dimensions (30-55 kg), hanging ears, white or gray color, allowing them to blend in with the herd. Focused on protection from predators and intruders. Livestock are treated like family.
  2. Managers. They have small sizes (10-20 kg), erect or semi-erect ears and spotted colors. Focused on working with people. They help him with grazing, pushing goats and sheep in the right direction by barking and biting their legs.

Regardless of their working skills, animals from both groups share a number of common characteristics. These include:

  • dense wool that protects from getting wet, high and low temperatures;
  • acute vision and hearing, helping to timely detect an enemy or an animal that has strayed from the herd;
  • loyal attitude towards livestock;
  • endurance, making long trips over rough terrain easier;
  • developed pigmentation of mucous membranes, paw pads and eyelids, preventing burning under the scorching sun;
  • high intelligence, simplifying training;
  • fearlessness before the enemy and devotion to man.


According to the FCI classification, herding and cattle dogs are included in group 1, as well as in section 3 of group 2.

The latter includes Swiss breeds, including the famous dog named Baron from the TV series “Happy Together”.

How to choose a puppy

First of all, when choosing a new friend, you need to carefully study the characteristics of the breed. The animal's temperament and habits must correspond to the conditions of detention.

In addition, the puppy must meet all the requirements and standards of the selected breed. Do not have obvious defects (for example, rickets or color inconsistency). This does not mean that such a puppy cannot become a devoted friend. But it will not be possible to participate in exhibitions with him and obtain breeder status.

For those who are getting a dog for the first time or do not have sufficient experience in a particular breed, it is advisable to purchase puppies from specialized nurseries. It is better if it is a nursery of one breed. In this case, you don’t have to worry about document compliance and having all the necessary vaccinations.

TOP 15 herding dog breeds

Among the most famous and popular herding dog breeds, there are 15 species. Many owners have them as companions, so the four-legged animals show working qualities towards children. Because of this, they are often entrusted with the role of nanny.

Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

This herding dog is notable for its marbled coloration and expressive eyes. The thickness of its fur depends on the region of residence. The colder the climate, the denser and softer the undercoat.

Friendly Aussies quickly find a common language with any animal and are never the first to bully. Only a direct threat to the life of their beloved owner can make them angry. In this case, the Aussie rushes to help without hesitation, regardless of the age and gender of the attacker.


First place for the most unusual appearance should be given to the dreadlocked Komondor. Its cord-like wool not only gives it a resemblance to a sheep, but also reliably protects its body from mechanical damage.

The Komondor is very selective in its relationships with people. Around his family he is as phlegmatic and relaxed as possible, but in the presence of strangers he immediately becomes extremely suspicious and tense.


Komondors are never the first to get into a fight, so absolutely anyone can enter the territory entrusted to them.


The Beauceron is a typical defender, prone to dominance. He recognizes only one family member as leader and is completely unsuitable for newcomers. He has a special love for children, since they all more closely resemble defenseless sheep.

The appearance of the Beauceron is something between a Rottweiler and a Doberman. This dog also has shiny fur and well-developed muscles. Thanks to the tight fit of the coat, any weight gain is noticeable even without control weighing.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The calling card of this charming giant dog is a wide and good-natured smile. Despite its large dimensions, it is quite possible to keep a mountain dog in an apartment. Of all the herding dog breeds, he has the calmest and most balanced character.

Phlegmatic adult Mountain Dogs over 2 years of age are very different from inquisitive and slightly careless puppies. They love to sleep and quickly get tired from too active games.


The body of the bobtail is covered with thick, shaggy gray-white hair. According to the standard, it should curl in small curls.

Due to their innate friendliness, bobtails are completely unsuitable for the role of bodyguards. They are used only to protect the territory in order to warn a person about an intruder. Deliberate mutilation on the part of a bobtail is a good reason to doubt the purity of its origin.

Border Collie

If you are looking for a smart and obedient pet, feel free to choose a border collie. According to these indicators, it ranks first among all known quadrupeds. The Border Collie is not prone to dominant behavior and is very enthusiastic about learning new things. Even children succeed in training it.

Despite the amazing charm and intellectual inclinations, the appearance of the Border Collie is quite ordinary. Only individuals with a marble color and expressive sky-blue eyes have a special charm.

Welsh Corgi

Despite their short legs, Welsh Corgis are also herding dogs. The appearance and character of these four-legged animals differ depending on the species.


The “low stance” of the Welsh Corgi is a natural defense against the wrath of herbivorous charges. Cows bitten on the legs instinctively defend themselves with their hoofs, but invariably miss due to the size of the offender.

Cardigans are larger than Pembrokes and have more developed working qualities. If you are looking for a cheerful companion dog, it would be more logical to adopt a less serious and more playful Pembroke.

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are the most popular four-legged pets. They are actively used by customs, police and search and rescue operations. If you are not well versed in breeds, then you will still recognize the “German” without additional clues.

German Shepherds are good not only at serious work, but also at communicating with children. They are often purchased as a first pet.


These herding dogs are notable for their elongated muzzle, charming, sly look and luxurious coat. According to the standard, the maximum hair length is achieved on the chest, paws and tail.

Collies are ideal pets for lonely people. Their talkativeness can tire even their neighbors. If you need an interlocutor, then you cannot find a better candidate.


The most famous collie is the pet of Englishwoman Evelyn Brown, named Taffy. He lived 27 years and 313 days.


The appearance of the Sheltie is almost identical to the Collie. The only obvious difference is the more modest dimensions.

Shelties show true love only for one owner, whom they take to be the center of the universe. When raising them, it is important not to forget about their natural shyness and vulnerability. In addition to loneliness, any severe punishment puts a Sheltie into a state of deep depression.


Schipperke is the smallest representative of his group. Its average weight is only 4-6 kg.

Despite its cute appearance, the Schipperke is a real bundle of energy. His inquisitive nose constantly gets involved in adventures, and his cocky disposition prevents him from walking without a leash.

Bouvier des Flanders

One of the nicknames of this large and formidable herding dog is “Belgian bear”. This comparison is explained by the presence of coarse shaggy fur, innate fearlessness and impressive strength.

In the family circle, Bouviers des Flandres are slow and sluggish. They save all their energy in case of a collision with the enemy. Fussiness and hyperactivity are observed only in puppyhood.

South Russian Shepherd

The shaggy and clumsy-looking “Yuzhaks” are often confused with bobtails. Despite some sluggishness, a rather athletic body is hidden under a cottony layer of wool. Thanks to their innate dexterity, representatives of this breed are used by circus performers.

“Yuzhaks” are born guards. When defending territory, they without hesitation even attack children who decide to steal a couple of apples from the garden.

“Unlike most guard dogs, South Russian Shepherds do not attack the enemy directly. They drive him into a corner, biting his legs.

Belgian Shepherd

Despite their heavy weight, the “Belgians” are graceful and elegant. The standard provides for as many as 4 varieties: Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois, Tervuren. They differ in the length and structure of their coat, as well as their character.

Groenendaal is a typical watchman, distrustful of strangers from birth. The character of a Laekenois depends on his mood, as he combines the most contradictory traits. The Malinois is the most balanced and obedient, while the Tervuren, on the contrary, is the most impulsive and independent.


The Briard is a French cattle dog with a shaggy coat and wild bangs. A slightly careless and rustic appearance is the result of painstaking selection work to preserve the original appearance of the quadruped.

Briards have a jealous and touchy character. Any attention to other animals causes them sharp displeasure, so it is recommended to keep these four-legged animals in splendid isolation.


The Irish Terrier is energetic and friendly - it jumps high and runs at speeds of up to 40 km/h. The dog is so devoted to his owner that he is ready to give his life for him. He perceives family members as a flock that needs to be protected and protected. He is wary of strangers in the house, vigilantly observing their behavior.

A terrier can get along with a cat if he lives with her from puppyhood. In other cases, you should not have other animals together with the terrier.

It is especially dangerous for rodents and birds - the hunter's instinct makes itself felt.

Bravery is the hallmark of the “red devil.” Without knowing fear, he can attack even an opponent much larger in size. Irish fights often end sadly for them - especially if the owners make no attempt to separate the pets.

The Irish Terrier's energy can be used for hunting or sports such as agility or Frisbee. He is very focused and persistent in achieving his goals.

The terrier's temperament wins the hearts of children and adults. The dog is artistic and capable of performing incredible tricks. His intelligence allows him to perform complex exercises, and his independence adds zest to the performance.

Irish Terrier: photo and description of the breed

Pros and cons of herding dogs

The herding dog breeds listed above have a number of advantages. These include:

  • beautiful physique;
  • thick and warm coat, suitable for keeping in an enclosure;
  • a weak hunting instinct, which makes it easier to live together with other animals - and some “shepherds” even look after their smaller brothers;
  • an innate distrust of strangers, important for protecting home and property;
  • unquestioning devotion to the owner, excluding disobedience.

There are also disadvantages. Many four-legged shepherds are very massive. In an ordinary city apartment they will be cramped and uncomfortable, and because of their strong barking they can cause discontent among neighbors.

Particular attention should be paid to increased activity. Shepherd dogs are suitable for owners who love sports and travel. If you value peace of mind and prefer not to leave the house again, then it is better not to buy such a pet.

Border Collie

One of the best "shepherdess" and the smartest breed in the world. Border is the dream of any dog ​​owner; she is capable of learning and remembering more than 25 commands on the fly. Works as a shepherd independently, without human intervention. He distinguishes each sheep by smell and knows how to get along with them. What distinguishes them from ordinary collies is their appearance. Borders cannot boast of special beauty and look like ordinary black and white dogs that can be found in any village. The uniqueness of their work can be seen in various show programs, as well as in the film “Babe”. In Russian nurseries, the price of a border collie puppy ranges from 25 to 50 thousand rubles.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

Large and strong dogs helped Asians herd flocks of sheep in the mountains and guarded their homes. Alabai is a serious dog with a restive character. He can be an affectionate friend in the family and formidable with uninvited guests. They were once exhibited in dog fights, so the qualities of a warrior and a winner remain in the blood of many puppies. Alabai is a popular breed for guarding objects and country houses. There are more than two hundred breeding nurseries, including abroad. The price of a puppy from the Russian Federation is from 30 thousand rubles, and the pet class is from 10 thousand. rubles They can often be seen in films about the war in Afghanistan, as well as in the cinema of Asian countries. Films with the participation of Alabai: “Okhlamon”, “Boatswain”, “Makar the Pathfinder”.

Rules for keeping pets

All pets of herding breeds are kept in enclosures or spacious pavilions; it is not advisable to keep them on a chain, and their large size will not allow them to live with you in an apartment. Dogs love long walks, fresh air, exercise, and are not averse to hunting and observing their surroundings. Thick and dense wool will not allow the pet to freeze in cold weather and cold; for insulation, it is enough to add hay to the kennel.

When raising a puppy, you should be strict and reward him with goodies for positive achievements in training. Try to walk the puppy in public places to accustom it to society; in adulthood, it is necessary to have a muzzle and a strong leash. Remember, full maturation and maturation lasts up to two years, during this period the pet may behave atypically, be patient and do not stop training.

Interesting Facts

  • Aggression as a character trait is absent in the Alabai dog at the genetic level, since Central Asian shepherds regularly culled vicious dogs of this breed for a long period.
  • The armored ancestors of modern mastiffs took part in battles with the Persians as part of the huge army of Alexander the Great.
  • Due to the aggressive and vicious nature of the English bulldog, in the 19th century there was an opinion that these dogs could only be kept by criminals.
  • Due to the development of railways, Rottweilers as “butcher” dogs lost their importance so much that at a dog show in Germany in 1881, only 1 Rottweiler was presented.
  • When a Boxer dog gets into a playful mood, it moves its paws as if boxing. Hence the name of the breed.
  • A monument was erected in Paris in 1899 to the famous St. Bernard Barry, who saved 40 people.
  • At the rescue stations of many reservoirs, magnificent swimmer dogs, Landseers, serve and help save people.



The shaggy English Bobtail is a friend to sheep and a threat to wolves. Many times he emerged victorious from a fight with a gray predator. In ordinary life, bobtails are not aggressive and have become favorite pets of many families. Their shepherd service is a thing of the distant past, but they have not lost their instinct and are ready to look after all family members around the clock. “Shaggy nannies” have a special affection for children and will never offend them. The breed is rare, the price of a puppy reaches $3000. Nurseries are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Yekaterinburg. Bobtail is a screen star, he is often featured in food commercials, and the films “The Taming of the Shrew” and “Cats and Dogs” were filmed with his participation.

In fact, there are many more herding dogs in the world. Almost every corner of the globe where there is a need to herd herds has its own breed. France, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Belgium, Ireland - they all boast their own “shepherds”. In Australia and Scotland alone there are about five varieties. They all have one quality in common - they are incredibly devoted to people.


Hungarian by birth, owner of an incredible hairstyle. Puli is overgrown with long hair that curls into strands. Because of her disheveled appearance, she is called a “mop.” She does an excellent job as a shepherd, knows how to guard the house and play with children. "The Hungarian Shepherdess" is smart, but a little stubborn. He has excellent sense of smell and sharp eyesight, despite the fact that his eyes are not visible from under his bangs. A few nurseries and breeders in the Russian Federation offer bullets for sale at a price of 40-50 thousand rubles.


Another Hungarian breed of herding dogs with admixtures of German blood. Moody is distinguished by excessive activity and excellent memory. It is used as a herd dog, watchman and hunter, who copes with all tasks perfectly. Communication with a person comes first for her. She is very affectionate, friendly and sociable. Ready to shepherd everyone at all times, including pets and children. You can buy a Mudi puppy at the Samolla kennel (St. Petersburg). The cost of a show category pet is 50 thousand rubles, the pet class costs half as much.

Bernese Mountain Dog (Bernese Shepherd)

This gorgeous “shepherdess” comes from Switzerland. It is enough to look once at a photo of a Bernese Mountain Dog to fall in love with her once and for all. She received the status of “the most beautiful dog in the world” for her aristocratic appearance and elegant exterior. Local farmers used these dogs to herd and guard ungulates. The Bernese is distinguished by strength, endurance, calm character and obedience. In Russia, breeders offer show-class puppies for sale at a price of 50-70 thousand rubles. Bernese dogs love to appear in video clips and films, with their participation you can watch films: “Happy Together”, “Hello Fools”, “Equilibrium”, “Everyone is Crazy About Mary”, “Shaggy Special Forces”, “Sacred Cause”, “ Return of Mukhtar."

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