Raising a Jack Russell Terrier: How to Cope with a Little Hurricane

The Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting dog with a highly developed instinct of pursuit and is also distinguished by its stubbornness.

Yes, he can be sweet and affectionate with his owner and his family.

But this does not mean that the Jack Russell does not need to be taught commands.

Rather, on the contrary - only timely and correct training of the pet will prevent many problems associated with the breed characteristics of these terriers.

Is it possible to train a Jack Russell Terrier?

The Jack Russell, like all terriers, is not the easiest dog to train. However, this breed has very high intelligence.

The Jack Russell Terrier is great at learning different commands and tricks. With proper upbringing, he will not cause any problems.

It is important! Raising a Jack Russell Terrier is difficult for inexperienced owners. To train this breed, a novice dog breeder will have to contact a professional dog trainer.

What will a pet become if it is not trained?

It’s worth raising a Jack Russell Terrier from the very moment it arrives at its new home. If you don't teach your pet discipline, it will be very difficult for him to learn commands.

Jack Russell Terriers are energetic, which means they can literally destroy the whole house. In the absence of education, they can show aggression towards people and animals.

Neighbors will also suffer from an untrained Jack Russell Terrier. The dog will attack the neighbors' dogs and cats. He will also bark a lot and loudly. The pet will be especially noisy when left alone at home.

Accustoming to a nickname

You should also accustom your puppy to a nickname from the first days of life in your home, if he has not previously been given a name. Dogs with a pedigree purchased from breeders, as a rule, have a long and difficult to pronounce nickname. For example, the name Goldengarten may sound like Goldie or Garty in a shortened version. This name is easier to use in everyday life, and the puppy will remember it faster.

If by 1-2 months the dog still does not respond to the name properly, it means that you are using it too rarely. It is necessary to call the dog by name during games, during walks, and when feeding.

Do not come up with nicknames for your pet in the first months of life. Often, owners begin to call dogs babies, favorites, sons, etc. All this introduces dissonance into the dog’s worldview, and it responds less well to its real name.

Character and temperament

The Jack Russell Terrier is loyal, cheerful, playful and energetic. He loves his owner, he likes to be the center of attention. This breed tends to be dominant. The Jack Russell Terrier will do everything to seize power in the family.

Any concession on the part of the owner will be a signal for the pet that he can afford to break the established rules.

However, if you train a Jack Russell Terrier from a young age, this dog will become a devoted and very intelligent companion.

The main thing is to immediately show the pet the limits of what is permitted and not make concessions, even if the dog makes an offended face or begs for a treat.

Selecting a location

An important point in teaching a dog the “down” command is the correct choice of the place where it will be most convenient for you to train. Not only should the place you are looking for be calm and quiet, in order to eliminate all distractions as much as possible, you should also choose:

  • area protected from drafts;
  • dry ground or room inside the house;
  • warm place.

The fact is that to obey the command to lie down, your pet will not need to move much, on the contrary, he will, in fact, only sit and lie, so he should not freeze and lie down on the wet ground.

It’s better not to force your dog to lie down on a wet surface, it will be unpleasant for him, plus, he can not only get dirty, but also get sick

Basic rules of training

When training a Jack Russell Terrier at home, you need to follow certain rules. It is important that training is systematic.

The dog must be interested in them; this is the only way to find a common language with the pet.

How long to train

At first, the duration of the workout should be no more than 5 minutes. The duration of the lesson should be increased gradually.

An adult dog needs to be trained for at least half an hour a day. Even when she masters all the commands, you should not stop raising and training.

Rewards and punishments

The Jack Russell Terrier should be trained using the “carrot and stick” method. Rewards include praise, treats, play, and walks. Each completed command should be followed by a reward. At the same time, you should not feel sorry for your pet if he does something wrong or plays a prank.

The Jack Russell Terrier may take this display of emotion as encouragement and will continue to behave in a less than ideal manner.

Punishment may include ignoring the pet. If the dog starts playing or starts behaving badly, go to another room. You can scold a dog in a serious voice.

Another method of punishment should only be used if the Jack Russell Terrier is showing aggression. Press your hand on the withers and press the dog to the floor.

Even if he whines, you shouldn’t pay attention to it. You can release it when the terrier calms down.

It is important! Under no circumstances should you hit the dog or shout loudly at him. Such training methods can lead to the Jack Russell Terrier becoming aggressive towards its owner and family members.

What should be prohibited

It is important to immediately draw up a specific list of prohibitions, the observance of which must be carefully monitored. The Jack Russell Terrier should not be allowed to:

  • sleep in the master's bed and on upholstered furniture;
  • beg for food;
  • show aggression towards people;
  • rushing at other dogs and animals while walking;
  • pick up food from the ground.

Where to start training

Training and education should begin with simple commands. It's important to be consistent.

You should not start learning a new command until the previous one is fully learned and reinforced.

Remember the nickname

First, the puppy must learn its name and begin to respond to it. To do this, call the baby by name. When he responds and comes up, reward the baby.

Repeat the lesson until the Jack Russell Terrier learns its name and responds the first time.

Toilet training a puppy

Most often, when a pet just arrives in a new home, it has not yet had all its vaccinations and cannot go outside. At this time, the baby can be taught to go to the toilet in a diaper.

The puppy should be placed on it:

  • After sleep;
  • 10-15 minutes after eating;
  • if the baby begins to rush around and sit down on the floor.

To teach a puppy to go to the toilet outside, he should not be put in a diaper, but taken outside. You shouldn’t scold your dog if he doesn’t tolerate it and makes a puddle on the floor. This may cause behavioral problems.

We train you to use a muzzle, collar and leash

Leash training for your Jack Russell Terrier should begin from childhood. For the first time, put the collar on for a short time: 10-15 minutes. After the collar is put on, the dog must be rewarded.

A Jack Russell Terrier should be trained to use a leash first in an apartment. You need to attach a leash to the collar and walk around the apartment with the puppy. When the baby gets used to it, he can be taken outside.

A muzzle is needed not only to prevent the dog from injuring people and animals. This item helps prevent your Jack Russell Terrier from picking up food from the ground. To train your puppy, put a treat in the muzzle.

The pet must see the food. To reach it, the baby will put its muzzle in the muzzle.

At first, wear the muzzle for no more than 5 minutes. Gradually the time needs to be increased.

How to get used to a diaper

In order for your pet to do its business in a certain place, it needs to be accustomed to a diaper.

It's done like this:

  • A diaper is placed near the pet's bed, on which the owner places him every time after sleep and after eating. You need to hold him there, wait until the puppy does his business there, and then praise him.
  • When the baby understands what a diaper is for, he will begin to wear it himself. After this, you can try to gradually move the diaper to its permanent place. To do this, you need to try to move it 20-50 cm from the bed, and treat the place where it lay before with a special agent that eliminates animal odors.
  • If the puppy continues to wear the diaper, then after a couple of days you can try moving it a little more. This way, you can move the diaper to where the dog toilet will be.
  • If the puppy, after moving the diaper, refuses to walk on it, they return it to its original place and, after waiting a couple of days, try to move it a little again.

The fact that a small puppy is trained to wear a diaper does not mean that there will no longer be puddles and piles on the floor.

A pet may get carried away and not have time to reach the diaper - there is no need to punish him for this.

Command training

Jack Russell Terriers are very smart, so they quickly learn and easily remember new commands. The most unpleasant thing an owner can encounter is the pet’s stubbornness and reluctance to engage.

In this case, all kinds of rewards will help, which will motivate the dog to try harder during classes.

To me!

To train this command you will need a treat. Repeat loudly several times “Come to me!” and show the food. As soon as the baby comes, give him encouragement. Repeat the exercise until your pet comes when called, without even seeing the treat.


First, it is better to study at home, where there are few distractions. Place a leash on your puppy. The Jack Russell Terrier should walk so that the withers are at the level of the owner's leg. The dog should not run forward, but also should not wander behind.

It is necessary to guide the dog with a sharp jerk of the leash, saying “Near!” When the dog learns to walk nearby indoors, you can go outside and hone the skill.

It is important! During the lesson, do not pull the leash too hard so as not to harm the puppy.


Take a treat and place your hand over the puppy's face. Say "Sit!" – to get food, the dog will sit down.


The dog must sit. Lower your hand with the treat down and say “Lie down!” Following the hand, the baby will lie down.

If it doesn’t work out, you can lightly press the baby’s withers and force him to lie down. Once everything works out, reward the puppy.

Ugh! It is forbidden!

If during a walk the dog reaches for something, you need to sharply pull the leash and say “Ugh!” If the dog has already picked up something, take the prey away, saying “No!”


It is best to train a puppy next to a dog that already knows how to voice. She needs to be given a command and rewarded after it is completed.

After several repetitions, the puppy will begin to imitate the other dog in order to also receive a treat. As soon as he barks, reward him.


If the puppy is lying down, lift it under its belly and place it on its paw. Say "Stop!" As soon as your Jack Russell Terrier stands up straight, praise and reward him.

Repeat the exercise several times.


A walk is a kind of encouragement for a puppy. Say “Walk!”, then put on a leash and take the dog outside.


Say “Down!” As soon as the Jack Russell Terrier drops to the floor, place it in front of it, and then slowly move the treat forward. To prevent the puppy from jumping up immediately, you can lightly press him by the withers. Say “Crawl!”


The Jack Russell Terrier must stay close to its owner. You need to take a treat in your hand, give a command and throw the food forward. After your pet picks up the treat, praise him. You can use a toy instead of food.


Say "Sit!" After the baby sits down, you need to say “Wait!” and take a couple of steps back.

If your Jack Russell Terrier stays put, praise him. If he jumps up from his seat, you need to say “No!”, and then sit him down again and repeat the training.

Give it back!

When the puppy has a toy in his mouth, say “Give it back!” and show the treat. The baby will let go of the toy and take the food. Praise him. You can assign a team during the game.


Take your puppy's favorite toy. Throw it somewhere where the Jack Russell Terrier cannot see it. Say “Search!” while pointing to the search area. The dog will run after the toy.

Next time, hide the toy where your pet can smell it. Say "Seek!" Once your Jack Russell Terrier finds the toy, reward him.


The puppy should not be allowed to sleep on furniture or the floor. As soon as he starts to fall asleep, take him to the bed and say “Place!” The puppy should not be allowed to leave the litter. You can also train it to a place using treats. Say “Place!”, stand next to the bed and show the treat.

As soon as the puppy comes to the litter, he should be rewarded.

What where When

There's one more important question to figure out: where and when to practice the team teaching techniques you've learned, and whether it's worth using them all.

As for the methods, it is better to choose only one of them so as not to confuse the dog, because even if your beloved tailed friend has a particularly sharp mind, he is still a dog for whom following certain commands is purely a matter of memorization.

A dog can lie down in various ways, but it is better not to let him fool around during training.

Now let's discuss the place. If initially, as we mentioned above, the training ground should be a quiet, dry and warm location, then later you can train your pet in more and more extreme conditions, for example:

  • in the shop;
  • on the street, at a safe distance from the roadway;
  • in a vehicle, etc.

At the same time, in this case it is also necessary to practice grooming over a short distance in order to increase control over the pet’s endurance. In very difficult conditions, the dog must learn to carry out this command by the age of 10 months.

Please note: do not forget the main rule about the “contrast” of teaching the lie down command, which implies that:

  • the command requires coercion, and the verbal part is given before you begin to put pressure on the dog’s withers;
  • the command also requires reward, which is given only after its implementation is completed.

Procedure for applying incentives

Try to make not only you, but also the dog comfortable while performing the command. So, do not place this animal on dirty ground, forcing it to freeze or get dirty. Be sure to give the animal a break between approaches, using the commands “walk” and “come” successively.

The "down" command is very useful

Final commands and crowd behavior training

Once all the basic commands have been mastered, you can begin to learn more complex tricks.

Jumping over obstacles

You should start learning with not very high obstacles. Take the treat in your hand and lift it over the barrier. As soon as the puppy jumps over the obstacle, he needs to be praised and encouraged.

Walking in crowded places

The Jack Russell Terrier should only be walked on a leash. It is better to take your first walks in uncrowded places, far from busy roads. To socialize your pet, you can introduce it to other dogs. It is better to avoid contact with mongrels.

If your Jack Russell Terrier barks or lunges at other people, you need to yank him on the leash and say “No!”

Riding on public transport

To ride on public transport, your Jack Russell Terrier must be muzzled. You should enter the salon by saying “Nearby!” The terrier should be as close to the owner's feet as possible. Additionally, you can fix it by pulling the leash.

You should also exit the vehicle with the command “Near!”

How to train an adult dog to behave outdoors

If a dog lunges at passers-by and other people's dogs, chases cats or pigeons, and also runs after cars and bicycles, you need to call the pet to you, fasten the leash and scold him.

After this, it is recommended to distract the dog by playing or following a few simple commands. If this does not help and the Jack Russell, despite the punishment, continues to pursue the “object” of the hunt, then you need to take the dog to another place.

It is better not to let your dog off the leash at all on city streets, as well as outside the city near busy highways.

Training a dog for hunting

Jack Russell Terriers were bred to hunt burrows. It is easiest to train a puppy if the owner already has an adult dog that participates in hunting. She will be a wonderful example for your child. Forest walks with your dog should begin at the age of 4-5 months. The puppy will learn to navigate the area and get used to the forest.

It is worth starting training when the Jack Russell Terrier has replaced all its milk teeth with molars. By this point, the dog is usually already trained in basic basic commands.

The puppy is poisoned using a stuffed animal of future prey or a corpse.

To teach your Jack Russell Terrier not to be afraid of the dark and confined spaces, you can use a long narrow pipe. You should put a treat or favorite toy in it. When the puppy overcomes his fear and enters the pipe on his own, he will be ready for burrowing.

Weaning the bad habit of picking up food or waste from the ground

Jack Russell Terrier puppies often begin to pick up various unwanted objects from the ground. This becomes a real problem, as the pet runs the risk of severe poisoning. Some owners unsuccessfully try to wean the puppy, or make no effort at all, preferring to put a muzzle on the dog.

To wean the puppy from picking up waste, the puppy is taken to an area where food has been previously supplied. The pet is given the opportunity to explore the area and every time it tries to eat food, the owner gives a prohibitive command and also jerks the leash. If the work does not bring results, then the collar is replaced with a strict one.

How to stop biting

This problem should be dealt with from the moment the puppy arrives in its new home. The baby does not yet understand the sharpness of his fangs and, in the heat of play, can bite his owner’s hands. To wean your pet from this, at the moment of the bite you need to loudly cry out “Ouch!” This way the dog will understand that he did something wrong.

If this does not help and the puppy continues to bite, you should immediately stop playing and go to another room. Soon the Jack Russell Terrier will understand that as soon as he crosses the line, the game immediately stops. The dog will become more careful in his games.

Principles of raising a puppy

Puppy training follows the principle “from simple to complex.” If a simple command is poorly understood, then the owner should not move on to a more complicated option. The puppy is not given a whole combination of words at once. All activities should not physically tire your pet. You cannot demand actions that are obviously impossible from him.

Commands are given clearly and always in the same intonation. Dogs primarily respond to human intonation. Commands are given in one word. You cannot tell your pet to “lie down!”, and then abruptly “lie down!”. When working, unnecessary expressions are unacceptable, such as “lie down, not sit, I said!” The puppy will not understand the owner's requirements and will be confused, as he will receive two different commands at once. Seeing a person’s dissatisfaction and nervousness, the pet itself will become anxious. He will not understand what they want from him and will see that the owner is annoyed with him.


If the owner is not confident in his own abilities, he should take an OKD training course. This course is also mandatory for service and sport dogs.

OKD includes:

  • training in typing all basic commands;
  • upbringing;
  • improving interaction between the owner and his pet;
  • socialization of the Jack Russell Terrier.

Groups of owners with dogs are often formed, and an experienced dog handler helps them in training and raising their pets. You can also take the course individually by hiring an instructor.

Common mistakes at home

Mistakes are usually made by inexperienced owners. Any dog ​​needs to be trained, regardless of breed and size. Mistakes make it difficult to work with your pet and can lead to unwanted reflexes. All erroneous actions are based on a misunderstanding of dog behavior and a lack of basic training skills.

The biggest mistake is to evaluate a pet’s behavior as human. This is fraught with the fact that during training the dog begins to receive demands that it cannot fulfill. Accordingly, if this is not done, the owner uses physical violence, which develops fear of humans in the pet.

Excessive physical and mental stress leads to nervousness and fatigue in the dog. A tired pet stops following commands and generally responding to them. Therefore, the owner must draw up a training program in advance and include regular breaks in it.

General recommendations for training and education

You can start a training course at any age. It is best if the baby is 2 months old. This course is necessary not only for the pet, but also for its owner. During the classes, the owner will receive recommendations regarding raising his pet. The instructor’s requirements should be met not only in class, but also at home.

  • With group classes, the dog socializes better and learns to interact with other dogs.
  • With individual training, the owner will receive more attention and information that will concern his pet specifically.

What to do if things get damaged?

As a rule, all “destruction” and damage to things occurs during the absence of the owner.

How to prevent such sabotage from a four-legged animal?:

  • When leaving for work, the owner must leave enough toys for his pet.
  • You can leave your pet some “long-lasting” treat before leaving, for example, large beef cartilage, but in no case bones.
  • You cannot give old slippers or boots to a Jack Russell to be torn to pieces: the dog will not be able to distinguish old from new and next time he will tear to pieces new shoes.
  • If the dog chews furniture or walls, they can be treated with special products that have an unpleasant smell and taste for the pet.


You should not leave your pet alone for a long time without first walking it and feeding it.

The inability to release energy and hunger will only strengthen the animal’s desire for destruction.

Jack Russells are friendly and obedient dogs that are easy to train..

They easily and willingly learn new commands and carry them out with pleasure. Problems can arise when there is no trusting relationship between the pet and its owner.

To prevent this from happening, the owner must devote enough time to his pet from the very beginning, be strict but fair towards him.

Only in this case will the Jack Russell recognize him as his master, whom he will obey impeccably and whose commands he will carry out.

Cost of training classes

For classes, you can join a group that will include several dog owners, or you can hire an instructor for individual lessons. The price depends on the experience of the dog handler and his fame, as well as on what type of training the pet undergoes.

In Moscow, the cost of an individual lesson with an instructor on average starts from 700 rubles.

The Jack Russell Terrier is not a good fit for people who have never owned a dog before. He is energetic and sometimes quite destructive. Its upbringing should be approached with all seriousness, since this breed does not forgive mistakes.

The puppy should be trained from the moment it arrives in its new home. If the owner cannot cope with the pet or doubts his abilities, he should seek help from a professional instructor.

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