Prices for hamsters: how much do they cost in a pet store or on the market?

Types of hamsters

First you need to decide on the look you want.
Each type is unique. Requires various conditions and care. There are 4 most popular types:

  • Syrian hamster;
  • Djungarian hamster;
  • Roborovsky's hamster;
  • Campbell's hamster.

Syrian hamster

This type of hamster is the most popular, especially in families with children. This is one of the largest species of these rodents, measuring up to 18 cm. The coat can be either short or long and also differs in texture and type. The color range is very diverse. A hamster can be either one color or mixed. Syrian hamsters are the most adaptable to taming, quickly get used to new owners and are suitable for training. Some owners teach them to respond to the animal's name. They are easy to care for and clean the cage. They take care of their appearance themselves and allocate a place for the toilet, where they always relieve themselves.

Djungarian hamster

This type of pet hamster is also one of the most popular. But it is significantly smaller than the Syrian ones. This species grows up to only 10 cm. Its pointed muzzle and small ears give it a special cuteness. They reproduce quite actively, up to 4 times during the mating season. Each birth can add up to 12 new residents to the house. In turn, the Djungarian species of domestic hamsters is divided into 2. This is the Djungarian hamster with white and light gray hair. The Djungarian hamster is distinguished by its activity; they are small and agile

They want attention paid to them every day. A little aggressive in nature, but very funny

It will most likely not be possible to tame them, since they are difficult to tame.

Roborovsky's hamster

This type of domestic hamster is distinguished by its size. Of all the domestic ones, it is the smallest, reaching 4-6 centimeters. Due to the size of these rodents, it is recommended to keep them only in terrariums. This baby has a complex, somewhat nervous character. If you rearrange the house, he will find himself in a stressful situation for a long time (more than a week). Interestingly, this type of small hamster is very fast and agile.

Despite the fact that they are small, these rodents run very quickly. The Roborovsky hamster does not bite, so it can be handled by children. But you should be very careful, due to its small size and nimbleness, this animal can easily slip out of your hands and fall.

Unfortunately, in Russia and Ukraine this species is not very popular and costs an order of magnitude more. This is due to the fact that they are difficult to reproduce. Even if you put a couple, a boy and a girl, in the same cage, there may be no offspring for several years. Now compare the result with the Djungarian hamster, which can give birth to 40 babies in a year.

Campbell's Hamster

This is a tiny breed that is often confused with the Djungarian. They are almost identical in size, the only difference is color. The difference is that in the Campbell's hamster the diamond on the forehead and the stripe on the back are not clearly drawn. The color of the coat is not so gray, it has a golden brown tint.

This type of domestic hamster is suitable for those who already have some experience with rodents. Since you can only keep them one at a time, otherwise they will fight and will not allow each other to live in peace. In principle, like the Dzungarian one. But the peculiarity of the Campbell hamster is that he loves to bite. Often, before you even have time to remove it from its cage or aquarium, the rodent will already have time to chew on you. Therefore, when caring for it, it is recommended to use leather gloves.

Types of Dzungars and their prices

Unlike other breeds of hamsters, Djungarian hamsters are not divided into short-haired and long-haired . Their fur is equally thick and the hairs are of medium length. Among Djungarian hamsters, there are decorative varieties obtained through selection that differ in color. There are red, sapphire and pearl-white individuals of decorative dzhungarikas. Specially bred hamsters are more expensive than regular ones, sometimes twice their price. For them the buyer will have to pay about 500-1000 rubles .

Decorative hamsters are more demanding in terms of living conditions, are susceptible to stress and are less resistant to disease.

How much does a hamster cost?

Before choosing an animal, you need to evaluate various points

It is important to find out in advance how much a hamster costs. For your pet you will need to purchase a cage, bedding, special food and all kinds of accessories.

Before purchasing, you should analyze not only the costs of a hamster, but also various nuances. For example, features of care. You need to think about who the animal will stay with if the owners leave.

The animal itself is not that expensive; the more expensive part is for care products and food. Prices for hamsters are set depending on the specific breed.

To make the animal feel comfortable, you need to provide it with:

  • cell;
  • bedding material;
  • feeder and drinker;
  • sports equipment for a hamster;
  • mineral stone for sharpening teeth.

How much do dzhungariki cost?

The cost of a hamster may vary depending on where it was purchased. There are three main options: from hand at the poultry market (on the Internet according to an ad), in a pet store and in a nursery. Although nowadays you can find advertisements for both nurseries and pet stores on the Internet, including the official websites of such establishments.

In Russia

In Russia, dzhungarika can be bought from hand for an average of 100–200 rubles, in a pet store its price will be 200–300 rubles, and in a nursery - up to 800.

In Ukraine

The price for a Djungarian hamster in Ukraine ranges from 25–50 hryvnia at the poultry market to 200–300 hryvnia in a nursery. You can buy a rodent at a pet store for 60–100 hryvnia.

In Belarus

Dzungarika with “Belarusian registration” can be bought for 5–7 Belarusian rubles. In pet stores you will have to pay 10-12 for a hamster, in a nursery - up to 25-27 Belarusian rubles.


It cannot be said that a hamster is an expensive pet to keep, but it does require certain expenses: food, filler, mineral stone, treats, vitamins, sand for bathing, a drinking bowl and other accessories.

Some people think it is acceptable to keep a hamster in a glass jar and feed it scraps from the table. In this case, expenses tend to zero, as well as the health and happiness of a small pet. If you create a comfortable living environment for a rodent, the costs will be tens of times more than the cost of the animal itself, taking into account how much a dzhungarik costs on the market. A good cage for a hamster is not cheap.

Where is it profitable and safe to buy a hamster?

The most expensive purchase will cost you in a specialized pet store or nursery (approximately 200-400 rubles). But you don’t have to worry about the “quality” of your pet - the purchase will be the safest. Also in this case, you can skip the point about the availability of vaccinations: they will be available.

But buying secondhand may be a bad idea. This is a dangerous idea - you don't know what you end up buying. However, the cost of such an acquisition will be the lowest - about 150 rubles.

Buying on the market is also not the best option: no one will know in what conditions the future hamster lived and whether he is healthy.

Photo of a Syrian hamster
There is also the option of acquiring a new friend from friends whose hamster has given birth to offspring. If you know these people well. In what conditions does a hamster live, what is the situation in the family - why not?

It is preferable to choose the option of purchasing from nurseries.

Nutritional Features

You should put a ball or vacuum drinker in the cage. The water needs to be changed every day for fresh water. You should not put a bowl of water in the cage. A Djungarian hamster can get wet in it, freeze and get sick. To accustom your hamster to a ball drinker, at first you can smear its spout with cucumber.

Since almost all Djungarian hamsters, which are widely distributed as pets, have an admixture of Campbell's hamster blood, Djungarian hamsters are also prone to diabetes. Only purebred Djungarian hamsters do not have this tendency, which are very difficult to acquire. Therefore, to prevent the disease, vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of sugar should be excluded from the rodent’s diet. These include: carrots, pumpkin, apple, peach, strawberry, raspberry, etc. Don't give corn.

There should be two feeders in the cage: one for dry food and the other for wet food. Dry balanced food can be bought in stores. Preference should be given only to high-quality, expensive food recommended by breeders. Cheap feeds are often unbalanced.

There have been cases when they became the cause of poisoning. From wet food, you can give your hamster cucumber, zucchini, cauliflower, dill, parsley, and lettuce. Remains of wet food must be removed from the feeder in a timely manner so that they do not spoil.

You should be wary of treats for rodents that are sold in pet stores.

They often contain honey, which is harmful for Djungarian hamsters. Djungarian hamsters need animal protein. As such, rodents can be given egg whites, chicken fillet cooked without spices, dried insects and larvae. Rodents can be given live insects, but only those raised specifically for food. Outdoor insects are often infected with parasites.

We buy a feeder and drinker

A mandatory expense item is the purchase of a feeder and drinking bowl. A device for receiving water will cost about 200-300 rubles. You should not buy a drinker that is too large; it is worth considering that the rodent does not drink much water.

As a feeder, you can use the most ordinary saucer, which you will no longer need on the farm.

Although, of course, you can purchase a special container designed for feeding hamsters in a pet store or on the market, the average price fluctuates around 200 rubles.

Is it possible to bathe Syrian hamsters?

Let’s be honest, if you don’t wash for a long time, none of us will smell like roses. It's the same story with Syrian hamsters. An unpleasant smell will spread throughout the apartment. Therefore, the question is: “is it possible to bathe Syrian hamsters in water?” - quite relevant

In theory it is possible, but very carefully. They swim well, but they don't like water.

Where their wild ancestors lived, there was not much water... mostly sand. There is a separate large article on the website about how to properly bathe a hamster in water. There are preparatory procedures described, how and how to properly wash the animal, and there is even a video of bathing. Just keep in mind that every swim in water is another stress for your pet and an extra chance of catching a cold.

To keep the animal clean and healthy, place a small bowl with clean, fine river sand in its cage. Sooner or later he will find it himself, and then nature will take its course. Have you ever seen how sparrows bathe in dust? Yours will be about the same.

The photo shows a jungarik, but I couldn’t help but show you these 10 grams of joy and positivity.

Syrians are very clean hamsters, so the animal will often visit the sand bowl. All you need to do is not disturb him in this and sometimes comb out the remaining sand from his fur.

Actually, that's all you need to know about bathing your hamster.

Why are there different prices for hamsters?

The cost depends on various factors. An adult hamster will cost less. But the minus here is different - he has already formed his character and certain habits.

Very small hamsters are difficult to handle. However, they may be cheaper. But they require appropriate additional care. Often males and females do not differ in price. It all depends on the breed. More “pure” breeds will cost more than regular hamsters.

Siberian hamster

The most common breeds are Djungarians and Syrians. Their cost is approximately the same and inexpensive. They easily get along in an apartment with small children and, with rare exceptions, are non-aggressive.

These breeds are not whimsical and should not cause problems for the owner.

But with hamsters of other breeds it will be a little more complicated. Firstly, finding such varieties will be quite problematic. Secondly, their character is not so flexible and tame.

Which hamster is suitable for a child?

If a pet is bought for a very young child, parents need to be prepared for the fact that the parents will have to care for the rodent.

If the child is already quite conscious - over five years old - then he can choose the hamster himself, depending on his own preferences. Perhaps the child will want to teach the rodent small tricks (fetching a piece of paper, jumping through a ring, running along a given path). Djungarians are suitable for such purposes - they are very trainable, more temperamental and a little smarter than their larger counterparts.

If a child wants to constantly “squeeze” the baby, stroke him, and hand feed him, it is better to choose a Syrian. They are calmer, sit well on laps and hands, and allow themselves to be stroked.

Whatever breed the baby chooses, the main thing is that the hamster is healthy, otherwise the joy of acquiring a friend will quickly end in tragedy and grief. What are the main signs of a healthy animal?

  • the coat is smooth, shiny, not tangled;
  • there are no bald spots on the skin - if there are, then this indicates an infestation with mites;
  • the eyes are shiny, beautiful, without discharge;
  • the animal is active, eats well, runs around the cage;
  • there are no tumor-like tubercles on the body;
  • the ears are not torn, there are no wounds on the body - these signs indicate the aggressiveness of the animal and its tendency to bite.

To understand whether the animal is active, it is better to go to the store or breeder in the evening, since hamsters sleep in the morning or during the day. Closer to seven o'clock, their period of activity begins - it is at this time that it is best to understand which animal is “looking” at you.

Also, before purchasing, you should make sure that the child is not allergic to the animal - to fur or sexual secretions. To do this, you can ask the breeder to let the child interact with an adult animal of the species you are planning to buy. It is a very common situation that the child is not allergic to the baby, but as soon as the rodent is two or three months old, the little owner becomes intolerant.


Every store has promotions, and the pet store is no exception. But what are they selling us at reduced prices?! That's right, something that has either been left on the shelves, or something is wrong with it . In the case of hamsters, sellers can make serious discounts on sick, injured, or old individuals . Don't agree to this. A sick pet will not bring you joy and may generally disappoint you. Sick rodents need to be treated, for which money will also be spent. If you do not do this, then there is a high chance that he may die. Although in any case there is a chance, but with treatment it is an order of magnitude poor. Just take my word for it, buy a healthy hamster at full price and it will be cheaper for you. Choosing an old rodent is also not the best thing you can buy at a pet store. Not only will it be extremely difficult to tame him, but it is also not known how long he will live. It is very easy to cure old from young; young rodents have white teeth and hair. With age, teeth turn yellow.

A healthy hamster is the key to a successful purchase . There should be no moisture or bald spots on the body. The coat should shine and be well-groomed . If an animal stops caring for itself, it means it is sick.

Two at once

It happens that people take two or more individuals at once so that the rodents do not get bored. You shouldn't buy two at once. Unless you move them into different cells. Hamsters will not coexist peacefully. There will be division of territory, biting and fighting. But if several animals in one cage is important to you, then pay attention to dwarf hamsters. They are most suitable for living together.

How much does a hamster cost at a pet store?

The cheapest option is to pick up a rodent from your hands or from a poultry market. A small jungarik can be obtained for free if an unwanted and unexpected offspring is accommodated. On the market the price will not be high, but there will be more choice. But in both cases, hamsters can have serious health problems due to improper maintenance, and with genetics (most often such animals are the result of inbreeding). It is necessary to approach the correct choice of a hamster with great responsibility.

It is better to go to the poultry market without children, otherwise the seller may unreasonably raise the price when he sees that the child has taken a liking to a particular baby.

In pet stores, the pedigree of the babies is also unknown, but the animals are usually healthy and well-groomed. The price for hamsters there will be approximately the same, and is known in advance (bargaining is inappropriate).

Another option for purchasing a rodent is from professional breeders. With the widespread use of the Internet, this method is gaining popularity. The price of a Syrian or Djungarian hamster with a metric and pedigree will be higher than on the market or in a store. But the young animals are accustomed to being handled, the colors are amazing in variety, the animals are beautiful and healthy.

A young female will not be surprised by an unexpected pregnancy thanks to the separate keeping of the hamsters. Often the breeder gives the new owner a list of “dos and don’ts”, recommendations for maintenance and feeding.

Nurseries raise prices not only because they are trying to recoup the costs of keeping animals and exhibiting them. The relatively high cost is a kind of “protective duty”, a guarantee of the buyer’s good faith. This way, the breeder can be sure that the hamsters will not be fed to snakes, but will find loving owners. The willingness to pay a significant amount for an animal proves solvency and a responsible attitude.

Tips for choosing hamsters

Consider the age of the rodent. You cannot buy an animal if it is less than 30-40 days old . If he is not yet 20 days old, then he may not live long at all, since he still does not know how to eat on his own. At this time, rodents should not be handled, much less examined and transported. And when choosing a hamster, an examination is required. Let's say you purchased an animal and it turned out to be a female. Already at 2 months she can be pregnant. If you don’t see this, then both she and her offspring may die. During pregnancy, a hamster requires special care and nutrition . And finally, the most important thing is that if the pet is already able to eat on its own, it is already 40 days old or more, then it is easy to tame it. The same cannot be said about older individuals. With age, it will become increasingly difficult to tame a rodent. When choosing, consider the cost of the hamster.

Taming a rodent is not difficult, you just need patience. To tame a hamster, you will need a voice and food . You need to say a certain word (for example, the name of your pet) and give him something to eat. Over time, he will associate this word with food and the pet will respond to it. The Syrian hamster can be trained so much that if he is running around the house and you call his name, he will come running to your feet. But this will not happen with every rodent, although it is quite possible to accustom it to your arms or shoulder.

All about Syrian hamsters

This cute rodent differs from other breeds in having 4 toes on its front paws and 5 on its hind paws. It is larger than the rest of the family. Animals participate in international exhibitions and win prizes. The main color of the skin is golden, but there are other colors.

Below are some colors of these animals according to international standards:

  • beige;
  • yellow;
  • smoked;
  • copper;
  • sable;
  • black chocolate.

See beautiful photographs with descriptions on the Syrian hamster colors page.

Characteristics of hamsters by hair length

Animals differ not only in color, but also in the length of their fur. The standards highlight long-haired individuals. Moreover, females have slightly shorter fur; this is not considered a defect. There are animals with short hair and smooth-haired (satin). There are fluffy and shaggy ones - Angora. Like cats, hamsters can have a "rex" coat - a coat covered with short or long curly fur. There are completely bald species - hairless.

Where did the breed come from?

The first description of this animal is dated 1797. In 1839, this rodent was discovered in Syria, after which information about it did not appear for almost 100 years. In 1930, a family of 4 animals was brought to England, the offspring of which formed a breed known throughout the world.

Syrian hamster length and weight

According to international standards, the animal must have a length of 12 cm, a strong body, round ears, and bulging eyes. When bred at home, the animals reach 20 cm in length.

The weight of hamsters varies from 100-125 g for males and 115-140 g for females. Modern “Syrians” can weigh above normal – 200g or more. We are talking not only about overfed individuals, but also large stocky animals.

One of the breeders conducted a dangerous experiment on weighing babies of different ages.

Never repeat this experience! It can cost the lives of small hamsters.

Infant weight data:

  • newborns - from 1.5 to 3.5 g;
  • age 1 week – from 4 to 10 g;
  • 2 weeks – from 8 to 25 g;
  • 3 weeks period – from 15 to 52 g;
  • 1 month – from 20 to 84 g.

Weight extremes are listed because babies grow unevenly. After 1 month, the weight of females and males differs.

Hamsters' scent glands look like moles or warts.

All animals of this breed have scent glands located symmetrically on their sides. They can be seen on young males or mature males. The fur at the location of the glands in young animals differs in color from the main coat. Underneath it is a rough growth that looks like a sore or a cluster of dots. In females, the glands are less noticeable.

This organ is used by the animal to place marks on its territory. Before this, the males carefully lick the glands.

Frightened males smell stronger, and the scent becomes more active when a rival appears.

How to choose the right Djungarian hamster

If you have already chosen a Djungarian hamster, but do not know how to choose a healthy individual, a few simple recommendations will help you with this.

Girl or boy

Male hamsters are noticeably different in temperament from females. Males are larger and have a calmer disposition. But their disadvantages include the smell, since the animal marks its territory, and the male’s urine has a stronger odor than the female’s urine. The male's fur is also odorous, so the cage will need more frequent cleaning.

Females are more active and noticeably more playful than males. But they may have problems with their reproductive organs. In addition, if the female was kept in a common cage before the sale, there is a high probability of an unplanned pregnancy.


The optimal age for purchasing a dzhungarika is 4–8 weeks. An animal purchased at an earlier age, up to three weeks, is highly likely to die.


Dzhungarik is an animal that leads a nocturnal lifestyle. He loves to sleep during the day, so when choosing a pet, it is better to look at him in the evening. A normal, healthy animal moves actively in the evening and loves to run in a wheel. He may dig in his own bedding or rummage in the feeder. An awake hamster should not be lethargic and apathetic.

You need to study the character of the rodent: try to pick it up. If he actively resists this, bites, perhaps even squeals, it will be extremely difficult to tame him.

Health status

The hamster should look completely healthy. The coat should be shiny, absolutely dry, without bald spots or traces of combing. Carefully examine the areas around the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and genitals.

If you find evidence of diarrhea or excessive salivation, you should not buy such a hamster. The eyes should shine and look like beads. Then you need to assess the fatness, make sure that the rodent’s body is free of various tumors and other foreign formations.

Conditions of detention

The key to the health of the jungar is cleanliness, hygiene and adherence to some simple rules:

The cage needs to be cleaned regularly; at this time the hamster is placed in a jar. When replacing bedding, you need to leave some of the old one. The rodent must smell its own scent. Detergents should not be used under any circumstances. The bedding is changed every week, and once a month it is necessary to wash the cage with laundry soap. Water procedures are strictly contraindicated for a hamster. If you bathe him, it can lead to serious illness, even death. Do not forget to periodically add fresh fruit tree sticks to the cage; they are necessary for the hamster to sharpen its teeth. The rodent is fed 2 times a day. The cage should be located in a place without drafts, without direct sunlight, away from electrical appliances and a heating radiator. You should not share a roommate with the dzungarik. Hamsters are quite jealous, and living together with a new neighbor can end in disaster. If the hamster is frightened, you should not immediately pick it up - it may bite. You cannot overfeed the animal. Hamsters gain weight very easily, and this leads to diseases. Under natural conditions, a hamster spends a lot of energy on obtaining food, so it is not at risk of obesity. In the house, he only eats, accumulating fat and not expending energy. Dzungarik needs walks

It is better for him to run around the house in a ball, 50-60 minutes daily. You need to accustom your rodent to your hands gradually and very carefully. This should be done when the dzhungarik gets used to the new place.

Standards for keeping a Djungarian hamster: video Djungarian hamster is a wonderful pet that can bring you a lot of joy and pleasant impressions. At the same time, it is absolutely undemanding and costs a minimum in its content. And a cage with a hamster takes up little space, so for a small apartment a Djungarian hamster is an ideal option. html


As you can see, the cost of a hamster can vary dramatically. It all depends on your choice. But the minimum cost can be 1500 - 2500 rubles, depending on where you live. We did not take into account all kinds of diseases and allergies. And if you don’t feel sorry for yourself or your money and invest seriously. In Moscow, buying everything at the highest level, you can pay up to 100,000 rubles. Including a custom-made cage that fits your height. But this is only for selected hamsters. In general, everything is not so scary, having allocated 2000 rubles once, with proper care, you will not have additional costs and problems, well, perhaps quite minuscule. Moreover, everything can be done with your own hands, except for the hamster, of course.

Purchasing a cage

As previously mentioned, it is extremely important to create comfortable living conditions for your pet. Therefore, in addition to answering the question of how much a hamster costs, you need to think about where the hamster will live, that is, buy a cage for it

Of course, a cage or enclosure is the most comfortable housing that you can provide for your pet. Firstly, its open walls do not prevent the penetration of air, and secondly, the wire on the sides makes it convenient to attach various devices, from drinking bowls and feeders to mirrors and toys.

When choosing, you should start from the fact that the animal needs a cage measuring at least 50 cm by 30 cm. It is also better to give preference to a house with rods located transversely, preferably so that the tray does not extend. As for the price of the cage, the average cost is about 700 rubles. If you want a larger home, equipped with a variety of fixtures, the purchase may cost several thousand rubles. In addition, the price will vary depending on the region, for example, in Moscow the cages are the most expensive, in Vladivostok - the cheapest.

Possible additional expenses

For a small resident, additional expenses should be provided, such as vaccinations or unexpected treatment at a veterinary clinic.

It is advisable to perform a scheduled inspection once every 3 months.

Also, after some operations, medical supervision will be necessary to prevent possible complications.

Hamster in a cage

Prices at different clinics can vary greatly. The most inexpensive ones will be where there are general doctors, i.e. - specialize in animals.

There will be no doctor who deals specifically with hamsters. This option is quite affordable (about 350 rubles for an examination, an ambulance - about 700 rubles).

But will you be sure that everything is okay with your pet? Will the doctor do any harm? However, if your furry friend becomes ill, this option will still be better than nothing.

Before you buy a hamster, you should buy a house and other accessories

Clinics that have specialized doctors will cost more - about 1000 rubles. for an ambulance, 500 rubles for an examination, approximately 700 rubles. for a set of hygiene procedures.

  • Nail cutting, around 300 rub.
  • In case of incurable diseases, sometimes it is better to euthanize the animal so that it does not suffer, this will cost 1000 rubles.
  • Castration or sterilization – 2000 rub.
  • Get rid of lice eaters - 1000 rub.

Unfortunately, few doctors, due to lack of qualifications in this industry, are simply not ready to examine and treat a hamster. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to find out in advance whether there are such specialists in your city.

Breed Features

The animal can boast (although, do people boast in such cases?) not only with a very small tail. This is not their only feature. They are very peaceful and practically do not bite. Even if you miraculously provoke his wrath, he will not harm you. Their teeth are completely incapable of biting through human skin. Their eyebrows also stand out. Well, like eyebrows... eyebrows. They are also tiny. They are usually lighter in color and are clearly visible on the face.

Ladies and gentlemen, attention to the screen! Here they are, those same famous Roborovsky eyebrows!

In addition, hamsters are very timid. They are very difficult to tame. Perhaps that is why they are so poorly distributed and known.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how much a hamster costs and what you will need for it next. In order to understand how much it will cost you to buy a hamster, you will have to add up all the cost items listed above. At the same time, only you can decide which option, cheaper or more expensive, you will like, what is necessary and what is optional. It is worth saying that in addition to money, the hamster will need your care and proper care; he will appreciate this more than a newfangled cage or a fashionable toilet.

Natural habitat

The hamster is distributed almost everywhere on the Eurasian continent: it can be found in European countries and in some regions of Russia. Mainly prefers to settle in steppes, forest-steppes, meadows, and floodplains. It does not go high into the mountains - the maximum height above sea level where the animal can be found is 1.5 km.

Under some circumstances, it can settle even next to a person: in gardens and vegetable gardens. Particularly large numbers of rodents live in areas of active farming. They say that the animals were even found on the territory of new buildings, which were once fields or vegetable gardens, where the animals adapted to existence.

Dwarf hamsters

A fairly common species among breeders. Dwarf hamsters do not require much effort to maintain, and care is minimal. They weigh no more than 50 grams, and their height rarely reaches 10 centimeters.

The dwarf breed includes:

  1. Taylor's hamster;
  2. Campbell's hamster;
  3. Roborovsky's hamster (the owner of the smallest volumes).

Several other breeds:

  • Long-tailed - body length does not exceed 10 cm, 6 of which are tail;
  • Taylor - carcass length 7-8 cm, weight about 10 grams.
  • Campbell's hamster - can reach 12 cm.
  • Radde - has a height of up to 28 cm. It can mainly be found in the wild, not a common species as an ornamental animal.

Weighing the fluffy: how to do it?

Hamsters are happy, active animals, and if your pet is not hand-trained, then weighing a hamster is not an easy task that requires dexterity.

To do this you will need:

  • kitchen scales
  • small box or container
  • tasty treats

First place the container with the treat placed in it on the scales in order to subsequently subtract their weight from the total weight of the hamster. Place the fluffball in a container. This way you can easily find out your pet's weight.

Weight control is necessary: ​​this way you can see excess weight or sudden weight loss, which may indicate health problems.

If you change the homa's diet, you also need to monitor its weight: a decrease may indicate that the food is not to its taste and the animal is starving, simply hiding it.

Before purchasing a pet, decide which breed appeals to you, based on this, choose a house and the place where it will be located.

By following simple rules - watch your weight, keep the cage clean, spend time with your fluffy, you will get a reliable friend who will delight you and love you in return for a long time.

Bedding and some other details

The cage needs filler, it is also called bedding. Depending on your choice, the price will be 70 - 150 rubles. Sawdust can serve as bedding. They are usually free.

Accessories for the cage

The cage must have a mineral stone or block on which the pet will grind its teeth and nails. Otherwise, the situation will be that the hamster gnaws the cage. A house in a cage is a must-have attribute, especially when moving. The animal will be stressed and want to hide somewhere. And in the future it will be used for the baby’s comfortable sleep. Sometimes like a pantry into which all the food will go. A drum (wheel) is simply a necessity for a rodent. This animal is very active in nature and it needs somewhere to put its energy in the cage. To do this, they install a wheel on which the homa runs several kilometers every day. The wheel must have a diameter of more than 16 cm.

There are other accessories that can be purchased in the future, but we are considering how much a hamster costs in the basic tariff. If you have hiccups or you plan to have a variety of accessories and accessories in the cage, then you need to read what should be in a hamster cage.

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