The smallest dog breeds in the world - names, descriptions and how much puppies cost

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One look at the cost of purebred puppies can permanently discourage the desire to have a furry pet. And this is understandable: not everyone is ready to shelter a mongrel with an unknown pedigree, health status, character and appearance in the future. What to do in such cases? There is an exit! We have collected the top 12 cheapest dog breeds.

The smallest dog in the world

The record holder among miniature dogs was a Chihuahua named Millie. The baby weighs only 170 g with a height of 6.53 cm.

Thanks to these parameters, she was included in the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.

The smallest Chihuahua lives with a couple in Puerto Rico.

Mixed dog species

It should be noted that the majority of both amateurs and professional breeders prefer purebred dogs.

These animals were specially bred to perform certain duties. However, today there are also mixed breeds of the dog world.

The concept of mixed breed dogs means that the parents of such pets were purebred, but are represented by different species. The most famous and popular mestizos include the Basset Pei, Bullpug, Pitsky, Shorgi, German Shar Pei, Tolmatin and Horgi.


Mexico is considered the homeland of these small dogs. Presumably, miniature dogs lived in the wild and, after domestication, played an important role in the development of other dwarf breeds.

Chihuahuas have every right to be called the smallest dogs. The weight of miniature dogs does not exceed 3 kg, and their height is 15–23 cm.

Curious and sociable creatures require careful care and are not suitable for families with small children. Despite their miniature size, most Chihuahuas show aggression towards strangers and have the habits of real watchdogs.

The cost of a purebred small puppy is 13,000–70,000 rubles.

The best kind of dogs

Answering the question of what is the best dog breed today is quite problematic, since for every dog ​​owner it is the best. However, there are indicators that will help determine the best type of dog. Most often, very smart pets that are easy to train fall under this criterion.

Today, dog experts include the Scottish Setter, Bullmastiff, Dalmatian, Beagle, Husky, Laika and German Shepherd among the best types of these pets. All these animals are characterized by a very high level of intellectual abilities.

Pomeranian Spitz

These contenders for the title of smallest dog breed were bred in Germany. Outwardly, they resemble a toy teddy bear.

Fluffy Pomeranians weigh only 1.5–3.2 kg and are 15–27 cm tall. Miniature animals require regular coat care and adapt well to life in the city.

Small shaggy Spitz dogs tolerate cold well, but do not like heat. They are endowed with high intelligence and a loving, playful and cheerful disposition.

Despite their toy appearance and small size, Pomeranians love long walks, but can do without them if necessary.

A Pomeranian Spitz puppy costs 15,000–70,000 rubles.

The calmest types of dogs

Of course, giving an exact answer to the question of what the calmest dog breeds are is quite problematic. Today, there is simply no one calmest, single type of dog. In addition, even individuals of the same breed and litter can differ in their characters. True, there are some breeds where breeders in the process of work placed emphasis on this particular point.

In other words, when buying a puppy of this species, you can be 99% sure that his character will be the most balanced. These dogs include the Golden Retriever, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bernese Mountain Dog and Newfoundland.

Russian toy terrier

These cute little dogs were bred in Russia and are the smallest among Russian breeds. They come in short-haired and long-haired varieties.

The weight of miniature toys is 1.5–3 kg, and their height is 17–35 cm. Despite their tiny size, dogs of this breed are endowed with all the qualities that are characteristic of terriers.

Little dogs are independent, confident, playful and energetic. Russian toys owe their appearance and character to domestic breeders, and their closest relative is the dwarf terrier.

The average cost of a puppy is 10,000–30,000 rubles.

Rescue Dog Breeds

Most likely, it is unlikely that a pet, throwing itself into fire or water to save a person, thinks about any rewards. As you know, these animals are completely devoid of such feelings as vanity. It is for this reason that such pets are real heroes.

Today, there is more than one such rescue dog - the breed of which is intended exclusively for saving people. Currently, the following breeds of rescuers are in service in rescue services around the world: St. Bernards, Newfoundlens, German Shepherds and Labradors.

Brussels Griffon

Belgium is considered the homeland of these small dogs. Miniature Griffons are the result of crossing German Terriers, English Toy Spaniels and Pugs.

Initially they lived near the stables and were used to kill rodents. Now they have become ordinary pets, delighting owners with their mischievous and active temperament.

Brussels Griffons grow to 14–20 cm at the withers and weigh about 3–6 kg. Representatives of the breed are smooth-haired and wire-haired. Both require regular coat care and do not tolerate heat well.

Smart, but stubborn little ones do not like to be left alone for a long time and, if there is a lack of attention, they begin to misbehave. Little mischievous dogs tend to dominate their brothers and are able to compete with other dogs in certain types of dog sports.

A griffon puppy costs between 10,000 and 50,000 rubles.

What affects the cost

All puppies are divided into 3 classes: pet (pet), breed (dog for breeding) and show (for competitions and exhibitions). The last 2 groups are always more expensive than the first. One litter can contain puppies of all three classes.

  • Show class dogs are impeccable representatives of the breed that cost a lot of money. They have an impeccable appearance. Such dogs usually win at shows.
  • Breed class is used for breeding. Such animals do not have the impeccable appearance of the first group, but are correctly built. Sometimes such dogs have minor flaws, but participate in exhibitions and are highly valued by experts. With skillful pair selection, such individuals produce healthy offspring.
  • Pet class - the cheapest, sometimes rejected representatives of the breed. They are not intended for breeding. If a puppy is born defective or with obvious deviations from the standards, then it is euthanized or given away at a low price and without documents. These shortcomings sometimes do not even pose a threat to the health of the animal.

Also included in the price segment are: the gender of the animal (females are more expensive), the title of the parents, the number of puppies in the litter, the rating of the kennel, the fashion for the breed and age (the younger, the cheaper).

The cost of each dog is calculated individually and depends on the region of purchase. So the price for one puppy in Moscow is 60 thousand rubles, and in the provinces - 20 thousand.

Yorkshire Terrier

A beautiful miniature breed appeared in the UK. The small dogs were the result of crossing several small varieties of terriers and were named after the English county of Yorkshire.

Decorative dogs with expressive dark eyes and long silky hair quickly won the love of glamorous young ladies and single ladies. These contenders for the title of smallest dog hardly shed.

They are endowed with an alert, inquisitive nature, high intelligence and good memory.

A miniature and very popular dog, it grows to 18–25 cm and weighs only 1.8–3.2 kg. The small and fragile Yorkie is not suitable for families with preschool children.

A seemingly harmless dog can be irritable, even aggressive.

The cost of a puppy of this small breed averages 10,000–30,000 rubles.

The stupidest types of dogs

According to the majority of dog handlers, dogs all over the world are one of the smartest animals. They perfectly understand words and gestures, and some species are able to count to five. But, as you know, there are exceptions to every rule. There are also the stupidest dog breeds in the world, one representative of which will be presented below.

Without a doubt, the dumbest dog breed in the entire world is the Chow Chow. This is no coincidence, because this pet was bred by the Chinese only to protect the house or for food. The animal is simply not designed to be trained or to think.

Shih Tzu

These small dogs are native to Tibet. At first, miniature Shih Tzus lived exclusively in imperial families. The crumbs arrived in Europe only in the 20th century.

Long-haired beauties quickly gained popularity and regularly make it to the top of the smallest breeds. They have a predominantly combined coat color.

A small Shih Tzu grows up to 20–28 cm and weighs about 4–7 kg. The tiny dog ​​was loved not only for his beautiful appearance, but also for his intelligent, friendly, affectionate character.

Shih Tzus are very people-oriented and easy to train.

You can buy a small puppy of this breed for 20,000–50,000 rubles.

Types of long-living dogs

Of course, a dog lives much less than a person. Sometimes it is quite difficult for a pet owner to part with their pet, whose life is coming to an end. To make the joy of communicating with your pet last longer, you should give preference to long-lived dogs.

Most often, representatives of the long-lived dog breed are able to live up to 15-16 years. The longest-living pets include the Yorkshire Terrier, Poodle, Maltese, Miniature Schnauzer, Boston Terrier, Shih Tzu and Dachshund.

Japanese Chin

Small dogs with long, silky hair were favored by eastern rulers and lived in imperial palaces.

Chins grow up to 20–25 cm at the withers and weigh 1.8–4 kg. They adapt well to dry, cool climates and do not tolerate heat or dampness. They fit easily into a carrier, but prefer to move on their own.

Japanese Chins are endowed with high intelligence and a playful disposition. Little mischievous people can sometimes be stubborn, and for excessive self-indulgence they are often called little dirty tricks.

You can buy a Japanese Chin puppy for 8,000–30,000 rubles.

Shepherd dog breeds

Since ancient times, when goats, sheep and cattle were domesticated, the dog has become a constant companion of man. This pet not only assisted in grazing livestock, but also protected it from various predators. Initially, all shepherd dogs were called shepherds, and only centuries later the types of herding breeds were identified.

Today, shepherd dogs, the breeds of which will be presented below, are no less popular. These species include the Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Kelpie, Azores Dog, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Collie and South Russian Shepherd Dog.


Papillons have been known since the 16th century. The name of the tiny breed means “butterfly” in French, which is quite consistent with the appearance of the doggies. They have relatively large ears, which are covered with long hair and resemble the wings of this insect.

The Papillon's fluffy coat is snow-white with black or red markings. The baby's coat needs frequent combing and regular washing.

These representatives of the list of the smallest dog breeds grow up to 20–28 cm and weigh 3.6–4.5 kg.

Papillons are endowed with an energetic, cheerful disposition. They do not tolerate loneliness well and do not like strangers.

The price of a small Papillon is 12,000–80,000 rubles.

Types of guide dogs

Representatives of the guide dog breed are not only a friend, but sometimes simply an irreplaceable companion and assistant for a person with disabilities.

These animals provide these people with assistance that those closest to them cannot offer. Such a pet is with a disabled person 24 hours a day.

All experts recommend the following dog breeds as guide dogs:

  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Labrador Retriever
  • German Shepherd.

All these animals are easy to train and very loyal. Among others, American breeds of guide dogs are very popular.

Bichon Frize

This breed appeared in France in the 13th century. In the 15th–16th centuries, small dogs with snow-white curly hair enjoyed special privileges among Spanish, Italian and French aristocrats.

Snow-white babies are endowed with a friendly and playful disposition. In order for the dog to resemble a white “marshmallow”, it must be looked after: regularly washed and combed. This is not very difficult, since the silky coat is not prone to tangling and does not need to be brushed every day.

The smallest curly-haired dogs are very smart and clean. They are easily litter trained and do not like long walks.

The height of an adult dog reaches 22–30 cm and weight 5–10 kg.

You can buy a small Bichon Frize for 30,000–85,000 thousand rubles.

The Healthiest Types of Dogs

Almost every dog ​​breeder will say that a happy and healthy animal can only belong to a caring owner. However, the healthiest dog breeds do exist, for several reasons. For the most part, the healthiest types of dogs are characterized by a minimal percentage of human intervention in the very process of breed formation.

Thus, this rating consists of breeds that are also called primitive. These include the Central Asian Shepherd, Caucasian Shepherd, Laika, Schnauzer, Basset and Bichon Frize.

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