Eukanuba dog food - an overview of all the advantages and disadvantages of dry food

Eukanuba for dogs

Eukanuba food, well-known and once popular, used to be really aimed at providing complete nutrition, but since P&G first became the owners of the company, and then they were bought by the Mars company, the food has become more commercial and this has greatly affected the quality.
Today, Eukanuba brand feeds represent a wide range of feeds of average quality. The only thing that remains is the recipe of some specials, proven over the years. feed The food does a good job of removing tartar, there have been no studies on which is better at fighting plaque - mechanical cleaning or added chemicals have not been carried out, so manufacturers use both methods - a special form of granules that clean the teeth and a chemical substance sodium hexametaphosphate, which prevents plaque from hardening on the teeth . Foods for dogs with allergies usually contain only one type of animal protein, which reduces allergies to a minimum, but, unfortunately, there is not enough animal protein in the food. But the division of food by breed, it seems to me, is nothing more than an advertising ploy; food for a Boxer and Labrador is absolutely identical in composition, so that it is enough to simply take food for a dog, focusing on its size and age.

We were saved by the eucanouba Dermatosis. The dog is a Chinese Crested breed, and they are all prone to allergies, so we can’t find the appropriate food. Sometimes there is irritation, sometimes redness, and then recently there are wen all over the body. Eukanuba fell into my hands at the right time; it doesn’t look much different in appearance, only the smell is sharp and fishy. But the dog reacted positively to the smell. I’ve been feeding the dog for three weeks now, almost all the irritation has gone away, and right before my eyes the appearance is changing. But there is one huge BUT, you cannot eat this food for a long time, since it belongs to the medicinal line, only during the treatment period. So I’m still racking my brain on what to feed next. Most likely I will again look for something from eukanuba.

I would like to share a review about the eucanuba, I fed it to my Yorkie. We adopted a dog, and then it turned out that she had an overly sensitive gastrointestinal system and was allergic to chicken in addition - her eyes were itchy and watery. We tried everything possible, focusing on expensive food. Eukanuba was the one with lamb for small and medium breeds. Our Yorick ate this food for a year and a half, everything got better, the allergies went away, the dog was healthy, but at one point gastritis worsened, so we had to switch to veterinarian. ruler, medicinal Eukanuba. But her dog refused to eat it, apparently it didn’t taste the same. I even lost half a kilo. And with a total weight of only about three kilos, it was a disaster. We switched to natural food and treated digestion. It took us six months. But our digestive problems were in no way connected with the food; I thought that the Yorkie ate something at the dacha or on a walk. When the problems were resolved, they again decided to return to Eukanuba with the lamb, but the recurrence of gastritis made it clear that the dog’s intestinal obstruction was precisely because of the food. That's what the vet told us.

My puppy is a mongrel, I picked it up from the street. But this does not mean that you need to feed him anything. I wanted the baby to come out. Therefore, I had special hopes for eukanuba for puppies of medium breeds, this is a weight category from 10 to 25 kilos, age from a month to 12. Buying at a high price, I understood that this was a super premium brand. Price: 3 kilos - 1500 rubles, 15 kilos - 6000 rubles. The older dog, who already lived with us before the baby was born, ate “our brand,” but when Eukanuba appeared, she also preferred the second one. In two weeks we run out of a large bag. If we compare it with the previous food, this one differs in the size of the granules, they are smaller and in aroma, the smell is more pleasant, and thanks to the zippered bag, the food does not erode, dry out or become soggy from moisture. Pure natural meat, of course, dogs eat better; no eucanouba can compare here, but nevertheless the composition is very nutritious. There are no chemicals. additives and synthetics. Both pets have normal digestion, their coat is also good, and there are no allergies. I'm thinking of trying other versions of this food, with different flavors.

Eukanuba Dog Food Review

Before buying any brand of food, you should definitely study its composition and read what they write about it on the Internet. Today the “Dai Paw” website will tell you about Eukanuba dog food - its composition, pros and cons, as well as reviews from those customers who feed or have previously fed their pets “drying” this brand.

Eukanuba belongs to the super premium class, formerly produced by Procter and Gamble, and now the brand belongs to Mars. The food is produced in the USA, the Netherlands and Russia.

Reviews from veterinarians about the food

Veterinarians recommend this food for daily nutrition.
Victor, veterinarian, 39 years old. The entire range of Eukanuba feeds contains exclusively natural products, which is an undeniable reason to purchase these products. Considering the fact that dogs are carnivores by nature and require a large amount of meat, there could be more meat in the Eukanuba food recipe. But this is not a reason to refuse these diets. The manufacturer offers a huge amount of balanced food: medicinal, for everyday feeding of puppies and adult dogs, and for pets with special needs. And they are in no way inferior in quality to similar feeds with a high meat content. I can confidently recommend these diets as a good product for daily nutrition.

Liliya, veterinarian, 56 years old. Eukanuba dry food belongs to the super premium category, which means it is of good quality. They contain not only meat, but also a whole egg, cereals, vitamins and minerals, as well as a large number of useful auxiliary components. From the presented foods, you can choose a diet that suits your pet’s age, physical condition and lifestyle, which is an undeniable advantage. I recommend this food as a high-quality product that has been proven over the years.

Eukanuba dog food - reviews

Review of Eukanuba dog food, writes Valeria from Moscow. As soon as we bought a small spaniel, we immediately encountered a problem - some kind of rash appeared on the skin. Next, a visit to the veterinarian and diagnosis: food allergy. The doctor recommended Eukanuba food, so we bought it. Although it is not cheap, we have been feeding it for many years now and there have been no more allergic reactions.

We buy in large packages of 15 kg, it costs more than five thousand rubles. The food contains everything necessary, so we do not give the dog any additional vitamins. In general, there are no complaints about Eukanuba, both we and our pet like everything. The only thing I can note is the specific smell of the food, but the dogs don’t seem to care about that

Elena from St. Petersburg writes a review about Eukanuba dog food. Good afternoon. When we adopted the puppy, the breeder recommended Arden Grange to us and said that this is what she feeds her pets. But after several days of feeding, it became clear that the food was causing digestive problems; the puppy had diarrhea. Perhaps this is due to the transition from mother's milk directly to food, but we decided to check and took another brand - Eukanuba.

After the transition, the problem of diarrhea disappeared, which means that the previous food was not absorbed for some reason. Well, oh well, this one is no worse in composition and there is not much difference in price, we thought. For two months everything was fine, but then the puppy became less and less willing to eat, and they were already thinking about changing the food again. Fortunately, we read it on the Internet and it turned out that it was just his teeth that were changing. Now we are feeding the option for adult dogs, everything is fine, so we recommend it.

Review of Eukanuba dog food, writes Alena. Hi all! We have a big Labrador who loves to eat well. Previously, we fed him Brit Care food for almost two years, but somehow I had to visit the veterinary clinic due to an allergy, and the veterinarians there advised me to try Eukanuba for Labradors. They also said that allergies often occur in this breed. The dog is healthy, the coat is excellent, there are no complaints. In general, I advise everyone to try Eukanuba brand food.

What is used in Eukanuba food?

On the back of the pack there is a detailed table showing the proportions and components of the active substances.

  • Dehydrogenated proteins occupy a special place.
  • They are of animal origin.
  • Poultry is used for this.
  • The proportionality of this substance is 30%.
  • They are considered the main source of protein molecules.

Wheat, young barley and rice are used as energy sources. Animal and fish oils are used as a source of fats. These components allow you to restore the level of useful connections.

The source of fiber is sugar beet fiber. Coarse fibers help normalize digestion processes and intestinal motility.

A food supplement based on mineral components is used as minerals. Hydroisolated animal protein is used as a flavoring additive.

Contains egg extract. It is considered a source of natural fat. Fruit oligosaccharides are used as a prebiotic. They help in the digestion process and reduce flatulence. In addition, these substances reduce the risk of an allergic reaction in adults and sick individuals.

Conclusions about Eukanuba dog food

Reviews about Eukanuba dog food are overwhelmingly positive; dog owners are satisfied with their choice. Analyzing the composition of the feed, you can see that there is not such a large percentage of meat, but it is meat, and not by-products of unknown quality (as in economy class and even premium feed).

From all this it follows that the food is really good, so the Dai Paw website has no reason not to recommend it as the main food for dogs.

Price of dog food Eukanuba

  • Dry food Eukanuba 0.5 kg - from 240 rubles;
  • Dry food Eukanuba 3 kg - from RUB 1,215
  • Dry food Eukanuba 15 kg - from 4,400 rubles;

In addition to the above, the food is also offered in other weight packages. The price depends not only on the weight of the package, but also on the option. You can also buy Eukanuba food in different stores at different prices.

Why is this food better than others?

One of the significant advantages of Eukanuba food is the presence of an extensive line of therapeutic nutrition for dogs suffering from intestinal disorders, kidney failure, obesity, stress, joint problems, dermatitis and diabetes. For example, super premium foods Yozera, Nutram and Optima Nova have narrower ranges of veterinary nutrition, limited to problems with weight, skin and stomach condition.

The main advantage of this food is its extensive range.

Another advantage of Eukanuba diets is the presence of special food intended not only for sterilized and neutered dogs, but also for weight loss. Fat levels reach only 7.6%, which helps actively get rid of extra pounds and maintain optimal weight. Weight control foods Optima Nova and Nutram contain 9% fat, and Monge food contains 10%.

The Eukanuba food range includes about 10 options for specific breeds, and their composition is designed taking into account the characteristics of the breed’s lifestyle. You will not find such an abundance of specific diets either in the Yozera brand or in the Porcelan, Brit Care and Bosch brands.

Eukanuba dog food - reviews

Eukanuba dry and wet food for dogs has been sold on the shelves of Russian pet stores for many years, during which time many reviews about them have been collected on the Internet. Below we have collected some of the newest reviews we found.

Reviews from veterinarians

Customer Reviews

We took food for small breed dogs, the price was 1,700 rubles per 3.5 kg package, the promotion was a little cheaper. The food granules are small, just the right size for our dog. The dog apparently likes the taste and has never refused it.

At first they soaked the food, then they stopped, now he eats it dry, the main thing is that there is always water next to the food. The dog's stool is stable, like clockwork - morning and evening. I recommend the food.

This food is produced in Russia, in the same place where Royal Canin is produced. I used to buy Eukanuba dermatosis for my dog ​​with a chicken allergy, but it was discontinued. Then we switched to a similar daily care sensitive skin, which, unfortunately, is rarely on sale.

And so I decided to order this one, with chicken, to try. The result was pleasing: no allergies, the dog eats with pleasure. We'll take it - it turns out cheaper and is always on sale!

I've heard about Eukanuba food for a long time, but I haven't bought it before. Recently, in a store, I noticed a beautiful Spitz in a bright package and thought that the food was specifically for this breed, so I took it for my dog ​​to try. At home I read it carefully, the food turned out to be suitable for all miniature breeds.

The food crumbs are small, I would say ideal for Spitz dogs, this is a plus. The smell is pleasant and induces appetite. My lard didn’t particularly like the food and ate it without enthusiasm. But the main thing is not this, but the fact that after this food the “exit” began to stink terribly. As soon as the dog finishes the package, I will 100% not buy this food again.

Economy feed

Foods such as Pedigree, Darling, Chappi are classified as economy class. Cheap dry food will help save money, but will have a detrimental effect on the health and life expectancy of your pet.

Pedigree and mongrel small dogs begin to experience health problems. These feeds contain practically no meat; it is replaced by meat industry waste (by-products). There are vegetable fats and many grains of unknown origin, etc.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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