Pro Plan dog food review with veterinarian reviews

Every owner, regardless of the breed of the animal, wants their four-legged friend to be healthy and cheerful. Nutrition plays an important role in this. But how can you make the right choice among the variety of products?

Thanks to good quality, reasonable price and thoughtful advertising, Pro Plan dog food from Purina has become widespread.

This brand offers a line of concentrates that take into account the size, breed, age characteristics and physiological state of the animal. Depending on your taste preferences, you can purchase dry food or a wet preservative.

This is interesting: Basic rules when switching from natural food to dry food

Detailed composition

This food is positioned as belonging to the super premium class. However, judging by the structure, it would be correct to classify it as a Premium class, since the percentage of meat components in it is no more than 20%.

About 30 types of Pro Plan food are produced for all breeds with different tastes: beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, lamb. Depending on the variety, the composition also varies. As an example, one of the new options is Pro Plan Duo Delice with beef for adult dogs.

Judging by the description on the manufacturer’s website, the product is 100% balanced, has an excellent taste and has a positive effect on the health of the dog’s teeth and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is mixed, that is, one package contains dry granules and soft pieces.

So, the composition of the feed:

  1. Beef – 17%. Moreover, this does not mean that pure meat is used. By-products can also be used in production.
  2. Dry poultry protein. The ingredient is obtained by chemically treating chicken waste, during which the beneficial properties are lost.
  3. Wheat, corn. These crops increase the nutritional value of the product, but their nutritional value is zero. They are an inexpensive source of carbohydrates, which reduces the cost of feed.
  4. Dry beet pulp is a good ingredient. Normalizes the amount of sugar in the dog's blood.
  5. Wheat gluten, corn grits, and malt flour are sources of inexpensive vegetable protein. They add calories to the feed, but do not bring much benefit.
  6. Rice – 4%. A carbohydrate that is easily absorbed by the body.
  7. Animal fat. Nothing is said about the origin, so the quality is difficult to determine.
  8. Egg powder is a food additive, a dry semi-finished product from chicken eggs. The set of microelements is identical to that observed in the raw product.
  9. Vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants. They help strengthen the body, normalize digestive processes, and improve the condition of the coat.
  10. Flavor enhancer. Makes dry food more attractive to dogs, but can cause allergies.

The manufacturer guarantees the following percentage of the main indicators of the product:

  • protein – 25%;
  • fats – 16%;
  • ash content – ​​8%;
  • fiber – 2%;
  • Omega-3 and 6 acids – 0.3 and 1.6%, respectively.

The amount of carbohydrates in this product is about 40%. The coefficient is high, which once again proves that Purina food belongs to the Premium class.

This is interesting: Composition of Purina One food

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the product include:

  • wide selection for all ages and breeds;
  • medicinal, dietary, hypoallergenic food options;
  • accessibility and affordable cost;
  • the presence of meat and fish as the main source of protein;
  • the presence of vitamins and minerals in the feed;
  • the development of the composition is carried out under the supervision of professionals;
  • granules are not of a hard consistency;
  • packages of various weights.

Interesting article: Hypoallergenic dog food: rating of super premium food for puppies and large breeds

The Pro Plan food has some disadvantages. The most significant are:

  • it is not indicated what ingredients are used, natural meat or offal;
  • presence of flavoring additives;
  • a large number of grain components;
  • lack of berries and fruits, as in super premium food;
  • the presence of components that do not provide any particular benefit to the dog’s body;
  • similarity of compositions, despite diversity.

As you can see, the pros and cons are almost proportional. Product evaluation is controversial, however, reviews from veterinarians and buyers are in most cases positive. As a premium product, Pro Plan is quite good and is suitable for a dog’s daily diet.

The Best Inexpensive Hypoallergenic Dog Foods

In our selection of budget food for dogs with allergies, we included two options each for dry and wet food. Even among such specialty products, there are very affordable options. This is achieved due to two points: composition and Russian production. Even the food of a well-known brand, which was in first place in the rating, is made in Russia (although the brand is not Russian).

Low-cost feeds include corn much more often than expensive feeds. It is undesirable for allergy sufferers. For example, in the food from Nasha Marka, corn generally comes first. At the same time, inexpensive food is popular precisely because it is budget-friendly; it is suitable for many animals.

4 Zoogourman Sensitive lamb, with rice 1.2 kg

Complete dry food from a Russian manufacturer is designed for animals of small and medium breeds, packaged in bags of different sizes.
It will help ensure and maintain healthy digestion and help maintain a normal weight for your pet. Lamb and turkey meat are used as a source of protein - products on the basis of which more expensive feeds are developed. In addition, hydrolyzed vegetable protein is used. The total protein content is 23%. The composition contains plant fiber, animal fats, healthy fatty acids and a lot of microelements.

Please note that the side dish is rice and corn. Corn is an inexpensive filler that reduces the price of feed. An ideal hypoallergenic food does not use it. However, many animals tolerate it normally, so this food will be suitable. If problems persist, we recommend paying attention to grain-free options. However, reviews of Zoogurman Sensitive are good, dogs’ eyes do not run, there are no problems with stool or allergies.


  • More budget-friendly than the options listed above.
  • The meat in the composition comes first.
  • Suitable for many dogs with allergies.
  • Small granules, suitable for small dogs.


  • There is no zip fastener on the package.
  • For medium-sized dogs, the kibble may be too small.
  • The composition is not listed in percentage terms.

Zoogourman Sensitive lamb, with rice 1.2 kg

3 BioMenu Sensitive, hypoallergenic, rabbit, turkey

If you want to pamper your allergic pet with an inexpensive and tasty canned meat, pay attention to BioMenu Sensitive with rabbit and turkey.
Typically, cans of wet dog food are sold in 400 g packs. Here the manufacturer has added additional packaging and released mini cans of 100 g. A good option for small dogs, or to try whether your pet likes the food or not. The feed manufacturer BioMenu is again Russian, making products at a factory in the Moscow region. In his food for allergy sufferers, the source of protein is turkey, rabbit and meat by-products, with both types of meat in the first place in the composition. There are no grains (even rice), potatoes or other fillers in the composition. Jerusalem artichoke and kelp are used in small quantities, and vitamin and mineral supplements have been introduced.

The manufacturer is not lying when he says that his food consists of 95% meat ingredients. The composition is non-standard. It does not contain common allergens that cause scabies and other problems in dogs. Although there is by-product, it is a rather unusual ingredient for hypoallergenic foods.


  • Successful composition without grains and allergenic products.
  • Meat and meat ingredients come first in the composition.
  • Good reviews from dog owners.
  • 95% meat ingredients.
  • The consistency is pate-like, suitable for animals without teeth.


  • The canned food resembles pate; not all dogs like this consistency.
  • The percentage of ingredients is not indicated.

BioMenu Sensitive wet dog food, hypoallergenic, rabbit, turkey

2 Our Brand hypoallergenic, lamb with rice

In second position in the ranking among inexpensive hypoallergenic foods is another product of Russian origin.
Its composition is specific, and the reviews are quite good. By “lamb with rice” the manufacturer means the taste of these products. There is no lamb in the composition at all, and rice is in 7th place, after mineral supplements. That is, there is not much of it here - most likely 5-7 percent. The exact percentage of ingredients is not indicated; this is negligence on the part of the manufacturer. In first place is corn, which is undesirable in hypoallergenic feed. That is, you can buy this food if you know for sure that your pet does not have hypersensitivity to corn. In second place in the composition is wheat, then poultry meal. It is not specified which birds and which parts (maybe meal from paws, skin, etc., that is, not from meat). Lamb liver is most likely added for flavor.

At the same time, the food is very widespread, most likely due to its low cost. This means that it is really suitable for many dogs with allergies, otherwise the owners would not buy it. If you decide to purchase this food from the “Our Mark” brand, carefully monitor the condition of the animal.


  • Suitable for all breeds.
  • Very low cost.
  • Contains no flavors, dyes, or soy.
  • Optimal energy value.


  • The percentage of ingredients is not indicated.
  • Corn comes first and contains corn gluten.

Our Brand hypoallergenic, lamb with rice

1 Brit Premium by Nature, beef, with rice

The Brit brand, known for its quality feed, is registered in the Czech Republic.
It produces products in several countries, and specifically makes canned food in Russia. This is probably why Brit Premium by Nature Beef and Rice is so affordable. Because there are almost no questions about its composition. In the first place in the composition is beef, followed by meat by-products. It is not specified which ones, this is one of two unclear points. Second, the percentage composition of the ingredients is not specified. Many manufacturers, even mega-popular ones, are guilty of this. It contains no corn or wheat, and rice is used as a side dish. In addition to it, there are additives in the form of vegetable oil and a natural gelling component.

The food is not very high in protein, so it is suitable for older dogs. The jar comes in a non-standard size of 800 grams; pets of small breeds do not eat that much in a day.


  • Clear composition, meat comes first.
  • Animals like canned food.
  • Pleasant natural smell.
  • Very favorable price.
  • You can easily find it on sale.


  • The composition is not described in percentage terms.
  • Customers complain about a large amount of fat in the jar.

Brit Premium by Nature wet dog food, beef, with rice

Pro Plan food line

The range of food products of this brand is quite large. During production, age, body weight and breed characteristics are taken into account.

A veterinary line of food has also been developed - Pro Plan Veterinary diets for dogs with health problems.

For large breeds

The larger the animal, the more balanced food it needs. Therefore, he needs nutritious nutrition that allows him to maintain muscle mass and not gain weight.

The following types of dry food are available for large breeds:

  1. Large Adult Optibalance with chicken - for adult dogs from one year old. Depending on the body type, this product is divided: Robust - with a powerful constitution, Athletic - athletic. The price of a package weighing 3 kg is 1390 rubles.
  2. Medium & Large Adult 7+ with Optiage complex is suitable for both large dogs and medium breeds. The food is recommended for pets who have crossed the 7-year mark. It improves brain activity and keeps you active. Cost – 1200 rub. for 3 kg.
  3. Medium Adult Optibalance with chicken – for adult pets of medium build. Price category within 1300 rubles.

For large breeds of dogs with vulnerable skin, Pro Plan Optiderma with salmon and rice is intended, and for those with a delicate digestive system, Adult Sensitive Digestion food based on a high content of lamb. Price – 1300 rub.

For small breeds

Small four-legged friends need a proper diet with a predominance of protein. For dogs of medium and small breeds, it is important that the food meets the daily requirements for essential microelements and vitamins.

Dry products for this category:

  1. Small & Mini Adult Optibalance based on chicken (20%) and rice (7%) is produced for adult animals of small breeds. Helps maintain healthy joints, gastrointestinal tract, teeth and gums. A package weighing 3 kg costs 1350 rubles.
  2. Small & Mini Adult 9+ Optiage. This food is suitable for small breed dogs aged 9 years and older. It allows you to maintain brain activity, gives you vigor, and slows down aging. Contains 14% chicken and 4% rice. Cost (700 g) – 390 rubles.
  3. Small & Mini Adult Sensitive Skin with Optiderma complex containing salmon (20%) and rice (18%). The food is hypoallergenic because it contains no gluten. It improves the condition of the coat and minimizes the reaction of the skin to food components. Suitable for all four-legged friends, regardless of breed. Price – 390 rub. for 700 g.
  4. Small & Mini Adult Optidigest with lamb for small dogs with vulnerable digestive systems. This product restores the microflora in the intestines, eliminates discomfort, and normalizes stool. The price category is the same.

Duo Delice food, the composition of which is discussed above, is suitable for pets of all sizes and breeds and differs only slightly in the ratio of components. The double texture of the pieces may appeal to picky eaters.

For puppies

Puppies need increased nutrition to stimulate normal growth and development. The first year of their life is fundamental and requires a scrupulous approach when choosing a diet.

Manufacturers competently approached the creation of Pro Plan food for puppies and released a line with the Optistart complex, the recipe of which includes colostrum. It is rich in antibodies, helps strengthen the dog’s immunity and reduce the risk of intestinal infections.

Product types:

  1. Large Puppy with chicken and rice – food for large breed puppies. Robust or Athletic – depending on the dog’s build. Cost – 1390 rub. for 3 kg.
  2. Medium Puppy is created based on the same components. Intended for feeding medium-sized puppies. The price is identical.
  3. Small & Mini Puppy is suitable for babies of dwarf breeds. The composition and cost are similar to the above feeds, the difference is only in the percentage of components.

The company took care of cubs with gastrointestinal and skin problems, just like adults. Dry granules with Optiderma and Optidigest complexes also exist for this line.

The Best Wet Hypoallergenic Dog Foods

Canned food is best used as a supplement to the dry version. Of course, many dogs prefer wet food, but not all such canned food is complete. That is, designed for constant use, with a balanced content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Canned food is best used as a treat.

All wet food presented further in the rating is designed for animals aged 1-6 years. But in most cases, they are used to feed dogs for life, just like dry options. There are no artificial ingredients, preservatives or other questionable ingredients. All options are sold in the same packaging - 400 g cans. None of the food presented contains grains. Each name is based on a different type of protein: animal, avian, fish and vegetable. Feeds based on plant protein make sense for animals with intolerance to any other protein and with a number of diseases. This is rare, but it does happen.

4 One&Only grain-free, hypoallergenic, buffalo

In fourth place in our rating is the excellent Belgian food ONE&ONLY with a somewhat exotic composition.
It does contain buffalo meat, which makes up 80% of the formula. The remaining 20% ​​is meat broth. It is clear that such food cannot be produced on an industrial scale, so it cannot always be found on sale everywhere. The product belongs to the monoprotein meat class and belongs to the holistic class. Apart from meat, broth and a vitamin-mineral complex, there is nothing else in it. Its advantage is twofold. Such mono-feeds are less likely to cause intolerance, and if it occurs, the reason will be clear. Buffalo meat is very healthy and nutritious, its composition is similar to veal or beef.

The food contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that your dog needs. Animals eat these canned foods just fine - just like natural meat. The manufacturer has tried to make an excellent product for dogs with sensitive digestion and allergies.


  • Unique mono-protein composition, nothing but buffalo meat.
  • Contains no grains, preservatives, by-products, etc.
  • Natural ingredients.
  • Thanks to delicate processing, nutrients are preserved to the maximum.
  • Despite its uniqueness, the price is no more expensive than other wet food analogues.
  • Convenient packaging - 400 g jars.


  • Not sold everywhere.
  • It does not contain fiber necessary for digestion, so you should not feed your pet only this food.

One&Only grain-free, hypoallergenic, buffalo

3 Farmina Vet Life for allergies, fish, with potatoes

If your animal is allergic or intolerant to foods containing animal protein, there is a good alternative - a fish diet.
Farmina Vet Life Fish and Potatoes does not contain any animal ingredients. Fish is the only source of protein. Potatoes and quinoa are sources of carbohydrates (vital energy). The fish in the composition (trout, sardine) is supplemented with fish oil, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, including skin and coat. The food is recommended by the manufacturer, including for improving the trophic functions of the skin (its ability to adapt to external conditions). Additionally, it has a positive effect on the condition of the dog’s eyes, ears, mucous and anal glands.

Even capricious animals who are picky about the taste and smell of food like the product. Belongs to the super premium class. According to owners, the food helps most dogs stop itching. When using it, the hair begins to grow back and the pet's condition improves.


  • Complete dietary food.
  • Excellent composition, detailed percentages.
  • Good energy value without the use of grains.
  • Suitable for most allergies and intolerances, including if your dog is itchy.


  • Some animals still don't like the taste.
  • Fishy smell from canned food (but you can tolerate it for the sake of your pet).

Farmina Vet Life wet dog food for allergies, fish, with potatoes

2 Grandorf goose, turkey

This food consists of 40% goose meat and 40% turkey meat.
Another 13% is broth, the rest is mineral components. The composition is excellent. There is no grain component at all, as well as by-products, preservatives, antibiotics, etc. The product will be a dream meat addition to dry hypoallergenic food. The composition uses goose meat, which contains a lot of protein and easily digestible amino acids. And turkey is low-calorie and dietary. Also included as ingredients are fats necessary for the pet’s body, lecithin, and many vitamins and minerals.

Italian canned food is prepared in a special way, thanks to which maximum beneficial properties are preserved. They consist of low-calorie components, so they are well suited for dietary nutrition. Moreover, the composition contains only meat without questionable additives. The food belongs to the holistic class.


  • Hypoallergenic, low-calorie food.
  • Useful composition, well written in percentage terms.
  • Pleasant, appetizing smell and taste.
  • Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, wool.


  • Difficult to find on sale.

Wet dog food Grandorf goose, turkey

1 Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HA Hypoallergenic for allergies

In first place among canned food for dogs with allergies is food with a unique herbal composition.
The source of protein here is hydrolyzed soy protein, the remaining components are also of plant origin. In addition to fish oil, which is a source of healthy fatty acids. That is, the food is not entirely vegetarian. Low molecular weight soy protein reduces the risk of allergies, as does the use of refined carbohydrate sources. Complete dietary food, designed for dogs of all ages. It supports the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, allows you to reduce and eliminate the manifestations of food allergies, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the animal’s skin and coat.

According to the manufacturer, the food has an attractive taste for four-legged pets. It will be a great option if you need to put your dog on an elimination diet. It is also recommended for a whole range of diseases: dermatitis, intestinal inflammation, pancreatic insufficiency, hyperlipidemia, malabsorption, etc.


  • Suitable not only for adult dogs, but also for puppies.
  • Vegetable composition with the addition of fish oil. Suitable for allergies to any protein of animal origin or fish.
  • Contains easily digestible ingredients.
  • Recommended for many diseases.


  • A rare option, not always available for sale.

Wet dog food Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HA Hypoallergenic for allergies


, which is a manufacturer of Pro Plan food from the USA. This major developer of food for cats and dogs is known all over the world. The company is also the owner of the Nestle brand, which is a sign of the quality of the product.

Purina branches are located in France, Italy and Russia. Products mainly produced in Russia are presented on the domestic market.

However, the highest quality food is considered to be French food, which is practically not available in pet stores. Alternatively, goods can be ordered online on specialized websites.

Video “An expert talks about Proplan”

In the video below, an expert who takes part in the creation of Proplan feeds will tell us about the products.

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Why is Pro Plan better than other foods?

One of the main advantages of this premium product compared to others is the wide selection. Depending on the individual characteristics and breed of the dog, the developer has selected the optimal daily diet.

And the feeding table on the package will help you avoid making mistakes with the dosage. Another advantage is the reduced phosphorus content, which reduces the load on the kidneys.

A huge advantage is the presence of a treatment line. You can choose nutrition in accordance with the existing disease, and thereby improve the condition of your pet.

Medicated food should be given to a dog only after consultation with a veterinarian.

An undoubted advantage is the availability of the product. It is available in any pet store, and packages of different weights will help you make a choice in favor of one product or another at the lowest cost.

Who produces this food?

The official manufacturer of ProPlan is the famous American corporation Nestle Purina PetCare. In Russia, the company Michel and Co. has the rights to represent its interests and sell its goods. Michel & Co. produces for free sale a line of regular foods for puppies, adult dogs and elderly animals. But veterinary rations most often need to be ordered through specialized clinics or directly on the ProPlan website in Russia. In parallel with ProPlan, the Nestle Purina PetCare company sells Darling and Dog Chow, which are less respected among dog breeders.

In our country, the range is not as wide as in the United States of America. But this does not prevent Russian four-legged lovers from choosing completely suitable diets. The manufacturer supplies here ProPlan for small dogs, Purina Pro Plan dog food and other medicinal dog food created under the ProPlan brand, food for puppies under one year old and the live weight of an adult animal, as well as ProPlan for medium breeds.

Feeding table

Each package contains a table in which the manufacturers indicate the dosage of the Pro Plan food. It details how much food to give your dog depending on weight, breed and activity.

As you grow, your diet should change. When reaching a year, you need to use food for adult dogs, after 7 years - for aging dogs.

Approximate dosage:

Dog weight, kgAmount of feed, g/day
from 1 to 5from 30 to 100

For puppies, regardless of breed, slightly different food intake requirements are needed. A growing body requires nutrients, so its daily need for food is greater than that of an adult dog.

Amount of feed, g/day, divided into 5-6 doses:

  • for young dogs of small breeds – 200-450;
  • average kids – 450-600;
  • large – 600-900.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Puppies should only be given food formulated for their age group.


When feeding dry granules, it is important to adhere to the drinking regime. On average, an animal needs 50 g of liquid per 1 kg within 24 hours. You should not force your dog to drink water. It is enough to provide her with constant access to clean water.

It is advisable to soak dry food for babies whose teeth are not yet strong, pets with gastrointestinal problems and aging dogs. It is diluted with clean warm water to a pasty state.

You can use low-fat kefir, and for puppies up to 5 months old - boiled milk. Uneaten food remains are immediately disposed of to avoid souring.

Endless product lines for any dog

The number of varieties of Purina food is difficult to count. The company's veterinarians are constantly developing new foods and formulations, constantly improving and improving them.

The dog owner can always choose food in any form:

  • dry granules
  • wet food.

Products are produced in series that meet the needs of the animal. When forming nutritional compositions, everything is taken into account:

  • pet's age
  • his state of health
  • presence of chronic or cured diseases
  • other factors that arise during the life of the animal.

For any combination of a pet’s individual characteristics, the owner will always be able to choose the most suitable food so that the dog is always happy and cheerful.

Reviews from veterinarians

Nikolay Sergienko: “As a doctor, I can say that Pro Plan food can be confidently classified as premium. A balanced composition will keep your pet active.”

Olga Zaitseva: “This food should be given with caution to animals prone to allergies, as it contains grains. The answer is gluten-free food for dogs with sensitive digestive systems.”

Makarov Pavel: “Regarding this food, questions arise regarding the quality of meat products. In addition, it contains flavoring and a high percentage of carbohydrates. It cannot be said that Pro Plan food belongs to the super premium class, however, if it is not possible to buy elite food, this option is temporarily suitable.”

As you can see, reviews of the product are mostly good. By purchasing it, you can be sure that it will not harm the dog. But when purchasing, it is better to give preference to an imported manufacturer in order to get a quality product.

Are there any advantages to ProPlan over other foods?

In order to sensibly assess the quality, you need to understand what class of ProPlan food it is? And the correct answer is indicated by the high market value - these products are classified as premium. Compared to other representatives of this price category, Pro Plan food stands out well. A small norm per day makes such nutrition quite attractive from an economic point of view. But what are the objective advantages of the brand?

Veterinarians from the production have created more than 30 foods for different dogs. This contrast is noticeable when comparing ProPlan with the Chicopee company, which has only 11 items. They also developed a special veterinary diet, which is used by many specialists (it includes foods such as Urinari ProPlan, Joint Mobility, Renal Function, Dental Health, Fortiflora, Hepatic, Gastrointestinal, and so on).

This feature of the feed most fully concerns practice in small towns: ProPlan is one of the most affordable premium feeds. The company's policy is to find an individual approach to dogs with different needs. Therefore, ProPlan has a rather rich mineral composition. Veterinarians note the good content of vitamin E. This company uses about 550 IU/kg, while in diets from Probalance the figure is 10 times less.

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