How and where to bury a dog: we do everything according to the rules and laws

Unfortunately, dog lovers will someday have to bury their pet, and perhaps even more than one. You can often hear from dog owners that when they buy a puppy, they already understand that someday they will have to part with it. Nature is designed in such a way that an animal cannot live as many years as a person. Not many people know how to bury a dog when that terrible day comes for its owner.

Possible burial options

There are several options for burying a dog, which are actively used by owners:

  • on the territory of a private house;
  • graves on the territory of a summer cottage (own);
  • spontaneous cemeteries;
  • garden;
  • field or forest;
  • area near an apartment building;
  • favorite places where the pet walked;
  • human cemeteries.

Pet cemetery

However, all these methods are contrary to the law and harm the environment.

Assess the situation

Are you sure your dog has died? If you have any doubts, it is best to seek help from your nearest open veterinarian.

Try to feel your dog's heartbeat to see if he has a pulse or is in cardiac arrest.

You can try CPR or other first aid if you think your dog is still alive.

If you are sure that your dog has passed away, the simplest scenario is to take the dog's body to a veterinarian for help.

Environmental harm from decomposition of animal remains

The dog's grave is a place where the owner can come. This is one of the reasons why people bury their dogs in the ground, putting others at risk. That's right, it's not a typo.

How to bury a cat and where to do it correctly

According to the legislation, in particular, the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 1995, the corpse of a dog is biological waste and must be disposed of (incinerated). The fact is that when a body decomposes, various infections enter the environment. They are dangerous to the environment, animals and people.

For your information! The grave of a pet buried in a forest or field can be dug up by other dogs and the remains can be taken away; the ground in which the dog is buried can be taken into the hands of a person. The consequences can be quite dire.

Monument to the dead dog

Is it possible to bury an animal in a human cemetery?

Burying a dog in a cemetery intended for people is a controversial issue. Some people are calm about this, while others are categorically against such burials. If we consider this issue from the point of view of the Christian religion, then burying dogs in cemeteries is a sin, since these animals are considered unclean. And few people would like the proximity of a deceased loved one to some kind of dog.

Use of the territory of a private house

Typically, residents of the private sector think less about what to do with the corpse of an animal. By analogy with a person, we immediately decide to bury him. At first glance, the solution is very simple: choose a place in the front garden or backyard. Here you can dig a fairly deep grave, and then decorate it with flowers.

Is it possible to bury a dog in the yard? Of course, no one can stop you. Yes, and it is impossible to verify this. But this violates sanitary and environmental standards. It’s one thing if it’s a small puppy whose body will be buried to a considerable depth. And it’s another thing if a huge dog is buried at the very surface, because the owner is physically unable to prepare a deeper grave.

But this is one moment. There is another one. It is worth warning the owner against the desire to bury the pet in a place that he will stumble upon every day. Is it possible to bury a dog on your own property? Unless you run a nursery, the corpse of one animal 8 to 10 years old will not be able to poison the soil in your garden. But in the first months it will be very difficult to pass by this place every day. Do not forget that this can only be done in a situation where the pet died of natural causes. If the cause was an infection, then the corpse must be cremated.

Where is the right place to bury a dog?

Owners need to know how to bury a dog in such a way that it does not contradict the law and generally accepted norms. There are few options - a pet cemetery or disposal in accordance with veterinary and sanitary rules.

Pet Sematary: How to Bury a Dog

Aviary for a shepherd (German) in the courtyard of a private house

How are dogs buried in cities? In large cities of Russia there are separate cemeteries for burying pets. For example, in Moscow, the churchyard is located near Kurkino on Mashkinskoye Highway. The owner can give the deceased animal for general or separate cremation, and scatter the ashes over a garden planted in the cemetery, or place an urn with them in a special columbarium. It is also possible to bury an urn in the ground in a cemetery in a regular area or on the Alley of Heroes.

Important! To cremate and bury your pet there, you must contact the cemetery administration and order the services you are interested in.

Burial of a dog

Disposal of a dead dog

Many owners are not ready to accept the idea that their dog is material for posthumous disposal. In reality, disposal is the cremation of your pet's remains. The owner can give the dog's body for general or individual cremation in person by contacting the company officially providing these services, or leave it at a veterinary clinic.

Virtual cemetery

Web cemeteries have become increasingly popular lately. All this is again related to the framework of the law. Dogs have to be buried quite far away, so in moments of particular sadness it may be impossible to visit the burial site. This is why virtual cemeteries are gaining popularity.

Such resources require a daily payment for their place. Funds usually go towards building real animal cemeteries or helping those pets who need it. Usually all this is spelled out on the website.

Virtual cemeteries will preserve memories of your pet and also help you find support. These sites are visited by people who have recently lost their pets. People who have experienced the same pain can support themselves well.

How to bury a dog in winter

How to train a dog to a kennel in the yard from an apartment

Owners who have decided to bury a dog themselves in a dacha or other places (despite laws and fines) need to know how to bury an animal in winter.

In winter, the ground freezes; many people recommend thawing it with a fire. That is, a fire is made at the site of the future grave, the ground is broken with a crowbar, and the resulting lumps are broken with a shovel, digging deeper. But this will take a long time, since the ground thaws only on the outside, and it’s unlikely that it will work to break the frozen ground with a crowbar.

Dog lovers recommend the following method for thawing the ground:

  1. Use an ax to cut through the top layer of soil (or use a chainsaw and cut through it).
  2. Place charcoal intended for cooking kebabs in the resulting small hole.
  3. Pour kindling liquid over the coal and set it on fire.
  4. In about an hour the ground will warm up. Then dig a hole; if the depth is insufficient for burial, then repeat steps 1-3.

At what age do quadrupeds die?

The lifespan of a four-legged friend is very individual and depends on the breed, living conditions and state of health. Unfortunately, the possibility of death as a result of accidents or from a dangerous disease is quite high.

According to statistics, large and giant individuals live from 9 to 11 years, and the average life expectancy of smaller dogs is 12-15 years. Representatives of yard breeds have good health and can live up to 20 years.

It is within the power of the owner to extend the years of the pet. This is facilitated by proper care, a balanced diet, and careful attention to health. Regular vaccinations and treatments against parasites save you from diseases.

Animal cremation

And now about how to bury a dog correctly according to the law. The surest way is cremation. Cremation can be shared or individual. The first one will cost less, but in this case the owner cannot be absolutely sure that he will receive the ashes of his pet. Individual cremation is more expensive, but the owner will be able to attend it and then pick up the urn with the dog's ashes.

Cremation is the burning of an animal's body, lasting no more than 1.5 hours, depending on the size of the deceased dog. After the procedure, the ashes are removed from the oven, poured into an urn and given to the owner (in the case of individual cremation). When the ashes are shared, they are either scattered or poured into one common urn and buried.

Urn with ashes

Body recycling and taxidermy

Many people consider this method not human, but it is impossible to ignore it, since it is really gaining popularity. To be more precise, in recent years you can use the body of your deceased dog:

  1. making stuffed animals;
  2. making accessories such as key chains, bags or belts.

Of course, many will say that this is real barbarism, but recent trends suggest the opposite. Many argue that the negative reaction to such actions is the result of the imposition of religion. Even without an ardent belief in God, you understand that the dead need to be buried and nothing else. Making key chains, bags or belts from a dog’s body is of course overkill, but such people still exist. Therefore, we decided to introduce you to this option for processing dog bodies.

How to say goodbye to a deceased pet

In case of forced euthanasia of a dog (old age, illness, injuries incompatible with life), it is advisable to be with her until the last. Just stroke, squeeze the front paws in your hands, speak kind words, ask for forgiveness.

Important! When a dog dies suddenly, saying goodbye can be especially painful for the owner. As in the case of euthanasia, pet, ask for forgiveness and only after that call the ritual service.

Saying goodbye to your beloved dog is always painful

Orthodoxy's attitude to animal burial

Orthodoxy does not support the installation of crosses and monuments, which cannot be done, on the graves of deceased pets, as well as burials in human cemeteries. But from the point of view of Christianity, dead animals should be buried in the ground, and not burned in a crematorium. Orthodoxy is generally against burning anyone - human or animal, since “we came from the earth, and we will go to the earth.”

As many religions as there are on earth, there are as many instructions about burying an animal. For example, Sharia says that it is necessary to bury an animal so that when it decomposes it does not cause inconvenience to a Muslim with its smell. Islam allows you to bury pets in your own yard, garden or garden; as for burning, it is not prohibited, but it is not encouraged either.

Psychological advice

How to survive this period? In our culture, there are no rituals that would help us more easily cope with loss (obituaries, memorial days), so sometimes it is easier to do this if you follow some recommendations from psychologists. Despite the fact that they are quite simple, it is not always possible to do what experts advise during periods of intense grief.

Do not look for someone to blame, especially if the pet died due to illness or injury.

It is worth realizing that even ideal owners and experienced doctors sometimes make mistakes, so it is important not to blame yourself with possible phrases “I didn’t have time”, “I made a mistake in choosing a veterinarian”. Each owner does everything in his power, so the main thing is that the dog spent a happy life in a caring atmosphere. Take a break and wait for the pain to subside

You should not immediately rush to search for a replacement for a departed pet, as this will be fraught with comparisons of different animals, which often turn out to be not in favor of new pets. After a loss, it is better to limit communication with familiar dog lovers, visits to the usual pet store or veterinary clinic in order to avoid unnecessary questions and memories. Fill the void. The dog owner develops a special rhythm and schedule of life, which may revolve around the needs of the pet (for example, daily walks, feeding schedule, etc.). Lifestyle changes are one of the most powerful sources of stress, so it is important to come up with a new hobby or activity that will occupy your free time. This could be English or programming courses, going to the gym or renovating your own apartment - any options that will shift your attention away from pain and sad thoughts. Remember only the good things. Immediately after the death of a dog, the period when he was already sick or old most often pops up in his mind, but you need to try to get rid of such thoughts. After all, there were many other, more pleasant moments in the dog’s life: clumsy puppyhood, first training lessons, joint walks and trips and other cases that should be emphasized. To reinforce positive emotions, you can make an album or frames with photographs, and after a while, memories of your pet will only bring a smile, not tears.

How to cope with the death of your beloved dog

Anyone who has buried a dog knows how difficult it is to recover from its death. Time, according to popular belief, heals, but in the case of the death of a pet, this is not so. The pain dulls over time, but never disappears.

There are many tips on how to cope with the death of a dog:

  • get another puppy. In fact, you shouldn’t do this for the first time after your pet leaves. The owner will compare the new puppy with a dead dog, and this is not good, because it is completely different from the first pet;
  • take a vacation and go on a trip;
  • immerse yourself in work;
  • being away from home more often, visiting entertainment places.

What will definitely help you cope with the death of your pet easier:

  • put away all things associated with the dog - bowls, leashes and collars, toys;
  • hide pictures hanging on the wall, if any, in a photo album. Revise them less often at first;
  • talk less about what happened, because the more the owner exaggerates this topic, the more painful it is for him;
  • drive away bad thoughts regarding the death of your pet;
  • If at night you heard the clatter of a dead dog’s claws, its breathing or barking, attribute it to mental games.

Note! In especially severe cases, the owner may need the help of a psychologist.

The grief of loss will pass with time

Now owners know how to bury a dog correctly. There is no need to be afraid of the death of a pet, but you should be prepared for it, since animals do not live as long as people.

*Prices in the article are for February 2022.


Coping with the passing of a pet can be very difficult. This is especially true for lonely and elderly people, for whom the animal was more than a friend. Psychologists give some tips on how to alleviate the pain of loss:

After the loss, you can adopt a new pet. But it is not recommended to rush things. First, the pain of losing your first friend must subside. There is good advice: take not one, but two animals, with an interval of 3 - 5 years of age. By the time your old friend is ready to leave you, there will be a second pet at home, young and full of energy. This will make it much easier to return home than if the house is completely empty.

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