Rat - appearance, habitat, life cycle, danger and variety + 87 photos

Nobody knows when people first became acquainted with rats; this animal always lives next to us.

The rat belongs to the mammals, to the order - rodents, suborder - mouse-like. The most common animal on the planet is the rat.

Appearance of the rat, description and characteristics

The body of the rat is oval-shaped and stocky. The body of the animal is from 8 cm to 30 cm, weighing up to 500 g, there are small ones weighing 37 grams.

The eyes and ears are small, the muzzle is sharp and elongated. Is the tail longer than the size of the rat's body, hairless or covered with fine hair? invisible to the human eye (a type of black rat has a tail with a thick coat of fur). There is a species of short-tailed rodents in the world.

A rat's teeth are arranged tightly together in rows and are designed for chewing food. These animals are omnivores; they differ from other predators in the absence of fangs and diastema - this is an area on the gums where there are no teeth.

There are no dental roots, so growth occurs continuously throughout the rat's life. For convenience, they need to constantly grind down their teeth, otherwise she will not be able to close her mouth.

The teeth are strong with hard yellow enamel, which makes it possible to easily chew through concrete, cement and hard various metals.

The rodent's body is covered with a thick, dense coat of guard hairs. The color range is varied, gray with different shades of dark or light, red, orange and even yellow.

These amazing animals have movable toes on their paws, so they easily climb trees and prepare nests in hollows for habitat.

Rats are very active and agile animals, running 17 km a day and jumping up to 1 meter in height. They swim well, are not afraid of water and can catch fish.

Rats often turn their heads in different directions because they have a small viewing angle and see the world around them in gray tones.

Hearing functions perfectly, rats distinguish sounds with a frequency of up to 40 kHz (humans up to 20 kHz).

Life expectancy is from 1 year to 3 years. In laboratory conditions, rats can live 2 times longer.


Rats are born deaf, blind, naked, with a short tail, and undeveloped limbs. Body pink. Seeing such a baby, it is difficult to immediately determine who his mother is and what type of rat she belongs to.


Initially, the weight of a newborn is no more than 6 g. However, body weight increases every day by 2-3 g, since baby rats have an excellent appetite and actively suck the nutritious milk of the female.

On the third day of life, the baby rat appears soft, dark-colored fluff on its back. The future color is already visible. From this moment the next period of the children’s life begins.

Difference between rats and mice

Rats and mice are representatives of the same suborder, but they differ significantly in appearance and behavior.

The body of a mouse is small, up to 20 cm, weighing up to 50 grams, rats are twice as large, they are dense and muscular, weighing up to 900 grams.

Pronounced distinctive shapes of the head and eyes, in mice it is triangular and slightly flattened with large eyes, in rats the muzzle is elongated with small eyes.

A strong body and powerful toes allow rats to jump high up to 1 meter; mice cannot do such tricks.

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Mice are cowardly animals and are afraid to appear in front of people, but this does not bother rats; they can defend themselves. There are many cases where they attacked a person.

Rats are omnivores, eating meat and plant foods. On the contrary, mice have a greater preference for cereals and seeds.

Why are rats dangerous?

Rats are a disaster for all humanity. They gnaw through walls in the basements of houses, sewer pipes, damage electrical mains, and damage crops.

Rats are carriers of more than 20 infectious diseases, such as leptospirosis, plague, salmonellosis, pseudotuberculosis and others. Many are dangerously fatal to human life.

It is difficult to exterminate rats using chemicals because the animal’s body quickly adapts to the poison and develops protective immunity to toxins.

Rats are a pet

Rats are ideal pets. They quickly become tamed to humans and recognize their owner by the face.

Neat and clean animals do not require special care. They will give their owner many funny moments; they are very interesting to watch.

But the owner of a pet rat should not forget that this is a social animal and it is difficult for him to live alone. The rat definitely needs a mate, otherwise a mental disorder may develop.

Younger age

Starting from the fourth day, the development of little rat pups occurs at a rapid pace.

  • 4th day the ears open, the pups begin to distinguish sounds and hear rustling sounds;
  • 6th body is covered with soft dark fluff;
  • On the 8th, teeth emerge, except for the main incisors.

After 10 days of life, the pups become active. They crawl well and master the terrain. If these are pets, they should be handled more often so that the animals grow up tame. However, during the game they should not be left unattended, since coordination of movements is not yet developed, the kids can fall to the floor from a table, any height.

Type of rat, name and photo

There are about 70 species of rats in the world, most of which are little studied; below are common types of rodents with a brief description and photo of the rat.

The gray rat (pasyuk) is one of the larger species, up to 25 cm long, the tail is not taken into account. Weight from 140 grams to 390 grams, with a wide, elongated muzzle. The gray coat of young animals becomes orange with age. It lives near water, in dense vegetation and digs holes up to 5 meters.

The black rat is smaller in size than the gray rat, with a much smaller muzzle and rounded ears. Body length up to 22 cm, weight about 300 grams. A significant difference between this species of rodent is the tail, which is densely covered with hair and 4-5 times longer than the size of the body.

Lives in Asia, Africa and Europe. It can live for a long time without water, so it lives in dry places. The wool is black with a green tint.

The small rat differs from its fellows in size. Body length up to 15 cm maximum with body weight up to 80 grams. It has a brown coat color, a sharp muzzle and inconspicuous small ears. The tail is as long as the body without any signs of fur. Lives in Southeast Asia.

The long-haired rat is characterized by long hair and high activity. Males grow up to 18 cm, and females up to 16 cm in length. The tail is 4-5 cm smaller in size from the body. Habitat in arid deserts.

The Turkestan rat lives in China, Nepal, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan. The fur is red, the belly is pale yellow, the body length is up to 23 cm. This variety is similar to the gray one, but has a denser body and a wide head in size.

Black-tailed rat or rabbit. It has average dimensions up to 22 cm, weight about 190 grams.

An interesting feature of this type of tail is a tuft of hair at the tip.

The back is gray and brown with visible black hairs.

They live in Australia and New Guinea mainly in eucalyptus forests, dense grass and shrubs. They lead an active lifestyle at night and hide in burrows during the day.

Natural habitats

Rats can safely be called animals that appeared on earth even before man appeared on it. They are found in almost all corners of our Earth. Depending on the species, they are found both within the Euro-Asian continent and within other continents, including Australia, the Malay Archipelago, New Guinea, etc.

Yet their habitat is limited to northern, cold regions. Within central Russia there are no more than 2 species of rats - gray and black. If necessary, a rat can cover up to fifty kilometers in one day.

Rats are mammals that easily adapt to fairly difficult living conditions, which is why rats are often found at abandoned research stations in Antarctica.

Interesting and educational facts about the life of rats

In India there is a Karni Mata temple where rats are revered, cared for and protected. If the rules for caring for a sacred animal and killing it are violated, this person is obliged to bring a golden figurine in the form of a rat to the temple.

In some American states, it is illegal to hit a rat with a baseball bat and can result in a $1,000 fine.

In Asian and African countries, rats are considered a worthy delicacy for a festive dinner. Rat meat is considered a delicacy.

A gray rat eats up to 12 kg of various cereal products per year. Experts have calculated that every year about 6 kg of one farmer’s harvest is spent on feeding one rat.

Danger to humans

The confrontation between humans and rats has lasted for thousands of years. In our time, such a struggle has received an official name - rodent control. Despite its notoriety in Europe and many other countries, including the Americas, in some countries of the East this rodent received the status of a divine animal that symbolizes wealth, wisdom, prosperity, etc. The negative image of this rodent is associated with several plague epidemics in Europe, which were carried by rats.

Important point! Rats are involved in serious economic losses that are associated with spoilage and consumption of various types of goods, both food and other purposes. These rodents damage the insulation of electrical networks, which leads to fires that claim the lives of many people, not to mention damage to property.

Some species of rats cause serious damage to agricultural crops because they simply destroy crops. Therefore, in such conditions, people resort to various methods of protecting crops from rodent invasion. In some cases they are simply scared away, and in others they are physically destroyed. Currently, rats pose a serious threat to the health of all humanity, since these rodents carry pathogens of dangerous diseases. The danger of their vital activity also lies in the fact that these rodents are able to completely unnoticedly penetrate into a human home through sewage and ventilation systems.

Despite the constant and serious fight against rats and other rodents, it has not yet been possible to completely destroy them, but it is still possible to control the populations of these pests.

Experts have established certain norms for deratization, which is associated with the optimal percentage of freeing the territory from rodents.

Therefore it is considered:

  • 80% – the result is satisfactory.
  • 90% is a good result.
  • 95% is an excellent result.

In this regard, it is generally accepted that the task of special deratization services is to maintain in a certain area an acceptable percentage of rodents that would not be able to cause much damage to human life.

Photo of a rat

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