Medium-sized dogs are ideal pets for apartments

A person who consciously approaches the choice of a dog, and after purchasing it devotes enough time to caring for and raising it, receives in return a reliable, strong, faithful, sincere and loving friend.

Those who make a rash choice of dog breed, do not attach importance to its training, or provide improper care can end up with a sick, inadequate, aggressive, dangerous animal in their home.

Therefore, you need to approach the choice of a dog very responsibly.

After all, this is not a toy that you took, threw and forgot, but a living creature that has the same feelings as a person.

The best enclosures for dogs and puppies in an apartment: how to make them yourself cheaply and with high quality?

When you answer all these questions, you can start making your choice. If you decide to choose a medium breed, then this is an excellent choice for keeping in an apartment of any size. Dogs of average height and size are those whose weight ranges from 10 to 20 kg. Mainly medium-sized dogs include farm dogs, gun dogs, hounds and greyhounds.

Now we will talk about the 10 most suitable medium-sized dogs for keeping in an apartment.

English Setter

A loyal and sociable family friend with a complex temperament. The dog is aristocratic, both in appearance and in character. A violent temper requires constant restraint; it is recommended to provide good exercise to release excess energy. Hunting and outdoor activities will become an outlet for the animal and the owner. The setter gets along well with children, will be the protector of his pack, a loyal and devoted friend.

Size chart English Setter
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)up to 3025-35up to 8

Cubs are suitable for selection from 2 months, it is at this time that the character and habits of the animal begin to form. They quickly get used to their owner, so to reduce mental trauma, it is recommended to take puppies to a new family as early as possible.


One of the varieties of the Belgian Shepherd, it is highly versatile. Dogs are smart, obedient, good-natured and easy to train. They can be used as friends, companions and workers, even as guide dogs. They are infinitely loyal, love children and are ready to help the owner in every possible way.

Size chart Groenendael
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)30-35up to 408

Puppies quickly gain weight; it is possible to say that upon reaching age the dog will meet the standards if the weight increases to 3 kg up to 6 months. age and 2 kg monthly until reaching 1 year.

German boxer

Despite their bad reputation in the media, purebred dogs have an excellent, strong psyche, are affectionate, and love children and their family. They are zealous about protecting the territory; thanks to their endurance, strength and courage, they are used in the police and security. They easily make contact, with proper upbringing they do not destroy the apartment in the absence of the owner, and they are easy to train.

Size Chart German Boxer
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)40-4644-5011-14

The puppy will grow in size very quickly; in order for it to become strong with beautiful muscle definition, constant and good physical activity is required. The first simple classes can be started from 3 months, which will allow you to get used to training and improve weight gain, adding not only height, but also muscles.


A beautiful dog with thick hair. It is completely unpretentious to living conditions, so it can live in an apartment. The character is balanced, patient with children's pranks. This is a pet for both a noisy family and a retired couple. Easy to care for: despite the thick coat, you only need to brush your pet once a week.


Animals have a friendly and cheerful disposition, always ready to play, run and jump. They have the ability to hunt, are good companion dogs, have absolutely no protective qualities, and will not defend their territory. Not suitable for lying on the sofa; active temperament requires an outlet of energy. If the dog does not get tired during a walk, it is capable of destroying the furniture in the apartment out of boredom and needs constant attention, especially during character formation and socialization.

Dalmatian size chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)40-4644-5011-14

There are no specific age criteria for how much weight and height a puppy should gain; it all depends on the constitution of the dog. On average, upon reaching 6 months of age, the weight is 17-20 kg, but if the dog is large, with strong bones, it can reach 26 kg.

Siberian Husky

A hyperactive breed of dog with which you won’t be able to lie on the sofa, otherwise you may be left without furniture, chewed off from boredom. Requires constant exercise, training, physical activity and constant attention from the owners. If you do not carry out proper socialization and do not work with the animal, then the furniture, wallpaper and other things are unlikely to remain intact in the house. With daily exercise, the dog grows active, cheerful, good-natured and obedient.

Size Chart Siberian Husky
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)up to 40up to 44-458-12

There are no special conventions or growth standards for puppies of this breed. When weaned from their mother and switching to a healthy diet, they are able to gain up to 3 kg per month, growing quickly and noticeably. Muscle mass is gained after 7 months, so until this time they may look thin; at these moments you should not overfeed, this is a normal teenage factor.

Longhaired Collie

Calm and sociable dogs have an innate sense of self-esteem, which can lead to difficulties in training. They get along well with children, will never offend them, but are capable of becoming good defenders. They do not tolerate separation from their owner well, are very bored, and require attention and careful grooming. They are smart, intelligent, clean, and do not cause any problems in the apartment, except for fur.

Size Chart Longhaired Collie
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)38-4042-467

Puppies grow and develop quickly; their diet must include the entire complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation of joints and beautiful coat. By the age of one year they already take on the appearance of an adult, mature dog.

Smooth Fox Terrier

He will truly become a member of the family. He becomes very attached to his owner, demands attention and is jealous of other animals in the house. He loves outdoor games, so he feels good in a house with children, but Fox is not suitable for pensioners. Does not require any special care: combing the coat twice a week, regular bathing.

Golden (golden) retriever

A friendly, active and powerful dog with a wonderful disposition. She will become a wonderful companion, gets along well in families with children, is ready to tolerate their pranks and play along with them. Retrievers are smart, loyal and reliable; they are not prone to aggression towards people or other animals. The breed is good for working professions; from the first months it shows its readiness to bring prey when hunting or pick up a scent.

Golden Retriever Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)39,5-4243-4612-14

On average, a puppy gains 2 kg per month, which indicates that when he reaches age he will enter the standards. However, genetic predisposition and the junior period may cause less weight gain - this is normal. Puppies should not be overfed, otherwise they will develop problems with the musculoskeletal system and joints.

Appenzeller Mountain Dog

Gets along well in an apartment, but requires active walks in open space. Friendly and trainable. In the family, he chooses his master and obeys him unquestioningly. Upon entering the house, he immediately welcomes everyone who lives in it. But strangers make the Sennenhund wary. The coat requires special care: it is necessary to comb the pet regularly, especially during the molting period, which occurs in this breed twice a year.

Portuguese water dog

A working breed, its purpose is to always help a person in everything. This determines the main qualities: good learning ability, sharp mind, lack of aggression, excellent flexible character. Ready to protect, guard, hunt, work as a rescuer, both on land and on water. Belongs to rare and expensive breeds. The coat does not shed and has water-repellent properties, which makes it a very good pet for an apartment.

Size Chart Portuguese Water Dog
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)up to 35 cmup to 39up to 5 kg

The puppies gain weight well, more than 1.5 kg every month. From the age of 2 months, this breed can be trained to wear equipment and behave in society. From 3 months, simple exercises and commands are offered. With the right approach, they are easy to learn and have a positive attitude towards the process.


This group includes the descendants of ancient fighting dogs with common external characteristics:

Molossians accompanied warriors on campaigns. In peacetime, they fought with bulls, bears, and lions for the amusement of the public.

English bulldog

During selection, bulldogs lost their fighting qualities and were retrained from aggressive baiting dogs into balanced domestic dogs.

The height of English bulldogs is 50 – 55 cm. Colors are fawn, brindle, red-brown, plain or in combination with white.

English bulldogs gave rise to new popular breeds: the American and French bulldogs.

Bulldog skateboarder Otto is registered in the Guinness Book of Records. In 10 seconds, the dog rode a four-wheeled skateboard through a “tunnel” of 30 people’s legs. Otto moved at high speed and did not hit anyone.

American Bulldog

Ambuli are medium-large sized dogs. Height at the withers is from 52 to 68 cm. Within the breed, there are 2 types of dogs, named after the first breeders:

Samoyed dog

An incredibly active, cheerful and friendly dog ​​that makes a family member and companion. It is easy to train if it respects its owner. She recognizes only one “leader”, to whom she will be faithful and devoted until the end of her days. They are a pack breed that require a lot of attention, care and long walks.

Samoyed Dog Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)25-3528-387-8

Puppies at 3 months (the ideal age to adopt) are hyperactive, so it is worth putting fragile things away. During teething, it is worth monitoring your pet's behavior. With a good selection of food, puppies grow quite well, gaining 2-2.5 kg per month.


A truly smart, one might even say, talented breed. She has a lively, cheerful character. You might think that a beagle would be great for older people. Yes, they know how to keep their mood in good shape all the time. And so what, they definitely won’t let you get bored. However, it is important to remember that pets require quite long walks and, most importantly, regular walks. If you have loved ones or neighbors who, if necessary, are ready to replace you in this responsibility, then a beagle will be an excellent solution to the problem of loneliness.

There is one nuance that you need to remember initially. This breed requires maximum attention in the early stages of growing up. Training should not only be carried out regularly and methodically correctly. Otherwise, you will get a wayward and completely uncontrollable dog. If at this stage you do not have sufficient experience and knowledge in this area, then be sure to consult with specialists, and there is plenty of information on the Internet these days.

Chow chow

Companions that bond closely with their owners. They have a jealous sense of possessiveness and do not show aggression or timidity. A surprise from a good-natured and sweet dog can be wariness towards strangers, so you should not insist on the animal’s attention. Not an active breed, which will be ideal for keeping in an apartment, on a soft, cozy sofa.

Chow Chow Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)25-30up to 408-10

On average, puppies gain 2 kg per month after birth to 6 months. During the junior molt, hormonal changes around 6 months, decreased appetite and lack of weight gain may be observed. After passing through the youth period, everything is compensated.

Miniature Schnauzer

An energetic, sociable, intelligent and devoted friend, not without hunting qualities, can be used for search work. He has a healthy amount of self-esteem, but is submissive, easy to train, and amenable to training. To moderate the energy and minimize the resulting furniture damage, you need to come up with a task for the dog. The meaning of her life is to serve people; in her responsibilities, she will forget about petty pranks in the house.

Miniature Schnauzer Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)3034-365-6

It is important to be careful when choosing a puppy and pay attention to the weight and height of the animal, as they are often confused with a miniature schnauzer. The data for a 3-month-old puppy is shown in the table; a baby of the second breed will be 8-10 cm lower at the withers by this age, and will also have half the weight. Unless, of course, the seller cheats with the date of birth.

Welsh Corgi

Suitable for inexperienced dog owners. Ideal for families with small children: the corgi will be both a nanny and a friend for the baby. Can live next to other pets. Appreciates attention, loves to make friends, both among people and among other dogs. Extremely loyal. The Welsh Corgi is convenient for an apartment: it will find a place for itself, and will never drive its owner off the sofa. He keenly senses the mood of his household and delicately offers them his company.

Border Collie

The dogs are hyperactive and active; they were previously used on herding pastures, which resulted in their main qualities: freedom-loving, flexible, efficient, good trainability, and high intelligence. Owners should think in advance about the scheme of training, walking and activities. Such an animal should not be bored; it constantly requires attention and exercise for mental and physical development.

Border Collie Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)30-34up to 408

The ideal time for choosing puppies is 2-2.5 months, which is due to the fact that they quickly get used to their owners. At a later time, they may not recognize the new owner.

Buy a puppy with documents, since sometimes even professionals cannot distinguish a border collie by sight.


1. Border Collie 2. Sheltie 3. Australian Shepherd 4. Beagle 5. Dachshund 6. French Bulldog 7. Cocker Spaniel 8. Boston Terrier

Often people living in apartment buildings are faced with the question of choosing a pet for themselves. Having a large dog is not an option, and a small animal somehow does not correspond to one’s worldview. In this situation, a dog for a medium-sized apartment is optimal. Its weight varies from 15 to 25 kg.

Today, breeders offer a fairly large selection of a wide variety of breeds, each of which deserves close attention. It is important to approach the identification of your pet as carefully and responsibly as possible, since you are not purchasing a toy that you can then hide, but a living creature. And for it in the future you, as the owner, will bear full responsibility.

Breton epañol

A very, very active dog that can start working from a very early age. Capable of learning, has a good mind and a pleasant character. It needs not only long walks, but also physical and mental exercise. Must be constantly at work. Well suited for hunting and search work. If you buy a puppy for the soul, you will have to devote a lot of time to it. Future owners should remember that this is a hunting dog that needs constant activity and running in nature.

Size Chart Breton Epagnole
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)up to 34up to 403-5

Depending on their bone structure, puppies will gain weight at different rates. Males will be larger even at the juvenile stage. With proper nutrition, on average, a puppy should gain 1.5-2 kg per month. Before purchasing, carefully check the documents, since most often kennel puppies are registered several matings in advance, and selling secondhand does not always indicate the purchase of a purebred puppy.

Shar Pei

Previously used as a fighting dog, but now classified as guards and companions. He has a noble character and a sharp mind. The Shar Pei is very loyal to its owner, has courage, and will become an excellent protector. These dogs need good physical activity to build muscle mass and have a beautiful appearance. In the absence of these, excess weight quickly gains, and you will need to follow a diet.

Shar Pei Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)32-34up to 40until 9-10

With the right diet, the puppy grows and gains weight very quickly. On average, it will increase to 3-3.5 kg per month up to 6 months. Then the gain decreases and up to 1 year it is about 2-2.5 kg for the same period. By one and a half years it reaches the size of an adult dog.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Despite anti-advertising in the media, it is a family dog ​​breed. Amstaffs get along well with children, forgiving all their pranks, and are ready to protect and protect. An innate sense of situation analysis allows you to quickly assess the situation and make a decision, thanks to which they are considered the best defenders, but properly socialized ones never show aggression towards people and other animals.

Size Chart American Staffordshire Terrier
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)30-3633-409-12

With a properly selected diet and regular physical activity, puppies gain 3-4 kg per month, reaching a weight of about 20-25 kg by the age of one year. Rapid development requires serious mental and physical training with the animal.

Overview of medium-sized breeds with names

A common characteristic of medium-sized dogs is their weight, which can vary from 15 to 30 kilograms and an average height of 40 to 55 centimeters. Prospective owners should find out which breeds are included in the group of medium-sized dogs. The article - a description of dog breeds with photographs and names will give an idea of ​​the most popular of them.

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is a breed developed in the United States in the 20th century. The ideal place to keep a dog is a country house with a large yard. When kept in an apartment building, the dog needs long walks at least twice a day. Lack of physical activity negatively affects the dog's character and behavior.

The dog requires regular brushing and periodic trimming. During periods of shedding, the shepherd dog needs to be brushed daily. The Australian Shepherd does not tolerate loneliness well, so keeping it indoors all day is not recommended.

Check out our full review of the Australian Shepherd breed.

Australian Cattle Dog (Australian Heeler)

The Australian Heeler is a dog with a blue, merle or red color. A feature of the dog is the sensitivity of the coat to the food consumed . So, merle-colored and blue-colored dogs should not be fed vegetables with carotene, so that the coat does not acquire a red tint. Red dogs, on the other hand, are given a lot of carrots to make their coat brighter.

The Australian Heeler is a guard breed. This is a reliable watchman with a balanced character and devotion to the owner. The breed does not get along well with children and animals. Heeler is one of the ten smartest dogs.

Australian Kelpie

A dog capable of performing the functions of a rescuer, shepherd and guide, as it has a unique viewing angle, excellent sense of smell, and instant reaction. By nature, the Kelpie is peaceful, obedient, easy to train, and loves children. This breed's attitude towards strangers depends on socialization and proper training.

The Australian Kelpie is the healthiest dog of all medium-sized breeds; representatives of the breed retain their working qualities and activity up to 12-13 years. Grooming for her coat is minimal.

American Indian

More recently, the American Indian dog was on the verge of extinction, but the population was restored thanks to the efforts of dog handlers. The breed requires a strong hand from the owner in training and education, as it has a rather independent character . But there should be no harshness or physical punishment in the education process.

With proper upbringing, the American Indian dog becomes an excellent companion, understanding the owner at a glance, thanks to his high intelligence. The dog is devoted to the family, gets along well with children, and gets along well with other animals.

American Cocker Spaniel

The American Cocker Spaniel is the smallest hunting dog breed that is currently used primarily as a companion. This is an energetic, cheerful and friendly dog, sometimes wary of strangers.

Most of all, the American Cocker Spaniel loves to communicate with its owner and tries to follow his commands. This natural feature is actively used when training a dog, using praise as a reward. The breed loves active games with children. The American Cocker Spaniel can be kept in an apartment building, but its long coat will require careful grooming.

Learn more about the American Cocker Spaniel dog breed.

American Pit Bull Terrier

The bloodthirstiness, aggressiveness and tendency to attack people of this breed is purely a myth based on isolated cases. With proper upbringing and socialization, the American Pit Bull Terrier is a completely peaceful and adequate breed. But without proper training, this dog is truly dangerous.

This dog needs increased physical activity and proper nutrition, as the breed is prone to obesity. The breed is suitable for indoors, but the pit bull should be protected from drafts.

Read the full article about the American Pit Bull Terrier breed.

American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff)

A service dog, formidable in appearance, but surprisingly good-natured in character. The breed is easy to train because it always tries to please its owner. With proper training, the Staffordshire Terrier makes an excellent bodyguard.

The dog is brave and very smart. However, if not properly raised, this fighting breed can become aggressive and dangerous not only to others, but also to the owner himself.

Amstaffs have short coats and are easy to care for. The dog only needs brushing with a stiff brush once a week. The Staffordshire Terrier needs regular active walks. During walks, the dog must be kept muzzled and on a leash.

We offer you a complete overview of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed.

American Foxhound

The American Foxhound is one of the most difficult medium-sized dog breeds to train. The dog has an independent, willful character and is prone to ignoring commands, so its upbringing will most likely have to be entrusted to a professional.

A characteristic feature of the Foxhound is its ringing, melodic bark. The breed is distinguished by good health and great physical endurance, and can be used as a guard and watchman. Foxound needs good physical exercise and overfeeding is contraindicated, as he is prone to obesity.

English bulldog

The English Bulldog is a friendly, calm domestic dog, somewhat lazy and stubborn. Bulldogs cannot tolerate heat and frost, and high humidity is also harmful to them. English bulldogs are ideal for the home: they do not require long walks, short hair requires minimal care, and in the absence of the owner the dog sleeps peacefully, without suffering from loneliness.

But such a dog is not suitable for squeamish people, since the American Bulldog is prone to flatulence, snores, grunts and splashes food and leaves drool on all objects.

Find out more about the English Bulldog dog breed.

English cocker spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel is a hunting dog with good working qualities and a gentle, loving character. The dog's luxurious coat needs special care, preferably with the help of professionals.

The breed can be trained well using positive motivation. Rough treatment in training is not acceptable, as the dog becomes nervous and turns into a frightened and downtrodden creature. The English Cocker Spaniel needs daily walks, preferably with a change of places, so that the dog satisfies its hunting instincts and can explore its surroundings.

Read the full review of the English Cocker Spaniel breed.

Appenzeller Mountain Dog

A herding breed originally from Switzerland, it is very intelligent and efficient, amazingly loyal to its owner and family members. The dog is not prone to dominance, but if not properly trained, it will happily sit on the owner’s neck and become uncontrollable.

The breed can be kept in a multi-story building, but it will feel better outside the city. A large house with its surrounding area will become the Appenzeller Mountain Dog's work space, and he will feel in demand. The dog is easy to care for, although it sheds twice a year. During this time, the dog needs to be brushed daily.

Artesian-Norman Basset

The Artesian-Normandy Basset is a versatile, intelligent hunter, capable of working in the most difficult conditions. Such a dog will never go astray even in an unfamiliar area, and will always achieve success. The breed is generally healthy, but is prone to spinal diseases due to its long body.

The Artesian-Normandy Basset is fearless and devoted to its owner, always ready to defend him. The dog is friendly with strangers and gets along with other animals without problems. The Artesian-Norman Basset is a short-haired dog breed that requires brushing once a week and bathing no more than 4-5 times a year.

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a hound dog with an athletic body and short legs. The breed is stubborn and difficult to train, so it is better to entrust its upbringing to a professional. The disadvantages of this dog are slobbering, a tendency to flatulence, and a loud howl when alone indoors. During walks, the Basset Hound must be kept on a leash, otherwise the dog will follow some trail and get lost.

The dog needs little physical activity, but it needs regular walks, as the breed is prone to obesity. Basset hounds are not difficult to care for, but the dog's long ears require special attention.

We offer you to view the full article about the Basset Hound breed.

Border Collie

The Border Collie is a herding dog from the English-Scottish border, known for its energy, intelligence, and physical endurance. The dog needs constant physical and intellectual exercise so that it does not get bored, otherwise problems will begin with its behavior.

Border collies should not be owned in families with children under 10 years of age, as noise and running around triggers the shepherd instinct, and the dog begins to bite and put naughty children in their place. The desire to “build” is triggered in Border Collies when they see cyclists or children running, and this can become a problem when walking the dog.

Learn more about Border Collie dogs in our full review.

Border Terrier

The Border Terrier is an excellent hunter who is not afraid of heat, cold, or snow and rain. The breed is easy to train and masters commands with passion and pleasure. Border Terriers are real athletes, ready to run for hours, play, and exercise in dog parks.

The dog gets along well with other animals in the house and loves noisy games with children. But the neighbor's cats, as well as birds, squirrels and small rodents, will not be happy when meeting a borderer. The Border Terrier is happy when he is close to people: life in the yard on a chain will not suit him. Left alone in a yard with an unreliable fence, the Border Terrier will definitely run away in search of adventure, jumping over the fence or making a dig.

Bearded Collie

The Bearded Collie is a good-natured dog with a funny appearance. The strong, muscular body of this dog is covered with thick, long hair with a soft, fluffy undercoat. On the muzzle the hair forms a characteristic beard, which gives the breed its name.

The Bearded Collie is friendly, attached to the family, but treats strangers with distrust and even sometimes with some aggression. The dog plays gently with children and in rare cases can cause harm through negligence. This breed retains its playfulness almost into old age. The dog needs communication with people, it suffers when left alone.

Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is a stubborn, freedom-loving and willful breed that requires the right approach to training. It is not recommended for inexperienced people who are too soft in character to have such a dog. Without proper training and socialization, Bull Terriers can be aggressive towards people and other animals.

This breed is not suitable for families with children, as it is rough with people and physically strong. Only children over 12-13 years old can cope with this breed.

The breed's coat is short and does not provide warmth during cold weather, so in autumn and winter the dog should be taken out for walks in special clothing. The Bull Terrier's skin is sensitive to insect bites and prone to allergic reactions, therefore it requires proper care and timely antiparasitic treatment.

Get to know the Bull Terrier dog breed.

Wachtelhund (German Spaniel)

The Wachtelhund is a hunting breed of dog, a hardy and skillful assistant in working with game on water and land. This dog will be an excellent companion to any owner, thanks to its friendly, playful character. But experts recommend that hunters should own one, since the working instincts of the breed come first.

Without walks in the forest and use for its intended purpose, the Wachtelhaend will get bored and may even become depressed. The best place to keep the breed is a country house with an area where the dog can independently regulate the physical activity required for it.

Dutch Spitz (Keeshond)

Keeshond (Wolf Spitz, Dutch Spitz) is an intelligent, good-natured, sociable dog with thick, coarse hair. The breed loves to be in the company of people, is endlessly devoted to the family and is ready to follow its owner anywhere. She is even called the master’s shadow, she is so attached to him.

The Keeshond can serve as a guard and watchman, notifying the appearance of strangers with a loud and echoing bark. The breed is easy to train, but learns both good and bad with equal success. It is impossible to correct bad habits by shouting or cruelty: the dog will become fearful, nervous and begin to behave destructively. Gentleness combined with perseverance is a tactic with which you can make an obedient and adequate pet from a Keeshond.

Hamilton's Hound (Hamiltonstevare)

The Hamilton Steward is a medium-sized smooth-haired dog breed (height 45-60 cm, weight 22-27 kg). This is a brave, skillful and hardy hunter. The Hamilton hound never shows unmotivated aggression, easily learns commands, and obediently carries them out.

This breed will not make a watchman, since the dog is friendly towards strangers. But if the Hamilton hound feels threatened by its owner or family members, it will fearlessly come to the defense. The breed is healthy, unpretentious in care and maintenance. The breed is not picky about food and even has a very good appetite, so it is prone to being overweight.

West Siberian Laika

The West Siberian Laika is a freedom-loving breed that cannot be kept in a locked room all day. This dog does not like to be left alone - it causes him stress and he reacts with endless barking. The West Siberian Laika is emotional, senses the owner’s mood and can predict his desires.

The intelligence and natural intelligence of this dog allows it to be taught the rules of behavior in a short time. But she does not need classical training. Laika rather needs to be raised and trained, since it will still not be possible to completely subjugate it.

Caring for a dog is not difficult; it is enough to brush it once every 1-2 weeks and a little more often during shedding. This breed is one of the healthiest and hardiest, death from diseases of this dog is extremely rare.

Read the full article about the West Siberian Laika dog breed.

Irish Soft Coated Terrier

Dogs of this breed are energetic, courageous, intelligent and endlessly loyal to their owner. A feature of their character is their readiness for noisy games with children and the ability to lie quietly next to their owner for hours when he is resting. The dog becomes calm after an active walk. A bored Irish Soft Coated Terrier becomes mischievous and aggressive.

A dog feels great in a rural or city home if you take it for a walk on time, feed it properly and provide proper coat care. The Irish Soft-Coated Terrier needs to be brushed every 2-3 days, otherwise the coat will begin to mat. You should not bathe your dog often.

Karelo-Finnish Laika (Finnish Spitz)

Looking at the photo of this dog, you might think that this is a fox: red fur, a narrow muzzle and a luxurious tail give the dog a striking resemblance to this predator. Like many hunting breeds, the Karelian-Finnish Laika is distinguished by its intelligence and independent character. This is a good-natured, cheerful, active dog.

The Finnish Spitz loves to bark, and this feature is worth considering if you have irritable neighbors. But with proper training, a dog can be taught to control its own emotions. The Karelian-Finnish husky matures slowly and retains puppy-like habits almost until old age. The dog needs space to run and play, so it is recommended to keep it in a country house.

We offer you to view the full article about the Karelian-Finnish Laika.

Karelian Bear Dog

The Karelian Bear Dog is considered a real treasure and pride of the northern peoples, who from time immemorial have used this breed as an assistant in hunting and in everyday life. This is a fearless, aggressive dog, loyal and affectionate in relations with its owner, and suspicious and wary of strangers.

During walks in urban areas, the dog will bark at everyone who gets in its way, so it is advisable to walk with it in deserted places. When keeping a dog in a country house, it will become a reliable watchman and guard of the territory. If you decide to bring this breed into your home, be prepared for careful grooming. She will lie on the floor and fly all over the room if she is not combed out almost daily.

Find out more about the Karelian Bear Dog breed.

Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a breed from Ireland that was used as a helper, shepherd, and rat catcher. The breed is distinguished by its sharp mind and ability to learn commands. Kerry is an excellent pet, adores children, and actively participates in all family affairs. There is not a drop of aggression towards humans in the character of this dog, but Kerry does not tolerate other dogs and constantly provokes fights with them.

It is recommended that Kerry Blue Terriers be adopted by experienced dog owners with a strong, strong-willed character and the ability to become an authority figure for the dog. This breed is not recommended for families with children. The breed requires careful grooming. The most difficult procedure is trimming. It is better to trust it to a professional, or do it yourself after appropriate training.

See the full article about Kerry Blue Terrier dogs.

Mexican Hairless Dog (Xoloitzcuintle)

An exotic breed, whose appearance is known to many solely from photographs. Such a hairless dog will not be to everyone's taste; the Xoloitzcuintle has a lot of qualities that would be the envy of many traditional breeds.

The Mexican Hairless Dog has soft, silky, delicate skin that literally exudes warmth. This is the kind of dog you want to hug to cheer you up. This breed is ideal for keeping in a multi-storey building: it is hypoallergenic due to the complete absence of hair, has healing properties, is clean, and loves children very much.

Mexican hairless dogs require special attention in terms of care. She needs to buy clothes for almost all seasons, take care of her delicate skin with the help of special cosmetics, and brush her teeth every other day. The dog must be fed with special hypoallergenic food.

Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is an ideal companion dog with excellent watchdog qualities. The dog loves children and is ready to tolerate even rough treatment. The Miniature Schnauzer is a devoted friend and protector of all family members. The dog is wary and even aggressive towards strangers, including children. Proper socialization will reduce aggression towards strangers, but this dog will never love and let everyone come to him.

The Miniature Schnauzer is included in the ranking of the smartest breeds. The breed is smart, but training it is not easy. The Miniature Schnauzer performs only what it considers necessary at the moment; it will think through each command and analyze its feasibility.

The breed is difficult to care for. Maintaining the appearance of a Miniature Schnauzer on your own is a troublesome task. The grooming procedure will have to be carried out in a professional salon.

Greater German Spitz (Grossspitz)

The Grossspitz is a dog of extraordinary kindness, which is literally created to bring joy to the owner and all the family. This breed gets along with cats, birds, rodents, and loves children of all ages. You need to spend a lot of time with this dog, as it is very sociable.

Training the breed will be successful if the dog is interested. The Spitz will not tolerate rough treatment or punishment. But one cannot show weakness in upbringing either: the pet subtly senses the weakness of character and will successfully prevail over the owner.

The German Large Spitz is a beautiful dog with luxurious, thick hair that will need to be brushed 1-2 times a week, and daily during shedding. It is not recommended to bathe your German Spitz frequently, as the coat will lose its protective coating.

Russian hunting spaniel

The Russian Hunting Spaniel is a descendant of the English Cocker Spaniel and the English Springer Spaniel. This is a hardy, active dog with an excellent sense of smell and a sharp mind. The Russian Spaniel is a faithful companion and friend of its owner-hunter.

City dwellers should not own such a breed, since the dog needs increased physical activity and walks in the forest. Without active walks, the dog will be bored, then a splash of energy will occur in the room, where everything will be turned upside down.

All care for the Russian Spaniel's coat comes down to rare brushing. Even though your dog loves water, bathing it is not recommended. After hunting and walking in the forest, be sure to inspect your pet’s ears for ticks.

We invite you to read the full article about the Russian hunting spaniel.

Samoyed husky

This fluffy snow-white dog wins your heart at first sight. The corners of her lips are raised, so it seems that the husky is smiling. The Samoyed loves people. And he always comes to their aid. At home, in Siberia, the breed is used as a sled dog, hunting dog, and guard dog. Laika can even warm a person in the harsh conditions of frosty northern nights.

The Samoyed Laika can adapt to the mood of its owner. If he is tired and resting, she will sit quietly next to him. But if the owner has expressed a desire to play, the husky is ready to keep him company at any time. The breed is not suitable as a guard, since it is ready to be friends with all strangers. The breed is easy to train: the husky is very smart and obedient.

Find out more about the snow-white Samoyed Laika dog breed.

Canaan dog

In appearance, the Canaan dog resembles a Spitz, but with shorter hair. Experts say that the Canaan dog only understands commands in Hebrew. This is the only breed native to Israel. The dog is friendly and affectionate towards its owner and family members.

The dog's behavior at home is calm and unobtrusive. The Canaan dog loves to play with children, but does not tolerate bullying from children, so it is dangerous for the dog to stay with children .

The Canaan dog easily adapts to any environment and can be kept in the house or in the yard. The dog should have its own place. A dog's shedding can cause inconvenience when fur flies all over the house. During these periods, the dog must be thoroughly combed every day.

Estonian hound

The Estonian hound is a dog that appeared as a result of the decision of the USSR government that each republic should have its own breed. The hound has become the pride of the Estonian people. Externally, the dog looks like a beagle. The main purpose of the dog is hunting, but nowadays it is more often bred as a companion.

The character of the Estonian hound is docile, calm, without aggression towards strangers. The dog loves children, calmly tolerates rough treatment from children, and loves to frolic in noisy company. The dog has difficulty getting along with other animals in the house. Moreover, she recognizes a cat or another dog, but birds and rodents have no place next to this breed.

Read the full review of the Estonian Hound dog breed.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Powerful and massive dogs, dexterous, brave, strong, but with proper socialization, good-natured and completely without aggression. Despite the notoriety that the breed has received due to its participation in dog fighting, the pit bull is an excellent companion, protector and nanny for children. Such dogs love their family, are friendly to guests, and are ready to protect their owners loyally and free of charge, at the cost of their own lives.

American Pit Bull Terrier Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)30-3634-408-13

Puppies grow up very quickly, gaining more than 3 kg per month. In childhood, special attention should be paid to the socialization of the dog, its communication with people and other animals, which will help to completely eliminate aggressive behavior in the future. In adolescence, from 6 months to 1.5 years, attempts are possible to establish oneself as the leader of the pack; it is important to control this moment, loading the dog with mental and physical work, avoiding unnecessary behavior.

English Springer Spaniel

Cheerful, inquisitive and friendly dogs that will be happy to lead an active life. They belong to hunting and working breeds, are easy to train and learn, and become strongly attached to their owners. They are very energetic and require a lot of mental and physical exertion.

Size Chart English Springer Spaniel
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male40,5 — 4345-4812,5 — 15,5
Bitch38 — 40,542-4511,8 — 14,5
Puppy (3 months)up to 26up to 325-6

Puppies grow quickly, at 8 months. with normal maintenance and a balanced diet, they practically reach the size of an adult dog. Cuddles should not be left unattended, they begin to get bored and howl, and constantly need communication.

Shiba Inu

A Japanese dog that will not blindly follow its owner's beliefs. Relationships with her are built only as a partner, nothing else. Gets along well with children, but patience with children's pranks depends on individual temperament. Among the main qualities: devotion, dominance, activity, developed hunting instincts.

Shiba Inu Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)17-2326up to 4

Given their small size, Shiba puppies gain weight and grow very slowly. On average, a dog’s weight increases by 500 g per month; higher values ​​are a deviation from the norm. Up to 6 months, weight reaches 5 kg, which is 1/3 of the size of an adult dog.

Basset Hound

A friendly dog ​​in all respects, a wonderful companion, but at the same time it has great stubbornness and self-esteem. This is a moderately active breed that is suitable for home keeping with good walking and outings. There is no urgent need for constant movement. Sociable, a little phlegmatic, little emotional, but not slow. Dogs are attached to one owner and are very sad and bored in his absence.

Basset Hound Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)2530-389-10

Puppies are difficult to train due to their innate independence and stubbornness. They are very smart, but they will not engage when the owner wishes. As they grow and mature, they get in great shape, gaining 1.5-2.5 kg per month. At the same time, they require constant attention and communication; in the absence of the owner, they begin to howl. Therefore, at first, do not leave them alone in the apartment, so as not to cause inconvenience to the neighbors.


This is a very active, friendly and obedient dog breed. In general, experts especially highlight the simplicity of its training. The dog is completely self-sufficient, and if necessary, he will be able to occupy himself if, say, the owners stay at work for a long time. The Sheltie is easily litter trained, which is important for people who live in apartments and do not always have the opportunity to fully walk their pet.

This kind of option is perfect for active people involved in sports. Morning and evening jogging you will receive an unconditionally faithful partner. The Sheltie enjoys hiking, going to nature and the countryside, and easily adapts to new living conditions.

English bulldog

A calm and even phlegmatic creature that will become a wonderful friend and companion. The breed was selected, which caused various genetic diseases. The Bulldog will look perfect both on the sofa and as a guard dog. However, in the latter case, it is more likely to act as a deterrent, because it is not his nature to bark, even when a stranger approaches, and rather to growl than to inform his owners. They get along well with children, unquestioningly tolerate the pranks of little tomboys, quickly get used to the family, and do not tolerate loneliness.

Size chart English Bulldog
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)23up to 288

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the absence of skin damage; the coat should be smooth, without bald spots or other defects. The baby should stand firmly on his feet and not fall on his side. It gains weight well, but do not overfeed, the breed is prone to obesity.

Read Guide dogs - breeds for blind people

Australian Shepherd

This dog for a medium-sized apartment is not suitable for all people, so to speak, it’s not for everyone. It is important to understand that Australian Shepherds were bred to be used as herders. Two aspects arise from this. Firstly, she will constantly collect in one place various things placed throughout the apartment, for example, slippers, shoes, and you will not be able to do anything about it.

She also likes to bite people's legs, not much, but guests, for example, can be frightened by this action. Secondly, for walks you really need space so that the Australian Shepherd can run out to the fullest, that is, there must be a field, park, square, forest, and so on nearby. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing joint diseases, arthrosis, and cardiovascular diseases.

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