Grandorf: food for cats and kittens, for sterilized

Many cat owners who prefer high-quality industrial food are familiar with the Belgian food “GRANDORF”, which appeared relatively recently in Russia. Distinguished by the high quality of ingredients, the use of only natural products and a variety of added ingredients, this brand deservedly belongs to holistic nutrition, gaining more and more popularity among cat lovers and breeders.
  • 2 Composition of “Grandorf” food
    2.1 Table: wet food for cats of the “Grandorf” brand and their composition
  • 2.2 Video: Grandorf canned cat food
  • 2.3 Table: dry food of the Grandorf brand and their composition (all dry food contains seventy percent meat)
  • 2.4 Video: Grandorf dry cat food
  • 3 How much does Granddorf food cost?
      3.1 Table: advantages and disadvantages of Grandorf cat food
  • 4 What food can replace “Grandorf”
      4.1 Table: the most popular holistic treatments for cats on the Russian market
  • 5 Reviews of food "Grandorf"
  • Manufacturer

    The manufacturing company has the same name as the brand, Grandorf. It has gained immense popularity due to its impeccable product quality, which guarantees the safety of pets. Two companies operate under the same name:

    Premium natural holistic

    • dry food is produced in Belgium;
    • in Thailand - wet canned foods.

    All Grandorf products are confirmed by international certificates.

    Composition of Grandorf feed

    The manufacturer claims that the formula of dry food from the Grandorf brand is completely hypoallergenic. It contains no artificial additives, by-products, chicken, chicken fat, wheat or corn.

    Brit: food for cats and kittens, dry and wet

    For each Granddorf line for cats, its composition has been developed in accordance with the age group or health status of the animal. But, regardless of the type of food, in all categories there is a minimum amount of grain crops.

    Grandorf brand food for cats is divided into three groups:

    • Low grain. The main component of this category is lamb or turkey meat and fat. Also included as ingredients are flaxseeds, white rice, chicory, cranberries and dried vegetables.
    • Low grain with probiotics. It is made from turkey or duck, brown rice, rabbit, lamb, krill, cranberry, endive, sweet potato and salmon oil.
    • Grain-free, made from cod, turkey, herring, dried carrots, chicory, sweet potatoes and cranberries.

    In some types, vitamins, mineral supplements and brewer's yeast are added to the recipe.

    Interesting! People sometimes mistakenly call this food “Grand Dorf” for cats.

    Composition from natural ingredients

    Product range

    Dry food is produced by extrusion under high pressure and temperature. Loose food is cheaper than wet food and does not spoil for a long time after opening the package. The canned type of food becomes unsuitable after being in the pet's bowl after just a few hours.

    Canned food is sold in sealed jars or plastic packaging. Package weight is 85, 155 or 370 grams. Some veterinarians recommend food for constant use, citing the increased moisture content in food. This leads to increased fluid intake, which is beneficial for the cats' health.

    Dry varieties often contain more filler in the form of brown rice to add bulk, so more carbohydrates are absorbed into the animal's body.

    Little kittens

    For them, the company produces Geandorf Kitten food. Growing pets are particularly sensitive to their digestive organs, so experts offer a tailored diet. The kit contains only hypoallergenic ingredients that eliminate harmful effects. The food is suitable not only for growing pets, but also for adults bearing kittens due to the large amount of useful substances.

    The food contains:

    • protein - 70% in the form of two types of dietary meat;
    • carbohydrates - 30%, source is rice and vitamins.

    An example of a successful combination of ingredients is Geandorf Kitten with rice and lamb. The food is produced on the basis of dehydrated and fresh lamb fillet in combination with turkey breast. The composition contains brown rice in the form of crushed sprouts.

    The product contains dried krill, turmeric and rosemary extract, dried cranberries, chicory, taurine, and added vitamin C. The calorie content of the product is 4.48 kcal/kg body weight. Sold in packages of 400 g and 2 kg, cost 365 and 1355 rubles, respectively, in stores.

    Adult animals

    Grown-up pets use Grandorf Indoor. The composite product is produced with an ideal ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Its calorie content allows you to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, replenishing the body with energy. Low-grain and grain-free varieties are produced; the composition includes 2-3 types of meat. Additional components include vegetables, fruits and vitamins. Brewer's yeast is also included in some foods to improve coat condition.

    More often than others, owners take “Grandorf Indoor”, which has 4 meats and rice. Such ingredients allow adult pets not to limit their movement. For preparation, dehydrated fillets of duck, rabbit, turkey and lamb are taken. The product contains turkey fat, rice grains, flaxseed oil, chicory, rosemary, and citrus ingredients. The food contains brewer's yeast and yucca tree concentrate.

    The calorie content of the product is 4.12 kcal/kg. Packaged in packages of 400 g and 2 kg. The price of the food is 365 and 1365 rubles, respectively, you can buy it on the website with delivery. If the store is located in the city, you can pick it up at your own expense.

    Sterilized pupils

    The “Grandorf Sterilized” line is used in the diet of operated animals, elderly and disease-weakened pets. Veterinarians recommend food for overweight and overweight cats. The product contains a minimum amount of fat, the basis is animal proteins in combination with proteins. If a cat is spayed (neutered), then a special diet is subsequently required, since after the operation the pets quickly gain extra pounds.

    Used "Grand kitten Sterilized" with rice and rabbit. The low-calorie product is produced on the basis of dietary rabbit fillet; in addition, the composition contains dehydrated and fresh turkey tenderloin, rice grains, dried sweet potato, krill, and flax seeds. Carrots, dehydrated cranberries, and brewer's yeast cultures are added. The composition is enriched with vitamins C and E.

    The energy content of the product is 1.055 kcal/kg. The product is sold in packages of 400 g and 2 kg, costing 410 and 1415 rubles, respectively.

    Pets with allergies

    The “Grandorf Sensitive” category is produced without grain and cereal components, and the basic composition is represented by meat products . This food is a salvation for owners of animals with an increased body response to food irritants. Only hypoallergenic ingredients are used to produce this food line. A typical case is the addition of oceanic fish varieties to the mass and enrichment with vitamins and nutrients.

    An example of a food with an anti-allergic effect is “Grandorf Sensitive white fish with sweet potato”. The food is effectively used in the diet of animals with skin dermatitis, rashes and other manifestations of allergies. The product combines dehydrated herring and cod meat, fresh turkey fillet, and a small amount of Antarctic krill. Vitamins are represented by dried spinach, apples, cranberries, yeast extract, and medicinal herbs.

    The calorie content is 4.169 kcal/kg, packs of 400 g and 2 kg are sold for 410 and 1355 rubles, respectively.

    Types of food "Grandorf" by age

    Gemon (food for cats and kittens): description and composition

    Grandorf for cats is formulated to improve the health of pets. The company presents a variety of species, which include a minimum amount of grain crops. The main component is meat combined with vitamin and mineral complexes.

    "Grandorf" cat food is produced in four types:

    • wet;
    • dry with live probiotics;
    • with a low share of grain crops;
    • no grain.

    The products are hypoallergenic, since their composition completely excludes artificial ingredients, vegetable protein, and dyes. To enrich the animal's body with the necessary amount of carbohydrates, white and brown rice are added to the composition.

    For kittens from three weeks of age

    When producing food, the age, activity and health status of pets are taken into account. A separate line has been developed for kittens, providing complete nutrition for development and growth. The products contain minerals and vitamins in the amount necessary for the health of babies.

    "Grandorf" kitten food contains only natural ingredients:

    • chicory;
    • lamb and turkey;
    • minerals; vitamins.

    Grandorf production for kittens is based on the characteristics of the digestive system. Kittens have a sensitive stomach, so you need to choose dietary types of meat for it. Chicory is used to provide the body with inulin. "Grandorf" for kittens begins to be administered only from the age of one month.

    Proper nutrition for kittens in the first year of life

    For adult cats from one to six years old

    Grandorf food for cats older than 12 months contains a large amount of protein, which will help your pet quickly get enough and also maintain weight. Cat owners should not be afraid of gaining extra pounds, since the food contains a small amount of lipids. And thanks to brewer's yeast, your pet's coat will be shiny and silky.


    Analysis % Protein: 34.0 Fat: 22.0 Omega-6: 3.7 Omega-3: 0.8 Ash: 7.5 Fiber: 2.5 Moisture: 6.0 Calcium (Ca): 1.2 Phosphorus (P): 1.0 Magnesium (Mg): 0.09 pH: 6-6.5 Vitamins (IU/kg) Vitamin A: 20,000 Vitamin D3: 1,500 Vitamin E (a-tocopherol): 600 Vitamin B1: 20.0; B2:20.0; B6: 12.0; B12: 180.0 Pantothenic acid: 50.0 Choline: 2500.0 Folic acid: 8.5 Biotin: 250.0 Nicotinic acid: 180.0 Trace elements (mg/kg) Iron (E1): 150.0 Copper (E4): 10.0 Zinc (E6): 105.0 Manganese (E5): 50.0 Iodine (E2): 1.6 Selenium (E8) : 0.2 Antioxidants (mg/kg) Natural antioxidant complex (Rosemary, Grapefruit, Orange, Turmeric and Syzygium extract): 300 Amino acids (mg/kg) Taurine: 1500.0 L-carnitine: 50.0

    Veterinarians' opinion

    Reviews from veterinarians about Grandorf food lines are positive. Low-grain ones with live bacteria are considered the most useful. They improve the immune system and normalize the functioning of the intestines.

    Grain-free and low-grain feeds have the following effects:

    • improve vision;
    • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
    • develop muscle tissue;
    • reduce the risk of developing allergies;
    • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition, regular consumption of food strengthens teeth and prevents the formation of tartar.

    Veterinarian nutrition advice

    Pros and cons of Belgian Grandorf food

    Grandorf brand products fully comply with international quality standards. The main advantages of the food are:

    • all products are certified;
    • contains only natural ingredients;
    • feeds are developed to improve animal health;
    • lines have been developed for small kittens and old individuals.

    The disadvantages of Belgian products include:

    • natural smell of food;
    • high price.

    Pets who regularly consume food from this brand receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals in full. By choosing Grandorf products for your pet, the owner gives him the opportunity to actively and fully develop.

    Owner reviews

    Review of Grandorf food from the owner of a Siamese cat:

    “The food is undoubtedly good. The cat did not turn up her nose and gobbled up two handfuls of snacks with gusto. Among the minuses, I would like to note the high cost of food and insufficient choice of assortment in small stores. It’s good that there are online deliveries!”

    Review from the owner of the Sphinx Max:

    “Hairless cats are known to require a special approach to nutrition. Grandorf was a real find. Thanks to the excellent composition, there is no need to stuff the cat with additional vitamins and feed him vegetables.”

    Opinion of the owner of a British kitten:

    “Recently a furry miracle came into our house. When selecting food, we encountered a lot of negative feedback regarding cheap food and decided to feed the kitten a holistic class. Grandorf has a wonderful line for kittens, which the baby eats with great pleasure. Next we plan to grow up and switch to “adult” Grandorfs.”

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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