Brit – cat food: premium, care, dry and wet, for kittens and adult cats


Brit kitten food is produced by a Czech company. There are two lines of this product: Brit Premium and Brit Care crazy. A product from the first category, despite the word premium in the name, does not meet all the requirements for high-quality food that a kitten needs for constant nutrition. The product from the second category belongs to the extra-premium class, and therefore Brit Care wet and dry food for kittens can be given to the pet as the main one.

According to reviews from a number of breeders, Brit food from the care line can be fed to both a pregnant cat and a cat that had to be castrated; The kitten also grows successfully on this diet. You just need to choose the appropriate composition, which will help with the advice of a veterinarian. If the Brit product is not a counterfeit, then the kitten should not experience any health problems from it, and the food does not cause the development of diseases.

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You should only purchase food from a reliable, trusted place so as not to risk the condition of your pet. If you have doubts about the seller, then it is better to buy food for your pet elsewhere. It is important to remember that a kitten can consume Brit food only from the age of 2 months. Food labeled cat is intended for adult animals, while food labeled kitten is intended for kittens.

Table: range of treats and other Brit foods

Name of food or seriesTypeaverage costPeculiarities
Brit Fish Dreams Tuna & SquidWet (canned)60 rub. for 85 g Additional food for cats. Can be used as a treat. Contains fish, octopus, tapioca and rice. The share of ingredients of animal origin is 90–95%.
Brit Care Cat SnackDry and semi-soft (dehydrated meat pieces)125 rub. for 50 g The line consists of many varieties of treats. All of them are non-complete and can only be used as a supplement. There are special treats for kittens, maintaining dental health, improving skin condition, and also for removing hairballs. Pieces of the treat are quite hard; many varieties are dried meat. This helps clean the fangs.

Hypoallergenic chicken?

There is a note on the packaging that this food is hypoallergenic. Indeed, as an analysis of the composition list shows, the Brit Care product for kittens does not contain corn, soy and wheat, which are common causes of allergic reactions - this corresponds to the inscription on the package “No Corn, Soy, Wheat”. But in general, we would not include hypoallergenic characteristics in the description of Brit Care Cat Crazy I'm Kitten, since the only source of animal protein here is chicken, which, on the contrary, is considered one of the most common allergens.

It is chicken derivatives that occupy the first two places in the diet - this is 25% dehydrated chicken (No. 1) and 22% “chicken fillet” (No. 2). A more accurate translation of the English name of the second component, Chicken deboned, dried, is “dried boneless chicken.” So this is not raw chicken, as one might think, looking at the Russian composition of Brit Care, but dried - of course, the rating of dried meat is lower than raw.

In essence, the only difference between the first and second components is that the raw materials for the second definitely did not contain chicken bones.

Brit care cat food

The Brit care diet contains all the important and beneficial ingredients for your pet's health, these are: chicken and fish oils, fiber, rice bran, polysaccharides, vitamins and microelements.
Manufacturers do not add preservatives, flavors, or dyes to the product, so animal breeders and veterinarians respond very positively to the Brit line of food. Brit care food composition:

  1. Dehydrated chicken and turkey meat.
  2. Boneless chicken meat.
  3. Rice bran.
  4. Chicken fat.
  5. Rice.
  6. Dried apples.
  7. Beet pulp.
  8. Chicken liver.
  9. Salmon oil.
  10. Brewer's yeast.
  11. Vitamins.
  12. Prebiotics.
  13. Minerals.
  14. Pear-shaped sea buckthorn.
  15. Plantain.

Brit care cat food is hypoallergenic and very well digestible thanks to a well-chosen combination of all the products included in its composition. And the content of additional additives will allow your pet to: improve health, increase immunity, prevent the development of diseases, improve the condition of teeth and coat.

Benefits of Brit care

  • The product is made from quality ingredients.
  • The presence of a large assortment, in addition to Brit care dry food, there is also jellies and canned food, for the production of which only fresh and natural meat is used.
  • The composition includes useful vitamins and microelements.
  • Brit's diet contains a lot of natural fiber, fats, and proteins.
  • The unique composition helps improve the pet’s health, strengthens teeth, and coat quality.
  • Wide range of products. Some types of food are specially developed for kittens, others for adult animals.
  • Quite a low price for premium products compared to products from other manufacturers.
  • Natural ingredients make Brit food not only healthy, but also tasty; cats eat it with great pleasure.

Disadvantages of Brit food

  • The presence of corn in many types of food can provoke an allergic reaction. It should be remembered that corn is a rather difficult product to digest.
  • The composition includes brewer's yeast, which helps improve the quality of cats' fur, but often causes allergies.
  • Valerian flavoring, which is also present in the composition, can cause a feeling of thirst and not saturation with the product. Because of this, the animal can eat several times more than the prescribed portion.

Useful supplements in the diet

As for the rest of the additives to the Brit Care Crazy Eye Kitten food, there are prebiotics that are useful for the digestive tract of kittens - isolated mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS) and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), as well as brewer's yeast containing MOS.

We also found sodium hexametaphosphate in the food - in this case, it is rather a technological additive-stabilizer, since kittens rarely have problems with teeth, and its presence in the food of this ingredient cannot be explained by the prevention of tartar.

It should be noted that the Brit Care Kitten diet label specifically identifies the proportions of DHA and EPA fatty acids. These components are important for the proper growth and development of the nervous system of kittens and puppies, and their dosage in ready-made diets for these groups of animals should be higher than for adults.

General information

Veterinary experts advise feeding your pets only the highest quality food.

In our article we offer an overview of a brand that has long been popular in Russia - this is a trademark of the Czech company Vafo Praha, which produces dry and wet animal food, as well as treats and other goods.

The Brit brand has a natural composition, no GMOs, does not use soy and its derivatives, and uses only fresh poultry and fish in its recipe. It has its own production and carries out careful quality control that meets European standards.

The company's products are divided into two classes:

  1. Brit Premium
  2. Brit Care – super premium

Super-premium products include more useful additives, for example, to prevent tartar or urolithiasis, as well as other components depending on the characteristics of the diet.

The Brit Premium product is a cat food that includes 8 types of dry food and wet bags. They differ in age and individual characteristics (neutered cats, sensitive digestion, overweight).

This type of product includes 6 types of canned food in jars, which can be used as a stand-alone menu or supplemented with dry food.

Characteristics of Brit food

Cat food produced in the Czech Republic varies in the level of product quality. It is manifested in the enrichment of the vitamin and mineral complex, the amount of allergens and the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Brit food is developed based on the company's principles:

  1. High quality protein. By nature, cats are carnivorous animals, so they need protein, and carbohydrates are consumed in minimal quantities. The need for animal proteins is taken into account by this brand of food.
  2. The variety of food range covers all ages and body characteristics of cats.
  3. The feed uses only natural and environmentally friendly raw materials, which are also used in the manufacture of food products for people. Products are produced with the logo of the “bio” trademark.

"Brit" has established itself in the market as a good manufacturer of super-premium and premium feed.

Taking care of pets is the main principle of work when making food. Any experiments on them are excluded - this is what the manufacturer assures.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

If we consider Brit Care Cocco cat food as a whole, we were unable to find any serious shortcomings. But every diet, if you take a closer look, has its pros and cons, and to summarize, our resource has identified some of them.


  • Quality sources of fat and animal protein;
  • No grains;
  • Availability of useful functional additives;
  • Low carbohydrate content;
  • Clear and precise indication of ingredients;


  • Lack of fresh (raw) meat components in the food;
  • The “trick” is to indicate the amount of potatoes (there is more in total than it seems at first glance);

Cat owners willingly share their experience in feeding their pets with diets of this brand. There are separate topics on the forums where those interested can learn about Brit food for cats and leave reviews and impressions about these diets. Among them, most opinions are positive, but there is also a reverse reaction to these foods:

Larisa, Abyssinian cat, 1.2 years:

Galina, sterilized cat with urolithiasis:

Advantages of food

To understand why Brit kitten food is radically different from others, we need to review its strengths. The positive qualities of this product are :

  • a high-quality composition that includes all the ingredients necessary for the kitten to develop normally and its internal organs to fully form. In Brit food, the portion of protein in the daily diet corresponds to the pet’s body’s need for it, which is very important throughout the animal’s life;
  • absence of chemical preservatives, dyes and flavors that the kitten should not receive. All synthetic additives in animal feed significantly increase the risk of cancer. There are no them in Brit food, and, therefore, the kitten’s developing body is not overloaded;
  • absence of addictive substances; thanks to which the kitten does not become dependent on a specific food like a drug addict, and if necessary can be switched to a different food without much difficulty;
  • the presence in the composition of fish oil, this component in the food, which provides the pet’s developing body with the necessary fatty acids;
  • the presence of enzymes and probiotics that help comfortable digestion even in kittens with a sensitive stomach, who often suffer from diarrhea or constipation;
  • a wide selection of both dry and soft food strictly according to the age of the pet.

It is also impossible not to note the positive point that the cost of Brit food is much lower than that of other premium foods. The kitten usually eats Brit Care kitten food very willingly and develops fully on it.

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The opinion of veterinarians

Elena, 48 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

Brit Premium is worth the price/quality ratio. This diet contains reduced levels of magnesium. This is a good prevention of struvite (phosphorus and magnesium stones). However, if the cat had or has oxalates (calcium stones), it is better to avoid this food.

Evgeniy, 42 years old, Moscow

Brit Premium is a worthy product from a Czech manufacturer. Test results on cats prove that this diet has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

It is important to ensure that your pet drinks plenty of water. Normally, he should consume 3 times more fluid than he eats food, i.e.

if the feeding rate is 60 g per day, then 180 ml of water per day is needed.

Alexander, 39 years old, St. Petersburg

Brit Premium for castrated animals contains only chicken as animal protein. It happens that pets refuse to eat it. In this case, you can try food for castrates based on chicken and turkey from the Brit Care line. It is more expensive, but has an improved composition (does not contain soy, grains and corn).

Anna, 36 years old, Izhevsk

Finding food after sterilization can be problematic. Some pets initially refuse ready-made dry diets. In this case, premium British canned goods are suitable. However, they are more expensive. In my veterinary practice, I often encountered cats who refused dry Brit. This may be due to the lack of flavorings and flavor enhancers.

Types of wet food

This kind of food is most often produced in special packaging called pouches (from the English pouch - bag). You can also purchase wet food in portioned cans. All of them are divided into different categories based on quality. Based on this feature, cat food comes in the following varieties (classes):

  • economy - the most common and affordable food, which, however, experts do not recommend using for feeding a pet, since they are cheap, and, therefore, low-quality raw materials are used in their production (at the same time, huge amounts of money are spent on advertising);
  • premium - food, in the production of which more natural raw materials are used; the developers make the composition quite balanced (however, the information on the packaging is not always clear and correct);
  • super premium - high quality, natural raw materials are used in production, the necessary vitamins and minerals are added, the content of BJU is well balanced (manufacturers often produce various lines intended, for example, for sterilized cats and neutered cats, especially for long-haired animals, and there are also medicinal foods );
  • holistic - food of the highest quality, which, as a rule, has an ideally balanced and high-quality composition, and often has medicinal lines.

It is worth noting that price is not always an indicator of quality. A very expensive package of food may not contain even a third of the nutrients a cat needs. Division into categories implies the quality of a product produced using a certain technology using a certain quality of raw materials.

According to their intended purpose, wet food is divided into products intended for constant nutrition (containing all the necessary substances and useful additives), and treats (insufficiently balanced nutrition, which, however, is made as attractive as possible for cats). The latter can be used to pamper your pet, help him survive stress, and persuade him to take medicine. It is not worth feeding your cat this type of food all the time.

In addition, medicinal feeds that are used in nutrition during certain periods (during illness, after surgical interventions) can be divided into a separate category.

In addition, wet foods have different consistencies. It can be a stew, pate, pieces in sauce and other forms.

Brit Premium cat food review

In addition to Brit Premium, the same company produces food for cats and dogs such as Brit Care (super-premium), Carnilove (holistic), Profine (super-premium). Also in the arsenal of VAFO PRAHA sro are the brands Petit, Lets Bite, Brit Animals, Sams Field.

Composition of Brit Premium feed

Let's study the composition of Brit Premium food using the example of the Cat Adult Chicken option (for adult cats). You can see it in the image below, click on the picture to enlarge it for easier reading:

On the left is a photo of the composition from the packaging, and on the right is a screenshot of the composition from the official website.

In first place is chicken 40%, a very good indicator for the premium class. It is clarified that half of this ingredient is dried chicken (probably includes by-products), and the other half is chicken meal (since “from meat”, it does not include by-products).

The second ingredient is rice, it is a good source of carbohydrates (better than wheat). Behind it is chicken fat, which is a source of fatty acids, as is fish oil from salmon 1% (located a little further in composition).

Corn is a source of carbohydrates and many amino acids, it is about 10% in the feed (since the chicken fat that comes before it is less than 14% (the total fat figure is 15% - 1% fish oil)). For the premium class, 10% is a good figure, usually much more.

Brewer's yeast is rich in B-group vitamins. Chicken liver sauce - contains many vitamins and minerals (since the liver itself contains them). Dried beet pulp is a source of fiber (needed to improve digestion, and also helps remove hair from the intestines).

The remaining ingredients can be called additives in order to enrich the feed with certain substances. In general, the remaining ingredients occupy a very small proportion of the composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this dry food include:

  • the percentage of meat ingredients is one of the largest in its class;
  • rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances;
  • a natural preservative is used (tocopherols, essentially vitamin E):
  • low price compared to many analogues;
  • wide range, there are also wet food.

Among the disadvantages:

  • probably the ingredient “dried chicken” includes offal (although this would not be bad if it contained heart, liver, etc.);
  • the percentage of meat components is high for its class, but significantly lower than in the best foods.

Cat food Brit Premium - reviews

Since products from the above-mentioned Czech manufacturer have been on the Russian market for a long time, there are a lot of reviews about them on the Internet, including about the premium line of cat food. Below we have collected some reviews, and if you have already purchased this food, write your opinion about it in the comments below.

Reviews from veterinarians

Vladimir writes:

Good afternoon. Visitors to the veterinary clinic where I work very often ask to recommend good food for cats and dogs (who comes with whom). At the same time, for most it is very important that it be cheaper, since it is not possible to buy expensive food. In such cases, I recommend Brit Premium for several reasons.

Firstly, it really has a good composition for a premium class and low price. Secondly, it is produced in the Czech Republic, and not in Russia (a lot of complaints arise when the production of foreign food is transferred to us). And thirdly, two good friends have been feeding their cats this food for a long time - there have been no health problems yet.

I should note that I don’t have a cat, but I do have a Siberian Husky dog. I buy the Canadian holistic product Acana, but only because neither I nor my wife have time to prepare natural food for him. If you have the opportunity, it is still better to keep your pets on a natural diet.

Customer Reviews

Irina writes:

For economic reasons, I sometimes feed my cat Brit Premium for sterilized ones. I am a veterinarian and I believe that among the premium budget foods, Brit is the most optimal. Prevention of urolithiasis is due to high meat protein (34%), low phosphorus (0.9%) and magnesium (0.04%), which fully complies with FEDIAF requirements. Well, we eat Brit Care and Carnilove for sterilized ones. Neutered cat 5 years old.

Also about spiders for sterilized ones. I buy them from Auchan and now they are presented in an updated version: pieces in sauce. Eatability is 100%. The indicated meat content is 80%, which is several times more than in the old spiders - the cat eats it with pleasure; the price remained unchanged, even on sale it was cheaper (29 rubles per piece)

The rating of Brit Premium food in its category is 5 out of 5 points.

Diana writes:

I have a Neva Masquerade cat, sterilized. Like many cat owners, I was looking for a suitable food for a long time, and during this search I tried Brit Premium for sterilized cats. Before this, I found a lot of positive reviews about it, saying it’s high quality, cheaper than other premium foods, and the cat likes it.

In principle, I liked the composition, the recipe is wheat-free. But as soon as I opened the package, I almost regretted buying it, the smell was like some kind of Kitekat. I finally regretted it when I gave it to my cat - she ate it very reluctantly, and after the first feedings, the stool worsened (it darkened and became sparser). The food did not suit us at all, so we do not recommend it.

Ulyana writes:

We picked up a kitten on the street, at first we gave him homemade food, and when he got a little older we decided to switch him to dry food. I couldn’t afford the expensive one, but I didn’t want to feed him whiskey either. In the end, we settled on Brit Premium, which has a very good composition (although it is only premium) and is reasonably priced. The Care line from the same manufacturer has a better composition, but the price is higher.

The food itself smells quite attractive, you can really smell the fish (we take it with Salmon Adult, that is, salmon), and not just chemicals as in some. By the way, it contains chicken, so it is not suitable if the cat is allergic to it. You can also note the convenient reusable clasp on the packaging, useful when there is no container. But the most important thing is that the cat likes it and eats with pleasure.

Food for sterilized cats

The manufacturer Brit produces several varieties of food for sterilized cats and neutered males. In the Brit Care cat line, dry food is represented by the Missy option, in the second line - Brit Premium Sterilized.

Sterilized contains chicken and grains necessary to maintain the health of your pet after surgery.

Missy dry food contains sea buckthorn oil. This is what prevents diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, it contains the least amount of magnesium and phosphorus, which are not recommended to be given to animals after sterilization or castration.


The Brit Premium line of dry food includes the following types:

Brit Premium Kitten. Food for small animals (up to 1 year). The composition is identical to food for adult cats, but with slightly more vitamins.

Brit Premium Adult chicken. Complete option for adults (over one year old) with tender chicken and delicious chicken liver sauce. Yucca extract removes the pungent odor of excrement, and chicken protein is easily digestible.

Brit Premium Sterilized. Option for cats who have undergone sterilization or castration. Light but nutritious food.

Packaged in packs of 0.3, 0.8, 1.5 and 8 kg.

Wet food is:

  • Chicken breast & cheese (main components - cheese and chicken breast);
  • Tuna & salmon (with tuna and salmon);
  • Kitten chicken (with chicken meat for kids);
  • Tuna, carrot & pea (with chicken fillet).

Jar volume - 0.07 kg.

Brit Care cat food review

Brit Care belongs to the super-premium class, but the company also produces Brit Premium food, Profine super-premium food, and Carnilove holistic food. In addition, products under the Lets Bite, Sams Field, Petit, Brit Animals brands are also produced by VAFO PRAHA sro.

Composition of Brit Care food

Let's study the composition of Brit Care Cat dry food using the Crazy I'm Kitten option (for kittens) as an example. To get started, click on the image below to enlarge it for easier reading:

Above is a photo from the food packaging, and below is a screenshot from the official website.

The first ingredients (dehydrated chicken 25% and chicken fillet 22%) are good sources of proteins. In addition to them, it contains only 2 protein-rich ingredients - rice bran (about 20% protein) and chicken liver (also rich in vitamins and minerals).

Taking this into account, you can be sure that most of the 38% of protein indicated in the analysis is obtained from the first two ingredients. Protein of animal origin is better absorbed by the cat's body.

Rice, which is in third place, is used as a source of carbohydrates. It is no more than 21%, since the ingredient in front of it is 22% (we know that the ingredients in the composition are indicated in descending order.

For other components: chicken fat and salmon oil - sources of fatty acids, dried apples - fiber, brewer's yeast - B-group vitamins, mananoligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides - prebiotics, Yucca Schidigera extract - reduces the smell of excrement, sea buckthorn - contains vitamin E (a natural antioxidant) and many other useful substances.

Prebiotics act on the microflora of the colon, stimulating the growth of beneficial microorganisms (lacto- and bifidobacteria) and the death of pathogenic ones.

In general, the composition is good - a lot of protein, little ash, and there are a lot of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances among the additives.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this food include:

  • the main source of proteins is meat ingredients;
  • hypoallergenic - does not contain wheat or corn;
  • rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial microelements;
  • In addition to dry food, there is also wet food “Brit Care” (pouches, canned food);
  • Widely distributed, available in most pet stores;
  • relatively low price (lower than many analogues).

The disadvantages include:

the first ingredient is "dehydrated chicken", which is not the same as "dehydrated chicken meat". That is, in addition to meat, this ingredient probably contains by-products.


First, let's talk about the manufacturer, which is the production organization VAFO Praha sro, located in the town of Rudna in the Czech Republic. In addition to cat food, it specializes in selling food for dogs, rodents and ferrets.

It was founded in 1994 and gradually transformed from a private family company into a powerful production workshop, which employs several hundred employees. Products are exported to 70 countries. The dry food production plant was built in the Czech Republic, and wet products are manufactured in Thailand.

The manufacturer refused to test on laboratory animals, using special analyzers instead. The products comply with all necessary requirements - ISO 9001 and HACCP.

How to choose food

Natural food is considered the best food for a pet, but it is not always possible to match the percentage balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the natural needs of the cat’s body. In such a situation, the animal should be fed with industrial feed with a dietary composition as close as possible to natural food.

Currently, there is a wide variety of diets on the market, both domestic and imported, and for a beginner it will be a problem to choose quality food for your pet.

To choose the right food, it is important to navigate your pet’s taste preferences, the presence of allergic reactions or diseases, and physiological needs. You must first obtain advice from a veterinarian in selecting food for your pet.

Which cat food to choose?

When switching from eating natural products to industrial food, remember that the cat must consume a lot of clean water. Also, the transition should be carried out smoothly; gradual introduction of small portions of dry food will not lead to digestive tract upset. To begin with, you can use soft food in pouches or canned food. The ideal combination is dry and wet, feeding recommended by most experts.

When choosing food, pay attention to the composition and the place that meat occupies - it should come first


The food contains:

  • dehydrated turkey and chicken meat;
  • rice bran;
  • rice;
  • chicken fat;
  • dried apples;
  • beet pulp;
  • plantain;
  • sea ​​buckthorn pear-shaped;
  • salmon oil;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • prebiotics.

Most of the feed is protein, i.e. meat - 55%. There are 2 types of fat: salmon oil and chicken fat. They are indispensable for the cat’s body, as they saturate the body with important acids. At the same time, they are quickly absorbed. The source of carbohydrates is not grain crops, but potatoes. This is a “plus” of the food, since potatoes have a low glycemic index, and they cleanse the intestines well (due to starch).

The subtle aroma of mint stimulates the cat's appetite, sodium phosphate prevents tartar from sticking to the teeth, sea buckthorn is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

To prevent overeating, be sure to read the instructions on the package. An animal weighing no more than 5 kg and not sterilized should receive approximately 200 g of feed per day. If the animal is castrated, the portion can be increased to 250 g. A special calculation of the portion is also required if the cat is pregnant, or weakened, or old.


You can now view the current price of food and buy it right here:

You can buy Brit food for cats in almost any pet store or order it online. The average cost of Brit Care dry food for picky cats Cocco is:

  • 0.4 kg – from 280 rub.;
  • 2 kg – from 910 rub.;
  • 7 kg – from 2950 rub.

Food for spayed and neutered cats and Missy cats will cost:

  • 0.4 kg – from 260 rub.;
  • 2 kg – from 910 rub.;
  • 7 kg – from 3095 rub.

In conclusion, we will say that although this food “does not have enough stars in the sky,” it will give odds to many diets from the super-premium segment. Its price category is quite consistent with its quality, and, in our opinion, this menu can be recommended for the daily nutrition of your pet.

Price and where to buy

You can buy this food in many online pet stores, for example:

  1. "Zoopassage" ():
      Dry food, packaging 0.3 kg - from 231 rubles;
  2. Dry food Brit Premium 1.5 kg - from 676 rubles;
  3. Dry food Brit Premium 8 kg - from 2846 rubles;
  4. Brit Premium pouches 100 g - from 54 rub.
  5. "ZooMag"():
      Packaging 0.3 kg - from 200 rubles;
  6. Packaging 1.5 kg - from 620 rubles;
  7. Packaging 8 kg - from 2630 rub.
  8. "Yandex Market" ().
  9. "Old Farm" ().

The indicated prices are indicative, current in July 2022, may differ depending on the option and store, and may also change significantly over time.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • It contains natural ingredients, beneficial vitamins, minerals, and natural preservatives.
  • If you compare Brit Care food with other foods of the same class, you will notice a significant difference in price: Brit Care is much more affordable and is sold in almost all pet stores.
  • The assortment is large: there is food for both adults (healthy, weakened, with health problems) and for kittens, both dry food and wet pates.
  • The composition is balanced, thanks to which the animals become stronger and look more attractive.
  • Some types contain corn flour, and this is a rather difficult product for cat digestion, often causing allergies.
  • The brewer's yeast contained in the composition makes cats' fur strong and shiny, but can also cause allergies.
  • The phrase “dehydrated chicken” can include not only chicken meat, but also offal.
  • The food granules are quite large, and not every cat will have “teeth.”

You can buy Brit care food both in a pet store and online. Food for sterilized cats is slightly cheaper than for regular cats: approximately 260 rubles per 400 grams.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: American Shorthair, Siberian, LaPerm.

Overall rating Brit Care Cat Crazy I'm Kitten

This diet is not based on much rice, but, nevertheless, this grain is present in the top five components, which is not ideal. On the other hand, it’s good that there are no various vague components, but two albeit processed, but quite high-quality sources of animal protein are included, as well as high-quality sources of animal fat (chicken and salmon).

The overall score of the diet turned out to be quite acceptable and provided the Brit Care Cat Crazy I'm Kitten dry food with an average position in the rating.

Brit Care cat food review

Brit Care belongs to the super-premium class. The same manufacturer produces Brit Premium, Profine, and Carnilove food. In addition, products under the Lets Bite, Sams Field, Petit, Brit Animals brands are also produced by VAFO PRAHA sro.

Composition of Brit Care food

Let's look at the composition of Brit Care cat food using the example of the Gain-Free INDOOR option (grain-free, for adult cats):

Information about the composition from the official website of the manufacturer.

The first and third ingredients, fresh chicken 26% and dehydrated chicken 20% respectively, are good sources of protein. Yellow peas are also relatively rich in protein, but even with a maximum of 24 g of protein per 100 g of peas, we get only ~6% protein (that is, from the total 30% indicated in the guaranteed analysis, up to 6% is vegetable protein, and from 24% - animal origin).

Let us remember that animal proteins are richer in amino acid composition and are better absorbed than plant proteins. Therefore, it is good when the main source of protein is animal meat or fish fillet, and not ingredients like “corn gluten”, “wheat gluten”, etc.

Yellow peas, despite their relatively high protein content, are still mainly a source of carbohydrates. Dried apples (8%), pumpkin (6%) are a source of fiber. Chicken fat (4%, preserved with tocopherols), salmon oil (2%) are good sources of fats and fatty acids. Psyllium (2%, chaff and seeds) is a plantain plant whose seeds are rich in soluble fiber, good for digestion.

Hydrolyzed chicken liver (2%) is a natural flavoring additive. Brewer's yeast (2%) is a source of B-group vitamins. Flax seeds are rich in fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. Dried motherwort (0.5%), dried chamomile (0.5%), dried sea buckthorn (0.3%), dried lingonberries (0.2%) are sources of fiber, and sea buckthorn and lingonberries are very rich in natural antioxidants.

Minerals are a dietary supplement of minerals. Fructooligosaccharides (0.015%) and mannanoligosaccharides (0.015%) are prebiotics that improve digestion. Yucca schidigera (0.008%) - reduces the smell of excrement. Lactobacillus acidophilus HA-122 inactivated (15x109 cells/kg) - probiotic, good for digestion.

The technological supplement states that tocopherol extracts from vegetable oils, ascorbyl palmitate and rosemary extract are used as antioxidants. That is, all antioxidants are natural (tocopherols are, in fact, vitamin E, and ascorbyl palmitate is vitamin C).

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this food include:

  • the main source of protein is meat ingredients;
  • grain-free formulations (no wheat, corn or even rice);
  • rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances;
  • In addition to dry food, there is also wet food “Brit Care” (pouches, canned food);
  • Widely distributed, available in most pet stores;
  • the percentage of all ingredients is indicated (this is very rare);
  • the price is lower than many analogues.

The disadvantages include:

There are no significant shortcomings.

Other significant components of Brit Care

Of course, the first components, despite a significant error in translation, are sources of animal protein, and this is good news. But a further review of Brit Care Cat Crazy I'm Kitten food revealed not only pros, but also cons.

In addition to chicken, this diet is based on two derivatives of the same grain: rice and rice bran. Bran is rich in fiber and is more of a filler in the food, and kittens, as obligate carnivores, need meat to grow healthy. It’s good that chicken fat preserved with tocopherols is listed in fourth place - this is a valuable ingredient.

Beyond the base, this food also contains other components of animal origin: salmon oil (a quality source of fat) and 2% chicken liver, which serves as an aroma and flavor additive.

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