Reviews from owners about the Beagle breed: the nature of the dogs, the peculiarities of keeping them in an apartment and their attitude towards children

Beagles are one of the most popular dogs in the world.

This is not surprising, since their sweet appearance, sincere good nature and positive disposition cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Representatives of this breed often appear in public next to members of royal families, stars and other public figures.

Here you will learn brief information about the breed and find reviews from the owners of these dogs.

History of the breed

The first mention of the Beagle dog breed dates back to 1475. Back then, these little hunting dogs were the favorites of English aristocrats. The name comes from the word “begle”, which means “small”.

In those days, many ladies from the upper classes took these dogs with them on hunts and carried them right in their bag.


Even at the court of Catherine I there lived a large flock of beagles, whom the courtiers nicknamed “singers” for their melodious barking.

Subsequently, this breed became popular not only among hunters and aristocrats, but also among farmers, traders and ordinary people. Many people were engaged in the selection of dogs, as a result of which a large number of breed types of beagles appeared.

Among the modern breed varieties of beagles we can distinguish:

  • English;
  • American;
  • French - Beagle Harrier.

What do dogs look like?

First of all, beagles are distinguished by their relatively small size - their height ranges from 33 to 40 centimeters . At the same time, they have a strong, but not rough physique.

On the dome-shaped skull there is an occipital protuberance, the muzzle is blunt, without folds or wrinkles. The nose is black or a slightly lighter shade in light-colored dogs. The lips are slightly pendulous, with dark pigmentation. The jaws are strong with even teeth that form a scissor bite.

The eyes are dark, predominantly brown, large, not protruding. The look is smart and good-natured.

The ears are long, thin, oval-shaped, hang down freely and, with a slight pull, reach the tip of the nose.

The neck is long and mobile, which helps beagles track prey.

The body is compact, with a flat back and flexible loin. The tail is set high, but in most cases hangs down, quite mobile, but does not curl up or down.

There are a large number of color options, but the main colors are white (covers most of the body), red or black. Most often, dogs are found with the “tricolor” color (white, black, red - the most common option), less often - “bicolor”, and pure white beagles are considered very rare.

The tip of the tail of representatives of the breed is always white.

Read more about the breed standard here.

Character traits

Good-natured beagles are very attached to their owners, and since they do not have dominant qualities, even a child can be chosen as the head of the family.

These animals are very smart, inquisitive and active. While “racing” around an apartment or house, they are sure to explore every corner, sniff all the furniture and poke their nose into closets.

Oddly enough, beagles love to be handled and trained, but at the same time they do not always respond well to training.

They are friendly, open, ready to make contact with everyone, both with people and with other dogs, so without fear you can have a beagle as a friend to another dog.

But they perceive small animals as prey, their hunting instincts take effect, so hamsters, ferrets and chinchillas in the same house with a beagle will have a very hard time. Even death is possible, so it’s better not to risk it. If you really want, you can try on a dog with a cat, but the second will have to live in eternal fear, and the first will be forced to restrain himself with all his might.

Ekaterina, 23 years old

Dog in the apartment

When buying Beagle, I didn’t think that I would encounter a lot of problems. It’s not for nothing that breeders highlight the fact that the dog is a hunting dog. Kai turned out to be an unusually constantly barking, hyperactive puppy; he could not sit quietly even for a couple of minutes! He was always on the move, always looking for something, sniffing...

Kai does not like loneliness - he either howls or chews something. For two months I regularly purchased phone chargers, but now he has switched to shoes. There are no more slippers at home! But now there is a reason for regular cleaning of the apartment!

I walk with Kai for about 2-3 hours. There is a forest park not far from the house, that’s where we go. I'm afraid to let him go - he's already run away a couple of times. In general, breeders do not advise letting them go, because they easily switch to searching for prey and forget about everything. At home I always play with him when I have time, but even with such activity he remains with a full reserve of strength.

I cook Kaya myself, the breeder told me that he has gastritis and all the food will only ruin his stomach. I have to watch what and when he eats so that there is no vitamin deficiency. My biggest fear is that he will start picking up trash from the street! But, fortunately, this has not happened yet.

In general, what I want to say is that the Beagle is not a breed for everyone! She will have to devote a lot of time, these are dogs with irrepressible energy. They love movement, and if the Beagle doesn’t walk much, it means he’ll cause mayhem at home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other breed, beagles have both pros and cons.


  • friendliness and complete absence of aggression;
  • love for children;
  • strong attachment to owners;
  • outstanding intelligence and insight;
  • optimism and the ability to overcome depression;
  • neatness and cleanliness;
  • absence of strong salivation and specific dog odor;
  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • ease of care.


  • difficulty of training;
  • unbearable loneliness (from lack of attention, one can begin to spoil things and even become aggressive);
  • excessive gullibility;
  • tendency to overeating and obesity.

Against the background of the large number of advantages of this breed, the disadvantages simply fade, especially considering that all the shortcomings can be corrected.

Read more about the breed here.

You just need to give your pet proper attention and care, namely:

  • carry out training frequently;
  • don't leave alone;
  • do not let him walk without a leash and without supervision;
  • monitor his diet.


My dog ​​is already six years old. He is, of course, part of the family. He has a lot of qualities, both good and bad. He stopped chewing shoes and slippers within a year. That’s why I don’t even talk about such troubles. He doesn't shit in the apartment.

1. Cheerful. Very sociable. Loves children very much. Ready to squeak with them, lick them. Not aggressive, you don’t have to worry that your dog will bite the neighbor’s cat.

2. Smart. If you have food in your hands, then he carries out any command with a bang! His mind has one drawback: the dog uses his mind in different ways. Makes independent decisions. He is considering whether he should carry out this command from you or not (with the exception of executing a command for food). He tries to deceive you, for example... during a walk he is strictly forbidden to pick up bits of wood, bones, and almost any other food... so... so that no one notices, the dog turns his butt and hides his prey, usually in his mouth. Therefore, keep an eye on him))) He quickly understands what they want from him, but only does it at home. On the street...that's a different story.

3. Relatively easy to care for. But the fur sheds regularly, sometimes more, sometimes less... but always.

4. Unpretentious in food. So unpretentious that he is simply on guard. This is not a dog, this is an eternally hungry vacuum cleaner. He will pick up on the street what the yard dogs and cats have not eaten. No amount of punishment will stop him. If you have a cat at home, you will have to feed him on the windowsill or table! Otherwise, the cat will simply have nothing to eat! There won't even be edible dust in your kitchen, I'm not talking about crumbs...

Our dog only eats fresh onions and oranges. Once I stole a pineapple peel from the trash... ate it, and then became covered in red spots, my face was swollen... I had to inject myself with Suprastin.

5. Walks with your beagle…long ones. If you live in a city, then your walks will always be difficult. Although, maybe it’s just my dog ​​who is so hungry and always looking for food. Letting him off the leash means that he will definitely eat everything in the area, and then diarrhea will begin... On the street, the dog pretends to be deaf, does not hear commands, but this is only if he is without a leash. With a leash, the dog hears and understands all commands.

6. Our dog is somewhat theatrical. How is this expressed... So we come to the veterinarian for vaccination, and he raises his paw and begins to limp (the veterinarian immediately asks, are you here for an x-ray?). Or he jumps like a moose around the apartment, gets tangled up in some thing and starts yelling... as if his paws had been torn off... You'll come up and ask him why we're yelling?... in response, he'll wag his tail)))

I can draw only one conclusion. If you are a hunter, live outside the city, in a private house, and have children, then you simply cannot find a better dog. If you live in the city, you don’t like long walks, and you’re not ready to raise your dog all the time, then this is not the dog for you!

Is it possible to keep it in an apartment?

You can keep beagles both in a house and in an apartment, but you need to take into account the fact that this hunting dog is descended from hounds and it simply needs serious physical activity every day, otherwise the house will be destroyed.

Difficulties of living in an apartment:

  • excessive activity;
  • insatiable appetite (steals everything edible that is not in good condition);
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • heavy shedding.

These disadvantages do not mean that keeping such a dog in the house is impossible. It is important to prevent such consequences with attention and training.


If the future owner decides to keep a beagle in an apartment, then he must be ready to walk with the pet every day for several hours, play with it and run until the animal gets tired. Otherwise, you can’t expect a quiet life - the beagle needs to throw out unspent energy and he will run circles around the house.

Beagle dog - reviews about the breed

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04/02/2021 at 09:19


I have long dreamed of a beagle and now my dream has come true, I read what kind of breed this is and what awaits me and was ready for it, and when we brought her home we cleaned everything up, to be honest, we thought that she would destroy our entire apartment, but she turned out to be not like that for many, we brought her to her; she was not yet 2 months old and half a year old; she did not stay at home alone. We were lucky that the children started distance learning and constantly walked and played with her, this played a big role in her upbringing. Now she is one year and two months old, during this time she has not damaged anything (furniture), baseboards and walls, everything is in place))) the only thing is that she can steal a sock, a pen from children and chew it, but these are trifles))) we walk with her without leash, she doesn’t run far and is waiting for us. She and I came to a 6-month education course with only 10 lessons. I want to say that her parents are also very calm and this played a big role. If you want to get yourself a beagle, be sure to find out what the parents are like. And if possible, be with her the first time and study. You can keep a Beagle at home, but you will have to train it. We don’t keep our Tsena in a cage; we don’t have her and never had her. And now he stays at home, sleeps and looks out the window. Good luck everyone..

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I’m 12 and I have a beagle girl, she’s 2.5 years old. Yes, I agree that beagles are a little stubborn in following commands. Before she carries out a command, she’ll think about it and only then do it. But she doesn’t live in our house, but on the terrace, and therefore there are no difficulties in caring for her at all!!!!! The dream dog (by training))))) doesn’t chew shoes, doesn’t shit at all (by training))))) And eats everything they give, but if she wants to eat it on the ground, then I’ll tell her she can’t, and she won’t eat it!!!!!! no crazy energy like in the reviews above!!!!! If you play, then only with my permission, and if I say during the game that you can’t, then the game stops!!!! In general, at first I had my eye on Goldens, but when I saw him in life, I immediately didn’t want him! and then a few days later, while we were relaxing at the sea, SHE, my Bella, came running to us!!!!! I immediately fell in love with her and after 12 days she was 1500 km from the place where she came running!!! and my rating for these wonderful dogs is 5++++++++++++++++++++++++


I’ll write briefly, 99% of these dogs are completely uncontrollable!!! 7 days ago in a city park I was pregnant and walking with my Pomeranian dog, we were already walking home when this beagle dog ran out and rushed at my Spitz and let’s tear him up yes yes yes It’s with his jaws that he’s trying to tear it apart, the owner is trying to stop him, but the dog doesn’t care, she doesn’t open her jaw at all and continues to torment my little furry little guy!!!!! I kicked her and kicked her in the eyes with my nails, but she didn’t care anymore. The result was that my dog ​​was in the hospital with internal injuries and a torn ear, saved by my shaggy dog’s very thick fur. Now I don’t like this breed and the only cute thing about it is the name!!!!!!!


If you want the dog to be constantly at your feet - to follow you without a leash, to look into your eyes faithfully and continuously, to wait and enthusiastically carry out commands - then this is definitely not about the beagle. Hounds are always distracted - by smells, other people's tracks. The dog can get so carried away that he forgets about the game and is drawn to the smell (and may even get lost).

The Beagle is quite independent and even stubborn.

It is better to take a puppy not from working/hunting ancestors.


I agree with the positive reviews about beagles; if you find a common language with him and do not confuse a shepherd with a beagle, then the cure for chondrosis and loneliness, a huge charge of vital energy, will always be with you. When buying a dog, choose good, proven kennels where the dog is fully qualified to live with you in any conditions. My beagle is a little over 2 years old, during this time I have never punished him, even for the most expensive shoes he ate, now he pays me with love and affection, I have never met a better dog. My life has always been active, work, family, children. The boys went to a sports school, or rather, I took them, there were competitions every weekend, and again I was with the children, the children grew up, and somehow I began to miss this fast pace of life, and in my life this miracle called biglyusha appeared, which alone replaced I have three children. Instead of children's competitions, there were exhibitions, training with the dog, I am incredibly proud and happy when he wins, takes prizes, although even without prizes he is my best.


This dog is very stubborn, if he puts his nose to the floor, that's it....he doesn't hear commands and doesn't see anything. Thus they get lost and run away. One salvation is a control leash or an electric collar. Just to run around on 40 acres, you can take something less active))



Kind, sociable, quick learner


Loud barking, does not learn to go in the litter box

My review will be different from others. I even do not know why. Either I came across such a dog, or the owners are missing something in their stories)

Let me start by saying that my husband and I really wanted a dog. None of us had been there before, so we didn't have much experience. They chose a faithful friend based on size and appearance. Well, the choice settled on the beagle.

We were crazy about him! Such a cute dog that you can’t take your eyes off him. And already when we began to grow up, our character began to emerge.

As for caring for the dog, he is not picky about food. You just need to clean your ears often.

So, let's start with the pros:

1) friendly - it was not like he attacked anyone. Always approaches all strangers on the street with kindness;

2) loves attention - if you go about your business and don’t pay attention to him, he will shove his toy in your face, climb on top of you, if only you would spend at least a minute;

3) handsome - it’s impossible to take your eyes off his big floppy ears and sad eyes

Perhaps these are all the advantages that I saw... There are many more disadvantages)) So:

1) TOO energetic - for me this is a minus, since we live in the city, and there is no opportunity to walk with him as much as he needs. Therefore, he spends all his strength in the apartment... runs, howls, constantly chews something... if he doesn’t chew, then he’s sleeping! There can be no other options... We bought him a lot of different types of toys. Of course, he likes it, but what is forbidden is much better than his own!

2) disobedient - difficult to train, even with food. My husband went to class, unfortunately, he is the most restless dog of all...

3) is still pissing in the apartment - we are already a year old. He doesn’t do his business in front of us, but as soon as we leave, it’s all over... both on the bed and on the bags... it’s terrible!

4) very cunning. In front of her husband she behaves even more or less obediently. As soon as he leaves, he jumps on the table with his paws and starts stealing food.

5) a creepy beggar - he will sit with you in the kitchen and look with unhappy eyes, as if he hasn’t been fed for a year! gets on his knees with his paws and goes into his mouth.

6) you can’t be left alone at home - the solution to this problem was a cage... because it’s unbearable to come home late from work, and everything on your bed that was on the table, windowsill or in the closet has been chewed to pieces.

I, of course, love this little bastard very much, but I don’t advise people who want to get a dog for the first time, or who don’t have the opportunity to walk with one for hours, to buy a beagle!


For me, a beagle is the perfect dog that could ever be bred! My opinion is based only on communication with my dog, I know about others only by hearsay, since, unfortunately, I have not met other beagles in our city. He is not big and easily gets along with us wherever we are: in a tent, in a car, at home or in the country. Able to negotiate and win over almost any person. If you need a friend to walk, play, sleep, ride a bike, etc., a beagle will be happy to keep you company. Loneliness is difficult for a beagle, and sometimes, for example on weekends, it is offensive, then he howls and barks from injustice. But if you are ready to give him a couple of hours of attention instead of sitting on the couch, then he will accept the terms of the game and will wait for you at home, in our case on the windowsill, and when you return his joy will throw away all worries and sorrows, and will give you so much happiness and positive as many emotions as you can carry! Scientists were wrong when they said that a perpetual motion machine is a fantasy, it is undoubtedly a beagle =)


Appearance: Beautiful and proportionately built, with a coat that is pleasant to the touch, although not as soft as, for example, a Shar Pei, with charming soft ears and perfect round paws. Communication: very sociable, cheerful, lively, energetic, affectionate, kind, attentive, eternal puppy, charming, jealous. Intelligence: savvy, cunning, smart.


Sometimes there is too much intelligence and ingenuity, we call it self-will.

Advice for (future) owners

The Beagle is a complex dog in the sense that until you find a thread to control it, it is an uncontrollable mass of disarming charm. I am not such an experienced dog lover, it took me almost two years to find these threads. The first thread is managing the dog on the street. All you needed was a little trust and a lot of praise =) Neither treats nor toys gave such a result. Our Joy is very proud of himself when he walks the streets of the city by himself, without a collar, does not go far and obeys. This can be seen from his gait and satisfied smiling face. The second is good behavior at home when we are away. All these torn bags, newspapers, dismantled trash cans, chewed stool legs and sofa, all could have been avoided (I wish I had known earlier!!) with a very simple punishment. The dog eats twice a day. If I come home from work and see traces of a crime, I simply collect these traces in a bowl for food. Of course, I scold Joey, and he understands that he did something wrong, but he can’t help himself - “at the sound of the flute he loses his willpower.” The most important thing for him is to eat, and he eats, it seems to me, until he bursts, and the worst punishment is to be left without dinner. That is, he misbehaved, which means he didn’t eat. He understood this very quickly. For those who want to get a Beagle dog or are already the owner of a puppy, I would like to say - do not be afraid to trust your dog, and if the standard method of training does not suit you, come up with your own and the result will exceed all your expectations.

Oksana Pashanina

And so, here is my truthful review about the Beagle breed. I don’t want to write a lie, but I want to tell everything as it is, since the Beagle breed has quite a lot of its own shortcomings, nuances and characteristics, and if you don’t write the truth, then most owners who are planning to get this dog may be disappointed and upset as soon as the puppy crosses the threshold their homes!

Let me start with the fact that this is not my first dog: I have had shepherds and mongrels. I have a lot of experience in training and caring for dogs. Beagle is a dream and, honestly, it would be better if it remained a dream.

Of course, the beagle has advantages: first of all, it has a very cute appearance, a small size that allows the dog to live in an apartment, it is affectionate - 0 aggression, it is playful, loves children and walks. Well, perhaps that's all the positives.

The first and main disadvantage is the absolute ignoring of commands during a walk!

As soon as we crossed the threshold of the apartment, she immediately turned her nose to the ground and pulled! This is the second minus - it pulls wildly, ignoring commands! A child will not be able to walk such a dog.

Nose to the ground - the third minus - as soon as there is something edible (and not edible!) on the ground, she will immediately devour it! She eats absolutely everything: her son’s small toys if they fell out of his hands, onions, potato peelings that fell on the floor, lemon and everything else, and on the street these are: bones, rotten pieces of something, dead pigeons (she brings them to my feet and starts eating), poop from other dogs and cats, half a loaf of bread that was given to the pigeons, flowers, leaves, etc.! At first we walked with a muzzle and only in it! Now we are walking on a planer without a muzzle. Yes! Exactly! Beagle on a planer! This is the only way to calmly walk with her without dragging the dog on a leash. If you dream of taking a leisurely stroll in the evening with your husband and child, walking your Beagle dog is not for you!

...Ours started to gobble up everything after itself (she has enough vitamins, the food is excellent! It’s just Beagle’s nature), and when we started leaving her at home with a muzzle (because she, being left alone, began to eat walls, baseboards, doormats, documents she also took it out from a high chest of drawers and ate it, a mouse pad, boots, slippers - everything was torn to shreds and partially devoured, despite the fact that she was left with beef legs, toys, bones, etc.!) - she would pile up a pile and smack her with a muzzle it into the laminate along the corridor, and then it will smear everything on the walls - we have wallpaper and decorative plaster! This is just brutal, comrades! When you come home from work, you start washing everything with bleach! More about the toilet: the puppy will do things in the house for a long time! They don't want to tolerate it! Ours started to tolerate it only at 10.5 months! Before this, I did things in the diaper, but more often wherever I wanted, out of spite! Because of this, the laminate flooring in the house swelled!

The dog is also very vindictive! Very. Ours is forbidden to enter the rooms, because... she immediately jumps on the bed, which is not acceptable in our family! She somehow jumped onto the bed - the child didn’t close the door, and blew up a huge puddle right in the middle!!! So, we go into the room, for example, to watch a movie, the door is open, but we don’t let her in, I say: “Get in place!” “, she goes and pisses in the kitchen or hallway! And if you close the door in front of her nose, a second later you watch a puddle flow under the door! And this picture, plus or minus, is constant! He'll do something!

Obsession is disgusting! If a child eats, she snatches the spoon from him and can get into the plate! If he has something in his hand, he will eat it, biting his hand in the process!

She sheds wool all year round, because... This is a hunting breed! Wool is everywhere! Cleanliness and neatness are not compatible with a Beagle! Friends who went through OCD with beagles said that it was a waste of money! You can't break the dog! Do you hope that your Beagle will be different?! Don't get your hopes up! Think a hundred times!!! Beagle hunter! Bred specifically for hunting! He won't serve you! My opinion is that a beagle is not for living in an apartment! In a private house, in an enclosure, yes! Otherwise, you are guaranteed constant repairs and dirt!

This is my first and last beagle!!!

Valeria Divlet-Kildeeva

Not for the faint-hearted, you lose so much energy with them, but then you get used to it, because we have 2 beagles walking in our yard, ours and someone else’s. Our girl is lively, created for atgilitti and is a very big licker, and 2 is calm, but she is already fully grown and she does not like to cuddle. So every dog ​​is what it is. As a man!

Margareth Siewers

The dog is very active, so you need to prepare for long walks and activities with the dog, this is not a dog that you can just have at home for decoration. We, as a family of 3 people, get tired of it, walk for 1 -1.5 hours at a time:)) We do training at the kennel club, in my opinion, this is also a necessary thing, then fewer problems arise, because beagles love fool around!

But in my opinion, the ideal dog for an active person who needs a faithful companion. And beagles are such positive dogs, it’s simply impossible to be in a bad mood for a long time with them :)



They are easy to train, very affectionate, sociable and absolutely non-aggressive dogs. An excellent breed for active people.


They love to steal)))

Good afternoon I am a Beagle breeder. This breed is VERY active (although there are exceptions). You should spend at least 40-60 minutes walking the Beagle in the morning and 1.5-2 hours in the evening, because the dog is a hound and needs a lot of exercise. When buying a puppy, it is advisable to buy a crate (if you don’t need it, you can always sell it without any problems), because in your absence the puppy will be bored and chaos in the house is almost inevitable (unless you exhaust him before leaving). Opening a closet door or climbing onto a table is not a problem for smart beagles. Therefore, this is necessary for the safety of the puppy and your property. Ideally, cover the cage with a cloth, because beagles love the appearance of minks, and with age they will get used to them and perceive them as their personal space. Beagles are easy to train, very affectionate, sociable and absolutely non-aggressive dogs. They love to run with a bicycle, swim, and play (they are especially good at bringing toys). Before 2 years of age, it is not advisable to let him off the leash (especially in the forest), beagles are still hunters and if they find a scent they will not let him go, so until the “come to me” command has been perfected, there is no point in taking risks. I do not recommend it to older people, because the dog is too active.


Good day

our biglik is two and a half months old, but he continues to attack the child quite strongly, biting her legs, he used to attack us, now only the child and the cat, tell me how long this lasts in this breed

Anastasia Baturina

We also have a Beagle, my husband took him specifically for hunting. He was taught to sleep in a cage at the nursery, so we can safely lock him in it and go somewhere for a few hours. She may chew on something if she misses her husband, since she considers him her master. He performs commands in a playful manner for food. On the street he pulls, if you allow him to pull, on the command “fu” he spits out everything he has put in his mouth. If you let him off the leash, he will run away and you won’t catch him. Wool and water from the face 24/7, and it stinks terribly. I still can't get used to the smell. Does not retaliate against any prohibitions. And if he does something wrong, he looks guilty and hides under the bed or in a cage. I went to the toilet at home for a long time, but now I can tolerate it, but I still have to walk him 3 times a day. He can play with children until he loses consciousness, but he will eat all the food that the child cannot hold in his hands. Doesn't climb into hands, offers toys on laps or feet. If you refuse to play, he will amuse himself. Constantly burying bones under my pillow or in the bathroom rugs. Overall, we found a way to peacefully coexist and we didn’t have any big problems with the dog. We must remember that the Beagle is a breed that can make its own decisions, with a powerful hunting instinct and an insatiable appetite. He will not listen to you if he does not consider you an authority, and he will definitely run away if he thinks that somewhere is more interesting than with you. A beagle is not a cat, it will not lie peacefully on your lap, it is a hyperactive dog for which emotional communication is important. By the way, in order for him to understand that you can’t do this, you need to scold him in a very stern and loud voice. He needs to run a lot. At the dacha, our dog can run for hours without stopping, and then sleep without his hind legs.





For me there are no denials!

We have a Beagle) I want to tell you a little about dogs! Beagles are very squeaky, bite painfully (hunters), and do not what you want, but what he needs! They obey only one owner, are easy to train, and eat a lot! You need to walk with them for a long time: in the morning, short, easy walks (with running, of course, this is exercise for the dog) 20-40 minutes; during the day, long and tiring walks for the owner (with running, but not necessarily like a game for the dog) 30 minutes-2 hours; in the evening long walks before bed (running is not necessary, but recommended for easy and desirable sleep) 20 minutes-1 hour. They should be given food (especially puppies) 6 times a day, but a little once every 4 hours! Obligatory affection, washing! Be sure to brush with a dog comb at least once a month! Remember Beagles are hunting dogs!!! They need long walks and running!!! The dog is very active!!! Take it for those who are ready to run, jump and gallop with it!!! I advise


The first nights when we got our puppy, I didn’t get enough sleep because I was constantly woken up by some extraneous noises. Then I didn’t even suspect that these were still flowers.

The first drawback for me personally is the smell. The Beagle's is quite strong. Smells like a real dog. Washing only helps temporarily, and washing your dog often is not recommended. As a reassurance, I can say that you get used to the smell pretty quickly. It took me 5-6 months, despite the fact that before I couldn’t stand the smell of dog. Now I don’t particularly smell not only my dog, but also other dogs - even the smelliest ones. More precisely, I still feel the smell, but it doesn’t seem so disgusting to me.

The second drawback not only of this breed, but of dogs in general is that while you still have a puppy, he will describe everything that is possible and what is not allowed in your house. Puddles will appear in the most unexpected places, and you will run around with a rag, wipe it and spray it with dog mark spray. Mine is already 9 months old, but he regularly breaks down and walks small at night. And with a beagle, I’ll tell you, at one time a rather large puddle comes out, which you just can’t get wet with a napkin. Now he pees mainly in the kitchen and in the hallway, but when he was very little, he peed in the rooms, which caused my floors to swell and turn black in some places. In addition, male dogs raise their legs when they pee. So, my dog ​​started peeing on the door frame, and the door and the frame became swollen, and now the door won’t close(((Laying a disposable diaper is not a panacea, my dog ​​will tear it to shreds in 5 minutes.

But that is not all. Dog urine does not smell like roses at all, so it is advisable to wipe it away immediately, and even this does not help; anyway, I periodically smell a “light aroma” of urine in my apartment, especially when I come home from the street.

In addition, our dog has already peed on our bed and on my son's bed several times (which I cannot forgive at all). I don’t understand these dog signs at all, why is he doing this??? Now our bedroom doors are always closed. You gape a little, he slips in and unnoticed does his job. Then you come and the bed is covered in urine. One time he jumped on the bed and peed right in front of me. To be honest, I’m already tired of washing blankets and bed linen. It’s good that a friend advised me to buy waterproof mattress covers at Ikea. Because the dog has already ruined one mattress and one mattress pad. Maybe one of the experienced dog breeders will write in the comments what these peeing in the bed mean?! At first we didn’t allow him to climb into our bed, we thought he was taking revenge on us in this way, then we allowed him to sleep with us, but he still wrote to us one day. Now again we don’t allow him and don’t let him into the bedroom.

So... I've already lost count... The third drawback relates specifically to beagles. Beagles climb all year round. I brush my dog ​​with a furminator almost every day, but there is no less hair on the floor. It was not so noticeable in the summer at the dacha, but in the apartment it was simply terrible. I vacuum regularly (2-3 times a week), do wet cleaning (every other day or so), but there is still wool everywhere - on the dining table, on the stove, on clothes, on chairs and the sofa. Thank God there are no carpets in the house, so at least from the floor I can easily collect everything. Velcro brushes are at a premium in my apartment. And they don’t always cope, since the beagle’s fur looks like tiny needles that dig into the fibers of the fabric and are very difficult to remove. But now I almost never wear black clothes, since they are the most noticeable.

The fourth disadvantage is gnawing. Sometimes I get the feeling that I didn’t get a beagle, but a beaver who is quietly building a dam. We have a leg of the dining table chewed off (everyone was going to put mustard on it, but now it’s too late), the legs of chairs, the seal on the balcony door, on the entrance door and on other doors has been torn out and chewed. Shoes are a completely different story. It’s good that our dog is especially fond of rubber flip-flops and indoor slippers, although once he tried to steal my street shoes. To date, 6-7 pairs of slippers have been chewed. If he has already started gnawing, then I don’t take it away from him, but let him finish gnawing, otherwise he will switch to something new. Perhaps I'm making a mistake. He also chews on underwear and socks. Yes, and the dog chews everything to shreds, so you always need to keep a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner ready to quickly clean everything up. I don't know what else would have been destroyed if we hadn't kept the dog in a crate when no one was home. Yes, exactly in a cage, and only in it! Several times we felt sorry for the dog and left it in the corridor, but in a couple of hours the dog managed to make such a mess that we stopped these experiments. And I send everyone who, seeing the cage in my apartment, begins to feel sorry for the dog, to go far away.

Elena Sergeevna.


active, artistic, cheerful and very kind, friendly, handsome, gets along with children, loves to be the center of attention, loyal, balanced psyche, ears!!!


picks up food on the street and steals from the table, very active, stubborn

Our dog is 2 years old. I'll describe everything as it is. Everything we've been through.

We adopted her at 2 months. At first she didn't sleep at all. She just ran and played, even at night. She pulled us by our socks and pants so that we could play with her, and chewed on furniture. This happened until 4 months. The puppy is smart, she was quickly trained to wear a diaper, so she wouldn’t chew the furniture, and they bought her horns. It helped.

The breed is very active, so you understand, we got a bicycle, skis in the winter, we went coursing, my husband took up hunting. Otherwise, Khan's apartment. At first she will have to spend 4-6 hours walking. So that she runs out and just sleeps at home.

The breed is intelligent, but makes decisions on its own. If you need a dog to serve you, no! Obedient, too, no. That is, if she decides that she hasn’t had enough exercise yet, then she won’t pee for about 2 hours. Or if she decides that you’re feeding her is not tasty, she won’t eat, and when you fall asleep, she’ll crawl into the trash and eat there. She cannot be ignored. If she decided that you punished her illegally, then she will be offended and chew something, for example. When she peed at home and realized that we had noticed it, she stopped running, started whining, turned away and went to the corner. All this is nice, 2 weeks. But always not. Although the whole yard and all our friends are crazy about her charm. You are rushing to work, and she decided to take a walk, she takes a drop and runs on, and this can continue until she gets enough of it. These are cute, but not obedient dogs. Everything she does is just for a treat.

She won't do commands if you don't have anything.

I can’t help but note that this breed is prone to running away. They have a well-developed sense of smell, so if a bone has recently been thrown into the trash, it will run there, even if the trash is 300-500 meters away. Starting at 8 months, we only walk on a leash. If someone died under a bush in the neighboring yard, if there is a barbecue in the park, if a squirrel runs by, it will run away and not return until it deems it necessary. Remember, she makes her own decisions. It’s very bad, it’s difficult to run on a leash, just run distances with her.

Bottom line: a dog is suitable for a family instead of a child; they babysit it for the same amount of time, all their lives. Moreover, Beagles love to be the center of attention.


I like animals a lot. It so happened that I had the chance to buy a dog whose breed is “Beagle”, which translated from French means “Singing”. I am writing this review about the breed so that others also know what they are getting into (don’t be scared right away). In general, everything is in order.

When this lemon-colored little one just came up to me, I fell in love with him at first sight and firmly decided for myself - TAKE IT! But.. then I knew too little about this breed and decided to turn to the Internet for help, and I did not regret it, because I discovered a lot of new things. I came across a rather rare Beagle color - bicolor, i.e. - peach color. When I read about this breed on the Internet, to be honest, at first I was terribly scared. After all, everyone said, don’t take Beagles! It will destroy the whole apartment! However, I decided to take a desperate step and got a dog. And guess what? I don’t regret it at all! He (the puppy) is the most loyal animal I have ever seen in the world. Yes, sometimes he can be mischievous or not in the mood. But he loves to play and understands absolutely every word you say.

And now more specifically about the breed and in general about everything that was connected with the purchase of the Biglik. If you want a good, purebred puppy, it will cost between 35-40 thousand rubles. Yes, this is the current price for show class puppies. Go ahead. Collars, harnesses, muzzles, bowls, food corresponding to the class of the pet, a sleeping place, a toilet (if necessary) will cost about another 10 thousand rubles. What does the muzzle do there, you ask? Everything is very simple. Beagles are like vacuum cleaners, they put everything in their mouths. And to prevent him from getting poisoned, if something happens, it is better to wear a muzzle, but NOT ALWAYS. It is better to accustom a dog to a muzzle from a young age, otherwise it will be more difficult to accustom it. Then, with the puppy, you must be sold the puppy's birth certificate (then changed to a pedigree), a purchase and sale agreement, and a veterinarian. passport.

And best of all, listen to your heart. It will never deceive you! Overall, I'm happy with my purchase. And the fact that the Beagle, as many authors on the Internet write about the breed, will destroy your apartment is not always true. If you exercise your dog, it will never harm you.

Happy World

We once had a beagle girl left for foster care for 3 months.

My opinion is a DISASTER DOG!

She pulled everything off the shelves that she could reach or jump to, tore up the wallpaper, chewed everything she could get her teeth into - energy was gushing out of her!

If you are not going to chase hares with her while hunting, then in my opinion this is not the best option for an apartment pet!


Good afternoon You know, we also have a beagle, a fucking beagle, I call him. I completely agree with you and understand completely and 100%. A nightmare. With us, of course, everything is much better, but with you, it’s absolutely terrible. What infuriates him most is his terrible, uncompromising, sheepish stubbornness. I want to knock off his horns)) I’m seriously thinking about who to give it to. because I agree that a dog should bring pleasure, and not constant hassle. Regarding the fact that it’s dragging: imagine I weaned mine. For the first half a year he pulled, then I, a man, began to have pain in my hands because of this, and every time he jerked or tried to pull me, I pulled him with all my strength, so that he flew back a meter. And only after half a year, HALF A YEAR DAMN, he realized that his neck would break like that and gradually stopped dragging. Now it doesn’t drag at all, with rare exceptions. The breed is definitely not for beginners. For experienced dog breeders. And only for a private home and keeping in an outdoor enclosure, as well as for hunting. This is her purpose and it is a big mistake to take her into an apartment.

Unknown author


Positive traits

Friendly, active, cheerful, smart. Ideal for hunting small game and birds. They like it, so they do it well. The dog loves company and easily makes friends among all animals. Our dog even saved a chick from a cat and then nursed him. She called us when he woke up and watched us feed him. When the chick died, she looked for him for a long time. Our dog does not spoil the house by gluttony, does not suffer, on the contrary, he keeps himself in shape. I read what some people write about their dogs and I can’t even believe that beagles can be like that. Probably everything depends on the upbringing and how the owner finds a common language with the dog. Beagles understand all words and intonation very well. And sometimes they even try to talk to you in their own way. We are very happy with our dog


They do not respond well to general training, although they understand everything. Very persistent people do only what they like

Attitude towards children

The Beagle is an ideal dog for a family with children, as it will act as a caring nanny around the clock.

Representatives of this breed allow children to do whatever they want, but within reason. If the baby goes to a place where he may be in danger, the dog will carefully take him by the clothes and take him to a safe place and will not take his eyes off him.

Representatives of this breed, like children, are very active and cheerful, so their relationship will be strengthened by a common activity - games.


For shy and taciturn children, a beagle can become a real psychologist who will force the child to communicate more, talk, and play with other children. Dogs of this breed are often used in medical institutions for the development of children with mental disabilities.

How to feed?

Beagles are not picky eaters at all; they can eat anything their owner gives them. Moreover, they can easily grab and eat something on the street (even inedible), so you need to carefully monitor the dog while walking.

You can feed the animal both prepared food and natural food.

And if everything is simple with dry food, then a diet consisting of natural food is severely limited to the following products:

  • lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef, lean pork in small quantities);
  • offal (liver, kidneys, heart, etc.);
  • fermented milk products (sour cream, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir);
  • cereals (except corn and rice);
  • vegetables and fruits (vegetables should not include onions or hot peppers; fruits should not contain citrus fruits).

Nutrition should be in percentage terms:

  • 60% - meat products;
  • 15% - cereals;
  • 15% - vegetables and fruits.

In addition, it is necessary to give your pet vitamins, which are sold in specialized pet stores.


The health of the animal depends on proper nutrition.

Svetlana, 51 years old

Negative points

It so happened that my eldest daughter gave her dog to me. She had recently given birth and had no time left for pets. Talking about Beagles, she said never to let the dog go, because they constantly run away. They also write on the Internet that this is a real scourge of the breed and explain the behavior by a strong hunting instinct.

Our Beagle's name is Domino. They called it that because it has several large spots on its body. I saw a lot of Beagles, I thought that they were all the same tricolor. The daughter explained that they have a lot of colors. On Domino Street they are mistaken for another breed, or even for a mestizo.

The dog is 3 years old, I noticed that she was not raised very well. Domino may steal from the table or chew on shoes. In addition, barking for no reason gets annoying. I had a Pinscher 15 years ago, but I haven’t forgotten how to train and raise them. I had to work hard, because Domino is not a puppy, but an adult dog with character.

I cook for the dog myself. He eats porridge with chicken or beef. Sometimes I give vegetables, Domino likes to beg for carrots. Of course I supplement my food with good vitamins. In general, he can eat endlessly; he has to be fed strictly according to the clock. I put the bowl away after the meal, otherwise he starts rattling it.
We walk for an average of 40 minutes; I can’t run for health reasons, so we calmly stroll through the streets. Email

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