Complete collection: For the first time! Almost an encyclopedia and rating of the most famous cats on the Internet

A cat is purely a domestic animal. A long time ago, she walked on her own, but today, outside of human habitation, without a bowl of food and warm bedding, it is difficult to imagine this animal. What can a cat become famous for? Unusual appearance and behavior in the era of the Internet, when photos and videos spread around the world in a matter of minutes. However, there are many cats and cats that became famous long before the advent of the World Wide Web. And not because they have an unusual color or a funny face. Their life stories are literally stories worthy of respect and memory.

Simon - Distinguished Naval Service

Ship cats are not uncommon; since ancient times, on many ships, animals went with sailors and went on long voyages. They shared the hardships of the journey with the crew, entertained sailors far from land and were considered mascots of ships. This is exactly what the cat Simon became.

In 1947, a young sailor from the British sloop of war Amethyst found a small cat in the Honkonk shipyards. The animal was exhausted and sick. The boy took him on his ship secretly from his superiors. Gradually the cat recovered and began to actively catch rats, of which the hold with supplies was full. He brought the booty to the crew members directly to bed, which amused the sailors. A year later the captain changed, and the new one, Bernard Skinner, was very happy with the cat. He settled in the captain's cabin and began to sleep, curled up in the captain's cap.

"Amethyst" received the task to go up the Yangtze to the city of Nanjing and relieve another patrol ship. It was here that the so-called “Yangtze River Incident” happened, when the Chinese opened fire on a patrol ship. As a result, one shell hit the captain's cabin and killed the captain. The cat was seriously injured, but was able to get onto the deck. The sailors saw him burnt and tried to help. Several shrapnel bullets were recovered from Simon's body. This event significantly boosted the team's morale.

No one expected the cat to survive, but he was able to recover from the injury. And he resumed his duties as a rat catcher. This story became widely known, newspapers wrote about the cat who survived the incident, and he was received with honor in all the ports where the ship called. Simon received a number of the highest awards in Britain and the special title “Cat - Excellent Naval Service”.

The return of "Amethyst" was eagerly awaited at home. However, like any animal brought into the UK, Simon had to undergo quarantine. The heroic cat was sent to an animal shelter for a while. There he caught a viral infection and died.

He was buried in east London with a crowd of people and the participation of the Amethyst crew. The gravestone lists the major events of his life with the addition "He rose to the occasion."

Cats to whom monuments were erected

Pitbull Hulk: the world's largest dog

It is also interesting that some representatives of the cat family even have their own monuments. The most famous and surprising include the following:

  • monument to the cat Panteleimon, installed in Kyiv. At one time, the cat lived in a restaurant with its owners. It was he who woke up the household during the fire, thanks to which the people managed to escape. The pet itself suffocated in the smoke;
  • the monument to the experimental cat was dedicated to all the purrs on whom experiments were carried out in one area or another;
  • a monument to the cat Totti, perhaps the most devoted pet, excluding the well-known Hachiko. Totti, whose owner died at the age of 31, could not bear the separation. As a result, he found a woman’s mogul and died of boredom on it;
  • monument to the cats of besieged Leningrad. Human history is full of the most severe moments, one of these is the siege of Leningrad. At the moment when people were left without food, they were forced to eat cats and dogs. The result of such actions was an invasion of rats, which not only destroyed the meager food supplies, but also attacked people. At that moment, 4 carriages with cats were sent to the city by special order, which saved the situation.

Monument to the cat Panteleimon

Cats are unique creatures. They may appear proud and independent, but they are also as loyal to humans as dogs. Perhaps this is why small predators are so popular among people.

Sam the unsinkable cat

This is another story about a cat and the sea. It happened a little earlier than the previous one. The black and white cat first “served” on the side of the Germans - he set sail on the battleship Bismarck. Soon, however, the ship was destroyed by English naval forces. Of the two thousand people, about a hundred were saved - and the ship's cat! He was floating on one of the pieces. The British picked him up, named him Sam and took him on the destroyer Cossack. However, a few months later the Germans sank the British ship. The animal was saved again. The sailors gave him the nickname "Unsinkable Sam." His next habitat was the aircraft carrier Ark Royal. Need I say that this ship was also destroyed? The rescued cat replaced two more ships, which, alas, also sank. Then no one else wanted to take the famous cat on the ship. However, this did not negatively affect his fate: at first Sam lived with the governor of Gibraltar, and later moved to England, where he lived until his death in 1955.


The most adorable cat.

He lives with his owner, who maintains a blog on Instagram and a Facebook page dedicated to the cat.

Humphrey and Larry - the main mousecatchers of Britain

Back in the Middle Ages in England there was a position of a court mousecatcher. Now the Chief Mouser of the Government House in Great Britain is a title given to the cat living in the residence of the Prime Minister of the country. These mousetraps appeared at 10 Downing Street in 1924. It was then that the duties that the holder of the title must perform were fixed. The amount spent on maintaining the mustachioed official has been determined. Over the past time, twelve cats have guarded the residence from rodents, but officially the title of Chief Mouser was awarded to two of them - Humphrey and Larry.

Humphrey served as Chief Mouser for eight years, beginning in 1989. Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair - prime ministers whom Humphrey protected from rodents. He really did his job well. True, there were some incidents. So, one day he was accused of killing local robins. Another time, the cat left his post without permission - after a while, Humphrey was found in the Medical College, where he was sheltered, considering him a stray. After retiring for health reasons, Humphrey lived at home with one of the residence's employees for another nine years and died in 2006.

Currently, the mouser of the government residence is Larry the cat. He was adopted from a shelter and began his duties in 2011. His predecessor died a couple of years earlier, and for some time no one protected the rather old residence building from rodents. A mouse in one of the rooms was even filmed by a television camera. Larry went about the task assigned to him. After a while, he became a kind of “media” personality - posts were published in the media on his behalf and even the book “Larry’s Diaries” was published.

However, in 2012, the cat was confronted with complaints regarding the performance of his duties and was suspended from his position for two years. His successor was the cat Freya. But later they began to serve as mousecatchers together, which they continue to do to this day.

Honey Bee

Honey Bee appreciates the comfort of home

Honey Bee is an amazing traveling cat who is blind. Despite her blindness, she loves to take part in mountain hikes and regular walks with her owners, which is why she has become famous throughout the world. Thanks to her sense of smell and other senses, Honey Bee is perfectly oriented in the area and is able to walk parts of the path on her own.

Honey B - an amazing traveler

If the road becomes too uncomfortable, Honey Bee settles into a backpack or on the shoulders of her owner. The kitty has her own account on Facebook and a YouTube channel, where you can find out what new lands the tailed traveler has discovered.

"Railway" Tama

This cat became a stationmaster at the Kishi train station in Japan. The background is this: the management of the Land of the Rising Sun railway in 2006 laid off station attendants, and assigned their responsibilities to local small entrepreneurs. At Kishi station this work was performed by a grocer from a station store. He took in several stray cats, including one named Tama. Gradually, the cat learned to greet arriving passengers. And her owner suggested that the cat be appointed as a station superintendent. She was given a salary in the form of food and a special uniform was sewn.

The news of such a caretaker attracted great attention to the station. Passenger traffic increased significantly - experts calculated that the territory's economy received more than a billion yen in profits. Later, Tama was promoted to senior station superintendent, and then station director. She was given space for an office and even two subordinates. Need I say that these were also local cats? This story became known to the media, and later a train with a picture of a cat was launched - the so-called Tama train. This famous Japanese cat died in 2015 and was buried with full honors.


A cat with two faces.

This cat, originally from South Carolina, has a unique color that perfectly divides her face into two halves - black and red.

The cat's eye is also a different color.

She came to her owner by chance when the woman saw a photo of stray kittens, and she really liked the kitten with such an interesting color.

Library Dewey

This cat became widely known after it left our world. And fame came thanks to the book that the hostess wrote about him. The work became a bestseller, enriching the author.

This story began in 1988 in the USA, in the small town of Spencer, Iowa. Library workers discovered a ginger kitten in a cart where returned books are stored, awaiting placement. The animal remained to live in the library. The fluffy, very beautiful cat with a bushy tail was named Dewey. He soon became a symbol of the library and a city celebrity. And then he became even more famous. Articles were written about the library cat, or cat-librarian, postcards and posters were printed with his image, and documentaries were made.

The cat died in 2006. Librarian Vicky Myron, who can be called Dewey's mistress, published a book about her favorite. The name was translated into Russian as “Dewey. The cat from the library who shocked the whole world,” although it would be more accurate to say “the cat from the library of a small town who touched the world.” The book is not only about the red-haired library resident: the author also writes about his fate, childhood, motherhood, work in the library, and the fight against a serious illness. An adapted book about Dewey has been published for children, where the “adult” fragments are excluded.

No. 8. “Vampire” nicknamed Lazarus

This feline variation of wolf wolf disease has made Lazarus an Internet star. In fact, the cat is not laughing at all, because living with such a defect is probably not very comfortable!

Even as he grew older, Lazarus did not get rid of his defect.

Nicknames of actors' favorite pets

Actors often show interest in “our smaller brothers.” Among the actors' pets there are some very extraordinary names.

Robert Downey Jr. and Smokey the Cat

  • Clive
  • Willow
  • Smarty
  • Chucha
  • Gucci
  • Georges
  • Lucky
  • Sheldon
  • Borisych
  • Bagheera
  • Sarah
  • Bon Bon
  • Mint
  • Kasia
  • Flash drive
  • Skipper
  • Plato
  • Simba
  • Chiquitta
  • Sonya
  • Dora
  • Kate
  • Sleeve
  • Smarty

Marlene Dietrich and cat Pickford

  • Chuchu
  • Shanti
  • Murka
  • Borisych
  • Herring
  • Boomer
  • Sausage
  • Tinkerbell
  • Bead
  • Melik
  • Pear
  • Chelsea
  • Melody
  • Ryamzik
  • Ramses
  • Zorro
  • Mauritius
  • Macrame
  • Pickford
  • Salem
  • Darling
  • Escobar
  • Tsvetan
  • Emilio
  • Marat
  • Cobby
  • Sunny
  • Gardem
  • Chaz Bono
  • Charlie
  • Brian
  • Jonesy
  • Bean
  • Fluff
  • Spot
  • Sassy
  • Sanrio
  • Cheshire
  • Kobe
  • Pukhlik
  • Fofa
  • Klaus
  • Brazil
  • Olivia
  • Mister Pip
  • Moke
  • Meredith
  • Vivaldi
  • Verdi
  • Molly
  • Gucci
  • Agouti
  • Asya
  • Vasya
  • Georges
  • Vinny
  • Schumacher
  • Simbirsk
  • Mamrysh
  • Barry
  • Pukhlik
  • Jesse
  • Casper
  • Lyalya
  • Benjamin
  • Fofa
  • bear
  • Lewis
  • Miles
  • Frank
  • Babu
  • Marusya
  • Delilah

THIS IS INTERESTING: cool nicknames for cats and cats from social networks.


Persians captivate with their charming appearance and kind disposition. Cute slightly shortened faces with a round oval are decorated with a slightly upturned nose. Representatives of this breed are ranked not by color, but by eye color: yellow-, green- and blue-eyed.

Persians are high maintenance and love the comfort that gives them a sense of security. They are incredibly in need of affection and love, and are acutely worried about their owners.

Names of musicians' pets

Often musically gifted people find inspiration in their pets. They appear with them in public, sometimes songs are dedicated to them. One of the names may suit your pet.

Ian Somerhalder with his cat Moke

  • Purri
  • Osya
  • Nyusya
  • Tiffany
  • Delilah
  • Goliath
  • Dorothy
  • Romeo
  • Lily
  • Miko
  • Meridith Gray
  • Vasya
  • Pepper
  • Elvis
  • Teach
  • Sam
  • Tim
  • Minor

Interesting fact! The British Queen has a whole staff of cats in her service.

  • Jesus
  • Major
  • Salt
  • Lily White
  • Alistair
  • Pink
  • Floyd
  • Shasha
  • Charo
  • Misha
  • Musick
  • Sauce
  • Murysik
  • Lyalya
  • Benjamin
  • Monica
  • Lucinda
  • Asya
  • Luke
  • Choupette
  • Shanti
  • Hussein
  • Shadow
  • France
  • Nermal
  • Maria
  • Shanti Om
  • Tibby
  • Angel
  • Quisp
  • Baggy
  • Sabo
  • Thriller
  • Marsh Moff
  • Doggie
  • Tisha
  • Stepa
  • Mimi
  • Ruper
  • Joystick
  • Corky
  • Bhai
  • Grizabella
  • Jemima
  • Victoria
  • Bastopher
  • Mungojerry
  • Ramplteaser
  • Rumpus
  • Gus
  • Macavity
  • Demeter
  • Bombalurina


Manny's Outing

Meet Manny, the selfie-loving cat. One day, noticing the camera in the owner’s hands, he touched it with his paw - this is how the first photo turned out.

Selfie of Manny against the background of the city

It was so original that the owner posted it on social networks and began to encourage his pet’s hobby. Now Manny’s Instagram page has more than 400 thousand subscribers who admire the selfies and are surprised by his adventures.


Long-haired beauties have a powerful, muscular body of quite large size. Their weight varies between 6-12 kg. This breed is characterized by thick, long hair with a dense undercoat. The animal's large head is decorated with large oval eyes and slightly forward-curved ears, the tips of which can be decorated with miniature tassels.

Siberian cats have a strict character. They are not very attached to their owners, but treat them with respect.


It’s impossible not to feed Luha

Grumpy cat, angry cat... What about the saddest cat? This nickname was awarded to the cat Luhu, who blew up Instagram in China.

Luhu is always sad

The expression on her face always remains unhappy and it seems that nothing can cheer her up. However, the expression of the muzzle is just an expression that does not in any way affect the completely friendly character.

Names of pets of representatives of the scientific community

Yes, yes, the scientific fraternity did not pass by the fluffy cuties. Many scientists kept several cats at home.

Ian Somerhalder with his cat Soalia

  • Matilda
  • Baron
  • Snowball
  • Willie
  • Teffi
  • Moore
  • Isolde
  • Grant
  • Gallet
  • Moses
  • Margaret
  • Greeley
  • Semms
  • Gin
  • Keys
  • Flour
  • Flushka
  • a lion
  • Lynx
  • Moore
  • Leva
  • Felix
  • Cayenne
  • Machak
  • Sisi
  • Rainbow
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