The most dangerous dog in the world for humans: names of breeds. Rating of the most dangerous dogs for humans - top 25 breeds

Scientists insist: there are no breeds that are inherently prone to attacking people. Numerous factors can cause a dog to show anger, including improper training, cruel treatment, inappropriate living conditions, and poor breeding.

Therefore, if you want to have a friend and not an enemy next to you, think about the proper upbringing of your pet, and if necessary, do not hesitate to seek help from dog handlers.

We offer the top 20 breeds, representatives of which, when becoming aggressive, can cause harm to human health.


American dog handlers claim that this is the most dangerous dog in the world, and many are convinced that it is a killer dog with exorbitant aggression. However, this breed is popular among dog breeders and there is an explanation for this: the dogs have proven themselves to be loyal and reliable friends and companions, are easy to care for and can be kept even in a city apartment.

A pit bull always wants to be useful to its owner in everything, loves children, but there are nuances in its upbringing. In order for a dog to be socially adapted and non-dangerous, it requires a lot of physical activity, sports training, and communication, so it is advisable to have classes at special canine training grounds with an experienced instructor.

Chow chow

The seemingly good-natured Chow Chow is one of the most aggressive breeds in the world. According to DogsBite, a website devoted to research into dog attacks, the Chow Chow breed is among the leaders in the number of human bites.

The Chow Chow needs exercise and exercise, otherwise it becomes an unpredictable, aggressive and dangerous dog. The Chow Chow respects only its owner and a small circle of family.

Chow Chow: Wikipedia

Any unfamiliar person can be perceived by the dog as a stranger and attacked. You should not try to pet a Chow Chow without the animal’s consent: the dog does not tolerate unnecessary attention and may bite.

Tosa Inu

Another name for the breed is Japanese Mastiff. It is considered one of the best fighting breeds, distinguished by its power. Tosa Inu is a fighter only in the arena, but in real life he is calm and unobtrusive. However, to prevent animals from showing aggression towards strangers and other pets, specific strict training is required.

American Bandog

The name of the breed translated from English means “chain dog”. A guard breed originally used as a gladiator dog for dog fighting. American Bandogs are distinguished by their extraordinary and active character. They are merciless in battle. Dog handlers do not recommend this breed to inexperienced dog breeders.

The concept of “fighting dogs” and why it is not entirely correct

The category of fighting dog breeds is not recognized by any cynological organization. This colloquial concept is used only in everyday life, referring to the distant past of some quadrupeds.

Historical reference

England is recognized as the birthplace of dog fighting, although it has been known since the times of gladiators. In the 18th-19th centuries, many bloody tournaments between terriers and bulldogs were held here. Betting on such dubious sports was popular among London's poor.

The most ferocious and courageous dogs were selected to participate in battles. For the sake of victory, breeders focused exclusively on aggression. Four-legged pets were pitted not only against each other, but also against other animals: rats, bulls and bears.

After the ban was introduced, former champions had to be re-educated. Breeders managed to change their character. Most of the bloodthirsty dogs have become completely harmless companions or faithful guards.

Animal format

In the 21st century, fighting breeds include dogs with large dimensions, developed jaws and good endurance. Participation in dog fighting on the part of the ancestors is encouraged, but is not required for inclusion in this group. Because of this, not only terriers and bulldogs, but also molossoids, shepherd dogs and other animals fall under the format.

Please note that not only the concept itself is erroneous, but also its use. Dogs can only be fighting dogs, not fighting dogs like the world famous club. But for the sake of simplicity in this article, both options will appear in it.

Bull Terrier

The breed was bred in the mid-19th century in England. Bull terriers are smart, quick-witted, agile, and run fast, so it will not be difficult for them to overtake a victim. They cannot stand loneliness and are loyal to their owners. By nature, dogs are not naturally aggressive, but due to their highly developed hunting instinct, they pose a danger to both humans and small animals.

Bull Terriers require a high level of physical fitness. Excessively angry or, on the contrary, cowardly individuals are subject to rejection.

How to determine if a dog is dangerous - ATTS Temperament Test

To determine whether a dog is dangerous or not, temperament testing is carried out. This is important for dog breeders who keep fighting dogs, guard dogs and protection dogs. After passing the test, the pet owner will know how to behave with his pet and whether the animal will pose a danger to others.

The test reveals different aspects of temperament: the severity of the protective instinct, the level of aggression and friendliness, shyness, the strength of the instinct of self-preservation, etc. During testing, various life situations are simulated: meeting a friendly stranger on a walk, the approach of an aggressive person, unexpected actions and sounds.

The dog's behavior in each situation, its actions and decisions are assessed. All this time the animal must act without commands, independently.

The test will be considered failed if:

  1. The dog will show unprovoked aggression.
  2. He will panic and will not be able to cope with the panic.
  3. She will show herself to be too cowardly.

Important: The owner or handler showing the dog is prohibited from speaking during the test, correcting the animal’s mistakes, or giving commands.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The breed was bred in Zimbabwe and was intended for hunting lions; it is no coincidence that its second name is “lion dog.” It was specially crossed with wild individuals to improve hunting qualities. By nature, dogs are smart, intelligent, brave and loyal.

They cannot stand loneliness, they are not friendly towards strangers, but they are not aggressive either. Rude towards small children. Training should be positive; this is the only way the owner will be sure that he will get an intelligent, well-mannered and socially adapted dog.

Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is the only breed officially recognized as originating in Argentina. These strong dogs are used to hunt large animals, mainly pumas, whose weight sometimes exceeds a hundredweight. Easily trained, sociable, sensitive to the emotional state of the owner, instantly sensing danger.

Must be trained at special sites with an experienced dog handler. In terms of fighting qualities they are equal to pit bulls, Staffordshire dogs, and Tosa Inu. Banned in 10 countries around the world.


An African breed that is popular in its homeland due to its hunting and watchdog qualities. Extraordinarily strong dogs, endowed with agility, flexibility and excellent reaction, move with tremendous speed. They have a hardy and patient character, but are stubborn and strive to dominate.

They can be aggressive; there are many known cases of Boerboels attacking people. Owners of such dogs are recommended to subject their pets to exhausting training so that they realize their energy.


Why are some dogs considered dangerous?

The full study of DBRFs was published in 2013. In this review of 256 cases, breed is not mentioned because only 17.6% of dogs were accurately identified and identified.

The authors of the publication emphasize that the factors that make up the “most dangerous dogs in the world” are avoidable and do not depend on breed.:

  • 87.1% of dogs were not under adult supervision
  • 85.2% of the dogs were strangers to the victim.
  • 84.4% of dogs were not on a leash.
  • 76.2% of dogs were not considered pets and there were few positive interactions with people.
  • 37.5% of dogs were not socialized or trained.
  • 21.1% of dogs have been abused or neglected

How can we deal with aggressive dogs?

Death due to dog bites is a terrible situation, especially since it is preventable. The study became clear that more training, socialization and better care for dogs would reduce the need to correct the world's deadliest dog bites.

Dogs are man's best friend and it is our responsibility to make them feel that the world is a safe place and to treat them right.

Likewise, community dog ​​bite prevention programs can teach dog owners and non-dog owners how to recognize when a dog is alert and understand its body language to prevent aggressive dog behavior.

What are the most dangerous dogs in the world?

Starting in 2022, the Great Danes are considered the most dangerous in the world.

Measuring 32 inches at the shoulder and taller than an adult on the hind legs, Great Danes are generally sweet, friendly, and patient with children. However, they are also vigilant watchdogs. Great Danes have even caused deaths.

What dog can kill a lion?

Rhodesian Ridgeback - Origin: South Africa.

Dogs with the strongest bite

Mastiff - 552 lbs. The Mastiff takes the crown with a reported bite force of 552 pounds. Rottweiler - 328 lbs. The Rottweiler is known to be a fierce and strong dog. American Bulldog - 305 lbs. The American Bulldog is a fairly large, stocky and muscular dog. German Shepherd - 238 lbs. pit bull - 235 lbs.

Which dogs are most likely to abandon their owners?

Under certain conditions, all dogs are capable of attacking anyone, including their owner. However, some breeds are more dangerous than others.

  • Chow Chow - Don't be fooled by his innocent face. ….
  • Presa Canario
  • Great Dane
  • Tosa dog
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Wolf hybrid
  • Siberian Husky
  • Rottweilers

What dog can kill a person?

Based on data on dog attacks in the United States and Canada from 1982 to 2014, the dogs most likely to bite or kill a person are:

  1. Pitbulls.
  2. Rottweilers.
  3. Pit bull mix.
  4. German Shepherds.
  5. Bullmastiffs.
  6. Wolf hybrids.
  7. Husky.
  8. Akita.

Life cycle of a golden retriever-coffee mixture

How long does it take for Golden Retriever to smear someone else's mix? The service life of the Golden Retriever Сhow mixture is from 10 to 14 years. Naturally, the life of any animal depends on many factors, including any health problems they face and the treatment they receive.


A little-studied and banned in many countries breed comes from Pakistan. Bred as a fighting dog, today it is used as a guard dog. For an inexperienced dog breeder, purchasing a Gul-Dong puppy would not be the best choice, as they require a lot of attention, tend to dominate, and also need to be kept away from children.

They are difficult to control and require systematic professional work. However, representatives of this breed also have positive qualities - reliability, affection for the owner, loyalty.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a large Italian mastiff whose history dates back to Ancient Rome and even Antiquity. Mastiffs are very versatile dogs that are used as guards, as shepherds, and they are no strangers to dog fighting.

In the house, the Cane Corso is an absolute protector of property and a very easy-going person, from whom even cats can twist ropes. A dog can show open aggression only if it feels threatened in its direction or on the orders of its owner.

There is complete mutual understanding with children; Italians even take care of the owner’s offspring. Perhaps the roots of this behavior originated from shepherd times, when dogs took care of calves and lambs and carried this feature through more than one millennium. In any case, you can leave the Cane Corso with the children and safely go about your business.

Dogs of this breed unconditionally love their owner, so they are easy to train, but they mature late. Therefore, socialization and basic commands come first, and serious training will not run away.

Video: Cane Corso

Saint Bernard

Once upon a time, these unusually strong, huge dogs, even larger than Leonbergers, guarded a monastery that was located in the Alpine mountains. The original purpose of St. Bernards was also to accompany travelers lost on mountain paths to their destination.

The character of these dogs is unusually kind, loyal and independent. They are devoted to their owners and do not pose any danger to children, but they do not like small dogs. Saint Bernards are indifferent to strangers, but in case of danger they will protect their family until their last breath.

American Bulldog

The breed was bred at the end of the 19th century by American breeders to protect agricultural land and farms. A fearless, stubborn and willful dog that loves to dominate and is practically uncontrollable in dangerous situations. Distinctive features are a poor genetic memory for subordination and distrust of strangers.

If the dog suspects evil, he may well rush at the stranger with lightning speed without warning. Lack of communication, insufficient walking and lack of physical activity can lead to the dog beginning to show aggression, which will spill out on the owners.

Only experienced, emotionally stable and balanced dog breeders can own American Bulldogs.

Top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world

Some breeds are considered particularly dangerous to people and other animals. There is even a list adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, but it contains extremely rare breeds that are practically never found in reality, for example, gul dong or wolf dog.

American Pit Bull Terrier

The pit bull has powerful jaws that are almost impossible to open when attacked. Thanks to their strong bones and developed muscles, they are capable of enormous physical activity. The American pit bull is popular all over the world; they are kept as a pet and used to search for drugs and explosives. Training in disciplines related to aggression towards humans is strictly prohibited by the requirements for the breed.


Rottweilers were bred for service, but today they are also kept as pets. An adult male can reach 50 kg in weight, females are usually less. In addition to well-developed muscles, the Rottweiler has strong muscles and a powerful bite. Despite their stable nature, they are not easy to train and do not tolerate changes in owner well.

All representatives of the breed have a protective instinct, but demonstrate dangerous behavior due to an incorrect approach to education and training. From puppyhood, early socialization and constant exercise are required. You can buy a puppy from 25,000 ₽.

Dogo Canario

A young breed bred on the island of Tenerife by crossing local dogs and Molossians imported from the mainland. This is a large and massive animal; males can reach 65 kg with a height of about 60 cm at the withers. The Dogo Canario is a guard and herding dog, but they are more often kept as a companion.

The Great Dane has a balanced character, but due to its innate guard instincts it can become dangerous to strangers. They are characterized by phlegmatism, which complicates the learning process. Proper training and early socialization are required, otherwise the dog may become uncontrollable and dangerous in adulthood. For example, in the USA in 2001 and 2006 there were cases of fatal attacks by representatives of the breed on people. The average price is 50,000 ₽.

Cane Corso

The first mention of the breed dates back to Ancient Rome, where dogs were used for fighting purposes and baiting in gladiator fights. For many years the breed was considered lost, but selection resumed in the 20th century. Thanks to the few surviving purebred individuals, specialists managed to restore the population.

The Cane Corso is a large and strong dog with prominent muscles, strong bones and a powerful jaw apparatus. These are strong and hardy animals that have an innate protective reflex. They do not show aggression without reason, but can become dangerous due to the wrong approach to education and lack of physical activity. Despite its large size, only indoor maintenance is recommended. The price of a puppy is from 30,000 ₽.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The breed was developed in Africa at the beginning of the 20th century, where it is still used for guarding and hunting. Despite its small size, the Rhodesian Ridgeback has unique fearlessness and courage - in a group of several individuals it can stop a lion before the hunter arrives.

A special feature of the Ridgeback is the ridge on the back, which is formed from hair in the opposite direction of growth. It is important to consider that without physical activity, the Ridgeback becomes dangerous to humans and the environment. You can buy a puppy from 20,000 ₽.

Tosa Inu

The only breed of Molosser originating from Japan was bred at the end of the 19th century for dog fighting. These are rare dogs even in their homeland; in Europe only a few individuals can be found. Due to their pronounced protective qualities, they are still used in the role of bodyguard and watchman.

Tosa Inu is a large dog with a massive build, square muzzle features and short hair. Males can grow up to 90 kg, females less. All representatives of the breed are independent and distrustful of strangers. Due to their large size and tendency to behave aggressively, they can become dangerous, especially if improperly trained.

American Bandog

The name of the breed is translated from English as “chain dog”; the Bandog was originally bred to participate in battles. This is a strong and massive animal with a strong skeleton, developed muscles, inspiring danger. During selection, the emphasis was on fearlessness and perseverance; the dog can express aggression without any apparent reason.

When keeping it, it is important to remember not only about proper training, but also care for the coat. It requires daily combing with special brushes. Early socialization helps avoid the development of aggression, but if you do not pay attention to regular training, the dog can become dangerous to others.

Bull Terrier

Despite its terrifying appearance, the bull terrier is a real aristocrat with snow-white fur. It combines friendliness and fighting instincts, so it is important to choose the right training methods. With insufficient socialization and stress, the bull terrier becomes aggressive and dangerous.

Outwardly, it is a well-built dog with a muzzle shape reminiscent of a rat's. They have a massive build, powerful muscles and really strong jaws. In addition to standard bull terriers, a smaller copy of them has been bred. Almost all representatives of the breed are distinguished by a good-natured disposition; they are always ready to frolic; if you do not find a way to express emotions, this can lead to the destruction of the apartment. The price of a puppy is from 40,000 ₽.

Akita Inu

The breed was developed in Japan, where it is still a national treasure. Initially they were used for hunting large animals - wild boar, deer and bear. Therefore, large, strong and dangerous individuals capable of coping with such tasks were left for selection.

Akita has a typical Spitz appearance - fluffy and long hair, a round body and developed jaws. Despite its plush appearance, this is a difficult breed to train. They need a strict approach, but do not tolerate aggression towards themselves. Akitas can easily become dangerous to people and other animals if not exercised regularly. The average price is 50,000 ₽.

American Staffordshire Terrier

The Amstaff is a breed developed in the USA and received FCI recognition in 1972. Their appearance combines a large volume of muscles, a powerful physique and agile movements. Adult males can weigh up to 30 kg, but despite their short hair, they appear slightly larger than their size.

The Staffordshire Terrier has a contradictory character; they combine enormous strength, perseverance and love for people. They are always fearless and value a sense of their own safety, so it is important to select the type of training. The Amstaff got its reputation as a “killer” due to its low threshold of irritability; the dog shows aggression in the event of the slightest threat to itself or its owner. You can buy a puppy from 15,000 ₽.

Brazilian Fila

Working dog bred in Brazil. Representatives of this breed are extremely loyal to their owners, adore all family members and can sacrifice their lives to save them. The Fila Brasil is an ideal watchdog and protector, but this breed is not for everyone.

It is suitable only for experienced dog breeders who can cope with the peculiar and distrustful nature of the dog. According to the Brazilian breed standard, even judges should not touch the Filo Brasileiro during a show, as he may become aggressive.

List of all potentially dangerous dogs

For the following 20 breeds, aggression is not an innate quality, but with neglected upbringing and improper training, they can become very dangerous.

German boxer

A breed of large, muscular dogs bred in Germany, the first breeders' club appeared in the late 19th century, today boxers are especially popular in the United States. They initially had a universal purpose - they took part in battles, helped in hunting and in the service. Males and females practically do not differ in size; especially large individuals reach a weight of up to 60 kg. Smooth coat emphasizes sculpted muscles and energetic movements.

Despite their dangerous reputation, with proper upbringing, the Boxer becomes an excellent nanny - they get along with children, are able to calm them down and protect them in case of danger. Cost from 10,000 ₽.

Chow chow

Like many other Asian dog breeds, the Chow Chow has a complex personality. They are characterized by innate stubbornness, arrogance and independence. In the absence of early socialization and proper upbringing, the dog becomes aggressive and dangerous. The Chow Chow does not need a lot of exercise; the dog easily adapts to a measured city life.

Externally, representatives of the breed resemble small lions due to the thick red hair in the nape and head area. Chow chows have also been bred to have black, cream and blue coats. One of the recognizable features of appearance is a dark tongue and a special setting of the eyes, which gives the dog a typical frowning expression. The average price is 30,000 ₽.

German dog

This is one of the largest dog breeds; the height of an adult male can reach up to 90 cm at the withers. They gained their reputation as a dangerous dog largely due to their enormous size. In life, the Great Dane is a true intellectual in the dog world, characterized by a sense of tact, friendliness and affection for its owner.

Great Danes are an old breed, the first mentions of which date back to the mid-15th century. This is a large dog with a harmoniously built body and proportional features. Several colors have been developed, the most popular of which are fawn, brindle, white with spots, black and blue. Despite its size, the Great Dane is an excellent choice for beginners. This is a trainable and controllable dog, but when training it is important to pay attention to control; the dog must be able to resist provocations and not express aggression. Price from 40,000 ₽.


The breed was created through careful selection for the police service. Special requirements were imposed on the dogs - strength, fast speed, intimidating appearance and the ability to show aggression if necessary. Doberman Pinschers got their reputation as a dangerous dog because of their menacing appearance, which is largely due to their erect ears and powerful build.

Despite their reputation, Dobermans are a great family dog. They get along well with children and love their owner and games. In some countries they are used in hospices to support terminally ill patients. They combine strong protective and territorial instincts; one of the main tasks of training is teaching obedience. Dobermans have a developed mind and quickly learn new things. The price of a puppy is from 25,000 ₽.

American Bulldog

One of the few breeds that has retained the features of the first English bulldogs. During the period of colonization, dogs brought to the USA and Europe began to be used for their intended purpose - participation in battles and protection, and therefore retained their character traits and appearance.

The American Bulldog is a medium-sized dog with a muscular build. They are able to develop great speed over short distances and quickly change direction by jumping. Already from puppyhood, they have a combination of protective qualities and friendliness. It is important to start training as early as possible, otherwise the dog can become dangerous, especially to other animals.


The Belgian Shepherd variety stands out from the breed group with its red, “charcoal” color and a beautiful black mask. This is a working dog that is actively used in service in many countries of the world.

The Malinois has powerful muscles and strong bones, due to which it can easily knock even a large person to the ground. The dog is capable of reaching high sprint speeds and jumping high, which is often used in work. Despite its focus on humans, the Malinois has endless energy; if you do not give your pet daily intellectual and physical exercise, the dog becomes dangerous. The average price is 15,000 ₽.

Brazilian Fila

The breed was bred in Brazil for farm work and livestock guarding. Outwardly, it is a large molossoid dog with large folds on the body. The height of males can reach up to 75 cm at the withers. The Fil's coat is short and smooth, and almost all solid colors are acceptable.

The Fila Brasileiro is a typical guard dog that is wary of strangers and does not tolerate animals around. Aggression, even at exhibitions, is not a disqualification criterion. With the combination of this character and large size, the breed is considered very dangerous. Cost from 50,000 ₽.

Dogo Argentino

The first and only breed bred in Argentina, where they are extremely popular today. The standard appeared in 1920; initially the dogs were used to participate in battles, which largely influenced their appearance. Large and massive animals with prominent muscles, which are emphasized by smooth white fur. The head resembles a Great Dane, the ears are cropped.

All representatives of the breed are characterized by excitement and a love of activity, which is used for endurance competitions. The Dogo Argentino instantly reacts to any source of danger nearby - it is used for guard purposes. You can buy a puppy from 20,000 ₽.

German Shepherd

One of the most recognizable and popular breeds, which is still used for search service and protection of pastures. The German Shepherd is a dog with a balanced and active character, capable of almost all types of training. Despite the fact that the dog has an innate focus on humans, it can become dangerous. More often this is observed due to insufficient education, lack of proper physical and intellectual stress.

Due to active breeding, representatives of the breed are prone to many diseases, especially the musculoskeletal system. It is important to choose a puppy and a breeder wisely. Price from 5000 ₽.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The breed descends from large Molossoids of the 1st century. This is a powerful dog, the weight of an adult can reach up to 70 kg. The coat of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs is very thick, which allows them to withstand even cold winters. Long hair hides developed muscle mass and strong bones.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a typical guard dog, which is characterized by innate aggressiveness towards strangers and a territorial instinct. They combine fearlessness and developed hearing, which makes it extremely dangerous for those who invade the house. Only aviary keeping is recommended. The cost of puppies is from 15,000 ₽.

English Mastiff

An ancient breed of dog that is considered the largest of the mastiff group. According to legend, they were kept on a leash during the day, without food, in order to increase danger and aggression at night to protect houses from intruders. They were often used to bait bears, but today the English Mastiff can be more often found as a companion.

This is a large and proportionally built dog with an angular head shape. Males can grow over 70cm at the withers and weigh over 75kg, giving them a dangerous appearance. They have a phlegmatic character, but quickly learn new things. Training and socialization are necessary from puppyhood.

Siberian Husky

The breed was bred in Siberia to work in harness and transport goods and people. Thanks to their wolf-like appearance, huskies have become popular as pets. When choosing this dog, it is important to consider that the husky is a working dog that needs serious physical activity. With a lack of activity, he becomes dangerous to people and his environment.

The dog is unsuitable for guard purposes, but copes with the role of a companion for active people. Huskies adapt to cramped urban conditions, despite this, they still have a tendency to run away, which makes it difficult to keep them in a fenced area. You can buy a puppy from 20,000 ₽.

Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Alabai is an aboriginal breed that has preserved its appearance and character since ancient times. They are still common among Central Asian peoples for protecting livestock, houses and guard duty. Testing of innate qualities is carried out using “wolfhound tests”.

The Alabai received its reputation as a dangerous dog due to a combination of protective instincts and frightening appearance. This is a large animal weighing more than 50 kg. When raising children, it should be taken into account that the end of physical development occurs by the age of 3, so it is important to control the amount of stress and activity for adolescents. The average price is 10,000 ₽.

Alaskan Malamute

Since the end of the 18th century, the breed was actively used for harness work and transportation of goods in the snow. Malamute is a popular pet. When choosing this dog, it is important to consider that without strength exercises, he becomes aggressive, dangerous and often causes damage to the apartment.

The breed is characterized by a lively character, an innate learning potential and the ability to make independent decisions. Both enclosure and indoor keeping are possible, but it is advisable to place the resting place in the cold part of the apartment, for example, on the balcony. You can buy a puppy in Russia from 10,000 ₽.

Saint Bernard

Since the 11th century, St. Bernards have been used to escort and rescue people in mountainous regions. This is a massive animal with a large volume of hair and developed muscles, capable of prolonged physical activity. Behind the large body lies a devoted and obedient character; the St. Bernard is infinitely devoted to the person next to him. Despite this, cases of aggression among representatives of the breed have been recorded; danger to animals and people appears due to insufficient education and early socialization. Price from 15,000 ₽.


One of the few exceptions when even a small dog can be dangerous. The Basenji is one of the oldest breeds, known for its inability to bark and lack of scent.

When choosing this breed as a pet, you should remember that the dog is difficult to train, which can subsequently lead to aggression and dangerous behavior. If you find the right approach, the Basenji becomes a family friend; he loves active games, long walks and endurance activities. Cost from 50,000 ₽.

Tibetan mastiff

It is believed that the Tibetan Mastiff is the ancestor of all modern Molossians; the history of the breed begins in ancient monasteries in the Himalayas. This is a huge animal with a large amount of long hair. By nature, they are distinguished by restraint, obedience and intelligence. They are also characterized by stubbornness; in the absence of consistent training and discipline, the mastiff becomes dangerous.


Croatian dog breed, notable for its unusual spotted coat color. This is a large and hardy animal, capable of covering long distances; because of these qualities, at the beginning of the last century they were used to deliver mail. Despite the Dalmatian's attractive appearance, they are difficult to train. They are stubborn, independent and have the ability to hold grudges. If you do not pay attention to training and discipline, they become uncontrollable and dangerous to other animals and people. You can buy a puppy from 15,000 ₽.

South African Boerboel

A rare African breed that looks like an English mastiff. This is a strong and resilient dog that needs a lot of training. Lack of physical activity leads to spontaneous aggression, which can be dangerous. In addition, the Burble does not recognize anyone other than the owner, but they also show their stubborn character towards him. Walking without a muzzle is not recommended.

Wolf-dog hybrids

Today, mixed breeds of dogs and wolves are gaining popularity, which has led to the emergence of new breeds, for example, wolf-dogs. Despite their attractive appearance, these are dangerous animals with innate predatory instincts. They are difficult to train, spontaneous manifestations of aggressiveness can become dangerous even for their own family. Wolf mixes are prohibited in many countries; not a single hydride has found recognition by the FCI.

Dogo Canario

Great Danes, bred in the Canary Islands, look menacing and impressive. They have a self-sufficient and independent character, excellent security and watchdog qualities, and are unusually attached to their owners. But they are unfriendly and distrustful of uninvited guests.

This breed is recommended only for experienced dog breeders, as in the hands of a weak or mentally unstable person it can become a threat to others.

American Staffordshire Terrier

This fighting dog combines strength, fearlessness and a balanced disposition. A true representative of the breed has a healthy psyche, supported by impeccable anatomy. However, the media comes across information about the unbalanced and aggressive nature of American terriers, which pose a serious threat to people.

Proposals are being put forward to destroy this breed as socially dangerous. In fact, staffs are sociable, loyal and capable of sacrificing themselves without hesitation in the name of saving their owner. Aggression is the result of improper upbringing.


The ancestors of modern boxers were bred for fighting bulls and hunting bears and wild boars. Dogs are distinguished by their remarkable strength, and their jaws are designed in such a way that, having grabbed onto the victim, they will hang on it as long as required. Therefore, it is believed that boxers are on the list of the most dangerous dogs.

However, experienced breeders know that dogs have a kind and playful character, they are easy to train and with good upbringing there is nothing to worry about.

Mountain herding dogs

A group of dogs bred to work alongside humans and protect livestock and property; as a rule, animals cannot be classified as gladiators and fighters. However, due to their enormous size and functions as protectors from predatory animals, dogs are called dangerous.


The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabaya is an aboriginal breed that has not been improved by selective breeding . Belongs to the Molosser group, but is functionally a mountain shepherd breed. It has long been used for driving livestock. Although there is information that in ancient times she participated in gladiatorial fights.

This is a massive dog that resembles a bear. A characteristic feature is soft wool of medium length. They can be any color except liver, chocolate and blue. According to the standard, height should not be less than 65 cm.

It is difficult to raise and raise a breed; many experienced dog breeders cannot cope with this. The fact is that animals are among those that mature late. Complete development occurs in the 3rd-4th year of life . Although in general pets are friendly and easy-going, they do not like strangers.


Gamprovs are called Armenian wolfhounds. Large size animals: 67-77 cm . The first name translates as “strong” or “powerful”. The breed is indigenous and has not changed its appearance and character since its taming.

The dog is considered multifunctional. It serves both for the protection of livestock, and for the hard work of a draft dog, and for hunting. Often performs the tasks of a shepherd, nanny for children, and property guard. Outwardly intimidating, but only because of its size.

Gampr's character is flexible and soft. The animal cannot be called the most obedient. Like Alabai, the Wolfhound takes a long time to develop, and therefore requires special training and proper upbringing.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A large ancient breed originally from the Caucasus. Widely used to protect private and government facilities throughout Russia. The dogs are large, strong and resilient. There are three types of shepherd dogs:

  1. Long-haired (characterized by long feathering on the neck, tail and paws);
  2. Short-haired;
  3. Intermediate (guard hair is long, but there is no decorative hair).

Despite the differences in appearance, all animals are balanced, discreet, with a strong protective instinct. They are devoted to their family and owners, and cope well with the tasks of a guard. They require a lot of free space and quality training.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”


Bullmastiffs were once used as guard dogs. Modern representatives of the breed have lost their guard qualities, but, nevertheless, are still used in South Africa as guards in diamond mines. They have an independent disposition, preventing familiarity towards themselves.

They are easy to train, but there are cases where bullmastiffs have attacked people. Outbursts of aggression are nothing more than a serious mistake by the owner who is raising the pet unprofessionally.


Smart, intelligent and loyal dogs that are always on the alert and ready to protect their owner to the last drop of blood. Representatives of the breed are often used by police and military personnel due to their excellent reaction and good sense of smell.

Aggression is shown in extreme cases, when they feel that one of the family members is in danger. When properly trained, they make excellent guards.

Siberian Husky

  • Country of origin: Russia
  • Height at withers: 50-60 cm
  • Body weight: 15-28 kg

Husky originally meant “Eski”, an abbreviation for the name of the people living in the Far East - Eskimos. This is a sled dog breed with a peaceful and lively disposition. With proper upbringing, huskies are incapable of harming a person under almost any circumstances; by the way, only 4 dog breeds can boast of such good nature. Huskies will be excellent companions and will make friends with all family members. But despite all the advantages, problems may arise with keeping these dogs in an apartment, because... They need to pay a lot of attention - take long walks (physical activity is required), develop their thinking with the help of various games. Considering the above, the Siberian Husky cannot be called aggressive, but this does not mean that it is not capable, in certain circumstances, of representing a danger to humans.


This stately, muscular handsome man is unusually strong and is used as a security guard and cargo carrier. He adores his owner and is friendly towards other family members and other inhabitants of the house. I am ready to give my life for my loved ones and fight even with a lion.

Despite his terrifying appearance, he can be sweet and touching. He will never attack a person without reason. Unfortunately, these dogs are often used for criminal purposes, making them a danger to society.

Statistics on dog attacks around the world

Data on cases of dog aggression that led to injury or death of a person have been collected and summarized by organizations in different countries for decades.

These include attacks by pets on strangers and owners. The most frequently obtained ratings, which include the most dangerous dogs of different breeds, are published by US societies.

It should be borne in mind that the statistics of attacks are greatly influenced by the demand for the breed.

The few representatives of rare varieties of domestic dogs usually occupy low places in the ranking of attacks. The constant presence of the breed among the leaders gives food for thought.


The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, which in Turkmenistan is called a wolfhound, is of colossal size. Fearless, strong dogs are excellent guards and are capable of developing enormous speed even over short distances. They have a strong, stubborn character and are naturally prone to aggression, which they can take out on their owner.

Loyal individuals are not allowed for breeding, since it is believed that a dog that is not able to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy cannot be called a wolfhound. It is not recommended to put Alabai on a chain; he should move freely around the spacious enclosure.


Wolfdog is the collective name for all hybrids of wolves and dogs. In Russia, such companions are often used at the border as service ones. Such pets undergo socialization with difficulty and require the help of a dog handler. In general, the character and actions of wolf-dogs are unpredictable, much depends on their upbringing, but such hybrids are considered to be wild animals, so keeping them at home is not recommended.

Archaeological excavations have proven more than once: people have long tried to cross a domesticated dog with a wild wolf; Scientists found fossilized remains of the results of such experiments in burials that are at least 10,000 years old

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Initially, these giants were used as guards of livestock from predators and property from robbers. The breed was bred more than 2000 years ago in the Caucasus. Innate intelligence and intelligence make Caucasian Shepherd dogs trainable and easy to train.

However, an inexperienced dog breeder cannot adopt a Caucasian dog - thoughtless upbringing will lead to the development of such qualities as cruelty and aggression towards not only strangers, but also owners.

Distinctive features of dangerous breeds

The aggression of a particular dog towards a person, of course, does not mean that its entire breed should be classified as uncontrollable killers. If you look at it, behind almost every such case is the fault of a person, not an animal.

It must be remembered that many breeds were originally bred precisely to kill - and not only animals, but also people: in ancient times, powerful dogs fought with gladiators for the amusement of the nobility, strictly guarded slaves on plantations and did not even disdain human flesh. We have the power to control the genetic memory of pets: most dogs are very malleable - they can be “fashioned” by training either a killer monster or an obedient, balanced assistant.

The hunting instinct is present in the nature of all canines; this can be used both for peaceful purposes - to serve a person, for his benefit, and for the misfortune of others. Dogs of potentially dangerous breeds, regardless of their purpose, are endowed with common features, including:

  • distrust and aggressiveness towards strangers;
  • courage and determination;
  • security qualities;
  • selflessness in the interests of the pack;
  • the desire to dominate and the willingness to obey the leader.

Training is a prerequisite for keeping dogs of potentially dangerous breeds

Systematic competent training is mandatory for such dogs - thanks to an experienced trainer, their working potential is revealed, but at the same time the animal remains adequate and controllable. However, even the most experienced dog handler is not able to predict all possible provoking moments and the pet’s reaction to them. Therefore, the following precautions must be strictly observed:

  • do not allow uncontrolled contacts with strangers;
  • when keeping a yard, ensure the reliability of the perimeter so that the dog cannot leave it;
  • in crowded places, walk your pet only on a leash and muzzle;
  • Do not entrust the care of the dog to children and elderly family members.

You should not leave your child alone with a fighting dog.

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