Rating of the best food for neutered cats and female cats in 2022

Many owners of domestic neutered cats are puzzled by the question of which brand is best to choose food for their pet. Despite the fact that the sterilization procedure is absolutely safe for a healthy young cat, sterilized individuals may experience body disorders such as excess weight or difficulty functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This is the reason for the need to create a balanced diet, which includes special food.

Most often, it is carried out as a sterilization procedure in order to prevent the occurrence of unwanted odors in the house and to rid the animal of aggression.

Rating of the best dry food for neutered cats

Products are divided into quality categories - classes. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Economy class food

The relatively low cost of this class of products is explained by the composition:

  • abundance of soybeans and wheat;
  • the presence of catnip, which is addictive;
  • reduced content or complete absence of natural meat;
  • the presence of fragrances and flavoring additives, resulting in the pet eating more than its recommended daily allowance.

Economy class products include: Kitekat, Friskies, Whiskas, NashaMarka, Happy Cat.

Premium food

Premium food is considered professional. They include beneficial substances necessary for the health of the animal. Manufacturers offer food in a variety of flavors for pets of different ages and with predispositions to various diseases. For example, Royal Canin even offers a diet for neutered kittens up to 12 months.

Premium class products include:

  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • odor and taste enhancers;
  • soy;
  • vegetable proteins that are poorly absorbed by the body and cause allergies;
  • low quality by-products.

In this category, the following products for neutered cats can be considered the best, taking into account the price-quality ratio:

  1. Pro Plan.
  2. Royal Canin.
  3. Hill's.
  4. Eukanuba.
  5. Purina One.

Super premium food

Representatives of this class are distinguished by a rich composition and contain:

  • several types of meat components;
  • more vegetables and nutrients;
  • natural preservatives;
  • fewer allergens.

Super premium food rating:

  1. Fitmin For Life.
  2. Brit Care Missy.
  3. Summit.
  4. Blitz Sterilized Cats.
  5. Leonardo Light.

Why not Whiskas and Kiteket?

The main reason why you should give up popular economy feeds like Whiskas is their composition. The diet of a neutered cat must be prepared wisely, because such a pet has an increased risk of developing obesity and urolithiasis.

Let's compare the composition of the 2 foods to understand why you shouldn't skimp on your cat's nutrition. For comparison, we took food specialized for feeding sterilized cats and cats of economy and premium classes.

  1. Whiskas for sterilized cats with chicken.

Whiskas feed composition

  • In first place, wheat flour is a source of cheap carbohydrates. Often causes food allergies in cats and leads to excess weight gain. Grains, in general, are not a typical food for cats, so they can cause digestive problems.
  • Chicken flour - the manufacturer saves on the source of animal proteins by not using fresh or freeze-dried meat. The protein in the food is more of plant origin, but cats are predators, not herbivores.
  • Rice is another source of carbohydrates. As we can see, there are more sources of carbohydrates in Whiskas than proteins.
  • Animal fats and vegetable oil are sources of fat in food of unknown origin. It is unknown what kind of fat and oils from which plants are added to the feed.
  • Chicken and pork liver are good ingredients, but they are the lowest in the composition, which means their percentage in the feed is negligible.
  • Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins.
  • Vitamins and minerals – as with fats, it is not known which vitamins the manufacturer added.

Bottom line! Whiskas is a carbohydrate food with undisclosed sources of many components. The low content of animal protein makes this food unsuitable for daily feeding of cats.

  1. 1st Choice Sterilized.

  • Sources of animal protein : chicken meal, fresh chicken, liver hydrolysate. It’s good that chicken is in 1st and 2nd place in the food composition. This means that there is more animal protein in Fest Choice than carbohydrates.
  • Vegetable protein sources: rice protein and lentils. Vegetable protein is presented with grain-free components, which reduces the risk of allergies. Rice protein is digested better than wheat protein, and it is also free of starch. And lentils, like any legume, are known for their high protein content.
  • Carbohydrates and fiber : sweet potatoes, tapioca, pea fiber. Pea fiber, in moderation, normalizes digestion.
  • Sources of fats:
    flaxseed, chicken fat, sunflower oil extract. Good sources of Omega 3 and 6.
  • Salt is a controversial product that may be added as a source of minerals. May make cats thirsty after eating, so water should always be available.
  • Vitamins - a list of all additives is indicated in the composition and is not hidden by the manufacturer, although their percentage is unknown. It’s good that it contains taurine, a vital vitamin for cats.
  • Natural Additives : Yucca Schidigera, rosemary, dried alfalfa, pineapple, ginger, mint, parsley and green tea. All these components are at the bottom of the list and are needed to improve the taste and smell of the food.

Bottom line! 1st Choice is a super-premium food with a good content of animal protein. Quality sources of carbohydrates, fiber and fats. Open list of vitamins and minerals. The absence of grains and starchy foods will prevent your pet from gaining excess weight.

How to avoid obesity?

Excess weight in cats after castration is not only an aesthetic problem. Obesity causes a number of different health problems:

  • increased load on the musculoskeletal system leads to joint deformation and limited mobility;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver occurs, which leads to its degeneration;
  • metabolic disorders provoke diabetes mellitus.

The reasons for excess weight gain in cats are:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • decrease in activity by 35-45%;
  • increased appetite as a result of changes in metabolism.

After surgery, your pet's diet will need to be adjusted to prevent obesity. Weight control is also important, since in the first months after surgery the animal’s body is just adapting to the changes. We can talk about the appearance of obesity if:

  • weight increased by 20-35%;
  • during palpation it is impossible to feel the ribs.

Veterinarians recommend taking into account some rules when feeding neutered cats:

  1. Dependence of diet on energy needs. Since activity decreases after surgery, it is necessary to reduce the portion or reduce the frequency of feedings.
  2. Portion control. For accurate measurements, use a measuring cup or kitchen scale.
  3. Daily regime. The pet should be fed at the same time, dividing the daily portion into the usual number of feedings. It is better to discuss questions about how many times a day to feed and what the portion should be with your veterinarian, since the number of feedings depends on the age of the cat. For example, an animal over 6 months old eats 2 times a day, over 7 years old - 3-4 times.

Natural food for cats

Every owner of a neutered cat prefers to use either food or natural products. Feeding natural food requires a lot of effort from the owner, but has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Self-cooking;
  • The owner of the animal independently controls all components of food;
  • The owners know the date of production of food for their pet and do not have to worry about feeding the cat stale food.

It is not recommended to serve natural food cold. All food should be warmed to room temperature. Your cat will happily eat minced meat and all meat dishes. Eliminate fish from his diet . The high phosphorus content in fish products causes the development of urolithiasis. Dairy dishes, cereals, vegetables and fruits will fill the animal’s body with useful substances. Do not overuse fatty, smoked and salty foods.

© shutterstock

If a cat needs to be castrated, and the owners prefer feeding natural food, then the animal needs additional vitamins.

Only his veterinarian will select the best individual vitamin complex for a cat. You can also partially fill your diet with useful microelements yourself. To do this, you need to sprout oats; the cat will happily eat the sprouts of healthy oats.

Selection rules

The health of your pet primarily depends on feeding.
The cat food market is quite large. Each brand has its own line of diets, focused on the different needs of pets.

When choosing, pay attention to the following:

  1. The food must be marked “For castrated animals.”
  2. If your cat is prone to obesity, preference should be given to low-calorie brands. They are usually labeled "Light". Calorie information can also be found on the packaging.
  3. The ash content of the composition. This is an indicator of the amount of minerals. Ideally, it should not exceed 7%.
  4. The presence of the inscription "Premium". The quality of such feeds is at the highest level, since they use a minimum of plant materials and a maximum of easily digestible proteins.

Features of the diet of a cat after castration/sterilization

After surgery, pets experience hormonal disruption, and the lost interest in the opposite sex is compensated by an increased appetite. These dietary features should be taken into account.

  1. Do not overfeed. If you gain weight, switch to diet food or reduce the portion, but increase the number of feedings.
  2. Choose a diet that is lower in calories than your usual diet.
  3. Limit your intake of magnesium and phosphorus, because elements contribute to the occurrence of urolithiasis.
  4. Provide adequate amounts of fluids. With a dry diet, the animal needs three times more water than a portion of food.

There is food for cats that says “for neutered animals” on the packaging, but you need to know that there are no significant differences in the nutritional composition of regular pets and operated ones.

On a note! The manufacturer Grandorf produces the best food for sterilized cats.

Signs that food is suitable for your pet

The health of your pet primarily depends on feeding.

You can evaluate the results of using a new diet only after a month based on the following criteria:

  1. Thick, shiny coat. Indicates that the diet contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
  2. Normal weight and good appetite.
  3. No problems with stool.

Be sure to read:

Royal Canin food for sterilized cats: features, composition, wet, advantages and disadvantages

How to prevent urolithiasis

After the operation, the cat’s urethra narrows, and as a result of feeding food rich in calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, sand and stones form in the pet’s kidneys.

To prevent urolithiasis it is necessary:

  1. Carry out the operation after the completion of the formation of the urinary system (after 6 months).
  2. Do not offer general food to animals after the procedure, but choose special food with recommendations: “For the prevention of urolithiasis”, “For sterilized cats and cats”, “For castrated cats”. They differ from general feed in composition and contain fewer macroelements, the excess of which is harmful.
  3. Do not restrict the animal in liquids. Drinking plenty of fluids helps flush the kidneys and prevent stone deposits. It is advisable to give filtered or boiled water.
  4. Control weight and ensure mobility. Animals that are overweight or lead a sedentary lifestyle are 50-85% more likely to develop urolithiasis.

In older cats, stones that formed earlier and have not been bothered for a long time may manifest themselves. This occurs as a result of the stones breaking down and injuring the urinary tract, leading to inflammation and an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to choose ready-made food for sterilized cats

You should not feed operated cats regular food, but it is better to choose good food in a specialized store, focusing on the composition.

Feed composition

Pet food should contain a lot of easily digestible and nutritious protein. In this case, the animal will always be full and will not gain excess weight.

A castrated or sterilized cat should be fed food containing the following components:

  • probiotics (beneficial bacteria) - improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vitamin E – regulates hormonal levels, improves coat condition and vision;
  • L-carnitine – prevents obesity;
  • amino acid (taurine) – increases cell sensitivity to insulin;
  • fiber - helps improve digestion;
  • iron – participates in hematopoiesis;
  • fatty acids – increase the body’s defenses;
  • beta-carotene – increases resistance to colds.

Premium or super premium products contain all the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes, being the best choice.

Dry or wet food

The pet owner can choose both wet and dry food.

Benefits of wet food:

  • liquid food is digested faster;
  • used for young animals during teeth change.

Benefits of dry food:

  • has the effect of a toothbrush, eliminating tartar and plaque during gnawing;
  • strengthens the jaw muscles.

If the animal does not like to drink water, it is better to choose liquid food. Dry granules can be softened with boiled water.

Advice! Consulting a veterinarian will help you choose the right diet for your pet.

Popular and recommended brands

The range of food for neutered cats is quite diverse. But all of them can be classified into 2 large categories: premium and economy.

Royal Canin

The products of this manufacturer are well known throughout the world. It is distinguished by consistently high quality workmanship and the presence of specialized therapeutic diets.

The product line includes dry and wet food, taking into account age characteristics. For example, Sterilized 7+ food is intended for cats over 7 years old. For pets prone to obesity – Satiety Weight Management.

Pro Plan Sterilized

A well-known brand from the company PURINA. Helps maintain normal weight and healthy urinary system.

Contains the patented OPTIRENAL component, which combines all essential fatty acids and vitamins. For cats over 7 years old there is a special line Sterilized 7+.


A line of premium food from a Dutch manufacturer. Often recommended by veterinarians, it contains no artificial additives.

Thanks to its unique formula, it controls mineral content, which prevents the formation of urinary stones. It also contains antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system.


Budget food. Characterized by low price. The series for sterilized cats includes dry food and pouches. The manufacturer recommends combining them. Use wet food for morning and evening feeding, and dry food during the day.

Nature's Table for cats: owner reviews

Of course, today owners are rarely willing to trust the manufacturer’s promises. Therefore, we decided to collect several reviews written by owners after feeding their furry pet this food for a long time.

Anastasia writes:

My little cat is a very picky eater! And when we tried Nature’s Table for the first time, she was also pregnant... But surprisingly, she didn’t refuse to try

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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