How to organize mating of Scottish Fold cats

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If your cat suddenly changes her behavior, is capricious, or constantly wanders around the apartment meowing, then she is in heat. This is a natural process that occurs in the animal’s body and, provided the pet is in good health, does not require human intervention.

A cat's heat lasts for several days, but this behavior can be observed immediately before the process begins. During this period, the animal behaves demonstratively capriciously: it can lie down on the floor with its butt sticking out, rub against the floor, and close its eyes. The usual kind purring of a cat is replaced by persistent and inviting, or even completely unpleasant.

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A loving owner should pay close attention to this process, especially if his pet is needed for breeding.

Scottish cat in heat

A cat of this breed is not an early maturing cat - it matures mainly at the age of 8 to 12 months. But, of course, there are exceptions - in some individuals formal signs of maturation appear at 5-6 months. This phenomenon is caused by genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance and the banal coincidence of this period with the beginning of spring. Late maturation also occurs. Thus, for the first time this breed may encounter heat in the period from 5 months to 1.5 years.

It often happens that the owner of a Scottish cat does not always notice that the pet has reached puberty. The first signs may be so minor that they can be easily ignored. For example, the animal becomes more talkative and pets more often. Or, on the contrary, not the best character traits appear - harmfulness, capriciousness, aggression. The favorite may not sing songs or raise her butt.

At the very beginning, the Scottish will go into heat for 3-5 days. Over time, the time interval can expand to 10 days. In the middle of the cycle, you should count on the bright manifestations mentioned above.

IMPORTANT: Focusing solely on singing songs is not only impossible, but even dangerous - about 3-5 days after the cat is still in heat, and therefore sterilization is not permissible.

As for frequency, at first the cat may feel the urge to go for a walk once or twice a month. With age, the frequency may decrease to 1-4 times a year. But it is important to understand that the figures indicated are approximate indicators. It all depends on the genetic predisposition, the absence or presence of hormonal imbalances, living conditions and even the pet’s diet. An interesting fact: according to numerous observations, cats that are bred go into heat much less often than those that are not sexually active.

As for discharge, transparent discharge is considered the norm. Bloody ones should alert you. In dogs they are not considered a sign of a problem, but they are not typical for felines. As for attempts to mark the territory, the strite is usually not inclined to do this, but from time to time this can happen. Most often with females.

Separately, it is worth mentioning protracted estrus. How long the period of festivities can normally last was indicated above. However, it happens that a cat becomes restless for more than 10 days. In such a case, there is reason to fear hormonal imbalances, cysts, and tumors. It is also advisable to review the living conditions of the animal.

You need to pay attention to your behavior. So, you should never yell at your pet - it still won’t help, but it will add extra stress to the animal. But talking in a gentle tone and stroking will significantly ease the cat’s condition. You can also try to include drinking chamomile decoction and distraction with games in your pet care.

Straight mating

The most important thing that a cat owner needs to remember is that early heat is not a reason to start arranging your pet’s personal life. The minimum age suitable for adulthood is 8 months. It’s even better to start knitting a cat from the age of one. Most often, early-ripened individuals are simply not fully prepared to lead adult life, much less for pregnancy and childbirth. Breeders usually breed cats after their second or even third heat.

It is preferable to pay attention to the weight of the animal. It is believed that a straight-eared Scottish animal that has gained 3 kg already has a properly formed body. This means it can be crossed. True, experts still recommend waiting out several heat cycles.

IMPORTANT: The best period for breeding a cat with the highest probability of subsequent fertilization is the 3rd day of estrus.

The first experience of close communication with the opposite sex may well be accompanied by confusion. The cat cannot cope on its own - it is scared, suspicious of attention shown in its direction, and is often aggressive. It is worth noting that this behavior is quite natural.

As you can understand, a lot depends on the cat. Therefore, acquaintance should take place on his territory - the male must persistently court, feel in charge, and confident. As for the cat, for her confidence it is worth placing the usual tray and food nearby. After all, the guest will have to spend some time in the groom’s home. It is naive to believe that close contact will happen quickly - it is possible that the lady will have to be left for several days. After all, a couple definitely needs to get acquainted. It is also possible that after the first contact the cat will not be pregnant, which means she will have to visit several times. It’s impossible to say how many times - everything is very individual.

It is advisable to breed Straits with fold-eared cats - this way you can get healthy offspring, even if they have droopy ears. The fact is that this way it is possible to avoid pathology associated with weakened ear cartilage. However, it is also possible to mix straights with straights.

Scottish straight cat pregnancy

So, how do you understand that pregnancy has taken place?

  • Like humans, a pregnant cat suffers from toxicosis. Which means she must be sick.
  • Pregnancy of a Scottish Straight cat also affects eating habits. The appetite becomes stronger. Food preferences may well change.
  • Long sleep becomes the norm. The character changes towards apathy.
  • The nipples become larger and pinker.
  • The animal naturally becomes fatter. But this becomes noticeable no earlier than the 6th week.

As for the duration of an interesting situation, it is, of course, different and individual. On average, the duration is 60-65 days, sometimes 72 days. However, it all depends on many factors:

  • The weight of cats - large individuals are prone to overbearing. Miniature ladies weighing up to 3 kg, as a rule, give birth earlier.
  • Age - so, if the owners did not listen to the recommendations and brought the pet earlier than a year, her unprepared body may give birth too early. In this case, the offspring very often do not survive.
  • Number of offspring - the more fruits, the faster the expectant mother will give birth.
  • The cat's health - for example, infection can cause prematurity and miscarriage.

However, a lot also depends on the behavior of the owner. So what not to do:

  • Provide feeding according to the principle “I will give you what I eat.” Even with pets in their normal state, it is undesirable to do this, because not all the food we like suits them. A pregnant cat needs special care, which necessarily includes a balanced, healthy diet.
  • Change your diet suddenly. This procedure is stressful for the animal, which a pregnant cat does not need at all. Therefore, if your pet ate natural food before pregnancy, it should be left on the menu.
  • Perform palpation. Of course, this method will allow you to determine pregnancy much faster and more accurately than indirect signs. However, this procedure is fraught with great risks, and breeders do not advise amateurs to carry it out.
  • Expose yourself to stress. When experienced breeders care for a pregnant cat, they make sure to provide her with calm living conditions. Moving, contacting new people, even rearranging furniture - all this should be postponed for another time.
  • Allow walking outside. Fresh air is, of course, wonderful, but it is better to let the cat out on the balcony. Outside the apartment, the chances of catching worms, fleas, ticks or a virus increase significantly.
  • Allow jumping - even if the cat was previously graceful and agile, do not forget that pregnancy directly affects coordination.

Childbirth: what is important to know

Considering that the duration of pregnancy, as mentioned above, varies, it is important to learn to recognize the signs of labor beginning in advance. So, the first signs of labor include:

  • In about a week, the expectant mother begins to lick herself more actively than before in the genital area and abdomen.
  • Within a few days, the cat is actively searching for a place to give birth. At such times, she tends to actively travel through closets and build a nest in blankets.
  • Character can also change. This is not a necessary condition, but sometimes it happens that a previously calm pet begins to show irritation. This is completely normal - you just need to keep in mind that the cat family may soon be replenished.
  • But even if the pet showed irritation, about a day before the important event it will begin to follow the owner. This is how the search for support manifests itself.

Speaking about support, I would like to smoothly move on to the topic of proper behavior of the owner:

  • It is worth providing the cat with a nest in advance. A spacious box with a removable lid and a side slot for entry and exit is ideal for this purpose. Or you can go to a store with goods for animals and ask to see special houses for childbirth. The inside of the nest must be covered with something warm and disposable diapers. You need to place the nest in some very quiet and peaceful place, away from drafts.
  • Just like for humans, childbirth is stressful for animals. Especially the first ones, when many cats don’t even understand what’s happening to them. In such cases, the owner needs to talk to the cat and stroke it.
  • Be sure to stock up on a good veterinarian coordinator in advance. No one has canceled the complications, and you can’t do it on your own.
  • Usually the cat itself cleans the newborn’s nose and mouth, but sometimes it forgets to do this or is distracted by other kittens. In this case, the owner must clean everything himself using microenemas and napkins. Sometimes it becomes necessary to break the water bubble - this is where scissors come in handy. It is advisable to manage it within 30 seconds after the baby is born.

Sterilization and castration of representatives of the breed

It’s worth saying right away that these procedures are most often safe. In the event that a good doctor is chosen and the animal has no contraindications such as a weak heart. When can a Scottish cat be spayed and neutered?

  • It is preferable to sterilize before a year - at the age of 8-11 months. During this period, the cat can already be considered mature, but at the same time it is still very young, which means it will tolerate anesthesia and surgery well. Separately, it is worth noting that during estrus, operations are strictly contraindicated. At this moment, a lot of blood flows to the genitals, so various manipulations with them in most cases can lead to heavy blood loss.
  • A cat is most often castrated at 7 months. He can already be considered mature, but at the same time he has not yet felt the pull towards adulthood. If you have managed to feel it, then some probability that it will be harmful even after the operation remains. After 5 years, castration is also possible, but the risks of complications increase.

When preparing for surgery, you need to consider the following:

  • Parasites must be driven away before surgery. If it seems that they are not there, it is still worth carrying out prevention.
  • Claws should also be trimmed in advance. Sometimes the animal injures itself during the postoperative period.
  • Vaccination must be carried out not just in advance, but at least 3 weeks before sterilization or castration.
  • Medicines are not the best thing to give an animal before an important event. Combining medications with anesthesia sometimes leads to unpredictable results.
  • Experts advise not to bathe your cat 2 weeks before and 3 weeks after surgery. She has already suffered a lot of stress, so she clearly doesn’t need another one.
  • If the cat is over 5 years old, it is a good idea to check it for its general health.
  • You should not feed the animal approximately 8-10 hours before surgery. But it is better to clarify this information with a veterinarian - data may vary depending on the individual condition of the patient.

Often the owner of a mustachioed pet is lost when first faced with the nuances of the sexual life of his ward. I would like to hope that this article helped answer some questions.

Breeding any breed of cat requires deep knowledge of the owners about mating. Thus, mating Scottish Fold cats requires the correct implementation of several stages: choosing a partner, preparation and the procedure itself. All this will be discussed in detail below.

Time and age for mating

Mating of fold-eared cats occurs only when the female has reached puberty. This breed reaches puberty at the age of 10 months. But the first time this event usually occurs at the age of 1.5 years. It is at this age that the animal becomes physically and mentally ready for motherhood.

It is worth noting that early mating can cause the following phenomena:

  • development of various pathologies in fetuses;
  • death of offspring;
  • difficult birth.

In males, early breeding can cause a shortening of the fertile period.

In females of this breed, the first heat usually occurs at one year of age. However, mating is not carried out at this age. The best solution would be to wait until the second or third heat. Representatives of the Scottish Fold breed are ready for mating only during the period of estrus. The duration of this period is 4–6 days.

Males are always ready to mate. At the same time, the peak of their activity occurs in the spring. Readiness for mating is signaled by changes in the cat’s behavior: the animal becomes irritable, “marks” corners in the house, and loses its appetite.

For mating, the cat is brought to the cat. The optimal time for this is the second day of estrus. The most effective time for mating is considered to be 3–4 days. One day is given to the animals to get to know each other. The female must get used to the new territory and the male.

>Video “Mating Scottish cats”

From this video you will learn how the process of mating cats at home occurs.

Features and time of estrus

First of all, you need to record all the data about your pet’s heat in a notebook. This way you will know when to plan to breed a Scotsman. The cat's first heat begins at the age of 5–6 months. This period cannot be determined precisely, since much depends on the conditions in which the animal lives, and even on the climate.

As soon as you notice your Scottish cat's discharge, write down the date. However, mating should not be planned too early. During this period, the animal’s body is not yet fully mature, which is why too early pregnancy may not give the most favorable result and harm the cat’s health. There are cases when, due to too early mating, the pet later became infertile, and its first offspring turned out to be non-viable.

It is advisable to simply observe the development of the animal during two heats and not plan any matings. The optimal age of a cat for mating is 1–1.5 years. If this is not done, she may not allow the cat near her in the future. How long does estrus last in fold-eared cats is a purely individual question.

Which partner to choose

To get good offspring from a cat of this breed, you need to know the mating rules for this breed. The main thing you need to know here is who you can breed a Scottish Fold cat with.

It should be noted that in this breed there are animals of two varieties:

  • lop-eared, which have curled ears. During their lifetime, such pets may experience slight straightening of their ears;
  • straight-eared, which have erect ears. Throughout life, the ears of such animals may bend slightly.

Despite the fact that the appearance of cats of two varieties may undergo some changes, which will make them look very similar to each other, this point must be taken into account when mating. Changing the shape of the ears does not change the animal’s belonging to one or another subspecies, but can have a negative impact on the offspring.

Only straight-eared and lop-eared dogs can be brought together. Such crossing will produce genetically healthy offspring. In this case, some of the kittens will have straight ears, and the other half will have fold ears. However, it is difficult to accurately predict how many kittens and what type will be born.

It is not recommended to mix Scottish Folds with outbred animals or representatives of other breeds. Otherwise, the offspring may appear sick or with pathology.

It is strictly forbidden to breed Scots with the following breeds:

  • fold-eared with fold-eared, since the offspring will have a defect in cartilage tissue. The pathology is especially noticeable on the extremities;
  • with exotics or British. There may be problems with the spine (vertebral fusion).

How to find a suitable cat to mate with a Scottish Fold cat in order to get healthy offspring? You need to contact the breeder from whom the cat was purchased. You can also go to a specialist at a specialized nursery.

You can find a mating partner yourself using an advertisement. However, here you should be careful and choose only those animals whose breed is documented. It is better to give preference to an experienced cat.

How to calm a cat during heat?

Many owners believe that a cat can live its entire life without mating with anyone, but still feel great. This is mistake. In fact, every uncovered heat is stress and suffering. Therefore, you need to make a choice - get kittens or sterilize your cat. Until you do, you need to know how to calm a cat during heat.

You should not yell at a cat, even if it behaves inappropriately. For example, the author’s Scottish cat did terrible things during her first sprees: the house during her heat looked like it had been after a pogrom. But the owners understood that the cause of madness was hormones, and not bad character, so the most they did was put the cat out of the room, where it could do a lot of harm.

Instead of screaming, the cat should be calmed at this time by talking in a gentle voice, gently stroking the upper body and head. There is no need to iron below the waist, because... this excites the animal, aggravating the condition.

Preparing for the event

In order for mating to be successful the first and any subsequent time, you need to properly prepare for it. Both animals are pre-treated for parasites, including worms. It is advisable to vaccinate the male against diseases such as chlamydia and rabies.

When a breeding partner has been selected and mating dates have been approximately determined, the premises are prepared. The room in which the Scotsman will be with the cat must be dry, bright, clean and spacious. It must be warm inside.

Copulation of pets can last several days. Therefore, the cat should be packed for the trip. She must come to visit her partner with her property: bowls for water and food, a tray with filler, food, toys, etc. Due to the fact that the female often shows aggressiveness, she needs to trim her claws before mating. These are the main conditions for successful mating.

When a Scottish Fold cat is in heat (first day), she is taken to the cat. Before mating, you need to check the male and female cat again for the presence or absence of discharge from the eyes, nose or ears, or dandruff. Pets must have sufficient body weight. If deviations from the norm are detected, the mating is postponed. A domestic cat usually covers a female 14 times during the day. After a few days the cat loses interest in him.

Deciding your future fate

If the cat is not sterilized and not satisfied over and over again, its hormonal levels will accumulate, which sooner or later will lead to a real explosion. The heats will come one after another at short intervals, sometimes just a couple of weeks, and then they will respond with terrible diseases - inflammation and cancerous tumors. This process can be accelerated by taking hormonal pills or injections, which do not solve the problem.

Yes, there are females who live for 20 years unsterile and virgins. They flow as expected: several times a year and without any problems. And they take hormonal pills. And they are healthy almost until death, dying, as they say, of old age. There are such examples, but these are exceptions. In most cases the situation develops differently.

Hence the conclusion: either the cat must produce kittens all the time, or she must be sterilized. To some, such a solution may seem inhumane, but, in fact, the cat will not suffer from an inferiority complex due to the fact that it cannot become a mother. But endless empty heats are physiological and emotional stress that causes severe suffering.

Deciding whether to breed kittens or neuter a cat is very simple. If she is purebred, has a document of origin with permission to breed, has participated in exhibitions and received high marks from experts, then you can think about breeding kittens. If the cat does not have a breed or is purebred but without documents, it does not have the right to participate in exhibitions and receive expert assessments, and, accordingly, you will not be able to understand whether it is suitable for giving birth to kittens, whether it will give birth to sick offspring, etc. . It is better to sterilize such a cat. The editors of the “MURKOTIKI” website are often contacted by people who thought that any cat could have accidents with cats, but in fact this results in tragedies. Such people ask for advice when it is too late. Therefore, without special knowledge, we categorically do not recommend breeding, especially if we are talking about such a complex breed as the Scottish one.

Mating Scottish Fold cats is a process that requires owners to have certain knowledge. The health of not only the fluffy kittens born, but also their parents, largely depends on this. How mating should be carried out and what rules should be followed in the process will be discussed further.

The mating process and possible problems

In order to correctly cross animals of this breed, you need to know how the mating process is carried out. When meeting, the cat is placed close to the cat - approximately at a distance of 1 m. Periodically, he makes attempts to get closer. However, he receives a growl and hiss in response. At the same time, the male pretends that he is not interested in the guest.

The cat, in turn, begins to meow invitingly and also rolls on the floor. But if the cat tries to get closer, the female shows aggression. This continues several times until the cat stops hissing. Then the male, approaching the female, grabs her by the withers with his teeth and climbs on top. If the cat agrees, it raises its butt and moves its tail to the side. If the guest changes her mind, she lowers her tail.

Sexual intercourse in cats lasts about 5–10 seconds and ends with ejaculation. At the same time, the cat may squeal. The male jumps away from her and begins to lick her. The female falls on her back and rolls around.

Mating occurs until one animal gets tired of this action. This usually happens within 2–3 days. Sometimes, in order for a cat to become pregnant, mating is carried out several times.

During mating, the following problems may arise:

  • the guest simply does not let the cat near. Additional stroking of the abdomen, back and areas near the external genitalia can help. Rarely, a probe is inserted into the vagina;
  • the cat shows no interest in the guest. In this case, another partner is selected;
  • throwing a cat on its side during mating. The solution to the problem is to hold the animal during mating;
  • prolonged cat aggression. In this case, the female needs to be given more time to get to know her partner.

As you can see, crossing fold-eared cats has its own nuances, which you should definitely remember if you want to get healthy and purebred offspring.

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Help with the knitting process

It is advisable to start breeding 2–3 days after the pet begins to estrus. Leave the female with the male for 2-3 days. There are cases when pregnancy does not occur after the first time. In this case, cross the cat with the cat again. In one day, a male can cover a cat about 15 times. However, after some time, he will lose interest in her.

Do not rush to start worrying if your cat is still in heat: this does not mean that pregnancy has not occurred. Sometimes the female is larger than the male, which makes the process a little more natural. In this case, the male will need to help and hold him. In some situations, the cat becomes so nervous that she goes into estrus. This means that it is better to take her home, and when the process resumes, agree on mating with the cat’s owner again.

Breed cats of this breed at home correctly, and you will be able to breed strong, healthy kittens.

At what age should you start mating?

A cat's puberty begins at 8 months of age, which is when the animal begins its first heat. Nevertheless, the most acceptable age for mating is considered to be 1.5 years; it is at this age that you can breed a Scottish cat for the first time without compromising its health.

Veterinarians do not recommend mating animals if the cats are in heat for the first time. All continuing signs of estrus are extremely unpleasant for the animal; the cat may develop a nervous breakdown and depression. A female can be paired with a male during her third or fourth heat.

If Scottish Fold cats are mated before one and a half years of age, this can cause difficult births, pathologies in the kitten, and even the death of the cub. For males who are not ready for fertilization, early mating threatens the development of infertility, so it is better to wait until the pet is physically mature.

Estrus in cats lasts several days. How many days a Scottish cat walks depends on its individual characteristics. But in any case, 2-3 days of estrus are considered optimal for conception.

Cats go for walks 2 times a year. Usually the mating season occurs in early spring, but a cat can go on a spree in winter. Also, estrus occurs in late summer and early autumn.

Protracted estrus

When Scottish cats begin to walk and do not get satisfaction, because... there was no meeting with the cat, estrus may become protracted, or constant estrus may be observed at short intervals. If a female older than 1 year does not exhibit sexual behavior or, on the contrary, she has a leak for 10-15 days in a row, this may indicate a malfunction in the body. In the case of a complete absence of estrus, the cause will be either hormonal problems or problems associated with improper maintenance, and this can also happen if there is little light in the room where she lives.

Prolonged estrus may indicate ovarian pathologies, especially the presence of cysts or tumors. If this happens, this is an indication for castration. In addition, cat breeders noticed that the fact of having a man in the house aggravates estrus. No, it doesn’t have to be a cat, a person is enough. Cats sense that it is a male, which stimulates sexual estrus.

Pathological purulent discharge is possible due to constant estrus and pathologies that have developed on this basis

How to breed Scottish cats

To understand what day of heat and with whom you can breed a Scottish pet, you need to study the rules of their breeding:

Mating of a Scottish Fold or Straight should take place around the third day of estrus. The knitting process itself takes 2-3 days.

In order for the mating to be successful, it is advisable to prepare a place, a fenced-in space, from where the Scottish Fold cannot escape. This is important if the pets will mate for the first time.

Animals become interested in each other within a couple of days, during which time approximately 10-15 close contacts with the cat can occur.

Ovulation in a female occurs directly during intercourse and its quality, and therefore the likelihood of becoming pregnant, directly depends on the experience and behavior of the cat with whom she was mated.

It is important to remember that you cannot cross a fold-eared cat with a fold-eared cat. The Scottish Fold cat can only be bred with the Scottish Straight breed.

The reason is that the lop ear gene not only causes the ears to droop, but also weakens the cartilage in the body and tail of the animal. Such mating can produce very weak babies.

Therefore, folds must be mated with straight-eared cats in order to dilute the fold-eared gene. Only in this case is guaranteed healthy offspring without pathologies of the musculoskeletal frame.

What difficulties might there be?

Mating is not always successful. There are a number of reasons why the desired pregnancy never occurs. Usually, the owners of the female simply need to conclude an agreement, make a payment and bring the cat for mating, while the owners of the cat must know all the features of mating and proper fertilization of the Scots.

The most common problem is when the female does not allow the cat to approach. In this case, the cat's owners can stimulate the female's arousal process by stroking her in the genital area, as well as on the back and sides. Sometimes special medications are required to induce ovulation. The third option is to replace the male with a more experienced, persistent, but delicate one.

The opposite situation happens - the cat does not approach the cat. He might just not like her. The cause may also be the groom’s childhood psychological trauma. If he was offended by a cat of a similar color as a kitten, then he may avoid them on a subconscious level. All that remains is to change the partner.

The Scottish woman falls on her side during intercourse and, accordingly, takes the wrong pose for crossing. Sexual intercourse in this case is practically impossible, especially if the male is not experienced. To help fertilization, the owner can hold the girl during the act, providing a comfortable position for conceiving offspring.

If the pet was unable to overcome the stressful situation, she may stop estrus.

What is the owner of the male responsible for?

According to all the rules, before mating, an agreement is concluded with the owner of the male, which indicates the timing of mating, the price and the guarantee of pregnancy. If it does not occur, then the owner should be ready to conduct an additional 1-2 matings for free.

You should know some rules that make mating safe from a physical and psychological point of view.

  1. Usually the date takes place on the cat’s territory, so its owner needs to set up a mating area; it is better to allocate a separate room.
  2. If partners show aggression, it is worth postponing mating actions; they need time to courtship and get used to each other.
  3. The cat owner must control the situation and, if necessary, help the animals get closer. In particular, he must control the cat's posture.

How to prepare your pet

Finding a cat suitable for mating with a Scottish pet is not the only thing her owner should worry about. It is recommended to treat both animals for fleas and worms shortly before the mating procedure. Don't forget to also have all the necessary vaccinations. Decide in advance where the pets will be mated. The place you choose should be clean, dry, spacious and warm.

Please also take into account the fact that mating Scottish cats is a lengthy process and can take about two days. That is why, when going on a trip with your pet or pet, take the following things with you:

  • toilet tray with filler;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • usual food.

Don't forget to trim your cat's claws shortly before mating. The thing is that during the mating process she can show aggression and scratch the cat. As a rule, it is the owner of the cat who must come with her to someone else’s territory, since she will not allow a male to approach her on her own. Remember that a new place is stressful for a cat, so upon arrival, do not rush to take it out of the carrier bag. If some time has passed and the animals are still aggressive towards each other, place them in different enclosures so that they can get to know each other better without harming each other.

Breeding straight-eared and fold-eared cats of the Scottish breed is a process that requires a number of preparatory measures. Follow the basic recommendations to make the procedure as easy as possible.

How long does pregnancy last in Scottish cats?

The pregnancy of a Scottish cat usually lasts 65 days with deviations of 1-2 days. Therefore, the answer to the question of how long pregnant Scottish women walk is this: the normal gestation period for cats is from 63 to 67 days.

To calculate the exact gestational age of a Scottish cat, you need to know the mating date, the first day is counted from it.

Signs of pregnancy should be considered:

  • a pregnant individual gains weight and becomes round;
  • vomiting may occur in the morning;
  • often when a cat bears kittens, she becomes apathetic, lethargic and depressed;
  • There are changes in the appetite of pregnant cats, they begin to eat more.

All these signs appear by the third week; they are caused by a general change in hormonal levels in the pet’s body, especially if everything is happening for the first time for her.

It is important to pay attention: for the birth of healthy offspring, it is necessary to provide the pregnant woman with maximum comfort. During pregnancy, the animal needs to take vitamins for pregnant cats and eat well.

To make sure that your Scottish Fold cat's pregnancy is progressing normally, you should take your cat to the veterinarian at least twice from the moment she becomes pregnant.

Rules for choosing a partner

It is recommended to knit a Scottish Fold cat following the recommendations of experts. The effectiveness of the process largely depends on how thoroughly you approached the process of choosing a cat. To avoid any difficulties in the future, consider the following points:

  • It is desirable that the male has a similar color to the female. In this case, the offspring will exhibit basic species characteristics;
  • It is not recommended to mix colors. As a result, you can get culled offspring whose, for example, eye color does not match the shade of the coat, and this is already a violation of the standard. Of course, you don’t necessarily have to worry about the health of the kittens, but you are unlikely to be able to show them at exhibitions;
  • It is not recommended to adopt a cat if their ears are pinned back - this defect can result in serious health problems in furry babies. Some breeders, out of ignorance, do not adhere to this rule. As a result, there is a high risk that the kittens will be born too weak and will not live long;
  • It is desirable that a couple in which at least one pet has relevant experience participate in mating.

Knowing who you can or cannot breed a Scottish cat with, you can competently prepare for the process itself and, as a result, get healthy offspring.

Childbirth among Scots

Let's look at when and how labor begins in a Scottish Fold cat. The first signs of labor in a cat are brownish vaginal discharge.

The behavior of a cat often changes before giving birth: the animal is looking for a place (nest) to give birth, screaming and making attempts, especially if the Scottish female gives birth to kittens for the first time. In such a situation, it is worth staying close to the cat, calming it down and caressing it, and if necessary, helping, delivering the cat’s birth. Kittens are born head first.

Newborn kittens weigh about 100 grams and are a bubble filled with light yellow liquid. After the kittens are born, the mother chews this bladder, releases the cub and licks it to cleanse the lungs. You can help her with this by suctioning the fluid from her nose with an enema while the female gives birth to other kittens.

Kittens come out at intervals that last about 20 minutes, however, the cat can independently increase the duration of labor and delay the appearance of the babies and carry them for another day if something does not suit her or frightens her. After the young mother has been able to give birth to a kitten, the afterbirth comes out.

A Scottish cat will give birth to approximately 2 to 4 kittens the first time, but in general they will give birth to 1 to 8 kittens.

Kittens open their eyes a week after birth. All Scottish kittens are born with straight ears, and only at 3 weeks of age should you pay attention to the ears; in folds, they begin to droop.

When to castrate a Scottish Fold cat

Very often, a furry friend is created without the goal of breeding it. Having reached puberty, cats begin to mark their territory, and to avoid this, they are castrated. The question arises at what age can one be castrated? This should not be delayed.

It is optimal to castrate a Scottish cat at 7-9 months. If the operation is not performed in time, the mature kitten will experience discomfort from the inability to satisfy its natural desires.

A Scottish Fold cat should be castrated in a specialized clinic, regardless of how many months the procedure is performed. Castration of a cat takes place quite quickly, however, it must be performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, incisions are made in the male's scrotum and, using clamps on the spermatic cords, the testicles are removed.

No special care is required for your pet after surgery. However, care must be taken to ensure that the cat does not lick the wounds and thereby tear the stitches; this can harm the pet’s health.

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